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The Unofficial VEHICLES Gallery!

alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
edited November 2014 in Items and Crafting
All the information you'll ever need about the Vehicles, right here!

> Full Album Of All Vehicles by Lucki~ (Currently Outdated)


Basic Weapon: Minigun (A pair of rapid-fire guns shoot non-stop at your target like the Power Armor skill)

> Hawkwing Command Ship Mk2



Slotted Weapons: Paint the Target 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 0 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store Exclusive

> Hawkwing Heavy Fighter Mk2



Slotted Weapons: Flashbang 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 2 Weapons, 0 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store Exclusive

> Hawkwing Interceptor Mark 2



Slotted Weapons: Anti Aircraft Missiles 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500 Zen)

> Stealth Hawkwing



Slotted Weapons: Holofield 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1650)

*Note: This vehicle uses the Repeating Pulse Laser basic weapon instead of the typical jet Minigun.

> Hawkwing Razor Assault Ship



Slotted Weapons: Full Battery Barrage 1, Anti Aircraft Missiles 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (70 Salvage)

> Demonwing Assault Ship



Slotted Weapons: Gravity Pulse 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 3 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Takofanes Lockbox II

> Strike Hawkwing



Slotted Weapons: Incendiary Rounds 2, AA Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Foxbat "The Movie" Lockbox

> Skyfox



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 2, Gravity Pulse 2
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 3, SPD 4
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Foxbat "The Movie" Lockbox


Basic Weapon: Light Armor Piercing Rounds (Large bullets are fired from your vehicle, like a pair of small cannons)

> Manta



Slotted Weapons: Plasma Beam 1
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 0 Defense
Where to Get: Hovertank Arsenal Lockbox

> Snow Leopard



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 0 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1800 Zen)

> Tiger Shark


Slotted Weapons: Plasma Cannon 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1800 Zen)

> Desert Fox



Slotted Weapons: Railgun 2, Heavy Cannon 1
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (200 Salvage)

> Moray



Slotted Weapons: Tractor Beam 1, Flashbang 1
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (100 Salvage)

> Tsunami



Slotted Weapons: Unknown
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 5.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Lemurian Bleak Harbinger Event

> Ridgeback



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 4.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Hover Tank Arsenal Lockbox

> Avalanche



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon 1, Incendiary Round 2
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 4.5, SPD 2
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Hover Tank Arsenal Lockbox

> Flintfire



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon 1, Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 4.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1700 Zen)

> Boulder



Slotted Weapons: Plasma Beam 1, Heavy Cannon 1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, DEF 4.5, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (130 Salvage)

> Mammoth



Slotted Weapons: Plasma Beam 2, Micromunitions 2
Attributes: ATT 4.5, 7 DEF, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1650 Zen)

> Mastodon



Slotted Weapons: Plasma Beam 2, Micromunitions 2
Attributes: ATT 4.5, 7 DEF, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1650 Zen)

> Smilodon



Slotted Weapons: Plasma Beam 2, Railgun 2
Attributes: ATT 4.5, 7 DEF, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)

> UNTIL Shuttle



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon Mk1
Attributes: ATT 3.5, 5.5 DEF, SPD 2
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: 2014 Anniversary Weekend Event


Basic Weapon: Repeating Pulse Laser (Double, rapid-fire laser guns like the Particle Rifle power)

> Copperhead



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Grav Bike Arsenal Lockbox

> Raptor



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Grav Bike Arsenal Lockbox

> Hawk



Slotted Weapons: Gravity Pulse 1, Decoy Drones 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Grav Bike Arsenal Lockbox

> Wasp



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500 Zen)

> Wild Eagle



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500 Zen)

> Talon





Slotted Weapons: Paint the Target 1, Biosteel Regeneration Ray 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (80 Salvage)

> Diamondback






Slotted Weapons: Medic Drone 1, Gravity Pulse 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (100 Salvage)

> Widow






Slotted Weapons: Singularity Bomb 2, Gravity Pulse 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (200 Salvage)

> Mantis



Slotted Weapons: Holographic Field 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 3 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: SOCRATES Data Cache Lockbox

> Hornet



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500)

> Fire Ant



Slotted Weapons: Incendiary Rounds, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 3 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (120 Salvage)

> Dagger



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions Mark 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500)

> Arrowhead



Slotted Weapons: Biosteel Regeneration 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Heartstring Lockbox

> Broadhead



Slotted Weapons: Singularity Bomb 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 4.5, SPD 5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)

> Adder



Slotted Weapons: Advanced Hyperkinetic Dampening System 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 3 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Heartstring Lockbox

> Naginata



Slotted Weapons: Holographic Field Mark 2, Anti-Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 7, DEF 3.5, SPD 5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Steel Shadow Lockbox

> Naginata Alpha


Slotted Weapons: Flamethrower 2, Anti-Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 7, DEF 3.5, SPD 5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Steel Shadow Lockbox

> Kusarigama



Slotted Weapons: Holographic Field Mark 2, Anti-Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 7, DEF 3.5, SPD 5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)

> Kusarigama Alpha



Slotted Weapons: Flamethrower 2, Anti-Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 7, DEF 3.5, SPD 5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)

> Liberty



Slotted Weapons: Gravity Pulse 1, Decoy Drones 1
Attributes: ATT 5.5, DEF 2, SPD 4.5
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Defense, 2 Support
Where to Get: Grav Bike Arsenal Lockbox


Basic Weapon: Heat Ray (A pair of orange energy beams focus at your target)

> Centurion



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 2, Plasma Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Forum Malvanum Lockbox

> Legionary



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 2, Tractor Beam 2
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1600)

> Dasher Winter Sleigh


Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions Mark 2, Special Delivery Mark 1
Attributes: ATT: 5, DEF: 4, SPD: 3
Slots: 3 Weapon, 2 Defensive, 2 Support
How to acquire: Winter Wonderland Lockbox

> Pharaoh



Slotted Weapons: ?
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3
Slots: ?
Where to Get: King Sekhen's Lockbox


Basic Weapon: Lightning Coil (A golden lightning shoots from the ship, hitting enemies in an area)

> Espadon



Slotted Weapons: Singularity Bomb 2, Anti Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 4,5, DEF 3,5, SPD 5
Slots: 3 Weapons, 1 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (105 Drifter Salvage)

> Orphie



Slotted Weapons: Medic Drone 2, Anti Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 4,5, DEF 3,5, SPD 5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 3 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (115 Drifter Salvage)

> Requin



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions 2, Anti Aircraft Missiles 2
Attributes: ATT 4,5, DEF 3,5, SPD 5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500 Zen)


Basic Weapon: Minigun (A pair of rapid-fire guns shoot non-stop at your target like the Power Armor skill)

> AV-55A Martinez



Slotted Weapons: Heavy Cannon Mark 2
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Champions Online 4th Anniversary Lockbox

> AV-55B Wilson



Slotted Weapons: Micromunitions Mark 2
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3.5
Slots: 2 Weapons, 2 Support, 1 Defense
Where to Get: Zen Store (1500)

> AV-55C Akema



Slotted Weapons: Flamethrower Mark 2, Micromunitions Mark 2
Attributes: ATT 5, DEF 4, SPD 3.5
Slots: 3 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (180 Salvage)

> AV-57A-2 Interceptor



Slotted Weapons: Anti Aircraft 2, Micromunitions Mark 2
Attributes: ATT 6, DEF 5, SPD 4
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Project Clockwork Lockbox


Basic Weapon: Minigun (A pair of rapid-fire guns shoot non-stop at your target like the Power Armor skill)

> Infernal Engine New!



Slotted Weapons: ???
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 7, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Infernal Lockbox

> Volitation Engine New!



Slotted Weapons: Railgun mk2, Heavy Cannon mk2
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 7, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)

> Aeronautical Engine New!



Slotted Weapons: Railgun mk2, Heavy Cannon mk2
Attributes: ATT 4.5, DEF 7, SPD 3
Slots: 4 Weapons, 2 Support, 2 Defense
Where to Get: Drifter Store (250 Salvage)


Hawkwing Razor Assault Ship: @Mohrgan
Grav Bike Talon (F): @SpeedBandit
Hover Tank Moray: @ProfaneCreation
Hover Tank Desert Fox: @ProfaneCreation
Grav Bike Widow (M): @ProfaneCreation
Hover Tank Flintfire: @Scallawag
Hover Tank Avalanche: @Scallawag
Hover Tank Tsunami: @Scallawag
Hawkwing Interceptor: @Scallawag
Grav Chariot Centurion: @Scallawag
Grav Bike Hawk: @Jasinblazing
Stealth Hawkwing: @0nehanklap
Grav Bike Wild Eagle: @VoratusAlpha
Grav Bike Widow (F): @Dr.Euclid
Grav Bike Talon (M): @flamingbunnyman
Exocet Espadon: @SummerEvening
Exocet Ophie: @flamingbunnyman
Hover Tank Snow Leopard: @Boneidole
Exocet Requin: lamina781
Grav Chariot Legionary: lamina781
Grav Bike Mantis: @Scallawag
Hover Tank Boulder: @Scallawag
Hover Tank Tiger Shark: @Scallawag
Grav Bike Diamondback M: @Scallawag
Grav Bike Diamondback F: @Defmax
Grav Bike Fire Ant: @RavenForce
Grav Bike Hornet: @Scallawag
Grav Bike Dagger: @Scallawag
AV-55A Martinez: @EvilTaco
AV-55B Wilson: @nadazdy
Demonwing Assault Ship: @Sharks
VTOL-55C Akema: @Dscnt
Dasher Winter Sleigh: @RavenForce
Grav Bike Arrowhead: @Anthrax77x
Grav Bike Adder: @Anthrax77
Hover Tank Mammoth: @mrhinkypunk
Hover Tank Mastodon: @Craeoc
Hover Tank Smilodon: @Craeoc
Skyfox: @Anthrax77x
Strike Hawkwing: @Anthrax77x
Broadhead: @Anthrax77x
Naginata Alpha: @notyuu
Kusarigama Alpha: @Strykor77
Kusarigama: @terminatorxii
Naginata: @ImTheNightmare
VTOL Interceptor: @Mindtides
Pharaoh's Chariot: @BalumTheSilverLight
Grav Bike Liberty: @vilewalker
Infernal Engine: @-Kane-
Volitation Engine: @ethNargy aka Kyouko

Post edited by alexofspades#2085 on


  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    < Saving this Post here just in case >
  • mensarmensar Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Wow, lots of work went into this.

    Thanks for the awesome pics and research.

    This message has been approved by the bacon instititute of pictures and fame and stuff!

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Until it's fixed, you should get a picture of the Widow with a female character riding it. Its colors are different.
  • mojomaximusturdmojomaximusturd Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    awesome pics i gotta get a grav bike.
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Grav Bike Talon
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    [This post requested vehicles we already have in the Gallery, and therefore its outdated]
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is really handy. Hope it continues on as long as vehicles are added.

    Hopefully NO ONE owns a Snow Leopard.
  • summereveningsummerevening Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is super handy, thanks a lot!
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Updated the OP with the new vehicles as of April 25, the Exocets, with pictures of the Exocet Espadon!
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Wait Wait Wait Exocet vehicles? How?

    edit: Nevermind. Read the Drifter Store
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I picked up an Orphie. I'll post pictures in the morning.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I picked up an Orphie. I'll post pictures in the morning.

    Please do, Bunnyman!

    Now if only someone would buy those zen vehicles... Maybe i should just use the pictures from the Zen Store.
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ask @Brou (forum name someguywhoplaysgames) - I think he's the resident DemoEdit genius. He might be able to use Demos to create fake screen shots of the vehicles you're missing.
    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • flamingbunnymanflamingbunnyman Posts: 1,995 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Here's the Exocet Orphie:

    @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks Bunnyman!

    I have noticed that some of the vehicles have 10% more stats. (Drifter ones mostly) I will research which vehicles have them and update the OP with it.
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks to this thread i'm now the proud owner of an Orphie Exocet and finally know what the Manta tank sitting in my inventory would look like if i ever used it.

    Much appreciated!
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • mensarmensar Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have all vehicles in the game including the special event and prototype ones.

    Hit me up in-game.

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
  • clawsandeffectclawsandeffect Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Anyone remember the old Silverhawks cartoon?

    The Hawkwing looks very similar to their jet/spaceship thingy, The Mirage.
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This thread needs updating, there's a chariot and exocet to add.
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This thread needs updating, there's a chariot and exocet to add.

    Sorry Cerebelum, i quit the game :frown:

    If anyone would be kind enough to post pictures of the new vehicles, i could update the OP.
  • lamina781lamina781 Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks Lamina781! Updated the OP with your pictures!
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Updated the OP with the new tron-like Mantis bike! Special thanks to @Scallawag

    (All hail the Bacon Overlord!)
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks to the Bacon Overlord, managed to get all the remaining vehicles. This thread is now 100% COMPLETE!
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Making this thread sticky might help sales. *hint, hint*
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've gone ahead and linked the wiki's vehicle page to this thread since you've done a really thorough job. If you want me to remove it, just let me know and I will
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've got a thread on the Latest Addition:

    The Grav Bike Fire Ant

    If you want you can port over the images and stats.

    The character is Mentella, my toon.

    I am @Ravenforce
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vizzone wrote:
    I've gone ahead and linked the wiki's vehicle page to this thread since you've done a really thorough job. If you want me to remove it, just let me know and I will

    Much appreciated!

    I've got a thread on the Latest Addition:

    The Grav Bike Fire Ant

    If you want you can port over the images and stats.

    Thank you so much! Updated the OP. This would be impossible without you guys, so thanks for all the support!
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Updated with pics of Dagger, Hornet and the new vehicle, the VTOL AV-55A Martinez! Thank you, Bacon Overlord and @EvilTaco !
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm going to ask this question here, because they seem the most likely place to get an answer short of starting a new thread, but what do the numbers mean?

    The hover tanks have 3.5 attack, 4.5 defense, and 2 speed, while the grav bikes have 5.5, 2, and 4.5 in those same categories, and the other vehicle types have their own numbers, but nowhere have I found what those numbers mean.

    I mean, I can assume that they are just some sort of standard 'buff' number, so a vehicle with a higher attack gets more damage out of a certain weapon than one with a lower attack and so on, but is that all that there is to it?
    Does anyone have any examples of these numbers in action?

    Also, why run anything other than an 8 slot vehicle? Isn't it, by default, better than a 7 slot vehicle? And I see these 4 slot vehicles and wonder why those even exist.

    I mean, maybe they can sell them in the C-store to people that really want a vehicle but are on a budget, or maybe someone decided to open a bunch of boxes and after not getting a vehicle decided that they would spend all of their Drifter salvage to buy a cheap vehicle, but, again, it just goes back to that basic question of "aren't more slots always better than less slots?".

    I also get appearances, and "The White Knight" may find the Hawkwing Command ship to be the perfect look, but I'd think that the Avalanche tank would be more than close enough considering the extra slots, or even the Legionary chariot.

    Or is one or two weapons enough? With the extra slots only mattering for variety or some sort of utility?

    I have acquired a Hawk and a Martinez, and am trying to decide if I want to bind one to my account or if maybe I want to sell/trade them to get something else (or maybe even just try and stall even longer to see if something else comes down the pike).

  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2013
    Also, why run anything other than an 8 slot vehicle? Isn't it, by default, better than a 7 slot vehicle? And I see these 4 slot vehicles and wonder why those even exist.

    4 slot Lemurian tank was available for free, as a boss drop. Hence it's popular.

    Z-store rides? Only as a third TP if you like their look.
    I also get appearances, and "The White Knight" may find the Hawkwing Command ship to be the perfect look, but I'd think that the Avalanche tank would be more than close enough considering the extra slots, or even the Legionary chariot.
    Not really. There is a lot of theme difference between batjet-like plane and tanks or chariots, even if all are white.

    And theme IS important in this game for people. Given how all vehicles have hard set look and color, 8-slotters do not fit all character themes.

    Not sure that Cryptic was ever smart enough to realise that giving NO cosmetic options for vehicles will limit number of people willing to play lockboxes or gather Drifter's salvage? :rolleyes:

    Answering all your question - because Cryptic did vehicle system half-assed and with no consideration.
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Updated with the new Wilson VTOL. I'll wait until someone drops the new Tako lockbox vehicle and i'll post it here.
  • supersharkssupersharks Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here, I made an album of pics of the new jet. Which i call the Tako Jet. Use whichever you want.

  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here, I made an album of pics of the new jet. Which i call the Tako Jet. Use whichever you want.


    I love you. Updated with the new Demonwing Assault Ship, thanks to Supersharks!
  • supersharkssupersharks Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sure thing. Its

  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I need the new jet :'(
    I need to use it for my vampire swashbuckler the Scarlet Pipistrelle
    I need to use it for my boomerang tossing stealthy superhero inspired by her famous ancestor (before Scarlet Pipistrelle turned up again and it was learned she was a vampire) to fight crime under the name the Crimson Chiroptera
    I need it because it just Looks So Coool!

    Please please please twll me that this will be turning up in the Z store with less slots and some extremely minor cosmetic difference that doesn't significantly change it's coolness because i'm not lucky or rich enough to have much chance of getting this out of the few lockboxes i can afford to open to try to get the costume unlock.
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Update: i opened 10 boxes, the most i could afford to, to get some drifter salvage and hopefully get the costume set, i didn't get the costume but got the demonwing on box 3. :biggrin:
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Some of the information in the post in incorrect, some of the slotting is incorrect.

    If you're just going to use them for travel, 4 slotters are fine. You NEED 4 weapon slots to get the best out of it. 3 is passable, but you definitely want four.

  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nbkxs wrote: »
    Some of the information in the post in incorrect, some of the slotting is incorrect.

    Oops, did i screw something up? What's wrong, please say so i can fix as fast as possible ^,..^
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The two that jumped out at me right away were the boulder, and ridgeback. The ridgeback has 2 defense 1 support, the boulder has 2 support, 1 defense.

    I'll take more time later to go over every detail to see if I can spot anymore errors.

  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    nbkxs wrote: »
    The two that jumped out at me right away were the boulder, and ridgeback. The ridgeback has 2 defense 1 support, the boulder has 2 support, 1 defense.

    I'll take more time later to go over every detail to see if I can spot anymore errors.


    Thanks! Fixed.
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so why isn't this stickied yet?
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    New Akema VTOL added. Thank you, @Dscnt for the pics!
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I am assuming this vehicle will remain unchanged visually so I have pictures.



    Attributes: ATT: 5, DEF: 4, SPD: 3
    Slots: 3 Weapon, 2 Defensive, 2 Support
    How to acquire: [Winter Wonderland Lockbox]
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Updated with the new Sleigh (Thanks Raven, you're the sweetest) and added the zen price for all zen vehicles. Also fixed the Wild Eagle and Wasp, that previously said that they came from the lockbox but they're zen-store only.
  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They should have given it the ice slide fx. :<
  • nox989nox989 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thread Resurrection! <.<

    I'm a newbie to the game, so please forgive me for asking a newbie question... but...

    Is there any way to get just a regular motorcycle in the game? Maybe something that toggles a super-speed movement mode or something? :/ Even a horse would be fantastic, if possible.

    I'd love to know, and if there is one, how do I go about getting it? I don't see it in the list on the first page, so I'm hoping (sorry) that the list isn't quite complete.

    Thanks for any and all responses. :)
  • jerax1011jerax1011 Posts: 974 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nox989 wrote: »
    Thread Resurrection! <.<

    I'm a newbie to the game, so please forgive me for asking a newbie question... but...

    Is there any way to get just a regular motorcycle in the game? Maybe something that toggles a super-speed movement mode or something? :/ Even a horse would be fantastic, if possible.

    I'd love to know, and if there is one, how do I go about getting it? I don't see it in the list on the first page, so I'm hoping (sorry) that the list isn't quite complete.

    Thanks for any and all responses. :)

    Sadly, there are no ground vehicles, they are all flying. It's been confirmed from community moderators that it's not something that they can implement in the game for now. But those of us who want them are still holding out some hope they'll appear one day.
    @Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
  • alexofspades#2085 alexofspades Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Added two new vehicles, Grav Bike Arrowhead and Grav Bike Adder, currently only available on the Test Server. Also tagged them as "New!" so they're easier to find.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Not gonna lie, that arrowhead is sexy.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
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