After 8 months of break from CO, I came back to play&enjoy PvP but what i found was quite irritating.
This newly founded? sg tried to grief me and NESNO on every occasion (3vs1?) they got with their Ice grenade centered builds while I was still playing with my outdated build. After they officialy helped Aphrodite? with spawncamping me and NESNO It was about time they got some payback.
FYI ; you are not the first sg whos trying to get famous by attacking AE's two leaders and pulling their? whole SG into a war.
We'll be on to you from now on
Good luck
After 8 months of break from CO, I came back to play&enjoy PvP but what i found was quite irritating.
This newly founded? sg tried to grief me and NESNO on every occasion (3vs1?) they got with their Ice grenade centered builds while I was still playing with my outdated build. After they officialy helped Aphrodite? with spawncamping me and NESNO It was about time they got some payback.
FYI ; you are not the first sg whos trying to get famous by attacking AE's two leaders and pulling their? whole SG into a war.
We'll be on to you from now on
Good luck
Are you stupid or something? So much of what you just said is a total misconception.
- We were founded about 2 weeks ago, that is correct.
- In no way did we grief you strait away, only after you started farming us with Xeno because Xeno was spawn killing us.
- Some of us use 2 ice grenades on our build, hardly centered around it.
- Officially helped aphrodite? So you're saying if someone isn't attacking aphrodite along with all of you then they must be spawn killed over and over? You outnumbered them 8v2, you expect us all to jump on them along with you guys just because you tell us to?
- We haven't once spawn killed either of you. You however spawn killed me 6 times in a row in one bash with my pure DPS build on.
- We are not attacking you to become famous, we wanted revenge on Xeno personally, it's just that he bought his entire SG in to help him out.
These say it all:
Untouchable@Spetzii: yeah, 3 years full of getting rid of sgs like you
[Tell] Xenomorph Drone@nesno2: im going to spawn camp every memeber of yoru sg until they detag
AND the fact that you guys report spammed me for nothing as an attempt to fold our SG. You guys truly try anything to put new SG's into the dust don't you.
Looking forward to be in BASH when you guys fight it out, I will be most likely attacking everybody on the scene. PVP was really dead and I think all this drama is what we need here. :biggrin: I've come a long way to say that, I started using devices and ebon ruin too. None of you guys is gonna make somebody disappear, is a facto. LETS GETREADYTOMOTHA'EFFING RUMBLE
Are you guys a Caliga fan club or summing with that name?
Does it matter if they spam ice grenades. Everybody will see it. Everybody will mock it. And if they are wiling to take a mocking for pretend kudos then good for them
But yeah I think I was in that BASH with you OP.
(One of them had to use nades against my Impulse Dr Deflecto that in itself speaks volumes )
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
The best part about all this SG war is what happens to the people who don't even know about it and/or aren't purposely becoming involved.
If you even so much as attack a member of one of the SGs, they assume you're the enemy and farm you. Guess what happens if you then also attack someone in another SG? That SG now thinks you're allied with that other SG. Now, two SGs are farming you because each thinks you're allied with the other.
This is great because this is the best way to get people interested in and enjoying PvP. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
But hey Cryptic, it's your own fault. You screwed up all the other team-based ques, so players took matters into their own hands and created their own team-based pvp (granted, they did it in a rather "that time of the month" emotionally charged sort of way)... it worked out just as well as the player-controlled chat ban system, which is also your fault. Doesn't it sting Cryptic, me pointing out how badly messed up the pvp in your flagship game is?
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Be nice to each other guys. Callitrix is trying to be a neutral SG and play Bash free-for-all style. They're not allied with anyone so....let's give them the benefit of the doubt and focus on SoT and DC.
The best part about all this SG war is what happens to the people who don't even know about it and/or aren't purposely becoming involved.
If you even so much as attack a member of one of the SGs, they assume you're the enemy and farm you. Guess what happens if you then also attack someone in another SG? That SG now thinks you're allied with that other SG. Now, two SGs are farming you because each thinks you're allied with the other.
That is way I love PvP the amount of WHY U HELPING *insert SG name here* pm's ive had over the last week keeps growing.
I find it entertaining.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
If you even so much as attack a member of one of the SGs, they assume you're the enemy and farm you. Guess what happens if you then also attack someone in another SG? That SG now thinks you're allied with that other SG. Now, two SGs are farming you because each thinks you're allied with the other.
Generalizing to say that all SGs are like this is not fair Smoo - nor is it accurate.
But hey Cryptic, it's your own fault. You screwed up all the other team-based ques, so players took matters into their own hands and created their own team-based pvp (granted, they did it in a rather "that time of the month" emotionally charged sort of way)... it worked out just as well as the player-controlled chat ban system, which is also your fault. Doesn't it sting Cryptic, me pointing out how badly messed up the pvp in your flagship game is?
Be nice to each other guys. Callitrix is trying to be a neutral SG and play Bash free-for-all style. They're not allied with anyone so....let's give them the benefit of the doubt and focus on SoT and DC.
Be nice to each other guys. Callitrix is trying to be a neutral SG and play Bash free-for-all style. They're not allied with anyone so....let's give them the benefit of the doubt and focus on SoT and DC.
You see the problem is that SoT only have two members and DC only have 3 members although one is Caster. Saying this, AE feel the need to take their anger out on someone.
By the way untouchable I like the way you didn't post the one where 3 of you spawn farmed me 11 times in a 3v1.
You see the problem is that SoT only have two members and DC only have 3 members although one is Caster. Saying this, AE feel the need to take their anger out on someone..
You know, you probably would be able to get away with spinning such BS on the forums had your Guild Leader not openly said in COPVP that the reason they started to greif me and my SG in Bash was because they WANTED to enter the war against AE as allies of Dark Crusade and SOT.
You see the problem is that SoT only have two members and DC only have 3 members although one is Caster. Saying this, AE feel the need to take their anger out on someone.
By the way untouchable I like the way you didn't post the one where 3 of you spawn farmed me 11 times in a 3v1.
You mean the time where you binded "respawn" and "killme" buttons for making out fake deaths by suiciding ?
You mean the time where you binded "respawn" and "killme" buttons for making out fake deaths by suiciding ?
- Spetzii
lol no, not that time...
I meant the time where it was only 5 of us in BASH, aret_f was just watching because he couldn't be asked to join you lot. So that made it 3v1, then you guys went around spawn killing me even though you outnumbered me so much. ;D
So that made it 3v1, then you guys went around spawn killing me even though you outnumbered me so much. ;D
Yea you better get used to that. You guys are a little new around here, when I was gone. You don't know how we do things during an SG war, here, let us educate you over the next few months. And in the end, you will be stronger, better for it. Then you will thank me.
Yea you better get used to that. You guys are a little new around here, when I was gone. You don't know how we do things during an SG war, here, let us educate you over the next few months. And in the end, you will be stronger, better for it. Then you will thank me.
The funny thing is you only beat me in a duel yesterday by using devices, I'm not complaining or anything but I took my devices off my bar to verse you as I would expect you to complain if I used them.
Still though the amount of times I had you down to 10% hp was funny, one device would have killed you even with your inborn tenacity which we sold you.
I was wondering when you'd get congested, today it is then. Having "Messiah" at your side and 3 vs 1'ing me (which is what you've been accusing me of) youre still not good enough and get overwhelmed by me 10-0 today. GG
I was wondering when you'd get congested, today it is then. Having "Messiah" at your side and 3 vs 1'ing me (which is what you've been accusing me of) youre still not good enough and get overwhelmed by me 10-0 today. GG
And you just did the exact thing you are accusing me of, spinning things from the truth.
It was only me and 28th in BASH, AE had you and para and then there were a few others and messiah.
I didn't help messiah, I was attacking him a bit at the start but it's not exactly like he is at all a threat towards me. What you have said here is pretty much "attack our targets or we'll hate you" which is exactly what you keep on saying over and over. Messiah is a good laugh when chatting to him but theres no point in farming him with 8 people in bash. You were top of the board in that BASH anyway, so if we were doing it with the normal rules of FFA BASH then technically you should have been everyones target.
Why are you attempting to make my Sg look bad by trying to make it seem like we are doing everything you are doing?
How is that spinning the things, you also admit I was the top in board
Youre even harrasing Spectre, are we doing that ?
You were not 10-0 you had a death or two and I meant spinning things where you said we were teaming with messiah and you said we were 3v1'ing you even though we only had 2 in the BASH and you also had 2.
After the last few days it's become painfully obvious to Spetzii and I that AE is farming Callitrix and this is little challenge to us. As AE maintains a 24 hour rotation with our player base, we are always outnumbering your guild and outplaying your newer players.
This is counter productive to a healthy pvp community if AE rubs out a brand new PVP SG.
I'm asking the leadership of Callitrix to declare a truce and to renounce their declaration of war on AE so that your members may enjoy a neutral Bash once again. Go back to grooming your members and if in the future you would like to war us, we will be waiting.
For right now, I fell like my offer is the best option and I urge your leadership to discuss it.
Has anyone here in this thread (and the ones similar to it declaring WAR or all the things :rolleyes:) ever took a step back and look at it? Really has any of you done that? Soo much hate and bigotry.
I said it before and it's been proven over and over and over again. The state of PvP in this game is the result of the players being petty.
Creating PvP SG's and farming each other and anyone that gets in your way (willingly or unwillingly) is a brilliant way to make it more appealing. The Devs took the right decision not to touch PvP not even with a stick. It's filled with hate and more hate. There seems to be no end to it and lately I see more and more threads declaring WAR (it's a computer game remember?).
You know what? Never mind, go on and ruin the game more if that's what makes you guys happy, you seem to need the ego boost. CO has a good community and they try to help but you guys with your petty wars just ruin it.
Has anyone here in this thread (and the ones similar to it declaring WAR or all the things :rolleyes:) ever took a step back and look at it? Really has any of you done that? Soo much hate and bigotry.
I said it before and it's been proven over and over and over again. The state of PvP in this game is the result of the players being petty.
Creating PvP SG's and farming each other and anyone that gets in your way (willingly or unwillingly) is a brilliant way to make it more appealing. The Devs took the right decision not to touch PvP not even with a stick. It's filled with hate and more hate. There seems to be no end to it and lately I see more and more threads declaring WAR (it's a computer game remember?).
You know what? Never mind, go on and ruin the game more if that's what makes you guys happy, you seem to need the ego boost. CO has a good community and they try to help but you guys with your petty wars just ruin it.
Personally I think some of these guys are hired by Cryptic to come in and supress pvp whenever it starts getting popular again. We were actually starting to have fun in the hero games again... so here comes the "destroy hero games" brigade all of a sudden. I mean seriously, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that all these specific names just suddenly all showed up again at almost the exact same time?
I want to believe.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Personally I think some of these guys are hired by Cryptic to come in and supress pvp whenever it starts getting popular again. We were actually starting to have fun in the hero games again... so here comes the "destroy hero games" brigade all of a sudden. I mean seriously, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that all these specific names just suddenly all showed up again at almost the exact same time?
I want to believe.
You said 'WE' as if you have ever even been in hero games.
You wanted a truce yesterday through a PM @hitdagger and now you are refusing ? Keeping this going on will only hurt the community and your newly founded sg. Shall we take your decision as a NO ?
You wanted a truce yesterday through a PM @hitdagger and now you are refusing ? Keeping this going on will only hurt the community and your newly founded sg. Shall we take your decision as a NO ?
Mask was asking for a truce through PM you say? Oh rly?
EDIT: Just spoke to my bro, no he did not PM you anything, this is another example along with us apparently harassing spectre to make stuff up and make our SG look bad. Do you really want a truce or are you just trying to make us look like villains?
Basically what Xeno said is accept the truce for now but you well know that something will flair up quickly again soon so you said come back for a war later? AE have lost the support of many people in farming my SG out of pride and you have made many of our friends leave the game. It is a hard for us to just pull out of this, you have already hurt the community enough.
We are still talking over what our decision is, so in the meantime why not sit down and relax to this music:
You wanted a truce yesterday through a PM @hitdagger and now you are refusing ? Keeping this going on will only hurt the community and your newly founded sg. Shall we take your decision as a NO ?
After I won bash and beat you guys. I never said truce on your terms, you didn't answer anyway.
Truce on my terms= you admitting that you attempted to get me banned, admitting that you farmed AT players and lower level players. Even then I wouldn't use the word truce (because that is temp measure that wouldn't last). You would also need to admit that you started this war and were the cause of a number players leaving pvp.
I have no intention of ending the war while your AE members continue to give us no respect.
Ello everyone, its your favorite pink teddy bear gun wielding...err pink bear, We can all admit this is killing the pvp community, it what started as a healthy rivalry has become a video game war, one of which has gone from boosting the peoples interest in pvp ( a surge if you will of players.) However; as with a friendly drink of your favorite shot its slowly gone past the point of good fun. Fun is what we came here for is it not? It's why we wake up go about our day and at some point come to our place of relaxation and log onto champions online. We (calli, AE, Spectre,*insert others*) are filled with nothing but the leaders of the pvp community, because Cryptic has left us to our selves, it is US who control the pvp community. So what does it say about US if one of said leaders is making a thread essentially dedicated to confrontation?
You said you wanted a truce, then why bring this over to the forums? This matter never had to leave the game. Nobody here is a victim, because we all have free will, we all had a choice, I've been around just as long as Xeno and everyone else. So this whole "we'll show you how wars are done" business is a joke, and speaks volumes about your lust for conflict, essentially stating you have been in this situation a bit more than once, and as you've stated we're a newer group, even if the members in it (the majority) are not newer.
Our initial actions whilst unknown by me, may or may not have caused a spark, but it was the individual who decided to turn that small spark into a raging fire. who decided to cause a war, and decided that instead of swallowing his pride for ONE single round of bash and go about his day to cause this.
I hate coming on the forums, and the fact I'm here may not mean a lot to you guys but sure as hell means a lot to me. This is war, and as a veteran do you know what war is? its the result of someone FEELING insulted and dragging a large group into his personal affairs with proper wording. Naturally as a war goes on, the hatred brews as people slowly grow more and more insulted, the outcome while is great for the economy (in our case pvp community) at the beginning, leaves not simply both sides but everyone involved in a battle field in shambles, including dragging innocent people (players) into this tornado of chaos. You guys want a "war game" you keep it between us, and if you ever feel that as duelists (virtual or not) you have to all gang up on someone, then you gang up on me, cause I've got the fluff for it (>_> I'm a teddy bear.) I'm tired of you beating up my friends, I'm tired of seeing everyone becoming corrupted by the conflict of two MEN who have it out for each-other, but alas even though I say this, the damage has already been done has it not? Opinions of each-other have already been made and dipped in cement. So my words are nothing more than an echo filled with hindsight. Those who seek the power of understanding have hopefully understood my words, I had initially intended to find a way to end this war without everyone coming out looking like a villian, because in war kiddos no matter what the newspaper says nobodys a hero, nobodys a good guy. Especially in wars based around nothing but pride. When the smoke has cleared, everybody knows 28th will be standing, I can't say the same about everyone else involved, and when that time comes It'll pain me to tell the individuals in AE "I told you so."
Anyway, if I am not mistaken you guys were the ones who started to pick fights and start wars as soon as you came back. In fact you started a war on a SG consisting of 2 people and another of 3 people out of an old rivalry where you both have trolled each other just as bad.
So stop talking bull on the forums and in copvp while scrapping to get every little quote that you could use to twist things.
Sadly not in this forum section. Here ppl are too self absorbed in their fictional fights/wars to realize how petty they are.
Looking at what has been said neither party is better. One wants "respect" (srly?) as if that means anything in a video game.
And the other has Xeno who most probably got farmed in one match and his ego could not handle that. From personal experience if you defeat Xeno he will threaten to come after you and there will be "consequences" :rolleyes:. Well considering how petty he is, it's not a threat but in fact the truth lol.
Umm nope, that was after a neutral Bash with only me inside.
Nice, have it your way
Nope, you, zero, xeno vs just me and no one was playing war games. With no ganking war games from AE I won easy. Just give our SG some respect, our members are as good if not better than yours, if you ended this war I doubt you would win another bash without restarting the war with gankstar style tacs. <- Xeno lying about how he reported me. Then running from the truth when compounded by evidence of his false report spamming for a repost of his offensive message after being beaten in bash by us. (that was how the war started)
Last week PvP was awesome the casual players where returning Q's where popping , HECK I played a few king of the hill matches ( been awhile that one O_O ) ..... But with all this hoohaa most players dont want anything to do with PvP...AGAIN ._.
For the love of muffins STOP IT!
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Last week PvP was awesome the casual players where returning Q's where popping , HECK I played a few king of the hill matches ( been awhile that one O_O ) ..... But with all this hoohaa most players dont want anything to do with PvP...AGAIN ._.
For the love of muffins STOP IT!
Take a look at these pics. Just an example of AE farming an AT player in bash, no wonder numbers are dropping from the pvp community. <- the final score showing the AE players had killed an AT 8 times in order to win bash. (seems as if its not just callitrix they farm, its also AT's) <- the final score showing the AE players had killed an AT 8 times in order to win bash. (seems as if its not just callitrix they farm, its also AT's)
Are you stupid or something? So much of what you just said is a total misconception.
- We were founded about 2 weeks ago, that is correct.
- In no way did we grief you strait away, only after you started farming us with Xeno because Xeno was spawn killing us.
- Some of us use 2 ice grenades on our build, hardly centered around it.
- Officially helped aphrodite? So you're saying if someone isn't attacking aphrodite along with all of you then they must be spawn killed over and over? You outnumbered them 8v2, you expect us all to jump on them along with you guys just because you tell us to?
- We haven't once spawn killed either of you. You however spawn killed me 6 times in a row in one bash with my pure DPS build on.
- We are not attacking you to become famous, we wanted revenge on Xeno personally, it's just that he bought his entire SG in to help him out.
These say it all:
Untouchable@Spetzii: yeah, 3 years full of getting rid of sgs like you
[Tell] Xenomorph Drone@nesno2: im going to spawn camp every memeber of yoru sg until they detag
And xeno's one was before anything even happened.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
AND the fact that you guys report spammed me for nothing as an attempt to fold our SG. You guys truly try anything to put new SG's into the dust don't you.
Was just browsing youtube and found this:
Nice to know the way he builds his builds hasn't changed one bit.
[penny intensifies]
@Pallih in game
Does it matter if they spam ice grenades. Everybody will see it. Everybody will mock it. And if they are wiling to take a mocking for pretend kudos then good for them
But yeah I think I was in that BASH with you OP.
(One of them had to use nades against my Impulse Dr Deflecto that in itself speaks volumes )
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
If you even so much as attack a member of one of the SGs, they assume you're the enemy and farm you. Guess what happens if you then also attack someone in another SG? That SG now thinks you're allied with that other SG. Now, two SGs are farming you because each thinks you're allied with the other.
This is great because this is the best way to get people interested in and enjoying PvP. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
But hey Cryptic, it's your own fault. You screwed up all the other team-based ques, so players took matters into their own hands and created their own team-based pvp (granted, they did it in a rather "that time of the month" emotionally charged sort of way)... it worked out just as well as the player-controlled chat ban system, which is also your fault. Doesn't it sting Cryptic, me pointing out how badly messed up the pvp in your flagship game is?
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
That is way I love PvP the amount of WHY U HELPING *insert SG name here* pm's ive had over the last week keeps growing.
I find it entertaining.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Sadly Vixy agrees with all of this last part.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Wasn't saying all SGs, was talking about the ones involved in the pvp sg war.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
My leader has spoken!
LoL who are the trolls here?
We had 5 members of our SG in that BASH one of which is meege.
You had 3 members of your SG and 2 members of spectre helping you guys out both of which are considered 2 of the best players of the game.
You see the problem is that SoT only have two members and DC only have 3 members although one is Caster. Saying this, AE feel the need to take their anger out on someone.
By the way untouchable I like the way you didn't post the one where 3 of you spawn farmed me 11 times in a 3v1.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
You know, you probably would be able to get away with spinning such BS on the forums had your Guild Leader not openly said in COPVP that the reason they started to greif me and my SG in Bash was because they WANTED to enter the war against AE as allies of Dark Crusade and SOT.
Spectre only helps with UAS targets, otherwise AE stands all alone.
You mean the time where you binded "respawn" and "killme" buttons for making out fake deaths by suiciding ?
- Spetzii
lol no, not that time...
I meant the time where it was only 5 of us in BASH, aret_f was just watching because he couldn't be asked to join you lot. So that made it 3v1, then you guys went around spawn killing me even though you outnumbered me so much. ;D
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Yea you better get used to that. You guys are a little new around here, when I was gone. You don't know how we do things during an SG war, here, let us educate you over the next few months. And in the end, you will be stronger, better for it. Then you will thank me.
The funny thing is you only beat me in a duel yesterday by using devices, I'm not complaining or anything but I took my devices off my bar to verse you as I would expect you to complain if I used them.
Still though the amount of times I had you down to 10% hp was funny, one device would have killed you even with your inborn tenacity which we sold you.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
And you just did the exact thing you are accusing me of, spinning things from the truth.
It was only me and 28th in BASH, AE had you and para and then there were a few others and messiah.
I didn't help messiah, I was attacking him a bit at the start but it's not exactly like he is at all a threat towards me. What you have said here is pretty much "attack our targets or we'll hate you" which is exactly what you keep on saying over and over. Messiah is a good laugh when chatting to him but theres no point in farming him with 8 people in bash. You were top of the board in that BASH anyway, so if we were doing it with the normal rules of FFA BASH then technically you should have been everyones target.
Why are you attempting to make my Sg look bad by trying to make it seem like we are doing everything you are doing?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
You were not 10-0 you had a death or two and I meant spinning things where you said we were teaming with messiah and you said we were 3v1'ing you even though we only had 2 in the BASH and you also had 2.
Also in what way are we harassing Spectre?
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
But yeah a lot of these new guys in all SG's love to spam ice nades.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
This is counter productive to a healthy pvp community if AE rubs out a brand new PVP SG.
I'm asking the leadership of Callitrix to declare a truce and to renounce their declaration of war on AE so that your members may enjoy a neutral Bash once again. Go back to grooming your members and if in the future you would like to war us, we will be waiting.
For right now, I fell like my offer is the best option and I urge your leadership to discuss it.
I said it before and it's been proven over and over and over again. The state of PvP in this game is the result of the players being petty.
Creating PvP SG's and farming each other and anyone that gets in your way (willingly or unwillingly) is a brilliant way to make it more appealing. The Devs took the right decision not to touch PvP not even with a stick. It's filled with hate and more hate. There seems to be no end to it and lately I see more and more threads declaring WAR (it's a computer game remember?).
You know what? Never mind, go on and ruin the game more if that's what makes you guys happy, you seem to need the ego boost. CO has a good community and they try to help but you guys with your petty wars just ruin it.
Oh please, cry me a river. This is PVP. There are no 2nd places. pr0h<3 you xeno babes.
Allow us to talk it through, in the meantime here is a song to keep you company. Enjoy!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
This should help you learn English while waiting,
and maybe you can learn manners as well and play fair.
We can talk when your done.
Personally I think some of these guys are hired by Cryptic to come in and supress pvp whenever it starts getting popular again. We were actually starting to have fun in the hero games again... so here comes the "destroy hero games" brigade all of a sudden. I mean seriously, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that all these specific names just suddenly all showed up again at almost the exact same time?
I want to believe.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
You said 'WE' as if you have ever even been in hero games.
WHO ARE YOU!!!!!! :O
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Mask was asking for a truce through PM you say? Oh rly?
EDIT: Just spoke to my bro, no he did not PM you anything, this is another example along with us apparently harassing spectre to make stuff up and make our SG look bad. Do you really want a truce or are you just trying to make us look like villains?
Basically what Xeno said is accept the truce for now but you well know that something will flair up quickly again soon so you said come back for a war later? AE have lost the support of many people in farming my SG out of pride and you have made many of our friends leave the game. It is a hard for us to just pull out of this, you have already hurt the community enough.
We are still talking over what our decision is, so in the meantime why not sit down and relax to this music:
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels) Just saying. Me2
After I won bash
Truce on my terms= you admitting that you attempted to get me banned, admitting that you farmed AT players and lower level players. Even then I wouldn't use the word truce (because that is temp measure that wouldn't last). You would also need to admit that you started this war and were the cause of a number players leaving pvp.
I have no intention of ending the war while your AE members continue to give us no respect. Awks
Nice, have it your way
So you are saying that you refuse to give us any respect? You really are all up in your vet status aren't you.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
You said you wanted a truce, then why bring this over to the forums? This matter never had to leave the game. Nobody here is a victim, because we all have free will, we all had a choice, I've been around just as long as Xeno and everyone else. So this whole "we'll show you how wars are done" business is a joke, and speaks volumes about your lust for conflict, essentially stating you have been in this situation a bit more than once, and as you've stated we're a newer group, even if the members in it (the majority) are not newer.
Our initial actions whilst unknown by me, may or may not have caused a spark, but it was the individual who decided to turn that small spark into a raging fire. who decided to cause a war, and decided that instead of swallowing his pride for ONE single round of bash and go about his day to cause this.
I hate coming on the forums, and the fact I'm here may not mean a lot to you guys but sure as hell means a lot to me. This is war, and as a veteran do you know what war is? its the result of someone FEELING insulted and dragging a large group into his personal affairs with proper wording. Naturally as a war goes on, the hatred brews as people slowly grow more and more insulted, the outcome while is great for the economy (in our case pvp community) at the beginning, leaves not simply both sides but everyone involved in a battle field in shambles, including dragging innocent people (players) into this tornado of chaos. You guys want a "war game" you keep it between us, and if you ever feel that as duelists (virtual or not) you have to all gang up on someone, then you gang up on me, cause I've got the fluff for it (>_> I'm a teddy bear.) I'm tired of you beating up my friends, I'm tired of seeing everyone becoming corrupted by the conflict of two MEN who have it out for each-other, but alas even though I say this, the damage has already been done has it not? Opinions of each-other have already been made and dipped in cement. So my words are nothing more than an echo filled with hindsight. Those who seek the power of understanding have hopefully understood my words, I had initially intended to find a way to end this war without everyone coming out looking like a villian, because in war kiddos no matter what the newspaper says nobodys a hero, nobodys a good guy. Especially in wars based around nothing but pride. When the smoke has cleared, everybody knows 28th will be standing, I can't say the same about everyone else involved, and when that time comes It'll pain me to tell the individuals in AE "I told you so."
Bringing out the big guns with the screenshots!
Anyway, if I am not mistaken you guys were the ones who started to pick fights and start wars as soon as you came back. In fact you started a war on a SG consisting of 2 people and another of 3 people out of an old rivalry where you both have trolled each other just as bad.
So stop talking bull on the forums and in copvp while scrapping to get every little quote that you could use to twist things.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
Sadly not in this forum section. Here ppl are too self absorbed in their fictional fights/wars to realize how petty they are.
Looking at what has been said neither party is better. One wants "respect" (srly?) as if that means anything in a video game.
And the other has Xeno who most probably got farmed in one match and his ego could not handle that. From personal experience if you defeat Xeno he will threaten to come after you and there will be "consequences" :rolleyes:. Well considering how petty he is, it's not a threat but in fact the truth lol.
Nope, you, zero, xeno vs just me and no one was playing war games. With no ganking war games from AE I won easy. Just give our SG some respect, our members are as good if not better than yours, if you ended this war I doubt you would win another bash without restarting the war with gankstar style tacs.
If you want a truce we will talk to Occult.
;D <- Xeno lying about how he reported me. Then running from the truth when compounded by evidence of his false report spamming for a repost of his offensive message after being beaten in bash by us. (that was how the war started) <- the typical kinda post sent by an AE member. <- Xenos reaction to me asking him why he reported me the day after the report.
We play fair AE, you don't.
No idea what language this is, but you guys will enjoy it. It seems to have you two at the start.
Last week PvP was awesome the casual players where returning Q's where popping , HECK I played a few king of the hill matches ( been awhile that one O_O ) ..... But with all this hoohaa most players dont want anything to do with PvP...AGAIN ._.
For the love of muffins STOP IT!
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Take a look at these pics. Just an example of AE farming an AT player in bash, no wonder numbers are dropping from the pvp community. <- an AT asking AE to stop farming him. <- the final score showing the AE players had killed an AT 8 times in order to win bash. (seems as if its not just callitrix they farm, its also AT's) lol
Look you all at it seen all sides do that. Things were so wonderful last week and now, now its all ruined.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My brother actively avoids AT's even if they hit him... We aren't all at it.