This build is scheduled to hit PTS this evening, 7/3/13
We're updating PTS with this build to test stability, as well as the changes listed below:
Release Notes:- The new powers have been switched back on.
- Powers: Throwing Blades: This power must now be charged at least 50% before it will fire.
- We have made some under the hood changes to the FX system to accommodate the Telepathy power FX. Please try out a variety of powers to see that they are working as expected (visually).
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:Bug
Where it happens
What happens
Whohoo! Glad to see this one fixed.
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Alerts will be playable again! :biggrin:
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! sorry but that power was just... game breaking.
I am so so so glad that got fixed.
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This is a mistake.
We has charge powers that have a tap option.
This isn't a fix, it's a bad workaround
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
Agreed. Just give it back its activation time of .67s that it was supposed to have..
Agreed. Another bad workaround by the devs who can't seem to fix their own stuff. And Jaybezz is right, put back in the activation time and the energy cost and the power will function as intended.
Well.. still hella strong.. I dunno if I wanna call this AoE that does as much damage as single target powers "as intended"
THX for fix !
How about no? Not only would it ruin a lot of builds...and a lot of
But the restrictions would call for Cryptic to give everyone in game a retcon.
They should have just added a short CD to Throwing Blades. That would have solved it (as per suggested by oobtree in his video)
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
They can work. The mechanic in CO solely exists to be used in endgame content and has for years without incident. The problem with the interrupts that were introduced is that they did not follow the Champions Online rule to interrupts: ALL INTERRUPTS HAVE A PERCENT CHANCE TO PROC. This is the way interrupts were designed to work at launch (clobber and might chains) and any deviation from that design has been nothing but bad for game design (including flying kick and ice cage).
Firstly, only give interrupt to Shadow of Doubt and NOT mental leech. Having it on two cycleable powers makes the cooldown too exploitable. Secondly set a base percent chance (5%) and have the percent chance scale with Crowd Control Strength to the 99% chance threshold limit.
ONLY a player with 800PRE as primary superstat, in support role, using PRE/Overseer/Sentinel specializations that boost hold strength, with +CC Strength maxxed gear on should have 99% proc chance. Whatever that number is is the end-all of crowd control. If a player chooses to do this, they really should be rewarded with having their powers work 99% of the time. That leaves a window between 5% and 99% for most players. Even players with 800INT will not be able to reach the 99% chance because they do not have access to the "Dominion" specialization and will always have +50% less CC than that of a PRE user fully specced. If my math is correct this will eventually leave fully CC specc'd INT players with around 66% proc chance albeit almost 2x as often as a PRE user.
There will always be a window in the 6-12 seconds when the NPC enemy can get off a schtick attack and even still their regular attacks will not be locked down. DO NOT FORGET that the interrupt still allows the NPC to cast the same power as soon as tha 1s imposed cooldown on that power is over.
The only thing that needed change was that the interrupt mechanic should only affect the power being cast, charged, or maintained not the entire power bar. This will allow for the power to stop breaking PvP.
Might I suggest taking attack code from an attack such as Experimental Burst Ray or Torrent of Arrows as an initiative for a full-scale fix? From there, you can make tweaks to properties and add the x2 stealth damage bonus back to get a cone attack that... Well, works properly, considering:
- Throwing Blades doesn't deal any damage at all to objects
- Throwing Blades doesn't work on proper toggle form cooldown (Concentration can be stacked very quickly)
- Throwing Blades doesn't process with other abilities that trigger with AoE's (Locus, Mass Destruction, etc).
- The current exploit combo (throwing blades + block in rapid succession) can still be done - which means people can stack their toggles very quickly, and can use the attack with no energy cost.
If for some reason you still seem discontented with interrupts as a whole (which means they should be removed from all other powers as well) then you have to give telepathy players debuffs whose effects (NOT DURATION) scale with Crowd Control strength.
For Shadow of doubt, I suggested a 3s debuff to enemy damage that scaled with CC Strength. This again allows PRE controllers (the stonger of the two types) to do a very strong debuff less often. The argument came back that it was too strong, however the build that was released allowed EVERY player that had the telepathy powers to use a 240% debuff on enemy damage and I still saw MANY players fall to Firewing when they were being used. So I find the argument that a 240% debuff for only 3 seconds (assuming you have 240% hold strength) is too strong ridiculous. Particularly when that is PRECISELY what PRE players can do with Ebon Sigils on MULTIPLE targets in a MUCH LARGER area. If you have 10 PRE then your hold strength isn't likely going to do any debuff, but for the players who have invested heavily this gives them a survival mechanic that benefits the team.
I think one fear is that this offense debuff could stack with the lingering debuff of regret.I would propose that you let regret become what Mental Weakness does. Currently Mental Weakness does NOTHING substantial to CO combat (PvE or PvP). Again.. this is AoAC level weak-sauce we're talking. A 15% increase of charge times only works on charged powers.. So instead I would love to see a increase in enemy energy cost. It has to be a set amount but something that 4 (or hopefully 10 again) stacks of Regret has a true and genuine effect. As a INT player with tons of energy reduction I barely see the difference until the energy is at least 1/3 (200%). So I'm hoping a cap of 100% (double energy cost) is sufficient.. but that would require testing. That way Mental Weakness has a direct cap that benefits the team. 4 (or hopefully 10 again) stacks of Regret = 100% debuff to energy cost.
Then for Mental Leech, I still like the idea of sapping enemy energy. I know it's PvP use only but the alternative Utility mechanics do not scale well with Hold Strength. Increasing Energy Cost/cooldown/chargetimes simply do not scale well. So the "stong" debuff for Mental Weakness would be to sap energy strength 1END for every 10 hold Strength % For most builds they do not exceed END bars of 150 but I know at least two END builds with much higher bars. This mechanic already exists in Telekinesis but as an advantage and not a power. I am open to other "Major Utility Debuffs" that fit the description of a "Leech" but this is the first that comes to mind.
To the same end, as with Regret, Malaise would become "Dependency". This power would be a set stack of (or hopefully 10) stacks that increase enemy cooldowns up to 15-40% The longer the battle goes on the less often the enemy attacks the team (Like Stockholm syndrome). It fits the description and also allows for this capped debuff to remain effective.
To this end BOTH Shadow of Doubt and Mental Leech are useful in combat for DPS characters, more-so for Crowd Control characters, and also have a PvP component so that telepathy's powers are not still completely ineffective in Player vs Player.
This part isn't as neccesary but if you really want to please the players (Me, myself, and I included as 4 people) who've suffered here are some suggestions.
Deliciously nutritious!
Powers that do not proc Manipulator stacks, even though they are have disables that should do it:
Telekinetic Maelstrom, Sonic Device, Dragon Kick, Crashing Wave Kick, Ice Burst with hold advantage, Bullet Beatdown 3rd hit stun, Sniper Rifle, Tazer Arrow, Gas arrow with advantage, Sonic Arrow, Thunderbolt Lunge with advantage, Brute strike, Roomsweeper Advantage, Shadow Blast with advantage, Vengence with advantage, Bite with advantage, Condemn with advantage, Cave In, Venomous Breath with advantage. Psychic Vortex with advantage
And all roots pretty much
^ This.
I'd like to see interrupts making a come back, I have suggested in previous threads to make it have a % chance like Power Gauntlet, however this chance would scale with CC str and be higher in support role, CoS should either boost you CC str value OR boost % chance to interrupt. This interrupting should work on everything.
CoS should really be confined to a dual role, namely support/hybrid. Making it any role passive should be stopped. Go back to what it used to be, it was easier and made more sense. (I mean..aggression stealth and threat reduction in offensive role? err no ty, it would also sort of step on Ego Form's toes in terms of passive placement.) We have specific passives for specific roles, lets not break the mould.
Consider an Ego Blast Pose or a stationary Hands on Temple sort of stance for charging Manipulator please.
Mind Wipe/Psychic Cloak - Bring this power back. We need it.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
-Dependancy is still healing players in PvP
-Tapping Mental Storm = One stack of CC resist to foe <--counter productive.
-Ego DoTs can still be dodged.
-Mental Storm's DPS severely destroys the holding component of the power, stop the DoT's from affecting holds like the DoT's currently do for Ego Sleep and perhaps slightly lower the DPS out put of the power.
-Shadow of Doubt and Mental Leech, seem to be doing PITIFUL damage, Psi Lash would be a better DPS power than these two. This may be a ranking error where it is not increasing per rank.
Ego DoT's need to be changed so they either do not break holds like they don't for Ego Sleep OR allow CoS to grant that to the DoTs.
I maintain that CoS should only be a dual role passive (Support/Hybrid)
Refashion it for CC/Damage, if this is done it will be easier to restrict.
Look up a few posts and consider bringing back Interrupts based on a % chance system which is increased by CC Strength, CC gear, PRE, Manipulator and INT holding specs and CC specs, Support Role and possibly Congress of Selves, itself.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Absolutely not. I'd like to retain the flexibility of choosing between quick-tapping to benefit from a better critical rate, or to instead deliver a partial or full blown spike attack. I have a toon uses this flexibility with Force Blast and if this sort of restriction was implemented for every charged power, my toon would be ruined, along with a few others potentially.
I don't see why Throwing Blades have to be changed like this. Was it impossible to fix the exploit without having to force the power to be half-charged before it can fire off?
A small CD could have been added to it...that would have stopped the bind in its tracks..
Small CD = 5 seconds?
Instead of this 50% rule..
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I am @RavenForce in game
That's the thing, the power was being activated, before the exploit you could still tap throwing blades and it would do damage, this was essentially a super speed version of that ability.
It isn't right that this now becomes one of the only charge powers which need to be charged for 50% before any effect.
The power as bluhman has already said, is quite broken in itself without having to contend with this exploit.
Perhaps since it didn't obey the laws normal cone powers do (such as procing Locus, Mass Destruction or damaging objects.) that is one of the reasons why it is so buggy.
However, in all honesty it HAS been "fixed". All what is being said is that it is a poor work around. Loosing flexibility on one charge power is a bit
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
My thoughts exactly.
What little faith I had left in Cryptic is now completely gone.
What the......I can't even....are you guys serious?:eek:
If this goes live I want a retcon. Not because I was exploiting this power but because I use it as an AoE (it's the only AoE i have on that toon) and I don't intend to sit there and have to charge it to 50% to use it (you modified the power by default this warrants a retcon since it's not a fix as there was nothing wrong with the charge time).
Have you ever heard of a hack job? I program myself professionally so I can't believe that you pass this up as a fix.
Seriously, what about other ppl who use this power and don't block abuse it?
I wonder if this is how the people who used Imbue felt...
I only used Throwing Blades because it was an easy tap option to deal with crowds up close, without the exploit. Now, what's stopping me from just charging my Ricochet Throw and wasting less time doing that?
Go back and fix it properly. This is a kludge that makes a cool power damn near worthless. Being able to tap it quickly (without the exploit, mind) was part of its appeal and is a big reason why I took it in the first place. Being forced to charge it halfway to even get it to fire properly is garbage.
Things that would be preferable:
Half-second/1 second internal cooldown
Activation time applied properly
Stealth bonus halved
Otherwise, I'm probably going to take something else for my Nighthawk gadgets character. Any suggestions? And even so, this is making me awfully tempted to switch to a melee-ranged hybrid like the Night Warrior and skip Throwing Blades entirely.
Alternative fix for Throwing Blades: Remove the "Boomerang Cone" portion of the power and make the power deal direct damage.
Throwing Blades
Throwing Blades currently does not deal direct damage. Instead, it places a debuff listed as "Boomerang Cone" on the target that deals slightly delayed damage. This can be seen in the linked tooltip as well as in the combat log. This is dissimilar from most other damage powers such as Force Cascade, Frost Breath, Two Gun Mojo, et cetera. This is an unlisted debuff that does not appear under the target window.
Ricochet Throw is similar to Throwing Blades, in that it deals damage through a debuff called "Boomerang Throw". It does not appear to suffer the same issue as Throwing Blades, since it deals direct damage and the damage to secondary targets is through the debuff. The debuff does not appear to be applied to secondary targets when block canceled.
Major Issues:
Explanation of Major Issues:
Tractor Beam's debuff application closely resembles Throwing Blades', in that it will repel and apply repel resistance if block-canceled. Evasive Maneuvers is another power that can be block-canceled, where the dodge bonus is not applied, but shifts the character's position.
Some Possible Fixes:
This mostly means the event ordering of the power is such that the debuff Boomerang Cone is applied at the end of power activation. This solves [1], [2], and [5]. [3] and [4] are not solved due to the inherent nature of how the damage is applied from the power.
Aside from play style changes for players and punishing players that use Throwing Blades tapping for damage without exploiting block-cancel, this fix only solves part of [1]. It does not solve [3] and [4] the same as why fix #1 does not solve it. This fix also does not solve [5], as half-charging and canceling still allows bypassing of Concentration's internal cooldown.
This has the same issues as fix #2. It still punishes players that tap the power. It still does not solve [3] and [4]. Whether or not it solves [1], [2], and [5] depends on when the <apply cooldown> event is placed in the event ordering list. If it is similar to most other powers (<apply cooldown> event is near the end of power activation), this fix solves none of the power's issues. If the event placed before or very near when Throwing Blades applies its debuff, then block-canceling the power will still place it on cooldown, and it will fix [1], [2], and [5]. However, if the <apply debuff> event's position in the list can be easily determined, fix #1 would be preferable, since it does not raise other issues (rapidly tapping without block-canceling).
Fixes #1, 2, and 3 can be improved by allowing the debuff to apply to objects, fixing [3]. Flagging the damage from Boomerang Cone as area of effect can also fix [4].
The proposed fix would solve [1], [2] because Throwing Blades' damage would switch from the <apply debuff> event to the <apply damage> event. The <apply damage> event tends to occur at the end of a power activation (similar to other chargeable damage powers). It will still cost no energy when block-canceled, but will not deal damage, similar to other damage powers when block-canceled. Concentration will only stack when the damage is applied, so [5] is fixed as well.
The fix also solves [3] and [4] because the damage is now direct damage, similar to other powers. Throwing Blades will be the power that is actually dealing damage, so it will be properly flagged as area of effect.
This ended up much longer than expected, so I imagine most people will not read it. The proposed idea will unlikely be implemented due to being a more complicated fix.
Edit: It appears stealth bonus is built-in to each power with certain conditions, so the "Modify Sneak and Smoke Bomb to directly affect Throwing Blades' damage" may not be necessary.
This. Most people who go for a Boomerang attack out of Stealth go with Ricochet Throw. Losing the on-stealth boost to Throwing Blades is better than the suggested kludge they're going with.
Also, I read the entire thing.
Disclaimer: I don't use the bug, and this is my only AoE on the character that uses it (my main, a bubbler/support character). It's a nice fit for the "cone attack where I telekinetically fling stuff at people" thing that I've wanted since launch.
Alternatively, you could rework Crushing Wave's damage/cost to be more on the Conflag/Avalanche scale and less on the Ice Breath/Fire Breath scale. <___<
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
Also, Master of the Mind is PATHETIC! As is I would never dream of taking that power. Cooldown far far to long on such a short duration buff. If you can even call it a buff since it wipes away all your damage resistance, and drops your energy to nearly 0 because of the ridiculous cost. Forcing you to use it's energy builder first, wasting the precious few seconds to even use the damage buff. This power needs major work.
The only up side I see to this new mini-set atm is the cohesiveness with the debuffs for max damage layout. While yes, Mind Break may be set a TOUCH to high on the damage atm. The fact that it intrigues you into using other powers to apply debuffs on targets first to get the max payload with it is a great idea. Something I would LOVE for other sets to incorporate. Take Fighting Claws and Dual Blades for example(pretty much any set which you find a big spammable attack in), what if we were able to apply debuffs with other powers in the set to further strengthen the payload on the Dragon Powers? I believe it would make the game a lot less spammy, and all around great for PvP(that is if we still care about that sort of thing in the slightest.)
Anyway, thems my 2 cents on the new powers. Here's hoping we get a few fixes, and I hope to see these debuffs become a regular thing for other sets.
PS: FX could really use some more work.:redface:
Do you mind stating how you were able to get such damage? Stats, passive, role etc?
Mind Break has been repeatedly nerfed to lower its damage output. So I hope there isn't going to be another lowering, unless these 25K crits you are pulling off are really easy to do.
As for Master of The Mind, it's always had a short duration, but due to some feedback from some players it was severely killed off.
EDIT: After having a mess around with underchicken on PTS, the damage was fine (not OP) as I previously thought it was lol.
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I am @RavenForce in game
BRAIN-TRICITY! on Mental Storm.
We need better debuffs than Mental Weakness and Malaise...:redface:
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Just reposting.
All bugs confirmed. And I maintain my notes as well.
CoS REALLY needs to be Support/Hybrid. To make it anything and I quote from another player would be "too much for ranged" The low damage that the attacks currently do combined with the fact that Psi Lash at rank 1 out DPS's Shadow of Doubt and Mental Leech does not scream Ranged Role powers.
Lock it down to Support/Hybrid and we can start moving again. These DoTs have been designed for Control (they just need to be better) as they work wonderfully with Ego Sleep, which is a CC power which is boosted by Support Role. Makes sense to me.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Already spoke to you in game about this, but will post for the rest here.
Went with CoS Passive. EGO/Dex/Int. Offensive Ranged Role. Heirloom Gear
Went with R3 Mind Break obviously.
Used all 3 of the debuff DoTs until I had 4 stacks of the 2 with the shorter cooldowns. Then I popped Dark Transfusion w/advantage and Ego Surge R3. With around 40% base damage as a starting point, and 107% crit severity, I'm able to hit 25k crits with the power 40% of the time.
Talking with Ravenforce in game we thought it would be best if CoS just didn't work in the Offensive Roles, but you would simply be able to get these same numbers using Ego Form or Shadow Form.
Secondly, after adding Ego Sleep to my test build I found there is actually a nice mix of control going on between it and Mental Storm when going up your average groups. Ravenforce is more worried about the total lack of any control against bosses and such. I'm sure it's an issue, but it's an issue with all control. So it's nothing having to do with the powers themselves. Control needs fixing.
The issue is much broader then control powers working or not working, until there is a complete overhaul, having them not work at all on bosses is better. And I wouldn't hold my breath for a complete overhaul.....
It's only a matter of time before someone finds a new exploit for another Gentle Mancrush created power, anyway. They've already needed to nerf two of them. Line up the next one, I guess.
Nope. Won't happen.
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Nod nod nod
Agree agree agree
Teleport Team to self device from C-Store. Grav alert with more than 10 people anyone?
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Hahaha why Grav with 10 or more when you only need 1?
The problem is that Throwing Blades is broken on a fundamental level. It needs to be thrown out and redone from scratch. Multiple shortcuts were used during its creation and it came back to bite Cryptic in the rear.
Go read. Everything:
Thankfully there is no other power that breaks apart like TB does when you do something as simple as block.
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So...all those people who have waited +10 months for these power and have invested in control, should be slapped in the face with powers which are only usable for soloing Alert level and below minions?
Whilst every other mechanic works just as fine on bosses. Talk about neglect.
I would have loved to be able to work with other telepaths in teams and even work as something more than just a dead weight on a Gravitar team. But since other telepaths detonate my stacks and teaming for control = counterproductive, I might as well be an alert level telepath permanently.
Which is a crying shame, not to mention not my style.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Besides, since you've invested in control you're allowed to keep the charge speed and cooldown debuffs up 100%. Don't be fooled by the smallish looking numbers, they do make a difference. It's just harder to quantify because you can't easily see the effects.
The upside to teaming with multiple telepaths with the current mechanics of allowing everyone to detonate is efficient stack application/detonation. Imagine a team with 4 support telepaths and one dps telepath. The support telepaths apply the DoTs and the dps telepath is nearly allowed to full charge Mind Break without wait and still detonate 2-3 fully stacked debuffs every time. Sounds like working together without being dead weight to me...
Note I'd prefer each player being able to apply and detonate their own telepathy debuffs, but the current system is easier to balance. Imagine a full zone of people using Mental Leech if it was allowed to stack 4 per player during something like the Deathlord fight in Bloodmoon? Assuming everyone is level 40 in a dps or tank role with only 10 PRE and no other healing bonuses that would be...
100 players * 4 stacks/player * 34 healing per second/stack = 13600 healing per second
Lets look at what would happen if everyone was heal specced (506 PRE, 70% bonus from gear, 8 stacks Compassion)!
100 players * 4 stacks/player * 143 healing per second/stack = 57200 healing per second
The above scenarios are not likely, but they could be possible which would make it a potential balance concern.
I'm pretty sure the only control worth taking will be Ego Sleep. If your DoT DPS is ripping apart other controlling powers in your build then it serves little purpose other than to be used in conjunction with Ego Sleep.
Even if there were controls which slowed down boss time (similar to the power despair bomb) or something like that, for bosses and players I'd be relatively happy.
There has been suggestions to bring the only semblance of control these powers EVER had, namely interrupts on a similar system to Power Gauntlet, which funnily enough allows for interrupt mechanics on PLAYERS, making it a very useful power.
Then you have to consider a situation where the boss actually fights back. Consider Gravitar, if you are increasing her charge times by a whopping 0.12 sec...that's...greeeeaaaat...the difference when I was fighting another telepath using these powers was pathetically insignificant, frightfully so.
Then you consider Sigils of Ebon Weakness, 55% damage nerf (base) can be achieved with enough PRE, then you look at that value x5 (55% x 5= 275%) 275% debuff to an unlimited amount of targets...which works on bosses and players and cosmics, they have a fairly good duration. Then you look at Telepathy which can apply a grand total of 24% (6% x 4) debuff which can be removed at any time via someone's Mind Break. And as far as I am aware these 24%'s don't even stack on each other, they just constantly refresh. So a team of 3 support Telepaths would be doing the SAME job as 1 telepath, only with the potential to gain stacking faster provided that one telepath didn't have lots of INT to sheer off the CD times.
Once people see these powers on LIVE (hopefully they'll be better, but in the event they are not) people may not be inclined to use them so the scenario will be very unlikely.
These debuffs however... those 15%'s they NEED to scale with Hold Strength. There is no reason why not.
Why should I more or less gimp myself in support role, laden down with support/CC gear if Mr. or Miss TelepathyDoTDPS, can achieve better numbers and the same level of control debuffing with ranged role, crit gear, the same passive as me and perhaps more HP?
And hopefully CoS WILL be restricted to Hybrid/Support by the time this stuff goes LIVE.
I have a dreadful feeling bar FX these powers are in their final iteration stages. I really hope not.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Considering the charge speed and cooldown timer debuffs wouldn't mean anything if the mob didn't fight back... I am. That 0.12 sec is probably closer to 0.3 sec to 0.375 sec given most mobs have a charge time of 2 to 2.5 seconds. Don't forget the 15% increased cooldown timers due too. That can mean several seconds more downtime on the longer heavy hitting powers.
Then you consider nearly every MV+ mob in the game (Kigatilik and his puppies are the only exceptions I know of) that have debuff caps. Legendary+ mobs are capped at about 25% redux to any one thing. That 55% x 5 from Ebon Sigils against Mega Terak, Qwyjibo, Teleiosaurus or other Legendary+ mobs? 25%. Telepathy is only one percent away from the debuff caps on most Legendary+ mobs *and* telepaths don't even have to try since the attacks are part of their normal attack rotation. When you add in spec tree debuffs it's easy to hit the debuff caps using the new telepathy powers.
Because Mr or Ms TelepathyDoTDPS won't have 100% uptime on the debuffs like you will since you specced controls.
Why? It's an offensive passive that's a cobbled together mess of crappy bonuses. What's supporty about it? And don't point to the Trauma debuff advantage, Pestilence cuts healing as well yet is an offensive passive.
I really don't get the CoS hate. I think it's nice to have a unique passive like this, that can be used in any role.
CoS doesn't completely stop you from getting aggro and I can't see how in the world it would be abused in PvP.. its just too squishy a passive.
For example, my ranged munitions toon with Pestilence -- does lots of damage. But guess what -- he squishy as all get out. If not teamed with someone that can hold aggro and keep it off me.. he dies FREQUENTLY. I don't see this amazingly OP advantage in CoS everyone keeps bringing up.