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Are you a God?



  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    I understood what you said and your wrong on several points and you called Magneto's origins mundane ...yeah because being forced to do bad sh*t by the nazi's then chased by the KGB is mundane. Whats Thor's origins...ah yes his dad is Odin, he is a bit of a brat, he has a magic hammer, THE END!

    At his highest power level he does wield cosmic power , he can take anything apart using his powers ANYTHING and put it back together diffrent CAUSE FORCE FEILDS! He can travel through space without the aid of anything and can destroy planets by screwing with its magnetic field. Thats pretty much a deity.

    Canon wise Magneto had to actualy do some work and go through some bad stuff to enhance his powers. Thor is just Thor cause its Thor and hes a god and he has a magic hammer.

    Be it RP in the club or Heroes in comics being a god is a lazy way to do story telling.

    That's not "origin" in the same context.

    Magneto is just a mutant if Thor is just Odin's son.

    You want to start getting into background story as opposed to power source, then that is different.
    I think I'll start making emphases with bright colors, with animated.gifs if it can be helped, so people can't misread no matter how hard they're trying.

    I know his power origin. He's still "just" a mutant. Not a deity or a herald of a cosmic power.

    While I think that the X-Men have gone way too far afield from their beginnings, with "an ideal that mutant and human can live together" becoming convoluted time-travelling, cosmic-powered entity stuff, never mind that the mutations themselves are sometimes too wonky for my tastes (White Queen can suddenly turn into diamond because... Someone thought it was cool, I guess?) Magneto was "tampered with" by the Stranger.

    So yeah. There could be a "secondary" origin stacked onto the mutant thing.

    But this is all getting away from the initial point, I think, just as the X-men have gotten away from theirs. :cool:
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    In this context, "mundane" means basically "explicable by the 'science' of the setting". Erik Lensherr is a mutant - he possesses a gene complex that gives him a particular set of superpowers.

    Thor, OTOH, is a god - his power source is mystical, superhuman, beyond full comprehension. The same is true of the other Asgardians; they may only be Sufficiently Advanced Aliens, but all investigation into them indicates that the source of their power is not based in "reality" - that is, not mundane.

    Magneto may be a hyperpowerful Omega-class kick-butt mutant, but he's still a mutant, born of man and woman. That's mundane.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • edited September 2014
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    In this context, "mundane" means basically "explicable by the 'science' of the setting". Erik Lensherr is a mutant - he possesses a gene complex that gives him a particular set of superpowers.

    Thor, OTOH, is a god - his power source is mystical, superhuman, beyond full comprehension. The same is true of the other Asgardians; they may only be Sufficiently Advanced Aliens, but all investigation into them indicates that the source of their power is not based in "reality" - that is, not mundane.

    Magneto may be a hyperpowerful Omega-class kick-butt mutant, but he's still a mutant, born of man and woman. That's mundane.
    Thor's mother was Gaea(the Elder God), so he's even more powerful than most Asgardians.
    My characters
  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    So where would that place my character's origins? She derives power from the multiverse itself, however only the scientific based aspects of it.

    She doesn't tap into mystical planes, her power draws from a completely different idea from the kabbalistic based multiverse model.

    or rather, the multiverse of science, coexsisting with the multiverse of "magic".

    I'd lean towards mundane origin there,

    since she was born to normal human parents, and although her powers were infused in her from an outside source, (a planned spacial anomaly she passed through, explained on her PRIMUS) everything is grounded in scientific law, no matter how advanced.

    I would go with 'mundane' (human) with a god part. I liken it to Jean Gray.

    Jean Gray was mundane (mutant-human) with a god part (The Phoenix Force). The Phoenix Force was darn near the incarnate of the Universe. Together they kicked ****, but the team was still limited by Jean's mortality. Their separateness was also shown when an AU daughter wielded said Phoenix Force as well (and as poorly) as Jean did. In that Rachel (Jeans' AU daughter) was stalled by Wolverine The god-Killer too (stabby-stabby).

    But heck, what god wouldn't be interrupted by 3 blades of adamantium? (Sarcasm : )
    ...Since 2009.
  • edited September 2014
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  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    King of edom rampage. DOO EET CRYPTIC. give us dem 20 man rampages. and add a mechanon rampage while you're at it.

    The visuals for some Kings of Edom would be awesome. Like Vulshoth: 400-foot globular mass of slimy, greenish-black tentacles, with five huge ruby-red eyes surrounding a parrot-like beak. Or Mgatrraor: a cone of blue-black jelly with a single huge eye ringed by tentacles, and more tentacles from its base tipped with maws full of stone or metal teeth.

    Their lesser Edomite servants are equally grotesque, but Cryptic might have a tough time designing multiple different gangs of non-humanoid opponents. Maybe just Spawn of Vulshoth, which look like much smaller versions of their master.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    artmanpwe wrote: »
    I would go with 'mundane' (human) with a god part. I liken it to Jean Gray.

    Jean Gray was mundane (mutant-human) with a god part (The Phoenix Force). The Phoenix Force was darn near the incarnate of the Universe. Together they kicked ****, but the team was still limited by Jean's mortality. Their separateness was also shown when an AU daughter wielded said Phoenix Force as well (and as poorly) as Jean did. In that Rachel (Jeans' AU daughter) was stalled by Wolverine The god-Killer too (stabby-stabby).

    But heck, what god wouldn't be interrupted by 3 blades of adamantium? (Sarcasm : )

    I actually recall reading the issue where logan put a solid claw through rachels heart, it was largely a surprise because as some forget, logans mind was virtually impossible to read to know what he was going to do. For a pyschic used to be able to always be aware of the minds of others, one who isnt on that radar is like a stealth jet.

    Likewise though it doesnt get brought up alot adamantium is a super metal in all ways, including the ability to harm things mortal non magical weapons cant. Although we dont fully have a clear understanding as to what makes it so, the only thing for sure is that its not just the vibranium aspect of caps shield that lend it nearly magical properties.

    And anyone who thinks rachel was a poor wielding of the pheonix force doesnt understand much about that character. That everything she was connected with, including cables being brought to the future, and the eventual final defeat of apocalypse in that future where essential things that have to happen in the primary timeline to allow for the eventual moment where galactus devours all of existence and the pheonix force has to then join with and consume him to give rise to the next big bang.

    Its also important to note that the original jean grey pheonix, was eventually ret conned to be just the force itself, masquerading as jean, while jean was safely tucked away.

    Jean and her deep bond to Scott, and scotts own unssurpassable genetic birthright actually attracted the force and in a way corrupted it, giving it a human like ego, and human like desires.

    This was ofcourse a must, because and critical reviewers of comics where right to note, jean grey had become a mass murderer, and nothing could ever redeem her from that in much the same way magneto can never be more then an anti hero and really should just of been given a clean death long ago.

    Jean grey/pheonix was originally concieved and written to create in marvel a female being on par with the likes of thor was was at the time considered marvels most powerful being. However after the dark pheonix saga, that original plan was dropped, as parents and fans alike complained in the legions that such a character was now past the point of redemption.

    Rachel actually is seen as the one true host of the pheonix force, as some feel her very existence was engineered by the pheonix force so that all that did come to pass would.

    The fact She kept the force with her for her entire mortal life, and was able to even have the power to as an ancient woman, summon forth the psyches of her parents and even give human bodies, artificial powers resembling their natural ones shows how powerful a handle she had on it. She could virtually even as a dieing old woman pull a galactus and make a herald for all intents and purposes.

    And finally keep in mind Cable. Cable is The Mutant. If not for the hinderence of the Techno Organic Virus constantly waging war to consume him, he would be a being with no known rival in all of marvel, capable of easily swatting aside a legion of silver surfers.

    Its been written that he as a mere boy could of ripped the very sun from the heavens and smashed it down upon the earth if he simply willed it.

    Tearing a star from its position would be the unleashing of powers so beyond our ability to really fathom them, that to not understand that the Pheonix no less then My sinister, foresaw a need to bring to pass such a child with such a birth right is nearly laughable.

    Apocalypse represents one of the most dangerous beings in marvel, the future he would bring to pass one that would impact the entirety of the course of the marvel verse's galactic civilization. An earth where the strong only survive at the cost of the weak, lead to a earth one day full of nothing but omega and alpha class mutants who would be able to spread unfathomable chaos.

    In all of marvel there is nothing more inexplicable then that a single little backwater world like Earth, and a few of its most powerful children, are the definers and shapers of all existence.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    bulgarex wrote: »
    The visuals for some Kings of Edom would be awesome. Like Vulshoth: 400-foot globular mass of slimy, greenish-black tentacles, with five huge ruby-red eyes surrounding a parrot-like beak. Or Mgatrraor: a cone of blue-black jelly with a single huge eye ringed by tentacles, and more tentacles from its base tipped with maws full of stone or metal teeth.

    Their lesser Edomite servants are equally grotesque, but Cryptic might have a tough time designing multiple different gangs of non-humanoid opponents. Maybe just Spawn of Vulshoth, which look like much smaller versions of their master.

    Well one sounds abit like hamidon, One sounds abit like a boss at the end of a villain side strike force I cant really recall well atm, and one sounds abit like the giant octopus out in the waters of Independence Bay, all stuff put in by cryptic back in CoHs early days.

    So I would think Cryptic not incapable, however they may not have the desire anymore to give CO such amazing things.
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Whether a person's character qualifies as a "god" all depends on character concept. To me a "god" is a being from one of the pantheons be it Olympian, Asgardian, Egyptian, demonic etc. not really gods, but aliens/extradimensional beings that were worshiped as such. Remember to normal humans even the weakest asgardian, would be a god, but there are thousands of asgardians.
    @Powerblast in game
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    He basically means...


    ^ Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Forest


    A shoggoth of sorts.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    skylyger wrote: »
    So to sum it up, if you never saw ghost busters.

    If someone ask if your a god.

    You SAY


    Totally missed this first time through this thread.

    The quote in video form.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    There are also "imaginal" versions of the deities and prophets worshiped by living religions. In the dimension of Elysium, where the gods of "ethical" religions abide, one can find Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah, the Hindu Trimurti, Gautama Buddha, Lao-tzu, Jesus, Mohammed, and others, as well as the angels and other spirits who serve them. (Champions makes no assertion about the truth of any of these religions. Mystics who follow one of these faiths typically treat the Elysian godheads as masks the true gods wear to interact with simple people who can't grasp their true nature.)

    Such gods wield the power of hundreds of millions, or billions, of worshipers, although they are also restricted by the Ban. Through the many people who believe in them they arguably they have a much greater impact on the modern world than the gods of defunct mythologies.

    So in-game, NPCs or even PCs can be Abrahamic angels, or Hindu devas, or Zoroastrian yazatas. Obviously we already have Therakiel, a semi-fallen angel, in CO. Several official Champions heroes have interacted with these spirits; some have claimed to receive their powers from them, although the truth of that is sometimes disputed. They include Steadfast of the Millennium City Eight, and the solo hero calling himself the Messenger. One interesting example is Archangel, a superhero of the 1970s and '80s who said she was empowered directly by God. A small sect revering her grew in New York, although she never encouraged it. Archangel was killed by Takofanes during his first rampage in 1987.
  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    He basically means...


    I dunno why, but I can't help but think of Raving Rabbids when I see this picture.

    I should do an image search, see if someone has made a Rabbid version of this, LOL.
    ...Since 2009.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Gods are only interesting when they're in the background. As we saw with Thor, and really any "god" character both published and unpublished, they stop being interesting as soon as they take the form of an actual character in the story.

    God characters and Super Man have a lot in common for why they're not interesting. Either they snap their fingers and solve all the problems, or the reader is constantly left wondering "Why didn't they just solve the problem?".

    They're a liability when it comes to telling a good story. Avoid making one at all costs.
  • novaninja555novaninja555 Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Gods are only interesting when they're in the background. As we saw with Thor, and really any "god" character both published and unpublished, they stop being interesting as soon as they take the form of an actual character in the story.

    God characters and Super Man have a lot in common for why they're not interesting. Either they snap their fingers and solve all the problems, or the reader is constantly left wondering "Why didn't they just solve the problem?".

    They're a liability when it comes to telling a good story. Avoid making one at all costs.

    Since when was Thor not interesting?! Besides he was a god against god! Speak for yourself... Who wouldn't want to see Mentix, son of Thor, wrecking the place.

    "Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."

  • edited October 2014
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  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Gods are only interesting when they're in the background. As we saw with Thor, and really any "god" character both published and unpublished, they stop being interesting as soon as they take the form of an actual character in the story.

    God characters and Super Man have a lot in common for why they're not interesting. Either they snap their fingers and solve all the problems, or the reader is constantly left wondering "Why didn't they just solve the problem?".

    They're a liability when it comes to telling a good story. Avoid making one at all costs.

    I think you don't read comic books often, or at all.

    Most of the time characters like Thor, Superman or Silver Surfer are matched against threats on the same power level.

    Now, whether it can or can not be applied to player characters in a game, it's a different matter.
  • edited October 2014
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  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Who reads comic books anymore? >_> all the good stuff ended when the Bronze Age went goodbye.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Who reads comic books anymore? >_> all the good stuff ended when the Bronze Age went goodbye.

    I still read some but I largely agree with you there.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Who reads comic books anymore? >_> all the good stuff ended when the Bronze Age went goodbye.

    The guy who owns this store, All Things Fun, is making a pretty good living because folks still want them. :smile:
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Perhaps it's the younger comics buyers who are still into them. If all people have eaten is gruel, they probably think gruel tastes pretty good.

    But all the reports I've seen say that comic readership is 'way down versus past decades. The people who grew up reading comics back then -- myself included -- had their standards and expectations shaped by them, and they're the people who created the background for this very game.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bulgarex wrote: »
    Perhaps it's the younger comics buyers who are still into them. If all people have eaten is gruel, they probably think gruel tastes pretty good.

    But all the reports I've seen say that comic readership is 'way down versus past decades. The people who grew up reading comics back then -- myself included -- had their standards and expectations shaped by them, and they're the people who created the background for this very game.
    I wouldn't say older comics were "better" I think it's a matter of selective memory. You compare new issues to your favorite old issues, and not the overall quality of the old stuff.
    My characters
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I wouldn't say older comics were "better" I think it's a matter of selective memory. You compare new issues to your favorite old issues, and not the overall quality of the old stuff.

    I would completely disagree, being that there are people that read both current and classic comics - myself included - and greatly prefer older books to the newer. There are a lot of people who think older ones were better, and it's not because of memory deterioration. I'll take the original ten year run of Spider-Man over what McFarlane did to it hands-down, no contest, and also compared to the new Amazing Spider-Man. And I'm talking about reading these books in the last ten years, not what I remember from "selective memory."

    As someone who's read a lot of books from here and there, I can say that my opinion is that the overall quality of the "old stuff" is hundreds of times better. From art to story to even lettering. The art may not be as detailed, the colors may not be as realistic, but the difference is that they cared about the story and the characters, whereas nowadays it seems they care most about how pretty the pictures are.

    Even as an artist, myself, I can't stand comic pages that are 90% panels and 5% words. The 5% discrepancy is the fault of gremlins. I want a story, not a glorified art gallery.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    I wouldn't say older comics were "better" I think it's a matter of selective memory. You compare new issues to your favorite old issues, and not the overall quality of the old stuff.

    An analysis from Jim Shooter, a long time Marvel's editor-in-chief:


    Obviously he talks about Marvel, but the same can be said about DC series today. Though they are slightly less guilty of it, Marvel trying to be more modern being the biggest offender. But with DC just give it some time. Their New52 continuity is still young and it remains to be seen if it can stay clear for readers.

    A quality of art is certainly better in modern books. A quality of storytelling... Not so much. It's like most of modern writers and editors don't care. Or don't know how to keep things readable and streamlined.
    Or they're just stuck catering to the same old audience. A dwindling one.

    Splash panel pornography is a terrible thing. If you need more than one full page image for the front page, one for the last one and maaaaybeeee one for some special scene, face it - you're padding your book, nothing more...

    I know there are still authors doing it right, but they are minority. The Big Two are mostly about cheap trick comic books with an occassional pearl like the new Silver Surfer book, but most of their production being totally forgettable.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Part of the problem, I believe, stems from a movement in the mid-90s wherein artists declared they didn't need writers, they could sell comics just fine on their art alone. And since that reduced the amount the publishers had to lay out (it's cheaper to pay one guy than two), everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

    And we got McFarlane comics that consisted of eight consecutive two-page splash panels of Spawn brooding or having his cape and chains grab things. Liefeld extravaganzas of grimacing heroes with massive shoulder pads and no feet, shooting improbable guns at things offpanel (because the things couldn't fit in the same panel as the guns and shoulder pads). Even Marc Silvestri fell victim, with Liefeld-style grimace lines all over and big ol' splash panels practically devoid of dialog or exposition of any sort.

    I mean, yes, the old Golden Age pages full of characters saying things like, "I, MegaMuscleMan, must defeat my arch-enemy, Evil Guy, before it is too late! I will punch him in the face!", with a massive PUNCH!! sound-effect over the two combatants, was a little over the top the other way, but surely there's a middle ground somewhere. (And there's a reason why Peter David scripts include a lot of art direction.)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    while a comic enthusiast I was never quite so hard core even in my time that I really knew the names of top artists and writers by rote.

    I certainly knew Todd Mac****off more for the fall out when he tried to steal the intellectual property of Angela from another and claim she was his character.

    I do get what some are saying here, abit off topic though it is. You see I started into comics in the early 90s born in 1980 I was literally like at that age of youngster when comics seemed so fun, the saturday morning x men cartoon was pretty nifty etc.

    However maybe I was abit more hard core then some in my age group, and maybe I even had a more refined tastes if I can go all comic snob a moment. Because when I as a 12 year old lad, found a flea market booth with boxes and boxes of old comics, some originals, some reprints, largely put in order of continuity, all x men, I was in heaven.

    I ended up gathering as many of the issues as I could afford, one 5 spot at a time in some cases, for 25 cents a issue, for weeks until they stopped coming to that flea market. A majority of my collection came from there.

    The rough time frame of what I have consist of almost as far back as the new team of x men being formed. With bits of gaps here and there, I had the pleasure of reading through both the origin of the pheonix saga and the later dark pheonix saga, and ended up doing some early snob attitude towards the cartoons version of those plots. Though I felt they did them semi well they tied their own hands as well with logan not being near the clawing apart killer he was in the actual comics.

    The rise of Peirce and his reavers, all came from the time logan was sent through all the floors of the hell fire club by shaw. His fight back up took its toll on many guards, and his eventual maiming of perice, the reavers where many of those only maimed gaurds, and all wanted logans blood for that nights battle.

    This lead to amazing moments and the origin of the deep bond between logan and jubilee, not because she was his hero, but because she was his. The cover of the issue with logan crucified to the x is one of my favorite bits of cover art in comicdom. and Its those stories and that era that made me become a logan fan even as modern stories seemed to do all they could to ruin that making him mor and more over the top.

    I infact kind of ended up crushing hard on the jubilee character, after all I was like 12 at the time to her being like 13 to 14 in the story, and its abit uncofmortable that to this day I think I would even as a man in my 30s prefer the company of spunky little lady lee to just about any other marvel female. I recall my friends largely favored rogue. likely because of her boo...ehrm I mean accent yeah.

    One of my personal fave bits of comic work was a 5 part retelling of the origin of daredevil. I believe it was the work of John Rominata SR. and JR. and I recall loving the art, the atmosphere, the story, it was everything I love about a good comic story and a hero in the making.

    I was beyond bad man running over my dog and driving away without a word pissed off when the daredevil movie came out and we got stupid silly over the top scenes like matt and electra fighting in the playground, and electra being some nice girl.

    No strip chase through the park with matt nearly ending up arrested if not for his being well blind and clearly not some bad man in the eyes of the LEOs lol.

    Infact now that I ponder that, it seemed pretty clear that electra knew matt, and knew what he was capable of long before he donned the horned mask. It makes that movie even stupider now in hindsight.

    I recall it was something about the writing of an issue of wolverine during the onslaught event that really kind of ended my love of marvel I cant quite put my finger on a specific it just felt too far afield of the classic wolverine of the 80s that proverbial scrapper.

    And Onslaught, there is an example of a self made god I guess. But then again, why even waste time on so many far reaching plans. He knew Franklin Richards, was his bloody imaginary friend, and that boy was the only thing anyone needed to control to take over all existence virtually.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Part of the problem, I believe, stems from a movement in the mid-90s wherein artists declared they didn't need writers, they could sell comics just fine on their art alone. And since that reduced the amount the publishers had to lay out (it's cheaper to pay one guy than two), everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

    And we got McFarlane comics that consisted of eight consecutive two-page splash panels of Spawn brooding or having his cape and chains grab things. Liefeld extravaganzas of grimacing heroes with massive shoulder pads and no feet, shooting improbable guns at things offpanel (because the things couldn't fit in the same panel as the guns and shoulder pads). Even Marc Silvestri fell victim, with Liefeld-style grimace lines all over and big ol' splash panels practically devoid of dialog or exposition of any sort.

    I mean, yes, the old Golden Age pages full of characters saying things like, "I, MegaMuscleMan, must defeat my arch-enemy, Evil Guy, before it is too late! I will punch him in the face!", with a massive PUNCH!! sound-effect over the two combatants, was a little over the top the other way, but surely there's a middle ground somewhere. (And there's a reason why Peter David scripts include a lot of art direction.)
    Honestly. I think that a lot of the more recent comics HAVE managed to find a good middle ground. Like the War of Light story in Green Lantern. Or Dark Reign in, well, all the Marvel books....
    My characters
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited October 2014


    Let's see, all my character have their own Lore and Backstories that have little to nothing to do with co, In matter of Fact only 4 characters are actually related with CO Lore.
    I am a little Self-Absorbed with my own Projects, I do write a lot of Paragraphs of Bios but I NEVER RP, Never Ever, I am super Ankward and Uncomfortable

    I do have characters who have God Complex
    Some Deities, Demons, Paranormal Creatures, The Chosen One / Messianic Archetype characters but I make sure that I will give them as Many Flaws as Abilities in their Bio (but since I don't RP this makes the whole thing... Pointless ingame)

    Only 1 Character is God... Goddess actually, THe Goddess of MY WORLD and LORE! (A Goddess who got her power Drained by one of my Villains/Boss) with a little of Purity Sue Aspects

    If I ever manage to make her ingame (with a Good FF Build to live up to her Name) I WON'T get Cocky with her and I won't certainly get Airhead with the whole concept
    (I try to Design her ingame, but unfortenly CO doesn't have the Hairstyle I want for her, Design wise she is like Godness Martel from Tales of Tales of Symphonia and Palutena from Kid Icarus

    As for other players who make Gods... I really don't care

    I won't take your LVL 6 God Serious (CLUB CAPRICE: Where Gods/Demigods are lvl 6 and Normal Humans are Lvl 40, CO Ladies and Gentlemen)
    I won't show respect to you if you act like a Spaz/Egoistical Bastard

    However, the only thing that Annoys me is seeings GREEK GODS ingame whose powers HAVE NOTHING RELEVENT WITH THEM!

    I have seen Obviously Designed Greek Gods who use Two Gun Mojo, Aura of Primal Majestly, Force Geyser, Strafing Run!!
    I'm sorry but NO! NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT! If you want to make and roleplay as one of the Greek Gods (and ANY Gods) you need to ADJUST their Builds to fit with their Themes, NOT USING FLAVOR OF THE MONTH BUILDS

    Last week I saw a OBVIOUS Hercules in Grab alerts with the BUILD I Described above! Even his Bio stated that he is that Hercules and what he was using?
    Two Gun Mojo and Strafing Run


    Really annoyings me since I love Greek Mythology :mad: My only Pet Peevee on the whole subject (along with the AAAAAAAAARG I AM A GOD FEAR ME MORTALS!
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Japan has a all amount of human beings plus Eight million gods. o3o
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    avianos wrote: »
    However, the only thing that Annoys me is seeings GREEK GODS ingame whose powers HAVE NOTHING RELEVENT WITH THEM!

    I have seen Obviously Designed Greek Gods who use Two Gun Mojo, Aura of Primal Majestly, Force Geyser, Strafing Run!!
    I'm sorry but NO! NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT! If you want to make and roleplay as one of the Greek Gods (and ANY Gods) you need to ADJUST their Builds to fit with their Themes, NOT USING FLAVOR OF THE MONTH BUILDS

    Last week I saw a OBVIOUS Hercules in Grab alerts with the BUILD I Described above! Even his Bio stated that he is that Hercules and what he was using?
    Two Gun Mojo and Strafing Run


    Really annoyings me since I love Greek Mythology :mad: My only Pet Peevee on the whole subject (along with the AAAAAAAAARG I AM A GOD FEAR ME MORTALS!

    I completely understand and respect your viewpoint and preference. However, I'm going to reference Rifts, a tabletop RPG and setting published by Palladium, which is even more of a genre mashup than most superhero worlds. The Rifts are ruptures between dimensions which let beings and energies from other universes flood into Earth. Gods and mythical creatures, aliens, lost civilizations, magic, ultra-tech, all mingling in glorious chaos. :cool:

    One thing I appreciated about that setting, which could easily apply to a super world like the Champions Universe, is that mythological beings sometimes took advantage of the wider options available to them to equip themselves in non-traditional ways. My personal favorite was the god Hermes carrying a handheld rail gun, which he nicknamed "The Herminator." :biggrin:
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bulgarex wrote: »
    I completely understand and respect your viewpoint and preference. However, I'm going to reference Rifts, a tabletop RPG and setting published by Palladium, which is even more of a genre mashup than most superhero worlds. The Rifts are ruptures between dimensions which let beings and energies from other universes flood into Earth. Gods and mythical creatures, aliens, lost civilizations, magic, ultra-tech, all mingling in glorious chaos. :cool:

    I played in Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, and Shadowrun campaigns in college, so I can attest: Shadowrun and HU are genre mashups. Rifts is a genre Bass-o-matic.

    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • smashykinssmashykins Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well this thread is getting entertaining.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    avianos wrote: »


    Let's see, all my character have their own Lore and Backstories that have little to nothing to do with co, In matter of Fact only 4 characters are actually related with CO Lore.
    I am a little Self-Absorbed with my own Projects, I do write a lot of Paragraphs of Bios but I NEVER RP, Never Ever, I am super Ankward and Uncomfortable

    I do have characters who have God Complex
    Some Deities, Demons, Paranormal Creatures, The Chosen One / Messianic Archetype characters but I make sure that I will give them as Many Flaws as Abilities in their Bio (but since I don't RP this makes the whole thing... Pointless ingame)

    Only 1 Character is God... Goddess actually, THe Goddess of MY WORLD and LORE! (A Goddess who got her power Drained by one of my Villains/Boss) with a little of Purity Sue Aspects

    If I ever manage to make her ingame (with a Good FF Build to live up to her Name) I WON'T get Cocky with her and I won't certainly get Airhead with the whole concept
    (I try to Design her ingame, but unfortenly CO doesn't have the Hairstyle I want for her, Design wise she is like Godness Martel from Tales of Tales of Symphonia and Palutena from Kid Icarus

    As for other players who make Gods... I really don't care

    I won't take your LVL 6 God Serious (CLUB CAPRICE: Where Gods/Demigods are lvl 6 and Normal Humans are Lvl 40, CO Ladies and Gentlemen)
    I won't show respect to you if you act like a Spaz/Egoistical Bastard

    However, the only thing that Annoys me is seeings GREEK GODS ingame whose powers HAVE NOTHING RELEVENT WITH THEM!

    I have seen Obviously Designed Greek Gods who use Two Gun Mojo, Aura of Primal Majestly, Force Geyser, Strafing Run!!
    I'm sorry but NO! NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT! If you want to make and roleplay as one of the Greek Gods (and ANY Gods) you need to ADJUST their Builds to fit with their Themes, NOT USING FLAVOR OF THE MONTH BUILDS

    Last week I saw a OBVIOUS Hercules in Grab alerts with the BUILD I Described above! Even his Bio stated that he is that Hercules and what he was using?
    Two Gun Mojo and Strafing Run


    Really annoyings me since I love Greek Mythology :mad: My only Pet Peevee on the whole subject (along with the AAAAAAAAARG I AM A GOD FEAR ME MORTALS!

    interesting, you see first and foremost and not to sound insulting, but Id never RP with anyone in a serious manner whose characters had little to do with the lore of the setting of the MMO we are playing together. I had this issue alot with what we called wannaPRs ie wannabe role players who didnt really want to play a role in the game world so much as their ideal role created by themselves with no real place for it in the game setting.

    Pug RP is indeed entirely possible and was very common on COH among the lore based RPers. Its why we became connected and friendly to each other after even a single pug mission because we recognized just how fun and easy it was to interact with one another.

    I do respect that you hesitate to try to create some of your characters here even with the free form system due to feeling like it still limits you in some way that makes your own ideal feel wrong. And sounds to me like the kind of character to make in some mainly single player free form character building game.

    As for the so called FOTM. a being like heracles for example was always prone to use weapons. So using modern weapons shouldnt seem a stretch. After all he could be using handguns custom made that use special ammo with a recoil so powerful it would shatter the arm of a mortal man using them. See Alucard from the anime Hellsing.

    As for AOPM, while its not seen as FOTM it actually has a long standing use in CO since it was added, that it is a great passive that helps many builds and works with many concepts.

    Heracles for example is one primal and majestic being. Seems to fit imo just fine.

    And in the world magic is a powerful factor, and a half god seems likely to be able to adapt and learn such powers more easily then some mere human.

    So I find over all your post an interesting insight into anothers mindset, I am unsure of why you feel the way you do over certain things.

    And dont hate the FOTM, hate the haphazard development that has created far too many pointless to use waste of a slot powers like good ol eye beams and mini mines. You nerf something someone was super fond of, maybe if the soul attack power in their build, and expect them to not just start to use whatever is good because trying to make something unique they may get emotionally attached to becomes pointless and an excercise in frustration.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I played in Rifts, Heroes Unlimited, and Shadowrun campaigns in college, so I can attest: Shadowrun and HU are genre mashups. Rifts is a genre Bass-o-matic.


    Rifts is actually something I have never played in the actual rules of, but own several books Ive picked up at various times, and have long used them as sources of ideas for adventurers in other game systems.

    Its various books on mechs for example can add tons of ideas to advancing power armors in something like shadowrun.
  • revenantbobrevenantbob Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Point anyone who claims to be a god to the Mystic World source book and have them be educated in the fact gods only have Super Hero power levels on Earth thanks to the Ban. Then watch them ignore that and say "I just play my own way" and then just skate on by because you wasted breath :)
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    You can't be really mad at the "divine" toons using whatever it takes in their OOC builds because CO is a FoTM-ridden due to its neglected and exceptionally bad power balance.

    Oftentimes if you really try totally themed build it might works, but it will be overshadowed in performance by FoTM builds. Especially if you do PvP

    In other games, maybe. But in CO you are taking some visual FXes like auras and maybe some themed powers in your spare power slots, but for functionality you taking what is actually working the best. Or just gives you the easiest gameplay.

    Blame the game, not the players.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well, that's the thing about playing a "game"; the point is to "win," by whatever objectives and means the game defines. If that means defeating someone or something else in combat, players will naturally gravitate toward what will best allow them to do that.

    When I play PnP Champions my builds tend to group around a particular concept or theme. Sometimes that means the resulting character isn't optimized for combat, but since I usually play as part of a group, I'm fine with being overshadowed in the fighting department as long as I can contribute in some meaningful way. If my build includes non-combat abilities, particularly ones others in the group don't have, my Game Master knows to occasionally incorporate situations where I get to use those abilities.

    But role-playing is also a big part of my gaming pleasure, so trying to create a character who'll be interesting for me to play and others to interact with is also a high priority.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Point anyone who claims to be a god to the Mystic World source book and have them be educated in the fact gods only have Super Hero power levels on Earth thanks to the Ban. Then watch them ignore that and say "I just play my own way" and then just skate on by because you wasted breath :)

    Frankly, in a comic-book world the term "god" just loses a lot of its real-world resonance. It can apply to so many different things that exist and can be interacted with: mythological gods; the gods of the modern living religions; dimension lords; cosmic "space gods"; Lovecraft-flavored ancient horrors; conceptual entities; even mortals who have attained great power.

    Just adding "god" to your character's labels doesn't automatically buy you a loftier status.
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    avianos wrote: »
    My only Pet Peevee on the whole subject (along with the AAAAAAAAARG I AM A GOD FEAR ME MORTALS!


    \o/ Nightmare wins.
  • edited October 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Or, yeah, there's that. Like they say, "One picture is worth a thousand keystrokes." :biggrin:
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Now that reminds me of another argument I often hear, that today's superheroes and villains are the modern equivalent of gods, monsters, and demigod heroes from mythology. They embody our cultural values, and serve our emotional needs, in the same way that those folkloric figures did for the cultures that spawned them.

    The Hulk, in particular, practically is the God of Strength. And Wrath.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    skylyger wrote: »
    interesting, you see first and foremost and not to sound insulting, but Id never RP with anyone in a serious manner whose characters had little to do with the lore of the setting of the MMO we are playing together. I had this issue alot with what we called wannaPRs ie wannabe role players who didnt really want to play a role in the game world so much as their ideal role created by themselves with no real place for it in the game setting.

    Pug RP is indeed entirely possible and was very common on COH among the lore based RPers. Its why we became connected and friendly to each other after even a single pug mission because we recognized just how fun and easy it was to interact with one another.

    I do respect that you hesitate to try to create some of your characters here even with the free form system due to feeling like it still limits you in some way that makes your own ideal feel wrong. And sounds to me like the kind of character to make in some mainly single player free form character building game.

    NO Offense taken :redface: Besides as I said I Avoid RP-ing
    Thanks for the Kind Reply!
    and sorry if I Exaggerated in my Post, I try to be as polite as possible but sometimes I get carried away with a Subject and I make myself looks like an Idiot! :eek:

    Indeed I have Approached CO as Single Player Game
    The reason I LOVE CO is the Character Costumization! The Selling point and Magnum Opus of the game for me
    It allows me to create ALL my characters in game and I want to take full advantage of it! The Feeling of seeing your characters and being able to control them in a videogame world is incredibly satisfying for me and No other game have Achieved that Feeling for me
    It also makes Glee with Joy seeing my Creations Alive

    and to be honest I'm not a Big fan of Super Heroes, and I'm really self-aware that my OCs are Out of Place in the CO world (well... some of them) but I make sure to give all of them as many Flows as Abilities (even the Goddess OC I Described, she may be the Goddess of my Universe but she can also be very Guilable and Idiotic sometimes, GOOD JOB GODDESS)
    skylyger wrote: »
    As for the so called FOTM. a being like heracles for example was always prone to use weapons. So using modern weapons shouldnt seem a stretch. After all he could be using handguns custom made that use special ammo with a recoil so powerful it would shatter the arm of a mortal man using them. See Alucard from the anime Hellsing.

    As for AOPM, while its not seen as FOTM it actually has a long standing use in CO since it was added, that it is a great passive that helps many builds and works with many concepts.

    Heracles for example is one primal and majestic being. Seems to fit imo just fine.

    And in the world magic is a powerful factor, and a half god seems likely to be able to adapt and learn such powers more easily then some mere human.

    So I find over all your post an interesting insight into anothers mindset, I am unsure of why you feel the way you do over certain things.

    And dont hate the FOTM, hate the haphazard development that has created far too many pointless to use waste of a slot powers like good ol eye beams and mini mines. You nerf something someone was super fond of, maybe if the soul attack power in their build, and expect them to not just start to use whatever is good because trying to make something unique they may get emotionally attached to becomes pointless and an excercise in frustration.

    It's just annoys me that they didn't followed Resource Material and used Out-Of-Character powers
    They just win those powers to WIN

    I wouldn't mind if they gave an Explanation of why a Greek God/Demigod suddenly use those powers, like Modern Version of the character, Code Name, Cyborg Version, Alternative Universe, Dark Counterpart e.t.c but they didn't, they just Slapped the character theme with a bunch of powers that have nothing to do with him just to Win! :frown:
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • smashykinssmashykins Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    *sings* and I'm on my knees begging you to fix me...am I human...or am I denser?
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