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Vehicles 2.0 Now Live!

trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
edited April 2014 in Release Notes
We’re happy to announce that Vehicles 2.0 is now live! Players will now be able to upgrade their favorite Mark 1 vehicles into new and improved versions. Get ready to deal even more destruction with your vehicles.

Learn more in this blog post!
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    superstar78superstar78 Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Congratulations on releasing this! This is exactly what the community asked for!

    In a completely unrelated topic, DCUO announced today that they are releasing YET ANOTHER DLC - but you know what...vehicle upgrades...yay!

    Why couldn't you use that time to fix/add to the Nemesis system...
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why couldn't you use that time to fix/add to the Nemesis system...

    Seconded. One of the main selling points of the game has been left to whimper in a corner.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Upgrading/fixing old features doesn't bring money. People spend cash on new and shiney features.
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    wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree, this was a complete waste of Developer time, especially considering that we're still not able to customize our vehicles at all, and they're still way too overpriced for how little we're actually getting out of them. In Star Trek Online, i can spend a similar amount of money for a ship that is:

    A) better designed
    B) fully and easily slotable (more so than the limited options here)
    C) customizable
    D) one per character of that faction, not just one per account.
    E) they all have interiors, or at the very least, a bridge.

    With the Ships in Star Trek, this idea was still pretty bad, but at least slightly acceptable. Here though, with how terrible the vehicles are one a whole, this is just a joke. We shouldn't have to spend more money on a vehicle we've already spent money on, especially when it's only one per account instead of one per character. To make matters worse, the lowered price is still too high, meaning that those who already paid the full price have to pay even more than the people who are now getting the same ships for a dollar or two less.

    This is ridiculous and borderline offensive. We are not getting the development that people are paying for, and instead of getting things the community actually wants, you're further breaking an already broken system and adding a price tag to it.

    "Hey, you want new power sets in that superhero MMO that you've been putting money into? well too bad, because we took that money and are stuffing it into a new game. Here is a slightly different version of something you already had though... It's only another $5, enjoy."


    "Hey, remember all of those projects we've added into the game half finished? You know... the ones that we never touched after the first patch or two? Yeah, those are still only half finished, but if you give us $5 we'll give you a different skin for your vehicle. What? Ha Ha, no.... It's $5 PER vehicle, stupid, not $5 for all of them... We don't care that you've already wasted money on them!"

    This is entirely unacceptable, and while I haven't been on the forums nearly as often as I used to (thanks to how this game is being run), I have never once seen anyone mention how they wanted this feature, or anything like it. I've seen people asking for vehicle customization, for the Foundry, for fixing/finishing/improving other broken or half-assed features Cryptic left behind when they abandoned this game, but it's sad to see that all of that is being ignored just so PWE could import a Quick cash grab gimmick from one of there other games, where it at least isn't as appalling.

    At what point are you going to just add a liquidation token to this game, that let's us liquidate everything back into Zen and in-game money to be transferred to our other games? That's really the only thing I could think of that would be worthwhile to buy from the Champions C-store anymore. i had high hopes when they said we would be getting an actual dev team again with Cryptic North, but alas, as is everything Cryptic, we were told a false truth and given an unfinished product and new ways to milk this poor game.
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And good thing is that now they're done with Vehicles and we get something new. And shiney.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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    wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So i just checked into the game, and much to my surprise, the upgrades here are actually more expensive than the ones over on star trek online.

    What a joke.

    Even with the new $1-2 off prices, i'd still be paying for a single $14 dollar ship that can't be customized or claimed for all characters, and now I would be allowed to pay an additional $7 on top of that to get a slightly better version that looks the exact same.

    this is a pitiful excuse for an update, and while i understand that it might have been an idea pushed on the team from the higher ups, it's still just another shot in the foot for this game.
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    mrhinkypunkmrhinkypunk Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    The difference is that star trek online is completely based around your ship while the vehicle's in CO are made as a premium addon for those who may want one. The weapons aren't actually for zen, you get them with questionite which you can get with questionite crates or just by playing the game. It isn't even like zen where someone would of had to of bought that zen at some point, there doesn't have to be any money involved. Plus you seem to be looking at the top mods, the ones for those of us who just like to get the best possible thing you can get. If you attempted this in neverwinter you'd be spending 100's of $ £ whatever to max out your character with no customisation other than a couple of costume type things.

    Changing colours on bikes is totally viable as it is to be put into the game, HOWEVER changing colours on things like tanks and other vehicles that do not show your player is where the problems come in. To be able to create a system where the player can infact change the colour of their vehicle it would be in an entirely new tab. Also the vehicle would probably need to be character bound instead of account bound. They have actually attempted doing all this before, it's not that they don't care at all.

    The game has to be making a certain amount of money to look good on the spreadsheets and to eventually hopefully get more money put into it so we can get some more complex updates. Games like DCUO and star trek have bigger dev teams than we currently have here.

    This isn't really what the community asked for... But it probably one of the things that makes them the most for the time spent.
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    spiderdude4spiderdude4 Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Quite honestly I was expecting Vehicles 2.0 to INCLUDE customization just from the name alone (since 2.0 is usually better right? Not in this case). But rather we get the same vehicles with only small stat upgrades.

    The time spent on this could have been better used on something else more constructive in my opinion.

    @Hope1 ingame. PRIMUS Database Characters
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    kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why are we acting surprised at what was and was not in this update? Nothing in this should have been much of a surprise:

    1) They gave us a blog post previewing what was going to be in the Vehicles 2.0 update.
    2) The update has been on the PTS for a while. Even if you don't like to hop on the PTS, you could read the patch notes on the PTS forum.

    (Note: I'm not saying you should all magically like vehicles. Just that we shouldn't be shocked at what came in the update. I so very much would like to see visual customization, too. At least color changes would be nice.)
    100% of the world is crazy, 95% are in denial.

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    avianosavianos Posts: 6,028 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As I said on the Release Notes
    avianos wrote: »
    Really? a Whole Update-Upgrade-Nerfade Exlusive Patch for Vehicles... AND STILL NO OPTION TO CUSTOMIZE VEHICLE'S APPEARENCE?


    I may own only 3 Vehicles (Fire Ant, Mantis, Arrowhead) but I Rarely use them (only to fast travel, lvl characters on Westside and to farm mobs)

    OH and they still HAVEN'T fix the BUG that MOVES the Vehicle's weapons! Are you bloody Kidding me?

    Most Pointless Update since RELOADED which introduced those Gimmick Devices!

    Can we have Nemesis FIX/Update/Rampage/Concept and Full Customizable Sidekicks-Companions (like that STO has!)
    At least sidekicks can be use EVERYWHERE in the game (alerts, instances, lairs) compared to Vehicles
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
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    flechusflechus Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, about that new update...


    I support "Sell Z-store items individually" & Japan Zone
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    heroshima1heroshima1 Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Why couldn't you use that time to fix/add to the Nemesis system...

    Thirds! I understand they want to create stuff that will bring money in, but why can't they do that by giving the community what it wants? The Nemesis System can easily (I say that loosely) be overhauled and provide several cash shop opportunities. Moon Zone? I hear cha-ching! Ok, a whole zone may be too much, but what about just a story arc involving the Moon? How about new power trees that can be bought (not a big fan of that but it may get us some goodies)? Of course, I'd really like to see a new mission arc per release. Just a little here and there is all it takes to eventually get MORE CONTENT!!!

    Vehicles? pfft!
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Nerfs disguised as an update/upgrade to vehicles. Is there anything that isn't a Rampage that vehicles can be used for that's challenging? Content that doesn't exclude characters?

    I bought a Kit just to make farming easier and its my only Become Travel Device. But I'm not spending $10 for an R3 weapon. Not unless all my vehicles get a copy of it.
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    dr490nbr347hidr490nbr347hi Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I live for the day this game gets a meaningful update.

    'Meaningful' does not mean Vehicles, Alerts, and Lockboxes.

    @dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
    Display normal Internet behavior. Come and make fun (yes, make fun) of my PRIMUS page.
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    wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    flechus wrote: »

    For as bad as this update is, this picture is awesome... so it's pretty damn awesome.
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    cyronecyrone Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Powers 2.0 and Content 2.0 next?
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
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    chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just want one of those chickens from Nevermind, running around the various maps, flapping its wings and bocking madly.

    It'll be entertaining and ... a chicken
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    themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    flechus wrote: »
    Yeah, about that new update...


    Me too....and I'm Scottish irl so the image is even more apt :biggrin:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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    cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You know, just throwing this out there... you could have left the cyberpunk guys from the Questionite Exchange in there as 'tech specialists', because they served well to show other players what that costume looks like.

    Because, you know, screw costumes that give your hero their own unique appearance. This is Twinkled Metal Online: What's a Superhero?/Electric Boogaloo.
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    tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Twinkled Metal Online: What's a Superhero?/Electric Boogaloo.

    On that note, just wanted to mention the Gravity Pulse animation has been improved. With its new cooldown, it's become a maintain rather than a tap power. Result - you don't get that constant blinding effect. So, thanks for that, Cryptic North!

    I am also glad Vehicles 2.0 is complete, as I too look forward to additions, beyond just Vehicles.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,070 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Do you know what happened to CORE?

    It was the social website by PWE, but I cannot access it anymore instead I am bombarded with ARC games...which I want no part of.

    Is there a way to access it again?

    Or has it randomly disappeared without a trace and without warning?

    I'm sure myself and others would like it back or at least some explanation as to where it has gone.

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    wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The only reason I upgraded 2 of my vehicles is that I had Zen lying around from a couple of monthy stipends. Otherwise I would never have considered it at that price point.

    Well, at least vehicles are Account bound, so they can be shuffled between characters if you want/need to do that.

    Do you know what happened to CORE?

    It was the social website by PWE, but I cannot access it anymore instead I am bombarded with ARC games...which I want no part of.

    Is there a way to access it again?

    Or has it randomly disappeared without a trace and without warning?

    I'm sure myself and others would like it back or at least some explanation as to where it has gone.

    Arc is meant to replace Core completely.
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    amyjiaamyjia Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was hoping the vehicle showroom would have a way to view all available vehicles and not just a select few. Having all vehicles viewable would make it easier to see which vehicle (if any) we would like and start working on acquiring. I would also like an option of giving my vehicle a "paint job". Each paint job "confirmation" can cost some zen or whatever, but I think having this option would make a lot of people happy and may even encourage more people to invest in vehicles. I know it would make vehicles a lot more attractive to me. :redface:
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    amyjia wrote: »
    I was hoping the vehicle showroom would have a way to view all available vehicles and not just a select few. Having all vehicles viewable would make it easier to see which vehicle (if any) we would like and start working on acquiring.

    Considering that the Tsunami in there is taunting everyone with how they'll never get it anymore (the drop chance is 1 in 75,000 now), I'd certainly like a button that lets us cycle between the types and each platform is a specific category of each vehicle type.
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Do you know what happened to CORE?

    It was the social website by PWE, but I cannot access it anymore instead I am bombarded with ARC games...which I want no part of.

    Is there a way to access it again?

    Or has it randomly disappeared without a trace and without warning?

    I'm sure myself and others would like it back or at least some explanation as to where it has gone.


    I believe ARC would have the same feature 'to talk to your fellow players' as CORE had, in the near future, since ARC is still in beta stage. Since they said it would have such "feature". Same way we will have to 'Character Feature' and other stuff in ARC also. But to announce something going away or popping up advance? Maybe STO or NW forums have some kind of info about it.
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,070 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The only reason I upgraded 2 of my vehicles is that I had Zen lying around from a couple of monthy stipends. Otherwise I would never have considered it at that price point.

    Well, at least vehicles are Account bound, so they can be shuffled between characters if you want/need to do that.

    Arc is meant to replace Core completely.
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    I believe ARC would have the same feature 'to talk to your fellow players' as CORE had, in the near future, since ARC is still in beta stage. Since they said it would have such "feature". Same way we will have to 'Character Feature' and other stuff in ARC also. But to announce something going away or popping up advance? Maybe STO or NW forums have some kind of info about it.

    Thank you for the speedy replies guys!

    As for my response to this take over... How fabulous....:confused:
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    kheldrynkheldryn Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yay!, You guys released more useless crap! How about some real content, vehicles, really? So we shouldn't actually make characters anymore, its just World of Tanks-Champions Edition now? How about Power Sets, Costumes, Aura's, Weapon Packs, Bug Fixes, New Story Area's, anything, but Vehicles? Sorry, not wasting my money on that.
    Nyte Kitsune-STO and CO LTS Member
    "Nose to the wind, I go!"
    "I found a bug in Beta, Cryptic squished it. STO Founder and Proud LTS member of STO and CO."
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    chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Uhm... I've got 10 vehicles. Only 2 are 8 slots. Does that mean I'm going to have to spend like 40 bucks to get the rest of em to have a proper number of slots? I got myself a vtol from the lock box, and I had nerd rage that it was so rare and had so few slots. I'm going to have to pay money to get my ultra-rare vehicle to perform like all of the early ultra-rare vehicles do?

    I definitely appreciate the effort, but this sits badly with me. You shouldn't charge me to fix a weakness that you intentionally created. On my cheaper or z-store vehicles? Sure. But on something that came out of a lock box with a psychotically low drop rate? I should not have to spend money to make it perform better than something someone could just spend 10 bucks and buy outright. It was a deficiency when the martinez and chariot were created, and it's pretty unfair that we have to pay to correct it.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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