Hey all you mission lovers! Impress me with your knowledge of missions, convince me that missions are interesting! List the mission that you think it is the most interesting in terms of gameplay mechanics. If you make it sound enticing enough, I'll actually go do it! If you're an over-achiever, make a top 3 list.
1,2,3 GO!
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
"In terms of gameplay mechanics?" - CO generally now is just DPS everything and run.
However interesting missions...
-(Preceded by Brain Engage) PSI-cohnaut - You follow up a recent disturbance in the City Centre, PSI vs ARGENT. The unusual thing is that PSI is out for blood, they have viciously attacked ARGENT and are tearing apart the minds of the ARGENT soldiers, you go inside to put a halt to the violence. You fight through the mentalists before reaching a certain Evan Fox, the assault team leader who explains to you that ARGENT have stolen a PSI member named Adina Munroe, who happens to be a proto path (the ability to alter reality with her mind) and all PSI want is her to be released. You must fight through the remaining ARGENT and make your way to Adina, enter her psyche and put a stop to the damage ARGENT have done, before she lashes out and destroys reality....
-(Preceded by Betrayal by Bocchieri) Dojo a go-go - After learning information from Bocchieri, you head back to Redsnake's Dojo to find it filled with New Shadows Vampires learning martial arts of various sorts, including Redsnake's Vibora Bay Carmesi. You fight your way through the vampires to find Redsnake under the exclusive control of Courtney Olmacher, a telepath working for the New Shadows, his psychic bond with Redsnake's mind makes him invulnerable until you break the link, this can only be done by defeating Redsnake. Once you have freed Redsnake you must take out Courtney Olmacher....
-(Preceded by a number of missions) PSI-ed Effects - You notice that Corporal Harrison is acting oddly and has been sending you on a few strange missions. You speak to Kinetik about it only to discover that something is seriously wrong with him, he is being controlled by Medusa!! You must go to her office and defeat her severing the mind control link at it's source....
As you can probably guess I enjoy PSI related missions or missions with Mentalists in them, sort of my thing :biggrin:
I particularly like PSI-ed Effects for the sheer enjoyment of ending Medusa...:cool:
Well, I think the little girl's nightmare in Aftershock is the best and most creative in terms of mechanics.
A child's home, the night her father was murdered twisted into a nightmare of fear and suffering. Walls and floors covered with pulsing veins and squishy mist. A little abused girl being hunted by her insane mother who wants to kill her. You must guide her to safety using only the sound of her own name (in local chat).
And to address theravenforce, there's only one fight and damage isn't really the most important thing since it's not particularly hard.
However, it's not really a mission since it's from Aftershock.
I will admit my favorite mission has nothing to do with mechanics, and that's beating up the sparkly vampire in Vibora Bay. I just like kicking around the lead from Twilight.
I haven't played Aftershock in an eternity. It is indeed a good mission.
Interesting game mechanics. Hm. Maybe the statues in Therakiel's lair, and the mirrors during the fight against Therakiel. You need to redirect the light from one point to the next, requires team coordination. If someone makes a mistake someone else dies. Therakiel's Lair has some unusual features.
A "mission" where I lost track last time was when the mayor's daughter gets abducted. You can find and save her, but you have to look for her yourself. If you just click through the missions you won't find her. It's... I think about level 18 in Millennium City.
Aftershock overall is great, and the mission in the little girl's house is the best.
I also really enjoy the Nemesis mission in the gold mine, saving the expy of Lara Croft.
I like Dockside Dustup, since it is a little different than most other missions, and it is by no means an autowin when you first hit the level to qualify.
Finally, I like the West Side mission with the amulet, A Secret Sale--you find a clue on a mob, track down some demons, then track down some bad people making a deal. It connects to the DEMON stuff later on, which is nice. The first time I got this mission, I could not find the really small mission circles on the map, too--I actually had to investigate parts of the city to find the right places for the mission.
Disguises and Devices Missions:
A walk in the park, gives a vendor disguise.
Talos Takedown, gives a purple gang disguise
Word of the Weasel, gives a maniac disguise
Not a moment to lose, gives a fire extinguisher
Take me to your leader gives you disco goggles
Harmon Convergence will get you a smoke bomb
The Banish Imposition gives you [Quaternion Banishment]. All the cool kids are doing it.
Queen City will get your noob RP lowbie friends into Queen City without having to be leveled up.
Stitch in Time Grab Alert powerhouse will get your noob RP lowbie friends into level 38+ Vibora Bay without having to be leveled up. This is a troll filter. Think about it.
Anniversary gives you healing cake, disco balls, sparkly suits, robot dance gear free new emotes would be nice this year, hint hint hint.
Halloween event gives you pumpkins party favors and temp monster becomes.
Bloodmoon has crypts to raid for more dark crypt treasure than you can deal with.
Everyone else seems to get the widget that does some bubbles of healing love.
Winter event gives you body parts. WTF?
January there's usually another dev or two missing.
Thats not a mission, but maybe its related.
Horror and the Hemoglobin/Route 666 - a citizen acting strangely gets your attention and you uncover a ghastly plot by Demon. Not much fighting but you save a bunch of citizens. It's so subtle I guess a lorra people miss it.
Deep Sea Detente - a battle to regain control of a soviet sub to prevent your nemesis wiping out Lemuria and starting a massive tsunami.
But that is only a smokescreen to conceal the main event...
All That Glitters - Best voiceovers in the game "One human cannot possibly quench my undying thirst" that is soooo bad ****. I preferred the ghost cowboy version of the Drifter tho!
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
I quite like Whiteout part 3's change of pace. Interrogation, identifying imposters, trying to determine what's going on instead of just killing everything in sight and then BAM! Horror in the third bunker.
Edit: Thanks for linking Not a Moment to Lose. Didn't realize I forgot to change the mission name when I reformatted/copypasted it. Fixed now!
I like this one because it's the only mission I know of that is purely about saving people and not at all about defeating an enemy.
I particularly enjoy it now that they fixed the bug that had made lifted objects invisible so I can see the big rocks I'm holding over the trapped people.
My all time favorite is a UNITY special mission - "Cazulon vs. Miniature Hero":
You are shrunk down to toy size and venture through a cardboard city scape to take down Cazulon before the Qularr can restore him to full size and release him to rampage through MC.
Great environment with destructible building walls.
runners up:
2. Bunker Buster - Nemesis mission - lots of Super Villains but 50/50 chance of bugging out on end encounter with your nemesis.
3. Exhibit Hall Enmity - UNITY special mission - destroy Elder Worm gems without killing the enthralled humans protecting them. Forces you to use single target attack.
4. Operation Stranglehold - take down Menton in Stronghold prison.
5. Whiteout 2: Ice Station Alpaca - love the haunting atmosphere.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
I forget the mission names and right now too lazy to look it up but its the quest line in Canada in Renegade Run Paintball Camp. Being a paintball fanatic I always liked doing those quests.
cellarrat33: Cazulon!!! I love that UNITY mission too. It makes me cheer with delight when I get it. Mostly because I love the environment with the cardboard cut out buildings and such.
Demonflame used to be one of my favorite Action Packs, I enjoyed the atmosphere of the towers, the Demonkey had a kick-**** voice actor and script. However, I swear Luthor Black at the end has gotten exponentially more difficult than say a year or so ago. I just can't beat him now, he spams buffs on his summons so many times that they just pound me to dust through when I'm blocking (I'm pounded to atoms if I don't block). But when that fight was working right, it's nice in that straight DPS is not the answer.
I like the little Nemesis clue mission, "Kaiju Island Surprise". It's not much, but I just LOVE seeing my Nemesis minions getting owned by the Teleiosaurus that they tried to control."
A lot of the missions mentioned in this thread are ones I like too.
I avoid 'return to quest giver' missions like Psi-Effects.
But usually hang on to it with hopes of having a team out in City Center looking for quick action.
The Argent building tends to be draining on teams and everyone needs a break after it.
Too much of the same thing for too long, twice.
I avoid 'return to quest giver' missions like Psi-Effects.
But usually hang on to it with hopes of having a team out in City Center looking for quick action.
While I usually do return to quest givers, I know there are cases in which it is enough to go over the crime computer. I haven't tried, but it is thinkable that you never really have to return to the quest giver, if you open the crime computer and click the mission you want to return in there. (Someone please verify or assert that.)
Kodiak, Julie Morgan, Burt, Kinetic and a few others are not in the Crime Computer.
For Psi-Effects, you have to contact Harrison and then contact Kinetic.
While you can contact Harrison in the crime computer, you still need to turn the
final step into the fastest guy who can't be bothered to leave his pimp corner
to meet up with you to solve crimes and has been to lazy to get a cell phone.
While I'm here. Help a Citizen Patrol Missions. Out of Psite particularly should have been the new Fatal Error maps template, with
its stacks of "data archives", winding passages, and incremental elevations.
That could have lead to Mechanical Menace 'on the grid", which the floor texture already has.
That place would just need some intensified lighting and sound effects.
With a finale at Interrupting an Upgrade's big laser I/O.
Question..has anyone even heard of some of the missions I posted? XD
I know 'em. Actually, both the instance missions that Michael Scott Beck are quite nice: Prints Violent and PSI-ed effects
The entirety of Resistance also gets this. I remember back then when the only thing we had to complain about was that guards dropped too many tasers and nightsticks.
I went and tried all these missions. Except for 1 or 2, they're all basically just the same thing you would get in a grab alert, but with weaker mobs. Mechanically, they're all rather stale.
The exception is the one where you're lifting debris off people to save them. It's a shame that whoever made the missions lost interest in that sort of thing so early on.
Folks mentioned adventure packs; adventure packs are pretty neat, and seem to represent the only time anything interesting was being done with mission-based content, so if I were to just run adventure packs over and over while leveling a character then things might actually seem interesting, though for the most part even adventure packs are just areas filled with bags of hit points to slaughter, though their group compositions are a bit more interesting than what you encounter in open world missions, and they also look and feel a lot more interesting.
Open world though, slim pickins; missions where you do something other than pulverize groups of weak untalented henchmen are practically nonexistent, and when it is something different, it's just clicking on objects for no reason other than to satisfy a progress count.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
My favorite is meet the Socrates it requires intelligence, dexterity and endurance to pull it off, then Socrates sends u to kill eggs and it's funny too but then it is even funnier when u go back to Socrates.
The exception is the one where you're lifting debris off people to save them. It's a shame that whoever made the missions lost interest in that sort of thing so early on.
I know, isn't it? That mission is so much what heroing should be about.
Another one that makes me sad, is over in STO they have an "Alert equivalent" called Mine Trap.
It would be so perfect for Champions. There's no big super boss at the end. It's not about defeating a super villain. Instead it's a team mission to save as many civilians as possible from a horrible death.
4 teams divide up a city into quarters, each one has 32 civilians at the start.
Phase 1 tell them to hide in their homes. Some are alien shapeshifters who attack when you talk to them. With mind control powers that cause you to attack your allies and the other civilians.
Phase 2 grab wood and metal and reinforce the houses. All start at 25% hp, each fortification added increases the house by 25%. You can only carry one at a time.
Phase 3 tunnels start opening up and spitting out aliens that attack the houses. Psychic aliens lure civilians out of the houses and try to eat them. At the end of the phase, any surviving houses spit out their civilans who have as many HP as the house survived with. So you don't only try to keep the house alive you got to keep it at high HP.
Phase 4, escort your civilians to a spot where rescue shuttles will come pick them up. There are multiple ambushes along the way, the aliens will keep on mind controlling you into attacking your own team and civilians, plus the civvies will get tired and sit down so you have to encourage them to keep moving.
Phase 5, waves of aliens assault the 4 different landing zones as shuttles come in and take away 3 civilians at a time. Protect them until all are safe.
Rewards scale based on how many total civilians survive out of the potential 128.
This would be such an awesome Champions Alert. And I bet the person who created the rescue people from the fire and fallen rocks mission in Westside would love to make it. If they were still working for CO.
Yeah that's another neat one. You can actually change something about the mission... another one of those things they did once and then never revisited ever again.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I flat out love the foxbat arc in vibora bay, and the taffy winters section. Gameplay-wise? Eh, nothing special. But that hallmarks CO when the writers were skirting that fine line between hilarious and too far to be funny.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
"In terms of gameplay mechanics?" - CO generally now is just DPZ everything and run.
OK now you lost me! What DPZ stands for?
PLease guys if you use any sort of acronyms please, Im begging you write what it means because not everybody know what you want to say by using those acronims!
If you ask me, the most interesting missions in CO are the Saphirre story line in VB (Vibora Bay), "The Early Worm Gets the Bird" in MC (Millenium City) Downtown AND "Cazulon vs Miniature Hero" Overwatch Mission in Downtown Dr. Destroyer Museum! And of course the new arc missions! They are awsome!
I finally had the chance to run "Electro who poly wha" and doomsday device on one of my characters and I gotta say, wow those are awesome as a climax to the nemesis story arc.
First of all, there were some NPCs that I rescued that now I'm jealous of how awesome their pulp-era costumes were.
Second, you had over the top super villain dialog, turning a doomsday device back on itself, interesting mechanics that never got used again, a literal army of minions, and a gorgeous map that also never got used again.
One fight you have to defeat an NPC boss type, then while it is healing beat your nemesis down to a specific percentage so they run off. Kinda hard to solo for some builds but at least it's something a little different.
The army of minions was hilarious. I couldn't zoom out far enough to fit all of them on the screen at once. Very glad I had some decent AoE abilities.
Great story, great design, fun difficulty arc, the annoying character everyone wants to die kills himself (Well, he survives, but it looked like he died and that was good enough), skippable cutscene, Doctor Destroyer, and WRECKING **** WITH GIANT ROBOTS.
Resistance is the best thing that happened to this game after the Vibora Bay Apocalypse (the first time you played it)
Great story, great design, fun difficulty arc, the annoying character everyone wants to die kills himself (Well, he survives, but it looked like he died and that was good enough), skippable cutscene, Doctor Destroyer, and WRECKING **** WITH GIANT ROBOTS.
Resistance is the best thing that happened to this game after the Vibora Bay Apocalypse (the first time you played it)
If Champions had a foundry, I'd love to make a mission that's just the bit about splattering an army as a giant robot.
I could do that over and over and over. It never gets old.
If the devs could implement a few buildings that explode into rubble the way crates and other world objects do, then I could pretend to be godzilla.
Remembrance Of Detroit was another interesting one. It's just reading 3 plaques for lore, but I like how it furthers emphasizes the significance of the Battle of Detroit along with how much of a threat Dr. Destroyer posed to the world. Speaking of which, I don't think we have had any lore heavy content in a while. We've gone backwards with the standardization of item names and the removal of item descriptions.
Grind for the Grind God! Tokens for the Token Throne!
Aftershock would be a nice one for me, if not this heavy idiot ball dropped by writer when hero risks existence of everything on Earth to save only a few soldiers (who are commissioned military people and probably were completely aware that they may die while on duty when going on their Demonhame mission).
Then the Resistance is a nice one as well.
Then Bunker Buster is my next favorite, provided it isn't bugged again. This mission is closest to comic book plot with heroic teamup and pack of superheroes fighting pack of supervillains.
Regular game missions are usually ignored by me. Click "accept", do whatever you have to do, receive your pize - that's all. Not like there is any meaningful writing behind those.
Cazulon vs Miniature Hero happens to be my favorite stand alone mission. You get to fight a "giant" monster, you rescue a scientist that's <gasp> not male, and you get to run around in a micro world. It's just a ton of fun.
Cazulon vs Miniature Hero happens to be my favorite stand alone mission. You get to fight a "giant" monster, you rescue a scientist that's <gasp> not male, and you get to run around in a micro world. It's just a ton of fun.
This mission is awesome, I was thrilled to run it the first time, although it is better when Cazulon has had his nap time U_U" :biggrin::cool:
However interesting missions...
-(Preceded by Brain Engage) PSI-cohnaut - You follow up a recent disturbance in the City Centre, PSI vs ARGENT. The unusual thing is that PSI is out for blood, they have viciously attacked ARGENT and are tearing apart the minds of the ARGENT soldiers, you go inside to put a halt to the violence. You fight through the mentalists before reaching a certain Evan Fox, the assault team leader who explains to you that ARGENT have stolen a PSI member named Adina Munroe, who happens to be a proto path (the ability to alter reality with her mind) and all PSI want is her to be released. You must fight through the remaining ARGENT and make your way to Adina, enter her psyche and put a stop to the damage ARGENT have done, before she lashes out and destroys reality....
-(Preceded by Betrayal by Bocchieri) Dojo a go-go - After learning information from Bocchieri, you head back to Redsnake's Dojo to find it filled with New Shadows Vampires learning martial arts of various sorts, including Redsnake's Vibora Bay Carmesi. You fight your way through the vampires to find Redsnake under the exclusive control of Courtney Olmacher, a telepath working for the New Shadows, his psychic bond with Redsnake's mind makes him invulnerable until you break the link, this can only be done by defeating Redsnake. Once you have freed Redsnake you must take out Courtney Olmacher....
-(Preceded by a number of missions) PSI-ed Effects - You notice that Corporal Harrison is acting oddly and has been sending you on a few strange missions. You speak to Kinetik about it only to discover that something is seriously wrong with him, he is being controlled by Medusa!! You must go to her office and defeat her severing the mind control link at it's source....
As you can probably guess I enjoy PSI related missions or missions with Mentalists in them, sort of my thing :biggrin:
I particularly like PSI-ed Effects for the sheer enjoyment of ending Medusa...:cool:
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
A child's home, the night her father was murdered twisted into a nightmare of fear and suffering. Walls and floors covered with pulsing veins and squishy mist. A little abused girl being hunted by her insane mother who wants to kill her. You must guide her to safety using only the sound of her own name (in local chat).
And to address theravenforce, there's only one fight and damage isn't really the most important thing since it's not particularly hard.
However, it's not really a mission since it's from Aftershock.
I will admit my favorite mission has nothing to do with mechanics, and that's beating up the sparkly vampire in Vibora Bay. I just like kicking around the lead from Twilight.
Interesting game mechanics. Hm. Maybe the statues in Therakiel's lair, and the mirrors during the fight against Therakiel. You need to redirect the light from one point to the next, requires team coordination. If someone makes a mistake someone else dies. Therakiel's Lair has some unusual features.
A "mission" where I lost track last time was when the mayor's daughter gets abducted. You can find and save her, but you have to look for her yourself. If you just click through the missions you won't find her. It's... I think about level 18 in Millennium City.
Characters on Primus DB (and their Nemeses):
Marksmaid | Tenebris (Xalara) | Virtue | Dawnblaze (Sister Nightfall) | Rhinegold: Julie & Magdalena
I also really enjoy the Nemesis mission in the gold mine, saving the expy of Lara Croft.
I like Dockside Dustup, since it is a little different than most other missions, and it is by no means an autowin when you first hit the level to qualify.
Finally, I like the West Side mission with the amulet, A Secret Sale--you find a clue on a mob, track down some demons, then track down some bad people making a deal. It connects to the DEMON stuff later on, which is nice. The first time I got this mission, I could not find the really small mission circles on the map, too--I actually had to investigate parts of the city to find the right places for the mission.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Poe's Penny for Playtime House of Fun.
This is one group:
- That's what friends are for 10
- Museum Rampage 10
- Invasion of the Destroids 18
- Violence against Violet 20
- Demonic Derailment 24
- Weird Psience 26
- ARGENT Agents and Allies 28
*All one door, with a box of Q from Poe in front or back.
There's so much more, all on one or two other doors.
* sure I'm missing something, it should be nine missions.
A walk in the park, gives a vendor disguise.
Talos Takedown, gives a purple gang disguise
Word of the Weasel, gives a maniac disguise
Not a moment to lose, gives a fire extinguisher
Take me to your leader gives you disco goggles
Harmon Convergence will get you a smoke bomb
The Banish Imposition gives you [Quaternion Banishment]. All the cool kids are doing it.
Queen City will get your noob RP lowbie friends into Queen City without having to be leveled up.
Stitch in Time Grab Alert powerhouse will get your noob RP lowbie friends into level 38+ Vibora Bay without having to be leveled up. This is a troll filter. Think about it.
Anniversary gives you healing cake, disco balls, sparkly suits, robot dance gear
free new emotes would be nice this year, hint hint hint.
Halloween event gives you pumpkins party favors and temp monster becomes.
Bloodmoon has crypts to raid for more dark crypt treasure than you can deal with.
Everyone else seems to get the widget that does some bubbles of healing love.
Winter event gives you body parts. WTF?
January there's usually another dev or two missing.
Thats not a mission, but maybe its related.
Deep Sea Detente - a battle to regain control of a soviet sub to prevent your nemesis wiping out Lemuria and starting a massive tsunami.
But that is only a smokescreen to conceal the main event...
All That Glitters - Best voiceovers in the game "One human cannot possibly quench my undying thirst" that is soooo bad ****. I preferred the ghost cowboy version of the Drifter tho!
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Edit: Thanks for linking Not a Moment to Lose. Didn't realize I forgot to change the mission name when I reformatted/copypasted it. Fixed now!
I like this one because it's the only mission I know of that is purely about saving people and not at all about defeating an enemy.
I particularly enjoy it now that they fixed the bug that had made lifted objects invisible so I can see the big rocks I'm holding over the trapped people.
You are shrunk down to toy size and venture through a cardboard city scape to take down Cazulon before the Qularr can restore him to full size and release him to rampage through MC.
Great environment with destructible building walls.
runners up:
2. Bunker Buster - Nemesis mission - lots of Super Villains but 50/50 chance of bugging out on end encounter with your nemesis.
3. Exhibit Hall Enmity - UNITY special mission - destroy Elder Worm gems without killing the enthralled humans protecting them. Forces you to use single target attack.
4. Operation Stranglehold - take down Menton in Stronghold prison.
5. Whiteout 2: Ice Station Alpaca - love the haunting atmosphere.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
Demonflame used to be one of my favorite Action Packs, I enjoyed the atmosphere of the towers, the Demonkey had a kick-**** voice actor and script. However, I swear Luthor Black at the end has gotten exponentially more difficult than say a year or so ago. I just can't beat him now, he spams buffs on his summons so many times that they just pound me to dust through when I'm blocking (I'm pounded to atoms if I don't block). But when that fight was working right, it's nice in that straight DPS is not the answer.
I like the little Nemesis clue mission, "Kaiju Island Surprise". It's not much, but I just LOVE seeing my Nemesis minions getting owned by the Teleiosaurus that they tried to control."
A lot of the missions mentioned in this thread are ones I like too.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
But usually hang on to it with hopes of having a team out in City Center looking for quick action.
The Argent building tends to be draining on teams and everyone needs a break after it.
Too much of the same thing for too long, twice.
The mindscape would make a great alert.
While I usually do return to quest givers, I know there are cases in which it is enough to go over the crime computer. I haven't tried, but it is thinkable that you never really have to return to the quest giver, if you open the crime computer and click the mission you want to return in there. (Someone please verify or assert that.)
Characters on Primus DB (and their Nemeses):
Marksmaid | Tenebris (Xalara) | Virtue | Dawnblaze (Sister Nightfall) | Rhinegold: Julie & Magdalena
For Psi-Effects, you have to contact Harrison and then contact Kinetic.
While you can contact Harrison in the crime computer, you still need to turn the
final step into the fastest guy who can't be bothered to leave his pimp corner
to meet up with you to solve crimes and has been to lazy to get a cell phone.
While I'm here.
Help a Citizen Patrol Missions.
Out of Psite particularly should have been the new Fatal Error maps template, with
its stacks of "data archives", winding passages, and incremental elevations.
That could have lead to Mechanical Menace 'on the grid", which the floor texture already has.
That place would just need some intensified lighting and sound effects.
With a finale at Interrupting an Upgrade's big laser I/O.
Play a Patrol today.
I know 'em. Actually, both the instance missions that Michael Scott Beck are quite nice: Prints Violent and PSI-ed effects
The entirety of Resistance also gets this. I remember back then when the only thing we had to complain about was that guards dropped too many tasers and nightsticks.
The exception is the one where you're lifting debris off people to save them. It's a shame that whoever made the missions lost interest in that sort of thing so early on.
Folks mentioned adventure packs; adventure packs are pretty neat, and seem to represent the only time anything interesting was being done with mission-based content, so if I were to just run adventure packs over and over while leveling a character then things might actually seem interesting, though for the most part even adventure packs are just areas filled with bags of hit points to slaughter, though their group compositions are a bit more interesting than what you encounter in open world missions, and they also look and feel a lot more interesting.
Open world though, slim pickins; missions where you do something other than pulverize groups of weak untalented henchmen are practically nonexistent, and when it is something different, it's just clicking on objects for no reason other than to satisfy a progress count.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Another one that makes me sad, is over in STO they have an "Alert equivalent" called Mine Trap.
It would be so perfect for Champions. There's no big super boss at the end. It's not about defeating a super villain. Instead it's a team mission to save as many civilians as possible from a horrible death.
4 teams divide up a city into quarters, each one has 32 civilians at the start.
Phase 1 tell them to hide in their homes. Some are alien shapeshifters who attack when you talk to them. With mind control powers that cause you to attack your allies and the other civilians.
Phase 2 grab wood and metal and reinforce the houses. All start at 25% hp, each fortification added increases the house by 25%. You can only carry one at a time.
Phase 3 tunnels start opening up and spitting out aliens that attack the houses. Psychic aliens lure civilians out of the houses and try to eat them. At the end of the phase, any surviving houses spit out their civilans who have as many HP as the house survived with. So you don't only try to keep the house alive you got to keep it at high HP.
Phase 4, escort your civilians to a spot where rescue shuttles will come pick them up. There are multiple ambushes along the way, the aliens will keep on mind controlling you into attacking your own team and civilians, plus the civvies will get tired and sit down so you have to encourage them to keep moving.
Phase 5, waves of aliens assault the 4 different landing zones as shuttles come in and take away 3 civilians at a time. Protect them until all are safe.
Rewards scale based on how many total civilians survive out of the potential 128.
This would be such an awesome Champions Alert. And I bet the person who created the rescue people from the fire and fallen rocks mission in Westside would love to make it. If they were still working for CO.
Sorry, it means a lot to me.
Yeah that's another neat one. You can actually change something about the mission... another one of those things they did once and then never revisited ever again.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
RIP Caine
OK now you lost me! What DPZ stands for?
PLease guys if you use any sort of acronyms please, Im begging you write what it means because not everybody know what you want to say by using those acronims!
If you ask me, the most interesting missions in CO are the Saphirre story line in VB (Vibora Bay), "The Early Worm Gets the Bird" in MC (Millenium City) Downtown AND "Cazulon vs Miniature Hero" Overwatch Mission in Downtown Dr. Destroyer Museum! And of course the new arc missions! They are awsome!
Nemcon and Nemesis Guide
Custom Alerts of Champions Online Complete Guide
I think she just mistyped DPS.
Brick_McDuggins in game.
Yeah..my bad...*runs off to go edit post*
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
First of all, there were some NPCs that I rescued that now I'm jealous of how awesome their pulp-era costumes were.
Second, you had over the top super villain dialog, turning a doomsday device back on itself, interesting mechanics that never got used again, a literal army of minions, and a gorgeous map that also never got used again.
One fight you have to defeat an NPC boss type, then while it is healing beat your nemesis down to a specific percentage so they run off. Kinda hard to solo for some builds but at least it's something a little different.
The army of minions was hilarious. I couldn't zoom out far enough to fit all of them on the screen at once. Very glad I had some decent AoE abilities.
And as stated, gorgeous map.
Resistance is the best thing that happened to this game after the Vibora Bay Apocalypse (the first time you played it)
If Champions had a foundry, I'd love to make a mission that's just the bit about splattering an army as a giant robot.
I could do that over and over and over. It never gets old.
If the devs could implement a few buildings that explode into rubble the way crates and other world objects do, then I could pretend to be godzilla.
MI crisis kinda-sorta had that, but not quite.
One of the things about CO is that there's so many awesome things that happen once.
I'd really love for the devs to use some of these things again.
Like imagine if they took the Monster Island Crisis giant hero mechanic, and made an Alert out of it with a giant monster battle in a breakable city.
Aftershock would be a nice one for me, if not this heavy idiot ball dropped by writer when hero risks existence of everything on Earth to save only a few soldiers (who are commissioned military people and probably were completely aware that they may die while on duty when going on their Demonhame mission).
Then the Resistance is a nice one as well.
Then Bunker Buster is my next favorite, provided it isn't bugged again. This mission is closest to comic book plot with heroic teamup and pack of superheroes fighting pack of supervillains.
Regular game missions are usually ignored by me. Click "accept", do whatever you have to do, receive your pize - that's all. Not like there is any meaningful writing behind those.
This mission is awesome, I was thrilled to run it the first time, although it is better when Cazulon has had his nap time U_U" :biggrin::cool:
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
...what? u_u Do I come to your house and angrily glare at your face?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The Dog Pound in Vibora Bay - it's filled with awesome.
The Crimson Lounge, especially for the go-go dancing immortals and bloodgorgers.
Belle's Saloon with the robot dancers, plus the other saloon with the staged robotic Wild West fight.
Even Leo's bar.
I'm sure there are others outside of the bars but, those above aren't half bad for a start!
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.