Are you sure about that? I remember that when Conan was published by Marvel...
A Conan The Barbarian comic book != superhero comic. Just because it has panels and color palettes commonly found it superhero comics does not make it a superhero comic. If you want a good example of that, look to Dark Horse. They're known for making comic books out of movie-license franchises that aren't based on superheroes at all.
Or look to DC's Vertigo brand of comic books. A lot of them have more to do with violent-crime and horror themes than superhero ones.
Now when it comes to a cross-over, the rules obviously are bent, especially when the cross-over involve an actual superhero character. That doesn't suddenly turn Conan the Barbarian a superhero however.
Dunno I think Conan can be classed as a superhero. Superheroes dont always come from comic books heres some examples.
John McClane , Super Mario , James Bond , Mr Incredible and lets not forget Harley Quinn she started out as a cartoon character and nowadays you cant have a Batman game without her.
Git Gud M8!
Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
Dunno I think Conan can be classed as a superhero. Superheroes dont always come from comic books heres some examples.
John McClane , Super Mario , James Bond , Mr Incredible and lets not forget Harley Quinn she started out as a cartoon character and nowadays you cant have a Batman game without her.
I'd also love having all the emotes from STO that they gave us, then took away because of reasons even though a lot us said "Fine, they were part of a paid pack in STO? We'll spring for 'em here, too", then put in NWO for free.
Because yes. People in Faerun clearly need to be able to Air Guitar more than people in Detroit.
A Conan The Barbarian comic book != superhero comic. Just because it has panels and color palettes commonly found it superhero comics does not make it a superhero comic. If you want a good example of that, look to Dark Horse. They're known for making comic books out of movie-license franchises that aren't based on superheroes at all.
Or look to DC's Vertigo brand of comic books. A lot of them have more to do with violent-crime and horror themes than superhero ones.
Now when it comes to a cross-over, the rules obviously are bent, especially when the cross-over involve an actual superhero character. That doesn't suddenly turn Conan the Barbarian a superhero however.
Pretty much. Otherwise we'd be labeling the Crypt Keeper as a superhero.
There are different genres of comic books. Just because comics are the medium that superheroes got their start in doesn't mean that every comic automatically equals superhero.
Pretty much. Otherwise we'd be labeling the Crypt Keeper as a superhero.
There are different genres of comic books. Just because comics are the medium that superheroes got their start in doesn't mean that every comic automatically equals superhero.
Beavis and Butthead had a comic book. I suppose they use the 'fire' powers.
There are different genres of comic books. Just because comics are the medium that superheroes got their start in doesn't mean that every comic automatically equals superhero.
Yes, I have always said there is a comic book out there for everyone because they span so many genres.
Between the golden and silver age of the comic book, superheroes actually fell out of favour for years and were on life support as a genre.
*Waits to see how Savagedeacon gets out of this one.* :biggrin:
P.S. I have IDW Comics' X-Files and Battlestar Galactica comics. I wonder how it would go if Skinner or Adama suddenly began addressing their underlings as "superheroes" in one of the panels heehee. I can imagine the look on Mulder or Apollo's face. :-S
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
P.S. I have IDW Comics' X-Files and Battlestar Galactica comics. I wonder how it would go if Skinner or Adama suddenly began addressing their underlings as "superheroes" in one of the panels heehee. I can imagine the look on Mulder or Apollo's face. :-S
IDW is quite literally the worst comic book company I've ever experienced. My brother buys the Borderlands comics for my son. I read them. They are so damn terrible.
IDW is quite literally the worst comic book company I've ever experienced. My brother buys the Borderlands comics for my son. I read them. They are so damn terrible.
Their Transformers stuff isn't "too" bad. Can't say much else in their favor though.
Granted it's just one miniseries that I have to judge this company by, but damn. Everything I hate about modern comic books compressed and then magnified in this miniseries.
IDW is quite literally the worst comic book company I've ever experienced. My brother buys the Borderlands comics for my son. I read them. They are so damn terrible.
They actually did a fantastic job with GI Joe, retelling the story in a great way. It told Cobra in a way that wasn't completely ridiculous, and Max Brooks took GI Joe: Hearts & Minds to a whole new level.
The Infestation stories weren't bad. Transformers was awesome and the GI Joe story wasn't too bad.
They also have the Judge Dredd IP... I have the first one.
They were giving Borderlands #1 away for free a few months back. I regret buying it.
Their X-Files and BSG runs, on the other hand, simply felt like really well-made episodes from those series, like you'd simply missed the episodes or something. And they were converted into comics. :P
Don't judge a publisher by one series, unless you're talking about DC.
(/e lays the bait down and smirks expectantly.)
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
IDW is quite literally the worst comic book company I've ever experienced. My brother buys the Borderlands comics for my son. I read them. They are so damn terrible.
erm, I didn't hate their adaption of the Drizz't books. I even own them:redface: Now if only they'd make more...
P.S. I have IDW Comics' X-Files and Battlestar Galactica comics. I wonder how it would go if Skinner or Adama suddenly began addressing their underlings as "superheroes" in one of the panels heehee. I can imagine the look on Mulder or Apollo's face. :-S
Admiral Adama in superhero tights.
That's actually something I'd pay real money for to see. Apollo too. :P
For your own sake, please do not seek this out. I am pretty sure that this was in Chat's signature at one point. We Dozens of forumites went mad before we could apply proper filtering software.
I am not encouraged about Neverwinter's chances (for longevity, or for fun-factor) when a thread starts off tallking about NW gameplay but is swiftly derailed into a discussion debating the merits of various pen-and-paper D&D editions, then goes off on a tangent about superhero comics.
"ENOUGH!!! You are ALL of you BENEATH me! I am a GOD, you dull creature, and I will NOT be BULLIED by--" -- Loki
*SMASH* *SMASH* *SMASH* <pause> *SMASHSMASH* "... puny god..." -- Hulk
I am not encouraged about Neverwinter's chances (for longevity, or for fun-factor) when a thread starts off tallking about NW gameplay but is swiftly derailed into a discussion debating the merits of various pen-and-paper D&D editions, then goes off on a tangent about superhero comics.
Well to be fair. This is a super hero forum full of comic nerds. This sort of derail can, will, and has happened, in pretty much any topic.
I played Neverwinter yesterday... night, because it took all day just to download.
I've probably nothing to say that hasn't been said already, but here are my thoughts on it anyway:
* I am baffled that this game doesn't have any controler support. The controls are so minimal, it seems like made to be a console game!
You get one main attack on the left mouse button, one secondary attack on the right mouse button and a "daily power" that is kinda like a finishing move (and can be used more than once a day) on 1.
Further you can learn a bunch of "encounter" powers that are your special attacks, but only ever use 3! They are on the Q, E and R keys, cramped way too close to the WASD movement keys, so it happened to me a lot that I pressed them unintentionally. Any finally, the potion (device) keys, which are 3, 4 and 5. There is more to unlock, but I only played to level 10 so far.
* The graphics look like they belong into the last decade! I say "look" because everything is actually pretty detailed, but you can't see any of it most of the time!
There are 3 view modes:
The basic combat mode, which locks the camera in 3rd person view, too far up for any details to be seen.
The zoom mode, which enables zooming with the mouse wheel, but hides all of your HUD and disables non-combat interaction, like talking and looting. Why?
And the cursor mode, which gives you a movable cursor instead of a reticule in the middle of the screen. On the downside, you can't move in this mode, let alone fight.
* The tutorial was extremely short, but at least it told me the move to avoid damage early.
First you learn how to move, then how to pick up and equip stuff. Then you are sent on fetch quests to an area full of immobile zombie dummies, and mobile zombie dummies a bit later.
By the way: There is no target lock. You have to keep the camera aimed at your target of choice.
After that, you go right into a linear mini dungeon which has active mobs and envoimental, but dodgable hazards, followed by a boss. That's it.
Oh, and right after you beat the boss, the zombie invasion is over and everything goes back to normal immediately in the town of Neverwinter.
* Not much to say about the following missions. It's the old "go there, do that".
* No critique on the setting either. I haven't played any of Dungeons & Dragons before, let alone other Neverwinter games. I know what a Rust Monster looks like, but that's as deep as my knowledge goes, really.
I'll investigate further into it, but I can already tell that this game is not going to catch my attention for long.
Optimus Prime fighting Cthulhu Mythos with Matrix of Leadership :X
I really couldn't care less about one botched Borderlands series. This is only a quick cash grab to capitalise on overhyped video game.
The game was hardly "overhyped." It may not be your cup of tea and that's fine.
The problem that I had with the series is the same problem I have with most of today's comics. Takes like five minutes to read them, not enough story in a single issue. You don't get your money's worth anymore.
The game was hardly "overhyped." It may not be your cup of tea and that's fine.
The problem that I had with the series is the same problem I have with most of today's comics. Takes like five minutes to read them, not enough story in a single issue. You don't get your money's worth anymore.
This is why I rarely pay attention to any comic series made from popular games or movies, at least till first review. Chances are it will be little more than advertisement of said game. Not necessary Borderlands.
A lot of pretty pictures with computer colors and little more.
I played a bit longer, and have gotten farther than I did during the previous beta weekend.
The game has a few very interesting mechanics: Having different attacks, as a Guardian Fighter, while my shield is raised, is very cool. The limited number of actual active abilities, and having to swap out new powers for old, (since they use the same slot), kinda stinks.
I don't like having to keep replenishing my healing potions all the time, but at least their cooldowns aren't too long. The fact that a small healing potion and a larger one share cooldowns basically means that as you level, there's very little point in keeping different types around.
The apparent absence of out-of-combat health regen is very annoying, (I've been told that there are items or gear you get later to provide that).
The environments are fantastic, but the character models are very drab, and there's a lot of reuse of enemies - like all Nasher archers being the same elf.
The fact that, unless you're a thief or already know where *not* to go, you're going to trigger several traps, means that you WILL lose a bunch of health from just traveling around.
I've only started tinkering with the profession system, but it seems like a nice distraction to pay attention to between other stuff.
The biggest thing this game has going for it is that the storyline is more immersive and engaging, (though this is still only my 1st play through).
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The saddest part is that the wide-eyed masses on Neverwinter seem to think this disconnect is some major unforseen fluke. They are under the impression that because this game has the name 'Dungeons & Dragons' attached to it, that it can't do wrong.
First and foremost, your options for characters are very limited. There are very few classes, which is a far cry from what I expect from Dungeons & Dragons- a game that had Sorcerers, Wizards, Fighters, Clerics, Paladins, Anti-Paladins, Ninjas, Samurai... a ridiculous amount of options for a player. Racially speaking, it seems we're stuck with the same old ho-hum assortment.
The character creation for avatars is something Cryptic has always excelled at. But, in the spirit of Cryptic- they've dropped the ball on this. The sliders do little to nothing to change your appearance, and this appears to by just a polished-up version of Guild Wars 2's character creator with some extra play. However, in the end- you're pretty much just the same as the default options. It's a hell of a far cry from Champions. You have zero options in armor, and for the first ten levels every piece of gear you pick up looks exactly the same.
Character posture bugs me. Just like TSW, you seem to just... stand there, like a robot. It's boring, and I expect some degree of options other than 'staring into the distance like a ******' from Cryptic, but there's that ball that was dropped again.
Combat isn't bad. However, the buttons are arranged all weird, sort of like DCUO. So you'll hit them all the time unless you've got a fat keyboard. Not to mention, I haven't seen much in the way of attacks except like 4 attacks. Hopefully there's more.
Environments thus far seem dull and drab. Detailed, but boring and uninspired.
Overall, this game lives up to the Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG standard: It fails miserably. However, since it has that name slapped on it, people who've grown up playing on a table with friends will expect great things from it and believe it to be the messiah of the franchise. Given Cryptic's track record, we can expect them to be ranting and raving the same way we do about Champions Online just as soon as the first wave of lockboxes and bugged drops/content comes their way and begins the pattern of slapped-together garbage.
If this game had DDO's aesthetic sense I'd overlook how it suffers from sameface syndrome. However, knowing that I just look like "Huge-sword-wielding-Half-Orc #49587" I'm trying to inject some personality into my playstyle. That's something I've not actively tried to do in a long time because I usually just play a game just to play a game.
Tried it out for about an hour. Will try it again at some point but it didn't hook me in.
The controls felt very clunky and restrictive. I find it odd that the control system is nothing like the "Fantasy MMO" control option you have in CO/STO, which is far, far more intuitive.
Tried it out for about an hour. Will try it again at some point but it didn't hook me in.
The controls felt very clunky and restrictive. I find it odd that the control system is nothing like the "Fantasy MMO" control option you have in CO/STO, which is far, far more intuitive.
I suspect CO controls aren't more intuitive, we're just very very used to them from experience. My experience has been that people in various game spaces are as aware of control peculiarities as people are to air.
A tip:
If you can make a foundry map, you can test out every class by doing a map test and setting Character class.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I suspect CO controls aren't more intuitive, we're just very very used to them from experience. My experience has been that people in various game spaces are as aware of control peculiarities as people are to air.
A tip:
If you can make a foundry map, you can test out every class by doing a map test and setting Character class.
I think they are more intuitive. The "Fantasy MMO" control option in CO/STO is the same as the basic control system in WoW, something I've no doubt Cryptic was aware, and probably the reason they implemented it.
I have plenty of gripes and a LITTLE bit of praise for it.
1. The character creator is terrible, especially compared to CO. I want blue hair! Or pink hair! Or... ANYTHING! What's given is just so lacking. I spent minutes in the character creator compared to the hours I spent in CO's. Gotta love them fantasy MMOs.
I would've liked more starter options in my character's appearance as well, but western fantasy and the Realms it is what it is. For exotic, there's drow, drow, and drow.
3. Combat is... actually kind of neat. I started as a rogue, so dodging is fun. Dodge rolls are always welcome, they make me feel cool. Bring these over to CO please!
I re-rolled my rogue into a control wizard and - be still my heart - I'm actually building holds on creatures above minion level. Its pretty neat. Juggling between her at-will powers and her Encounter and Daily powers puts a bit more tactics into the fighting as well. Compared to GW2 its still a little slow, but I really think combat is going to be NWN's other saving grace alongside the Foundry.
6. whatthehell? Text blurb saying some lucky jerk got a Nightmare? Oh, shut up! >_>
Never understood why that hasn't shown up in CO yet. We're lucky in that regard, I guess.
All in all... I don't think I'm going to play any more until the official release. I'm not impressed at all. I just see a generic fantasy MMO, really. Gonna stick with my superheroes for now.
Aesthetic-wise its generic fantasy. Being that D&D is the granddaddy of generic fantasy, however, it shouldn't be surprising. The game will live or un-live on combat, Foundry, and how fast they can get more classes, races, and Paragons into production.
And if its a pre-cursor for what Cryptic can do for the superhero genre, uh, about that secret project...
Never understood why that hasn't shown up in CO yet. We're lucky in that regard, I guess.
Because they can't put it in the code. Whole chat is so hardcoded into the engine that it CrypticEngine would have a stroke if someone went to fiddle with the code.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I would've liked more starter options in my character's appearance as well, but western fantasy and the Realms it is what it is. For exotic, there's drow, drow, and drow.
And if its a pre-cursor for what Cryptic can do for the superhero genre, uh, about that secret project...
I've seen the one piece of concept art that has been released, and "Indiana Jones" is what came to my mind. It's definitely not about superheroes.
I got a feeling they are trying for a "TSW killer/clone". :rolleyes:
I think my beloved Champions Online is a huge blown opportunity for Cryptic. I refuse to have anything to do with NWO. It is another generic fantasy MMO in a market already overstuffed with these type games. I truly don't see it being a big standout or being any kind of success.
Now, conversely, if they had taken the time, money and resources to implementing foundry here, giving us some worthwhile endgame, revamped/expanded the Nemesis system and advertised this puppy, I bet they would have seen a heretofore unheard of resurgence for a online game. Superheroes are a super hot property right now. Cryptic has had a winning game on their hands here, but have just handled it terribly.
Instead: wasted effort on a fantasy themed MMO. Yeah, we really needed another one of those. While the unique and fun comic book themed MMO being improperly handled bleeding off the player base and left to die is a travesty.
But at least Star Trek seems healthy. So I can get my MMO without swords and sandals kicks there.
I hope CO can/will be saved. Moment of truth now that NWO is taking steps out the door. We shall see. I am not as optimistic as I once was, but would love to be proven wrong.
The fact that, unless you're a thief or already know where *not* to go, you're going to trigger several traps, means that you WILL lose a bunch of health from just traveling around.
Here's a tip: Don't trust the sparkling path, and never follow it directly! It is layed out so you run directly into traps if you wollow it!
I hope CO can/will be saved. Moment of truth now that NWO is taking steps out the door. We shall see. I am not as optimistic as I once was, but would love to be proven wrong.
Interested query.. Can Champions Online be saved? Its not just a rotting building but also built on a rotting foundation.
The game has lots of fans but seems intent on doing everything wrong that it once did right.
I used to think so. Now I think the best bet would be tearing it down and rebooting it, assuming PWE was willing to devote even a noticeable fraction of the effort they put into NW.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I used to think so. Now I think the best bet would be tearing it down and rebooting it, assuming PWE was willing to devote even a noticeable fraction of the effort they put into NW.
Well.. they have essentially shut down production on the game for almost 2 years now. If they release a new game will players trust it? Especially players who invested SO much $ in Champions Online cash shop?
If they change the infrastructure of the game will what will be lost and what will be gained?
The controls felt very clunky and restrictive. I find it odd that the control system is nothing like the "Fantasy MMO" control option you have in CO/STO, which is far, far more intuitive.
This. Not so much the controls (which I changed right away) but everything feels clunky. I like the game but it feels very unpolished. Maybe it is because it is "beta" but compared to other games it just feels subpar (it fees like I'm playing a crappy version of Vindictus sometimes). Even CO is better looking and handles better than this game. It's an alright game by itself but considering how much time and effort they seemingly put into the game (and how much they took away from this one), I can't help but feel apprehensive. In short, an alright game but nothing really mind-blowing. I'm only playing it because it's free. I don't feel compelled to spend money on it yet.
Also, no archers? Bah! I suppose that's "coming soon".
"I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
Interested query.. Can Champions Online be saved? Its not just a rotting building but also built on a rotting foundation.
The game has lots of fans but seems intent on doing everything wrong that it once did right.
I have to agree with some people above and think this game needs some kind of overhaul. At east a more polished system that is not so resistant to changes or something that doesn't break every time someone looks at it funny. They could add other things like the many awesome ideas quite littered across the boards (like quest pathways specific to AT or role), but it seems like the biggest obstacle is the system that was used to make the game.
"I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
If they release a new game will players trust it? Especially players who invested SO much $ in Champions Online cash shop?
No. I've put thousands into this game. If they made a new one, I wouldn't play it, especially since you know it'd be class based (we've already found out that they regret freeform) and lack all of the character that makes this game good.
Now, a legit expansion with updated graphics and a buncha bug fixes? Wow does this all the time, I'd even pay money for it.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Now, a legit expansion with updated graphics and a buncha bug fixes? Wow does this all the time, I'd even pay money for it.
You'd have to, probably about $40 or $50. That's how WoW does it. That kind of work doesn't come for free, you know. (Or without its own set of crippling bugs each time, closing down all the servers for a week or so, for those who think this phenomenon with the release of NW is unprecedented...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
You'd have to, probably about $40 or $50. That's how WoW does it. That kind of work doesn't come for free, you know. (Or without its own set of crippling bugs each time, closing down all the servers for a week or so, for those who think this phenomenon with the release of NW is unprecedented...)
And how many other MMORPGs are Blizzard running on one server?
And how many other MMORPGs are Blizzard running on one server?
And yet they still get system crashes that take their entire server farm offline whenever they deploy an expansion, and sometimes when they deploy a patch. And their scheduled Tuesday downtime can last all day, not just a couple of hours.
Here, they lost hardware. And downtime was still only a few hours each day it was down. Our regular maintenance, on Friday mornings, rarely last more than two hours. All this is on a shoestring budget, at least by comparison with what Blizzard can bring to bear. And yet, somehow, it's just horrible when it happens to Cryptic...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
And yet they still get system crashes that take their entire server farm offline whenever they deploy an expansion, and sometimes when they deploy a patch. And their scheduled Tuesday downtime can last all day, not just a couple of hours.
Here, they lost hardware. And downtime was still only a few hours each day it was down. Our regular maintenance, on Friday mornings, rarely last more than two hours. All this is on a shoestring budget, at least by comparison with what Blizzard can bring to bear. And yet, somehow, it's just horrible when it happens to Cryptic...
It's different, Jon. WoW actually gets the updates, both big and small. We have outtages . . . and then nothing.
A Conan The Barbarian comic book != superhero comic. Just because it has panels and color palettes commonly found it superhero comics does not make it a superhero comic. If you want a good example of that, look to Dark Horse. They're known for making comic books out of movie-license franchises that aren't based on superheroes at all.
Or look to DC's Vertigo brand of comic books. A lot of them have more to do with violent-crime and horror themes than superhero ones.
Now when it comes to a cross-over, the rules obviously are bent, especially when the cross-over involve an actual superhero character. That doesn't suddenly turn Conan the Barbarian a superhero however.
John McClane , Super Mario , James Bond , Mr Incredible and lets not forget Harley Quinn she started out as a cartoon character and nowadays you cant have a Batman game without her.
Git Gud M8!
Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
The Smurfs.
Gummi Bears where it at.
Git Gud M8!
Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
I'd love having that emote.
I'd also love having all the emotes from STO that they gave us, then took away because of reasons even though a lot us said "Fine, they were part of a paid pack in STO? We'll spring for 'em here, too", then put in NWO for free.
Because yes. People in Faerun clearly need to be able to Air Guitar more than people in Detroit.
Oh. You were SERIOUS? :eek:
"Champions-Online and Star Trek Online contained hundreds of hours of mediocre content!"
and "nothing was polished".
--Jack Emmert
Pretty much. Otherwise we'd be labeling the Crypt Keeper as a superhero.
There are different genres of comic books. Just because comics are the medium that superheroes got their start in doesn't mean that every comic automatically equals superhero.
Yes, I have always said there is a comic book out there for everyone because they span so many genres.
Between the golden and silver age of the comic book, superheroes actually fell out of favour for years and were on life support as a genre.
P.S. I have IDW Comics' X-Files and Battlestar Galactica comics. I wonder how it would go if Skinner or Adama suddenly began addressing their underlings as "superheroes" in one of the panels heehee. I can imagine the look on Mulder or Apollo's face. :-S
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
IDW is quite literally the worst comic book company I've ever experienced. My brother buys the Borderlands comics for my son. I read them. They are so damn terrible.
Their Transformers stuff isn't "too" bad. Can't say much else in their favor though.
The Infestation stories weren't bad. Transformers was awesome and the GI Joe story wasn't too bad.
They also have the Judge Dredd IP... I have the first one.
Their X-Files and BSG runs, on the other hand, simply felt like really well-made episodes from those series, like you'd simply missed the episodes or something. And they were converted into comics. :P
Don't judge a publisher by one series, unless you're talking about DC.
(/e lays the bait down and smirks expectantly.)
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
erm, I didn't hate their adaption of the Drizz't books. I even own them:redface: Now if only they'd make more...
Admiral Adama in superhero tights.
That's actually something I'd pay real money for to see. Apollo too. :P
For your own sake, please do not seek this out. I am pretty sure that this was in Chat's signature at one point. We Dozens of forumites went mad before we could apply proper filtering software.
Oh the humanity.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Optimus Prime fighting Cthulhu Mythos with Matrix of Leadership :X
I really couldn't care less about one botched Borderlands series. This is only a quick cash grab to capitalise on overhyped video game.
"ENOUGH!!! You are ALL of you BENEATH me! I am a GOD, you dull creature, and I will NOT be BULLIED by--" -- Loki
*SMASH* *SMASH* *SMASH* <pause> *SMASHSMASH* "... puny god..." -- Hulk
Well to be fair. This is a super hero forum full of comic nerds. This sort of derail can, will, and has happened, in pretty much any topic.
I've probably nothing to say that hasn't been said already, but here are my thoughts on it anyway:
* I am baffled that this game doesn't have any controler support. The controls are so minimal, it seems like made to be a console game!
You get one main attack on the left mouse button, one secondary attack on the right mouse button and a "daily power" that is kinda like a finishing move (and can be used more than once a day) on 1.
Further you can learn a bunch of "encounter" powers that are your special attacks, but only ever use 3! They are on the Q, E and R keys, cramped way too close to the WASD movement keys, so it happened to me a lot that I pressed them unintentionally. Any finally, the potion (device) keys, which are 3, 4 and 5. There is more to unlock, but I only played to level 10 so far.
* The graphics look like they belong into the last decade! I say "look" because everything is actually pretty detailed, but you can't see any of it most of the time!
There are 3 view modes:
The basic combat mode, which locks the camera in 3rd person view, too far up for any details to be seen.
The zoom mode, which enables zooming with the mouse wheel, but hides all of your HUD and disables non-combat interaction, like talking and looting. Why?
And the cursor mode, which gives you a movable cursor instead of a reticule in the middle of the screen. On the downside, you can't move in this mode, let alone fight.
* The tutorial was extremely short, but at least it told me the move to avoid damage early.
First you learn how to move, then how to pick up and equip stuff. Then you are sent on fetch quests to an area full of immobile zombie dummies, and mobile zombie dummies a bit later.
By the way: There is no target lock. You have to keep the camera aimed at your target of choice.
After that, you go right into a linear mini dungeon which has active mobs and envoimental, but dodgable hazards, followed by a boss. That's it.
Oh, and right after you beat the boss, the zombie invasion is over and everything goes back to normal immediately in the town of Neverwinter.
* Not much to say about the following missions. It's the old "go there, do that".
* No critique on the setting either. I haven't played any of Dungeons & Dragons before, let alone other Neverwinter games. I know what a Rust Monster looks like, but that's as deep as my knowledge goes, really.
I'll investigate further into it, but I can already tell that this game is not going to catch my attention for long.
The game was hardly "overhyped." It may not be your cup of tea and that's fine.
The problem that I had with the series is the same problem I have with most of today's comics. Takes like five minutes to read them, not enough story in a single issue. You don't get your money's worth anymore.
This is why I rarely pay attention to any comic series made from popular games or movies, at least till first review. Chances are it will be little more than advertisement of said game. Not necessary Borderlands.
A lot of pretty pictures with computer colors and little more.
The game has a few very interesting mechanics: Having different attacks, as a Guardian Fighter, while my shield is raised, is very cool. The limited number of actual active abilities, and having to swap out new powers for old, (since they use the same slot), kinda stinks.
I don't like having to keep replenishing my healing potions all the time, but at least their cooldowns aren't too long. The fact that a small healing potion and a larger one share cooldowns basically means that as you level, there's very little point in keeping different types around.
The apparent absence of out-of-combat health regen is very annoying, (I've been told that there are items or gear you get later to provide that).
The environments are fantastic, but the character models are very drab, and there's a lot of reuse of enemies - like all Nasher archers being the same elf.
The fact that, unless you're a thief or already know where *not* to go, you're going to trigger several traps, means that you WILL lose a bunch of health from just traveling around.
I've only started tinkering with the profession system, but it seems like a nice distraction to pay attention to between other stuff.
The biggest thing this game has going for it is that the storyline is more immersive and engaging, (though this is still only my 1st play through).
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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First and foremost, your options for characters are very limited. There are very few classes, which is a far cry from what I expect from Dungeons & Dragons- a game that had Sorcerers, Wizards, Fighters, Clerics, Paladins, Anti-Paladins, Ninjas, Samurai... a ridiculous amount of options for a player. Racially speaking, it seems we're stuck with the same old ho-hum assortment.
The character creation for avatars is something Cryptic has always excelled at. But, in the spirit of Cryptic- they've dropped the ball on this. The sliders do little to nothing to change your appearance, and this appears to by just a polished-up version of Guild Wars 2's character creator with some extra play. However, in the end- you're pretty much just the same as the default options. It's a hell of a far cry from Champions. You have zero options in armor, and for the first ten levels every piece of gear you pick up looks exactly the same.
Character posture bugs me. Just like TSW, you seem to just... stand there, like a robot. It's boring, and I expect some degree of options other than 'staring into the distance like a ******' from Cryptic, but there's that ball that was dropped again.
Combat isn't bad. However, the buttons are arranged all weird, sort of like DCUO. So you'll hit them all the time unless you've got a fat keyboard. Not to mention, I haven't seen much in the way of attacks except like 4 attacks. Hopefully there's more.
Environments thus far seem dull and drab. Detailed, but boring and uninspired.
Overall, this game lives up to the Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG standard: It fails miserably. However, since it has that name slapped on it, people who've grown up playing on a table with friends will expect great things from it and believe it to be the messiah of the franchise. Given Cryptic's track record, we can expect them to be ranting and raving the same way we do about Champions Online just as soon as the first wave of lockboxes and bugged drops/content comes their way and begins the pattern of slapped-together garbage.
Can't they be reconfigured like in CO?
I use a fairly different set of controls than default when I play CO--I keep WASD movement, but that's about it.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
The controls felt very clunky and restrictive. I find it odd that the control system is nothing like the "Fantasy MMO" control option you have in CO/STO, which is far, far more intuitive.
You couldn't change the controls?!
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
A tip:
If you can make a foundry map, you can test out every class by doing a map test and setting Character class.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I think they are more intuitive. The "Fantasy MMO" control option in CO/STO is the same as the basic control system in WoW, something I've no doubt Cryptic was aware, and probably the reason they implemented it.
Just seems weird to move away from that in NWO.
If it ain't broke an' all that...
I would've liked more starter options in my character's appearance as well, but western fantasy and the Realms it is what it is. For exotic, there's drow, drow, and drow.
I re-rolled my rogue into a control wizard and - be still my heart - I'm actually building holds on creatures above minion level. Its pretty neat. Juggling between her at-will powers and her Encounter and Daily powers puts a bit more tactics into the fighting as well. Compared to GW2 its still a little slow, but I really think combat is going to be NWN's other saving grace alongside the Foundry.
Never understood why that hasn't shown up in CO yet. We're lucky in that regard, I guess.
Aesthetic-wise its generic fantasy. Being that D&D is the granddaddy of generic fantasy, however, it shouldn't be surprising. The game will live or un-live on combat, Foundry, and how fast they can get more classes, races, and Paragons into production.
And if its a pre-cursor for what Cryptic can do for the superhero genre, uh, about that secret project...
Because they can't put it in the code. Whole chat is so hardcoded into the engine that it CrypticEngine would have a stroke if someone went to fiddle with the code.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Which are only playable for Founders.
I've seen the one piece of concept art that has been released, and "Indiana Jones" is what came to my mind. It's definitely not about superheroes.
I got a feeling they are trying for a "TSW killer/clone". :rolleyes:
Now, conversely, if they had taken the time, money and resources to implementing foundry here, giving us some worthwhile endgame, revamped/expanded the Nemesis system and advertised this puppy, I bet they would have seen a heretofore unheard of resurgence for a online game. Superheroes are a super hot property right now. Cryptic has had a winning game on their hands here, but have just handled it terribly.
Instead: wasted effort on a fantasy themed MMO. Yeah, we really needed another one of those. While the unique and fun comic book themed MMO being improperly handled bleeding off the player base and left to die is a travesty.
But at least Star Trek seems healthy. So I can get my MMO without swords and sandals kicks there.
I hope CO can/will be saved. Moment of truth now that NWO is taking steps out the door. We shall see. I am not as optimistic as I once was, but would love to be proven wrong.
Here's a tip: Don't trust the sparkling path, and never follow it directly! It is layed out so you run directly into traps if you wollow it!
You kids and your damn "number point number" systems and editions.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Interested query.. Can Champions Online be saved? Its not just a rotting building but also built on a rotting foundation.
The game has lots of fans but seems intent on doing everything wrong that it once did right.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Well.. they have essentially shut down production on the game for almost 2 years now. If they release a new game will players trust it? Especially players who invested SO much $ in Champions Online cash shop?
If they change the infrastructure of the game will what will be lost and what will be gained?
Yeah, I'd TOTALLY play a "Star Frontiers" MMORPG.
This. Not so much the controls (which I changed right away) but everything feels clunky. I like the game but it feels very unpolished. Maybe it is because it is "beta" but compared to other games it just feels subpar (it fees like I'm playing a crappy version of Vindictus sometimes). Even CO is better looking and handles better than this game. It's an alright game by itself but considering how much time and effort they seemingly put into the game (and how much they took away from this one), I can't help but feel apprehensive. In short, an alright game but nothing really mind-blowing. I'm only playing it because it's free. I don't feel compelled to spend money on it yet.
Also, no archers? Bah! I suppose that's "coming soon".
I have to agree with some people above and think this game needs some kind of overhaul. At east a more polished system that is not so resistant to changes or something that doesn't break every time someone looks at it funny. They could add other things like the many awesome ideas quite littered across the boards (like quest pathways specific to AT or role), but it seems like the biggest obstacle is the system that was used to make the game.
No. I've put thousands into this game. If they made a new one, I wouldn't play it, especially since you know it'd be class based (we've already found out that they regret freeform) and lack all of the character that makes this game good.
Now, a legit expansion with updated graphics and a buncha bug fixes? Wow does this all the time, I'd even pay money for it.
RIP Caine
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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And how many other MMORPGs are Blizzard running on one server?
Here, they lost hardware. And downtime was still only a few hours each day it was down. Our regular maintenance, on Friday mornings, rarely last more than two hours. All this is on a shoestring budget, at least by comparison with what Blizzard can bring to bear. And yet, somehow, it's just horrible when it happens to Cryptic...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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It's different, Jon. WoW actually gets the updates, both big and small. We have outtages . . . and then nothing.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.