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Ask Cryptic - February 2013 [Closed - Check Back Wednesday!]



  • handsomerhandsomer Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    1. Any plans to update/expand upon the Nemesis System?

    2. Currently, there are a number of stances/walking animations/emotes in-game that we're not able to use. Will we ever be able to use them?

    3. Any plans to allow us to colorize our vehicles?

    4. Will we get any more tattoo options, or at least more clothing to wear them with?

    5. Any word on the Foundry?


    6. Are there any new Costume Sets planned, and if so, could you tell us what/when?

    7. Are there any new Power Sets planned, and if so, could you tell us what/when?

    8. Are there any plans to expand the hideouts, and if so, could you tell us what/when?

    9. Are there any plans to add any new Instances/Zones, and if so, could you tell us what/when?

    10. Is the Xp Gifting still going to be implemented?


    11. Any word on the Air Guitar emote?

    12. What are your plans for this year's content?

    13. Have the Staff/weapon Emanation Points idea been completely scrapped? I really hope not.

    14. Any plans to add back all the weapon unlocks that were taken away from On Alert? Either by C-Store, Q-Store, or by Recognition?

    15. This may be a really stupid suggestion, but any plans to have something similar to a "Steam Workshop" where we can create/download custom costume pieces?


    16. Any plans to add the C-store/Z-store back on the pts? If not, could you at least have the travel powers/devices/costume pieces unlocked so that we may test them properly.

    17. Any more State-of-the-Games coming, or any other informative posts by devs explaining what's going on?

    18. Chat-ban seems to be a major problem, any plans to fix this issue?

    19. Any plans for Super Group Bases? They would be a nice addition to have, but please take your time on them. Making them where they have a purpose, other than cosmetic, would be the best idea.

    20. What happened to the development of Aura Slots? If they are coming, please don't turn them into a grab-bag gamble item. Make them available for direct purchase.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    When are you going to continue giving us State of the Game announcements like you did in the past? Are there any big development plans for the game at all?
  • xgcoxgco Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) What is your explanation for the severe lack of communication over the last couple of months from the Champions Team?

    2) We all know that Champions wasn't the money maker you guys wanted it to be, but is there anything major in the pipeline that might change that?

    3) Why have you guys done nothing with the Nemesis system since Nemesis Confrontation?

    4) Anything planned for Level 40's to do?

    5) Why are Alerts set for Level 30?

    6) Are Alerts and Dropboxes the best we can expect from you guys in the future?

    7) Lockboxes must be very popular for you to keep adding more into the game. Can you give us an indication of the level of income that they have accumulated.

    8) New zones coming in the near-future?

    9) STO has Foundry and Neverwinter will launch with it, does that mean that Champions can expect to see it in the near-future as well?
  • twg042370twg042370 Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Even before On Alert Lemuria, Vibora Bay, and the later Canada levels were largely empty.

    I've always felt there was an excess of missions at those levels that didnt need to be done and thus those maps went under utilized. I don't know how difficult it would be but lowering the level requirements for the intro missions to those maps would both give them more traffic and provide alternate leveling paths for when Westide or Wells Pass lose their shine.

    Whadda yah think?
    Wait? Whaaaa..?
  • rambergramberg Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Status on costume bug fixes? I've been waiting for Rocket Pack Stealth to be selectable for the bodytype Robotic Arm Right for so long I've forgotten when it gotten broken now, and I'm sure there are other similar issues people have been complaining about. Submitting a bug ticket about it seems a bit like shouting into a void at this point.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok, guess I'll take a stab at this. Here's hoping this thing is a lengthy reply to most questions.

    1. Is The Foundry's Cost Evaluation Meeting for the Version 2(Currently used in NW) still on schedule for the beginning of 2014(meaning there is no 2013 CO Foundry) or has this been moved forward?

    2. Is it true that CO will not recieve a LvL Cap Increase and will instead be looking towards an Alternate Advancement System which would allow character advancement beyond LvL 40 without the problem of further trivializing the existing content? Any current details available for this Alternate Advancement System(doesn't have to be carved in stone)?

    3. In the past Patch Notes have almost always been incomplete with multiple things "Stealth Patched" into the game(many which are positive). Could you please make 2013 the year Cryptic starts giving complete patch notes for all CO Updates?

    4. Players are encouraged to report bugs as well as resolve many of their ingame issues via the Ticket System. The Ticket System times out roughly 50%(conversative number) of the time. Could you look into this system so that at least this phase of communication is viable and helps The CS/QA/Dev people be aware of the issues that need resolution?

    5. PTS is intended to be the means by which the playerbase and devs work together to make certain the best possible releases hit Live and there have been some decent communication with The Bleak Harbinger Alert but this alert and almost everything that comes from PTS hits Live with multiple bugs(some of which are horrific and some tiny) despite excellent player documentation and reporting. How can Cryptic improve the usage of PTS and the timeframes between items hitting PTS and then going to Live so that there is enough time to actually repair bugs and such before they're inflicted upon the Live Playerbase? Will Cryptic take these necessary steps?

    6. The Chatban System is all but useless in CO since the only people encouraging a system to spend real money for gaining resources(globals) is Cryptic itself. Many players use money/questionite to obtain Zen to buy things in the Z-Store to sell in zonechat to players for Globals. The ONLY thing the Chat Ban System does in CO is allow people to exploit it to silence people on a whim. Since this system,to my understanding, is hardcoded into the Cryptic Engine for CO/STO/NW what will Cryptic do to handle this situation for the CO Playerbase? It simply cannot continue on in it's present form reguardless if it's "Working as Intended" or not.

    7. Are there any plans to revert the Canada/Desert Crisis Zones back to LvL 6 and thus allow players multiple leveling path options like we used to have? If not, why?

    8. Are there any plans to either review sidekicking of sub-15 players to make them better suited for Alerts or set a minimium LvL of 15 for Alerts? If not, why?

    9. Are there any plans to put the various Nemesis Villains(Black Scorpion, Crucible, Greyskull, Gargoyle, Morticus, and so on) into the Nemesis Missions to replace the Generic Nemesis(Lilith, Deathmetal) for people who are under LvL 25 since Generic Nemesis are ALL Infernal and ugly? If no, then are there plans to LvL Restrict Nemesis Alerts so 25+? If not, why?

    10. When will "Bug Month", a comprehensive full blown focus on bug repair, happen in CO? It has been suggested to make this tie in with a Qularr Event to let the players both Squash Bugs and Squash Bugs. Could we please have this?

    11. Going forward, will the main Cryptic focus of CO be to make temp content and temp events only? If not, when when can we expect some actual longterm playable content to hit CO?

    12. When will the PTS Z-Store be returned to the players so that we may test those types of releases before they are released to Live with potential imcompleteness and bugs?

    13. Many things have been released to PTS(some good and some bad) which then vanished(Fire and Ice Rampage Alert, Telepathy, The Earth Passive, Aura Slots, and such). When will they make a return, be completed, and pushed to Live(guestimate)?

    14. Other than this Ask Cryptic(I'm guessing) will Stokeman be more vocal and seen by the CO Community like Branflakes is for the STO Community?

    15. It's been announced that the STO Dev Team is 60 people strong at least(with some Paragon Studios X-Devs). How many people strong is the Co Dev Team? Will this increase? How soon?

    16. Cryptic has a history of creating new features and then never really doing much with them beyond maybe 1-2 additions. When will the Nemesis, Unity, Hideout and Comic Series/Adventure Packs/Whatever be getting additions, expansions, repairs, or anything really?

    17. Other than Heirloom Gear, the new On Alert Gear System for LvLs 1-39(with maybe 3-4 exceptions) is not very good nor does it even remotely appear to scale with LvL 40 options as a buildup of a progressing hero. When will this be looked at?

    18. When will the Legacy Devices be made Unique AND put back on the mobs that should have them as an alternate means for players to obtain them should they wish to farm such things like in the old days?

    19. When will the next mini-event involving Drifter and allowing players to gain salvage occur?

    20. When will the Knockoff SGs which blatantly flaunt violations of the TOS on this subject be addressed and, ultimately, irradicated?

    21. When will the popups seen upon character creation end?

    22. When will the "Block Station" and it's mission be returned to the Tutorial so that new players can better learn the mechanics of blocking in a situation that isn't fighting their 1st boss who has Orbital Cannon? The current system is not working from my observations.

    23. When will the bug with rewarding a new character with various vet rewards that they have not earned be repaired?

    24. The recent Bleak Harbinger PTS Event was great and offered a chance to obtain many AFs which were promised to be made available again. When will the next such event occur so that we can continue this?

    25. When will the next Ask Cryptic occur?

    26. What were the results of the meeting between Trailturtle and the other members of Cryptic? How soon can we expect to see the results of this meeting?

    27. Trailturtle is the best person to ever hold his current job by a margin too large to even remotely measure. When will you reward his hard work and excellent communication with the CO Playerbase with his own AF? How will we, the players, obtain it?

    28. There are various emotes in the game which are not available to the players for use. When will these(as well as the 2 previously lost female sit emotes) be given to the playerbase?

    29. If you were a player and had to convince a friend to try out CO how would you get them to try it(beyond the basic,"Hey, it's free.")? How would you get them to play beyond the bugs and such?

    30. When will CO get vehicles that look like they belong in CO and are more stylized versions of more mundane vehicles like motorcycles, Viper Quads, and such?

    31. Back at Beta the travel speeds were toned down because it was said that the system could not handle them and things like Super Speed were causing performance issues(and it was true). With the release of vehicles the speed bar has been raised. So, when will travel powers become as fast as vehicles? Also, when will the Hover Disk Travel Power be upgraded to the performance level of the Until Hover Disk?

    32. It has been said that, despite what many forum users think, CO is profitable. Without going into specifics could you please confirm this? A simple "yes" or "no" would suffice.

    Ok, this should do it "for now." Here's hoping that this Ask Cryptic is absolutely massive and we don't have to have another "Do Over." You can do it. I want to believe. :biggrin:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • stmothstmoth Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'll keep it simple. What are your plans for CO for the next year? Are you going to add any new zones? Or will the focus of content continue to remain Alert-based?
  • doomedluke1doomedluke1 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, I'm probably not asking anything new, but, anyway, I'll reinforce what others said:

    - Foundry is a very nice idea, and it would even relieve you guys a bit from the pressure of new content; is it being considered?

    - Why have I not seen any of my nems with my 7 chars for almost two months in Nemesis Alerts? How do the selection work? Shouldn't the random nems be a reserve in the case of ANY of the heroes in the alert have a nemesis? I'm a bit tired of fighting random nems while I have one because I ended up in the alert with a lot of heroes under level 25... I'm also tired of fighting infernal nems... :)

    - Any updates on the Nemesis creation?

    - Do you plan to make available power hue coloring tokens in the store for Silvers? They could be one-time tokens for 100 ZEN each, for example, or maybe permanent account tokens for higher values. I'd surely buy it if the price is reasonable, but I won't subscribe only for them.

    - New Powersets? Plants, water, sonic...

    - More functions to Hideouts, like teleporting to other areas, crafting tables?

    - New Costumes? And more boots with mystical themes, since there are so few of them?

    - Why doesn't Bat Flight allow me to interact with environment, while Scarab Flight does? If it's really meant this way, why don't you guys make it work like a Teleport then, adding a stealth effect and/or making it faster than other flight travel powers? Though I love this TP, there's not any advantage in using it, only disadvantages, compared to other TPs. Also, Bat Flight, for strange it seems, works like all other TPs... only in Lemuria! I don't want my Void vampire hero to live underwater, the taste of lemurians' and fishes' souls is not nice. lol

    - Why do I have to log off my account just to change to other characters? Is there a reason for this? It's pretty annoying sometimes... Could you make so that the Log Out Character option just led me to the char selection screen instead of the Login screen?

    - Higher resources cap account tokens in store?

    - Can we have CO status' numbers (in normal people languages, preferrably lol)? Whether the game is going well or not, dev personel, plans for the near and not-so-near future?
  • alphadean69alphadean69 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    - Black and White in the Color choices for powers.
    - Staff Weapons for Melee
    - Crystal weapons sets
    - Energy- crystal- and ghost forms for body types
    - More pet types
    - Costume sets be more interchangable
    - Energy Capes, Glider Membranes
    - Whips, more throwing weapons

    I really would like to see these things implemented. Or at least have them addressed on some level or another.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,132 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find the Decision of Giving the Avian Warrior pack only for 900 Days Veterans incredible Disappointing, dumb and discouraging for people who have Avian-themed character concept but are unable to create duo to the long time they have to wait! (and got teased from the concept art pictures which were post PRE-ALERT era)
    No Avian-fan can wait 900 days to create their Anthropomorphic Bird characters, 3 Years are way too many! :frown:

    My Question is:
    Will there be in the Future a Variation / Extension / Remake / Upgrade pack of the Bird People for either Z-store or Q-store for Silver and Gold players to purchase ? (Mostly asking for the Bestial Heads parts, those are the parts most of us want and need, we can ignore the Armor set)
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergiesPlaying since 1 February 2011 98+ Characters (7 ATs, 91 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • alphadean69alphadean69 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is also the issue of the cost of things in the Questionite Store. Way to much grinding to unlock enough questionite to get even one or two those expensive Travel powers. I mean most of them are just re-skinned things already there. Can we get some changes to that.

    Also you already have the alot of things in place that could just be customized or easily skinned. Example Electric Wings and so on
  • mellondgmellondg Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Is there any plans to loosen the F2P restrictions? Like maybe adding the option to expand the amount of resources you can have in the c-store or something?
  • bloodx13bloodx13 Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Will PvP ever be brought up to par with the rest of the "On Alert" content? things that were promised and foretold by the Devs like a currency change and gear are still not in game.

    2. Will the bugs that came with on alert be fixed. things like the distorted cables in bash or the turrets in stronghold that go immune randomly.

    3. Will we get any major content updates like Vibora bay anytime in the near future?

    4. Are hideouts still being worked on ?

    5. Can we have the PvP q pop requirement looked at again. The number of players required to make a team PvP map pop is currently to high. Also when it does pop there is a bug that randomly kicks players from the game.
  • johnnyquantumjohnnyquantum Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Major question: Foundry? COH had it, STO has it, and NW will have it.

    Minor questions:
    More choices for power colours (black and white)?
    Some way to queue for nemesis confrontations?
    Edit nemesis and minions?

    But overall, still a very fun game to play!
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. When do we get the foundry?
    2. IF we don't get the foundry, when do we get new content that is store/event based?
    3. Can you please fix the random powersets for the FAKE nemesis(s), they all come up as scourge.
    Better yet. Swap them for a message saying "None of you have a nemesis, please come back later"
    4. PLease amend the PVP gear (I'm not actually PvP ,myself) we have 2 stats just for them but it isn't on their gear.
    5. PLease have a nice day and remember shooting your boss is not allowed.

    OOPS just saw the date on the first page
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • daisolaardaisolaar Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Burning questions. OK.

    1) Will Q-Store prices ever be lowered enough to actually be taken seriously?
    2) Will Drifter Salvage ever be made availiable in-game, so players can actually buy what's in the Drifter's Store?
    3) After the advent of Smash Alerts, will players ever have a reason to go to Zones other than Millenium City?
    4) Will anyone in charge of the game ever realize Grab Bags & Lock Boxes are a bad idea?
    5) Will the game-breaking random-targeting ever be taken off Gravitar?
    6) Will Auras ever be finished, or was that just a hilarious rumor?
    7) Will anyone ever admit that the costume piece restriction issue is actually about copyright infringement rather than clipping?
    8) Will working on new powersets or updates for such ever be a real thing again?

    I'm so burning to hear these answers!
  • elasmiaelasmia Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am 99% sure you won't give my question a straight answer but here goes.

    Are we guaranteed to get some devs back into CO once NWNO launches or is CO on a permanent back burner?

    If the later is true i will do the following:

    1) never touch NWNO (wasn't rly interested since its more of an action game than an actualy rpg mmo or otherwise but if NWNO is the cause for CO being on a permanent backburner than any interest i might have had will go down the drain)

    2) will do my best to get everyone i can to not touch NWNO (from what ive seen the 4.0 rules were already rock bottom in terms of popularity so NWNO can't afford any bad press)

    3) will never touch any of PWE game EVER in my life.

    4) i will curse whoever was responsible for these decisions for the rest of my life and afterlife.
  • arskakarvaarskakarva Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Three things, two queries:

    Foundry, Nemesis system upgrade, new powersets.

    If? When?
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you buy a Life Time Subscription with STO, you get all the veteran rewards up front. Champions players have been asking for the same treatment. When will the champions LTS be made equal to STO LTS and allow all veteran rewards at the time of purchase?

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • blazer2001blazer2001 Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    These are my questions:

    1. When is Champions getting a Foundry? Could you explain the way it would work?
    2. Are there plans to make a bugfixing pass to the game as a whole? There are a really big number of bugs floating around since a long time.
    3. What PERMANENT content is planned to be added to the game?
    4. What costume sets / powersets are planned for the future?
    Thank you!
    I'm the ruler of the fire power.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you buy a Life Time Subscription with STO, you get all the veteran rewards up front. Champions players have been asking for the same treatment. When will the champions LTS be made equal to STO LTS and allow all veteran rewards at the time of purchase?

    Excellent question. I'm upset at myself for forgetting to ask it myself.
    My Amazon author page
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    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • d0csteeld0csteel Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My apologies as these questions I am sure have been asked before but I am unsure of the answers:

    - Will we ever get Super-Group bases? This is a huge boon to the STO community and gives a lot of options for group efforts, questing, etc

    - Yes, I know we have sidekicks in the C-store - but seriously, wouldn't we all love to have a customizable one with a base power set at least as an option for a permanent purchase? How about it?

    - How secure is the future of CO, does PWE have a multi-year roadmap at this stage or is the game considered "in hospice"?

    - Please - how about a Foundry where missions don't become exploits? You know the issues, it can't be _that_ hard to make one where this isn't an issue.

    - Could we have a real energy-based power set? Fire is nice but we need something more like the Cyclops/Havocs/Silver-Surfer types in the game. This is sorely lacking and really is nothing more than some of the other powers with new looks but it would feel right and is just weird not being in the game.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Is there a particular reason the "Exit map" button is hidden away behind layers rather than set as the convenience it should be?
  • thompkinsthompkins Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    In b4 Saturday.

    Sorry if this has been asked already, but I skimmed the questions and saw a lot of specific questions in this vein, but not the general question I'm wondering about:

    Given that Cryptic Studios has historically focused on interesting new systems for this game rather than core content (everything from the Nemesis system at launch* to vehicles recently) is there any chance that in 2013 we will see more improvement and bug fixes to existing systems, or fleshing out of core content, instead of just more flashy new systems on top of the existing ones?

    * I think? I started a little before f2p.
  • maleb666maleb666 Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Forgot to ask that on my post, so...

    Are we going to see the resources consolidation?? Hideout banks are going to be able to store every kind of resourses??

    When are we REALLY going to see customization in our vehicles?? Modding is not customizing!! (Not in the way we're lead to believe, anyway)
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,732 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    daisolaar wrote: »
    Burning questions. OK.

    1) Will Q-Store prices ever be lowered enough to actually be taken seriously?
    2) Will Drifter Salvage ever be made availiable in-game, so players can actually buy what's in the Drifter's Store?
    3) After the advent of Smash Alerts, will players ever have a reason to go to Zones other than Millenium City?
    4) Will anyone in charge of the game ever realize Grab Bags & Lock Boxes are a bad idea?
    5) Will the game-breaking random-targeting ever be taken off Gravitar?
    6) Will Auras ever be finished, or was that just a hilarious rumor?
    7) Will anyone ever admit that the costume piece restriction issue is actually about copyright infringement rather than clipping?
    8) Will working on new powersets or updates for such ever be a real thing again?

    I'm so burning to hear these answers!
    1. You mean like the catalysts which cost over $300 to levle 1 mod from 1-9?
    2.salvage USED to be available in game, this was changed when Grab bags were removed from store and lockboxes became SPAM boxes in game.
    3. Not everyone spams alerts to 40. People still do level by missions.
    4. Since the aim of changing to having the keys in store and flooding the game with boxes was to "encourage" microtransactions. Probably not.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There were plans to for a new zone, what happened to it and is it planned for the near future?

    Will we be seeing more Comic Series? When? What might it be about?

    Telepathy powerset and a control review, how soon on the horizon can we see this coming and if not soon then for what reasons?

    Will we be seeing some new powers (not necessarily powersets) coming out soon? If so, what do you guys have in mind?

    Will the conflag range glitch be fixed soon? That's the glitch where if you aren't close enough, conflag won't trigger and do damage. I'm not sure what the exact distance is but it's closer than the indicated range of 50.

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2013
    Just a heads-up, folks, I'll be closing this in about an hour. Make sure to post your question, if you have any!
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I really need to know if Cryptic has tried that Bacon Jerky. It's like Jesus breakdancing in your mouth. If they have not tried this, then why not?
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    #TelepathyNow? ... Now? or How bout... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2013
    Ladies and gents, this Ask Cryptic thread is closed for the moment. Check back on Wednesday and we'll have answers for you!
This discussion has been closed.