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Server dead again??



  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laughinxan wrote: »
    Hypocrasy? So your name-calling me hmm? Well I've said what I've said, I'd like to see things improve, you apparently do not. Have a good day.

    It's hypocrisy, it's spelled correctly right there in my post. You also missed the whole point of that conversation, apparently, in that wanting change isn't what I'm against, but the constant crying about how this game isn't a copy of the one you came from. You should get over that.
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sparkle...let it go. Don't be the one to continue it. You're better than that. Personally, would I like to see the changes Moon Cat suggested, hell yeah. I'd also like to see the severs a bit more stable. I mean, crashing -ALL- of their games at once? That's gotta hurt.
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaibryael wrote: »
    Awww, you know it was figurative, Sparkle. Nothin' but love for you hon. But, you two were getting outta hand.

    *Whines* But it was -fun-. Well, up until it became clear he was missing the point. Now I'm just amusing myself by replying to as many things as possible.
  • superrubsuperrub Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To put my own two cents worth into this new Co VS CoX debate that has come up...

    I've been a member of City of Heroes for over five years before it was shut down. I was also a part of the beta for Champions Online when it started, and have been a gold since that day on. I'm not one of those people who has a Pepsi Vs Coke mentality regarding the two games, so the argument of CoX had this and CO blah blah is silly.

    Having said this, it's clear CO does need some Dev love . I've said it enough times as Moon Cat in Zonechat for people to know. I am wondering, once Neverwinter is launched and STO: LoR is deployed, will there be a redirection in focus back to CO that does not involve yet another lockbox campaign? I mean a Foundry. I mean new content in both Adventure Packs and lore. I mean new zones. I mean better server load balancing for the performance of the game.

    If you people want to get yourselves worked up over something, this is the line of thinking you should pursue.

    I only played CoH for .... two weeks. It was fun. But same here, been in CO since beta. I took a hiatus during a computer crash, only to return, and no more crafting system, three secondary slots shorter, and a new mod system. I didn't have time to learn all the new, and was a bit miffed that my large and extensive collection of components were now (near) worthless so I took some more time (work, school, Diablo 3...) and came back to PWE and lockboxes and vehicles... I do miss the devs. What happened to when they would get on with us and chat or do open missions or answer silly questions or play games, etc? There were friendly people with characters that you recognized and were happy to see... Does PWE have these people, or is it just that CO is no longer shiny..? We could use a polish... or at least a stiff rub.
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaibryael wrote: »
    Sparkle...let it go. Don't be the one to continue it. You're better than that. Personally, would I like to see the changes Moon Cat suggested, hell yeah. I'd also like to see the severs a bit more stable. I mean, crashing -ALL- of their games at once? That's gotta hurt.

    Yeah, that's one thing I wonder about. I don't know things about servers or how they work, but I wonder if there's a cost-effective way for them to set up their servers individually. It'd probably be less 'run around with our hair on fire' to have just one go down instead of all three at the same time.

    Maybe someone who actually knows about how servers work can explain if it's easy to achieve or not.
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Because, Xan, and this is coming from a FELLOW CoX refugee, neither game is better than the other, really. They're just different. CoX was a damned good game, played it for -YEARS-, had everything you could buy for packs. Honestly, they both have/had their strengths and weaknesses. But, whining about the glory days -WON'T- bring them back. So, let it go, and just, if you make a suggestion, make it for the game that's still running, not comparing it to the one that's not.
  • xparibaxxparibax Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hypocras? Where? WHERE? That stuff is the Yum!

    No, I'm not making fun of you. [well, okay, I am, just abit :P] But Hypocras is real. Also tasty. BEHOLD! the wiki! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocras

  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *Whines* But it was -fun-. Well, up until it became clear he was missing the point. Now I'm just amusing myself by replying to as many things as possible.

    Now now...Sparkle...don't make me hide the cookies...and the peanut M&Ms *smirks, hoping she figures out who he is*
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So it's not just me- been dc'd for 1-1/2 hours, can't get back on, it just tries to update the launcher for about 2 minutes then says there's a connection trouble.
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaibryael wrote: »
    Now now...Sparkle...don't make me hide the cookies...and the peanut M&Ms *smirks, hoping she figures out who he is*

    ... I have no idea, but I'd like some cookies.
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    So it's not just me- been dc'd for 1-1/2 hours, can't get back on, it just tries to update the launcher for about 2 minutes then says there's a connection trouble.

    This is from their facebook page, should be useful for anyone wondering:

    Champions Online
    Our team is still working to resolve the unexpected downtime. Currently we do not have an ETA on when the issue was resolved, but we will keep you up to date as the situation progresses.
    Like ? ? Share ? 97 ? 15 minutes ago ?
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is from their facebook page, should be useful for anyone wondering:

    Champions Online
    Our team is still working to resolve the unexpected downtime. Currently we do not have an ETA on when the issue was resolved, but we will keep you up to date as the situation progresses.
    Like ? ? Share ? 97 ? 15 minutes ago ?

    Thanks! I don't have facebook, had absolutely no clue lol.

    Edit: I wonder if it's related to the problems that League of Legends is having with the PBE. Apparently it went down at the same time CO did.
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *hands her a chocolate macadamia nut one* BTW, you have Yahoo IM, or Skype, Sparkle?
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaibryael wrote: »
    *hands her a chocolate macadamia nut one* BTW, you have Yahoo IM, or Skype, Sparkle?

    Uumm... I may or may not. >__> But I still don't know who you are! *Picks nuts out of cookies* Blegh.
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You misinterpret my post. I'm -NOT- hostile. I'm just speaking my mind. I tend to be about the least hostile person you'll meet, actually. Unless given reason to be otherwise.
  • rubyamethystrubyamethyst Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I open up the patcher and i get the "Trying to update the launcher" window. It "Tries" to connect 2 times before a long pause and an error message: "Unable to establish connection to Patch Server". i havent been able to reconnect after an hour and a half of trying. Even going past the patcher to the client doesn't work. :mad:
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laughinxan wrote: »
    I find it funny people seem to act like I don't like CO. Such a black and white view, I liked both games and recognize they are different. Everyone even misread the "What really bothers me is how things like this make me want to go back to CoX", key word, "Bothers". Seriously guys. It's like you misread and misunderstand me entirely. I try not to write a bad communication but still, disconnections in general bring out the worst in me, they are a serious pet peve especially when it's my day off from a job I'm not particularly happy with.

    It does bother me that things like that cause me to experience nostalgia, but stop being so hostile at me, I wasn't asking for it. I am sorry if I hit a nerve here but I guess I shouldn't give any criticism, since it seems even not bringing CoX up causes someone to troll someone.

    I'd really like the server back up soon, getting bored trying to make an auto-chicken egg farm work in minecraft when a bug makes it near impossible to do currently.

    Well servers are down, so I think peeps are trying to start in arguement to pass time...in that case your opinion is wrong! :)
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I open up the patcher and i get the "Trying to update the launcher" window. It "Tries" to connect 2 times before a long pause and an error message: "Unable to establish connection to Patch Server". i havent been able to reconnect after an hour and a half of trying. Even going past the patcher to the client doesn't work. :mad:

    Champions Online
    Our team is still working to resolve the unexpected downtime. Currently we do not have an ETA on when the issue was resolved, but we will keep you up to date as the situation progresses.

    Just gonna keep that as a standard reply until they give another update.
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *pokes Sparkle in her standard reply* o.O!
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Once more for those who don't have Facebook, the most recent update:

    Champions Online
    Hello Everyone - We are still working to resolve the downtime issue, though unfortunately we are still unable to provide a concrete ETA. We will continually post updates until the issue is resolved.
    Like ? ? Share ? 1 ? about a minute ago ?
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Champions Online
    Our team is still working to resolve the unexpected downtime. Currently we do not have an ETA on when the issue was resolved, but we will keep you up to date as the situation progresses.

    Just gonna keep that as a standard reply until they give another update.
    gaibryael wrote: »
    *pokes Sparkle in her standard reply* o.O!

    >__> I still don't know who you are! My reply is up there somewhere! Unless I missed YOUR reply to my reply, in which case... Tell me who you are!
  • gaibryaelgaibryael Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Commander.
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gaibryael wrote: »
    The Commander.

    I... bwuh... huh? ;_; I don't know who that is. Oh god, I'm so confused.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looks like it's back up!

    Edit: Looks like I spoke too soon.
  • beobearbeobear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think this is all a marketing ploy! and its working! I want to play even more now!
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    what exactly made you think it was back?

    The launcher is working for me, but the login server is still down.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It got past the update server, but apparently the log in server is still down.
  • thegreatunknownthegreatunknown Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so glad it isn't just me- but sad that the site says the server's "UP" and the launcher says it's down lol
  • rjr2409rjr2409 Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    SCREW NEVERWINTER SCREW CRYPTIC AND GO SCREW YOURSELF PERFECT WORLD!!! down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rjr2409 wrote: »
    SCREW NEVERWINTER SCREW CRYPTIC AND GO SCREW YOURSELF PERFECT WORLD!!! down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world down with perfect world

    Okay. Door's to the left. Don't let it hit you in the **** on the way out.
  • rjr2409rjr2409 Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    its ok mr. troll i already tapped yo momma last night anyways.. LMFAO
  • tosmekoptosmekop Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Post #100!
  • sparklemuffinsparklemuffin Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rjr2409 wrote: »
    its ok mr. troll i already tapped yo momma last night anyways.. LMFAO

    Yeaaah. Well, I'm not all that surprised to know you're a necrophile. But explain to me how I'm the 'troll' here when you're throwing a hissy fit like a preteen over a little server issue?
  • rjr2409rjr2409 Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay. Door's to the left. Don't let it hit you in the **** on the way out.
    Yeaaah. Well, I'm not all that surprised to know you're a necrophile. But explain to me how I'm the 'troll' here when you're throwing a hissy fit like a preteen over a little server issue?

    I have nothing to do here because this is a waste of my time good bye young padawon
  • narissisnarissis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeaaah. Well, I'm not all that surprised to know you're a necrophile. But explain to me how I'm the 'troll' here when you're throwing a hissy fit like a preteen over a little server issue?

    Don't bother feeding the actual trolls, sparkle.
  • rjr2409rjr2409 Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    narissis wrote: »
    Don't bother feeding the actual trolls, sparkle.

    hey kid im not the 1 trolling sparkle is
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Server's still down....Hmmm....

    *gets out pen, paper, and his bag of dice*
  • eaingsoup3eaingsoup3 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    Hey All - We are making positive progress on the issue but still have some remaining tasks to complete before the issue is completely resolved. Hope to have good news for you soon!

    is what it says on facebook now

    I would like to thank this poster for USEFULL information. :)
  • eaingsoup3eaingsoup3 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    oooh I never played the Champions PnP game, lets do that now over the forums! :biggrin:

    Heck that's why I gave the MMO a chance...though...you don't want to start a comparison now because balance and flexibility in a PnP is 100x more than an MMO can achieve. ;P
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    Server's still down....Hmmm....

    *gets out pen, paper, and his bag of dice*

    *Eyes light up, then gets a devious smile.*

    "The stairway goes deeper into darkness from the sinkhole above, already cast in shadow. As your feet take the steps, one by one, a dim echo of the *scritch scritch* noise of loose stoney earth under your boots reaches your ears. By the time you've reached the bottom of the stairway, the only significant light comes from the torch in your hands. As your eyes strain in the dim light, you can make out a decorative chamber, built with careful precision, and despite its cracked fascade, obvious tells of its age, still appears to be level and hale. There are three doors in this chamber, one on what appears to be the center of each wall apart from the one holding the staircase you just descended. What do you do?"
  • eaingsoup3eaingsoup3 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    *Eyes light up, then gets a devious smile.*

    "The stairway goes deeper into darkness from the sinkhole above, already cast in shadow. As your feet take the steps, one by one, a dim echo of the *scritch scritch* noise of loose stoney earth under your boots reaches your ears. By the time you've reached the bottom of the stairway, the only significant light comes from the torch in your hands. As your eyes strain in the dim light, you can make out a decorative chamber, built with careful precision, and despite its cracked fascade, obvious tells of its age, still appears to be level and hale. There are three doors in this chamber, one on what appears to be the center of each wall apart from the one holding the staircase you just descended. What do you do?"

    Search for traps and then for secret doors. ;P
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    I use my self duplication power ala mr gemini to walk through all 3 doors at once :biggrin:
    eaingsoup3 wrote: »
    Search for traps and then for secret doors. ;P

    As Eaingsoup prepares to check for traps, Gradii snorts derisively before duplicating himself and using his clones to open all three doors. The door on the left wall (Which for ease of reference we will say is west) turns out disasterously; as Gradii opens it, there is a haunting metallic *Twang* noise; the hidden crossbow may have been old but it was still adequate to serve its purpose. Gradii's west clone drops with a surprised look on his face, still fingering the fletching of the bolt protruding from just below his sternum. (Trap attack roll 21, damage 9 piercing.)
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    *Eyes light up, then gets a devious smile.*

    "The stairway goes deeper into darkness from the sinkhole above, already cast in shadow. As your feet take the steps, one by one, a dim echo of the *scritch scritch* noise of loose stoney earth under your boots reaches your ears. By the time you've reached the bottom of the stairway, the only significant light comes from the torch in your hands. As your eyes strain in the dim light, you can make out a decorative chamber, built with careful precision, and despite its cracked fascade, obvious tells of its age, still appears to be level and hale. There are three doors in this chamber, one on what appears to be the center of each wall apart from the one holding the staircase you just descended. What do you do?"

    *Hands over game master responsibilities to you*

    Lukas Pliskin, aka Wildfire the freelance adventurer often employed by the US government, gently swung the torch around to gaze upon the edifice of this interesting underground structure. The young man found the decorative nature of the sturdy stone fascinating, but was admittedly unable to translate much of it from a simple examination, unfamiliar with the symbolism and lacking proper lighting. Oh well, he was here to explore the chambers not explain any of it. He'd leave that to the science teams approaching behind him. He turned away, looking to each of the doors curiously, then turned on his heels, making his choice.

    He entered the door on the wall left of the stairwell.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    *Hands over game master responsibilities to you*

    Lukas Pliskin, aka Wildfire the freelance adventurer often employed by the US government, gently swung the torch around to gaze upon the edifice of this interesting underground structure. The young man found the decorative nature of the sturdy stone fascinating, but was admittedly unable to translate much of it from a simple examination, unfamiliar with the symbolism and lacking proper lighting. Oh well, he was here to explore the chambers not explain any of it. He'd leave that to the science teams approaching behind him. He turned away, looking to each of the doors curiously, then turned on his heels, making his choice.

    He entered the door on the wall left of the stairwell.

    Gingerly, you step over the fallen body of Gradii's clone; since he can't rejoin that one, it'll affect his max hit points until the following day. Polish mine sweepers CAN be effective, though, you ponder, as you peer into the hallway beyond, where a metal wire leads from the open door to a crossbow that was hastily staked down into the ground about ten feet off. Beyond it, you see a thin haze of dust rising still from the agitated weapon, dust that smells of long unused chambers, and stale air. The corridor continues further than you can see by the light of your torch, at least forty feet.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    I eat 10 pounds of food to regain energy lost by losing a clone :biggrin::biggrin: dont ask where I got it lol

    After about a pound and a half, you start to feel ill, stuffed. You're only a level 1, mister. ^_~
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    Gingerly, you step over the fallen body of Gradii's clone; since he can't rejoin that one, it'll affect his max hit points until the following day. Polish mine sweepers CAN be effective, though, you ponder, as you peer into the hallway beyond, where a metal wire leads from the open door to a crossbow that was hastily staked down into the ground about ten feet off. Beyond it, you see a thin haze of dust rising still from the agitated weapon, dust that smells of long unused chambers, and stale air. The corridor continues further than you can see by the light of your torch, at least forty feet.

    I start forward, then wonder why I'm using a torch and put it away, pulling out a maglite (the kind that doubles as a billy club) and continue on, wary of the fact that there are traps still active here. I try to watch where I'm putting my feet.

    *roll* I try to move forward twenty feet.
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    so gaining levels increases your appetite?

    No, but it does enhance your ability to bend the laws of physics to renew your super powers.
    I suppose now would be a good time to pick a super power, everyone? Gradii already has self duplication; a single duplicate reduces his max hit points by 1 until it rejoins him, it has half his max hit points at normal health, he cannot reduce his own health below half max in this fashion. Dead clones cannot be rejoined (As demonstrated).
  • axenomeaxenome Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sfcody wrote: »
    I start forward, then wonder why I'm using a torch and put it away, pulling out a maglite (the kind that doubles as a billy club) and continue on, wary of the fact that there are traps still active here. I try to watch where I'm putting my feet.

    *roll* I try to move forward twenty feet.

    The maglite is much better; you have no idea why you were using a torch in the first place. Must have been because of that creepy old guy atop the sinkhole handing them out for free ("Maximum of one per person! good "luck!" he he he!"). The maglite illuminates the hallway much better (+2 circumstance bonus to Spot/Search checks, deliberately announced you were looking ahead, therefore a search check. Die roll is 15.) You do notice what appears from this distance to be a dwarf skeleton propped up on the far end of the corridor, about fifty feet on. The mail he wears is old and corroded. You are only 20 feet into the hall, now.
  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    (My character has no powers except for martial arts and weapons training (non-military). I'll list his equipment though!

    1 maglite flashlight
    1 9mm Browning HP
    2 spare clips of ammo
    1 length of rope and attached hook *thirty feet*
    4 energy bars
    1 hunting knife, seven inch blade

  • sfcodysfcody Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    axenome wrote: »
    The maglite is much better; you have no idea why you were using a torch in the first place. Must have been because of that creepy old guy atop the sinkhole handing them out for free ("Maximum of one per person! good "luck!" he he he!"). The maglite illuminates the hallway much better (+2 circumstance bonus to Spot/Search checks, deliberately announced you were looking ahead, therefore a search check. Die roll is 15.) You do notice what appears from this distance to be a dwarf skeleton propped up on the far end of the corridor, about fifty feet on. The mail he wears is old and corroded. You are only 20 feet into the hall, now.

    I regard the dwarf skeleton, eying it and looking for what might have caused the dwarf's death, though I suspect another trap. I advance cautiously again.

    *roll* 14 plus the circumstance bonus, 16. I attempt to move forward another twenty feet.
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