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Are you a God?

skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User

Taking the lesson we learned from Rays response at the end of the classic film Ghost Busters at face value while wise in the case of dealing with ancient otherworldly powers are the mightiest of heroes Gods? Can anyone with super powers make that claim when they are clearly above mortal mundania and all those who live in that world?

I think we all are familiar with the common trend not just here but dating all the way back to City Of, that many wanted to take on the mantle of godhood for one reason or another. From those Taking advantage of the freedom of naming here in CO and the names of ancient greek and roman gods, to the ones running around as The Messiah or such variants clearly dressed like Jesus, people who wish to adopt the powerful role when gaming in these comic hero games seems all to common.

Sure its not new, we all know good ol Thor of marvel and how virtually everything short of modern religions has been plundered for the ever expanding marvel-verse of cosmic classed powers.

Some feel actual character builds, levels, and over all potential should not be actually relevant in such concepts being brought to life even when they anticipate using and actually expecting others to RP with them in a serious immersive fashion.

I recall my own real breaking point with such BS and expecting other players to cow down because they had decided to be more batman then last son of kyrpton in the power spectrum and concept.

I was on city of heroes back in year one, one day having some fun random RP in Atlas Park playing in game tourist to a pack of new players and just having a mellow time.

When we get a new member joining up after my latest free spot announcment on zone chat. A character all of lvl 14, who immediatly starts in about how they are the ancient god of chaos and destruction and we should all be in awe of such a being among us. That instantly ended the RP mood of the group for most as they just where not going to deal with that and just shifted to OOC banter. The wannabe god didnt take the hint, and I admit I decided to poke fun at them asking how long they had existed, did they know Ermeeth or any other ancient gods etc, using actual lore of CoH to fuel my questions.

This person had no clue and kept on with the I am a primordial being with no earthly rivals dribble and how nothing was their equal. They where a lowbie dark/dark scrapper, and when I PMed the emp def on the team to let the super powerful god stand on their own powers, its needless to say the poor scrapper started to eat dirt alot.

Needless to say the so called god wasnt feeling to godly and started to rage and finally quit the party.

What this did though is trigger something in myself, a desire to be able to shut down and show up such wannabe Powers that Be.

So I dug into city of heroes lore and found the very name and concept I was after. Valmaz Lord of demonkind. The proverbial man with a red right hand of City Of lore. What had become of him was a mystery, but it was written into the lore that he had been fused into an unholy and unheard of new being with the warrior and wizard T'Keron, rival and one time friend of Infernal.

In fact the very story of how Infernal came to be on Primal Earth was directly tired to this failed binding and birthing of something new and never before seen.

I decided to create or more accurately recreate my oldest character a katana super reflex scrapper into this new concept I was brewing in my mind. I paid for and submitted a name change, and explained in the request exactly where I was getting the idea for the new name T'Keron Valmaz, I wanted to make sure I wouldnt suffer some future generic because some intern admin gave me the name without knowing its source material.

Instead I recieved a very heartily written response thanking me for taking so much time and thought to create a character steeped in the game worlds story.

From then on at least on Virtue, The lord of Demonkind did walk. And he was among my most favored of characters to play both in actual play, and in RP. Nothing was more satisfying with the coming of CoV and finally going rogue, then taking my character and making him a proper rogue, able to cross between sides, but forever bound to the darkness. I portrayed him as a being with 3 distinct personalities. at times purely the man, at others the demon lord, but most often as a dark and brooding hybrid of the two, full of power and arrogance yet leery of the mortal frame that contained it.

I felt as if the game over time as it added the 40+ ancillary pools and was able to take on darkness or fire( actually one or the other depending on my build tab when those where added) seemed as if made to help me further flesh out this character and the slow regaining of his powers as he learned how to use them in his new form.

The incarnate powers while I know for many felt like cheap and meaningless extra powers tacked on because they had to have incarnate lvl ups to run the incarnate content, felt right to be gained by my character as he was every more inching his way back towards full mastery of his demonic powers.

Huge swaths of content including various strike forces on the red side and even their sides respec trial all fit so well into the concept of Valmaz seeking to restore full access to his demon powers while often also giving the T'Keron part a chance to breathe, my fave was the I think lowest lvl ranged Strike Force red side, that ended with fighting a rather large demon and Infernal appearing. Simply felt like AE content made just for my character. This to me constantly reinforced the positives to lore based role playing and characters.

But nothing simple compared to hanging out in the D, and seeing someone running a so called Satan type character, usually using a variation on or one of the lesser known names of the classic christian type devil, a D&D devil, or the like. And just kind of openly stating to someone near by that I was the lord of demonkind, and happy to explain why demons where not really inherently evil.

This would usually catch the attention of those super evil devil villain types, and they would get in my face. I would politely explain even as I rp emoted sipping on a glass of the souls of the unborn and the tears of thier mothers, that it was not the fault of demons that the only things that had value with which to barter with demons where the flesh,blood, and soul. It was not the demon who would beg for the power, and eagerly sign the pact.

I treated Demons as very lawful, bound by pact and traditions. I would also explain away the villainous demon characters in the game as upstarts taking advantage of the chaos that reigned in the demons realm with Valmaz having gone MIA while he spent a handful of mortal years remastering his power while being more vulnerable then he had ever been.

To me that kind of is what it actually takes to RP as a god like figure in an MMO and have any hope of being taken seriously. Not all did, but enough did, and many seemed to appreciate the thought and effort I put into my RP as such a being who while certainly having the right to call myself lord of demonkind, I also did not claim to be all powerful, even at lvl cap, even with fully fleshed out incarnate powers available to us at the time of closing, I was a power on the path of regaining my power rather then a lvl 1 who was meant to be all powerful from day one.

What about you guys, Do you ever want to embrace such lofty roles in RP not just to call yourself a power, but to actually bring to life such a thing for the RP community in a way that will be accepted rather then loathed and ignored?
Post edited by skylyger on


  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    HAHA! Read my Primus good sir ( link in siggy ..shamless plug >:D ) . My whole toon is aimed at MOCKING people that play as gods :P

    Its just something that really grinds my goat U_U

    Seriously came across a "GOD MODDER" that was so sure about his god hood that when I said lets take this outside and have a duel god sir. He accepted. Then he cried so hard when I force cascaded him in his god hood. Yeah .... level 12 inferno not so omnipotent.

    Before he was like "So Nepht ur gonna fling this duel for role play reasons?"

    I was like " OF COURSE!"

    Yeah never trust someone that quotes M Bison.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hey, skylyger! Let me just start by saying I believe anyone in an MMO has a right to play a character with any background and concept they would enjoy, regardless of whether it fits into the context of the official setting, as long as they don't try to force other people coming from a different background concept to conform to their version of "reality." That said, the universe of Champions Online does have a default perspective on this issue, derived from the lore of the Champions tabletop RPG that this game is based on. It would probably be germain to this topic to offer a brief primer on the subject.

    In this setting, all the gods, demons, monsters, and races from human myth, legend, and religion, which people still remember today, have actual existence. They are the creations of mass human imagination and belief, although that truth is known only to some mystic entities and scholars. (The setting lore makes no assertions as to whether there are "true" gods of any of these faiths.) For the most part they abide in other dimensions in the Astral Plane near Earth. Gods derive strength from active belief, so those who are still worshiped by large numbers of people tend to be stronger than those whose worship has lapsed. However, these gods and beings of godlike might are prevented from manifesting on Earth with their full power by a metaphysical barrier called the Ban.

    But there are a few ways for the gods to work around that restriction. A god can craft an avatar of itself possessing a fraction of its full might, which can function on Earth indefinitely. It can imbue a mortal with a fraction of its powers, and sometimes its personality, to champion its cause on this world. A god may impregnate a human, creating a hybrid with supernatural powers. Potentially the god could use its offspring as a vessel to incarnate itself on Earth with all its strength. Finally, great rituals or artifacts can allow a god to fully manifest within a limited area and/or for a limited time.

    Examples of all of these exist in the official Champions Universe. A few of these official heroes and villains are among the mightiest in the setting, but others aren't necessarily any stronger than most superhumans from any other background. This concept is a handy way to insert "divine" PCs or NPCs of a player's own creation into the game, without them automatically dominating other types of supers.

    There are other kinds of mighty supernatural beings in the CU -- Qliphothic horrors, dimension lords, conceptual entities -- who are not affected by the Ban. OTOH some of those have other restrictions on how they may operate on Earth which keeps them from running roughshod over the planet. For example, their power or life-force may be tied to their home dimension, making them weaker away from it or limiting how long they can survive in other dimensions.
  • epeleskerepelesker Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I honestly never saw the real point of taking established NPCs from a game/setting and roleplaying them yourself beyond their roles as simple NPCs, especially in things like CoH and CO where there's so much creative freedom to simply make your own.

    But that might be just me. If there's a niche of people who appreciate it as you claim, then all the power to you.
    Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I generally stay away from out-and-out God characters. They do not make much sense in Champs lore really. However, I think you did a good job with that one and that is how I would go about it.

    The closest I have is a pair of characters. One is an ancient machine with a soul trapped inside him. He is very powerful and is very old. He is meant to be extremely hard to deal with if he should wish to fight and would gladly vaporize most evil things. However, he is not indestructible nor is he limitless in his power. In fact using his power is ironically his biggest weakness because it drains him and if he is drained enough he would die. So while he is very strong and has a lot of bluster he has to be very careful in what he actually does and keep firmly in mind what power he has at any given moment. I enjoy playing him because he is always looking for free flowing energy to siphon off and has such an arrogant attitude. He loves knocking some folks down several pegs.

    The other is a Demonic Machine. It basically comes from Cyber Hell and is rather powerful in its own right. Basically it is relentless and even if destroyed will just eventually pull itself back together in the infernal scrapyard. It is very hard to destroy on a permanent basis and if it is fully charged it is really hard to power down. Holy beings are its biggest nemesis as they can really hurt it and it cannot feed off of them unless they are actually evil. However, I think it quite right and more so than most play machines OR demons. It does only as it is designed to do. It barely has emotion and barely thinks all that much. Its designed to seek out and drag to Cyber Hell all evil and vile machines be they simple tools or Destroids and it is not opposed to taking their creators with it. Oddly it LIKES these things as they give it reason to exist and feed it but they are its target. It mostly ignores good or neutral machines as they are of no interest to it. It sort of likes other demonic and evil things but it does not really go about causing mayhem and killing people and being evil for the sake of evil. Its evil generally comes in the form of a sort of apathy. If innocents happen to get in its way while it is destroying and dragging down a target it will simply destroy them as well. It just flat-out does not care. On the flip-side if you stay out of its way it may well seem heroic as it takes down the most villainous machines created but it is an illusion because it is all self-serving and programming and is not REALLY heroic at all.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    epelesker wrote: »
    I honestly never saw the real point of taking established NPCs from a game/setting and roleplaying them yourself beyond their roles as simple NPCs, especially in things like CoH and CO where there's so much creative freedom to simply make your own.

    But that might be just me. If there's a niche of people who appreciate it as you claim, then all the power to you.

    Actually my only character like that was Bentley Berkeley. Who did have physical existence in CoH in 2 old story arcs almost completely forgotten as time went on and newer shiny areas and content where added. However I still did now and then meet both older timers and new comers who played that content who recognized my name and found the way Id brought to life a virtually unknown NPC to be quite fun to interact with.

    However there where no NPCs of either T'Keron nor Valmaz anywhere in the game, and infact that lack of was what drove me to embrace the concept and make it my own over time.

    To me RPing is really just drama club but with a stable setting rather then random 5 minute skits of improv. So to say ones character is better because its all original, when in fact so little will actually be truly original and just as much a rip off,homage, or clone of a pre existing concept it means little.

    A great example are the mass amounts of superman homages. In CoH and on CO I frequently came across people whose power builds and concepts where so close to the last son of krypton that it was clearly just a way for the player to play as superman in everything but name.

    When I play in a game world I want to feel as part of that world as possible. Being a character drawn from that lore, sure the name isnt mine, but everything else was, from the look, to the way I portrayed them, while all drawn from the lore foundation where my ideas.

    Personally even my most original characters recreated from my years of PnP to me had nothing special about them because I made them, and in fact I often felt that without a strong lore foundation they felt less like characters then the ones made based on the lore.

    For example had I wanted to RP as the lord of demonkind, and named my character Debrosseiallala he who must never be named and had some made up reason of my own for being in paragon I would of felt like a fool making claims I had no right call myself The Lord of Demonkind, and I did want that right to make that claim, to yes instantly out class those made up demon lord types.

    In an MMO if one wants to pug RP smoothly everyone is best served playing from the same campaign setting so to speak. And the best thin about CO is there is no limit to varied players using a name, so if several want to take on that role its even easier, and with time travel and alternate dimensions them meeting face to face wouldnt even be hard to imagine.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    nepht wrote: »
    HAHA! Read my Primus good sir ( link in siggy ..shamless plug >:D ) . My whole toon is aimed at MOCKING people that play as gods :P

    Its just something that really grinds my goat U_U

    Seriously came across a "GOD MODDER" that was so sure about his god hood that when I said lets take this outside and have a duel god sir. He accepted. Then he cried so hard when I force cascaded him in his god hood. Yeah .... level 12 inferno not so omnipotent.

    Before he was like "So Nepht ur gonna fling this duel for role play reasons?"

    I was like " OF COURSE!"

    Yeah never trust someone that quotes M Bison.

    indeed I am a big fan of the concept fitting the available power of the character. It actually drove me to become a better character builder. To find ways to push limits farther and farther.

    A good example is after incarnate content was added, I was running in a lambda trial. Id already begun to flesh out my incarnate abilities and had started to feel a difference in what my character could do, so I sent a pm to the trial leader asking if he minded if I worked on taking out the large wall turrets while they cleared the streets.

    He was like uhm sure if you can do it, try not to die to much.

    I proceeded to clear 3 of the 4 walls before they had as a team cleared the streets, and when they reached the area most would start on the turrets at as a team, several where like uhm where are the turrets. The leader said " Some guy said he was gonna solo them" and people where like who the **** can solo these turrets so fast.

    I spoke and said for the Lord of Demons such trivial toys of mortal men where but a moments whim to remove from existence. I then told them to leave the last few for me and get on with their tasks, that the skies would be clear by the time marauder arrived.
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    There are no Gods. There is only NIGHTMARE!

    (Who is, in turn, Badass Mortal)
  • edited September 2014
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  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • edited September 2014
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  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • edited September 2014
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  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • edited September 2014
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  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • pharephare Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    simple truth. Haters going to hate.
  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm a hack when it comes to storytelling. So, I reserve my god-characters for villains. I find it difficult to explain why a god-hero is coming out of nowhere (lore/history-wise). For a god-villain, that's easy: they are bad guys, so they are always being imprisoned and then unleashed. The incarceration just has to be long enough for the world to forget about them. Seems silly for a god-hero to be imprisoned.
    ...Since 2009.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    skylyger wrote: »
    to the ones running around as The Messiah

    Nice read, but to be fair, that has been Messaih for a while now. :wink:
  • edited September 2014
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  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
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  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
  • edited September 2014
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  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    ...Since 2009.
  • edited September 2014
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  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the PWE Community Rules and Policies -Smackwell
    ...Since 2009.
  • edited September 2014
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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    one is a descendant of an egyptian moon goddess.(to explain her powers and link her into our RP stories)

    no actual gods, humans, 1 demon(good), 1 angel(bad- her sister), a few wolf weres, (no werewolves), a few aliens, animal mutants.

    Nope, I see no reason to play an actual god.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • kemmicalskemmicals Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I don't really have any god characters. They're fun to play, but not so fun to RP. I like to play goofy characters more than anything.

    Miss Behavin's a walking bad luck magnet with a penchant for pranking.

    Gelata is a mutant Jell-O pile that crash landed on Earth thanks to someone winging their ship with the Ironclod cannon.

    Ramona Skullton is a sarcastic b**** of a necromancer.

    Cybel is a cutesy police robot.

    I just like to have a variety of characters that are fun to RP.
  • edited September 2014
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  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I removed arguments about a player's character, arguments and accusations we've seen before that never end well, and the off-topic discussion that it derailed into.
  • p0temk1np0temk1n Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Straxus is not a god. Or a God.

    He simply doesn't see the appeal.


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  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    As I described in my previous post, the setting already has checks and balances in place to keep god-type characters from dominating other types.

    I've always found it appealing to create characters derived from myth and legend in one way or another. Doing so lets you draw from a rich, vivid, distinctive cultural and historical source, different from Earth-bound characters yet familiar to many fellow players.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Now I want to make a character who used to be a god, worshiped by a long-vanished civilization; the last of his followers died millennia ago, and now he's fought his way to the material plane, greatly weakened in power, in hopes of reviving his ancient cult.

    He starts off as a regular beginning character, and has to try to build his rep among the mortals...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Now I want to make a character who used to be a god, worshiped by a long-vanished civilization; the last of his followers died millennia ago, and now he's fought his way to the material plane, greatly weakened in power, in hopes of reviving his ancient cult.

    He starts off as a regular beginning character, and has to try to build his rep among the mortals...

    I like this. It fits well with the conventions of the setting, and there are plenty of moribund cultures, both in history and the prehistory of Champions Earth, that could be the source.

    There's another similar element of the setting I've been toying with drawing a character from. In recent years several alien civilizations on worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy have been destroyed by various agencies, their native sapients rendered extinct or very nearly so. Nothing in the lore specifies what happens to a world's gods when their worshipers are suddenly wiped out; but at the very least they would face slow spiritual starvation or death. Maybe a god would try to avoid that fate by finding another world where he could recruit new followers.
  • edited September 2014
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  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Who cares?

    I mean, you take offense at someone that says that their character is a god. Why? Maybe their "god" lost their powers and are trying to regain them.

    What is the harm if someone is RPing some forgotten "god" or another?

    Now if they think that they are the most powerful thing ever and people have to worship them then they need to get over themselves, but that is a flaw of the player.

    Those same people will think that you should do what they tell you no matter what, they just hide behind a "god" to try and pass such behavior off as "RP" and/or to give it a veneer of "legitimacy".

    But you intentionally sabotaging such a player is just bullying them because their origin story doesn't meet your arbitrary standards.
    How would you feel if you joined an SG and they withheld healing from you because someone didn't like your origin story?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My character is a human mutant from a dark, distant planet that orbits a black hole. she's powerful enough to be mistaken for a demigoddess, even though she's just a person.
    My characters
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hmm, well the closest I have to a "god" is Anatari with her being an embodiment of the gods cast to the Earth to protect humanity. She's no goddess of destruction either, but rather prefers to bestow her chosen allies with the strength of her auras. Aside from Anatari though, none of my characters stand under that division of "godhood"... even if Turando is the one on my roster who tends to play god with both his life and his patients' on an hourly basis.
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    NO, me is not a god but Mahou shoujo.

  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'd go as far as play a character who has supernatural powers bestowed upon them by some deity, like an angel or Valkyrie, because a huge number of them can be expected. They would be the closest thing to "god" or "god-like" characters that I would see as reasonable or logical in this game's setting.

    And no, I don't really care how extremely powerful you intend your "god" character to be. If there's any content in the game that can potentially make you faceplant during combat, you're not all that powerful. You have to put a cap on it and not go ridiculously overboard. Keep it logical.

    Also, sure you could go create your very own Hades or Zeus, but what happens when you meet another Hades or Zeus in an open RP location like Caprice? Would it turn out to be a battle of who's the more legit God? You can't have two Hadeses or Zeuses. No siree you can't. It makes no sense.
  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    monaahiru wrote: »
    NO, me is not a god but Mahou shoujo.

    Pretty sure Magic Girls are evil incarnate. ; )

    Edit: Which means, yeah, they are pretty much dietys... dieties... er, gods.
    ...Since 2009.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jennymachx wrote: »
    I'd go as far as play a character who has supernatural powers bestowed upon them by some deity, like an angel or Valkyrie, because a huge number of them can be expected. They would be the closest thing to "god" or "god-like" characters that I would see as reasonable or logical in this game's setting.

    And no, I don't really care how extremely powerful you intend your "god" character to be. If there's any content in the game that can potentially make you faceplant during combat, you're not all that powerful. You have to put a cap on it and not go ridiculously overboard. Keep it logical.

    Also, sure you could go create your very own Hades or Zeus, but what happens when you meet another Hades or Zeus in an open RP location like Caprice? Would it turn out to be a battle of who's the more legit God? You can't have two Hadeses or Zeuses. No siree you can't. It makes no sense.

    Well I dont know, nothing says gods cant time travel, or as others have pointed out Champions lore uses concepts very akin to D&D that I am more familiar with. So even if you met a Zeus or Hades youd more likely be meeting an avatar of that being and in D&D a greater god can have like upwards of 10 of those at once on the material plane.

    So actually no I dont see any issue with seeing two or more avatars of the same diety in the same place.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm not particularly fond of the idea of playing a canon character, offspring of such, etc, in a shared setting game. Even if it is done reasonably well it feels wrong to me.

    Nothing inherently against the idea of a god or godling player character though. I tend to play more down to earth types, even the one "god" I have played was very much more of a normal person with a life, personal interests, and so on...who happened to be a god.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Now I want to make a character who used to be a god, worshiped by a long-vanished civilization; the last of his followers died millennia ago, and now he's fought his way to the material plane, greatly weakened in power, in hopes of reviving his ancient cult.

    He starts off as a regular beginning character, and has to try to build his rep among the mortals...

    Sounds similar to how I approached the concept of T'keron Valmaz.

    If your looking to real world ancient civs, tons to choose from. CoH made heavy use of Mu which is one of the more globe spanning of the lost mythical advanced ones.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    gradii wrote: »
    Not every concept can fit in with the limits of the game.

    Now, for instance, my main, does rank as a cosmic when her total potental is taken into account,
    but for RP concept execution is far more important than the concept itself.

    you can even BE a god but the execution is such you have limited power. it all depends on the system of checks and balances the character is made with.

    My own character has a very extensive and complex system of checks and balances which make sure that, while she may not have trouble with many villains, there are still a whole ton of different things which challenge her.

    Well considering there are builds that can solo a cosmic class, even if its just grond, Id tend to rate such players characters as most certainly cosmic class. That was common as a way to be more then lvl cap even in this games early months actually.

    I can recall when I first went back as a lvl 40 and soloed grond for example. and I am sure I am not the only one who undertook that basic right of passage after capping a 40.
  • skylygerskylyger Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Let me take a moment to clarify my own view on certain things. By not jiust my own, but by a certain faction of comic fans in general superman is very much a god, a true cosmic classed meta being with really no rival accepted to really exist. As such anyone who has every made a krypton like being in power sets is buildinga god character by the standards of comics.

    A god type being does not actually need to be a god in the sense of being an actual diety,

    One persons mention of being a diety who grants their power to followers in the form of auras and buffs is a rather brilliant way to adapt the concept of a diety that empowers followers through the gift of divine magic.

    Im not sure what all the removed chatter was about but I can take a wild guess.

    I guess my own point in the very beginning was, if you are going to adopt such a extreme persona for active RP, its best to do so with the benevolent goal of enriching the game world via RP, rather then to use it as a false amplifier to ones character for ego inflation.

    I didnt become the lord of demonkind just because I wanted to, I actually normally hate the demon/half demon spawn etc type concepts so over down in the era of grim/dark.

    But the position of vacant, Valmaz MIA. and if I didnt take on the role who was going to? One of the kids like mr im a lowbie but the ultimate god of chaos and darkness?

    You know everyone might want to take the star role, not every one is meant to. You know what I mean.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    skylyger wrote: »
    Let me take a moment to clarify my own view on certain things. By not jiust my own, but by a certain faction of comic fans in general superman is very much a god, a true cosmic classed meta being with really no rival accepted to really exist. As such anyone who has every made a krypton like being in power sets is buildinga god character by the standards of comics.

    Superman with all his seemingly limitless power is still weak to two things: Kryptonite and magic, both of which he has absolutely no defense against.

    That brings me to my next point; There has to be a weakness, a vulnerability involved if you're going to play some sort of God or god-level character. This isn't up for debate. You're not unkillable, not in this game's setting. Even in the popular comic mediums God characters are actually killable, at least are able to be defeated. Two good Marvel examples that come to mind would be how Ares got torn in half by The Sentry in Dark Avengers, or how Asgardians were dropping like flies due to a weapon designed to kill them in Siege.
  • artmanpweartmanpwe Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    What's interesting is that the difference between Kyrptonians and Asgardians shows that fine line between a god-character (lore-wise) and a very powerful alien.

    Earth had almost no history with Krypton, and what little we had basically had the #1 citizen claiming he wasn't a god. So, if a new Kryptonian showed up, we probably wouldn't be expected to worship him/her.

    Now, the Asgardians, they mingled with us; set up a history with us as gods. Then they went away, Rainbow bridge ban iirc (in the waaaaay back), and became even more legend. So, when they came back, they felt they could throw the word god around.

    But, for all intents and purposes, both races are the same power level.

    Worse, with the power creep on Marvel-earth since their departure, the Asgardians usually met a little resistance when claiming said godhood.

    Anyway, I lost my point in all this. Sorry, it's late.
    ...Since 2009.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Felicity as a PnP character had Luck. 6dice of it. The GM treated it as luck, not combat luck as it is in the game.
    Her powers started out as Enviro Mayhem plus the luck dice.
    by the time the campaign finished,

    she had ;
    Speed 6,(Norm is 1)
    Move 11 (norm is 6)
    Dex 29(norm is 8)

    Immunity to toxins,
    Immunity to disease,
    Longevity 1600 years and growing.
    Immunity to high/low pressure and vacuum
    no need to sleep or eat or breath.

    a luck sorcery pool with no activation roll,including several 'spells' with variable advantages.
    flight, (after getting a large magic charge grounded through her, it didn't do the helicopter they were flyng in much good)
    megascale flight with megascale sight

    a DCV of about 15.

    Luck armour, basically armour always on,no activation roll, resistant and hardened

    Plus her normal resistant/hardened defences

    and Adaption pool; anything likely to kill her(barring a massive amount of damage) she had a chance to adapt defences to. If she had the points in the pool.

    Her power wasn't luck. It was Survival by adaption, the Luck was a side effect.
    just under 600pts not including her 48 pt car.
    a lot of people would count that as godlike power.
    She considered her role in life as a community protector.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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