Depression is a cruel and horrible thing, and it sounds like he'd been in deep these last few weeks. Godspeed, you mad genius.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Best memories of him during my childhood would have to be his portrayal of Genie in Disney's Aladdin, his hilarious cross-dressing in Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji...there's definitely more I'm missing out and need to go watch again.
His wife said in a press release that she hopes that the focus would be less on his death but more on the joy and laughter that he has brought to the world during his living years; the happy memories of the person. That's the best way to remember any cherished person who has passed on.
Beginning to wonder how he hasn't been banned yet.
As much as I might have beef with one or 2 other posters here, at least they post productive things from time to time. Also, if you can't get behind Death to Smoochy, we have absolutely no chance of ever being friends.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
To be honest, seeing as how this is a superhero-oriented forum, when I saw this thread title I so thought that the Boy Wonder had died in the comics - again. Or that Burt Ward had.
If it were not for Robin's made up word, this robot hero would not exist. 'Course, had I had more skill with the CC, I would have found something closer to this and named IT Shaz-bot. :redface:
I'd like to share two performances of Robin Williams that have always and will always stick in my mind.
First: The movie Dead Poets Society. When I was in middle school I was part of a club called "Future Problem Sovlers". We qualified for the state competition one year. During downtime at the competition, they showed movies for all the students and Dead Poets Society was the one I remember. It's a movie that's always stuck with me.
Second: A number of years ago (late 90s, I think), while flipping through channels I stopped on Comedy Central and they aired an old broadcast of Robin Williams at the Roxy from 1978 (obligatory youtube link). It's an absolutely BRILLIANT performance. Part way through it, he realizes he forgot to bring a bunch of his props. He keeps going with some of the funniest and most profound stuff I have ever seen.
I'd like to share two performances of Robin Williams that have always and will always stick in my mind.
First: The movie Dead Poets Society. When I was in middle school I was part of a club called "Future Problem Sovlers". We qualified for the state competition one year. During downtime at the competition, they showed movies for all the students and Dead Poets Society was the one I remember. It's a movie that's always stuck with me.
Second: A number of years ago (late 90s, I think), while flipping through channels I stopped on Comedy Central and they aired an old broadcast of Robin Williams at the Roxy from 1978 (obligatory youtube link). It's an absolutely BRILLIANT performance. Part way through it, he realizes he forgot to bring a bunch of his props. He keeps going with some of the funniest and most profound stuff I have ever seen.
Gee. It's hard to believe that it was earlier this year that a pivotal scene from DPS was used in an I-Pad commercial. I got me to re-watch the movie.
As for the '78 Stand-up Special, saw the original broadcast on TV. Loved it so much, asked for it on an LP for my next birthday. The following Christmas party, playing that record was the main moment of entertainment.
Yup. Between Mork & Mindy, and all of his movies, RW was a big part of the entertainment in my life. He will be missed.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
If you're going to try to plagerize someone else's work, please don't choose the potentially harmful stuff (and especially not the stuff already seen by almost 70 million people):
These are the types of comments that we could do with less of. He's only "free" because he killed himself. By no means should suicide ever be looked upon as an acceptable option in depression or any other mental illness. These folks are already vulnerable enough as it is.
It's not plagiarism, it's a direct quote off of the movie. Not everyone uses twitter, etc... I know I don't.
It's quite a stretch to see that as advocating suicide, and I'm not sure telling people how to talk is the correct answer either. It's kinda getting annoying, we've got people on 50 different sides of this telling everyone not to say suicide is selfish, or the "correct" way to speak about this. Truth is, I'm not sure there IS a correct way to talk about suicide. My major in school was treating dual diagnosis mental health/addiction cases, and the way I've always seen it? You can't treat suicide as an elephant in the room. Like it or not, it *is* an option, and ignoring that fact doesn't help anyone. Instead, the focus should be on the reasons why it's a bad idea, even if it is a choice people can make. The pain it causes for the people you leave behind, and the opportunities at future happiness that you miss. But, I'm one of the rare people who trained in the field that legitimately believes suicide IS a selfish act. You take your pain and you distribute it to absolutely everyone else who cared about you, and you no longer have to feel it. That's pretty much the definition of selfishness, and after a few attempts of my own over the years because of PTSD issues? The thing that keeps me from ever trying it again is that I understand how insanely self-centered it is.
The dialogue around suicide in this country is VERY flawed, and the biggest problem I can see right now is how we're supposed to talk around the idea with kid gloves. For the dialogue to actually progress somewhere useful, we're gonna need to be blunt about it.
Personally, I see the "You're free" quotes to be avoiding this topic entirely, and focusing on his life rather than his method of death. His family requested we do that, I for one see no issue with it.
Just my 2c tho.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
I'm rather tired of people getting all up in arms about the suicide part of his death... it is horrible that he felt that was his only way out, but to me it doesn't justify people fighting bitterly over it. Regardless of your stance, I think it's better to celebrate his life, and the moments that touched you personally, and to send positive hope for those he did leave behind that they will one day not feel the pain that they do right now.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
While I do have a Twitter account, I don't obsessively follow every single other person capable of typing 140 characters in a row. The only one I was plagiarizing was the screenwriter of the movie.
And regardless of whether you approve of suicide as an escape route (for the record, I don't; I've been working to keep my wife from taking that road for seventeen years now), Robin is now undeniably free from the pain brought on by his depression.
As for your opinion of me personally - well, see my new sig.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
If you're going to try to plagerize someone else's work, please don't choose the potentially harmful stuff (and especially not the stuff already seen by almost 70 million people):
These are the types of comments that we could do with less of. He's only "free" because he killed himself. By no means should suicide ever be looked upon as an acceptable option in depression or any other mental illness. These folks are already vulnerable enough as it is.
1. Learn to differentiate between quoting a line from a movie and what actual plagiarism is. Using a quote from a movie or other popular medium isn't plagiarism. That's just asinine.
2. I don't see any indication in the post to link that quote to the subject of suicide. That's you reading too much into a simple "goodbye" post.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Shame, he was amazing.
RIP Caine
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
O Captain! My Captain!
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No kidding.
Very, very sad day....
His wife said in a press release that she hopes that the focus would be less on his death but more on the joy and laughter that he has brought to the world during his living years; the happy memories of the person. That's the best way to remember any cherished person who has passed on.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
As much as I might have beef with one or 2 other posters here, at least they post productive things from time to time. Also, if you can't get behind Death to Smoochy, we have absolutely no chance of ever being friends.
RIP Caine
To be honest, seeing as how this is a superhero-oriented forum, when I saw this thread title I so thought that the Boy Wonder had died in the comics - again. Or that Burt Ward had.
Somehow I think Williams would have appreciated this of Robin for Robin.
If it were not for Robin's made up word, this robot hero would not exist. 'Course, had I had more skill with the CC, I would have found something closer to this and named IT Shaz-bot. :redface:
First: The movie Dead Poets Society. When I was in middle school I was part of a club called "Future Problem Sovlers". We qualified for the state competition one year. During downtime at the competition, they showed movies for all the students and Dead Poets Society was the one I remember. It's a movie that's always stuck with me.
Second: A number of years ago (late 90s, I think), while flipping through channels I stopped on Comedy Central and they aired an old broadcast of Robin Williams at the Roxy from 1978 (obligatory youtube link). It's an absolutely BRILLIANT performance. Part way through it, he realizes he forgot to bring a bunch of his props. He keeps going with some of the funniest and most profound stuff I have ever seen.
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Gee. It's hard to believe that it was earlier this year that a pivotal scene from DPS was used in an I-Pad commercial. I got me to re-watch the movie.
As for the '78 Stand-up Special, saw the original broadcast on TV. Loved it so much, asked for it on an LP for my next birthday. The following Christmas party, playing that record was the main moment of entertainment.
Yup. Between Mork & Mindy, and all of his movies, RW was a big part of the entertainment in my life. He will be missed.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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If you're going to try to plagerize someone else's work, please don't choose the potentially harmful stuff (and especially not the stuff already seen by almost 70 million people):
These are the types of comments that we could do with less of. He's only "free" because he killed himself. By no means should suicide ever be looked upon as an acceptable option in depression or any other mental illness. These folks are already vulnerable enough as it is.
It's quite a stretch to see that as advocating suicide, and I'm not sure telling people how to talk is the correct answer either. It's kinda getting annoying, we've got people on 50 different sides of this telling everyone not to say suicide is selfish, or the "correct" way to speak about this. Truth is, I'm not sure there IS a correct way to talk about suicide. My major in school was treating dual diagnosis mental health/addiction cases, and the way I've always seen it? You can't treat suicide as an elephant in the room. Like it or not, it *is* an option, and ignoring that fact doesn't help anyone. Instead, the focus should be on the reasons why it's a bad idea, even if it is a choice people can make. The pain it causes for the people you leave behind, and the opportunities at future happiness that you miss. But, I'm one of the rare people who trained in the field that legitimately believes suicide IS a selfish act. You take your pain and you distribute it to absolutely everyone else who cared about you, and you no longer have to feel it. That's pretty much the definition of selfishness, and after a few attempts of my own over the years because of PTSD issues? The thing that keeps me from ever trying it again is that I understand how insanely self-centered it is.
The dialogue around suicide in this country is VERY flawed, and the biggest problem I can see right now is how we're supposed to talk around the idea with kid gloves. For the dialogue to actually progress somewhere useful, we're gonna need to be blunt about it.
Personally, I see the "You're free" quotes to be avoiding this topic entirely, and focusing on his life rather than his method of death. His family requested we do that, I for one see no issue with it.
Just my 2c tho.
RIP Caine
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
And regardless of whether you approve of suicide as an escape route (for the record, I don't; I've been working to keep my wife from taking that road for seventeen years now), Robin is now undeniably free from the pain brought on by his depression.
As for your opinion of me personally - well, see my new sig.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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1. Learn to differentiate between quoting a line from a movie and what actual plagiarism is. Using a quote from a movie or other popular medium isn't plagiarism. That's just asinine.
2. I don't see any indication in the post to link that quote to the subject of suicide. That's you reading too much into a simple "goodbye" post.
You and Gradii have something in common now o3o
Is this thread suitably derailed for me to mention that? u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The thread was on topic up until your post.
Troll harder.
How sadly we're living in the age where it's so trendly to feel offended over everything... :rolleyes:
And that's why political corectness forced everywhere and on everyone always ends badly.