I thought I'd start a thread recognizing some of those dedicated heroes that have come to define the Champions Universe in a very special way.
Thundrax - I dont know why you are so iconic to me, but seeing you is like celebrity
Lee Tosi - Pretty sure Telios broke the mold when he made you.. even if you are famous for IC zone chat
Caliga - never heard of him.
Xenomorph Drone - Well.. ok.. no lore to go with this one.. but PvP was DEFINED by your uberbuilding for over two years.
- -
So my question to players:
What's your claim to fame?
My main (and only) character Kontrol is the Smartest natural intellect you will find anywhere in the game at a Astonishing 771 INT. I would also say that Kontrol is one of the few Vietnamese/Chinese characters in the game and as of yet the only one I've seen with autism which made her habitual lifestyle very noted (by griefers who want to break her favorite bench she's sitting on).
I'm probably most well known for my main Bunni B.O.T. I'm a CC junkie and overall a help to the contests community (I think). Also co-leader of the super group Society of Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen (SODLAG)!!
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Mentella - An alien Telepath with unmatched mental ability and power. Her past with PSI has left her unnaturally cold hearted towards most. Well known for her harsh attitude, appealing figure and good looks, she leads The Summerstone Sisterhood. She is well known for her immense dislike of Medusa.
I love all my toons, but I'm probably on Mentella the most, as well as her being my favourite and main toon.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
I have no claim to fame. I'm just really loud and obnoxious.
Haha, same here. I used to do a lot more talking/bickering/Offending in Zone, but nowadays I mostly keep to other channels.
I've been recognized in-game a lot over the years just from forum presence. Also from artwork I'd done of Offender. Not very much claim to fame from in-game stuff.
In game I help lead one of the older RP Supergroups
Outside of a dog I'm a good reader
Inside of a dog I can't read, it's to dark
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
I am recognized as "a fellow forumite", like, omg 3-4 people have seen me here and also in-game! Waaoaoh.
I have played this game for years, mostly alone and I didn't have a "main" character. Always switching characters and I was quiet. Now am getting louder. :biggrin:
You mean I'm not the only one that's ever watched that movie? :O
I think it did decent box office. Probably will never be remade (some of the better moments are lost in the sheer length, I wonder if there was en ditor's strike back then) but I'd like to see a revamped version:
Shorter: I like nuance and detail, when it lends merit to the story.
Rell: One of the more badass characters in these types of movies from sheer attitude (or lack of display of it) but the makeup is awful. Also needs a serious weapon revamp. Spear design is good, but one wonders how effective it would be outside a movie if he only has one and has to run to retrieve it after every time he chucks it.
Slayers: Do not change these. Like. Know not why.
Humanoid protagonists: They can't be so easily slaughtered by the thousands, while in combat gear, if the few remaining ragtaggers make them...nah i'll stop there, movie can't work otherwise with out weird rewriting.
Glaive: Ugh. No. Gone.
Fortress ascent: Leave scene untouched.
Inside the fortress: Some of that stuff is bleak and cruel.
Music: Leave untouched. I swear They were using stuff that didn't make the cut for Wrath of Khan, still sounds good.
I have no claim to fame. No one knows who I am, nor do they care. And I think I like it that way.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Heathen! How could you not love a telepathically controlled flying buzzsaw of doom?! Its so awesome, they had to tell the hero not to use it till the final boss. Only because the movie would of been really dull if the hero could of just buzzsawed his way past all the mooks, solo, without even trying hard.
It was a fun movie, full of terrible over used tropes, but written well, and entertaining for an 80's sword and sorcery cheese fest.
Heathen! How could you not love a telepathically controlled flying buzzsaw of doom?! Its so awesome, they had to tell the hero not to use it till the final boss. Only because the movie would of been really dull if the hero could of just buzzsawed his way past all the mooks, solo, without even trying hard.
It was a fun movie, full of terrible over used tropes, but written well, and entertaining for an 80's sword and sorcery cheese fest.
umm, sorry for the derail, part two. :biggrin:
"Only because the movie would of been really dull if the hero could of just buzzsawed his way past all the mooks, solo, without even trying hard."
That's my beef with it. The writers could have come up with a plot device that should have gone like this-
Okay he gets the glaive. It looks cool, but he can't keep it in indefinite flight tracking brainwaves too hone in on hordes of enemies because....um....the Slayers don't have a brain as such too lock on too because they are in part controlled by the Beast.
Then when he gets close too the Beast, the Glaive lights up like an xmas tree because it has finally met the enemy it was designed too kill.
Also incompabitibility with the tropes you mentioned. Next time it's on I'll count exactly how many times some variation of this conversation takes place (at the end I'll adlib how it would have gone had these poor guys known about the Glaive.) but it must have happened at least half a dozen times sorta like this:
"Gahhh! I'm hit! I'll never make it! Save the (gurgle)......"
"There's no time! You'll have to leave me! Make it count!"
etc etc
My adlib-
"Well they got me. Shame I kinda wanted to see what the dark fort....hey...what's that sticking out of your belt. Looks sharp".
(movie response by character briefly explaining the weapon)
Also I am no heathen. There are no heathens in Nilbog. Or food. Just delicious milk!
I'm not famous at all but I have drawn a lot of fanart for the various Super Groups I've been involved in. Some of that work has started to appear here on Fan Base Alpha, which is really cool and flattering, thanks all.
I ain't famous, but I know alot of people who know me becuase I have talked to them before or hav known them for a long time....thats really it. PLus not being famous like that one guy whom I will not name who is Caliga means I don't have people poking me all day:biggrin:
Not exactly famous, I don't think, but back in the Beta and early live days I posted the first guide on Cryptic Math and the Defense Passives. it's still sticky.
I founded and still lead one of the older (and probably only "Light") Role-playing super groups, now a mini collection of SGs in one guild, using a shared internal backstory in the Champions setting more or less.
I'm occasionally recognized in-game from my older forum presence and I guess I know and hang out with other, more famous guys.
This blue Lemurian character, Abyss, with Smacky's Kid Knuckles is mine, for example.
I used to have a cute Hip hop kitty avatar I'm often remembered for.
While I enjoy your claims to forum fame as much as the next guy (is that alot?)
I really was wanting to hear more about people's IN-GAME accomplishments. Especially those players who play as one character.
One of my favorite characters "Amelia Daniel" is the mistress of disguise.. I don't know if the player's on the forums but his ability to make great cloned costumes of our characters is REALLY impressive to me.
I'm trying to think of other characters that are CO mainstays I see around..
I ran a character, (Geist) my main, to level 40 (and would be at level ten thousand or something by now if XP gain continued past 40) using Quarry back when it was an offensive passive that didn't buff your defense...or your offense.
I played Archery in PvP before it became FotM and continued after the nerfs that ended its run in that regard.
I wrote Archery guides/advice both here and on other forums, in some cases dating back to 2009. They are long since archived, and certainly obsolete at this point, but they may have helped a someone.
I have the honor of having been called both a Fanboi and a Hater...without being either...in game and on these forums.
I really was wanting to hear more about people's IN-GAME accomplishments. Especially those players who play as one character.
Yeah, that totally wasn't very clear at all.
I have, on my main character Rune, been transformed into a twelve year old child and played him that way for over a month until the curse could be lifted, sort of a online role-playing homage to the X-babies in Marvel comics.
In-game notable achievements? I uhh... us... umm... uhh... made the first character with multiplying powers! Brigade sends his regards and a dozen 'sup's.
I'm mostly in the forums, so I guess that I'm known as the lovable non-english speaker who tries to be helpful and funny, but gets lost in the translation and comes out as weird and confrontational
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Mentella - An alien Telepath with unmatched mental ability and power. Her past with PSI has left her unnaturally cold hearted towards most. Well known for her harsh attitude, appealing figure and good looks, she leads The Summerstone Sisterhood. She is well known for her immense dislike of Medusa.
I love all my toons, but I'm probably on Mentella the most, as well as her being my favourite and main toon.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Your post requires more Duckface. :biggrin:
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Haha, same here. I used to do a lot more talking/bickering/Offending in Zone, but nowadays I mostly keep to other channels.
I've been recognized in-game a lot over the years just from forum presence. Also from artwork I'd done of Offender. Not very much claim to fame from in-game stuff.
On the boards I'm probably the RP grump
In game I help lead one of the older RP Supergroups
Outside of a dog I'm a good reader
Inside of a dog I can't read, it's to dark
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
Half a century plus 2 (52).
Of course that just makes me grumpy!
Get off my lawn!
** attempts to backflip away and pulls a muscle **
Look over there! Isn't that Caliga!
** limps away in manly fashion while mob is distracted **
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
The Sockmunkey needs no fame. I prefer to lurk and watch from a distance with my patented "creepy" stare! :biggrin:
You mean I'm not the only one that's ever watched that movie? :O
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
I have played this game for years, mostly alone and I didn't have a "main" character. Always switching characters and I was quiet. Now am getting louder. :biggrin:
@Pallih in game
Though I would like to eventually be recognized as the best PvP'er with the fist over his head.
I think it did decent box office. Probably will never be remade (some of the better moments are lost in the sheer length, I wonder if there was en ditor's strike back then) but I'd like to see a revamped version:
Shorter: I like nuance and detail, when it lends merit to the story.
Rell: One of the more badass characters in these types of movies from sheer attitude (or lack of display of it) but the makeup is awful. Also needs a serious weapon revamp. Spear design is good, but one wonders how effective it would be outside a movie if he only has one and has to run to retrieve it after every time he chucks it.
Slayers: Do not change these. Like. Know not why.
Humanoid protagonists: They can't be so easily slaughtered by the thousands, while in combat gear, if the few remaining ragtaggers make them...nah i'll stop there, movie can't work otherwise with out weird rewriting.
Glaive: Ugh. No. Gone.
Fortress ascent: Leave scene untouched.
Inside the fortress: Some of that stuff is bleak and cruel.
Music: Leave untouched. I swear They were using stuff that didn't make the cut for Wrath of Khan, still sounds good.
*sorry for derail
Deliciously nutritious!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Oh come on Jon, I'm sure someone cares.
Actually I care. I find your posts very humourere... humer... h.. funny!
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Heathen! How could you not love a telepathically controlled flying buzzsaw of doom?! Its so awesome, they had to tell the hero not to use it till the final boss. Only because the movie would of been really dull if the hero could of just buzzsawed his way past all the mooks, solo, without even trying hard.
It was a fun movie, full of terrible over used tropes, but written well, and entertaining for an 80's sword and sorcery cheese fest.
umm, sorry for the derail, part two. :biggrin:
"Only because the movie would of been really dull if the hero could of just buzzsawed his way past all the mooks, solo, without even trying hard."
That's my beef with it. The writers could have come up with a plot device that should have gone like this-
Okay he gets the glaive. It looks cool, but he can't keep it in indefinite flight tracking brainwaves too hone in on hordes of enemies because....um....the Slayers don't have a brain as such too lock on too because they are in part controlled by the Beast.
Then when he gets close too the Beast, the Glaive lights up like an xmas tree because it has finally met the enemy it was designed too kill.
Also incompabitibility with the tropes you mentioned. Next time it's on I'll count exactly how many times some variation of this conversation takes place (at the end I'll adlib how it would have gone had these poor guys known about the Glaive.) but it must have happened at least half a dozen times sorta like this:
"Gahhh! I'm hit! I'll never make it! Save the (gurgle)......"
"There's no time! You'll have to leave me! Make it count!"
etc etc
My adlib-
"Well they got me. Shame I kinda wanted to see what the dark fort....hey...what's that sticking out of your belt. Looks sharp".
(movie response by character briefly explaining the weapon)
Also I am no heathen. There are no heathens in Nilbog. Or food. Just delicious milk!
Someone should do an obscure movie thread.
*sorry for derail 3
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
and your voice *-*
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
I founded and still lead one of the older (and probably only "Light") Role-playing super groups, now a mini collection of SGs in one guild, using a shared internal backstory in the Champions setting more or less.
I'm occasionally recognized in-game from my older forum presence and I guess I know and hang out with other, more famous guys.
This blue Lemurian character, Abyss, with Smacky's Kid Knuckles is mine, for example.
I used to have a cute Hip hop kitty avatar I'm often remembered for.
And I tend to post my text in aqua.
Flaxius Series?
the foundry could take a few tips from it, though.
@cartun in-game!
Charles Logan
Illustrator / Performer / Musician
On DeviantART
On Facebook
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
And we love you for it.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I really was wanting to hear more about people's IN-GAME accomplishments. Especially those players who play as one character.
One of my favorite characters "Amelia Daniel" is the mistress of disguise.. I don't know if the player's on the forums but his ability to make great cloned costumes of our characters is REALLY impressive to me.
I'm trying to think of other characters that are CO mainstays I see around..
I ran a character, (Geist) my main, to level 40 (and would be at level ten thousand or something by now if XP gain continued past 40) using Quarry back when it was an offensive passive that didn't buff your defense...or your offense.
I played Archery in PvP before it became FotM and continued after the nerfs that ended its run in that regard.
I wrote Archery guides/advice both here and on other forums, in some cases dating back to 2009. They are long since archived, and certainly obsolete at this point, but they may have helped a someone.
I have the honor of having been called both a Fanboi and a Hater...without being either...in game and on these forums.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Other than that, I dunno what else I would be known for.
Yeah, that totally wasn't very clear at all.
I have, on my main character Rune, been transformed into a twelve year old child and played him that way for over a month until the curse could be lifted, sort of a online role-playing homage to the X-babies in Marvel comics.
Had a lot of fun with that one.
Hey that happened to Offender, too! :P
In-game notable achievements? I uhh... us... umm... uhh... made the first character with multiplying powers! Brigade sends his regards and a dozen 'sup's.
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!