This build is scheduled to hit PTS at 3:20pm, 11/27/2013
You can find release notes for previous unreleased PTS patches by using the link(s) below:
FC.31.20131024.8Release Notes:Preview:- The Debugger Store has been updated with Cosmic Keys and a new Winter Wonderland Lockbox. The Lockbox contents are directly available in the store for testing.
- The Debugger Store has been updated with reward items from the March of the Mecha Soldiers.
- Added Fire Aura and Electric Aura packs to the Debugger's Aura Preview store. Fire Aura: Head was not ready in time for this PTS update.
Auras:- You may now slot duplicate copies of the same aura and each one will work. (This does not apply to Legacy Auras, which are Unique.)
- Auras no longer have an initial hue that the color picker cannot reproduce. The Default color option should now work correctly.
- Removed sounds from Krackle Aura, Runes Aura, and Runes Aura: Torso.
- Legacy Aura: Ice Form now has extra visual effects when you crit. Those effects have been removed from Ice Form's Cold Snap on-crit buff.
- Legacy Aura: Defiance is now available. The visuals for Defiance have been removed.
- Added lower ranked alternates for Legacy Auras where the lower ranks of the original power had different FX. The Legacy Aura store now lets you swap the standard Legacy Aura for a lower rank version, and lets you swap back.
- Id Mastery is actually the rank 1 FX for Ego Form, so the Legacy Aura store lets you swap between Legacy Aura: Ego Form and Legacy Aura: Id Mastery.
- Congress of Selves was also the rank 1 FX for Ego form, and has been removed from the Legacy Aura store as redundant.
- Legacy Aura: Radiant Protection may be swapped with an alternate that does not have the Runic Glow advantage rings.
Queues:- Fixed issues surrounding the March of the Mecha Soldiers queue and updated the reward at the end.
Known Issues:- Some UI elements, such as Icons are not final.
- The UI for the Legacy Aura rank change tab is not wrapping correctly.
- Some NPCs may be missing their passive auras.
- Auras do not display correctly for enlarged characters.
- Aura icons become inactive unless the main inventory is open
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:Bug
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go elsewhere.
In particular, do not report bugs from the live game in this thread, unless they are impacted by changes in the PTS build.
Are the dev team aware of the following issues?
I am sorry for going off topic with that, but alongside some other changes which were made, we'd appreciate knowing if this was intended or not (and if it was some things need to be addressed and why.)
This change is in effect on LIVE and PTS.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I can't give you a proper response yet. We are still investigating what happened.
So that would you you ARE aware
and yeah, something as simple as "the 200,000 questionite per character is just a place holder" would be great to hear.
That isn't what I was replying to.
Thank you for your response, it's good to know you are aware and investigating, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Loving the content of the boxes btw from what I have heard, cannot wait to test tomorrow
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Not sure if this is intended.
Fiery Form can no longer be white and Shadow Form is no longer truly black. I am disappointed in this. Especially for my toons that use Shadow Form specifically for the heavy black effects.
Can anyone even awknowledge anything about the crazy pricing issue? That has been a major issue since last week for many people. I don't care if it is something like "we are still thinking on what we will do" you people (the devs) ignoring it is getting insulting. Now if there has been a reply about it that I missed somewhere I will gladly apologize, but right now I am greatly offended.
The exploding presents are a nice new weapon concept. I hope something like that gets added that has a little more a serious look to it.
I think there were so many posts about it, that is was completely impossible for anyone to miss. If the pricing stays the same now, then that is just what cryptic decided about it.
Try the first blue in the seventh row. That's what the defaults for both of those were set to in the previous build. We had to change the default to the top corner red to make the default button work correctly.
(The hue-shifting system cannot make white or black. Blues are usually the closest approximation.)
Why won't you take my money!
Suggestion: Can Auras be adjusted by /commands? Failing that, can we get a generic 'All Auras On/Off' button on the Aura UI? I absolutely -love- the look I have now (and will be spending all kinds of money to get it), but it's not fitting unless I'm flying around everywhere.
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Handle: @Kurobasa
What happens the old ones?
Remove the BoP maybe? Because i'm more than happy to give my extra BOUND pieces away who ever needs 'em.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Handle: @Kurobasa
I doubt the pricing will change. Don't be surprised if it goes live. The game does need too generate revenue. Even if some think it is expensive, there are still people that will spend money for it. The developers are more worried about how well the auras work with the system and the game. If you're worried about pricing and money being developed for the game, you should talk to the perfect world department about it, not the Cryptic Studios part.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
If they did, do you think Rank Up Catalysts would still be where they have been since added?
Is the harquebus being readded as a 5k perk too?
So it's x-mas forever now? Or is the christmas one gonna be the one we allready had? With Steampunk pieces and Broken Robot Parts?
This a 'Require 5-man to play' alert?
Because: putting season/holiday event/mission into Alerts isn't making new things people to play with. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
But i guess the new players need to be catered with also.
(anyone wanna try the enter the old Finkles with the 'Broken Robot Part and Team Teleport trick'?)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Bug Nature: The attack has a 100% knock rate and does not apply knock resistant stacks. The attack only costs 5 energy activation with a 7 energy maintain per second for 6 seconds, with a 1 second cooldown between full maintains.
Bug Nature: Dashing Winter Sleigh's energy regeneration is above the energy consumption of Special Delivery Mark 1, making the attack basically infinite too spam.
Bug Nature: Activating boost on Dashing Winter Sleigh shakes the whole environment, not just for the player, but for other players in the vicinity.
Possible Solution: Adjust knock % on Special Delivery Mark 1, or disable it's knock ability. Increase cooldown OR Energy consumption of Special Delivery Mark 1.
This is a pretty serious imbalance bug for this attack. I encourage others too test with it as well.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
The item is inert now and no longer grants the mission. The ! mark is gone for good on Live already.
n=240, average of 2.77 drifter salvage per box
22 santa suit costume set
1 become workshop elf (sniperesque)
240 booster boxes (craft/xp/favor/resource)
112 mod cases (25 IV or 15 V)
36 rare mod cases (10 VI, 5 VII)
*new* 38 vehicle mod cases (10 V, 5 VI)
28 mercenary armor packs
11 legion armor packs
12 drifter salvage crates
*new* 16 crates of questionite (25-50k, not ore)
1 dasher winter sleigh
3 special edition action figure: toy soldier
I'll have more on the dasher sleigh later, but a few observations:
Base config is 3/2/2, 9445 health/150 energy
Ice beam 124 cold, 100' 3 ft cylinder, 5 max targets, and kind of a neat beam effect
First weapon is Micro Muni 2
Second is Special Delivery 1, 1068 fire damage every second on a max 6 second maintain, .67 activation, .99 second recharge, 5 energy initial, 7 per 1 second
Special Delivery 1 is an interesting and odd weapon (besides the visual effect of dropping gifts) as it:
1. Has no range limitation (I dropped from well above 120')
2. Has no targeting, but seems to be in a fairly small circle directly below the vehicle - (maybe 20'?), where you have the additional problem of manually lining up targets below
3. Isn't particularly overpowered on the damage front, but isn't awful either. The small amount of targets available plus the targeting and required maintain are a major offset; I'd rank it at roughly the same level as a singularity bomb, which is useful but not a main weapon.
I wasn't able to duplicate the knock effect or the screen shaking, but I'll try later.
As far as the other 'bug', it's not really a bug. The one issue with the device that I'd agree on is that the DPES is somewhat iffy, as the 7 energy maintain on a 1k base DPS per second pushes it into Grav Pulse DPES territory. (By the way, for those screaming about the Incin Mk II, it is actually pretty well balanced from a DPES standpoint - can do a lot of damage to a large amount of trash mobs, but it will also wipe out your energy bar very quickly if you don't have appropriate mods.)
I'll double check when I have some time on why the sled is regenerating quicker than the weapon burns energy. My suspicion is that it's not the sled or the weapon but actually vehicle mechanics; if you're dropping from above combat range, the vehicle may be thinking you're not in combat. As such, it'll likely regenerate at 4 energy per half second despite dropping bombs, and that's a problem.
Anyone actually got in the Finkle Foundry? It's lvl 30, isn't it?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I never got that one last year.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Per Character Unlock?
This is a Bug which is gonna be Fixed, Right Guys?
RIGHT? :mad:
Or old ones.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
The Dino Suit costume set (which we got out of the Tako II Lockbox) was per account, so it seems like a bug.
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"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I recall I still have the <mission> as of last week.
I have tried to solo that mission for one entire year and failed, I'll check today on live to see if the mission would disappear or else.
...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
Ran smoothly, we have some new dialogue at the start so yay!
No complaints at all.
Managed to snag a [Harquebus] from the alert loot table.
Scoring system seems to work well and functions.
Regarding the Event:
Since it has been moved to a Custom Alert...does this mean that the open world Clarence will not be roaming around?
I haven't been able to locate Clarence yet...
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Yes, that is a bug. Thanks (everyone) for catching it.
A couple of quick notes about the Finkle Foundry:
1. We didn't remove any of the previous drops.
2. Costume pieces that dropped as BoP last year now drop as BoE.
3. Clarence will still rampage. I'm not sure if we have that active on PTS or not.
Or BoE?
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
It does say in OP that it was not ready in time for the patch, it will likely be added soon or will make it to LIVE.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
When auras are placed into slots directly, they cannot be removed.
When in "In Combat" Slots Fire skin and electric hands blink out immediately after battle instead of fading away.
Second bug happens beyond just fire skin and electric hands but I'm unable to see exactly which ones due to limited time. May come back later and edit note.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
Yup, I saw BUSHY moustache on PTS alongside mah Harquebus drop from the loot column.
I don't think Clarence is active on PTS, I didn't hear any call outs on screen nor see any gigantic teddy bear.
Has it been made known that auras seem to be causing lag for some players? This could be an issue for in combat auras especially, by lagging out players with extra VFX or something.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
You still need to have Main Bag open to be able to move Auras from/on the slots.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Well that's what I get for only glancing over the patch notes rather than reading them entirely :rolleyes:
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Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Actually I managed to move auras by right clicking them without the main bag open, just have to have the aura storage bag open.
I can confirm that this worked for me.
This, however, did not. I had the storage bag open before to take off the auras and switch out but they wouldn't budge.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!