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What I'd Like to See! New Content....



  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Things SGs are useful for:
    Teams for Alert Dailies
    Event bosses like Clearance, Takofangs, and Mega Destroid Invasion
    Having people to talk to in game rather than those of trade or zone chat
    ...and maybe one or two other things I am over looking at the moment.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xydaxyda wrote: »
    Things SGs are useful for:
    Teams for Alert Dailies
    Event bosses like Clearance, Takofangs, and Mega Destroid Invasion
    Having people to talk to in game rather than those of trade or zone chat
    ...and maybe one or two other things I am over looking at the moment.
    ...a shared bank much larger than the one in the Hideout, when your SG consists entirely of your alts (like, for instance, the Union of Concerned Superheroes).
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • kneddknedd Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Hey all thanks for the responses! I know that many have already had the same or similar ideas and perhaps they have given up on offering suggestions.

    I say to you; Do not go gently into that long good night! Let's start harassing these guys (in the nicest way possible) to use what they have in house to get some aspects of the game moving again.

    There is a lot of stuff I like about this game; there's a lot of stuff I'd like to see worked on. I just want to give ideas to the small dev team that might help them and maybe give them a boost, instead of a smack in the head.

    On my original topic, is there any way that we can't see a villain team maybe run amok in the streets every once in a while? Get like 5-7 villains/Nemesis of a very high level together (40 with some augments or Cosmic level would be nice) and start them on one end of Millennium City with a script to stop and kill anything in their way to the other end of the map! Police call Socrates and Socrates calls us! The lower level toons can respond, but will most likely get crushed, but for the 40's hanging around outside the Powerhouse, it will give them something random to do besides their slap-fights.

    The villains are already out there, so is the map and so are the heroes. We just need the script written and implemented. If you wanted you could add a perk or two in there as well (hint, hint, hint). The only cost would be the man hours involved. Please use them; I'll personally buy you guys pizza if you stay late for a night and pound out the script for this or my OP. Devs send me a PM and I'm serious, I'll buy dinner!

    Please consider some of this! I want to play!
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    As long as SG bases aren't like fleet stuff in STO that require 50+ members and a day's wage worth of dil to make any progress in a project.

    One reason that I *REALLY* like the majority of CO is that what I want to do is up to me and not what others will let me do. Raiding in the 800lb dragon game soured me on that big time.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Spar, I wish I could agree with you, but our environment person is totally with STO now. I don't see em happening. Shame, since if they implemented em like STO has fleet bases, but with more reasonable stuff to get the extras? They'd move.

    You are under the assumption that Crytpic North doesn't have an environment artist. Unfortunately, whatever they are working on is going to take time, regardless if there is 15 or 50 developers. As I've been stating since the beginning of this year, we will probably find out what around Fallish time or close to the end of the summer. And, if nothing happens, then nothing happens and I was wrong. But considering how much effort they are putting in (milking a game with a poor player base is just not good business after all like some people like to believe, especially since making these new costumes cost quite a bit of money, as well as these things like the customer appreciation stuff, which means the return on milking doesn't seem all that great). So far we've seen new costumes almost each month and even seen a number of free costumes, things they would have no reason to do if nothing was going on and this game was in maintenance mode.

    Then of course, the biggest thing, the player base contest. Whatever your feelings are, you don't devote your time to something like that to a game in maintenance mode.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Oh, I'm with you on that. And I'd love to see sg bases. I'm just not sure they're in the cards for us. That's some pretty hefty development for something without the monetization potential of something like auras or vehicles, or the player satisfaction of pve content and the like. I'd love to be wrong, tho.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Oh, I'm with you on that. And I'd love to see sg bases. I'm just not sure they're in the cards for us. That's some pretty hefty development for something without the monetization potential of something like auras or vehicles, or the player satisfaction of pve content and the like. I'd love to be wrong, tho.

    The monetization seems to be getting ground worked. Look how many monetization holes they just recently plugged. Some might say it's too little too late because money doesn't go anywhere, but that sort of isn't true either. There is a lot to be considered going forward and plugging holes is one of them, not to mention, every scenario I've thought up, one of my best guesses but unlikely due to the last event, there would be a major itemization change, because any forward progress of the game would be stunted by the mod system as it currently stands now.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nepht wrote: »

    No but you do see Spiderman punching Galactus the &%$£ out :P

    Hey! No fair! You didn't show Spidey beating\' up all da villains.
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Wait a minute...black suit spidey, galactus, molecule man, and the wrecking crew? This must be a reference to the Secret Wars!(Electro and Jameson where the only ones not to participate) and hey is that doc ock as a house plant?

    Gunna go out on a limb here and guess that Spider-Man was able to do this because he got the powers of the Beyonder somehow. Comic books are fun.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xydaxyda wrote: »
    Wait a minute...black suit spidey, galactus, molecule man, and the wrecking crew? This must be a reference to the Secret Wars!(Electro and Jameson where the only ones not to participate) and hey is that doc ock as a house plant?

    Gunna go out on a limb here and guess that Spider-Man was able to do this because he got the powers of the Beyonder somehow. Comic books are fun.

  • brianna18brianna18 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    When was the last time they updated the game?
    To be a King and wear a crown is a thing more pleasant to them that see it, than it is pleasant to them that bear it.
    -Queen Elizabeth I
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  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They update the game ALL THE TIME.

    Since Whiteout:
    On Alert - Regear and rebuild every character.
    - Removed all unique rewards that drop in the game

    Alerts - Generic fill the blank 2 minute missions. Meant to add game padding.
    - Meant to fill in the blank spaces of leveling up and provide something to farm Questionite

    - The beginning of absurd pricing

    Custom Alerts
    - one added every few months that takes 3 minutes to complete each. Not really enough considering Cryptic updates in other games adds hours and hours of content to play.

    - only one at this time, and it was the first max level thing added since...Vibora Bay?

    - Prepare to spend a lot of money and Questionite to get the right one for each of your characters for the whole 0.5 missions (Sky Command) in the game that its really needed.

    - short lived and only provided the final mission for about a week before gone for the whole year. Nighthawk was the only other mission you could use a vehicle for that was worth it. Rewards are gone though.
    - Destroid Invasion lacked in general

    A Costume set got added since the 3rd custom alert got made!
    - Only took a whole year and there were a few for Halloween and the rest of the holiday season.

    - prepare to lose your wallet if you want to outfit all your characters.

    Rampage Revamp
    - Cleaning up the mess that is vehicle content (Sky Command and Lemurian Invasion) since making them into real world effecting events was too much for them to bother with implementing right.

    The only things really added to play last about 5 minutes and you have to wait for them to cycle in or for the season of the year to have it come back. Content updates should only be defined as something that takes at least 4 hours to complete from start to finish the first run through, but only in a model where content that short gets added every few months. Yes, I mean it when I say that that is short.

    And if you look at everything added since On Alert, we've lost more than gained. While everything else new is behind a price tag.

    You can't make money off your F2P game if the only things available coming out require a payment. You need to add depth and a continuing narrative to the game to invest players and keep them in. Not something that can get boring in a few days and be completed in the time it takes to go piss.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They update the game ALL THE TIME.

    Less snarky version, the DOOM! is strong with this one and this one should probably take a break from CO to try all 40 days of STO's newest content.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The only things really added to play last about 5 minutes and you have to wait for them to cycle in or for the season of the year to have it come back. Content updates should only be defined as something that takes at least 4 hours to complete from start to finish the first run through, but only in a model where content that short gets added every few months. Yes, I mean it when I say that that is short.

    At least now I know what you're talking about when you complain there is no content...it's just I am afraid that perhaps your definition is a little bit off.

    So how many games regularly add 4 hours of gameplay every couple of months?
    If it is some large percentage of popular MMOs feel free to school me on my ignorance.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Less snarky version, the DOOM! is strong with this one and this one should probably take a break from CO to try all 40 days of STO's newest content.

    Replace DOOM with stagnation and you'd be 100% correct.

    And 40 days? That's a hell of a lot more than our 3 days of content. Yes, you can play everything in the game thoroughly in around 72 hours. I know. I've timed it. Every explorable perk, mission and challenge.

    The only reason CO has lasted this long for me is the character customization. STO needs all that time because generally all play experiences are the same for lack of character differences. Just imagine the value of all that content in THIS game.
    xydaxyda wrote: »
    So how many games regularly add 4 hours of gameplay every couple of months?
    If it is some large percentage of popular MMOs feel free to school me on my ignorance.

    Our competitor. DCUO. But wait, Cryptic is not in the business of competing and collecting only the bottom dollar.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And 40 days? That's a hell of a lot more than our 3 days of content. Yes, you can play everything in the game thoroughly in around 72 hours. I know. I've timed it. Every explorable perk, mission and challenge.

    That is complete bull. While you may complete most other content in the game in that 72 hours, every perk, no. It would take a lot longer and support from a few players to get you every last perk in the game.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • mrhinkypunkmrhinkypunk Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    That is complete bull. While you may complete most other content in the game in that 72 hours, every perk, no. It would take a lot longer and support from a few players to get you every last perk in the game.

    He said every explorable perk meaning being in every area you can get to and doing every quest mission to get those kinds of perks. Getting the damage perks and most of all the PvP perks would take closer to 3000 hours to get IMHO. <.<
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    And 40 days? That's a hell of a lot more than our 3 days of content. Yes, you can play everything in the game thoroughly in around 72 hours. I know. I've timed it. Every explorable perk, mission and challenge.

    Without a commendation it takes 40 days to hit T5 in a rep.

    8472 rep is the new content.

    One new featured episode, two (four if you count the elite versions) new queues, and yet another Dyson battle area.

    The story part is all of half an hour.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    The only reason CO has lasted this long for me is the character customization. STO needs all that time because generally all play experiences are the same for lack of character differences. Just imagine the value of all that content in THIS game.


    Our competitor. DCUO. But wait, Cryptic is not in the business of competing and collecting only the bottom dollar.

    And apparently, despite the rapidly increasing volume and intensity of your complaints, Cryptic will run itself the way they it wants to run itself, not the way you want it to. You have a great character creator here, and presumably not much else that holds your attention, and this seems unlikely to change, based on past and present evidence.

    This makes me wonder why you are wasting so much time with the complaining part. I mean that seriously, no snark. Your posts have gone full tilt over the last little while, from frustrated annoyance to just absolute misery. I can't really believe that a game is worth that kind of worry, or that completely unanswered complaints are worth that kind of time.

    I usually try to avoid "maybe you should take a break" posts, because it always sounds so condescending, but... I guess I just have to risk it. Surely you have something you'd rather be doing.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    jonesing4 wrote: »
    I usually try to avoid "maybe you should take a break" posts, because it always sounds so condescending, but... I guess I just have to risk it. Surely you have something you'd rather be doing.
    Hey, we all need a break from time to time. I just go command a starship, or fight the Reaper threat, or become a rock star, or mine eight-bit blocks until I feel like putting on the tights again. My guys are always sitting there waiting for me - no stress.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    He said every explorable perk meaning being in every area you can get to and doing every quest mission to get those kinds of perks. Getting the damage perks and most of all the PvP perks would take closer to 3000 hours to get IMHO. <.<

    Explorable perk means any perk that you can achieve. Every perk in the game is explorable, regardless of what you are doing. You have many that require killing 5000 objects, some that require you being in a specific position doing a specific thing, and others that require you to interact with other players. Some can be cheesed up easily, but many others cannot. Now, if he said exploration perk, then he would be correct.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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