There are many people who has only one main and only two or three toons.
My eight toons total isn't also anything awe-inspiring. Considering that only three of them qualifies as "mains".
Well, I have 4 characters, only one of them is my main, since my former one is locked behind the gold wall and I did the mistake of converting him from a AT to a freeform. So, in practice, I only have 3 characters.
I have 16 toons to choose from, not as impressive as some who have over 100 but I went through a altaholic phase when I went from 10 to 16 in just a month.
I will never understand people who went LifeTimers but only play with 1 character... only 1... they have the power to create as many characters as they want but they play only as 1 :eek:
I'm Silver and I STRUGGLE to make More of my characters ingame! :rolleyes: (currently playing with 21) I want to play as a LEGION of characters
I have lost the ability to have a Main character anymore
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Granted, I've tried other powers out every now and then. Sometimes I have even thought about fully creating another character...but it never gets far...and it always just makes me want to stick with my main even more.
I favor quality combined with quantity. They are not mutually exclusive concepts, especially in this game.
Six runs through UNITY dailies, a decent pile of rank 4-5 mods from leveling up, and I'm good to go at 40. As an altoholic I love that I don't need to grind anything to have a very well functioning character.
I'm just starting my third character page.
Basic Invention Origins were my go to in City, good enough performance without all the reslot everything every 5 levels hassle.
The 800lb dragon killed my desire to have to grind to be functional. I like playing with who I feel like playing with and not being forced into who I need to be using to complete anything.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Six runs through UNITY dailies, a decent pile of rank 4-5 mods from leveling up, and I'm good to go at 40. As an altoholic I love that I don't need to grind anything to have a very well functioning character.
I'm just starting my third character page.
Basic Invention Origins were my go to in City, good enough performance without all the reslot everything every 5 levels hassle.
The 800lb dragon killed my desire to have to grind to be functional. I like playing with who I feel like playing with and not being forced into who I need to be using to complete anything.
I think the idea of "quality" in this thread is more about the character itself.
Not how well geared the character is...but how well thought out the character concept and theme.
I only have a few toons, and of those there is a small core group of them that I actually play frequently, while the others only get logged in to finish alert dailys (and even then, not everyday).
Even in other MMOs I always preffered to level one or two characters to max level and then play them the majority of the time, rather than leveling "one of each class". So I am not an altaholic.
Kind of why I dislike the questionite limit... I wish I could consolidate the questionite refine limit from all my characters into one giant pool, so that I can just play on one or two characters all the time.
What exactly do you "get" out of having a "quality" character?
And yeah, in what sense are you using "quality?"
I have a ton of characters, and I get just as much fun out of playing my "serious" characters that have backstory and all that, as I have playing characters that are just stupid jokes or puns, like Biclops, The Unflushable Dump, and Cold Glory.
Think the idea of "quality" in this thread is more about the character itself.
Not how well geared the character is...but how well thought out the character concept and theme.
There's no game based restriction on that sort of quality.
Most of the time when I see one character and one character only types (and not just in this game) the one and only character is decked out with the best of the best and the player couldn't imagine playing with anything less than the best so why would they play with more than one character.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I only got 24 characters by now, most of them are from before my pause and still need to be rebuilt and restuffed, yet they all have a specific background and concept.
I've recently got another slot but I struggle to find a new concept to do (wind concept and energy sword doesn't inspire me...)
What exactly do you "get" out of having a "quality" character?
And yeah, in what sense are you using "quality?"
I have a ton of characters, and I get just as much fun out of playing my "serious" characters that have backstory and all that, as I have playing characters that are just stupid jokes or puns, like Biclops, The Unflushable Dump, and Cold Glory.
So is it just a roleplaying thing or what?
I think first we need someone to volunteer an example of a "low quality" character that they themselves have created. Until then, I posit that such a thing does not exist.
I think first we need someone to volunteer an example of a "low quality" character that they themselves have created. Until then, I posit that such a thing does not exist.
Well, i'm having quantity with quality.
That's what happens after 4 years.
With games awesome character creation system.
Years interest towards superhero comics.
And imagination.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I think the idea of "quality" in this thread is more about the character itself.
Not how well geared the character is...but how well thought out the character concept and theme.
This. After all, there's threads where people ask for concepts since they hit some kind of artistic block. Also, you have to keep in mind that everything is a remix. James Cameron's Avatar looking like Pocahontas in space being the biggest example that I could think of.
I thought that DarkDemonKillerBlackBlood would be a short-lived joke character - but he's a Scourge, and kicks some serious behind. Turns out I really like doing that sometimes.
On the other tentacle, I thought that Spider-Bat would be a kind of silly character, but one I'd enjoy playing to max. Turns out that the Master isn't as much fun for me as I'd thought when I started. I mostly keep him around for the costume.
So really, there's no telling which ones are going to tickle my fancy in the long run. I can't begin to tell you how many toons have been flushed over the years...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I like the (very) thinly-veiled attitude of superiority in the OP. "If you make a bunch of characters, your characters must suck." It must be impossible to put thought and effort into a large number of toons.
I like the (very) thinly-veiled attitude of superiority in the OP. "If you make a bunch of characters, your characters must suck." It must be impossible to put thought and effort into a large number of toons.
I just don't see the point in making a lot of characters.
I just don't see the point in making a lot of characters.
One Need for character Divercity and Loads of characters concepts/projects
I love seeing my OCs who I draw and make comics with coming In life on this game
I ever made my Childhood character ingame
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I am not an altoholic. I spend about 98% of my time in-game on my main, and I enjoy and prefer that time over anything else that I do. The small amount of time I spend on my second level 40 is to mess around with powers since it stays in the Powerhouse and has a few free retcons stacked up. I have about six characters in the 6-15 range because of friends that wanted me to level characters with them, but none of them held interest for longer than that.
Now, I don't see anything wrong with having loads and loads of characters, that's just what some people prefer. Different strokes for different folks. I play this game to play one specific character that fits the exact theme I always wanted, and I slowly tweak and adjust his powers/costume so I like him even better as time goes on. Though some people get enjoyment from making lots of builds or concepts and just playing through the game, and that's not for me.
So yeah, without the mumbling, I prefer to only play as one character.
One Need for character Divercity and Loads of characters concepts/projects
I love seeing my OCs who I draw and make comics with coming In life on this game
I ever made my Childhood character ingame
We have a winner!
As a writer, I enjoy character creation and development almost as much as playing them. Also, I'm in no rush to max out any character, so that leaves more room for the imagination. I have characters ranging from level 8 to level 35 and will be buying more slots soon.
With so many costume and powerset combinations available, there is much fodder for the imagination. I would feel like I was missing much of the creative potential if I just limited myself to one character.
Now if we could just get the Foundry added to CO, things would even better in that regard.
I just don't see the point in making a lot of characters.
The bigger question is, what do you propose to do with the answers you receive to your question in this thread?
Nothing wrong with seeking knowledge just to find it, even if you really just plan to discard it a moment later, but I think it might help if the context was put in place so that people fully understand what it is they're responding to.
Am I the only one who favors quality over quantity?
Is actually very different from the Topic of the thread, which is "Who is not an altaholic?". You have to admit that the answer to one of those questions will not necessarily be the answer to the other.
After all, to the question "Do you favor quality over quantity?" the answer could\ be yes... and at the same time the answer to the question "are you an altaholic" could also be yes, both answers being received from the same person. This is due to the fact that both the quality and quantity in question are subjective, and were never properly defined in the OP.
You, perhaps unintentionally through poor writing, claimed a link between not favoring quality and being an altaholic. I hope you now realize that that explains some of the responses you received.
For RP and PVP quantity probably dilutes quality. RP requires that you spend time doing the RP, and a level of character development that goes beyond that needed for game play and costuming. PVP means gear grinding, and retooling the character every time the game is changed in some way. There won't be much time for alts.
You get more quality with quantity. Having more alts means more diverse themes to assign them to. The other way to add more quality is finding and buying more costume pieces which can be used to make every alt even more distinct from one another.
Bunni BOT I log onto 90% of the time, but by no means does she have more quality than my other characters, I just really like playing that particular character. Having a billion alts or having one creation doesn't matter in this game, if you love what you made then that's all that counts!
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
I am not much of an atlholic here, I have about 12 characters, one 40, one other above 20 and the rest are ideas that i enjoy messing around with from time to time, but compared to my 64 characters on coh, not quite the same level. the lack of a lot of buffing options and the lack of a real place for control tends to make characters play very similarly, so my 12 are pretty much good for what i can get out of here.
As for what i think the op meant with quality or quantity. My main here has been around since launch, has 9 costumes, has a fully filled out bio and if soemone gave me a magical device that took ideas in my head and could draw them, I could probably make a comic book or out of my concepts for her. might not be good ones, but that never stopped image. its a character i am invested in and have conceptualized even beyond this game space. probably 70% of the time i have played it has been her.
I also have a character who i basically made to use the mentalist framework stuff. she has a story kind-of and i play her on occasion, but its not a character that I have put a lot of thought into developing. an even better example was a few of my coh characters that existed entirely to play in themed humorous supergroups with friends. Now, its not that they aren't quality so much as they aren't ones that I significantly invested myself into fleshing out...but some of their powers looked cool, and they synergised with my friends. would i remake them if another superhero game came out and I tried it? only if i couldn't think of anything else, but my main here, she was in coh, she was in dcou, and she will likely be in whatever superhero game comes out next that allows me to emulate her powers. thats my guess one the "quality or quantity" thing, how did i do ,wrath?
Got a point, there. But, in all honesty, I created more nemeses than playable characters.
Which is perfectly fine. While I have a roster of 16 characters, the total number of alts that I have created is well over 50, all of which had a pretty decent backstory to every one of them and a decent amount of hours put into RP for each one, but because I am a silver and the lack of slots was always getting to me, I'd eventually deleted them and made a fresh one. Today with the 16 I have, I am satisfied to how well I made their stories, costumes, and personalities. I have made it that next few character slots that I get will be that for villains only just because the concepts that I made in the nemesis creator has me going "I should RP as them sometime."
It is kinda funny how when I started with my first character, which is still my main and most in depth character I have, over time as I RP with him, I kept getting these ideas as I went. As said before: CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION is what has kept me going this far.
About the only cases where having less characters is even remotely related to any perceived "quality" are character story oriented RP and PvP, indeed.
Developing RP character takes some time, events and interaction. Too many active RP toons can dilute.
People playing PvP are optimising their build and gear. It also takes time.
In any other case, having more characters, especially freeforms, is only for the best. You can test and tweak more builds and concepts.
All right, now what about that character, and your actions in making that character, make you define it as "low quality"?
how about Captain chat Ban, who started out as a joke.
became an electric pet master, yes you can do that and works quite well
I have about 70 on this acct and about 30 on the other. Thats about 30 & 12 level 40's out of hem.
Most are for RP or created from a new character mentioned in a RP session.All have at least some background, some are m ajor players in out RP by mail stories,I 'm running the current storylines so I'm dumping some of his into it.
We have over 200 word documents of stories that we have woven around all the characters in the last 2 years, plus the (currently) over 200 page document, where I am merging(still) all our ingame mail messages(only 130 more printscreens to transfer)
We're in 2 timezones 16hrs apart. RP by email is easier, we only really match times on my sunday and his saturday.
some like Captain Chat Ban, Piddles (who has a nervous Bladder and wind), start out as jokes. This does not mean they are ineffective, my characters may not be min/maxed but they can do what I make them for. I will admit to being crappy at Tanks, I only have 1 pseudo tank.
The other version of a joke character is Mist of the Sea, an elf archer(with assault rifle, rocket launcher, grenades and orbital cannon, as well. )She's good with weapons.
Some like Mode one & Mode two AT are trying to do something. Levelling without gear in their case (and boy is the Grimoire a pain to level, no attacks between about 11 and 30)
as for having a main, I find gear grinds and playing with only one character incredibly BORING.
WOW I had 1 of each class, Rift I had 1 of each class,some of which could do DPS, support and heal or 1 did tank, dps, support. That is when I queued for a dungeon, those were the choices I could list that character as.
I have very rarely played a single class character in RPG's(tabletop), even my first D &D character was a fighter/mage, I considered the suggested fighter to be too limited.
If I have only one and don 't feel like playing it, i have no others to use. I can 't understand people who only have ONE character
I really only consider have 3 toons that are max level.
Caliga: Main, Melee Might based tank.
Alicia Renalds: Alt, Ranged Munition based dps.
The Apparition: Alt, Melee Martial Arts based dps.
I'm the type of player that enjoys taking 1, or in this case, only 3 characters, and gearing them up with the best possible gear. I am currently working on a 4th character, who will serve as a ranged tank.
For the most part I stick to Protogen (main) or my other fun 40's (I have some that just aren't). I tend to only create characters if I get hit with a character build idea.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
I don't hate anyone for being an altaholic. I'm honestly glad they exist, because usually altaholics are more knowledgeable about powersets and builds than anyone else.
Now, despite that? I dislike RPing with altaholics. I don't dislike them, I just dislike playing with them. Why?
1- In many cases, the 'Altaholic roleplayer' has a collection of characters that all totally know one another and any one of them can call on another to deal with a specific problem. This is poor roleplaying, in my opinion- and it degrades the necessity for a character to build relationships with others by having a default prepackaged relationship with the main/alts- which really doesn't make them 'characters' to me as much as simply 'extensions of one character' or 'Deus Ex Machina'. I am also convinced that this happens as a reaction and these alts and their relationships (and sometimes, abilities, as you will see below) to another character are made up as needed.
Example: My character is a cyborg, and clashed with a supernatural-themed character. Despite my insistence that I was fully capable of accepting a defeat in a standard battle as long as it was well-executed and within the scope of reason, this player decided to 'alt'. All of a sudden, I'm being forced to confront someone out of nowhere that just so happens to be a technopath willing to risk life and limb for a friend. It should also be noted this technopath was without any bio information and dressed in no way that made me think 'technopath'- it was just a cheap way for an unimaginative dolt to 'insta-win'.
2- Too many Supergroups are just a small group of 3-5 players with countless alts padding the roster. These SG's quickly become an alt dump, and there is no way whatsoever to 'field the whole roster'.
Example: I quit a SG once because I felt I had no place in it, simply because the other members had their entire alt roster shoved into it.
3- It's too easy for roleplayers to metagame. I have a personal rule that none of my 3 characters I frequently use know one another, except in passing. There is no 'alliance' between them, just a small degree of recognition. Too many players will find it easy for their alt roster to all be on the same sheet of music and share knowledge- essentially making them all the same thing.
Example: A player I knew once had a character that hated mine due to him losing a battle of wits. Every single character he has ever made has an amazingly absurd hate for my own, even those that have no reason to or have never even met him. On countless times have I noticed that all his characters know the same amount of information regarding my character, despite that being impossible by any means. Now, I avoid the player entirely.
4- Too many obligations. It's unfair to me to commit a character to a mission, cause, relationship, or story and only give 10% of your time to the commitment. I'm not so rude as to demand 100% full time dedication- what I'm saying is that it becomes a problem when that person is trying to do something with 10 characters that most people can only do with one and the commitments are broken, blown off, or cheapened.
Example: Someone once was a part of an older story I was involved with. We were continually having to hold off on progressing the story so that this player could play 'date night' with his RP lady-lover on an alt character or involve another character in another story. None of this was 'wrong', but he had chosen to commit himself to us, and it wasted our time because he threw us a D-string character just to have some association with us.
5- Too many times the characters are just the same thing with a different face. Sadly, most people can't play multiple roles in the same setting. I can't do this very well. Nothing is more absurd to me than 10 of the same thing with the same values and personality (and usually the same body).
Example: I know a player whose entire roster is a collection of obese women with the same personality. Also, they fart and belch. ALL OF THEM.
I used to be one. The moment I kind of grew attached to the 5 characters I've been known with and wrote backstories the gate was sealed. I am lucky to have nearly all the themes I'm interested in amongst these characters.
Currently i have 6
Reason why?
because there always more than 1 type of character i want to make
i consider Operative Spectre my main but that doesn't mean i can't develop my other characters
with a such a large assortment of costume pieces and powers to choose from, i can't imagine sticking with only one character
I may be wrong here but it doesn't seem as if your problem is with altaholics per se, but rather with bad role-players who happen to abuse having multiple characters.
I may be wrong here but it doesn't seem as if your problem is with altaholics per se, but rather with bad role-players who happen to abuse having multiple characters.
That's the sense I got of it too.
Example: Nothing wrong with having a bunch of characters that know each other (see: Justice League, Marvel Universe, etc.), this has its time and place. But if someone is calling on backup for each and every story/situation it gets dull fast because in essence than can always "win". That's less a problem of backstory and more a problem of how the RP is being done.
I used to think altaholics were "doing it wrong". I wanted to focus on a handful of characters and make them the best they could be, which for me meant:
- coming up with an interesting (to me) theme
- creating a build that had minimal overlap with my other toons
- fine-tuning that build for optimum performance
- creating at least one, usually several, costumes I liked that were unique and fit my idea of the theme
- gearing in the best equipment/mods that make sense from a value perspective (e.g. all rank 7 mods)
The thing is, if you've been playing this game from beta, even fairly casually, you have time to "complete" many, many characters in this way. I'm now up to 16, almost 17. (I do think this is the last for me though.)
If CO had more of an end-game, I would probably have to focus on one or two toons. But creating and optimizing alts really is the end-game here.
LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.
"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
Heck, I have characters with clashing backstories.
Blackwing, for instance, used to be Spider-Bat's protege, until realizing the old man was completely nuts. Now he's out on his own, and while he won't ignore any hero who needs help, he certainly doesn't have Peter Wayne on his speed-dial or anything...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
My eight toons total isn't also anything awe-inspiring. Considering that only three of them qualifies as "mains".
Well, I have 4 characters, only one of them is my main, since my former one is locked behind the gold wall and I did the mistake of converting him from a AT to a freeform. So, in practice, I only have 3 characters.
Handle: @drgmstr
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Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
I'm Silver and I STRUGGLE to make More of my characters ingame! :rolleyes: (currently playing with 21) I want to play as a LEGION of characters
I have lost the ability to have a Main character anymore
I've really only ever had one character.
Granted, I've tried other powers out every now and then. Sometimes I have even thought about fully creating another character...but it never gets far...and it always just makes me want to stick with my main even more.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Six runs through UNITY dailies, a decent pile of rank 4-5 mods from leveling up, and I'm good to go at 40. As an altoholic I love that I don't need to grind anything to have a very well functioning character.
I'm just starting my third character page.
Basic Invention Origins were my go to in City, good enough performance without all the reslot everything every 5 levels hassle.
The 800lb dragon killed my desire to have to grind to be functional. I like playing with who I feel like playing with and not being forced into who I need to be using to complete anything.
I think the idea of "quality" in this thread is more about the character itself.
Not how well geared the character is...but how well thought out the character concept and theme.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
Even in other MMOs I always preffered to level one or two characters to max level and then play them the majority of the time, rather than leveling "one of each class". So I am not an altaholic.
Kind of why I dislike the questionite limit... I wish I could consolidate the questionite refine limit from all my characters into one giant pool, so that I can just play on one or two characters all the time.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And yeah, in what sense are you using "quality?"
I have a ton of characters, and I get just as much fun out of playing my "serious" characters that have backstory and all that, as I have playing characters that are just stupid jokes or puns, like Biclops, The Unflushable Dump, and Cold Glory.
So is it just a roleplaying thing or what?
There's no game based restriction on that sort of quality.
Most of the time when I see one character and one character only types (and not just in this game) the one and only character is decked out with the best of the best and the player couldn't imagine playing with anything less than the best so why would they play with more than one character.
I've recently got another slot but I struggle to find a new concept to do (wind concept and energy sword doesn't inspire me...)
I think first we need someone to volunteer an example of a "low quality" character that they themselves have created. Until then, I posit that such a thing does not exist.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I think Unflushable Dump qualifies. :biggrin:
Lowbrow doesn't always mean low quality.
All right, now what about that character, and your actions in making that character, make you define it as "low quality"?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
That's what happens after 4 years.
With games awesome character creation system.
Years interest towards superhero comics.
And imagination.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
This. After all, there's threads where people ask for concepts since they hit some kind of artistic block. Also, you have to keep in mind that everything is a remix. James Cameron's Avatar looking like Pocahontas in space being the biggest example that I could think of.
Well I think cursedwolf's explanation digs at where I was coming from. I mean, he's just a poopun, no backstory or anything, just a walking joke.
But a lot of people got a big kick out of him, especially when he yelled out "DUMP SPLAAAASH!" So yeah, I dunno.
On the other tentacle, I thought that Spider-Bat would be a kind of silly character, but one I'd enjoy playing to max. Turns out that the Master isn't as much fun for me as I'd thought when I started. I mostly keep him around for the costume.
So really, there's no telling which ones are going to tickle my fancy in the long run. I can't begin to tell you how many toons have been flushed over the years...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I RP with my main. My two Alts are just to mess around with.
I just don't see the point in making a lot of characters.
One Need for character Divercity and Loads of characters concepts/projects
I love seeing my OCs who I draw and make comics with coming In life on this game
I ever made my Childhood character ingame
Freedom of Expression.
Challenge of trying new ideas and making them shine.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Now, I don't see anything wrong with having loads and loads of characters, that's just what some people prefer. Different strokes for different folks. I play this game to play one specific character that fits the exact theme I always wanted, and I slowly tweak and adjust his powers/costume so I like him even better as time goes on. Though some people get enjoyment from making lots of builds or concepts and just playing through the game, and that's not for me.
So yeah, without the mumbling, I prefer to only play as one character.
Whilst I respect you playstyle and say have fun, I don't understand the point of a single character when there are so many possibilities.
I have 40 toons and will continue to make others as ideas come to me. As others have said quality and quantity are not mutually exclusive.
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
We have a winner!
As a writer, I enjoy character creation and development almost as much as playing them. Also, I'm in no rush to max out any character, so that leaves more room for the imagination. I have characters ranging from level 8 to level 35 and will be buying more slots soon.
With so many costume and powerset combinations available, there is much fodder for the imagination. I would feel like I was missing much of the creative potential if I just limited myself to one character.
Now if we could just get the Foundry added to CO, things would even better in that regard.
Got a point, there. But, in all honesty, I created more nemeses than playable characters.
Then there is no point for you. And that's fine.
For others, it provides a source for exercising our imaginations, developing characters and backstories, and just having creative fun.
Quantity does not preclude quality in the least in this instance.
The bigger question is, what do you propose to do with the answers you receive to your question in this thread?
Nothing wrong with seeking knowledge just to find it, even if you really just plan to discard it a moment later, but I think it might help if the context was put in place so that people fully understand what it is they're responding to.
I also have to point out that your question
Is actually very different from the Topic of the thread, which is "Who is not an altaholic?". You have to admit that the answer to one of those questions will not necessarily be the answer to the other.
After all, to the question "Do you favor quality over quantity?" the answer could\ be yes... and at the same time the answer to the question "are you an altaholic" could also be yes, both answers being received from the same person. This is due to the fact that both the quality and quantity in question are subjective, and were never properly defined in the OP.
You, perhaps unintentionally through poor writing, claimed a link between not favoring quality and being an altaholic. I hope you now realize that that explains some of the responses you received.
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@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
I have both, plus variety. :biggrin:
As for what i think the op meant with quality or quantity. My main here has been around since launch, has 9 costumes, has a fully filled out bio and if soemone gave me a magical device that took ideas in my head and could draw them, I could probably make a comic book or out of my concepts for her. might not be good ones, but that never stopped image. its a character i am invested in and have conceptualized even beyond this game space. probably 70% of the time i have played it has been her.
I also have a character who i basically made to use the mentalist framework stuff. she has a story kind-of and i play her on occasion, but its not a character that I have put a lot of thought into developing. an even better example was a few of my coh characters that existed entirely to play in themed humorous supergroups with friends. Now, its not that they aren't quality so much as they aren't ones that I significantly invested myself into fleshing out...but some of their powers looked cool, and they synergised with my friends. would i remake them if another superhero game came out and I tried it? only if i couldn't think of anything else, but my main here, she was in coh, she was in dcou, and she will likely be in whatever superhero game comes out next that allows me to emulate her powers. thats my guess one the "quality or quantity" thing, how did i do ,wrath?
Which is perfectly fine. While I have a roster of 16 characters, the total number of alts that I have created is well over 50, all of which had a pretty decent backstory to every one of them and a decent amount of hours put into RP for each one, but because I am a silver and the lack of slots was always getting to me, I'd eventually deleted them and made a fresh one. Today with the 16 I have, I am satisfied to how well I made their stories, costumes, and personalities. I have made it that next few character slots that I get will be that for villains only just because the concepts that I made in the nemesis creator has me going "I should RP as them sometime."
It is kinda funny how when I started with my first character, which is still my main and most in depth character I have, over time as I RP with him, I kept getting these ideas as I went. As said before: CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION is what has kept me going this far.
Handle: @drgmstr
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Developing RP character takes some time, events and interaction. Too many active RP toons can dilute.
People playing PvP are optimising their build and gear. It also takes time.
In any other case, having more characters, especially freeforms, is only for the best. You can test and tweak more builds and concepts.
Quantity and quality aren't very related in CO.
how about Captain chat Ban, who started out as a joke.
became an electric pet master, yes you can do that and works quite well
I have about 70 on this acct and about 30 on the other. Thats about 30 & 12 level 40's out of hem.
Most are for RP or created from a new character mentioned in a RP session.All have at least some background, some are m ajor players in out RP by mail stories,I 'm running the current storylines so I'm dumping some of his into it.
We have over 200 word documents of stories that we have woven around all the characters in the last 2 years, plus the (currently) over 200 page document, where I am merging(still) all our ingame mail messages(only 130 more printscreens to transfer)
We're in 2 timezones 16hrs apart. RP by email is easier, we only really match times on my sunday and his saturday.
some like Captain Chat Ban, Piddles (who has a nervous Bladder and wind), start out as jokes. This does not mean they are ineffective, my characters may not be min/maxed but they can do what I make them for. I will admit to being crappy at Tanks, I only have 1 pseudo tank.
The other version of a joke character is Mist of the Sea, an elf archer(with assault rifle, rocket launcher, grenades and orbital cannon, as well. )She's good with weapons.
Some like Mode one & Mode two AT are trying to do something. Levelling without gear in their case (and boy is the Grimoire a pain to level, no attacks between about 11 and 30)
as for having a main, I find gear grinds and playing with only one character incredibly BORING.
WOW I had 1 of each class, Rift I had 1 of each class,some of which could do DPS, support and heal or 1 did tank, dps, support. That is when I queued for a dungeon, those were the choices I could list that character as.
I have very rarely played a single class character in RPG's(tabletop), even my first D &D character was a fighter/mage, I considered the suggested fighter to be too limited.
If I have only one and don 't feel like playing it, i have no others to use. I can 't understand people who only have ONE character
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I really only consider have 3 toons that are max level.
Caliga: Main, Melee Might based tank.
Alicia Renalds: Alt, Ranged Munition based dps.
The Apparition: Alt, Melee Martial Arts based dps.
I'm the type of player that enjoys taking 1, or in this case, only 3 characters, and gearing them up with the best possible gear. I am currently working on a 4th character, who will serve as a ranged tank.
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'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Now, despite that? I dislike RPing with altaholics. I don't dislike them, I just dislike playing with them. Why?
1- In many cases, the 'Altaholic roleplayer' has a collection of characters that all totally know one another and any one of them can call on another to deal with a specific problem. This is poor roleplaying, in my opinion- and it degrades the necessity for a character to build relationships with others by having a default prepackaged relationship with the main/alts- which really doesn't make them 'characters' to me as much as simply 'extensions of one character' or 'Deus Ex Machina'. I am also convinced that this happens as a reaction and these alts and their relationships (and sometimes, abilities, as you will see below) to another character are made up as needed.
Example: My character is a cyborg, and clashed with a supernatural-themed character. Despite my insistence that I was fully capable of accepting a defeat in a standard battle as long as it was well-executed and within the scope of reason, this player decided to 'alt'. All of a sudden, I'm being forced to confront someone out of nowhere that just so happens to be a technopath willing to risk life and limb for a friend. It should also be noted this technopath was without any bio information and dressed in no way that made me think 'technopath'- it was just a cheap way for an unimaginative dolt to 'insta-win'.
2- Too many Supergroups are just a small group of 3-5 players with countless alts padding the roster. These SG's quickly become an alt dump, and there is no way whatsoever to 'field the whole roster'.
Example: I quit a SG once because I felt I had no place in it, simply because the other members had their entire alt roster shoved into it.
3- It's too easy for roleplayers to metagame. I have a personal rule that none of my 3 characters I frequently use know one another, except in passing. There is no 'alliance' between them, just a small degree of recognition. Too many players will find it easy for their alt roster to all be on the same sheet of music and share knowledge- essentially making them all the same thing.
Example: A player I knew once had a character that hated mine due to him losing a battle of wits. Every single character he has ever made has an amazingly absurd hate for my own, even those that have no reason to or have never even met him. On countless times have I noticed that all his characters know the same amount of information regarding my character, despite that being impossible by any means. Now, I avoid the player entirely.
4- Too many obligations. It's unfair to me to commit a character to a mission, cause, relationship, or story and only give 10% of your time to the commitment. I'm not so rude as to demand 100% full time dedication- what I'm saying is that it becomes a problem when that person is trying to do something with 10 characters that most people can only do with one and the commitments are broken, blown off, or cheapened.
Example: Someone once was a part of an older story I was involved with. We were continually having to hold off on progressing the story so that this player could play 'date night' with his RP lady-lover on an alt character or involve another character in another story. None of this was 'wrong', but he had chosen to commit himself to us, and it wasted our time because he threw us a D-string character just to have some association with us.
5- Too many times the characters are just the same thing with a different face. Sadly, most people can't play multiple roles in the same setting. I can't do this very well. Nothing is more absurd to me than 10 of the same thing with the same values and personality (and usually the same body).
Example: I know a player whose entire roster is a collection of obese women with the same personality. Also, they fart and belch. ALL OF THEM.
Why not have both?
Reason why?
because there always more than 1 type of character i want to make
i consider Operative Spectre my main but that doesn't mean i can't develop my other characters
with a such a large assortment of costume pieces and powers to choose from, i can't imagine sticking with only one character
I may be wrong here but it doesn't seem as if your problem is with altaholics per se, but rather with bad role-players who happen to abuse having multiple characters.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
That's the sense I got of it too.
Example: Nothing wrong with having a bunch of characters that know each other (see: Justice League, Marvel Universe, etc.), this has its time and place. But if someone is calling on backup for each and every story/situation it gets dull fast because in essence than can always "win". That's less a problem of backstory and more a problem of how the RP is being done.
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Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
- coming up with an interesting (to me) theme
- creating a build that had minimal overlap with my other toons
- fine-tuning that build for optimum performance
- creating at least one, usually several, costumes I liked that were unique and fit my idea of the theme
- gearing in the best equipment/mods that make sense from a value perspective (e.g. all rank 7 mods)
The thing is, if you've been playing this game from beta, even fairly casually, you have time to "complete" many, many characters in this way. I'm now up to 16, almost 17. (I do think this is the last for me though.)
If CO had more of an end-game, I would probably have to focus on one or two toons. But creating and optimizing alts really is the end-game here.
"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
Blackwing, for instance, used to be Spider-Bat's protege, until realizing the old man was completely nuts. Now he's out on his own, and while he won't ignore any hero who needs help, he certainly doesn't have Peter Wayne on his speed-dial or anything...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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