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Would you still buy life time sub?



  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    2 points I'd like to make here.

    1: There's a lot of "they're spending our money on other games" accusations flying back and forth, in response to what I said. And, if that's what you think, cool. But... Prove it? We don't know how much these events are costing to make, or how much the server space costs (and I presume if we're funding anything for other games, it's probably the chat server and some shared server space) or really many of the other details about all of this. Seems a bit of a leap, in my eyes. Last time the community started seriously saying that, about STO, we then got a complete gear overhaul and the entire alert system. That couldn't have been cheap.

    2: I've been around in game for a *long* time. I've been on the boards even longer, I might actually be one of the oldest members here. Not horn tooting or anything, just giving a frame of reference for my next statement: You know what I've seen as the constant repeated refrain for pretty much the whole time? "We want vehicles." Alongside more bestial costumes, and SG hideouts, that has been a consistent top demand of the community. *years* after the fact, they finally gave in and implemented what to my eyes was the number one request of the player base... And they're getting savaged for it.

    Put directly, we asked for this. Begged for it. Pleaded left and right. It popped up in suggestions at least once a week for *years*. It's just a tad unfair to bash them for finally giving in. Lock boxes are crap? Sure. Disagree with the implementation? I get that, although to be fair batman isn't exactly throwing his boomerang from inside the batmobile.

    And such.

    But to just bash em for doing what we asked? Come on, that's just a tad unfair. Before this, we had the focus on alerts and building new custom ones. Now, it's vehicles and temporary events. Each time, the community has acted like "This is the end, this is all we're gonna see", and then we've gotten something else. The focus on vehicles *will* end. Just like the focus on pvp, pre on alert when it had all of the good gear and everyone was doom-saying about *that*, did.

    Patience, my friends. This too shall pass.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • evillegacy1evillegacy1 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Unless the game is excellent, I dont buy life time subs. WIth lifetime subs, it takes about a year year and a half to break even. And if something was to happen between that time ,like bordem, too many bugs for me to handle, done with the content, etc, that is potentially loss of money for no reason. With sub each month, there is no break even point. It's just pay and play or dont pay dont play or rather and I can walk away without losing anything or trying to break even. More of a pricipal thing for me.

    it did cross my mind to buy a life time sub but then I just couldnt think of a good enough reason to here.
  • evillegacy1evillegacy1 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    2 points I'd like to make here.

    1: There's a lot of "they're spending our money on other games" accusations flying back and forth, in response to what I said. And, if that's what you think, cool. But... Prove it? We don't know how much these events are costing to make, or how much the server space costs (and I presume if we're funding anything for other games, it's probably the chat server and some shared server space) or really many of the other details about all of this. Seems a bit of a leap, in my eyes. Last time the community started seriously saying that, about STO, we then got a complete gear overhaul and the entire alert system. That couldn't have been cheap.


    Yeah it's all speculation both ways. Maybe it cost a lot maybe it cost a little. Maybe it's running the bank dry, maybe it's i nthe red maybe it's in the black, maybe they are spedning the profits on other games maybe other games profits are buidling the event things.

    Although I rather have some new permanent, keyword permenant content and rather have them skip building three more short term events if they have to than only "new content" is event after event after event after event" which come and goes. That is like having the incarnate system being there only for two weeks then gone then have ITF there for only the next two weeks and gone forever and so on.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Although I rather have some new permanent, keyword permenant content and rather have them skip building three more short term events if they have to than only "new content" is event after event after event after event" which come and goes. That is like having the incarnate system being there only for two weeks then gone then have ITF there for only the next two weeks and gone forever and so on.

    Hey, you're in luck then.
    Will we ever see the return of past Events such as the Nighthawk event as cycling events such as the Blood Moon event were?

    You?re in luck. We?re planning to bring back certain ?one-time content? events (such as Nighthawk) as recurring features. We?re not ready to talk about specifics yet, but we don?t want scheduled events to vanish forever when they end.

    It really seems like they're laying the framework for rotating events, sorta like the special alerts. I expect, from what Turtle and a few other devs have said, that we're gonna see the climax of these things pop back up on some form of rotation. The logic seems to me to be:
    Alerts: Special events that rotate every few minutes.
    Special Alerts: Weekly rotating pieces of special bite sized content.
    Rampages: Well, they were supposed to rotate, but we only have the one, because I suspect they were replaced by:
    Events: Monthly rotating content chunks, like bloodmoon and the christmas event, and the anniversary.

    This kinda setup actually sorta seems ideal, because it'd pretty much constantly give you something different to do. But, as with the special alerts, they gotta build all that content, first. I feel like this is the phase we're currently experiencing, and will be experiencing for a while, so they can get all of the content generated.

    Hell, I remember like 2 years ago when they had the Anniversary, then immediately jumped into the bloodmoon, then immediately we started seeing signs of the holiday invasion. Back when none of em were buggy in any way, barring maybe the power imbalance between the area pvp transforms for bloodmoon, and of course the weird glitch where someone let Sapphire sing in public. Servers were *packed* from all of the random stuff to do, imo that was the best era CO has ever seen. Yeah, I'd take a return to that any day of the week. 's part of why I advocate a bit of patience about all of this: If it goes down like I think it will, it could end up that we're actually at a surplus of random things to do.

    I don't even think I'm an incurable optimist about this possibility, because there's a historical reference point for it having happened, and being successful.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Chalupa, re 'we asked for vehicles': sure, and a lot of the complaints have, in fact, been about implementation.

    But also there's an overriding element that we asked for a lot of stuff, and prioritizing vehicles is weird, even annoying when it looks like a money grab.

    Again, if vehicles had dropped at the tail end of new zones, content, and continuing upgrades of Foundry, we wouldn't have had the same reaction.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There's a lot of "they're spending our money on other games" accusations flying back and forth, in response to what I said. And, if that's what you think, cool. But... Prove it?

    You want us to sort through the archived forums from two years ago to find those threads and posts that players found that devs were hinting about the money siphon?

    I'm sure someone will want to do that.

    The difference between "taking resources from STO for On Alert" (which I doubt it didn't take much time and money to do since its just number changes and adding a UI window, which they do on a regular basis, also considering that the UIs are still beta worthy bugginess) is that STO has oodles to spare and what CO was making was being taken away for other games. NWO wasn't paying for itself in its extra year of being in production, was it?

    CO was doing well with On Alert and their development schedule was promising taking note that On Alert was the setup for this new content and game expanse (including level cap). But since NWO was announced that it was not coming out that year because PW wanted to keep it in production to meet their MMO standard, the correlation is not coincidental as to where that dev time went.

    Out of every active dev who was working on CO full time, they all went to NWO.
  • evillegacy1evillegacy1 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey, you're in luck then.

    It really seems like they're laying the framework for rotating events, sorta like the special alerts. I expect, from what Turtle and a few other devs have said, that we're gonna see the climax of these things pop back up on some form of rotation. The logic seems to me to be:
    Alerts: Special events that rotate every few minutes.
    Special Alerts: Weekly rotating pieces of special bite sized content.
    Rampages: Well, they were supposed to rotate, but we only have the one, because I suspect they were replaced by:
    Events: Monthly rotating content chunks, like bloodmoon and the christmas event, and the anniversary.

    This kinda setup actually sorta seems ideal, because it'd pretty much constantly give you something different to do. But, as with the special alerts, they gotta build all that content, first. I feel like this is the phase we're currently experiencing, and will be experiencing for a while, so they can get all of the content generated.

    Hell, I remember like 2 years ago when they had the Anniversary, then immediately jumped into the bloodmoon, then immediately we started seeing signs of the holiday invasion. Back when none of em were buggy in any way, barring maybe the power imbalance between the area pvp transforms for bloodmoon, and of course the weird glitch where someone let Sapphire sing in public. Servers were *packed* from all of the random stuff to do, imo that was the best era CO has ever seen. Yeah, I'd take a return to that any day of the week. 's part of why I advocate a bit of patience about all of this: If it goes down like I think it will, it could end up that we're actually at a surplus of random things to do.

    I don't even think I'm an incurable optimist about this possibility, because there's a historical reference point for it having happened, and being successful.

    What I mean is that I prefer actual new content instead of recycled events. A little worse than temrary events. Like more missions for level 6-14 for starters instead of Kevin poe arc for the three thousandth time.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,559 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You want us to sort through the archived forums from two years ago to find those threads and posts that players found that devs were hinting about the money siphon?

    I'm sure someone will want to do that.

    That's the thing, I was here then as well. And it seemed to me the same as it does now: unfounded rumor and conjecture, at best. At worst: conspiracy theory. But, I tend not to take third hand "friend of a friend heard on a secret channel" type things seriously in any way.
    The difference between "taking resources from STO for On Alert" *snip*
    Oh, you missed my point. What I was saying wasn't that we were taking resources from STO. I was saying that everyone was freaking out that STO was taking *our* resources, until it turned out that they were: Redoing every piece of gear in the entire game, adding new costume pieces, sorting out all of the drop tables, removing all of my favorite costume pieces, building alerts and bosses, setting up the questionite system... That's a little more than a ui, don't you think? And it couldn't have been cheap to implement.
    CO was doing well with On Alert and their development schedule was promising taking note that On Alert was the setup for this new content and game expanse (including level cap). But since NWO was announced that it was not coming out that year because PW wanted to keep it in production to meet their MMO standard, the correlation is not coincidental as to where that dev time went.

    Out of every active dev who was working on CO full time, they all went to NWO.
    Not gonna lie, the shuffling of devs is pretty vexing. But, what we've got now is a set of devs who aren't as active on the forums. I don't know that we've been told in a long time how many devs CO has. Just more unfounded rumors that we only have 2, based as far as I can tell on nothing but assumption.

    And the thing is, we *are* getting content. the lemurian thing was legitimately fun, we got the destroids (which, granted, bugged, but they say they're bringing em back), we got nighthawk, the carrier mission, we're in the middle of the gladiator thing... Could they bug fix? Hell yeah they can. Any day now, that'd be great. But you can't say they're not putting out content with a regular schedule. Thing is, the community (at least on the forums) is ignoring this content entirely because some of it has been vehicle based, like it doesn't count. Using statements like "another half formed idea", which they're actively trying to set up content *specifically* so you'll use em, which let's be honest here: They've not historically ever done. We're stuck on vehicles for a while because they want to make sure it's a system that's fully set up and integrated. Fleshed out. Finished.

    This is part of why I'm headdesking so hard right now about a lot of this. "none of the content is finished! DOOOM! I HATE THEM!", "They're spending too much time fleshing out this vehicle stuff! DOOOM! I HATE THEM!". Haha I kinda wish people'd just take a stance and stick to it, even if it's a system they dislike.

    I'm starting to think they could hand out free bacon and 10 dollar bills and people would still find a way to complain that the bacon's undercooked, and they really deserved a 20.

    As for the temporary content being recycled... I could draw some good parallels between how they're doing this, and the theory behind Comic Series as they were first envisioned. "We'll put one of these out a week for a while, then at the end let you play em straight out, while we release more of em". They're restricting em, yeah, but that could keep em fresher. I can only speak from experience, but a lot more of my friends seem to be playing Red Winter than, for example, Aftershock.

    I expect we won't see any more comic series, sadly. People complained too much that the Adventure Packs were gated behind a sub or purchase, so they put out the comics for free. There's no profit in free, so now we're stuck with what we have now and lock boxes. Someone figured out that to monetize this thing, you can't just give out big chunks of expensive content with no cost associated. That actually shows a bit more business acumen than I think they're being credited for, and might be a reason we're still playing this game at all right now. ... Course, that's just conjecture on my part.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • jaguar40jaguar40 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's the thing, I was here then as well. And it seemed to me the same as it does now: unfounded rumor and conjecture, at best. At worst: conspiracy theory. But, I tend not to take third hand "friend of a friend heard on a secret channel" type things seriously in any way.

    Oh, you missed my point. What I was saying wasn't that we were taking resources from STO. I was saying that everyone was freaking out that STO was taking *our* resources, until it turned out that they were: Redoing every piece of gear in the entire game, adding new costume pieces, sorting out all of the drop tables, removing all of my favorite costume pieces, building alerts and bosses, setting up the questionite system... That's a little more than a ui, don't you think? And it couldn't have been cheap to implement.

    Not gonna lie, the shuffling of devs is pretty vexing. But, what we've got now is a set of devs who aren't as active on the forums. I don't know that we've been told in a long time how many devs CO has. Just more unfounded rumors that we only have 2, based as far as I can tell on nothing but assumption.

    And the thing is, we *are* getting content. the lemurian thing was legitimately fun, we got the destroids (which, granted, bugged, but they say they're bringing em back), we got nighthawk, the carrier mission, we're in the middle of the gladiator thing... Could they bug fix? Hell yeah they can. Any day now, that'd be great. But you can't say they're not putting out content with a regular schedule. Thing is, the community (at least on the forums) is ignoring this content entirely because some of it has been vehicle based, like it doesn't count. Using statements like "another half formed idea", which they're actively trying to set up content *specifically* so you'll use em, which let's be honest here: They've not historically ever done. We're stuck on vehicles for a while because they want to make sure it's a system that's fully set up and integrated. Fleshed out. Finished.

    This is part of why I'm headdesking so hard right now about a lot of this. "none of the content is finished! DOOOM! I HATE THEM!", "They're spending too much time fleshing out this vehicle stuff! DOOOM! I HATE THEM!". Haha I kinda wish people'd just take a stance and stick to it, even if it's a system they dislike.

    I'm starting to think they could hand out free bacon and 10 dollar bills and people would still find a way to complain that the bacon's undercooked, and they really deserved a 20.

    As for the temporary content being recycled... I could draw some good parallels between how they're doing this, and the theory behind Comic Series as they were first envisioned. "We'll put one of these out a week for a while, then at the end let you play em straight out, while we release more of em". They're restricting em, yeah, but that could keep em fresher. I can only speak from experience, but a lot more of my friends seem to be playing Red Winter than, for example, Aftershock.

    I expect we won't see any more comic series, sadly. People complained too much that the Adventure Packs were gated behind a sub or purchase, so they put out the comics for free. There's no profit in free, so now we're stuck with what we have now and lock boxes. Someone figured out that to monetize this thing, you can't just give out big chunks of expensive content with no cost associated. That actually shows a bit more business acumen than I think they're being credited for, and might be a reason we're still playing this game at all right now. ... Course, that's just conjecture on my part.

    Usually when I think of content i think of permenent content. Not likke content in the sense of it's like an event no more or less important than the anniversary thing or Halloween or winter events. Even if temparay events were to be considered then CO falls way behind overall as many games get events AND permenant cotent. Usually in a event, event ends, few weeks or a month or two, new content, a few more months, an event, and etc. In CO it's Event, event event event event.

    Of course there is no pleasing everyone but sometimes listenign to the customer they would know that it was foolish buying 20lbs of bacon to hand out and half the crowd is vegan. But even if everyone just shut up about everything, then the excuse will be 'Oh we didnt know the crowd wanted *this and that* all they had to do was speak up and tell us." Seen that game developer game plenty of times. People speak up, it's complaining, if they dotn speak up then its said the yshould have. It's like no win besides we are supposed to take every single thing they give out and be highly thankful for it even if it's crap and ways that the game could be better in an other wise great product. There is not many super hero MMOs and it's getting stale that each of them are taken as nothing but a mere joke in the gaming world, a side project until tdevs/publishers can think of the next big fantasy game to pour all the resources and dough into. Of course that game sually make a killing too, because of the work involved. But super hero games, get small budget, no advertising, half baked content and testing and released and left alone. Except maybe for one and even that one got shutdown. Yet through all of that, and the treatment that would cause the lead developers to get fired if they treated a fantasy game that way, these super hero mmos usually still manage to gain a following and turn a profit. I can only imagine what the ycan do with the proper treatement that fanatasy game recieve even the unknown lore ones. But until the publishers and developers start taking super hero mmo serious, then it will remain niche and it's a two way street. They want us and other people to spend big bucks in game but what are we getting in return besides quick fix lockboxes. And vehicles? And little stuff that dont matter much in the end. Even WoW. WoW didnt start off as big and had that much content when it started out. It was added on as time went by. COX usually about every other issue had some new set of missions. In CO, how many times as someone mentioned earlier, are we expected to fight Poe? And do the same missions over and over with some temporary event thrown in there as if it's a big deal.

    Sorry for the long post I guess i had more to say than I thought.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Umm, of course they are taking money from one game for other purposes. Any company that has more than one product will expend income from one on others as appropriate to the ROI of the various products. That is normal, and not just in video games.

    Cryptic/PWE would be idiots acting against established and vetted business practices if they were not spending money produced by less successful on more successful products.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • jedite2012jedite2012 Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    well hopefully the money they will make from STO and NWO will also go towards CO
    They cant let DCUO win and they will be in real trouble when Marvel online is released
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Diablo 3 didn't kill CO so I think Diablo 3 won't either. I mean Marvel*.

    *You can choose which Diablo 3 to replace my error.

    Considering how much more successful the Marvel brand has been these past few years, they could have released a REAL MMO and not that point and click crap.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Diablo 3 didn't kill CO so I think Diablo 3 won't either. I mean Marvel*.

    *You can choose which Diablo 3 to replace my error.

    Considering how much more successful the Marvel brand has been these past few years, they could have released a REAL MMO and not that point and click crap.

    With Disney in charge I'm surprised we didn't see the whole Kingdom hearts thing with Marvel Heroes. Though I believe they are planning to release a more traditional mmo after Marvel Heroes is released.
  • pallihwtfpallihwtf Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've been subscribed for over 1200 days, would I buy a Life time sub now?

    Hell naww! I've spent too much money on this game as it is :biggrin:

    @Pallih in game
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