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LTS Neverwinter Access - Discussion



  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    I again remind people Cryptic has a top secret project.

    What makes you think the focus after NW will return to CO?

    Who says the Top Secret project is a new game they might just be replacing all their office chairs with bean bags.

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    I again remind people Cryptic has a top secret project.

    What makes you think the focus after NW will return to CO?

    It depends on the poster. Some people have hope. Me? Not so much...
  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Personally, I'd be thrilled if the top secret project was a reboot/Champions Online 2, but ... that's really really unlikely.

    (My daydream fantasy project would be something Multiverse-like (Cynosure, Torg, Amber, ... something) with wildly different zones and a Foundry-like system where you could make various corners of the multiverse, like the realm of extremely well-dressed chickens.)
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    I again remind people Cryptic has a top secret project.

    What makes you think the focus after NW will return to CO?

    Well we have option 1 of jumping to doomish conclusions with no basis on anything substantial, and then option 2 of looking at the past, when this exact same thing happened (Star Trek was going to launch soon, and they had a top secret project - Neverwinter), and all things returned to normal after the launch of Star Trek.
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    Personally, I'd be thrilled if the top secret project was a reboot/Champions Online 2, but ... that's really really unlikely.

    Belive me, that thought has crossed my mind numerous times (CO2). But somehow I doub that they'll create a part 2 of a game they apparently consider a failure.

    Though, at this point, a complete reboot CO2 game with the Foundry and improved and streamlined, build-your-own* power customization with dark/light colors and custom emanations, and improve costume creation with reduced limits on piece combination, would be the ideal thing to happen to this game.

    *something like: Select Power Type (damage, healing, buff, CC, etc.) > Select Effect Type (Electric, Fire, Crushing, etc.) > Select Emanation (Hand [R, L, Both], Fist [R, L, Both], Head, Weapon [by Type], etc.)

    Well we have option 1 of jumping to doomish conclusions with no basis on anything substantial, and then option 2 of looking at the past, when this exact same thing happened (Star Trek was going to launch soon, and they had a top secret project - Neverwinter), and all things returned to normal after the launch of Star Trek.

    Except back then they had just two games to support and CO was still relatively young in MMO years and they still had hope for it, and now they'll have three games to support and CO apparently doesn't bring them that much money.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Except back then they had just two games to support and CO was still relatively young in MMO years and they still had hope for it, and now they'll have three games to support and CO apparently doesn't bring them that much money.

    That's just being pessimistic. We've been told the game sustains itself. If they really had no hope for it at all, they could have just scrapped the whole lemurian invasion event and just put the game on full maintenance mode. The fact that it's not means that they have, right now, at least a bit of interest in it, enough that they're still paying some people to put some work into it.

    I personally haven't been all stars and rainbows about the game for months now, but you seem to be dismissing evidence of anything good happening to the game just for the sake of doomsaying.
  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    'Game supports itself' doesn't contradict 'game doesn't bring in that much money', you know.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    'Game supports itself' doesn't contradict 'game doesn't bring in that much money', you know.

    Again, I'm going by what's happened in the past instead of just jumping to the most pessimistic conclusions.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To be perfectly honest, biff...we've not seen very much of this lemurian invasion event so far. Couple weeks of just two missions isn't much of an event.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    'Game supports itself' doesn't contradict 'game doesn't bring in that much money', you know.

    If they canned CO, STO wouldn't get anymore of and NWN wouldn't get any of my money.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well we have option 1 of jumping to doomish conclusions with no basis on anything substantial, and then option 2 of looking at the past, when this exact same thing happened (Star Trek was going to launch soon, and they had a top secret project - Neverwinter), and all things returned to normal after the launch of Star Trek.

    Here's where I disagree - I don't remember anything ever returning back to "normal."

    I remember a pretty steady and consistent decline from launch on. The only "boom" we got post STO was VB, which was already half if not more done before the game even launched (and I think was supposed to be a part of the launch before the timetable got moved up to get in at Q4). By launch I think it was just finishing touches or something.

    Though, at this point, a complete reboot CO2 game with the Foundry and improved and streamlined, build-your-own* power customization with dark/light colors and custom emanations, and improve costume creation with reduced limits on piece combination, would be the ideal thing to happen to this game.

    *something like: Select Power Type (damage, healing, buff, CC, etc.) > Select Effect Type (Electric, Fire, Crushing, etc.) > Select Emanation (Hand [R, L, Both], Fist [R, L, Both], Head, Weapon [by Type], etc.)

    I would put down a grand tomorrow to buy this. Well, monday, when I get's my cash. But yeah, ASAP.

  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    To be perfectly honest, biff...we've not seen very much of this lemurian invasion event so far. Couple weeks of just two missions isn't much of an event.

    I agree. I never said that it was mind-blowing content, just that there is in fact someone working to put new things into the game. Big or small as they may be, someone is getting paid to work.
    pion01 wrote: »
    Here's where I disagree - I don't remember anything ever returning back to "normal."

    I remember a pretty steady and consistent decline from launch on. The only "boom" we got post STO was VB, which was already half if not more done before the game even launched (and I think was supposed to be a part of the launch before the timetable got moved up to get in at Q4). By launch I think it was just finishing touches or something.

    Whether STO's launch changed anything other than some months of little support, we don't know. We can't predict that "the steady decline" wasn't in the cards to begin with. All I know is that we clearly lost development on the game during that time, and after launch, we got more stuff than what we got during the exodus to STO. Remember, there was a time when there was pretty much something scheduled to be released each week on the calendar.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Remember, there was a time when there was pretty much something scheduled to be released each week on the calendar.

    Gonna make me tear up. I miss those days.
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  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well we have option 1 of jumping to doomish conclusions with no basis on anything substantial, and then option 2 of looking at the past, when this exact same thing happened (Star Trek was going to launch soon, and they had a top secret project - Neverwinter), and all things returned to normal after the launch of Star Trek.

    To add to all the above, back then pw werent in charge either. You know under who weve had no permenet story content for 15 months, ill take the last 15 months evidence under this company over evidence of very different circumstances with a different company in charge from 3 years ago.
  • dddeemmdddeemm Posts: 23
    edited February 2013
    The tepid, paper-thin charms of D&D4 are almost beyond description, which is why people have to be quite evocative when explaining just how disappointing, and unlike D&D, it is.

    I do not wish to transform this into an edition war, so I won't.
    I will say however, for anyone that feels 4e to be "unlike D&D" to ask yourself the 2 following questions:

    - What is like D&D, after all?
    - The guy you are quoting has this weird notion you can't do anything outside combat when there's more skill freedom in 4e than in the past edition and a whole sub system for characters to do mechanical stuff outside combat (Alchemy/Ritual/Martial Pratice)

    D&D 4e had a crapton of problems, no doubt about it. But focus on these. Focus on the actual problems, like the feat taxing and the fact that the game punishes you in combat for not getting more and more modifiers to your to hit attacks, or even how crappy skill challenges are, not blatant falsehood about the system perpetuated by people who apparently never played it since it's all in the book.

    Oh and
    I always found that D&D4 was close to a CCG (Collectible Card Game) with each bizarre, random and pointless power, for each homogeneous, pasteurised, bowdlerised class, clearly designed to fit on a card.


    I'm linking you to someone who actually defends 3.X by quoting an offline article about Monte Cook.

    In the original article, Cook claims he took inspiration of M:TG card design system for creating feats, rewarding smart character creation and punishing players that made bad choices - Similar to how deck building in a card game works.

    I do not dislike 3.X, but I feel that this over reaction that has being going on over 4e in the internet is just beyond silly at this point in time, where it's dead and buried.
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree with everything that Pion and Serendipity said and that was pretty much what I was trying to get at. I DID look at the past, but I also tried to place it in context and consider what we trully did or didn't get (at least as far as my memory served, which admittedly has been known to fail :tongue:). But my general impression is that as Pion pointed out we've gotten consistently less and less and have never gotten less than we've been getting for months now, even back when STO was on the works.

    The only real increase we got was that period right after F2P that Smackwell mentions when we used to get monthly (almost weekly) additions, and they were almost always more fluff for the c-store. But yeah, I still have over 6K stipend in my account waiting for those times to come back.
    dddeemm wrote: »
    - What is like D&D, after all?

    Something that at least resembles prior editions of the game, even if considerable changes are made to improve system functionality, like they did in 3ed when they got rid of the old thac0 system and changed it to the more intuitive but for the most part mathematically identical combat modifier, and streamlined saving throws rather than have five or so of them for arbitrary variations of essentially dodging or either mentally or physically resisting stuff.
    - The guy you are quoting has this weird notion you can't do anything outside combat when there's more skill freedom in 4e than in the past edition and a whole sub system for characters to do mechanical stuff outside combat (Alchemy/Ritual/Martial Pratice)

    D&D 4e had a crapton of problems, no doubt about it. But focus on these. Focus on the actual problems, like the feat taxing and the fact that the game punishes you in combat for not getting more and more modifiers to your to hit attacks, or even how crappy skill challenges are, not blatant falsehood about the system perpetuated by people who apparently never played it since it's all in the book.

    I was speaking about powers specifically, not skill/feat related options, while speaking generalities about the game itself rather than giving a indepth review of the game's options. In older editions of the game some character classes could get certain powers, abilities or class features that were not necessarily combat-related in nature. In 4ed it seems like every single non-combat option has been relegated to some generic, secondary function anyone can do "on the side", which while not entirely bad (and perhaps good) in some cases lacks the flavor the old systems had. And it seems like almost every single combat power has to be "an attack"--not a full fledged crowd control, buff, polymorph or whatever, but simply "an attack" with some incidental, minor secondary effect.
    Oh and
    I always found that D&D4 was close to a CCG (Collectible Card Game) with each bizarre, random and pointless power, for each homogeneous, pasteurised, bowdlerised class, clearly designed to fit on a card.


    I'm linking you to someone who actually defends 3.X by quoting an offline article about Monte Cook.

    In the original article, Cook claims he took inspiration of M:TG card design system for creating feats, rewarding smart character creation and punishing players that made bad choices - Similar to how deck building in a card game works.

    Getting inspiration from a card game is not the same as a game feature feeling like a card game. It is perfectly possible to take inspiration from a different medium but adapt it properly to the medium you're working on. Feats don't feel like playing cards. They make perfect sense (except for the occassional useless feat :rolleyes:) in the context of ability development and may offer a logical progression in the case of powerful feats that require a string of feats leading up them. The guy may have gotten the idea while playing a card game but he adapted it properly to a RPG.

    I do not dislike 3.X, but I feel that this over reaction that has being going on over 4e in the internet is just beyond silly at this point in time, where it's dead and buried.

    It isn't when NWO is "inspired" by 4e, which makes it relevant discussion when discussing that game.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dddeemm wrote: »
    [...] perpetuated by people who apparently never played [D&D4] since it's all in the book.

    Amazingly enough I have not only played and read D&D4 but I have also played and read D&D3.5, D&D3, AD&D2, the Warwick System, D&D, AD&D and OD&D (the blue box compiled from the 3 booklets).

    However, if as player of D&D4 you feel you know everything, I stand corrected.
    I do not dislike 3.X, but I feel that this over reaction that has being going on over 4e in the internet is just beyond silly at this point in time, where it's dead and buried.

    Your obsession about D&D3.X does make you seem rather petty.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    skcark wrote: »
    LOL. i just checked their pack offerings, they have a $200 pack and a $50 pack, looks like even if you buy the 200 one, you DON'T get anything of the items from the $50, even though you're paying an increaswed priced because the structure is designed to look like the typical "you get all this, but if you pay more you still get this PLUS extra"

    instead they designed it to be "You get all this if you may this much, or you can pay more, and get something else instead, if you want both, pay for both separately"

    I just can't plop down that sort of cash on a game I have never played. I hope the option to buy the package remains for a while after the games goes live.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pugdaddy wrote: »
    I just can't plop down that sort of cash on a game I have never played. I hope the option to buy the package remains for a while after the games goes live.

    I'd do a little forum-searching before taking my word for it, but I think it was quoted by one of the developers that the packs would indeed be around after launch, but no mention of for how long.
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The more I think about Neverwinter, the more excited I'm getting. I have been checking out other MMOs lately, but none match the customization of CO. Perfect World was the first MMO I ever played and it was very high quality. A game mixing the talents of Cryptic and PWI has to be quality.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So I was checking out the Neverwinter site, and looking at some of the character class videos they have. They seem... odd. Are these classes like ATs, where everyone gets the same build? It's also odd that apparently the left or right mouse buttons are used for attacking - how would you move the camera around, then? I hope you can still click-target, because in CO, you can't tab-target to save your life, (unless they got around that little obstacle that's been plaguing CO for years).

    Anyway, since it'll be F2P from the get-go, I'll definitely give it a try.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you love Champions Online, you will not even consider playing Neverwinter.
    For if you play Neverwinter, you suppor its success and CO's downfall!

    This is our only chance to show Cryptic and Perfect World that this old superhero game is not to be completely replaced with that new fantasy game! Show them that CO is alive and loved, and that Neverwinter is not all the way!
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you love Champions Online, you will not even consider playing Neverwinter.
    For if you play Neverwinter, you suppor its success and CO's downfall!

    This is our only chance to show Cryptic and Perfect World that this old superhero game is not to be completely replaced with that new fantasy game! Show them that CO is alive and loved, and that Neverwinter is not all the way!

    Why would PWI buy the company that invented the super-hero MMO only to bury its legacy? Even if CO dies someday, I'm sure a new better hero MMO would be created to replace it before CO was laid to rest.
  • clcmercyclcmercy Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pugdaddy wrote: »
    Why would PWI buy the company that invented the super-hero MMO only to bury its legacy? Even if CO dies someday, I'm sure a new better hero MMO would be created to replace it before CO was laid to rest.

    Don't hold your breath on that, bub. *snikt*

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bioshrike wrote: »
    So I was checking out the Neverwinter site, and looking at some of the character class videos they have. They seem... odd. Are these classes like ATs, where everyone gets the same build? It's also odd that apparently the left or right mouse buttons are used for attacking - how would you move the camera around, then? I hope you can still click-target, because in CO, you can't tab-target to save your life, (unless they got around that little obstacle that's been plaguing CO for years).

    Anyway, since it'll be F2P from the get-go, I'll definitely give it a try.

    One of the most distinctive features of D&D4 is that all the classes are homogeneous and they all play pretty much the same. You'll probably find the classes closer to each other than ATs.

    This makes making an MMO of it quite easy with none of that unnecessary business of having to have distinctive classes that suggest the flow of a fantasy novel.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    clcmercy wrote: »
    Don't hold your breath on that, bub. *snikt*

    Hey guess what.

    Wolverine su
  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pugdaddy wrote: »
    Why would PWI buy the company that invented the super-hero MMO only to bury its legacy? Even if CO dies someday, I'm sure a new better hero MMO would be created to replace it before CO was laid to rest.

    Taking into account that DC and Marvel IPs are taken, that CoH's IP is held by NCSoft like a treasure coffin. I would say that only animeish and sentai are left in the west. Unless they are planning to do something too revolutionary would not make sense to make a new game.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pugdaddy wrote: »
    Why would PWI buy the company that invented the super-hero MMO only to bury its legacy? Even if CO dies someday, I'm sure a new better hero MMO would be created to replace it before CO was laid to rest.

    Because when they looked at what Cryptic had to offer, they likely put a big fat interest in Star Trek and Neverwinter, and probably didn't even notice Champs.

    They didn't buy the company that invented the superhero MMO, they bought the company that's making money from Star Trek in their market of choice.

    Just a guess. :P
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's sad that they are no LTSs for Neverwinter Online. Because of that, I can't be NWO for Life! XD

    I hope it does well. if we get the Foundry, NWO's Foundry will prove a great tool to learn how to write missions and hopefully will encourage us to script quality CO missions more quickly.
  • hocofaisanhocofaisan Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Its a shame you guys are so biased against Cryptic lately.

    I am playing Neverwinter this weekend and its fantastic.

    It even has many features that has been oft requested by Champions players implimented extremely well!.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gandales wrote: »
    Taking into account that DC and Marvel IPs are taken, that CoH's IP is held by NCSoft like a treasure coffin. I would say that only animeish and sentai are left in the west. Unless they are planning to do something too revolutionary would not make sense to make a new game.

    There are some independent properties that might just be workable such as Astro City, Alan Moore's "science hero" universe and Wild Cards.

    However the pickings do get rather thin, I have to admit.

    The advantage of the Champions Universe is that the setting has existed for quite sometime without the publishers being sued and it even comes with a base system that could be extended, again without anyone being sued.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Its a shame you guys are so biased against Cryptic lately.

    I am playing Neverwinter this weekend and its fantastic.

    It even has many features that has been oft requested by Champions players implimented extremely well!.

    I'll be happy when they get implemented here.

    PS: Is appearance customization up to par with CO? What about armor customization specifically? Do we get to permanently unlock appearances we can later apply to any piece at any point or is it a transmutation grind lamefest like GW2 every time you want to change something?
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People have every right to complain when the game they love and put money into has its resources siphoned for a different game.

    Until features that we suggested are put here instead of in other games most of us don't care about, they'll keep on complaining.

    The Leviathan "alert" better be worth it. And there better be some amazing follow up in the months (3 max) to come.
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    It even has many features that has been oft requested by Champions players implimented extremely well!.

    ...and that would be why so many folks are so upset...

    Everybody but us is getting all the cool toys...

    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll be happy when they get implemented here.

    PS: Is appearance customization up to par with CO? What about armor customization specifically? Do we get to permanently unlock appearances we can later apply to any piece at any point or is it a transmutation grind lamefest like GW2 every time you want to change something?

    Body and face customization is pretty good. I think it's basically got the same editor as STO.

    As for armor, I have seen a "change appearance" option but haven't messed around with it yet. I'm betting it is like GW2, which is better than nothing.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A*on had the best armor options for a fantasy MMO I've ever seen. If you find better armor but like your old look you can overwrite the visual by destroying the old useless armor at a shop.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A*on had the best armor options for a fantasy MMO I've ever seen. If you find better armor but like your old look you can overwrite the visual by destroying the old useless armor at a shop.

    That's basically how GW worked, but you need a transmutation stone (which are amazingly abundant in the game).
  • visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Body and face customization is pretty good. I think it's basically got the same editor as STO.

    As for armor, I have seen a "change appearance" option but haven't messed around with it yet. I'm betting it is like GW2, which is better than nothing.

    *mutters* Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances... Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances... Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances...
    That's basically how GW worked, but you need a transmutation stone (which are amazingly abundant in the game).

    Not abundant enough for me, since I like to change armor/clothing appearance on a whim.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    *mutters* Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances... Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances... Let the "change appearance" option open up a screen of permanently unlocked appearances...

    Not abundant enough for me, since I like to change armor/clothing appearance on a whim.

    Just tooled around with it. You can change appearance at any time, but only if you have the item (no "unlocking" appearances... that would be pretty awesome though). It costs Astral Diamonds to make the change. It's basically the Questionite of Neverwinter. But, totally easy to get. Every hour you can do this "pray to your god" doohickey, and last time I did it, it gave me 1500 Astral Diamonds (unrefined) for literally doing next to nothing. For a level 7 item (and I don't know if cost goes up with level or not), it was about 1100 Astral Diamonds to make the change.

    Not a perfect system, but, I like the option. In GW2 I bought a bunch of barbarian looking armor for my warrior (the stuff was way above my level) and I gave him the look I wanted, and got to keep that look through armor updates.
  • sparhawksparhawk Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just tooled around with it. You can change appearance at any time, but only if you have the item (no "unlocking" appearances... that would be pretty awesome though). It costs Astral Diamonds to make the change. It's basically the Questionite of Neverwinter. But, totally easy to get. Every hour you can do this "pray to your god" doohickey, and last time I did it, it gave me 1500 Astral Diamonds (unrefined) for literally doing next to nothing. For a level 7 item (and I don't know if cost goes up with level or not), it was about 1100 Astral Diamonds to make the change.

    Not a perfect system, but, I like the option. In GW2 I bought a bunch of barbarian looking armor for my warrior (the stuff was way above my level) and I gave him the look I wanted, and got to keep that look through armor updates.

    They also seem to be planning on a dye system of some kind. I got a color dye item as a drop that I didn't fiddle with. Give me a few and I'll check it out.

    Edit: the dyes have charges and let you recolor any of the colored parts of an item from my experiment (I just used it on a shirt). So the colors don't seem to be permanent unlocks like the GW2 system for an character and are limited use. Probable cash shop item here me thinks.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sparhawk wrote: »
    They also seem to be planning on a dye system of some kind. I got a color dye item as a drop that I didn't fiddle with. Give me a few and I'll check it out.

    Edit: the dyes have charges and let you recolor any of the colored parts of an item from my experiment (I just used it on a shirt). So the colors don't seem to be permanent unlocks like the GW2 system for an character and are limited use. Probable cash shop item here me thinks.

    Yeah I got some dyes but didn't mess with em yet. I really liked GW2's dye system, but, hey, they gotta make money somewheres.
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