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Server dead again??



  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    (My character has no powers except for martial arts and weapons training (non-military). I'll list his equipment though!

    1 maglite flashlight
    1 9mm Browning HP
    2 spare clips of ammo
    1 length of rope and attached hook *thirty feet*
    4 energy bars
    1 hunting knife, seven inch blade


    Martial arts weapons training grants you the Improved Unarmed Combat feat (Allows you to deal normal damage if you wish without penalty with unarmed attacks).
    Going with the d20 modern 9mm Browning; by DM fiat I'll say it's the 3s variant. 2d6 piercing, 30 foot range increments, 13 round box clip.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    I regard the dwarf skeleton, eying it and looking for what might have caused the dwarf's death, though I suspect another trap. I advance cautiously again.

    *roll* 14 plus the circumstance bonus, 16. I attempt to move forward another twenty feet.

    Alright, on a 16, your Heal check isn't really necessary- judging by the huge rent in his tabbard and the torn open links in his mail near the ground, it looks as though he bled out from a massive torso wound, and given that there's not much left but bones, it occurs to you that much of the dust in here is probably desiccated dwarf. If he was trying to get to the door he's leaning up against, good for him. If he was trying to get through the door, well, his efforts weren't quite successful.
  • tosmekoptosmekop Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay, time for Netflix.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    Alright, on a 16, your Heal check isn't really necessary- judging by the huge rent in his tabbard and the torn open links in his mail near the ground, it looks as though he bled out from a massive torso wound, and given that there's not much left but bones, it occurs to you that much of the dust in here is probably desiccated dwarf. If he was trying to get to the door he's leaning up against, good for him. If he was trying to get through the door, well, his efforts weren't quite successful.

    ((Thank you))

    I wince slightly, guessing that something pretty nasty had slashed at the dwarf judging from the damage to his armor and tabard, but time and decay have denied me the chance to verify this. Oh well, nothing for it, but the door catches my curiosity and I advance the remaining distance towards it. I examine the door for its opening mechanism and any kind of traps. I'm no expert in setting or finding traps, but I have some experience in them.

    *rolls for checking for traps* 10
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    ((Thank you))

    I wince slightly, guessing that something pretty nasty had slashed at the dwarf judging from the damage to his armor and tabard, but time and decay have denied me the chance to verify this. Oh well, nothing for it, but the door catches my curiosity and I advance the remaining distance towards it. I examine the door for its opening mechanism and any kind of traps. I'm no expert in setting or finding traps, but I have some experience in them.

    *rolls for checking for traps* 10

    The doorknob is old, and slightly off from ninety degrees relative to the door itself. A discoloration in the doorknob catches your eyes, but after a moment of closer perusal you realize it's just the age of the thing. You're no expert at trap finding and dismantling, though. It'd be great if Eaingsoup were here, as it appears to be his thing, but he's still paralyzed back at the entrance to the hallway, staring at the corpse of a clone in abject shock. He might need a doctor but he doesn't appear to be any sort of useful until he moves again.
    Edit: You don't believe the door to be trapped. You can't find anything to indicate it.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    The doorknob is old, and slightly off from ninety degrees relative to the door itself. A discoloration in the doorknob catches your eyes, but after a moment of closer perusal you realize it's just the age of the thing. You're no expert at trap finding and dismantling, though. It'd be great if Eaingsoup were here, as it appears to be his thing, but he's still paralyzed back at the entrance to the hallway, staring at the corpse of a clone in abject shock. He might need a doctor but he doesn't appear to be any sort of useful until he moves again.

    I still eye the old door with great distrust and paranoia, knowing just because I can't find an obvious trap it isn't there. Cursing Eaing for his inability to deal with being 1/3 dead, I instead decide to step just right of the door at an angle and raise my flashlight at it. Then, I left and throw my booted foot at the door in a hard front kick, confident in my strength to deal with the aged thing. I'm trying to stand just out of the door's opening so I avoid any traps aimed at someone who'd be opening the door directly in front of them.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ((I know, but that's just how my character is looking at it. There was three of you, one is dead, you are one-third dead XP))
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    I still eye the old door with great distrust and paranoia, knowing just because I can't find an obvious trap it isn't there. Cursing Eaing for his inability to deal with being 1/3 dead, I instead decide to step just right of the door at an angle and raise my flashlight at it. Then, I left and throw my booted foot at the door in a hard front kick, confident in my strength to deal with the aged thing. I'm trying to stand just out of the door's opening so I avoid any traps aimed at someone who'd be opening the door directly in front of them.

    Heaving a decent kick at the door yields a satisfying crunch. The wood may have been pretty solid at one point, but now it's kind of brittle. A nice, vertical crack appears from about half way up the door and reaches all the way up to the frame. From the crack, a jagged splinter of wood juts out about eight inches. By your guess, another kick might just do it.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    Heaving a decent kick at the door yields a satisfying crunch. The wood may have been pretty solid at one point, but now it's kind of brittle. A nice, vertical crack appears from about half way up the door and reaches all the way up to the frame. From the crack, a jagged splinter of wood juts out about eight inches. By your guess, another kick might just do it.

    I steady my stance once more and, deciding one more kick better do the job, spin on one foot and launch out a side-kick at the door again, trying to time it so I can kick and then back away from the door since my doing this could get accidentally cause me to get in front of it.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    I'm not one 3rd dead. not according to the GM's description of my duplication power.

    Nope, you are quite correct, your max hit points right now are 9 for you, any clones you make reduce your max by 1, and they have 5 hit points when created. Your normal max is 10. I'm assuming you've reabsorbed your other clones at this point, otherwise your current max is 7.

    Incidentally, Sfcody, I'm setting your max hit points at 8, given you are (nominally) a ranged combatant.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    I steady my stance once more and, deciding one more kick better do the job, spin on one foot and launch out a side-kick at the door again, trying to time it so I can kick and then back away from the door since my doing this could get accidentally cause me to get in front of it.

    With a good solid strike at a slightly better angle- the door was partially bowed inward, now, although you didn't quite realize it at the time- the upper half of the door crashes inwards, although not completely detached from the lower half of the door. The lower half is still hanging by a now thoroughly abused hinge that looks like its better days were somewhere around the time your grandparents were dating, but it holds on like a trooper. The reek of stale air wafts over you; fortitude save please. Your bonus is +3(2 base, 1 con).
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    With a good solid strike at a slightly better angle- the door was partially bowed inward, now, although you didn't quite realize it at the time- the upper half of the door crashes inwards, although not completely detached from the lower half of the door. The lower half is still hanging by a now thoroughly abused hinge that looks like its better days were somewhere around the time your grandparents were dating, but it holds on like a trooper. The reek of stale air wafts over you; fortitude save please. Your bonus is +3(2 base, 1 con).

    *roll* 11+3=14

    I start to nod in satisfaction, but pause as the odor hits me.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    *roll* 11+3=14

    I start to nod in satisfaction, but pause as the odor hits me.

    You manage to lock down your lungs and stumble back from the door before you inhale too much of the air; air like that can be horribly poisonous. The small amount that got in your lungs apparently does you no harm, however, and after a bit of fanning the air starts to freshen up- if you can call the transition from "cerberus's used pooper-scooper" to "the devil's moth-chewed (but relatively clean) underwear" freshening in any way. You think it's fairly safe to breathe, after a couple minutes.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm enjoying this, but I'm fighting an upper respiratory infection and am exhausted. I think I'll call it a night. Sorry I couldn't finish the crawl for you, sfcody.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    I'm enjoying this, but I'm fighting an upper respiratory infection and am exhausted. I think I'll call it a night. Sorry I couldn't finish the crawl for you, sfcody.

    It's cool, dude (or dudette). Go get some sleep. Sleep tight!
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    It's cool, dude (or dudette). Go get some sleep. Sleep tight!

    You too, bro.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ... Aaaand it's down again.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Right in the middle of an RP, too
  • captainsaxcaptainsax Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good job, Cryptic. GOOD JOB...
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Much as it pains me, I'm gonna have to call it a night. "I'm an old man and I'm too tired to wait up all night for this to resolve itself."
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -.- Again.... *le sigh*
  • blamblamblamblam Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Come on, man!! ~mad bro face~ FFS
  • blamblamblamblam Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry for the double post but while you're fixing whatever went wrong maybe you could also

    look into the fact that the game is increasingly glitching out peoples USB ports, causing their

    mouses to become unread. This is a common thing. Myself and many people experience it

    quite a bit during any given session.
  • therealcraeoctherealcraeoc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I take it that it is still down?
  • captainsaxcaptainsax Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eeeeyep. seeing as how late it is, I doubt its getting fixed anytime soon...
  • tosmekoptosmekop Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just woke up and it's fixed. :)
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So no Cryptic employee posted about the outtages?
    Not once?

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • captainsaxcaptainsax Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Its down again...
  • fenrichwulffenrichwulf Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well then it seems that the server went dead yet again.. I got disconnected and now the launcher won't start. Why won't they fix this?
  • kidrocket100kidrocket100 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same issue here. Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit. I'd say we're probably lucky if they turn it back on.

    Agreed! Although considering how bugged CO is, maybe we'd be lucky if they left it off:smile:
  • blamblamblamblam Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow, you know what...you guys are bad at this server thing.
  • captainsaxcaptainsax Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So, what was the point of that emergency maintenance the other day again?
  • ronceray420ronceray420 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I tell yah, this company needs to hire some people who know what they are doing.
  • alka60alka60 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's here again the Terrific Serverdown !!! Hail the Champions for fighting the Right Battle !!!:smile::smile:
  • captwcaptw Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I tell yah, this company needs to hire some people who know what they are doing.

    you mean network engineers that don't live in an Ivory Tower, because right now that's what it seems like they have.
    STO Open Beta member since 2010.
  • fenrichwulffenrichwulf Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    God damnit.. With all of these error's and all the sudden server crashes and all that I am really starting to consider finding a new place for roleplay. They really need to get their act's together. I am starting to think that the ones fixing the server and so on is a bunch of trained monkeys.
  • asanthirasanthir Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Da hell?
    I just renewed my subscription for... Apparently nothing!?
  • boulderaineboulderaine Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Three weekends in a row and I can't play the game. Someone explain how you run a game, expect people to pay for it, and then have it crash every weekend. Does not look good for Neverwinter. Spread the word. Reminds me of Star Wars Galaxies.
  • kittyotixkittyotix Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And once again, the server is down. I dont think i will extend my subscription after this month. Anyone have any suggestions on good, reliable games?
    Kitty :confused:
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kittyotix wrote: »
    And once again, the server is down. I dont think i will extend my subscription after this month. Anyone have any suggestions on good, reliable games?
    Kitty :confused:
    Guild Wars 2 has not, since I've been playing, had this problem.

    DCUO isn't a good 'RP' game and it doesn't have a lot of customizing options, but at least they pay attention to it.

    Secret World is OK.

    Generally, anything that doesn't have 'Cryptic' written on it should be reliable.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Game has been going down all day. Thirty seconds out, followed by varying amounts of uptime.

    Think it might be down for a while, this time, though. Longest downtime all day.
  • captainsaxcaptainsax Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is ridiculous. I'm really considering cancelling my sub seeing as how these people can't even keep their damn servers running...
  • lilliz1lilliz1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yea, I'm not happy about this.
  • kittyotixkittyotix Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    FFS please sort this out!!!! (finds some kittens to punch in their cute faces!)
  • kittyotixkittyotix Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    boyfriend on crack!
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't think any of us are happy about this.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Alphonse is waiting to finish his conversation :x
  • eaingsoup3eaingsoup3 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is making me consider going out in the world and having a real life again....
  • kittyotixkittyotix Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    .....the people that run the servers are as ugly as Vin Diesel?
  • kittyotixkittyotix Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    .....the people that run the servers are as ugly as Vin Diesel?
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