My brother actively avoids AT's even if they hit him... We aren't all at it.
Speaking to a gold player this means what You are all at it . You'll all so desperate to be pr0 br0's you all spam ice nades and have the same builds ( apart from 28th he has some fun builds and is still OP ), you have forgotten about why people play video games. A tiny thing called fun.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Speaking to a gold player this means what You are all at it . You'll all so desperate to be pr0 br0's you all spam ice nades and have the same builds ( apart from 28th he has some fun builds and is still OP ), you have forgotten about why people play video games. A tiny thing called fun.
I have 3 toons that have builds that no one else plays... (my mask has a common build I'll give you that) I have 1 ice nade on my account (which I don't spam, 16sec recharge or something)... Before you start commenting about me how about you get to know me huh? Same with Xeno and Untouchable.
I have 3 toons that have builds that no one else plays... (my mask has a common build I'll give you that) I have 1 ice nade on my account (which I don't spam, 16sec recharge or something)... Before you start commenting about me how about you get to know me huh? Same with Xeno and Untouchable.
Look. In both theses "waring" groups there are members that spam these things and have Frankenstein builds if you dont do those then good for you. Your in the minority.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Q_Q I'm 28th, as well as 39 other toons, but everyone knows me by 28th >_>. I make my builds the old fashion way by saying, I want a toon of each element with a transform costume bind and then something crazy happens... or what happens if I make toons using only one stat. and thus began my weird climb on a ladder in a community I didn't know I was climbing on till I was near the top
Q_Q I'm 28th, as well as 39 other toons, but everyone knows me by 28th >_>. I make my builds the old fashion way by saying, I want a toon of each element with a transform costume bind and then something crazy happens... or what happens if I make toons using only one stat. and thus began my weird climb on a ladder in a community I didn't know I was climbing on till I was near the top
^__^ I now you the bear of wuv
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Yesh thats me right now I'm making my ice guy better so he can fight his nemesis who is my other toon a fire guy @_@. I'm stupidly excited about it and don't know why
LoL Nepht you are so incredibly naive it astounds me.
I have hardly ever even seen you in BASH and in the times you have been in at the same time as me I don't know if you have even had a chance to see me. You heard AE say how all I do is spam ice grenades and now it's all you can ever say. I actually only have 2 ice grenades on my bar which I use when the going get's tough. Just as an example I'll tell you that malware uses 3 ice grenades, is he also an ice grenade 'spammer?'
It is true I often try to defend AT's and others from being farmed, if I kill people I'll try to rotate around the kills so that if I end up winning no one will have died much more than another person.
See I say members of ALL groups and you say I say you. Never mentioned you once. My mistake you must be every PvPer thats ever lived. Thats god damn Fox Mulder levels of paranoid right there
Even one member of mine spam nades XD
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Yesh thats me right now I'm making my ice guy better so he can fight his nemesis who is my other toon a fire guy @_@. I'm stupidly excited about it and don't know why
Cause fun thats why ^__^
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Speaking to a gold player this means what You are all at it . You'll all so desperate to be pr0 br0's you all spam ice nades and have the same builds ( apart from 28th he has some fun builds and is still OP ), you have forgotten about why people play video games. A tiny thing called fun.
Read back, you were clearly putting us in a group of people even though never once have I used two gun mojo. Not everyone has the same build, this is something that people always say when they don't actually PvP much. A big note that one of our members (seraphim) certainly doesn't use a copied build, infact it seems people are starting to copy his ideas.
Usually you'll find that build's develop over time, a two gun mojo build today wasn't something that has been made by one person one day, it was made by the community over time as a more perfect build combination comes together. As soon as someone finds one skill that works differently in the build this may start to become the norm until the next OP skill is lined up to be changed to something new that may counter the current version.
Read back, you were clearly putting us in a group of people even though never once have I used two gun mojo. Not everyone has the same build, this is something that people always say when they don't actually PvP much. A big note that one of our members (seraphim) certainly doesn't use a copied build, infact it seems people are starting to copy his ideas.
Usually you'll find that build's develop over time, a two gun mojo build today wasn't something that has been made by one person one day, it was made by the community over time as a more perfect build combination comes together. As soon as someone finds one skill that works differently in the build this may start to become the norm until the next OP skill is lined up to be changed to something new that may counter the current version.
I wasnt talking about YOU. I was talking PvPers in general. Right its gone beyond Fox Mulder City and has ventured into Dale Gribble land
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Seeing all Callitrix retcon into defiance+IDF builds brings up some nostalgia. Havent seen IDF in ages
Lolz Spetz
Don't forget the SG leaders sitting in circles of primal dominion in the middle of bash and high fiving each other when they go 0-0 while their mates go 0-10.
Don't forget the SG leaders sitting in circles of primal dominion in the middle of bash and high fiving each other when they go 0-0 while their mates go 0-10.
Cheers! - xeno
As the bull continues to travel so does it spread it's s@'# wider. Wow you really are trying to imitate lucidity aren't you.
Our team mates had 3-3 while we had 3-0 plus I didn't ever even use a circle, the circles don't actually work. The only time you got 0-10 was on me with my bro in BASH and that was because I generally gave up after the 5th spawn kill on my 8k dex build. What was even the point in that comment?
As the bull continues to travel so does it spread it's s@'# wider. Wow you really are trying to imitate lucidity aren't you.
Our team mates had 3-3 while we had 3-0 plus I didn't ever even use a circle, the circles don't actually work. The only time you got 0-10 was on me with my bro in BASH and that was because I generally gave up after the 5th spawn kill on my 8k dex build. What was even the point in that comment?
Anyway, if I am not mistaken you guys were the ones who started to pick fights and start wars as soon as you came back. In fact you started a war on a SG consisting of 2 people and another of 3 people out of an old rivalry where you both have trolled each other just as bad.
So stop talking bull on the forums and in copvp while scrapping to get every little quote that you could use to twist things.
That War was going on before anyone knew who most of you guys were bud you guys just saw the losing team had less numbers so you jumped in. UAS has gone after DC and SOT for very good reasons that you guys know nothing about. You talk about how people should know people before they go after them don't you think you should of done the same before playing the protectors of SOT/DC?
Calltrix being in this years old war in anyway is extremely entertaining just because of how it is justified. AE has the same reaction they have always had new guy playing teams with someone against their sg so they add the new guys to the list. Despair said it right when he said there are no good guys or bad guys here. There are the ill informed, naive, prideful and just not giving a damn types as well as the people just entertained by it all.
What i would suggest just because it is more fun is whoever wants to be in this ******** war for whatever reason form teams and do UTC matches or team duels. Granted UTC is buggy so team duels might be the better option. Anyways take this **** out of bash if you want to play teams, show real team work in a team pvp were tactics are needed.
That War was going on before anyone knew who most of you guys were bud you guys just saw the losing team had less numbers so you jumped in. UAS has gone after DC and SOT for very good reasons that you guys know nothing about. You talk about how people should know people before they go after them don't you think you should of done the same before playing the protectors of SOT/DC?
Well said. This perspective is shared by most who were around for this particular time.
There really was no need for this comment now was there?
What lengths you two go to continue to troll my SG, Xeno calling one of my members a pedo and then shouting it out in copvp saying 'if you see this member of callitrix named X, he is a pedo so don't go near him' and you claiming to hate chat wars then constantly putting in comments here and there. Funny thing is that if someone comes in that you don't want against you then you shut up strait away.
AE has teamed up with HoD now just because my brother left HoD in the past, their leader is just as much of a control freak as Xeno. You guys deserve no respect from me or from any of Callitrix for that matter, so quit complaining about how we don't respect your vet status.
There really was no need for this comment now was there?
What lengths you two go to continue to troll my SG, Xeno calling one of my members a pedo and then shouting it out in copvp saying 'if you see this member of callitrix named X, he is a pedo so don't go near him' and you claiming to hate chat wars then constantly putting in comments here and there. Funny thing is that if someone comes in that you don't want against you then you shut up strait away.
AE has teamed up with HoD now just because my brother left HoD in the past, their leader is just as much of a control freak as Xeno. You guys deserve no respect from me or from any of Callitrix for that matter, so quit complaining about how we don't respect your vet status.
they didn't team up to farm you dummy, they teamed up to farm me. geez ego much?
There really was no need for this comment now was there?
What lengths you two go to continue to troll my SG, Xeno calling one of my members a pedo and then shouting it out in copvp saying 'if you see this member of callitrix named X, he is a pedo so don't go near him' and you claiming to hate chat wars then constantly putting in comments here and there. Funny thing is that if someone comes in that you don't want against you then you shut up strait away.
AE has teamed up with HoD now just because my brother left HoD in the past, their leader is just as much of a control freak as Xeno. You guys deserve no respect from me or from any of Callitrix for that matter, so quit complaining about how we don't respect your vet status.
Man I just wrote 1 sentence, was that enough to make you rage that much? Come on its just a virtual game
Me ima Nepht, Nephtys, Nephthys, Lil Nepht, Nephti, NephtNepht, and Trouble.
Also my sig gives a tiny teany hint.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
No you need to tell us who yew are
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Speaking to a gold player this means what
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I have 3 toons that have builds that no one else plays... (my mask has a common build I'll give you that) I have 1 ice nade on my account (which I don't spam, 16sec recharge or something)... Before you start commenting about me how about you get to know me huh? Same with Xeno and Untouchable.
Look. In both theses "waring" groups there are members that spam these things and have Frankenstein builds if you dont do those then good for you. Your in the minority.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
^__^ I now you the bear of wuv
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I have hardly ever even seen you in BASH and in the times you have been in at the same time as me I don't know if you have even had a chance to see me. You heard AE say how all I do is spam ice grenades and now it's all you can ever say. I actually only have 2 ice grenades on my bar which I use when the going get's tough. Just as an example I'll tell you that malware uses 3 ice grenades, is he also an ice grenade 'spammer?'
It is true I often try to defend AT's and others from being farmed, if I kill people I'll try to rotate around the kills so that if I end up winning no one will have died much more than another person.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
See I say members of ALL groups and you say I say you. Never mentioned you once. My mistake you must be every PvPer thats ever lived. Thats god damn Fox Mulder levels of paranoid right there
Even one member of mine spam nades XD
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Cause fun thats why ^__^
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Read back, you were clearly putting us in a group of people even though never once have I used two gun mojo. Not everyone has the same build, this is something that people always say when they don't actually PvP much. A big note that one of our members (seraphim) certainly doesn't use a copied build, infact it seems people are starting to copy his ideas.
Usually you'll find that build's develop over time, a two gun mojo build today wasn't something that has been made by one person one day, it was made by the community over time as a more perfect build combination comes together. As soon as someone finds one skill that works differently in the build this may start to become the norm until the next OP skill is lined up to be changed to something new that may counter the current version.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
I wasnt talking about YOU. I was talking PvPers in general. Right its gone beyond Fox Mulder City and has ventured into Dale Gribble land
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
So said despair
And there was love in the air!
Lolz Spetz
Don't forget the SG leaders sitting in circles of primal dominion in the middle of bash and high fiving each other when they go 0-0 while their mates go 0-10.
Cheers! - xeno
As the bull continues to travel so does it spread it's s@'# wider. Wow you really are trying to imitate lucidity aren't you.
Our team mates had 3-3 while we had 3-0 plus I didn't ever even use a circle, the circles don't actually work. The only time you got 0-10 was on me with my bro in BASH and that was because I generally gave up after the 5th spawn kill on my 8k dex build. What was even the point in that comment?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
We laugh at your babe like state.
That War was going on before anyone knew who most of you guys were bud you guys just saw the losing team had less numbers so you jumped in. UAS has gone after DC and SOT for very good reasons that you guys know nothing about. You talk about how people should know people before they go after them don't you think you should of done the same before playing the protectors of SOT/DC?
Calltrix being in this years old war in anyway is extremely entertaining just because of how it is justified. AE has the same reaction they have always had new guy playing teams with someone against their sg so they add the new guys to the list. Despair said it right when he said there are no good guys or bad guys here. There are the ill informed, naive, prideful and just not giving a damn types as well as the people just entertained by it all.
What i would suggest just because it is more fun is whoever wants to be in this ******** war for whatever reason form teams and do UTC matches or team duels. Granted UTC is buggy so team duels might be the better option. Anyways take this **** out of bash if you want to play teams, show real team work in a team pvp were tactics are needed.
Well said. This perspective is shared by most who were around for this particular time.
There really was no need for this comment now was there?
What lengths you two go to continue to troll my SG, Xeno calling one of my members a pedo and then shouting it out in copvp saying 'if you see this member of callitrix named X, he is a pedo so don't go near him' and you claiming to hate chat wars then constantly putting in comments here and there. Funny thing is that if someone comes in that you don't want against you then you shut up strait away.
AE has teamed up with HoD now just because my brother left HoD in the past, their leader is just as much of a control freak as Xeno. You guys deserve no respect from me or from any of Callitrix for that matter, so quit complaining about how we don't respect your vet status.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
they didn't team up to farm you dummy, they teamed up to farm me. geez ego much?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Oh foxi... Even if they had 8 verse only you, I still think you would beat them all 10-0.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)