i've done my fair share of naysaying, but when there is a hint of forward progress, even if it is a small one, there is reason to (at least) adopt the attitude of wait and see rather than shooting it down right out of the gate.
I'm not saying don't be skeptical, history is history, and there's p. good reasons for it, but when it starts becoming spiteful it's time to take a step back. Pessimism doesn't accomplish anything for anyone.
I think you mean "if you come to the forum and actively insult people and cry for them to stop liking what you don't like people will kick you out because you're "a whiner"."
seeing as how that's what happened here and all
Very much this. The OP isn't "complaining," s/he's just spreading hate and endorsing the game's failure like a certain poster who isn't around anymore.
And I dare anyone to call me, of all people, a "cheerleader" for this post.
Really... This is just an obvious troll thread. I'm wondering how long it'll be until TT or a CM shuts it down.
Though I did have a laugh at the "fanboi" insults. If the OP only knew who he was really talking to. Those "fanboi"s have probably been among the most vocally critical of CO on the forums.
Off Topic? Yes. Typical derailing by the same people? Yes.
Let's attack the messenger and redirect the discussion and fuel more anger.
Now an image macro for those with comprehension disabilities.
Seeing that you responded to Kojiro who specifically quoted my name, I have to assume that this comment was directed at me.
Off topic? I answered the OP on topic with regards to their question. I also addressed the OP's claim of people who continue to play the game as people who enjoy being abused and stated why such a claim can be insulting.
No one has attacked the messenger for the message itself. I don't see anyone disputing the fact that the team chat bug has been around too long and needs to be fixed.
Also, I find it amusing how someone accuses others of having "comprehension disabilities" when they themselves show a lack of reading comprehension.
Welcome to Champions, a game where there is a lot to complain about, but if you complain people will kick you out because you're "a whiner".
You need to identify the context of the complaint in this thread to which people are finding issues with. It has nothing to do with bugs or management of the game.
Considering this is the internet, you must have a pretty loose definition of "knowing" someone.
I'm pretty sure the definition has nothing to do with knowing someone on a personal level, and has to do with a posting history that defines that someone's stance on a particular subject.
I'm pretty sure the definition has nothing to do with knowing someone on a personal level, and has to do with a posting history that defines that someone's stance on a particular subject.
I am not trying to be snarky or dramatic, it just utterly throws me that someone would think that.
And, again, not trying to score 'points,' but have you played many other mmos? Does it come from 'I am disinterested in scifi and fantasy'?
By way of comparison, it's like someone saying 'McDonald's is the best restaurant out there.' I don't hate McDonald's, but..:
i thnk people come to games for different things. the basic mmo mechanics have not changed or evolved much in a number of recent mmos, pretty much it has been a refinement of everquest, and the under the hood mechanics are likely much much older, so yeah, if having a feeling of ownership of your character, that you created a character to look the way you want without regard to gear/stats or limited money sinks like transmogrification, then yes, co is actually the best mmo for people like myself. because we hate having pre defined looks for our characters.
I'm giving ffXIv a try right now, it was on sale and...its fundamentally ok, but my miquote pugilist looks like most other miquote fighter class characters in the game of my general level. so did my draeni monk, and my iksar warrior. but my heroes..some have had general similarities to mine, but he feeling of creating a character that feels uniquely my own, that gives em a real identity beyond dps/tank/support is a powerful thing. its why a lot of us are still very angry at a certain Korean company, because if they had wiped my elementalist form one of their titles..id be annoyed but she was the sum of a series of mechanics that defined her. but when they took rian frostdrake away from me, they took as close to a piece of art from me as im likely to ever make in the visual medium.
so yeah, that co languishes in neglect is a secret to nobody but a few posters, but for those of us who are here to spend 50 minutes in the tailor and possibly as long in the powerhouse, there is no other game in town. and no, the other superhero mmo does not stack up in customization, i wish it did because it kind of has actual content being made, but the limitations are such that it may as well be another blizzard game clone.
maybe what some of us are showing from radio's post isnt exactly irrational exhuberance but the grim realization that love it or leave it, there is simply no other option.
Really... This is just an obvious troll thread. I'm wondering how long it'll be until TT or a CM shuts it down.
Though I did have a laugh at the "fanboi" insults. If the OP only knew who he was really talking to. Those "fanboi"s have probably been among the most vocally critical of CO on the forums.
In Babylon 5 this would be described as "a frank and forthright discussion"(quote Captain Elizabeth lockley)
similar to a flaming row but slightly more polite.
maybe what some of us are showing from radio's post isnt exactly irrational exhuberance but the grim realization that love it or leave it, there is simply no other option.
And that's the biggest problem I've tried the other, checking it out many times, and it's customization doesn't compare, and neither does the powersets.
I don't like fish. Anyone who eats fish has stockholme syndrome, or some other mental disorder. Wake up people! Only idiots with mental problems like to eat fish!
One time I bought a fish sandwich... I bit into it, started chewing.. and oh my god it was gross! Why, after I realized I didn't like fish, do other people continue to buy and eat fish?!? And the people at the fast food joint wouldn't even give me my money back even though I didn't like their product!
But tell you what, if you stop eating fish and join me in telling other people that they're dumb for buying fish, then I will think you are smart and cool and sane just like me.
If you need convincing I have a bunch of pictures I took of some people who don't like fish making ew faces while I hold a raw trout up to their nose.
Oh and all you fish loving cheerleaders, don't even bother responding, because you know I'm right and are either too full of ego to admit it, or too dumb,
I don't like fish. Anyone who eats fish has stockholme syndrome, or some other mental disorder. Wake up people! Only idiots with mental problems like to eat fish!
One time I bought a fish sandwich... I bit into it, started chewing.. and oh my god it was gross! Why, after I realized I didn't like fish, do other people continue to buy and eat fish?!? And the people at the fast food joint wouldn't even give me my money back even though I didn't like their product!
But tell you what, if you stop eating fish and join me in telling other people that they're dumb for buying fish, then I will think you are smart and cool and sane just like me.
If you need convincing I have a bunch of pictures I took of some people who don't like fish making ew faces while I hold a raw trout up to their nose.
Oh and all you fish loving cheerleaders, don't even bother responding, because you know I'm right and are either too full of ego to admit it, or too dumb,
Oh and all you fish loving cheerleaders, don't even bother responding, because you know I'm right and are either too full of ego to admit it, or too dumb,
Are you calling me a cheerleader? Didn't you read my unhinged rant last November over the Great Chilean Sea Bass Nerf of 2012? Salmon is so OP now!
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Spinnytop's metaphor would only be correct if we bought fish because we liked fish, but when we opened the box there was only a cardboard cut of a fish. There's only 2% chance of getting an actual fish from the fish box - you have to spend over one hundred dollars to get a single actual fish to eat. While all other food on the supermarket gets you what you pay for straight up and honest, this fish uses this unethical scam. Oh, and when you actually get the fish, its old and rotten. Did i mention its filled with bugs eating it? And if you dare to complain, you'll be labeled a whiner and people will tell you to leave and buy other food if you dont like gambling for rotten crap. And you try to tell people that they shouldnt be supporting this unhealthy, dishonest business but they overreact at you and you are shunned. All you wanted was some fried fish for lunch (it goes well with rice) but look at the load of trouble you got from wanting it. That's what you get for liking fish - that's what you get for trying to be nice.
The fish is the game. Champions Online is not acquired from a lockbox... it is acquired from the Champions Online website or Steam.
Did I really just have to explain that?
Side Note: When you're accusing people of being mean to you because you complain, and the people you are accusing consistently point out that they themselves have complained in the past and not suffered your fate, then it's time to take a look at what your doing and figure out what the difference is and why you feel you're being victimized when others aren't.
The cardboard cut fish is also a fish. You can eat it if you want. You can also pretend its good. Its not a real fish, but you can pretend its the real thing. Just like the majority of our updates revolve around lockboxes - if you want to try the new, tasty stuff (since we have already played and replayed the old, stale content for four years)... time to try gambling. Or you can re-play all the Good Ol' Westside quests you already have done 87 times with all of your alts. Tasty like cardboard. Get it?
You know what, i'll follow your guys advice. Instead of staying here and criticizing this crazy system you guys insist on endorsing, i'll just leave. I have already left the game, and since the forums have become more like a civil war, i better quit too. I'll only come to update the Vehicles Gallery. Bye forums! Call me when we get a level cap raise and five or so new zones.
Disclaimer: No, you cant haz my stuff. I already donated it to my SG.
I play games I enjoy to have fun, and I spend money on things I enjoy because I enjoy them. Being told I am stupid for enjoying something you do not is insulting.
There's always someone that doesn't get it. Fortunately they're prone to reveal themselves so we can mark them unfit for breeding.
Sounds like you didnt get what i typed. Read my two posts on this page. Thankfully, i'm not as rude as you and i wont insult you because i dont find that necessary. (You may also notice i never insulted anyone here but Cryptic.)
Sounds like you didnt get what i typed. Read my two posts on this page. Thankfully, i'm not as rude as you and i wont insult you because i dont find that necessary. (You may also notice i never insulted anyone here but Cryptic.)
I stopped caring about other peoples' feelings when I learned a long time ago that no one cared about mine.
I also got what you typed. I just know it's wrong.
And this restaurant is the ONLY one around with all these varieties of fish and fish dishes, sandwiches, and so on -- nothing else comes close.
But there's trash on the floor we keep telling the staff to clean up... there's a wrapper behind the counter that I KNOW has been there since last Christmas. They haven't restocked the salad bar since July. And they keep making new meal deals for burgers and fries -- we didn't come here for BURGER AND FRIES. Sell me some damned fish!
Hello? Where the heck is the staff? I want fish!!
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Well, as evident from the recent dev-created thread, something's finally being done about the trash on the floor. While I'm not expecting a miracle, the fact that someone from Cryptic North posted here is reassuring that things might be heading somewhere for once.
And this restaurant is the ONLY one around with all these varieties of fish and fish dishes, sandwiches, and so on -- nothing else comes close.
But there's trash on the floor we keep telling the staff to clean up... there's a wrapper behind the counter that I KNOW has been there since last Christmas. They haven't restocked the salad bar since July. And they keep making new meal deals for burgers and fries -- we didn't come here for BURGER AND FRIES. Sell me some damned fish!
Hello? Where the heck is the staff? I want fish!!
If my local favorite food place had garbage on the floor and all those other problems, and those problems made it so unpleasant to eat there that I could no longer enjoy their cheeseburger grinders... I would just eat somewhere else until they cleaned the place up... even if they're the only place on the planet that serves cheeseburger grinders.
Then again I'm not as obsessed with food as some people around here.
I'm guessing it has something to do with sunk costs...
It's the joyous rapture at a little more than the bare minimum being done that's... bizarre and questionable.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm not saying don't be skeptical, history is history, and there's p. good reasons for it, but when it starts becoming spiteful it's time to take a step back. Pessimism doesn't accomplish anything for anyone.
Very much this. The OP isn't "complaining," s/he's just spreading hate and endorsing the game's failure like a certain poster who isn't around anymore.
And I dare anyone to call me, of all people, a "cheerleader" for this post.
It'll provide me that much more amusement.
And this game is great.
Though I did have a laugh at the "fanboi" insults. If the OP only knew who he was really talking to. Those "fanboi"s have probably been among the most vocally critical of CO on the forums.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Seeing that you responded to Kojiro who specifically quoted my name, I have to assume that this comment was directed at me.
Off topic? I answered the OP on topic with regards to their question. I also addressed the OP's claim of people who continue to play the game as people who enjoy being abused and stated why such a claim can be insulting.
No one has attacked the messenger for the message itself. I don't see anyone disputing the fact that the team chat bug has been around too long and needs to be fixed.
Also, I find it amusing how someone accuses others of having "comprehension disabilities" when they themselves show a lack of reading comprehension.
You need to identify the context of the complaint in this thread to which people are finding issues with. It has nothing to do with bugs or management of the game.
Considering this is the internet, you must have a pretty loose definition of "knowing" someone.
I'm pretty sure the definition has nothing to do with knowing someone on a personal level, and has to do with a posting history that defines that someone's stance on a particular subject.
Then I would say he/she misspoke.
No, you just misunderstood.
LOL. And I thought the piano was easy to play. You, sir/madame, are as predictable as the tides.
i thnk people come to games for different things. the basic mmo mechanics have not changed or evolved much in a number of recent mmos, pretty much it has been a refinement of everquest, and the under the hood mechanics are likely much much older, so yeah, if having a feeling of ownership of your character, that you created a character to look the way you want without regard to gear/stats or limited money sinks like transmogrification, then yes, co is actually the best mmo for people like myself. because we hate having pre defined looks for our characters.
I'm giving ffXIv a try right now, it was on sale and...its fundamentally ok, but my miquote pugilist looks like most other miquote fighter class characters in the game of my general level. so did my draeni monk, and my iksar warrior. but my heroes..some have had general similarities to mine, but he feeling of creating a character that feels uniquely my own, that gives em a real identity beyond dps/tank/support is a powerful thing. its why a lot of us are still very angry at a certain Korean company, because if they had wiped my elementalist form one of their titles..id be annoyed but she was the sum of a series of mechanics that defined her. but when they took rian frostdrake away from me, they took as close to a piece of art from me as im likely to ever make in the visual medium.
so yeah, that co languishes in neglect is a secret to nobody but a few posters, but for those of us who are here to spend 50 minutes in the tailor and possibly as long in the powerhouse, there is no other game in town. and no, the other superhero mmo does not stack up in customization, i wish it did because it kind of has actual content being made, but the limitations are such that it may as well be another blizzard game clone.
maybe what some of us are showing from radio's post isnt exactly irrational exhuberance but the grim realization that love it or leave it, there is simply no other option.
In Babylon 5 this would be described as "a frank and forthright discussion"(quote Captain Elizabeth lockley)
similar to a flaming row but slightly more polite.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
And that's the biggest problem
I'm thinking this is more like "opening a 'dialog'".
I don't like fish. Anyone who eats fish has stockholme syndrome, or some other mental disorder. Wake up people! Only idiots with mental problems like to eat fish!
One time I bought a fish sandwich... I bit into it, started chewing.. and oh my god it was gross! Why, after I realized I didn't like fish, do other people continue to buy and eat fish?!? And the people at the fast food joint wouldn't even give me my money back even though I didn't like their product!
But tell you what, if you stop eating fish and join me in telling other people that they're dumb for buying fish, then I will think you are smart and cool and sane just like me.
If you need convincing I have a bunch of pictures I took of some people who don't like fish making ew faces while I hold a raw trout up to their nose.
Oh and all you fish loving cheerleaders, don't even bother responding, because you know I'm right and are either too full of ego to admit it, or too dumb,
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Are you calling me a cheerleader? Didn't you read my unhinged rant last November over the Great Chilean Sea Bass Nerf of 2012? Salmon is so OP now!
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
THAT is the correct metaphor.
Did I really just have to explain that?
Side Note: When you're accusing people of being mean to you because you complain, and the people you are accusing consistently point out that they themselves have complained in the past and not suffered your fate, then it's time to take a look at what your doing and figure out what the difference is and why you feel you're being victimized when others aren't.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You know what, i'll follow your guys advice. Instead of staying here and criticizing this crazy system you guys insist on endorsing, i'll just leave. I have already left the game, and since the forums have become more like a civil war, i better quit too. I'll only come to update the Vehicles Gallery. Bye forums! Call me when we get a level cap raise and five or so new zones.
Disclaimer: No, you cant haz my stuff. I already donated it to my SG.
I play games I enjoy to have fun, and I spend money on things I enjoy because I enjoy them. Being told I am stupid for enjoying something you do not is insulting.
There's always someone that doesn't get it. Fortunately they're prone to reveal themselves so we can mark them unfit for breeding.
Sounds like you didnt get what i typed. Read my two posts on this page. Thankfully, i'm not as rude as you and i wont insult you because i dont find that necessary. (You may also notice i never insulted anyone here but Cryptic.)
I stopped caring about other peoples' feelings when I learned a long time ago that no one cared about mine.
I also got what you typed. I just know it's wrong.
And this restaurant is the ONLY one around with all these varieties of fish and fish dishes, sandwiches, and so on -- nothing else comes close.
But there's trash on the floor we keep telling the staff to clean up... there's a wrapper behind the counter that I KNOW has been there since last Christmas. They haven't restocked the salad bar since July. And they keep making new meal deals for burgers and fries -- we didn't come here for BURGER AND FRIES. Sell me some damned fish!
Hello? Where the heck is the staff? I want fish!!
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
If my local favorite food place had garbage on the floor and all those other problems, and those problems made it so unpleasant to eat there that I could no longer enjoy their cheeseburger grinders... I would just eat somewhere else until they cleaned the place up... even if they're the only place on the planet that serves cheeseburger grinders.
Then again I'm not as obsessed with food as some people around here.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
... what is that? ... is that food inside of food?
Grease fights hangovers!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.