Yesterday, a lucky player managed to get a drop so rare, many do not even know or belive it exists:
Therakiel's Blade - aka Therakiel's Sword, martial arts blade version!! :eek:
Congratulations, you are the luckiest bear in the game! :biggrin:
This costume piece dropped, of course, from Therakiel, on Elite difficulty. The drop rate is just as low, if not lower than for Therakiel's Sword, but it DOES drop!
Okay everybody, it's fallen angel season! :cool:
Thats the happiest bear I have ever seen. Its also the most disturbing @__@"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
As for the new swords, good to see them add it, lets hope whoever added that, took the time to notice the original drop table was broke.
Must...get team together...
Deliciously nutritious!
My crew run TT every Friday your more than welcome to join in ^__^
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'll get my '<3 Nepht' T-shirt washed then for just such the occasion.
Deliciously nutritious!
I swear I pay the kids in the sweat shop that make those T-Shirts minimum wage honest and all
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I was very skeptical when I first heard news of this drop ( i think it was from you ) in one of the channels I'm subscribed too. Now that I see a screenshot, I see you weren't joking.
A good reason for me to finally get back into Elite TT.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
I'm not the kind of guy who spreads tall tales. But I figured that while the news is being spread, many people would say "screenshot or it didn't happen". Understandably. So, here it is.
However, it is confirmed that the old unlock drop does in fact now unlock both the heavy and martial arts versions, as there were still a few floating around people's banks after on alert. So I'm not refuting the screenshot, because others have that sword as well, as I've seen personally.
Still no dice if you've already gotten and used the unlock though, you're stuck with only the HW unlock.
Snark never dies.
WHUY. Why would he do such a thing. Thats just a grim move :I
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I honestly don't know, I'd like to think he was lying just to incite troll rage. But considering how much Snake, and others I know have run TT since and not gotten anything but a crap green and the occasional random bugged drop, I started to believe him...
Snark never dies.
Wow ...thanks for the info this was my only reason for doing TT now I know not to waste my time :I
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Looks like someone fixed more than originally intended.
According to our lucky bear (whose name and handle I'm not allowed to post here, sadly), Therakiel's Blade only unlocked the Single/Dual Blades version. But she also mentionend the complications with the Therakiel's Sword unlocker. I don't know if she had the Heavy Weapons version before though, and neither if she experienced it personally.
Must have stored the thingys in his bank.
Obvious stuff is obvious.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Don't quote me, but I fear that we have seen the last of the Crushing Gentleman and many/all of his works.
Wow that would make me so sad
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
And what is added back, is stuffed under the '$' sign.
Yea, i'm pissed off.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Well this sucks...
Deliciously nutritious!
i was once Nisshoku-san
My characters[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
No one said that. I have yet to hear from the Sword dropping, but at least Therakiel now drops Therakiel costume pieces again, including the Blade.
All i can say is that i never ever saw any in the AH after On Alert, and i looked quite often
for it after i had enough money finally that i wanted to buy one.
Before On Alert there where 1-2 in the AH most of the time.
Regardless, I envy of the luck that some of you have. I have no luck... lol (except with Nimbus)
Congrats on the good luck!
Honestly, there wouldn't even be a doubt if Cryptic...
Seriously why wouldn't you want to give players some good news?
PS: Bring the calendar back too, please...
Haha I know right?
Here I got a musical for that:
Or maybe this:
Oh, and what time of the day on Fridays? I might be able to join y'all if I plan it into my schedule, if you wish.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Probably the drop is back, or could some ppl has stored 2 blades at theirs vaults for this long?
My char is the guy in the white jacket. Most of the others, I don't know. They just heard the news on the chat and came to see the blades.
I have the bear's handle, but sadly the forum rules say I may not post other people's handles here. But maybe I can get her to post here personally, or at least to contact you.
Thanks for trusting me so much, btw.
I said DON'T quote me.. lol
Now that was just an unnecessary dig...
Im sick of this, absolutely fed up. I dont have jack to hide.
Ya know if people weren't up my **** ever since the cosmics, coming over and insulting us and branding us as this "group you should hate for no reason" maybe i wouldnt be so stiff at you people for pretty much outcasting me and a few others for no reason!
But no, time and time again you have to join this stupid bandwagon and come out with snarky little comments any one of us would get warnings for, its no wonder i have to hate some of you people when we should have been playing together as friends. No thats not the way you operate is it, you have to be that person in a queue to insult someone you dont know or brush them aside, when you dont know why you have to in the first place.
You didnt bother giving us a chance when we were totally open to meeting anyone, it's thanks to your hatewagonning and lack of choice we decided to keep to ourselves. We dont come out and flat insult you guys on the forums. Thats all we've gotten and its completely unjustified.
You arent being fair at all. Shove your comment and shove your bandwagon.
I'd NEVER lie about anything to anyone, those who know me KNOW THAT. But what would you know, you aint never spoke to me in game or attempted to get to know me. None of you ever did. never gave me a chance, and thats messed up you have to come out and have another crack because you are influenced so much by other people.
Really ? Then tell us how long you have used all the exploits yourself until you presented them
in rage to us in your video. Ah .. and maybe how many new or unpublished exploits do you
you still know and use. And don't forget of course to tell us again how easy everything is
and how you can pull whole zones .. with whatever you use now.
And that people never talk to you ingame may have the reason that on one hand you play
always the total elitist here, that always crys for harder content because you are such a
better player than everyone else .. and on the other hand everyone now nows that you just
exploit the heck out of the game.
On first try too,i was excited i put it on it turns out its also a power replace.I go to the tailor head for the weapons,scroll down my heavy weapons and i cant find it so i assumed i had to relog,i go check again its not there so i do a search in the costume finder thingy and it says its under Martial arts.
So yea thats the whole story
That bits a tiny bit wrong I tried, just a little bit sent yew buddy request. I aint one for chatting though :I
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
They were reported, and a lack of action on Cryptics behalf forced me to publicise it to force them to fix it, thats when i TOOK A BAN FOR YOU GUYS to better this game.
Youre welcome? just more hatewaggoning and the more i gotta rip my hair out at your wrong-sided responses. I cant believe how much iv been slammed on by you guys when i did you a favor. Again...this is now why i keep to myself, because i cant seem to help you.
I dont know of anymore exploits, but i bet youre just itching to reply "Hes a liar! hes a cheater!" yeah...why do i try to help you...guess im trying to save something i love...the game
Defiance and tricks, no devices. You going to hate on everyone using these two things now?
See there's the hatewaggon again. Nobody knows that, because it's not true, you dont know anything but yet there you are! youre so sure! it must be true because you say it is! ''And now everyone now knows you just exploit the game". Really? wow i didnt know something about myself!....
I dont cry for harder content, with a neutral perspective and calm mind i constructively make videos and create physical evidence as to why the game is too easy for freeforms.
Im tired of the hate, which is why im so peeved off all the time when people are wondering why im upset, when you know bloody well why! I dont care what youre talking about, just quit the mocking. Leave me and the way i play, alone.
Ah, you was on my friend list but i had to clean up hundreds of old (left the game) players, i totally hadnt meant to clip you in the process, ill re-add you. Seriously if you need someone for PvE, i'd be happy to come along. Im not hiding builds or secretty secrets that are sugar coated in secrets. -.-
You havent hopped on the bandwaggon for no reason.
Im off to bed..absolutely disgusted.
Thank you very much for your comment on this.
The rest of you; back on topic, please. I'd hate if this thread would get closed down.
More seriously, congrats to the lucky bear!
Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
I'd best get my lucky groove on and come to TT with some of you....
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I am @RavenForce in game
I do?
I don't remember hiding any information, in fact, i seem to be one of the few "secret min maxers" that basically goes into the PTS build threads and sits there and posts my utterly ridiculous broken numbers and combinations every time cryptic decides something like haymaker needs to hit for 30,000 damage.
Most of what I post just gets ignored like everything else in those threads. I did manage to get haymaker toned back down to only critting for around 20k on knock immune targets though, at least...
Snark never dies.
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Nothing at all.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
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Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
Cryptic has shown not to reward but punish those who are insist on fixing obviously game breaking things. If there was a game system that I was in control and in development of, I would kill (or hire) for fans like that.
Nup, I am too. I was gonna post, like, yesterday or something, but then Snake threw a weird hissyfit. But yeah, Snake and Viper have always been pretty open about the many abusable situations for stuff and how they should be changed. Snake specifically has brought tons of stuff to dev attention, and Viper personally helped me with a force build (I think, maybe it was ego blades, I don't remember), and that goes for what they've contributed to the community at large. What they haven't done is highly publicized completely broken exploits, until snake got frustrated about not being listened to by the devs (hmm... sounds familiar...).
Also, Snake has a sexy sexy voice.
I just felt that needed to be said.
Whatever issues folks have with him, shady isn't something I'd say.
I said what I meant and meant ONLY as much as I said.
I said it was NOT that I distrusted either of you, but that I trusted Rokuro more. (also it would appear the lady with the bear in question did indeed reply to this thread, finally, thank you)
You're right I don't know you on a close personal level, just as you don't know me.
That you got soooo defensive when I wasn't insulting you is just... I dunno... Paranoid? Immature? Your reaction genuinely makes me concerned for you. I'm not "hating" on you Snake, alright?
Look, everyone isn't out to get you, and I'd even wager that some of those that are seeming like might just be doing it because they like to rage people -- that they know you are easy to get riled up.
And if you knew ME, you'd know I didn't say that to insult or slight your integrity. Truly. I simply trust Rokuro more.
And for the record, yes you do some information hiding. Your username too. (i.e.: build designs for the extreme unleashed rage builds would have been better to be released, like how Vixy did with BCR /w RR a year ago). You certainly don't have to; I feel it would have been wiser to.
I said only what I said, you two chose to interpret a motivation (incorrectly assuming I might add)
And hell Snake, I actually defended your integrity on YouTube and I even protested your ban (I used Lohr, you, and false promises as reasons to back why I say ShadeShooter was a terrible and tyranical Community Manager).
Please look in your channel comments before you put your foot in your mouth like that...
And please, for the love of kittens knock it off with the "everyone is out to get me" stuff dude... That's not accurate.
Sigh... Shut up and listen please:
1. I never called you a liar. Period.
2. It's hard to get to know somebody when they are constantly up in arms in fighting mode.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
The quote Snake is throwing a fit about was me defending criticism of Rokuro, who is a friend I trust. And yes, I trust him more than Snake and no that doesn't mean I distrust Snake or think he's a liar or is not sharing lots of helpful information -- often times on what Cryptic doesn't want shown.
I agree 100%.
I said even back when this happened ShadeShooter was a terrible community manager for making that ban decision; that bug fixes are my number #1 priority and that making an impression that reporting & exposing bugs and glitches will be meet with censorship is beyond bad management. It should have gotten ShadeShooter moved out of that position (same thing goes when he banned Lohr).
Bug fixes is still my #1 too.
Could he have found a more diplomatic way to effect change like Vixy did? Yeah sure, diplomacy isn't Snake's best quality.
Did he do the moral thing to publish a reveal on several of glitches that should be fixed ASAP? Hell yeah! There should be forum titles and/or achievements given out in honor of that, show some official recognition to those that take the time to research and accurately publish their findings (favorable or not to their position).
What's going on is that these forums (to answer Kenpo's criticism at me) are starting to suffer from amnesia and everybody seems to eager to vindicate themselves, instead of realizing how much we share in common and uniting.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I get that you would trust your friend more, anyone would trust someone closer more...but for heavens sake keep your snarky side comments about other people to youself, especially if they arent true. That's what's really ticked me.
I hide my @ name...even tho its almost obvious what it is, because iv had enough of recieving in-game threats. Yes, its stupid, but i get them.
If i have a build that makes me successful say at Bloodmoon Takofanes fights, you think im just gunna post the build and say "there have everything i had to research and number crunch for years without having to learn anything yourself"
I have a problem with people who dont want to learn anything for themselves. Ill give out tonnes of builds if i want, but my main build(s) (which are exploit free), dont be silly, those types of situations are competetive, so get competetive!
You wouldnt want me to post everything that goes against that...
No you shut the hell up, your attitude is worse than mine right now. You flat out called me and sanguineviper out for the illuded belief we hide all our super secret exploits!
Out of your friggin mind...
My handle is @SanguineViper, it has been forever, I went through the PWE apocalypse unscathed and kept it. Quite proud of that, actually. I keep wondering why you don't update it on the altaholic list thinger... >.>
*Karma forced name change*
Oh, and I personally don't partake of exploits and device usage for the most part, the game is already pathetically easy enough as it is and I purposely make the highest dps glass cannon builds I can to try to get some of the challenge back. About the only 'exploit' I can think of that I know still hasn't been fixed is the Experimental blaster teddy and death ray procs working on Therakiel's statues. But honestly, I think that's more cannonical than anything, since the thing can literally turn anything in the game into a teddy bear.
Snark never dies.
Eh? I thought I did... bah! No worries, I'll fix that. I was talking to Snake specifically on that point, I should have clarified... (note: I was at my character max on that previous post, but you have my word I'll correct that as soon as I am able. I'm also still trying see what happened with TrailTurtle's offer)
Back on topic, I trust this means we've resolved the issue of Rokuro's topic title claim as being untrustworthy?
1. Oh I love the teddybear effect when it happens! It's rare and amusing because it is quite rare. Not a major combat advantage, just more one of those "LOL moments" unique to this game.
2. What about the Energy Surge and the Team Energy Surge devices that cost Drifter Salavage and instantly give 100% energy that you can spam (not consumed). In fact I saw one clan get mad at a Brazilian player they didn't like, and they spammed their devices so fast (with a macro) that lagged-out the Brazilian player with a server flood. Now if that isn't an exploitably overpowered I don't know what is! lol! Oh wait, I almost forgot the player-controlled chat ban (see Fortunefire's forum signature for links), but that's already covered in many other topics.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Right so GMC he removed removed the SWORD but you got the BLADE which he never said he removed anywhere.
So wuts everyone arguing about @__@"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..