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Fatal err0r

canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
Post edited by canadascott on


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well at least I can expect telepaths to remain useless .. you know.. for RP purposes
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some video game style Tronish content coming . This pleases the Nepht >_>
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It looks interesting, though I am a bit disappointed they're putting more costume pieces in lock boxes than last time.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vizzone wrote: »
    It looks interesting, though I am a bit disappointed they're putting more costume pieces in lock boxes than last time.

    Well there was the box from the daily racing mission that had some costume bits in them. You had to navigate a poorly built race course to get it though. That's assuming you didn't get chain DQ'd because you wandered too far from the middle of the ring or the ring didn't register that you passed through it.

    A free box is a free box but, to me, it's not worth that level of frustration again.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh, you em-effers are gonna make me spend my stipend on keys to gambleboxes relevant to my interests, aren't you? Finally. You tell that loot table random number generator that I'm coming for it, and hell's coming with me.

    Although I'm more intrigued by the story on this one. SOCRATES and Mechanon seem to be the only AIs worth a damn in CO. With no equivalent to Citadel or Luminary, most player AI toons have sentience disproportional to the state of the art in the game lore. Is there some kick-**** android character in the source books that Cryptic has been sleeping on?
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Well, you got me now Cryptic. [Pulls out wallet.]

    Damned lockboxes hiding the fun stuff...

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • khoraxgatorkhoraxgator Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh. Lockboxes. Great. That will certainly ensure that Cryptic gets zero dollars and zero cents from me until these costumes become less lockbox-y and more.. well.. just plain old available.
  • dantheiceman1dantheiceman1 Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    Well at least I can expect telepaths to remain useless .. you know.. for RP purposes

    will you honestly give it a rest already? they announced the changes that are coming they might even be in the patch for the new story arc
    The Nemesis system needs fixing and here's ideas:
    A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. Henry Ford
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can't wait!...to trade for them from other players when prices drop to bottom dollar like everything else that has.

    Seriously, 200 keys only to get just the vehicle to drop once. I could have traded for all the rewards multiple times over. I hope the become device actually works and I don't have to worry about what toon it becomes permanently bound to.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    will you honestly give it a rest already? they announced the changes that are coming they might even be in the patch for the new story arc


    No I will not.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wait what?! The special vehicle drop has only 3 weapon slots, 2 defense and 2 support? That thing better be almost the fastest or most hard hitting vehicle there is! Or you know...useable in all outside instances.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Huh... "Fatal Err0r," how amusing that I was having one of those concerning STO yesterday
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    will you honestly give it a rest already? they announced the changes that are coming they might even be in the patch for the new story arc

    At this point I don't think this will stop even after the Telepathy revamp is released.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At this point I don't think this will stop even after the Telepathy revamp is released.


    Deliciously nutritious!
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At this point I don't think this will stop even after the Telepathy revamp is released.

    Naaaaah.... It'll be about how they did it wrong. :wink:

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Nothing which says you cannot complain if something isn't done correctly, I mean...look at Throwing Blades, that power is a mess. People complained something is being done.

    Telepathy - Utter bombshell

    People complained...and complained...and complained..and FINALLY something is being do-*10 month stop*....and complained....and FINALLY something is being worked on for it.

    Pretty sure, it takes dedication not to just stop complaining after waiting that long..especially when your main benefits directly from this powerset.

    Like myself.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I prefer a kludge that stops Throwing Blades from being autowin, to getting nothing.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    On the first look i thought : oh really new content ?

    But then all i read was : New Vehicles, Legion Gear, Lockboxes .. blah .. :rolleyes:
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK, y'know what? Screw SOCRATES. May she, now and forever, suffer from blown capacitors, bad RAM, installations of Windows Vista, hard drive failures, overheating and thousands of free toolbars that she had to download in order to win free iPads.

    "Heroes! Help me! I need someone to fix me so I don't die! Won't you please help?"
    "Sure, why not!"
    "OK! Here, have these boxes, and open them with the Cosmic Keys of Power! Hurry!"
    "So you can win the super cool bike and the cool costume pieces!"
    "I think someone needs to go back to the bench..."
    "OPEN MY BOXES AND WIN MY SWEET HOVERBIKE AND COSTUME PIEC---- 01000100011011110110111000100111011101000010000001100110011011110111001001100111011001010111010000100000011101000110111100100000011100000110110001100001011110010010000001001110011001010111011001100101011100100111011101101001011011100111010001100101011100100010000001100001011011100110010000100000011000100111010101111001001000000110000100100000010010000110010101110010011011110010000001101111011001100010000001110100011010000110010100100000010011100110111101110010011101000110100000100000010001100110111101110101011011100110010001100101011100100010011101110011001000000101000001100001011000110110101100100001 STOP ERROR COSMIC_KEY_NOT_SOLD"
    "Told ya we should've opted for the nicer RAM..."
  • aronakallzaronakallz Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am not a happy tron fan... I now have to spend all my stipend on keys... But at least I'll get some worthy stuff. I hope.
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A temporary event who last 15 days, a new vehicule and a new lockbox!

    Yeah, this is perfectly what's the players needs and wants for this game.

    Or not.

    Well done Cryptic. You're the best.
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    gaelyn1 wrote: »
    A temporary event who last 15 days, a new vehicule and a new lockbox!

    Yeah, this is perfectly what's the players needs and wants for this game.

    Or not.

    Well done Cryptic. You're the best.


    I had a discussion with ym guild mates about this, the resident grinder was all like 'oh no you don't have to spend money on lockboxes'. We no, HE doesn't; poor bastard needs a gf or something.. lucky him.

    The rest of us with lives want at least some perm content that's not behind a lockbox.

    I own EVERY costume set they ever made. No sh#t spent real money supporting real content, even the ones i didn't like a whole lot, I eventually bought them all.


    Stipend, grinding or nothing.

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • thearkadythearkady Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    More lockboxes: you can't spell content without "con".

    ... right, that's so going to be my new sig.
  • danteandersendanteandersen Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fatal Err0r: A perfect name for this event, because the path this game is taking, that's what we'll be seeing when we try to launch CO in six months (maybe less) since the game will be finally be offline.

    More lockbox crap for probably a short-lived mission series that will take at most 1 hour to complete to add to the cycling events that are the ONLY real content being added, even if only temporary, because the phrase "permanent game content" does not exist in Cryptic/PWE's vocabulary anymore when it comes to CO.

  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Fatal Err0r: A perfect name for this event, because the path this game is taking, that's what we'll be seeing when we try to launch CO in six months (maybe less) since the game will be finally be offline.

    More lockbox crap for probably a short-lived mission series that will take at most 1 hour to complete to add to the cycling events that are the ONLY real content being added, even if only temporary, because the phrase "permanent game content" does not exist in Cryptic/PWE's vocabulary anymore when it comes to CO.


    Your all sunshine and bunnehs eh :D
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yep, this crowd sure is amazing. Anybody can complain about an event that's already happened - but you guys aren't going to sit around and wait to be disappointed by reality, no sirree! You're going to go ahead and be disappointed by your own imaginations!

    Me, I'm going to wait and see. It might be good. It might even be permanent. We have no data - only guesswork.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • shaydowfallshaydowfall Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    We have no data - only guesswork.

    You do understand that this thread is natural right? I mean, that's what humans do when we don't have all the data, we try to fill in the gaps with what information we do have and form a hypothesis based on the guesswork.

    I agree however it is unfortunate such things happen. Sadly people will fill in the gaps with " it's going to be bad ", and then no matter what happens, their brain has already decided on a set train of thought due to having to fill in the gaps, and those people, no matter in the end what gets released, are gonna say " it is bad ".

    Just a thought.
  • thearkadythearkady Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    We have no data - only guesswork.

    Actually, we have the data that the only part of the new content live so far is con-tent, i.e. stuff in lockboxes for which, unlike would be the case for more legitimate forms of gambling, the con-tent creator need not publish actual odds of winning.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Yep, this crowd sure is amazing. Anybody can complain about an event that's already happened - but you guys aren't going to sit around and wait to be disappointed by reality, no sirree! You're going to go ahead and be disappointed by your own imaginations!

    Me, I'm going to wait and see. It might be good. It might even be permanent. We have no data - only guesswork.

    Well said sir , well said.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Me, I'm going to wait and see. It might be good. It might even be permanent. We have no data - only guesswork.

    Yes, we do have data. We have three previous events, all of which followed the same pattern:

    -- Lockboxes with horrible drop rates on high-value items and buggy costume pieces
    -- Build-up stages that are trivial to a fault, but still last for weeks
    -- Stages that ship with show-stopper bugs
    -- "Grand" finales that don't drop rewards valuable enough to be worth anybody's time after one success

    Now what could possibly lead you to believe that things will be different with Fatal Err0r? Because the new lockbox is already repeating the pattern: horrible drop rates on high-value items and buggy costume pieces.

    But you're positive that this time, Lucy won't pull the football away.

    I wish Cryptic would give me a reason to be as optimistic as you are, Jon. So far, Fatal Err0r isn't a reason.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yes, we do have data. We have three previous events, all of which followed the same pattern:

    -- Lockboxes with horrible drop rates on high-value items and buggy costume pieces
    -- Build-up stages that are trivial to a fault, but still last for weeks
    -- Stages that ship with show-stopper bugs
    -- "Grand" finales that don't drop rewards valuable enough to be worth anybody's time after one success

    Now what could possibly lead you to believe that things will be different with Fatal Err0r? Because the new lockbox is already repeating the pattern: horrible drop rates on high-value items and buggy costume pieces.

    But you're positive that this time, Lucy won't pull the football away.

    I wish Cryptic would give me a reason to be as optimistic as you are, Jon. So far, Fatal Err0r isn't a reason.

    My theory is Jonsills is insane.

    Now, now, bear with me, I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just making an observation according to something stated by Albert Einstein.

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My theory is Jonsills is insane.

    Now, now, bear with me, I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just making an observation according to something stated by Albert Einstein.

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
    actually, rigorous testing is doing the same thing over and over to absolutely verify your results before trying to claim to have predictability from them.

    jon and i disagree on a number of things, but at least waiting till you have concrete evidence that you are right is prudent to not discredit your opinions later.

    I have made no secret about my disappointment with cryptic handling of the post coh era they dropped a lot of public relations balls that could have gotten new (paying)customers from several people who had been loyal customers to a similar game, but ill wait till they make a mistake before calling them on it.

    will error be another cluster duck to the tune of forum malvan? lets wait and see, then weigh in.
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Yep, this crowd sure is amazing. Anybody can complain about an event that's already happened - but you guys aren't going to sit around and wait to be disappointed by reality, no sirree! You're going to go ahead and be disappointed by your own imaginations!

    Me, I'm going to wait and see. It might be good. It might even be permanent. We have no data - only guesswork.

    I've been told that the Event model is the status quo, at least for the time being. I don't hate it, and having 6-8 events that circulate one week per month between Bloodmoon, Clarence, and the Anniversary events would not be a bad thing, especially if Cryptic is willing to revise some of the more trite sections (eg. make the opening mission of the Lemurian event a little more involved, add a real second act to Forum Malvanum and replace a couple of the arena combats with something more original and PUG-friendly), and revise the rewards with new items and drop rates that encourage participation (FM, I'm looking at you. Those rewards were insulting.) Or perhaps even make separate versions of the finales for sub-40s and 40s, so endgame users can face appropriate challenges without feeling nerfed.

    But I strongly agree that we shouldn't, to use a line from Arsenic and Old Lace, write the review on the way to the theater. The initial lockbox isn't the event and a few people are just being silly about this. We haven't seen the event yet. As Cryptic North becomes more conversant with the engine, they should be able to get us more substantial pieces of content in a decent time frame. At least that's my hope. In any event, I'll judge it on its merits.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rianfrost wrote: »
    actually, rigorous testing is doing the same thing over and over to absolutely verify your results before trying to claim to have predictability from them.

    jon and i disagree on a number of things, but at least waiting till you have concrete evidence that you are right is prudent to not discredit your opinions later.

    I have made no secret about my disappointment with cryptic handling of the post coh era they dropped a lot of public relations balls that could have gotten new (paying)customers from several people who had been loyal customers to a similar game, but ill wait till they make a mistake before calling them on it.

    will error be another cluster duck to the tune of forum malvan? lets wait and see, then weigh in.

    You can do what you like, but when Cryptic tipped the bucket over the balcony and the slop fell on us several times already, I'm not going to expect the slop to suddenly defy gravity the next time that bucket goes over.
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You can do what you like, but when Cryptic tipped the bucket over the balcony and the slop fell on us several times already, I'm not going to expect the slop to suddenly defy gravity the next time that bucket goes over.

    well, like i indicated in the other thread, co hasnt given me much to be confident about either, but i see it this way, on the coh boards I used to say i played because coh was the only game i could play a blue dragon that did martial arts in.

    well, i can do that in co(even a slightly more stylish looking blue dragon, though no love for co's martial arts animations). there isnt really any foreseeable option elsewhere to do that in any other game, wish project awakened had been funded, but it lacked enough shotguns and wasn't in first person so video gamers were confused and scared, and superhero fans recoiled at the idea that a hero could wear pants. could have been great, but people, by and large, are disappointing.

    so yeah, have i even logged in in the last 2 months? dont think i have, playing fire emblem, but for what i want a superhero game to have in terms of customization, my specificity kind of has me stuck here. but since im a lifer, i can afford to wait them out till they finally do something interesting or die, and to berate them when what they do is not interesting enough. maybe you have options if your thing is less specific than mine, maybe dcou can work for you, but we deal with the world we have, not the one we want. and i need to kick evil in the face with a very specific hued clawed foot.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The "jaded fans" line and now the Fatal Error name of this next event. Its almost a commentary on how stale the game has become.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rianfrost wrote: »
    maybe dcou can work for you,

    It can't even work for itself.
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The "jaded fans" line and now the Fatal Error name of this next event. Its almost a commentary on how stale the game has become.

    the genre has become stale, im thinking the dreams of free to play being a workable model that can sustain large budget video games without resorting to intrusive monetization and non-deterministic distribution of increasingly dwindling content is seeing something of a reckoning. the mmo world ain't looking that as healthy anywhere.(edit in the west, some Asian mmos are doing well over there, though even for a self professed otaku like myself, the games look miserable)
  • lestylolestylo Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll wait until I play it before making a judgment call on this. Sure, Cryptic has it's fair share of disappointments but I enjoyed some of the stuff they have produced so it doesn't seem impossible that they may make something worth playing and enjoyable.
    "I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ford produced a whole line of sucky small cars - the Pinto, the Taurus (okay, not that small, but that's how they pushed it), the Escort.

    Therefore the Ford Focus must suck, right?

    Products are not physical laws. They do not have to be exactly the same each time. Now, perhaps "Fatal Err0r" will turn out to be exactly like, say, "Red Winter" or "Nighthawk?" Then again, it may turn out more like "Serpent Lantern" or the better parts of "Whiteout".

    We have no data, and speculating in the absence of data, as Holmes observed, is a capital mistake - insensibly, one begins twisting facts to suit theories, rather than theories to suit facts.

    Oh, and another quote is in order as well. I know I'm not insane - my mother had me tested!
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • forutnefireforutnefire Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Finally got around to checking it out. story looks interesting but I'm so sick and tired of the greedy grubby little hands of whoever thought it'd be a good idea to put everything in friggin lock boxes.
    ~ Flare@Lectrohm (In-Game)

    Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
    (link under construction)
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    They do not have to be exactly the same each time.

    Tell that to Cryptic which seems to have developed a formula for a few tiny missions released in phases that take weeks centered around a lockbox.

    Sure, it could be different, but based on the track record... eh, I think it's a safe bet that we're going to wind up with more dinky, temporary missions that'll get cycled out before the next box comes along.

    The synopsis certainly gives that impression.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My theory is Jonsills is insane.

    Now, now, bear with me, I'm not trying to be insulting. I'm just making an observation according to something stated by Albert Einstein.

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

    The Einstein quote is inapplicable. Jon has not expressed expectations, merely that he intends to wait until after playing the new content before judging it.

    He is, however, incorrect about there being, "no data."

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    thearkady gives me a chuckle:

    More lockboxes: you can't spell content without "con".

    ... right, that's so going to be my new sig

    Heh, I deem it very worthy!

    Also... **gives the finger to any and all lockboxes**
    'Dec out

  • beleaua78beleaua78 Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rianfrost wrote: »
    the genre has become stale, im thinking the dreams of free to play being a workable model that can sustain large budget video games without resorting to intrusive monetization and non-deterministic distribution of increasingly dwindling content is seeing something of a reckoning. the mmo world ain't looking that as healthy anywhere.(edit in the west, some Asian mmos are doing well over there, though even for a self professed otaku like myself, the games look miserable)

    What are you trying to say O_-?
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    We have no data, and speculating in the absence of data, as Holmes observed, is a capital mistake - insensibly, one begins twisting facts to suit theories, rather than theories to suit facts.

    Cryptic's MO is a pretty good source of data to make such speculations.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Ford produced a whole line of sucky small cars - the Pinto, the Taurus (okay, not that small, but that's how they pushed it), the Escort.

    Therefore the Ford Focus must suck, right?

    No. We know this, because they're available for sale, and we can drive them, and we know they're good cars.

    Dodge is a better analogy (and not just because I'm a Mopar guy). The first-generation Omni was the closest Dodge had ever come to building a good small car. Since then, we've had worse Omnis, a Spirit that extended the K-Car platform too far beyond its years, two generations of cute-but-disposable Neons, and the abomination that was the Caliber. Expectations for the new Dart were lower than a snake's belly, even with the influence of Alfa Romeo in the engineering. Guess what? The Dart is a damn good car! Dodge proved the naysayers wrong!

    Then again, Dodge created those naysayers in the first place with decades of compact $#!^boxes.

    You want Cryptic to prove the naysayers wrong with Fatal Err0r? So do I. For the good of the game, they had better prove us wrong. But we can't drive Fatal Err0r yet. We can only look at the specs and press photos, and we can already see a bad power-to-weight ratio (same old lockboxes), torsion beam rear suspension (missing costume finishes), and big panel gaps (chest costume piece doesn't scale right on female toons).

    tl;dr: Looks like we're getting a 2013 Dodge Neon.

    (EDIT: In fact, Fiat/Alfa Romeo makes Dodge a better analogy than I originally thought. They're Dodge's Cryptic North, an outsider coming in to add their expertise and success in a product category Chrysler has traditionally struggled with. Ford would only work better if we got devs back from NW and STO. Ford "improved" the 3rd generation Focus by giving us the Euro version that was better all along.)
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • edited July 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    beleaua78 wrote: »
    What are you trying to say O_-?
    free to play isn't free :P

    Oh and quit dissing the neon, i like mine, it gets me from point a to b and the mileage is good.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rianfrost wrote: »
    free to play isn't free :P

    It costs folks, like you and me?
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