Well i drew this for a friend, but due to a few compolations i no longer had a colouring parner, so i was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me in the colouring department.
New page created not long ago meant for CO players to commission their characters, so far the results been promising, but without a touch of Lineart and Coloring the requests wont go far, lost my coloring partner due to low bits of money, SO in resume:
I anyone would be interested in a partnership in terms of the colouring then you can contact me at
SnyChampionsOnline@hotmail.com and maybe we can work something out. :cool:
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?