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Bleak Harbinger event update

lordgarlordgar Posts: 267 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Super News Network
Hello all,

As you probably know, we were planning on launching the Lemurian Invasion mission tomorrow, alongside new grav bikes.

We have run several playtests over the past few days, both internally and externally, and while we've put a lot of energy into the Bleak Harbinger fight, as it stands right now, it doesn't deliver on the promise we'd envisioned. As a result we are going to delay this release. Our new target is next Thursday, March 7th.

In case you have played on PTS, or have been following the threads, here are some of the changes we're looking at:

Tune mission to match level 40 characters, & gate the mission for level 35+ characters.

This mission was always planned to feel EPIC, but one of the biggest pieces of feedback we received was that the feeling of being de-leveled worked against that epic feeling. Even if the difficulty stayed the same, seeing lower damage numbers does affect how the mission feels.

Make the Harbinger fight easier to understand.

One of the major pieces of feedback we got was that it was hard to track what was happening in the climactic Harbinger fight. We're working to give more feedback so that players can better understand what's going on.

Streamline the map somewhat.

Some players were getting lost in the mission, so we're looking into ways to avoid that.

Once the first revision is on PTS -- late this week or early next week -- Trailturtle is going to be running a number of playtest sessions to see how it holds up. We'd like to have all kinds of Gold players, both hardcore PTS regulars and dabblers who use Archetypes, so we can really see the balance. Details are yet to be finalized, but I wouldn't be surprised if we have a number of old dev AFs available as rewards. TT will post more details once he has them.

Stay tuned, heroes: The Lemurian Invasion is on its way, and we'd love to have your help in playtesting when the next build is live!

- Lordgar
Producer, Cryptic Studios
Post edited by lordgar on


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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Should i put my thumbs up?
    OK. /thumbs up.
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    lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is awesome news! As much as I hate delays, if it improves the result I'm all for it. However...

    Any chance we could at least get the bikes in the C-Store? I've been waiting and I've got over 7k Zen burning a hole in my pocket...


    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
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    somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thank you.

    Any chance you can look at the Conflag / Lightning Storm / Avalanche targeting issue with utterly huge targets (Mega-D and the Harbinger) before this goes up?
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    biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Always willing to wait for better content. Good on you guys, and thanks for listening to the feedback. Can't wait to try the update.
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    megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ahem I for one would like the bleaks head as a costume unlock as well as alot of robes and have the fighters you fight in it as a drop as well
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    rexcelestisrexcelestis Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thank you for the update. It is greatly appreciated.
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    cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll try to be there for the testing (if I am not working)... since I don't consider any of my characters uber hardcores (none have any primary purples on them) I guess I can give some useful feedback there.

    Thanks for listening guys =) *thumbs up*

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
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    itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Cool. Now that means that all the questionite gear we were grinding will not go to waste.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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    fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Holy crap.

    That's about all I can say. :biggrin:

    Deliciously nutritious!
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    oyo32oyo32 Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wait, did Cryptic listen to PTS feedback just now?


    Who are you and what have you done with the real Cryptic?!
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    theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    the end times are upon us, cryptic listened to us.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Double thumbs up
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    bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is great news!

    I'm always willing to wait a bit longer for a quality product! I look forward to continued updates regarding this event.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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    gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I dont like to congratulate Cryptic for anything but Telepathy fixes..

    but in this I must say good work.
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    jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,317 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    oyo32 wrote: »
    Wait, did Cryptic listen to PTS feedback just now?


    Who are you and what have you done with the real Cryptic?!
    And how much will it cost us not to have the other Cryptic returned? :biggrin:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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    cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok, I can deal. Would be nice to get items in the C-store, even if we're not able to do the event.
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    ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well played Cryptic, well played indeed.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just for the sake of discussion, could this be a set up to buy more time? I am generally positive as those who have read my posts will know but just for the heck of it.
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    canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll do my best to be here for the playtest.
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    hocofaisanhocofaisan Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Is that the same weekend as the Neverwinter beta?

    If So I am going to have to miss out on the fun :(
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    falchoinfalchoin Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Huzzah! Best gaming news I've heard all day.
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    gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    *faith in Cryptic is restored*

    Dun dun dun

    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
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    trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
    edited February 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Is that the same weekend as the Neverwinter beta?

    If So I am going to have to miss out on the fun :(

    It'll probably be during the week -- I'll most likely be on-hand, which I can't do over the weekend.
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    captactionmk2captactionmk2 Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Very cool. I'm happy that other players are happy. I'm just happy for any new content.

    Now maybe we can spread some good word of mouth around and get more players. Microtransactions make money when there are lots of players to support micropercentages.
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    malvoumalvou Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Good...good. I knew I could count on you.
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    jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just for the sake of discussion, could this be a set up to buy more time? I am generally positive as those who have read my posts will know but just for the heck of it.

    I don't really know what you mean... It seems like they're being pretty up front about needing more time, so I didn't really take it as a "set up".
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    fentonatorfentonator Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It'll probably be during the week -- I'll most likely be on-hand, which I can't do over the weekend.
    1. First and foremost, thank *all* of you for the update. It really does help a remarkable amount, at least for me. Please keep it up, even if it is sometimes as simple as "tossing ideas around, looking for a better answer". Or whatever.
    2. Second, my one request about the testing is that whomever is running it announce it as far ahead as they reasonably can. Or in fact, even announce something like "no promises, but we're targeting <day> and <day> for testing in the afternoons; more concrete details as they get pinned down". The reason for this is simple: I missed round of PTS vehicle testing for Nighthawk due to having been out of the loop and my own work schedule, and I'd really like to try to make at least one (and maybe several) of this round, with different toons.
    3. Third, from the comments, it sounds like keeping track of both position and the overall situation are both being challenges. I know that even the Sky Command mission got pretty easily overwhelming simply due to the sheer number of mobs and points that needed to be dealt with. Given that, something you might serious consider is scheduling at least one of the test rounds specifically aiming to get folks who are willing to use voice chat to coordinate, and seeing what sort of difference that makes. Obviously it isn't expected of most PUGs, but it might prove enlightening both in terms of how effective it is (or isn't), and in terms of giving an actual objective *record* of what folks were trying to coordinate, keep track of, etc.
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    skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This thread announcement is great news, i appreciate you making this to explain the delay, as well as i am glad we can have our top levels. This is something i think you devs should give yourself a pat on the back for.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jonesing4 wrote: »
    I don't really know what you mean... It seems like they're being pretty up front about needing more time, so I didn't really take it as a "set up".

    LOL I am just messing/fooling around. I am really, really glad that they decided to fix the things highlighted. It just felt odd that they could have announced this up front much earlier that they are still trying to fix it as opposed to a very last minute decision to postpone it after the very negative response again to the latest patch on PTS atm.

    Anyway from all the response, it is clear that players are appreciative that their feedback is taken into consideration and they show it in their posts.

    Just one thing, if we can get all the action figures of the devs, please do regulate the drop rate so they are at least worth something and players do not get the whole collection after like just 10 runs.
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    jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    LOL I am just messing/fooling around. I am really, really glad that they decided to fix the things highlighted. It just felt odd that they could have announced this up front much earlier that they are still trying to fix it as opposed to a very last minute decision to postpone it after the very negative response again to the latest patch on PTS atm.

    Anyway from all the response, it is clear that players are appreciative that their feedback is taken into consideration and they show it in their posts.

    Just one thing, if we can get all the action figures of the devs, please do regulate the drop rate so they are at least worth something and players do not get the whole collection after like just 10 runs.

    Ahh okay, gotcha. :biggrin:

    It is kinda strange to make this decision (or at least publicize the decision) at the 11th hour, but, as you've said, it's the right call.
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    decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Am I reading it right that it will now only be available to level 35+? Or are you saying it will make everyone 35+? I'll be bummed in a minor way if it's the former (because I have no one anywhere near that yet), but I'll get over it because some thought AND action seems to be putting forth here. I'd rather work be done and done right than whine about catering to my specific needs/desires.
    'Dec out

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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Am I reading it right that it will now only be available to level 35+? Or are you saying it will make everyone 35+? I'll be bummed in a minor way if it's the former (because I have no one anywhere near that yet), but I'll get over it because some thought AND action seems to be putting forth here. I'd rather work be done and done right than whine about catering to my specific needs/desires.

    I believe it is going to be for lvl 35 and up. You have 1 week to level up a toon. If you need help for smash I can lend a hand. I have seen your post in forum for quite a while now. I am genuinely surprised that you do not have a lvl 40 toon.
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Am I reading it right that it will now only be available to level 35+? Or are you saying it will make everyone 35+? I'll be bummed in a minor way if it's the former (because I have no one anywhere near that yet), but I'll get over it because some thought AND action seems to be putting forth here. I'd rather work be done and done right than whine about catering to my specific needs/desires.

    I also extend the offer to help you level up a toon to 35. Look for roughbear in game (that's me).

    I am very happy that devs are taking another pass at this mission. I have only been on PTS a couple times, but I will gladly bring some non-optimized toons there to try out Harbinger.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh, I could get there easily enough, but I prefer the slow game. I don't rush. If I miss it, eh, I miss it.

    Thanks very much for the kind offers, though.

    I was two and a half years getting a 50 in CoX, and that was fine with me. :biggrin:
    'Dec out

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    sekimensekimen Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I approve of this. Thank you for taking player feedback into account.
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    kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,105 Cryptic Developer
    edited February 2013
    My thanks.
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    kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is the best non-player post I've seen in a LONG time. Many many many thanks.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Since it is the bonus zen promotion and given the good work that WILL be done, I will show my support by buying 5000 zen even though I still have another 7000 zen unspent. So devs, please don't fail us LOL.
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,070 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgar wrote: »
    Hello all,

    As you probably know, we were planning on launching the Lemurian Invasion mission tomorrow, alongside new grav bikes.

    We have run several playtests over the past few days, both internally and externally, and while we've put a lot of energy into the Bleak Harbinger fight, as it stands right now, it doesn't deliver on the promise we'd envisioned. As a result we are going to delay this release. Our new target is next Thursday, March 7th.

    In case you have played on PTS, or have been following the threads, here are some of the changes we're looking at:

    Tune mission to match level 40 characters, & gate the mission for level 35+ characters.

    This mission was always planned to feel EPIC, but one of the biggest pieces of feedback we received was that the feeling of being de-leveled worked against that epic feeling. Even if the difficulty stayed the same, seeing lower damage numbers does affect how the mission feels.

    Make the Harbinger fight easier to understand.

    One of the major pieces of feedback we got was that it was hard to track what was happening in the climactic Harbinger fight. We're working to give more feedback so that players can better understand what's going on.

    Streamline the map somewhat.

    Some players were getting lost in the mission, so we're looking into ways to avoid that.

    Once the first revision is on PTS -- late this week or early next week -- Trailturtle is going to be running a number of playtest sessions to see how it holds up. We'd like to have all kinds of Gold players, both hardcore PTS regulars and dabblers who use Archetypes, so we can really see the balance. Details are yet to be finalized, but I wouldn't be surprised if we have a number of old dev AFs available as rewards. TT will post more details once he has them.

    Stay tuned, heroes: The Lemurian Invasion is on its way, and we'd love to have your help in playtesting when the next build is live!

    - Lordgar
    Producer, Cryptic Studios

    O_O...wow Cryptic..my faith has been restored...you have my thanks and gratitude..now if only we could have more news like Telepathy Additions being added onto the PTS for testing..

    After a great day at uni, I come online and get this news...wow :biggrin:

    Thank you for this informative and honest update, I think this is what most of the community has been looking for so far, which was honesty.

    I am glad that you listened to us as a player base.. PLEASE KEEP THIS STANDARD!

    Much Love, RavenForce:biggrin:
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    markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    Wow! Yeah, all that sounds like things that could be appreciated. I'm new to Lifetime, so I'll help with the bug catching from here on out. Great job, guys!

    As a point of clarification, does that mean that anyone below 35 will not be able to play it?
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,070 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow! Yeah, all that sounds like things that could be appreciated. I'm new to Lifetime, so I'll help with the bug catching from here on out. Great job, guys!

    As a point of clarification, does that mean that anyone below 35 will not be able to play it?

    Welcome to Lifetime!

    Indeed it does, in the same fashion as Gravitar Rampage Alerts.

    I do hope once they manage to collect together all the events we have had so far into some kind of rotation or even make it permanent content which we can access anytime. As not everyone will be above level 35 for this event, and those who have taken part in the previous missions may feel left out, so they'd best start leveling now!
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    crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm glad we're getting another shot at testing this out in its original level implementation. Now we get to test it with builds other than level 40 freeforms.

    Its a shame that its level gated at 35 rather than 30 though. We'll see what happens then.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Help, help... this has not happened before.

    In support of the potentially good work the devs will be doing and also the zen bonus promotion, I have decided to purchase $50 worth of Zen using VISA even though I still have 7000 zen unspent.

    Unfortunately, even though all the transaction on my side was completed and I even received a confirmation from moneybooker, the PWI system does not complete the transaction. It shows the purchase as reviewing. All my previous purchases has been instantaneous and I could transfer the zen into CO but now there are no Zens while the purchase is still being reviewed. It has been almost an hour but still the transaction is not completed.

    I have posted a ticket already but was hoping if TT sees this he could also help to expedite and look into the matter.

    The transaction number is 822761978
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    kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Help, help... this has not happened before.

    In support of the potentially good work the devs will be doing and also the zen bonus promotion, I have decided to purchase $50 worth of Zen using VISA even though I still have 7000 zen unspent.

    Unfortunately, even though all the transaction on my side was completed and I even received a confirmation from moneybooker, the PWI system does not complete the transaction. It shows the purchase as reviewing. All my previous purchases has been instantaneous and I could transfer the zen into CO but now there are no Zens while the purchase is still being reviewed. It has been almost an hour but still the transaction is not completed.

    I have posted a ticket already but was hoping if TT sees this he could also help to expedite and look into the matter.

    The transaction number is 822761978

    I had that happen too last night when buying some Zen for much the same reason as you. Eventually the reviewing transitioned to completed on its own. It did this on two of my accounts last night, both of which were also purchasing the 5000 zen w/ 750 bonus and 300 bonus. I was using Paypal however so there is one difference. Hopefully yours will also move to complete just as well.
    My Amazon author page
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    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
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    blazer2001blazer2001 Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    These are wonderful news, I really thank Cryptic for hearing player feedback, I hope that in the future things like these can be avoided for good, nice work!
    I'm the ruler of the fire power.
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    wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I had that happen too last night when buying some Zen for much the same reason as you. Eventually the reviewing transitioned to completed on its own. It did this on two of my accounts last night, both of which were also purchasing the 5000 zen w/ 750 bonus and 300 bonus. I was using Paypal however so there is one difference. Hopefully yours will also move to complete just as well.

    Thanks for your reply kenpo, that makes me feel less concerned about the reviewing.
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    itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Now the event should make leveling a worthy goal.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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    jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,317 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So, I've got a week to get around to transferring the 'Wing back over to Spider-Bat ('cause putting Happifun into a vehicle just feels wrong)...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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    thesoulstarthesoulstar Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Cryptic finally openly responding to all of the negative feedback regarding the event and even willing to wait one more extra week to make it worthy? That takes balls guys. But hey if it improves the results then I'm all for it. Plus maybe I can finally get a chance to go try it out on PTS since i've been heavily distracted for the majority of the week
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't think i can say all my faith is restored, but it is a HUGE step forward.

    Great job and thanks for listening to our complaints and culling the rage on this issue. I think that is the best move Cryptic has made in over a year.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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