Hi there, I've recently started to upload some videos and will put up links on this thread so people can see them. I don't want any trolling and I am not only going to upload duels and BASH's that I win. I want to upload various parts of PvP in CO from a different point of view. (the squishy stealth guy instead of the super tank)
I hope you enjoy the videos and new players may learn from them as I did when watching videos from shaguar, malware and others.
Well I believe these video's still give something different to what other's have posted in the past so I'll stand my ground there. You done trolling yet? Although it was to be expected from you and sters.
Well I believe these video's still give something different to what other's have posted in the past so I'll stand my ground there. You done trolling yet? Although it was to be expected from you and STERS(?).
Ow come on, that ain't trollin...if you want a "Nice vids keep it up" generic kind of thing, it's okay...
Ow come on, that ain't trollin...if you want a "Nice vids keep it up" generic kind of thing, it's okay...
Whatever comment you make I well know that it will be something to troll, do you even play CO anymore? Anyway this isn't the topic, quit trying to manipulate threads.
Whatever comment you make I well know that it will be something to troll, do you even play CO anymore? Anyway this isn't the topic, quit trying to manipulate threads.
Very cool videoss yess I should fix up my Sony Vegas so I can post some vids too!! I've got lotsa materiall from various bash gayms. KA-KA!!!!!!!
I was randomly looking back on the threads from ages ago and randomly watched your really old video with sters and murandamus in BASH. Oh tell me great penny, how on earth do you get a character pop up like that?
Well I believe these video's still give something different to what other's have posted in the past
I think it's great more and more people are starting to post CO PvP videos, but keep in mind you're certainly not being original and you kinda sound like a jerk when you say stuff like this.
For example, this video is over a year old and features a squishy stealth guy with Manipulator toggled. Sound familiar?
But that's me nitpicking your ego. Like I said, it's good more people are making videos.
EDIT: Everyone's perspective is unique and interesting to watch, therefor anyone's video is "giving something different."
I think it's great more and more people are starting to post CO PvP videos, but keep in mind you're certainly not being original and you kinda sound like a jerk when you say stuff like this.
For example, this video is over a year old and features a squishy stealth guy with Manipulator toggled. Sound familiar?
But that's me nitpicking your ego. Like I said, it's good more people are making videos.
You totally skip over 'I hope you enjoy the videos and new players may learn from them as I did when watching videos from shaguar, malware and others.' I didn't mean to say that you guys weren't original, you each have your own styles and such. What I meant was that I could (and I believe I can) offer something different CO video wise. I am still trying to capture videos although the PvP mainly seems to be going on at weekends at the moment. I haven't seen you recently but I have now changed back to ice form instead of night warrior, the fact was I never even really used SS anyway I was only NW for the stealth.
I wouldn't expect you to care much for anything done by me. Hell if I was a new player with a clean slate and nothing that has happened in our past you certainly wouldn't have come in so strongly here. I apologise if you have taken any offence from the things I have said, I didn't mean to cause any.
Anyway I also want to level up a new character to try and remake a butchers blade build again too.
I was randomly looking back on the threads from ages ago and randomly watched your really old video with sters and murandamus in BASH. Oh tell me great penny, how on earth do you get a character pop up like that?
kakakakakakaak kakaka.
There is a 'green screen' room in powerhouse where you can take screenshots of yer chars with that green background and you can make it transparent in yer movie maker. I dont have Sony Vegas anymore so I can't tell you how do I make myself pop like that xD I don't remember.
New BASH video is up, also I am currently making a collection of kills video which is currently at 2 minutes, I just feel a lot of people don't like watching the really long BASH videos sometimes as they have too much downtime in them. Plus I kinda suck in duels against anyone with MD.
I don't know where people can view it from though as it says the song used cannot be heard by certain countries. I suppose it was sort of obviously going to happen using 'always look on the bright side of life.'
I don't know where people can view it from though as it says the song used cannot be heard by certain countries. I suppose it was sort of obviously going to happen using 'always look on the bright side of life.'
This video contains content from zojakworldwide, EMI Music Publishing and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
I don't know where people can view it from though as it says the song used cannot be heard by certain countries. I suppose it was sort of obviously going to happen using 'always look on the bright side of life.'
I don't know where people can view it from though as it says the song used cannot be heard by certain countries. I suppose it was sort of obviously going to happen using 'always look on the bright side of life.'
Lol, USA is too religious it seems. Why does religion hate monty python's life of brian so? I may have to put some different music to it as an 'American version' because Americans apparently take offence to the music. <.<
Lol, USA is too religious it seems. Why does religion hate monty python's life of brian so? I may have to put some different music to it as an 'American version' because Americans apparently take offence to the music. <.<
Generalize much? If you weren't such a youtube n00b, you'd know using copyright material can cause problems in general. Especially a well-known song from a classic popular film.
Generalize much? If you weren't such a youtube n00b, you'd know using copyright material can cause problems in general. Especially a well-known song from a classic popular film.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Well I believe these video's still give something different to what other's have posted in the past so I'll stand my ground there. You done trolling yet?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Ow come on, that ain't trollin...if you want a "Nice vids keep it up" generic kind of thing, it's okay...
Whatever comment you make I well know that it will be something to troll, do you even play CO anymore?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
@Pallih in game
Yes, I'm just retconin'.
I was randomly looking back on the threads from ages ago and randomly watched your really old video with sters and murandamus in BASH. Oh tell me great penny, how on earth do you get a character pop up like that?
kakakakakakaak kakaka.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
I think it's great more and more people are starting to post CO PvP videos, but keep in mind you're certainly not being original and you kinda sound like a jerk when you say stuff like this.
For example, this video is over a year old and features a squishy stealth guy with Manipulator toggled. Sound familiar?
But that's me nitpicking your ego. Like I said, it's good more people are making videos.
EDIT: Everyone's perspective is unique and interesting to watch, therefor anyone's video is "giving something different."
You totally skip over 'I hope you enjoy the videos and new players may learn from them as I did when watching videos from shaguar, malware and others.' I didn't mean to say that you guys weren't original, you each have your own styles and such. What I meant was that I could (and I believe I can) offer something different CO video wise. I am still trying to capture videos although the PvP mainly seems to be going on at weekends at the moment. I haven't seen you recently but I have now changed back to ice form instead of night warrior, the fact was I never even really used SS anyway I was only NW for the stealth.
I wouldn't expect you to care much for anything done by me. Hell if I was a new player with a clean slate and nothing that has happened in our past you certainly wouldn't have come in so strongly here. I apologise if you have taken any offence from the things I have said, I didn't mean to cause any.
Anyway I also want to level up a new character to try and remake a butchers blade build again too.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Aghahaha ubtri nailed it with that one.
There is a 'green screen' room in powerhouse where you can take screenshots of yer chars with that green background and you can make it transparent in yer movie maker. I dont have Sony Vegas anymore so I can't tell you how do I make myself pop like that xD I don't remember.
Oh I had Ego primary in dat movie, good yes?
@Pallih in game
smackwell you are such an idiot.
Impossible is nothing.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Make sure you do plenty of shaky-cam, zoom in and out, and blurred peripheral fx with teh skrill3x drops.
Well seeing as 90% of the kills are lucidity it may suit it rather well. ;D
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Colour filters and a touch of After Effects.
Circus music and the sounds of babies crying?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
don't forget to zoom in on the shoes lil nooblet
It's a must for any epic video....
WAIT, what are you doing here?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
workin', son
Now for the second half hopefully of my new haymaker build.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Thankyou for your valuable comment. xD
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
smackwell you are such an idiot.
Impossible is nothing.
I try to oblige!
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I tried not to only have lucidity in it this time though. ;D It also shows the failure that is melee in comparison to the current FOTM.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
<-- Does this look like a FACE of MERCY?
I am a melee! I have Dragon Uppercut! ... And Strafing Run. And rimefire. Hhhuh. AND A LUNGE!
yess yess veri thanks for vids very fun to watch.
@Pallih in game
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
also spinnytop, how boring, everyone is using the same build!!!!! wait.. I am in it? nevermind, epic vid!!
@Pallih in game
awww penny ruining the phenomenon of the page 4ness.
Damn I really shouldn't start doing what you do and post drunk, ah well.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
@Pallih in game
This is news to me * 3 *
Yay for random drawings done in paint in a couple of minutes with a mouse! <.< Boo to not being able to actually using [ IMG ] code!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Hoho that's nice. :biggrin: You should draw Penny am sure it would be beautiful!!!
@Pallih in game
It is highlights from a luci-BASH, watch it here: http://youtu.be/KNDCI5H0Jh0
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
It was a random team duel we did in the desert, watch it here: http://youtu.be/eB7kgQVCPVs
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
I don't know where people can view it from though as it says the song used cannot be heard by certain countries. I suppose it was sort of obviously going to happen using 'always look on the bright side of life.'
Watch eeet 'ere: http://youtu.be/AuCUXV2VlAM
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
This video contains content from zojakworldwide, EMI Music Publishing and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Greece is fine with it ! XD
Oh man...never seen such a score before...
Maybe just let her be now? You over farmed it. Haha
works here guv'na.
:biggrin: veri gud yes kewl videos
@Pallih in game
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Lol, USA is too religious it seems. Why does religion hate monty python's life of brian so? I may have to put some different music to it as an 'American version' because Americans apparently take offence to the music. <.<
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Generalize much? If you weren't such a youtube n00b, you'd know using copyright material can cause problems in general. Especially a well-known song from a classic popular film.
Lol, I was joking. >.> Calm it.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Whatever, toothless git :biggrin:
@Pallih in game