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FATAL ERR0R: Telepathy

theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Champions Online Discussion
BUGS REGARDING DEPENDENCY (Mental Leech's Debuff), Congress of Selves Defense Penetration Mechanic, Mental Weakness and Malaise and the vast majority of tooltip errors: As of 22nd of August 2013, these bugs no longer exist on LIVE or PTS.

There are still a number of issues with Telepathy, I have updated the following links with regard the recent bug fixes:

<Tooltip Errors>

<A number of other bugs present with New Telepathy>

<Personal Force Field and Holds System - Breakfree Damage bug> - Picked this up whilst duelling someone on Mentella. Very odd, I reported it and it was confirmed by the tester on the post I have linked.

Some seemingly "trivial" bugs like SFX, FX and icons really aren't that trivial, it would be like having the same icon for all the powers in a power set. Or lacking SFX for some powers in your build. Not very appealing.

Thank you.

NOTE #1: I have updated the OP to reflect the recent influx of Telepathy Fixes. (Thanks TT for emailing my list to LordGar and the development Team. Kudos to LordGar, GMC and the Devs for fixes!)
Post edited by theravenforce on


  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Moral of the story, for me, is try as I may? I can't bother with the new telepathy. I wanna love it, but the bugs and tooltip errors have forced my hand. My telepath is getting a retcon. And I'll likely be avoiding new laser sword as a result. Simply can't trust the new powers we're getting.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Moral of the story, for me, is try as I may? I can't bother with the new telepathy. I wanna love it, but the bugs and tooltip errors have forced my hand. My telepath is getting a retcon. And I'll likely be avoiding new laser sword as a result. Simply can't trust the new powers we're getting.

    I always felt as if something was going to go awry with these powers since they started changing them into the iteration we have now, from what they used to be.

    I am able to solo content as a controller, my chosen play style with Telepathy, but in a team that really goes to hell. So I do not team, period.

    I just hope that these bugs which really shouldn't exist on LIVE will get cleared up soon.

    Honestly, these powers were pushed to LIVE waay too soon. The Day they were released I had already compiled a list of bugs with the powers. So sad...:frown:
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd been trying to compile data on the new powers, for forum usage and when I finally got all my templates and such done for a wiki, and what I've gotten to? I honestly couldn't for the life of me tell you what these powers do. I could tell you the dps, and the heal, but the rest of the debuffs? Tooltips be lying. Badly. One of my dots comes with a "39 second stun". tried it on a non-stun resisting player, and 2? maybe 2 and a half? No amount of z spam can ever reduce a 39 second stun to 2 seconds.

    The fact that we only have 4 stacks that are shared is shameful. The fact that other people can rupture your stacks is even worse. I get "team with another telepath for quicker stacks" as a meta. That goes out the window if your build is designed to apply and KEEP stacks.

    I can't imagine the furor that'd result in me being able to rupture other people's bleeds.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have managed to team nicely with my new telepath, currently level 22.

    I do alerts, teamup for missions, and solo play.

    1. Solo play is great--high presence plus CoS aggro stealth makes things very smooth. I can usually flip a switch or make a rescue right in front of enemies. "I am not the hero you are looking for." Setting up multiple DoTs on groups of mobs kills em fast, and some ego-damage devices help me with bosses.

    2. When I form teams for missions, I let folks know what I can do. I spam my DoTs, plus Ego Sleep--that occasionally puts an enemy to sleep, but it is essentially and AoE disorient, with fear, too. Against bosses, I can actually setup 4 stacks of each debuff and consume them for the big hits.

    3. In alerts . . . well, they are alerts, aren't they? Sometimes I am useful, sometimes not. The new telepathy toon is not very strong compared to a DPS tank. I help, but nothing special.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Tooltips be lying. Badly. One of my dots comes with a "39 second stun". tried it on a non-stun resisting player, and 2? maybe 2 and a half? No amount of z spam can ever reduce a 39 second stun to 2 seconds.

    The fact that we only have 4 stacks that are shared is shameful. The fact that other people can rupture your stacks is even worse. I get "team with another telepath for quicker stacks" as a meta. That goes out the window if your build is designed to apply and KEEP stacks.

    I can't imagine the furor that'd result in me being able to rupture other people's bleeds.

    Yeah, I argued this point, but from the nature of the debuffs which are innate to the DoTs, in order for them to stack like other DoTs they'd probably have to be nerfed or something...

    The reasoning behind them sharing stacks is...well..that the "CCer" is the fast stacker and the DPS/Detonator removes stacks at the same time as the stacker is stacking or something, it makes sense but doesn't account for the fact that I have enough CD on my DoTs to get them down to 2 sec or lower, I can do both roles by myself, without any outside assistance.

    This makes multiple telepath teams useless, in terms of hero usefulness, if one hero can do the job of two or three why take the extra two or three?

    In addition it seems like many people who use these don't know when to rupture these stacks, and have no idea what the debuffs do, then are surprised when some one else ruptures the stacks, everyone gains a burst heal and then the boss regains strength and tears apart the DPS and Tank. Why does this happen? Because some fool, detonated my stacks early removing the subdued effect I was placing on the boss and saving till near the end of the fight for a finishing attack and a team refresh.

    Bleed mechanic stacking, if it worked like this, the forums would bleed so hard. But this is Telepathy not Single Blade, so you can see why only a very small number of people are bothered.

    Teaming with other people ruins my fun unless they have a clear idea of what they are doing. Which most of the time they don't so I have to Hot Sleep + DPS alerts if I want any semblance of control, wiping out foes before my team mates can get to them and ruin my hard earned holding power.

    As for the tool tips, I took the liberty of re-writing the incorrect parts of the tooltips (linked in my sig) so these could be fixed.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Moral of the story, for me, is try as I may? I can't bother with the new telepathy. I wanna love it, but the bugs and tooltip errors have forced my hand. My telepath is getting a retcon .... Simply can't trust the new powers we're getting.

    Hear here.

    None of this even mentions the flaws in the DESIGN of the powers. They aren't even working as they were ever so poorly designed to! And MotM.. what a waste.

    Few things induce as much nerd rage as the cluster**** that is telepathy in Champions Online.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well, actually, there's some justification for the Telepathy powers not working on Villainware or the minions of Cyberlord. After all, telepathy involves the ability to read and affect the mind of another - and computer virii and robots lack minds as such...

    (In terms of game mechanics, not so much on the good reasoning. Somebody messed up.)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • falchoinfalchoin Posts: 363 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ...The reasoning behind them sharing stacks is...well..that the "CCer" is the fast stacker and the DPS/Detonator removes stacks at the same time as the stacker is stacking or something, it makes sense but doesn't account for the fact that I have enough CD on my DoTs to get them down to 2 sec or lower, I can do both roles by myself, without any outside assistance. ...

    This makes multiple telepath teams useless, in terms of hero usefulness, if one hero can do the job of two or three why take the extra two or three? ...

    Generally the "CCer" is in the Support role correct? The DPS/Detonator would be in the Rdps role. It's better for the Rdps to detonate than the CCer. A bigger bang for the buck. The Support role character keeps the charge speed and recharge speed debuffs up perma and the Rdps character assists with stack gains for faster detonating. Teamwork results in higher overall dps in this case.

    3+ telepaths beating on the same mob? A support role character isn't really needed from a purely debuffing standpoint. Said support character might have other uses in the fight, but a group of 3+ dps telepaths can keep the telepathy debuffs up just fine.

    Either way, the support telepath should not be detonating stacks if there is a dps telepath around with Mind Break.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    falchoin wrote: »
    Generally the "CCer" is in the Support role correct? The DPS/Detonator would be in the Rdps role. It's better for the Rdps to detonate than the CCer. A bigger bang for the buck. The Support role character keeps the charge speed and recharge speed debuffs up perma and the Rdps character assists with stack gains for faster detonating. Teamwork results in higher overall dps in this case.

    3+ telepaths beating on the same mob? A support role character isn't really needed from a purely debuffing standpoint. Said support character might have other uses in the fight, but a group of 3+ dps telepaths can keep the telepathy debuffs up just fine.

    Either way, the support telepath should not be detonating stacks if there is a dps telepath around with Mind Break.

    I just wonder sometimes if there are any RDPS Mind Breakers who actually know what the debuffs do.

    I am not disputing the fact that RDPSers will have higher detonation damage, but it is rather WHEN they detonate which I find annoying, in my experience any Mind Breaker skilled for ranged always detonates on the first stack they see.

    Neither am I disputing that 3 telepaths cannot keep up the Debuffs...I am simply saying my own thinking behind why I don't bother to team up with other players with Mentella, if I am capable of DPSing, controlling and locking down bosses (Super Villains), surely there is no need for anyone else?

    Since our stacks are shared as are our debuffs why bring more people along, if I am able to do exactly what they would have done alongside me?

    I am yet to see or team with a RDPS Mind Breaker who detonates at a good time, to avoid removing debuffs at a crucial time. I've had a number of alerts where the Detonator detonated BEFORE a large attack, so the tank took a sizeable amount more than I had intended.

    I do not like this shared stacking, free for all detonation. I shouldn't really need to rely on someone else to detonate my stacks and for me to stick to the monotonous cycle of DoTs.

    I don't think there is any other power which works this way.

    It's like the new Laser Sword Powers sharing stacks or something, it wouldn't even fly with anyone.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I hope some headway is made regarding the OP...
    jonsills wrote: »
    Well, actually, there's some justification for the Telepathy powers not working on Villainware or the minions of Cyberlord. After all, telepathy involves the ability to read and affect the mind of another - and computer virii and robots lack minds as such...

    (In terms of game mechanics, not so much on the good reasoning. Somebody messed up.)

    Interesting, so would it be alright if bullets, physical weaponry etc didn't work on ghosts or interdimensional beings like Therakiel? Because they phased through or weren't powerful enough to even scratch them?

    Or if Fire Powers didn't work on Fire foes or particle damage had no effect on irradiated foes...?

    Concept wise, I understand but surely that would mean NO telepathy works on "inorganic" or "mindless" tagged foes? Not just one part of a power...
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Interesting, so would it be alright if bullets, physical weaponry etc didn't work on ghosts or interdimensional beings like Therakiel? Because they phased through or weren't powerful enough to even scratch them?

    Or if Fire Powers didn't work on Fire foes or particle damage had no effect on irradiated foes...?

    Concept wise, I understand but surely that would mean NO telepathy works on "inorganic" or "mindless" tagged foes? Not just one part of a power...

    Actually, once upon a time, this was the case. Enemies had high resistances to certain damage types (Physical, Energy, or Supernatural). I loved it.. then the new "game designers" (used very loosely as I don't think it was ever actually planned) removed yet another aspect of combat in CO..

    The fact that it yet exists is really just their attempt of making sure EVERYONE knows how much Champions Online hates telepathy.
  • underchickenunderchicken Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just wonder sometimes if there are any RDPS Mind Breakers who actually know what the debuffs do.

    I am not disputing the fact that RDPSers will have higher detonation damage, but it is rather WHEN they detonate which I find annoying, in my experience any Mind Breaker skilled for ranged always detonates on the first stack they see.

    Neither am I disputing that 3 telepaths cannot keep up the Debuffs...I am simply saying my own thinking behind why I don't bother to team up with other players with Mentella, if I am capable of DPSing, controlling and locking down bosses (Super Villains), surely there is no need for anyone else?

    Since our stacks are shared as are our debuffs why bring more people along, if I am able to do exactly what they would have done alongside me?

    I am yet to see or team with a RDPS Mind Breaker who detonates at a good time, to avoid removing debuffs at a crucial time. I've had a number of alerts where the Detonator detonated BEFORE a large attack, so the tank took a sizeable amount more than I had intended.

    I do not like this shared stacking, free for all detonation. I shouldn't really need to rely on someone else to detonate my stacks and for me to stick to the monotonous cycle of DoTs.

    I don't think there is any other power which works this way.

    It's like the new Laser Sword Powers sharing stacks or something, it wouldn't even fly with anyone.

    When I was actually using the new Telepathy powers I played a Ranged DPSer. Key powers in my build included...

    -Congress Of selves
    -Ego Storm(to take out groups and stack manipulator quickly
    -Ego Sleep+Adv(In teams this power is great as a quick tap that reduces damage by 20%)
    -Mental Leech(Heals target holding agro)
    -Shadow Of doubt(Reduces damage per stack)
    -Miniaturization Drive(Reduces damage by roughly 25%)
    -Mind Break

    I help support wise by reducing the targets damage by roughly 65-70% and providing decent healing to the nearest ally to target(which is usually the one being hit, most of the time.) If a squishy target is holding the agro steadily there life may dwindle down slowly. If I see it get to low then I take that opportunity to hit Ego Surge/Mind Break for great damage and a great heal. Then I quickly follow up with a Ego Sleep tap and get back to debuffing.

    However, if I see that a fully capable tank is holding the agro and life bars are staying full then I will use Mind Break as much as I possibly can just to do more DPS.

    Having another Telepathy user with Mind Break on my team COMPLETELY phucks everything I'm trying to do up. I've teamed with people that just sit there and Tap Spam Mind Break.... "WTF REALLY?" It's annoying as hell.

    I have thought about retconing this character into support role though, as I could most likely make it more survivable with even better support. But to be honest, the powers aren't all that interesting to me. Especially when I can't even use the big showstopper of the set(Master of the Mind) because it's a serious contender for worst power in the entire game.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I previously was censored by trailturtle and my post regarding the inept design was deleted:

    Congress of Selves - Provides Penetration, yet all the new powers are DoT meaning only the first tick of any hit will actually provide penetration checks. Completely breaks rules of passives being restricted by role. Offers 0 benefit of using support role versus hybrid or offensive role.

    Mental Leech - Hella broken. Debuff useless. Only DPS scales (not debuff, no benefit to support)

    Shadow of Doubt - Debuff useless. Only DPS scales (not debuff, no benefit to support)

    Mental Storm - Great power (ugly as sin if you're not an electric telepath)

    Master of the Mind - Should be known as "Here I am! Kill me now!" No innate defenses. No way to turn off and ruins both stats and powers and has no synergy with the previous powers.

    Mind Break - Designed horribly for both solo AND team play. It should either be low stacks self detonating (aka 12 stacks only affect self) or high stacks any detonating (aka 30 stacks usable by others).

    - -

    The whole thing was crap. And everything above is said WITHOUT bringing up what the powers once were capable of being. What was the cause? Laziness? Shortsighted? Malicious? Scheduling?... No one knows.

    But the result is a "mini-set" that can't even stand on its own feet, much less have synergy with what was once supposed to be telepathy.

    They will not be fixed or reviewed. They will shine as a testament to all that is wrong with this game.

    Lack of Talent
    Lack of Imagination
    Lack of Follow Through
    Lack of Communication
    Full of reported bugs

    This was for me, indeed the shark that was jumped and the entirety of PWE is irredeemable in my eyes. I will not play or support a single one of their products. As a Comic loving Trekkie, this SHOULD have been a sure bet. But I've grown weary of what the game "should/could/would" be. Until the entire combat system and business practices are changed, there is zero consumer confidence in PWE that I can forsee.
  • underchickenunderchicken Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    Mental Leech - Hella broken. Debuff useless. Only DPS scales (not debuff, no benefit to support)

    Shadow of Doubt - Debuff useless. Only DPS scales (not debuff, no benefit to support)

    Heh, glad I went RDPS then. :tongue:

    Sadly, I'm seeing the lack of thought that we saw being put into these powers also being put into the new Laser Sword powers. I don't know what happen to the people that USED to design powers for Champs, but we sure as hell need them back.:frown:
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Interesting, so would it be alright if bullets, physical weaponry etc didn't work on ghosts or interdimensional beings like Therakiel? Because they phased through or weren't powerful enough to even scratch them?
    Actually, I'd be all right with physical attacks not affecting non-physical foes - that would reflect my experience with the PnP, back in the day. (Yeah, just try shooting that guy with Desolidification on. Better hope whatever he's standing in front of won't direct the ricochets your way.) Of course, then you'd have to be able to buy the Advantage "Affects Desolid"...
    Or if Fire Powers didn't work on Fire foes or particle damage had no effect on irradiated foes...?
    There it would make sense for the damage types to do less damage - no damage wouldn't really make sense, because as long as there's a body under there, it can be damaged by whatever, but the body is used to its own damage type. However, I'd also want to see "opposing" attacks do more damage - Fire types taking extra damage from cold attacks (and vice versa) and such. Then there would be a sensible reason for, for instance, a Glacier to not turn on their ice form - because they don't want to be killed too quickly by the flame-wielding villain they're facing.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ..hoping for TT to have a look at this thread perhaps, hopefully some head way is being made with regards these long standing bugs.
  • edited August 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    Hmmm mental leech not working now on villainware and Cyberlord mobs... I wont be taking my telepath in there till it's fixed. mental leech is a huge boon to survival on a low con support toon.

    Mental Leech: No longer heals allies or self vs any in game foe.

    Tested this last night.

    FATAL Err0r is just a pain without Mental Leech not working properly. But doable for Mentella, just annoying I guess.
  • edited August 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    Wait... WTF its not working at ALL now?!?!?!?

    Hence the post title: FATAL ERR0R: Telepathy :wink:
    gradii wrote: »
    also yes its doable without mental leech working properly, but if its gonna be annoying then I'd rather not.

    Annoying in terms of Mental Leech not working properly that's all, as long as you keep Cyberlord and his minions under your control, it's fine.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Annoying in terms of Mental Leech not working properly that's all, as long as you keep Cyberlord and his minions under your control, it's fine.

    You seem quite complacent when you say "That's fine". I am not saying this to argue with you but it is certainly not fine. My stake is considerably nil, but low standards (and lower expectations) have completely ruined this game, and specifically Telepathy's role in this game.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    You seem quite complacent when you say "That's fine". I am not saying this to argue with you but it is certainly not fine. My stake is considerably nil, but low standards (and lower expectations) have completely ruined this game, and specifically Telepathy's role in this game.

    The mission itself is rather easy, I am not pleased with Telepathy's state at all, but sadly there is little I can personally do, apart from post lists of bugs.

    We all know that the bugs that are around now, should have been squashed before it was even put on the LIVE stage, the fact that I had compiled over 5 bugs within 3 hrs of them releasing these powers should be enough to show that it isn't really fine.

    I hate having to solo stuff, I am more of a team player to be honest, but I did Warlord recently and since Mental Leech doesn't work, there really is no reason to be teaming with others. My CC is torn apart by other's DPS so there goes my role.

    In terms of the mission, I meant "fine" as in doable, passable if you will. I know that if my powers worked properly, I'd have more fun, but as it stands, I am just relieved that I can get back into some level of "normal gameplay" even if it means I must take things slow.

    Ideally I'd like to see Telepathy fixed up (new powers at least) before Cybermind hits the LIVE server, but there is NO chance of that happening.

    So if I am being realistic, I'd wager perhaps sometime between finale of FE and Laser Sword Powers making it to LIVE, I'll be bringing up Telepathy again.
  • edited August 2013
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  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Cyberlord is a copy from Whiteout pre-On Alert. Holds and all kinds of junk.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    I'm interested now, Cyberlord is holdable? lemme guess... ego storm right? incapacitates are good for SOMETHING I guess. :rolleyes:

    Ego Storm, Mental Storm, Ego Sleep etc all holds work on him, depending on how strong your CC is the hold times vary from player to player.

    This really applies to all Super Villains though... via Manipulator ofc.

    In my experience with the holds that still have some function in CO, Super Villains I have encountered can all be held.
  • edited August 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    my telepath gets over 1 minute holds, I'd say I'm good. still gonna wait for mental leech to be fixed though.
    altho ego sleep has never worked on super villains, not when i used it. even with 1 minute plus holds. I've seen yours they aren't that much longer. what are you doing differently? yes I use manipulator.

    My holds are closer to 2 minutes actually (I think you saw her holds when she was only half geared). If your Ego Sleep isn't holding Super Villains, I don't know what to tell you. It isn't going to have even half regular duration, it will be like 0.5 to 3 second holds with Ego Sleep maybe?

    Ego Storm is more successful at holding Super Villains than Ego Sleep. I get longer holding periods on Super Villains with Ego Storm.

    Ego Sleep doesn't hold Super Villains all of the time though.

    With Manipulator think of holds acting for most people as an interrupt. Incapacitates are better at providing holds where as charged holds, like Ego Sleep, act as very mini holds or interrupts.

    Ego Sleep on Super Villains is nice for jamming up their charge attacks (provided they don't have more than 2 stacks of CC resist already then it has a lower chance of working.)

    NOTE: Rather than thinking duration = % to hold, it is rather based on the timing of when you fire off the hold and your character's crowd control strength, if you are using holds, make sure you time them correctly, to get the most out of it on Super Villain ranked foes. On Mentella holds only fail if I force targets to have 3 or more stacks of CC resistance in a short space of time, that is when holding targets is difficult/useless.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The strength of a hold really doesn't matter in this particular case..

    Manipulator is the only check for whether or not a player can hold a Super Villain class enemy. Last I played the direct holds did not work (Like Electrocute etc) but the Incapacitates did (Maybe just Ego Storm because it worked as a pet).. this is because Incapacitates were created after the Hold change.

    In Champions, any hold lasting over 30s is a self gimp because anything that can be held needs no more than 30 seconds to kill/recover from and every fight that lasts longer than 30s is with an enemy that cannot be held. Not to mention that none of that "Time" system takes HP into effect so damaging the target means your hold is useless anyhow.

    Hurrah for broken **** game mechanics.
  • edited August 2013
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    mind telling me how you did it so I can do it too? I could always use some advice on that.
    (I'm guessing rank 8 pres mods or 500 pres)

    Manipulator Form, I also have a rank 7 Sentinel Brooch slotted in Utility for CC str, I'm not sure how much numbers wise it actually adds though.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    The strength of a hold really doesn't matter in this particular case..

    Manipulator is the only check for whether or not a player can hold a Super Villain class enemy.

    ^ This. Anyone with 8 stacks of Manipulator should be able to hold Super Villains as each stack just increases "Hold Magnitude"

    gamehobo wrote: »
    In Champions...every fight that lasts longer than 30s is with an enemy that cannot be held. Not to mention that none of that "Time" system takes HP into effect so damaging the target means your hold is useless anyhow.

    Hurrah for broken **** game mechanics.

    Again, so true, there is only two holds/CC powers in game which works on Legendaries and above.

    Namely Teddification and Ice Grenade.
  • edited August 2013
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  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I want to preface this with me not reading through this thread completely yet.

    I want to bring up Rimefire burst as another power that got the lazy treatment on "trivial" FX. It has reused the tap animation for fireball. :l I mean... I just... I can't... Fire hasn't had a new power since fire shield and ice hasn't had something since avalanche. Are you kidding me, Cryptic? You're just reusing an Fx without a minor reskin? :/

    That's not to say that it has been treated as poorly as Telepathy but it still hits a sore spot for me. I suspect the reason it didn't get anything was because they couldn't come up with (or give enough time to) something that would blend nicely into both fire and ice powersets while not feeling completely out of place in either. But. I mean. Gah. Tap for fireball?! Really?

    I'm sure I'm the only one raising this issue xD I'll just scurry off now...

    alrighty, I read through it and I see that the focus is on telepathy and holds. But can I still keep my rimefire burst in here? xD

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    blumoon8 wrote: »
    I want to preface this with me not reading through this thread completely yet.

    I want to bring up Rimefire burst as another power that got the lazy treatment on "trivial" FX. It has reused the tap animation for fireball. :l I mean... I just... I can't... Fire hasn't had a new power since fire shield and ice hasn't had something since avalanche. Are you kidding me, Cryptic? You're just reusing an Fx without a minor reskin? :/

    That's not to say that it has been treated as poorly as Telepathy but it still hits a sore spot for me. I suspect the reason it didn't get anything was because they couldn't come up with (or give enough time to) something that would blend nicely into both fire and ice powersets while not feeling completely out of place in either. But. I mean. Gah. Tap for fireball?! Really?

    I'm sure I'm the only one raising this issue xD I'll just scurry off now...

    The new powers suck, were poorly thought out, then even MORE poorly implemented. While I don't know specifically about Rimefire Burst, but until Champions Online gets a combat designer, don't expect anything better.

    You're not the only one raising the issue. But you can get constantly forum banned for bringing it up.. you know.. because they care. So write your suggestions/complaints with caution
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The guy who designed these powers must have ran out of steam. Which is funny since they are his first.
  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You know, yet another reason they REALLY ought to hand out a free FF slot to all silvers is that until this thread I wasn't even aware that cold/fire or whatever GOT a new power.

    (Or test server access, or something)
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    You're not the only one raising the issue. But you can get constantly forum banned for bringing it up.. you know.. because they care. So write your suggestions/complaints with caution
    Thanks a ton for the heads up! I'll keep this in mind. :P

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oi here we go again...

    Alright, for those who don't know, all of the recent powers made and added to sets are constructed, purely, by one person. Cryptic North has nothing to do with them, they are focusing on the missions and apparently fixing content.

    Gentleman Crush is the one, solely, working on these powers. During his spare time. As in, when he is not being paid. (Now, some of the effects were also done by Splosions, who he managed to also steal away during free time.) He's doing this because he likes the game. The powers were NEVER MEANT to be a set redesign, simply to add additional options for people to use.

    Yes, it is fine to be disappointed in them. I'm not saying you can't be. Feel butthurt as much as you want, everyone's allowed to have their opinion. However, make sure it is an informed opinion.

    Speaking of information, Gamehobo failed to correctly mention the reasoning why he was banned. I'm pretty sure the fact that they were putting insults, blatantly harsh language, hate messages, and flat out ridiculous comments and threats into posts and flat out spamming every topic might have a reason for that. :rolleyes:

    Feel free to voice your disappointment or praise. Myself? I'm going to take them in the design they were intended. As another option.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oi here we go again...

    Alright, for those who don't know, all of the recent powers made and added to sets are constructed, purely, by one person. Cryptic North has nothing to do with them, they are focusing on the missions and apparently fixing content.

    Gentleman Crush is the one, solely, working on these powers. During his spare time. As in, when he is not being paid. (Now, some of the effects were also done by Splosions, who he managed to also steal away during free time.) He's doing this because he likes the game. The powers were NEVER MEANT to be a set redesign, simply to add additional options for people to use.

    I'm pretty sure anyone who has an idea about these powers is aware GMC is the one doing the fixes solely. There is no doubt about it. I don't think either myself or anyone on this thread has suggested these 6 additions were a total set redesign. At. All.
    Yes, it is fine to be disappointed in them. I'm not saying you can't be. Feel butthurt as much as you want, everyone's allowed to have their opinion. However, make sure it is an informed opinion.

    Yes. You are right. It is fine to be disappointed, that is the whole reason this post was made, to highlight areas of disappointment with these powers. I can assure you everything here has not been conjured as a figment of my imagination. They are all very real. So the "opinion" of New Telepathy being bugged is actually a well informed and well documented FACT.

    Feel free to voice your disappointment or praise. Myself? I'm going to take them in the design they were intended. As another option.

    Because being able to heal your foes is intended right? Some things like stacking mechanics being shared and free for all detonation mechanics, yes they were intended. Everything else? No. If you want to accept these powers in their bugged state, then you are free to do so.

    There is no way the player base would accept if something like AoPM started malfunctioning or Ebon Ruin no longer applied a debuff or trauma, or 2GM only did damage on the first tick or if Night Warrior's Defense Penetration flat out did not work. That would get hotfixed ASAP.

    So there yet remains another option, which is to wait for fixes. I have no idea why these powers were shoved out of the PTS prematurely but the first week they were out, they did not rank up properly. I also managed to compile a bug list of over 5 bugs within the first few hours of them hitting LIVE.

    I think it would be a lot easier if someone were to help GMC with these powers so that he can get this out of the way and I can stop complaining about these telepathy bugs.

    He also is the same person creating those Laser Sword Powers and Particle Damage Passive(which are pretty cool), so I realise he has a lot to deal with on top of his normal work.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Speaking of information, Gamehobo failed to correctly mention the reasoning why he was banned. I'm pretty sure the fact that they were putting insults, blatantly harsh language, hate messages, and flat out ridiculous comments and threats into posts and flat out spamming every topic might have a reason for that. :rolleyes:

    If it weren't illegal forum information I'd post the EXACT correspondence as to why I was banned. Yes it was for "being too negative"

    In fact I can't post in the PTS forum at all because .. you know.. they care.

    - -

    WHOMEVER created the powers AS WELL AS the producer(s) that put the powers live need to have a hard look in the mirror. There is no reason for this level of bugs and plain poor design.

    At this point it's a running joke that telepathy is the red-haired stepchild (Jean Grey reference) of Champions. The fact that this telepathy mini-set was released in such apathy just adds to the comedy.

    The greater conversation of why these powers do not follow the precedent of the combat design set in Champions Online is one I would be happy to have as well, though I have already made a thread for that.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oi here we go again...

    Alright, for those who don't know, all of the recent powers made and added to sets are constructed, purely, by one person. Cryptic North has nothing to do with them, they are focusing on the missions and apparently fixing content.

    Gentleman Crush is the one, solely, working on these powers. During his spare time. As in, when he is not being paid. (Now, some of the effects were also done by Splosions, who he managed to also steal away during free time.) He's doing this because he likes the game. The powers were NEVER MEANT to be a set redesign, simply to add additional options for people to use.

    I guess we need to refocus to who was first responsible for CC not working properly anymore with On Alert that it would need sets like telepathy to be redone in the first place.


    If it was being done during free time and there was no deadline for it, why did it get put onto Live when it clearly wasn't done? This was evident even from an amateur perspective?
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    If it weren't illegal forum information I'd post the EXACT correspondence as to why I was banned. Yes it was for "being too negative"

    In fact I can't post in the PTS forum at all because .. you know.. they care.

    You've spent months burning bridges, and now you complain that you have business across the river? You've crossed the lines from "concerned citizen" to "crank" to "sociopath" one too many times, and that's why you've been banned.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm pretty sure anyone who has an iota about these powers is aware GMC is the one doing the fixes solely.
    blumoon8 wrote: »
    I want to bring up Rimefire burst as another power that got the lazy treatment on "trivial" FX. It has reused the tap animation for fireball. :l I mean... I just... I can't... Fire hasn't had a new power since fire shield and ice hasn't had something since avalanche. Are you kidding me, Cryptic? You're just reusing an Fx without a minor reskin? :/
    The guy who designed these powers must have ran out of steam. Which is funny since they are his first.

    The two above quotes, pulled from this page, suggest against that. You, might know. Not everyone seems to.
    There is no doubt about it. I don't think either myself or anyone on this thread has suggested these 6 additions were a total set redesign. At. All.

    Despite the many times people have stated disappointment that this 'Telepathy rework' as it was labeled many times as, was nothing of the sort? Perhaps frames of reference differ on it, but I've seen little else but people saying that it 'wasn't a good review' of the set, when it never was supposed to be.
    Yes. You are right. It is fine to be disappointed, that is the whole reason this post was made, to highlight areas of disappointment with these powers. I can assure you everything here has not been conjured as a figment of my imagination. They are all very real. So the "opinion" of New Telepathy being bugged is actually a well informed and well documented FACT.

    Never said the bugged parts aren't fact, in ANY way. Don't start trying to twist me words. They are here. I applaud your diligence in pointing them out. However, those that continue to state that the powers are terrible, are using an opinion as fact. The powers, are another choice. The bugged parts, yes, disappointing. The powers themselves? An option.

    I would LOVE to see bug updates. The fact that I still play this game even with the mountain of them that both you and I can plainly see is surprising. I WANT to see the day when a list like this doesn't have to be maintained. However, I highly doubt that will come to pass when GC seems to be primarily focused on adding additional options, as it seems like the amount of work to fix these powers is solely in his hands.
    Because being able to heal your foes is intended right? Some things like stacking mechanics being shared and free for all detonation mechanics, yes they were intended. Everything else? No. If you want to accept these powers in their bugged state, then you are free to do so.

    I want them to be fixed as much as you do. However, I also want those that intend to discuss them to have an informed vision of the current state of powers and fixes. As is quoted above and to be corrected, GC is not a 'New guy'. Uninformed, thus, skewed vision. My singular intention.
    I think it would be a lot easier if someone were to help GMC with these powers so that he can get this out of the way and I can stop complaining about these telepathy bugs.

    Hell, I'd do it myself for free. Although it appears that free hands seem to be at a premium here. Unfortunate.
    He also is the same person creating those Laser Sword Powers and Particle Damage Passive(which are pretty cool), so I realise he has a lot to deal with on top of his normal work.

    Understood, and I know that you know(That I know that you know...). My post was primarily directed towards those that didn't, as said right at the start.
    Alright, for those who don't know

    Since many statements in the past few pages have seem very misinformed.

    gamehobo wrote: »
    If it weren't illegal forum information I'd post the EXACT correspondence as to why I was banned. Yes it was for "being too negative"

    That's...Pretty much the easiest way to say it, and probably how I would describe it too since any other way would probably get me fired. Calling the telepathy update the equivalent to the holocaust or suppressing gay rights? That, was off the mark. And quite negative.

    I'd quote your rampant snippets but many of them were purged, for good reason as shown above. :tongue:

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    There are conversations I am willing to engage in like:
    gamehobo wrote: »

    The greater conversation of why these powers do not follow the precedent of the combat design set in Champions Online is one I would be happy to have as well, though I have already made a thread for that.

    Then there are conversations I wont engage in like:
    You've spent months burning bridges, and now you complain that you have business across the river? You've crossed the lines from "concerned citizen" to "crank" to "sociopath" one too many times, and that's why you've been banned.

    I just don't care if you "like me" or not. Attempts to derail yet another important thread with player hate to get it shut down is lame. If you don't like me, good for you. Don't like what I post, don't read it. If you feel it crosses a line, run and tell an adult.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    I just don't care if you "like me" or not. Attempts to derail yet another important thread with player hate to get it shut down is lame. If you don't like me, good for you.

    I wasn't stating my opinion of you. I was making an observation based on your pattern of behavior and Cryptic's response. I may have been waxing poetic about your record when I used that burning bridge metaphor, but it remains your record.
    gamehobo wrote: »
    Don't like what I post, don't read it. If you feel it crosses a line, run and tell an adult.

    Cryptic does just fine on their own. They don't need my help. To be blunt, you've made their lives difficult, but their decisions easy. Perhaps if you cared if they "like you" or not, you wouldn't have any reason to play the martyr today.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Lets turn this thread, about Telepathy's bugs and failure in design and make it about me.. the longer we keep derailing it then the devs will finally have a justifyable reason to shut it down..

  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Post 35 started the derailment. [Victim Card REVOKED].

    Ok, now that I have that unpleasantness out of the way I do agree that the bugs are unpleasant and, due to the baseline structure of the game so hunt down those people from 2008 and yell at them a lot), steps should be taken to repair them as well as all bugs(now if we only had a large group of developers being trained for this game who could practice on bugs like...CRYPTIC NORTH).


    I also know a ton of people went on a tissy about how they wanted this massive CC do over and a revamp of the whole powerset and blah blah blah(which then got parrotted into blah blah blah blah blah blah) and those things were never on the table. Also, holding cosmics and turning you into some CoX class was never on the table. At BEST there might have been the option to turn Telepathy more into something similiar to the NW Control Wizards...but it didn't happen. -The End

    P.S. I'm playing a "New" Telepathy toon right now(currently lvl 12), because my "OLD" Telepath was just too awesome to retcon, and....I'm doing just fine even with the bugs(again, they should be fixed). I'll likely come back and post an update when I'm 40....unless this thread is dead.
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited August 2013
    FWIW, I emailed all these Telepathy bugs to LordGar to bump the thread and make sure they were fully aware.
  • voyagersixvoyagersix Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    FWIW, I emailed all these Telepathy bugs to LordGar to bump the thread and make sure they were fully aware.

    At the risk of further derailing this thread, is anyone looking at fixing Overdrive and how it just doesn't work with many maintained powers (Sword Cyclone)? It's been broken forever.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I liked the new powers.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
This discussion has been closed.