I dont think it ruined the game I think it added a different leveling route. Dont like alerts level the old fashioned way all the old mishes are still there.
Well, that's not entirely true...
Some missions are borked, but that's a bug issue and not because of alerts.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Don't like alerts? Don't play them. The rest of the content is still here and very little if any of it is unsoloable so no one else's play choices are affecting other peoples options on what they can choose to play. For people that feel they must team...Supergroups. Friends list. Form 5 man team of people you know and enjoy your day. It really is that simple. If you're having trouble finding 5 people you know to play with and you feel teaming is essential to your fun the alert system is not the problem...
I'd agree, but if I wanna go run off by myself and do some content, why the hell am I playing a multiplayer online rpg? I did the supergroup thing, but even getting people in those to run content is like pulling teeth at times. To be fair, though, a lot of it is because of something that just came up. Every time we try to get a run together, one of us always has that question... "Isn't that broken still?"
And devs don't care, because they're working on these one shot missions and alerts. I feel like the meat of this nut we're trying to crack is that so much other content is being fully ignored as a result of the new systems. And it goes beyond simple bug fixes, as I know you're aware, into things like lair reviews. That proposed level cap increase. the entire pvp system, and rewards for the same. Hell, we aren't even getting new *alerts* right now, because we've already moved on to the new flavor of the month: one shot content. Sure, they added a bit to the rotation for the themed alerts, but new grabs or bursts? Nope.
It's indicative of the real problem with the game right now, that alerts are just a symptom of. The development cycle for this game reminds me of an adhd kid, locked in a room full of puzzles and models. 3 hours later he comes out, and the room is full of half cars. the outside border of a few puzzles. Maybe the body of a ww2 tank. What we need is someone to go in there and put the rest of it together, even if it's at the expense of some new content that we'll never see again anyway.
I'd buy a vehicle, hell I'd even press for a grav bike, but the fact is I *know* this is bound to be another half finished mess of code that's destined to get left by the wayside. And this isn't so much complaining as it is wishful thinking: Imagine the game we'd have if they finished what they started.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
I'd agree, but if I wanna go run off by myself and do some content, why the hell am I playing a multiplayer online rpg? I did the supergroup thing, but even getting people in those to run content is like pulling teeth at times. To be fair, though, a lot of it is because of something that just came up. Every time we try to get a run together, one of us always has that question... "Isn't that broken still?"
And devs don't care, because they're working on these one shot missions and alerts. I feel like the meat of this nut we're trying to crack is that so much other content is being fully ignored as a result of the new systems. And it goes beyond simple bug fixes, as I know you're aware, into things like lair reviews. That proposed level cap increase. the entire pvp system, and rewards for the same. Hell, we aren't even getting new *alerts* right now, because we've already moved on to the new flavor of the month: one shot content. Sure, they added a bit to the rotation for the themed alerts, but new grabs or bursts? Nope.
It's indicative of the real problem with the game right now, that alerts are just a symptom of. The development cycle for this game reminds me of an adhd kid, locked in a room full of puzzles and models. 3 hours later he comes out, and the room is full of half cars. the outside border of a few puzzles. Maybe the body of a ww2 tank. What we need is someone to go in there and put the rest of it together, even if it's at the expense of some new content that we'll never see again anyway.
I'd buy a vehicle, hell I'd even press for a grav bike, but the fact is I *know* this is bound to be another half finished mess of code that's destined to get left by the wayside. And this isn't so much complaining as it is wishful thinking: Imagine the game we'd have if they finished what they started.
Pretty much.
Completing existing content, by fixing bugs and improving it with new things to fill the gaps, that would be VERY profitable in the long run.
I do notice you weren't actually able to provide an example of content that actually requires teamwork to a degree beyond "hey healer... heal sometimes".
And now a blatant red herring fallacy... Good grief! Just answer my questions and stop deflecting like a LaPierre of the National Rifle Association.
I already answered your question in the "warcrime" topic, Ao'Qephoth requires a measure of teamwork skills. You could also say Gravitar or the end fight with Therakiel if people need a rez. Team dueling and BASH. Oh or even Takofanes himself during an official BloodMoon, or Clarence during the Christmas event. Plenty of example where it's very beneficial, even needed to have teammates or other allies. And if you're and archetype it's certainly needed, even if just from a healing standpoint.
Before being a snarky smartass, why not LISTEN to what I'm trying to get across: it's more complicated than what you're making it out to be.
Nobody here that I've seen is talking about taking away Alerts you enjoy Smoochan. Xgco's topic was written as a question, as in he was challenging the community to question the pro's and con's of Alerts, the effects they have had. Several of the issues presented back in the first pages are valid criticisms -- that Alert have been causing indirect damage to the ability for players to enjoy and explore non-alert content.
Also worth considering is that because Alerts have been out for the better part of a year now, there are probably a few people who genuinely prefer the quick-and-predictable format of Alerts. The people who love Alerts (and the people who really dislike them and have left) will inherently shift the average public opinion more in favor of Alerts. Demographic preferences do change based on available influences.
But I feel offended by your continued narrowmindedness and deflective comments when you could for once just admit you might be wrong in your previous statement which I questioned.
On second thought, forget it. Quoting everything produces a formatting nightmare.
Agentx5 I have a hard time believing some of the things you post sometimes. It took you four days to finally cite an example of CO gameplay that requires real teamwork to tackle and then one example you gave, while requiring "a measure of teamwork skills", completely contradicts the statement you originally made that sparked the back-and-forth between you and Smoo in the first place. Four. Days. You kept drawing out the argument by tossing out fallacy accusations and now you're insisting that Smoo simply answer your questions toot sweet? wtf am I reading here?
My two cents on the topic:
No, I don't think alerts ruined the game. While they don't promote traditional MMO gameplay elements like open world exploration or completing tasks that lead to the culmination of a small story, they do provide something quick to do in the meantime and, while monumentally repetitive, can be used as an alternative leveling path entirely.
Are they ideally suited to their purpose? Debatable. Do they provide anything of worth to the game? Debatable. Will the alert system be responsible for "ruining" this game? Doubtful
I'd agree, but if I wanna go run off by myself and do some content, why the hell am I playing a multiplayer online rpg?...
Could be just me...but I choose to play games to enjoy them regardless of the label on the box/website so my perspective is different from yours. This is an multiplayer online RPG...so what, I play mostly solo these days unless some friends or SG mates want to do something. That's my perspective on things. My enjoyment of this game is not linked to if someone is running their energy builder next to me. To me it's an online RPG with multiplayer not a big deal unless I make it one by choice (meaning I grab one to five of people from across my lists when I feel the desire to do something in a group or I answer a call from someone I know to team up when they need/want a group). I play all of my MMO's this way. If I can't play it solo when I choose then I don't play it.
All that said, none of this changes anything I said about the old content still being present with the vast majority of it being non-broken and with people who feel they MUST team to enjoy the game needing to simply be better at being social and making friends, super group, etc. of people they know instead of throwing fits because people they don't know prefer to play the game in a way that they enjoy regardless of what someone else thinks that strangers to them should be doing.
Basically, People trying to force their choice on everyone else yet claiming they are the ones being forced to do something. It's tired, it's transparent and there's a lot of it with regards to many complaints about the alert system.
There were 2 factions of diehard Champions players. The PvPers and the RPers. Removing Melee (CROWD CONTROL) killed PvP. Adding alerts Killed RP.
"You can still RP if you want" = LIE. Any new player to the game will NOT experience 80% of the actual lore because the game has completely taken away the need to exist in an open world for most new players. The conversion rate of new player to diehard RPer is negligible and that's in large part due to Alerts.
Casual players don't invest in the game the same as diehards of whom this game is hemorrhaging. Neither time nor money.
A'Qephoth is an alert... you pretty much just said that an alert is teaching people teamwork. This supports the argument that Alerts did not ruin this game and that they improve the overall "teamwork ability level" of the population. Thank you for agreeing with me that alerts are better at teaching teamwork than other content.
That being said, A'Qephoth simply requires that you know when to block... that's not teamwork.
You could also say Gravitar or the end fight with Therakiel if people need a rez.
Saying that rezzing people is a valuable skill to learn in this game requires that you ignore the fact that in the vast majority of content you can simply hit the recover button, thereby completely removing the need for rez.
Does Gravitar require teamwork? You could certainly argue that she does... but Gravitar is an alert... so I'll go ahead and let you think up more reasons why Alerts are better at teaching teamwork than other content.
Therakial does in fact have some teamwork elements involved in his fight... kind of. Those mechanics can actually all be taken care of by one person, while the rest just nuke Therakial down in about 2 minutes or less.
So... which one, missions, lairs, or alerts... are going to teach you anything valuable for team dueling or bash? Not really sure where you were going with this...are you trying to say alerts ruined pvp?
Oh or even Takofanes himself during an official BloodMoon, or Clarence during the Christmas event.
Last I remember, Takofanes is a big zerg fest. Everyone piles on and spams damage. If everyone involved were to zoom in on the floor and not pay the people around them a single moment of thought, Tako would still go down. No team work required.
Plenty of example where it's very beneficial, even needed to have teammates or other allies. And if you're and archetype it's certainly needed, even if just from a healing standpoint.
Yes, you do need to have teammates for a lot of the things you mentioned, but those teammates aren't required to engage in any teamwork while doing those things. The presence of a team does not indicate the presence of teamwork.
Nobody here that I've seen is talking about taking away Alerts you enjoy Smoochan. Xgco's topic was written as a question, as in he was challenging the community to question the pro's and con's of Alerts, the effects they have had.
And I've been doing the same. What gave you the impression that I or anyone thought that anyone in this thread was talking about taking away Alerts?
Oh wait, I know how I should respond to this.
Nobody here that I've seen is talking about forcing you to play Alerts you don't enjoy agentnx5. Xgco's topic was written as a question, as in he was challenging the community to question the pros and cons of Alerts, the effects they have had. Several of the issues presented back in the first pages were biased and made false claims -- also, Alerts haven't damaged the game at all and certainly haven't kept players from being able to explore and enjoy non-alert content since they would have to choose not to explore it, and you certainly can't blame their choices on the presence of alerts.
Also worth considering is that because Alerts have been out for the better part of a year now, there are probably a few people who genuinely prefer the quick-and-predictable format of Alerts. The people who love Alerts (and the people who really dislike them and have left) will inherently shift the average public opinion more in favor of Alerts. Demographic preferences do change based on available influences.
Now, try to follow me on this one... if a greater portion of the population actually enjoys alerts and is having fun because of their presence in the game, then that means...
But I feel offended by your continued narrowmindedness and deflective comments when you could for once just admit you might be wrong in your previous statement which I questioned.
Here's an idea. Stop being offended that people disagree with you.
Oh, and you could lead by example by admitting you're wrong. :biggrin:
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
There were 2 factions of diehard Champions players. The PvPers and the RPers. Removing Melee (CROWD CONTROL) killed PvP. Adding alerts Killed RP.
"You can still RP if you want" = LIE. Any new player to the game will NOT experience 80% of the actual lore because the game has completely taken away the need to exist in an open world for most new players. The conversion rate of new player to diehard RPer is negligible and that's in large part due to Alerts.
Casual players don't invest in the game the same as diehards of whom this game is hemorrhaging. Neither time nor money.
We still have a lot of RP and daily events in CORP. Some RP SGs have suffered, but there's also been a corresponding influx of RPers from CoX. So I'm not seeing a death in RP at all, even though we have lost some very good RPers, in large part due to lack of new content and GW2.
There were 2 factions of diehard Champions players. The PvPers and the RPers. Removing Melee (CROWD CONTROL) killed PvP. Adding alerts Killed RP.
...actually what really killed pvp was the addition of the queue limitations, and the removal of gear rewards... which really just showed that without gear rewards, there wasn't enough interest in pvp for there to be consistently 10 people queing...and that interest was probably low due to the mess of imbalances, which have existed long long before they removed melee/cc/whatever the most recent thing was.
As far as alerts killing rp... are you saying that a player would log on and say to themselves "Hmm... I really wanna go to Club Caprice and role play with people... but oh, that's right... alerts, can't go roleplay, have to do alerts." That kind of makes it seem like some folks were rping because they had gotten bore of running missions over and over, and alerts pulled them away from rp because they saw fun to be had...
Though personally, I think your idea that alerts killed rp is just plain silly... they're not even related in a vague sense.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I don't think Alerts killed CO. It's still there, now isn't it?
The On Alert patch, however, did serious damage to the game and lowered its overall quality quite a bit. And after almost a year, next to nothing has been done to fix these issues!
Minor bugs are multiplying like Tribbles, many costume pieces are still lost after the gear revamp, the current beginner content greets new players with a middle finger, and worst of all; the Devs stopped listening to the players.
The game isn't dead, but damaged. And no one at Cryptic does anything about it, even though the player base cries out for it.
I'm still ... baffled by the continued lack of questionite rewards for PvP. I assumed that it was 'just around the corner' after On Alert, but at this point... I... what?
Would it really have been terrible to do a few pvp dailies with questionite rewards or something?
(Personally I never bothered with anything but the Zombie cabin thing, but... MAN THAT'S A FUN THING)
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I'm still ... baffled by the continued lack of questionite rewards for PvP. I assumed that it was 'just around the corner' after On Alert, but at this point... I... what?
Would it really have been terrible to do a few pvp dailies with questionite rewards or something?
(Personally I never bothered with anything but the Zombie cabin thing, but... MAN THAT'S A FUN THING)
I think it's pretty safe to say that the plan for pvp became "You should do pvp because you like it, not because you want rewards". The goal for that plan was to lower the number of people engaging in pvp, thereby making anything pvp-related a tiny problem not worth looking into. And it worked.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
No, the alerts system allowed the devs a vehicle to deliver content packages small enough that they could afford under their small budget.
That WAS the idea, but like everything else in the game the alert system has been all but abandoned and left with too little variety. Just like Nemesis, Until, etc, etc, etc.
I was really excited about the alert system at first thinking they could drop bite sized bits of interesting stories and fights, but what have they added lately? I honestly thought that at last, a way had been found for them to introduce what content they could without it having to be part of a huge release. But again... abandoned, in favor of what? Vehicles? Starving the game of resources has all but killed it, when was the last time we got a new costume set? Heck, that freeby helmet IS a huge deal because its the first new costume piece in forever!
Unless I'm wrong according to both the location of the icon in the CStore and the news archive, the last full costume set we got introduced into the game was the Nighthawk Set. Am I wrong?
New Nighthawk Costume Set
By TrailTurtle @ August 17, 2012 at 1:02pm
Well, that's not entirely true...
Some missions are borked, but that's a bug issue and not because of alerts.
CellarRat33 :: formerly Bsquared
"The great thing about glory unending is that it's dirt cheap!" - Tateklys
From the Adventures of Thundrax (canadascott)
Even if they're broken, they're still there. :biggrin:
1) Look Content!
2) But it doesn't work.
1) Well...Look Content!
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
I'd agree, but if I wanna go run off by myself and do some content, why the hell am I playing a multiplayer online rpg? I did the supergroup thing, but even getting people in those to run content is like pulling teeth at times. To be fair, though, a lot of it is because of something that just came up. Every time we try to get a run together, one of us always has that question... "Isn't that broken still?"
And devs don't care, because they're working on these one shot missions and alerts. I feel like the meat of this nut we're trying to crack is that so much other content is being fully ignored as a result of the new systems. And it goes beyond simple bug fixes, as I know you're aware, into things like lair reviews. That proposed level cap increase. the entire pvp system, and rewards for the same. Hell, we aren't even getting new *alerts* right now, because we've already moved on to the new flavor of the month: one shot content. Sure, they added a bit to the rotation for the themed alerts, but new grabs or bursts? Nope.
It's indicative of the real problem with the game right now, that alerts are just a symptom of. The development cycle for this game reminds me of an adhd kid, locked in a room full of puzzles and models. 3 hours later he comes out, and the room is full of half cars. the outside border of a few puzzles. Maybe the body of a ww2 tank. What we need is someone to go in there and put the rest of it together, even if it's at the expense of some new content that we'll never see again anyway.
I'd buy a vehicle, hell I'd even press for a grav bike, but the fact is I *know* this is bound to be another half finished mess of code that's destined to get left by the wayside. And this isn't so much complaining as it is wishful thinking: Imagine the game we'd have if they finished what they started.
RIP Caine
Pretty much.
Completing existing content, by fixing bugs and improving it with new things to fill the gaps, that would be VERY profitable in the long run.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
And now a blatant red herring fallacy... Good grief! Just answer my questions and stop deflecting like a LaPierre of the National Rifle Association.
I already answered your question in the "warcrime" topic, Ao'Qephoth requires a measure of teamwork skills. You could also say Gravitar or the end fight with Therakiel if people need a rez. Team dueling and BASH. Oh or even Takofanes himself during an official BloodMoon, or Clarence during the Christmas event. Plenty of example where it's very beneficial, even needed to have teammates or other allies. And if you're and archetype it's certainly needed, even if just from a healing standpoint.
Before being a snarky smartass, why not LISTEN to what I'm trying to get across: it's more complicated than what you're making it out to be.
Nobody here that I've seen is talking about taking away Alerts you enjoy Smoochan. Xgco's topic was written as a question, as in he was challenging the community to question the pro's and con's of Alerts, the effects they have had. Several of the issues presented back in the first pages are valid criticisms -- that Alert have been causing indirect damage to the ability for players to enjoy and explore non-alert content.
Also worth considering is that because Alerts have been out for the better part of a year now, there are probably a few people who genuinely prefer the quick-and-predictable format of Alerts. The people who love Alerts (and the people who really dislike them and have left) will inherently shift the average public opinion more in favor of Alerts. Demographic preferences do change based on available influences.
But I feel offended by your continued narrowmindedness and deflective comments when you could for once just admit you might be wrong in your previous statement which I questioned.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Agentx5 I have a hard time believing some of the things you post sometimes. It took you four days to finally cite an example of CO gameplay that requires real teamwork to tackle and then one example you gave, while requiring "a measure of teamwork skills", completely contradicts the statement you originally made that sparked the back-and-forth between you and Smoo in the first place. Four. Days. You kept drawing out the argument by tossing out fallacy accusations and now you're insisting that Smoo simply answer your questions toot sweet? wtf am I reading here?
My two cents on the topic:
No, I don't think alerts ruined the game. While they don't promote traditional MMO gameplay elements like open world exploration or completing tasks that lead to the culmination of a small story, they do provide something quick to do in the meantime and, while monumentally repetitive, can be used as an alternative leveling path entirely.
Are they ideally suited to their purpose? Debatable. Do they provide anything of worth to the game? Debatable. Will the alert system be responsible for "ruining" this game? Doubtful
Could be just me...but I choose to play games to enjoy them regardless of the label on the box/website so my perspective is different from yours. This is an multiplayer online RPG...so what, I play mostly solo these days unless some friends or SG mates want to do something. That's my perspective on things. My enjoyment of this game is not linked to if someone is running their energy builder next to me. To me it's an online RPG with multiplayer not a big deal unless I make it one by choice (meaning I grab one to five of people from across my lists when I feel the desire to do something in a group or I answer a call from someone I know to team up when they need/want a group). I play all of my MMO's this way. If I can't play it solo when I choose then I don't play it.
All that said, none of this changes anything I said about the old content still being present with the vast majority of it being non-broken and with people who feel they MUST team to enjoy the game needing to simply be better at being social and making friends, super group, etc. of people they know instead of throwing fits because people they don't know prefer to play the game in a way that they enjoy regardless of what someone else thinks that strangers to them should be doing.
Basically, People trying to force their choice on everyone else yet claiming they are the ones being forced to do something. It's tired, it's transparent and there's a lot of it with regards to many complaints about the alert system.
My Amazon author page
How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
Demon Keypo's Building Guide
Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
There were 2 factions of diehard Champions players. The PvPers and the RPers. Removing Melee (CROWD CONTROL) killed PvP. Adding alerts Killed RP.
"You can still RP if you want" = LIE. Any new player to the game will NOT experience 80% of the actual lore because the game has completely taken away the need to exist in an open world for most new players. The conversion rate of new player to diehard RPer is negligible and that's in large part due to Alerts.
Casual players don't invest in the game the same as diehards of whom this game is hemorrhaging. Neither time nor money.
A'Qephoth is an alert... you pretty much just said that an alert is teaching people teamwork. This supports the argument that Alerts did not ruin this game and that they improve the overall "teamwork ability level" of the population. Thank you for agreeing with me that alerts are better at teaching teamwork than other content.
That being said, A'Qephoth simply requires that you know when to block... that's not teamwork.
Saying that rezzing people is a valuable skill to learn in this game requires that you ignore the fact that in the vast majority of content you can simply hit the recover button, thereby completely removing the need for rez.
Does Gravitar require teamwork? You could certainly argue that she does... but Gravitar is an alert... so I'll go ahead and let you think up more reasons why Alerts are better at teaching teamwork than other content.
Therakial does in fact have some teamwork elements involved in his fight... kind of. Those mechanics can actually all be taken care of by one person, while the rest just nuke Therakial down in about 2 minutes or less.
So... which one, missions, lairs, or alerts... are going to teach you anything valuable for team dueling or bash? Not really sure where you were going with this...are you trying to say alerts ruined pvp?
Last I remember, Takofanes is a big zerg fest. Everyone piles on and spams damage. If everyone involved were to zoom in on the floor and not pay the people around them a single moment of thought, Tako would still go down. No team work required.
Same for Clarence.
Yes, you do need to have teammates for a lot of the things you mentioned, but those teammates aren't required to engage in any teamwork while doing those things. The presence of a team does not indicate the presence of teamwork.
And I've been doing the same. What gave you the impression that I or anyone thought that anyone in this thread was talking about taking away Alerts?
Oh wait, I know how I should respond to this.
Nobody here that I've seen is talking about forcing you to play Alerts you don't enjoy agentnx5. Xgco's topic was written as a question, as in he was challenging the community to question the pros and cons of Alerts, the effects they have had. Several of the issues presented back in the first pages were biased and made false claims -- also, Alerts haven't damaged the game at all and certainly haven't kept players from being able to explore and enjoy non-alert content since they would have to choose not to explore it, and you certainly can't blame their choices on the presence of alerts.
Now, try to follow me on this one... if a greater portion of the population actually enjoys alerts and is having fun because of their presence in the game, then that means...
Here's an idea. Stop being offended that people disagree with you.
Oh, and you could lead by example by admitting you're wrong. :biggrin:
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
We still have a lot of RP and daily events in CORP. Some RP SGs have suffered, but there's also been a corresponding influx of RPers from CoX. So I'm not seeing a death in RP at all, even though we have lost some very good RPers, in large part due to lack of new content and GW2.
...actually what really killed pvp was the addition of the queue limitations, and the removal of gear rewards... which really just showed that without gear rewards, there wasn't enough interest in pvp for there to be consistently 10 people queing...and that interest was probably low due to the mess of imbalances, which have existed long long before they removed melee/cc/whatever the most recent thing was.
As far as alerts killing rp... are you saying that a player would log on and say to themselves "Hmm... I really wanna go to Club Caprice and role play with people... but oh, that's right... alerts, can't go roleplay, have to do alerts." That kind of makes it seem like some folks were rping because they had gotten bore of running missions over and over, and alerts pulled them away from rp because they saw fun to be had...
Though personally, I think your idea that alerts killed rp is just plain silly... they're not even related in a vague sense.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
The On Alert patch, however, did serious damage to the game and lowered its overall quality quite a bit. And after almost a year, next to nothing has been done to fix these issues!
Minor bugs are multiplying like Tribbles, many costume pieces are still lost after the gear revamp, the current beginner content greets new players with a middle finger, and worst of all; the Devs stopped listening to the players.
The game isn't dead, but damaged. And no one at Cryptic does anything about it, even though the player base cries out for it.
Would it really have been terrible to do a few pvp dailies with questionite rewards or something?
(Personally I never bothered with anything but the Zombie cabin thing, but... MAN THAT'S A FUN THING)
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I think it's pretty safe to say that the plan for pvp became "You should do pvp because you like it, not because you want rewards". The goal for that plan was to lower the number of people engaging in pvp, thereby making anything pvp-related a tiny problem not worth looking into. And it worked.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
See, Bob agrees.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
That WAS the idea, but like everything else in the game the alert system has been all but abandoned and left with too little variety. Just like Nemesis, Until, etc, etc, etc.
I was really excited about the alert system at first thinking they could drop bite sized bits of interesting stories and fights, but what have they added lately? I honestly thought that at last, a way had been found for them to introduce what content they could without it having to be part of a huge release. But again... abandoned, in favor of what? Vehicles? Starving the game of resources has all but killed it, when was the last time we got a new costume set? Heck, that freeby helmet IS a huge deal because its the first new costume piece in forever!
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Wasn't the Wizard Set the last ? At least thats the last i remember to buy