The Leviathan Invasion Alert will always be available to play in the queue window right under the Until Carrier Defense. Even when the event is over.
I'm going to have to call you out on the "available to play" in the fact no one ever plays it s it never starts technically we're both right. but it seems this current event is meant to be taken as a larger scale "event" from all the hype of 1-minute missions as we wait for the actual thing
I find it somewhat funny that no one official is saying anything about the PTS.
Though in some odd way it could be "positive" from their end. After all, if we can't log in to test we can't complain about parts which are broken, right?
I find it somewhat funny that no one official is saying anything about the PTS.
Though in some odd way it could be "positive" from their end. After all, if we can't log in to test we can't complain about parts which are broken, right?
Give them at least a little credit -- problems with the authentication infrastructure aren't necessarily something that can be dealt with lightly. Yeah, I'd like to hear something, even if it is just "technical difficulties, please stand by (we can't realistically schedule until we've resolved this)", but Cryptic is just as subject to Murphy as the rest of the world.
That said: TT or anyone else involved, any chance that we *can* get an update, even if it is only "yeah, we're working on it, more details once we have anything we can say"?
[Edit: apparently PWE/PWI's system doesn't like UTF-8 input, which is darkly amusing given it is a non-Western company... ASCIIfied it]
Give them at least a little credit -- problems with the authentication infrastructure aren't necessarily something that can be dealt with lightly. Yeah, I'd like to hear something, even if it is just "technical difficulties, please stand by (we can't realistically schedule until we've resolved this)", but Cryptic is just as subject to Murphy as the rest of the world.
That said: TT or anyone else involved, any chance that we *can* get an update, even if it is only "yeah, we're working on it, more details once we have anything we can say"?
[Edit: apparently PWE/PWI's system doesn't like UTF-8 input, which is darkly amusing given it is a non-Western company... ASCIIfied it]
Right. A simple 'whoops, it got broken' would even be nice.
I'm going to have to call you out on the "available to play" in the fact no one ever plays it s it never starts technically we're both right. but it seems this current event is meant to be taken as a larger scale "event" from all the hype of 1-minute missions as we wait for the actual thing
The difference between Leviathan and Carrier Defense is that Leviathan has rewards people want. So it ought to queue up often.
Carried Defense can learn a few things from Leviathan in that manner.
We'll be doing a PTS playtest on Monday of the revised Lemurian Invasion mission. I don't know exactly what time we'll be doing this, but it should be in the afternoon (Pacific time), after the build goes on PTS.-TrailTurtle
It's nearly becoming evening in Pacific time and we are just wasting time for trying to launch account server. lol
Which is good because i forgot about it taking time for a character transfer to work.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
The PTS update will likely be right at the end of the workday (Pacific time) -- the dev team is scrambling to get as much in there as possible. Most of the major changes should be included (with the possible exception of level rebalancing).
I'm getting the "account server connection failed" error as well, I've emailed people to see what's wrong.
For rewards, my plan is to offer a selection of old dev AFs plus the Retro Dr. Destroyer AF, and everyone who helps playtest and gives feedback can choose one to get. (Please be patient as I hand those out, I don't do item-granting very often. )
The Leviathan Invasion Alert will always be available to play in the queue window right under the Until Carrier Defense. Even when the event is over.
Not quite. Unfortunately, a number of the events that we have (Nighthawk, Lemurian Invasion, etc) live in the same space -- the way I understand it, they're in the same mapspace and possibly called up from the same locations. We may be able to pull one of the programmers into the forums to describe further, if it would be helpful, although that would need to happen after some of the Lemurian Crunch winds down.
That being said, I know as well as you do that Champs is always bettered by having more content available. Whenever events and missions can safely coexist, they will do so, and we will have each event last as long as possible, so that there's always some kind of major content going on. All of these events will be coming back on a constant rotation.
...Why? Until Carrier Defense and Leviathan are up on PTS at the same time. So is Gravitar. Why can't that list expand when something new is added so we can play them whenever we want? There's just so much that can be done to make these alerts up at all times.
"Be the hero you want to be. Play the content you want to play."
If anything keep Leviathan up forever and dump Until Carrier Defense until it gets worthy rewards.
If ANYTHING make the rotation of these events more often than once every two years. Like once a week. The Custom alert rotation is frustratingly long as is. I know that a lot of us want that rotation to change every 24 hours.
Temporary rotation event only content is the worst thing ever. It would be fine if permanent content was added every several months. Or at least the Foundry.
Not quite. Unfortunately, a number of the events that we have (Nighthawk, Lemurian Invasion, etc) live in the same space -- the way I understand it, they're in the same mapspace and possibly called up from the same locations.
This made me very uneasy, I'm definitely waiting for a dev respond to that.
How about "rotate" that Sky Command off and replace it with the Nighthawk "Event".
Like it should have been working, right?
Or are we just talking about some rotation thing that may appear in some untold future?
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
If ANYTHING make the rotation of these events more often than once every two years. Like once a week. The Custom alert rotation is frustratingly long as is. I know that a lot of us want that rotation to change every 24 hours.
Certainly more often than that, not sure how often all told. Having a constant, fast rotation (like custom alerts) is an interesting idea that I'll pass on to the devs. There may be technical blockers to something like that, though, certainly the devs were mostly talking about longer blocks of time that each event would be around.
...Why? Until Carrier Defense and Leviathan are up on PTS at the same time. So is Gravitar. Why can't that list expand when something new is added so we can play them whenever we want? There's just so much that can be done to make these alerts up at all times.
Based on the description -- and this is purely a theory unless/until a dev comments, though I would personally love to know more details -- I would guess that the servers may be engineered to have a specific 'slot' for event maps that was not intended to be reusable, since events normally never overlap. So the same 'slot' would be used by Franklin Stone's apartment and the outside during Nighthawk, Finkle's Factory during Xmas, the Harbinger for the Lemurian Invasion, and so on.
*If* that is accurate, then how (or even why) it is more significant to move something from using that slot to using a slot the way the carrier mission does is not something I have any theory on... but I've definitely seen dev commentary describing stranger things in the engine, and there can be perfectly good reasons internally for things that seem to make no sense from the outside (though that's often a sign of rapidly accruing technical debt).
And *if* it is accurate then it seems like the better place to try to add it to the rotation, after the main event, might be as a Rampage so that it could alternate (on whatever time frame) with Gravitar. Though I can imagine that might not be as simple as it "seems" like it should be if there are things like drop table issues or... whatever.
But mostly this is just me amusing myself with a theory until I can go home in about ten minutes and get ready to join the testing.
1. Where / how do we do our feedback for it to be considered valid? (Here, on PTS, on a chat channel?)
2. How do we choose the AF? For that matter, do we get to, or would we get one we don't have + retro destroyer?
I know it's a bit going for rewards before doing the actual work, but gotta keep busy until the patch hits and I was wondering about this...
For rewards, my plan is to offer a selection of old dev AFs plus the Retro Dr. Destroyer AF, and everyone who helps playtest and gives feedback can choose one to get. (Please be patient as I hand those out, I don't do item-granting very often. )
You mean I'll get to choose between Retro Destroyer, Tumerboy, or Raven?
Oh the quandary!
I'll probably choose Tumerboy, but I've wanted Retro D since launch, and Raven would complete the PTS exclusive devs, and...
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Careful, if we flip him over who knows what he could do. (Aside from wiggle helplessly.)
They need to get him his own magi-tech helicopter pack, like Tank!
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Careful, if we flip him over who knows what he could do. (Aside from wiggle helplessly.)
How many here will pass the Voight-Kampff test?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Dev figures:
Iron Swan
Raven Akurei
Dr. Destroyer Retro
Get your choice of one of these, make sure to give me all the useful feedback you can.
I want Raven Akurei!! ...And while I was editing this post I got it in PTS, ty Trailturtle!
It was hard to find AA launcher in mission first time, and if we don't have fright or any vehicle, it was hard to finish last part. Did 3 run but no vehicle drop... (T.T)
This is my feed back from Jewel Peach & Foxrabbit @monaahiru6
Great fun, addition of UNTIL destroyer makes it far clearer why we need to to get rid of the flying submarines.
Terrible lack of direction on first run, way point markers on compass would be very good, the minimap doesn't zoom out far enough to to see the red circles.
Boss 'hitbox' much improved, I could be at his chest height this run, previous version was centred at kraken crotch, not a pleasant view :eek:
Difficulty of first stages is about right, groups of 3 or 4 with DPS and healer ATs shouldn't have much trouble.
Boss is horrible for semi squishy melee but that's an incentive to use a vehicle, I can see Unleashed ATs just lurking at 100' away and using Force Geyser to avoid defeat though.
(Insert ranged power for your chosen squishy melee AT of choice)
All in all it felt truly epic, massive map, Lemurians everywhere, ruins, floods, really cataclysmic. Boss very impressive, but death seemed 'missing' somehow, too fast from battle to hunk of lifeless rock. I was expecting more special effects/flashes/cutscene to mark the demise of such an immense creature.
FPS was stable except in the thick if tanking, when shiny, writhing leviathan filled my screen and was flashing, glowing, etc. It wasn't half as bad as the Takofanes frenzies during BM though.
Oh, and the UNTIL Hoverdisks givers don't work in this version
tl;dr - Compass waypoints, more epic deathscene. Fix the hoverdisks.
Regan the wonder Dog@CanisErectus
(A retro Dr D AF would be much appreciated - it's 4am and things are getting blurry @_@)
@CanisErectus- Scampering around, biting bad guys since July 2011.
My small character had trouble diversing the terrain on foot, but apart from that it was pretty good. I also got killed by a mob which didnt happen the last time i tried it, so yeah nice job lol
The mission feels truly massive and epic. With the cutscenes added and the 'everything is asplody' damage numbers, combined with the atmosphere and the giant tentacle monster of doom really made it neat.
Good things :
- Ships are slower. Yay, I can finally chase them down with my 50 foot ranged toon, although melees will feel left out...
- Harbringer starts bringing out the pain. I like this, gives me a reason to actually hit my AD.
Bad things :
- The amount of effects on the Harbringer is absolutely blinding. I had to physically shut my eyes and hit the keyboard at one point because there was so many effects. Is there a way to bring it down a bit?
- A few more waypoints letting you know where to go. Since it's a big map, it could be difficult figuring out where to go.
Tumerboy AF please
Everytime someone dies and goes to catch up with the group it replays the mayor and shap-shifter cinematic. there seems to be a spot where it replays too.
Wish the Harbringer didnt flail about
its health keeps resetting.I dont think it is fair that he has such long range with his melee, and we hav to be right up on him with our ranged attacks
I was able to test it around 4 PM PST, when we were able to get it to pop. I used a Soldier AT. Shame I couldn't make the actual test, but what the hell, I'll put in my two cents anyway. If I still qualify, I want a Retro Destroyer AF. Miko Westworth@keikomystere
We were still SK'd to 30 at this point, mind.
This mission is really, really epic. Fighting invading Lemurians in a destroyed Millennium City and doing actual superheroey things like rescuing civilians was great!
The Bleak Harbinger was, indeed, massive and epic in scale.
Boss vulnerability phases? We're getting some good boss mechanics going here! Keep it up!
The Exocets are way too fast and annoying to keep up with, even on an UNTIL hoverdisc. Slow 'em down! There's no need for them to be that fast. At least they stop and fight you when you shoot them.
The range seems VERY wonky in regards to the Harbinger and the tentacles. Not only is there no relatively safe place for a ranged squishy to situate themselves, but the damage the Harbinger can do is pretty absurd. The tentacles too; is it just me or did they steal the Teleiosaurus' ability to shoot really powerful venom spikes? I dunno, I just never felt like I was in a good position to fight the Harbinger without getting killed. I could take a few potshots but had to immediately retreat or die.
The Harbinger moves really, really fast and erratically for a gigantic monster. This makes its attacks way too hard to predict and react to, and I was once one-shotted when he was randomly flailing around.
The Bleak Harbinger's sounds were kind of grating.
I cannot even wrap my head around the idea of fighting the Harbinger in melee.
If there's another playtest I would be more than happy to try and participate.
Overall I like the new mission. My only suggestion would be to lower the volume on that great big beastie. Once i got the volume turned doen to an acceptable level (for me) I could not hear the instructions from the carrier.
Great job devs and thank you TT hosting this test.
I would like the Dr. Destroyer Retro if you please.
Deliciously nutritious!
Thats only 12.35 ST
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Looks like someone tripped over the server wires again.
I'm going to have to call you out on the "available to play" in the fact no one ever plays it s it never starts
Though in some odd way it could be "positive" from their end. After all, if we can't log in to test we can't complain about parts which are broken, right?
Give them at least a little credit -- problems with the authentication infrastructure aren't necessarily something that can be dealt with lightly. Yeah, I'd like to hear something, even if it is just "technical difficulties, please stand by (we can't realistically schedule until we've resolved this)", but Cryptic is just as subject to Murphy as the rest of the world.
That said: TT or anyone else involved, any chance that we *can* get an update, even if it is only "yeah, we're working on it, more details once we have anything we can say"?
[Edit: apparently PWE/PWI's system doesn't like UTF-8 input, which is darkly amusing given it is a non-Western company... ASCIIfied it]
Right. A simple 'whoops, it got broken' would even be nice.
The difference between Leviathan and Carrier Defense is that Leviathan has rewards people want. So it ought to queue up often.
Carried Defense can learn a few things from Leviathan in that manner.
It's nearly becoming evening in Pacific time and we are just wasting time for trying to launch account server. lol
Which is good because i forgot about it taking time for a character transfer to work.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
I'm getting the "account server connection failed" error as well, I've emailed people to see what's wrong.
For rewards, my plan is to offer a selection of old dev AFs plus the Retro Dr. Destroyer AF, and everyone who helps playtest and gives feedback can choose one to get. (Please be patient as I hand those out, I don't do item-granting very often.
Not quite. Unfortunately, a number of the events that we have (Nighthawk, Lemurian Invasion, etc) live in the same space -- the way I understand it, they're in the same mapspace and possibly called up from the same locations. We may be able to pull one of the programmers into the forums to describe further, if it would be helpful, although that would need to happen after some of the Lemurian Crunch winds down.
That being said, I know as well as you do that Champs is always bettered by having more content available. Whenever events and missions can safely coexist, they will do so, and we will have each event last as long as possible, so that there's always some kind of major content going on. All of these events will be coming back on a constant rotation.
I love you, Turtle.
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
Also about what time PST would the work day end? 6pm?
"Be the hero you want to be. Play the content you want to play."
If anything keep Leviathan up forever and dump Until Carrier Defense until it gets worthy rewards.
If ANYTHING make the rotation of these events more often than once every two years. Like once a week. The Custom alert rotation is frustratingly long as is. I know that a lot of us want that rotation to change every 24 hours.
Temporary rotation event only content is the worst thing ever. It would be fine if permanent content was added every several months. Or at least the Foundry.
This made me very uneasy, I'm definitely waiting for a dev respond to that.
...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
Like it should have been working, right?
Or are we just talking about some rotation thing that may appear in some untold future?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Certainly more often than that, not sure how often all told. Having a constant, fast rotation (like custom alerts) is an interesting idea that I'll pass on to the devs. There may be technical blockers to something like that, though, certainly the devs were mostly talking about longer blocks of time that each event would be around.
I'm guessing around 6PM PST, but that's entirely guesswork.
Nighthawk will be part of the event rotation, yep.
So...About two hours?
Time to dance around The Debugger then.
Deliciously nutritious!
That was the only problem for me.
Please don't forget about Qwyjibo the huge fire monkey fancy Legacy AF too. We've spend so long time to wait PTS to be active and did hard mission. xD
I was awoken from 05:00 AM in Tokyo time to now so I'm very sleepy. Have to go job now. xD
Based on the description -- and this is purely a theory unless/until a dev comments, though I would personally love to know more details -- I would guess that the servers may be engineered to have a specific 'slot' for event maps that was not intended to be reusable, since events normally never overlap. So the same 'slot' would be used by Franklin Stone's apartment and the outside during Nighthawk, Finkle's Factory during Xmas, the Harbinger for the Lemurian Invasion, and so on.
*If* that is accurate, then how (or even why) it is more significant to move something from using that slot to using a slot the way the carrier mission does is not something I have any theory on... but I've definitely seen dev commentary describing stranger things in the engine, and there can be perfectly good reasons internally for things that seem to make no sense from the outside (though that's often a sign of rapidly accruing technical debt).
And *if* it is accurate then it seems like the better place to try to add it to the rotation, after the main event, might be as a Rampage so that it could alternate (on whatever time frame) with Gravitar. Though I can imagine that might not be as simple as it "seems" like it should be if there are things like drop table issues or... whatever.
But mostly this is just me amusing myself with a theory until I can go home in about ten minutes and get ready to join the testing.
Did that stop dropping from the mob? :eek:
1. Where / how do we do our feedback for it to be considered valid? (Here, on PTS, on a chat channel?)
2. How do we choose the AF? For that matter, do we get to, or would we get one we don't have + retro destroyer?
I know it's a bit going for rewards before doing the actual work, but gotta keep busy until the patch hits and I was wondering about this...
Careful, if we flip him over who knows what he could do. (Aside from wiggle helplessly.)
Deliciously nutritious!
You mean I'll get to choose between Retro Destroyer, Tumerboy, or Raven?
Oh the quandary!
I'll probably choose Tumerboy, but I've wanted Retro D since launch, and Raven would complete the PTS exclusive devs, and...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
They need to get him his own magi-tech helicopter pack, like Tank!
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Not feeling the love for international subscribers here.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
O. M. G.!!!
Trailturtle is a replicant!!!
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
You know, it's 3am for me (and all of us back in Western Europe), so...
US team does their tests during US hours, can't be helped.
Dev figures:
Iron Swan
Raven Akurei
Dr. Destroyer Retro
Get your choice of one of these, make sure to give me all the useful feedback you can.
I want Raven Akurei!! ...And while I was editing this post I got it in PTS, ty Trailturtle!
It was hard to find AA launcher in mission first time, and if we don't have fright or any vehicle, it was hard to finish last part. Did 3 run but no vehicle drop... (T.T)
This is my feed back from Jewel Peach & Foxrabbit @monaahiru6
Terrible lack of direction on first run, way point markers on compass would be very good, the minimap doesn't zoom out far enough to to see the red circles.
Boss 'hitbox' much improved, I could be at his chest height this run, previous version was centred at kraken crotch, not a pleasant view :eek:
Difficulty of first stages is about right, groups of 3 or 4 with DPS and healer ATs shouldn't have much trouble.
Boss is horrible for semi squishy melee but that's an incentive to use a vehicle, I can see Unleashed ATs just lurking at 100' away and using Force Geyser to avoid defeat though.
(Insert ranged power for your chosen squishy melee AT of choice)
All in all it felt truly epic, massive map, Lemurians everywhere, ruins, floods, really cataclysmic. Boss very impressive, but death seemed 'missing' somehow, too fast from battle to hunk of lifeless rock. I was expecting more special effects/flashes/cutscene to mark the demise of such an immense creature.
FPS was stable except in the thick if tanking, when shiny, writhing leviathan filled my screen and was flashing, glowing, etc. It wasn't half as bad as the Takofanes frenzies during BM though.
Oh, and the UNTIL Hoverdisks givers don't work in this version
tl;dr - Compass waypoints, more epic deathscene. Fix the hoverdisks.
Regan the wonder Dog@CanisErectus
(A retro Dr D AF would be much appreciated - it's 4am and things are getting blurry @_@)
@CanisErectus- Scampering around, biting bad guys since July 2011.
Tiyshen AF please @SteveBurnside
Good things :
- Ships are slower. Yay, I can finally chase them down with my 50 foot ranged toon, although melees will feel left out...
- Harbringer starts bringing out the pain. I like this, gives me a reason to actually hit my AD.
Bad things :
- The amount of effects on the Harbringer is absolutely blinding. I had to physically shut my eyes and hit the keyboard at one point because there was so many effects. Is there a way to bring it down a bit?
- A few more waypoints letting you know where to go. Since it's a big map, it could be difficult figuring out where to go.
Oh, also Akinos please. @HangingDeath
Deliciously nutritious!
Tumerboy AF please
Everytime someone dies and goes to catch up with the group it replays the mayor and shap-shifter cinematic. there seems to be a spot where it replays too.
Wish the Harbringer didnt flail about
its health keeps resetting.I dont think it is fair that he has such long range with his melee, and we hav to be right up on him with our ranged attacks
We were still SK'd to 30 at this point, mind.
This mission is really, really epic. Fighting invading Lemurians in a destroyed Millennium City and doing actual superheroey things like rescuing civilians was great!
The Bleak Harbinger was, indeed, massive and epic in scale.
Boss vulnerability phases? We're getting some good boss mechanics going here! Keep it up!
The Exocets are way too fast and annoying to keep up with, even on an UNTIL hoverdisc. Slow 'em down! There's no need for them to be that fast. At least they stop and fight you when you shoot them.
The range seems VERY wonky in regards to the Harbinger and the tentacles. Not only is there no relatively safe place for a ranged squishy to situate themselves, but the damage the Harbinger can do is pretty absurd. The tentacles too; is it just me or did they steal the Teleiosaurus' ability to shoot really powerful venom spikes? I dunno, I just never felt like I was in a good position to fight the Harbinger without getting killed. I could take a few potshots but had to immediately retreat or die.
The Harbinger moves really, really fast and erratically for a gigantic monster. This makes its attacks way too hard to predict and react to, and I was once one-shotted when he was randomly flailing around.
The Bleak Harbinger's sounds were kind of grating.
I cannot even wrap my head around the idea of fighting the Harbinger in melee.
If there's another playtest I would be more than happy to try and participate.
Great job devs and thank you TT hosting this test.
I would like the Dr. Destroyer Retro if you please.