The first part of the upcoming mega-event is on PTS, and that means it's time to pull back the curtain a little. Read on for our plans with the Lemurian Invasion mega-event!
Next week, the invasion begins. Starting on Thursday, 1/24, there will be two new missions. Start investigating with a one-time mission from Julie Morgan - who's already headed to the Renaissance Center, looking for heroes to investigate loiterers near the UNTIL building.
Once you've completed that, you'll be able to do a daily mission from the UNTIL representative standing next to her. Both of these will rack up XP and resources for your hero.
(Note: This is on PTS right now, so go try it and help us test it.)
Starting on 2/7, the next phase swings into gear. There'll be an instanced mission, repeatable daily. The invaders know that UNTIL is the biggest threat against them - but UNTIL's got a bad habit of holding on to some nasty artifacts. If they're not careful, this could come back to bite them...
2/21 is The Big One. Whatever the invaders' plans are, they're going to culminate in a giant Custom Alert. This will be balanced for high-powered characters and for vehicles, so don't get cocky. Millennium City might never be the same...
(Side note: There will be C-Store additions over this period, but we won't pre-announce most of them.)
(Other side note: These are previews of works in progress, so the format, dates and content could always change.)
Soo, bascially we get to fend off lemurian invaders, and then get the fight the Lemurian Kraken near the end of this event, SWEEETTT!!! RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!(There should be a reference to that in the alert.)
The first part of the upcoming mega-event is on PTS, and that means it's time to pull back the curtain a little. Read on for our plans with the Lemurian Invasion mega-event!
Next week, the invasion begins. Starting on Thursday, 1/24, there will be two new missions. Start investigating with a one-time mission from Julie Morgan - who's already headed to the Renaissance Center, looking for heroes to investigate loiterers near the UNTIL building.
Once you've completed that, you'll be able to do a daily mission from the UNTIL representative standing next to her. Both of these will rack up XP and resources for your hero.
(Note: This is on PTS right now, so go try it and help us test it.)
Starting on 2/7, the next phase swings into gear. There'll be an instanced mission, repeatable daily. The invaders know that UNTIL is the biggest threat against them - but UNTIL's got a bad habit of holding on to some nasty artifacts. If they're not careful, this could come back to bite them...
2/21 is The Big One. Whatever the invaders' plans are, they're going to culminate in a giant Custom Alert. This will be balanced for high-powered characters and for vehicles, so don't get cocky. Millennium City might never be the same...
(Side note: There will be C-Store additions over this period, but we won't pre-announce most of them.)
(Other side note: These are previews of works in progress, so the format, dates and content could always change.)
Sounds interesting - it really, honestly does. I just wish you guys had thought of a way of keeping a permanent version of this stuff on the main server after the 'event' dates are over.
Thanks, to the Dev team in doing what they can though, it's always nice to have some brand new mission content in the game.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Not a new 10-man Rampage, no. At least, I'm pretty sure of that one.
Haha, just getting excited because at least it is a high level alert (so probably lvl 35 and up) and not being brought down to level 30. Not making it 10-man has a benefit in that it will not be as hard to get it to pop.
The first part of the upcoming mega-event is on PTS, and that means it's time to pull back the curtain a little
New explorable content?! Woot!
(now if you had told me this was also going to include a massive effort to fix gameplay bugs and new stuff for the zones was coming, my face would have probably exploded... I guess I can still hope)
This will be balanced for high-powered characters and for vehicles, so don't get cocky.
As long as there aren't any BS god-mode stunts pulled (i.e.: stupidly high bag-o-HP,
Call me crazy but some of the old arcade and early NES and Gameboy systems had it right with their boss designs. A modern game that I can think of that uses creative boss design is Rachet & Clank and Psychonauts. Or even games like Dead Space and Doom 3 if you don't mind scary games.
Another game I recently played again that has actually some amazingly creative & tough boss battles was the original Neverwinter Nights series. Several of the bosses in the Hordes of the Underdark are a LOT more powerful than the player (if you play it on authentic D&D rules), but you can outsmart them with everything from environmental elements to a careful sequencing of spells and abilities of your team.
I hope that when the event is all said and done that there will be a way for us to continue to do these things. The game will become stale again if after this thing we go back to how we are now.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
I hope that when the event is all said and done that there will be a way for us to continue to do these things. The game will become stale again if after this thing we go back to how we are now.
1. Archetype rotation, run the Nighthawk event again, run Blood Moon in the middle of that.
2. Look at the year-long list of goals the community has clearly stated. I made a topic specifically for that, you'll find it in the busy discussions subforum... Bug fixes, hire a map-maker or consider the Foundry for new content, revise the existing zone content to have rewards that encourage people to explore them, consolidating currencies, more ways to buy or earn things without gambling, PvP queue related Questionite daily mission, powerset reviews, new powerset, etc... It's a very nice list
1. Archetype rotation, run the Nighthawk event again, run Blood Moon in the middle of that.
2. Look at the year-long list of goals the community has clearly stated. I made a topic specifically for that, you'll find it in the busy discussions subforum.
I've viewed the topic you made numerous times. Haven't posted anything in it because it would be repetitive from what others have stated. Now, whether or not that list of goals is acted upon is to be seen.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
2/21 is The Big One. Whatever the invaders' plans are, they're going to culminate in a giant Custom Alert. This will be balanced for high-powered characters and for vehicles, so don't get cocky. Millennium City might never be the same...
1. Archetype rotation, run the Nighthawk event again, run Blood Moon in the middle of that.
2. Look at the year-long list of goals the community has clearly stated. I made a topic specifically for that, you'll find it in the busy discussions subforum... Bug fixes, hire a map-maker or consider the Foundry for new content, revise the existing zone content to have rewards that encourage people to explore them, consolidating currencies, more ways to buy or earn things without gambling, PvP queue related Questionite daily mission, powerset reviews, new powerset, etc... It's a very nice list
Whilst this new content sounds really interesting, I just wish it was permanent and not a short lived event. We really need more long term content to relieve the boredom of creating alts as their is no real end game. I just really don't see the point of creating a short lived event when the players have been clamoring for more permanent content for so long.
Whilst this new content sounds really interesting, I just wish it was permanent and not a short lived event. We really need more long term content to relieve the boredom of creating alts as their is no real end game. I just really don't see the point of creating a short lived event when the players have been clamoring for more permanent content for so long.
Dropping Critters (at predefined map locations) is rather easy. It's the cheapest way to give players something considered content. The villains (lemurians) are already designed for the most part.. and they are only creating a new boss fight.
Any instances I am pretty sure will be at best reskins of other already available maps.. maybe even identical instances as previously used.
There are no powers nor new enemy types nor new maps expected. They are recycling content, not creating new content.
I've been out for months hoping I'd come back to something new. Instead, CO's got lockboxes and poorly implemented vehicles.
The character creator is the sole reason I keep coming back. I just wish they'd open it up for user created content. Make it a Gold feature and then they could just sit back and watch the money pour in.
I just wish they'd open it up for user created content. Make it a Gold feature and then they could just sit back and watch the money pour in.
Signed, signed, signed. I mentioned before they should release the templates for the skeletoning, texture mapping, polygoning to the player base. This allows those who are proficient to design new costume pieces for submission. Allow the person who submitted it access to that costume piece for free. Put a few pieces of related costume together and sell it as a costume pack for all other players. This builds up the character creator even more and also provide a new way to generate revenue. Sounds win-win. This should be much easier to implement compared to the foundry which should be the next step.
I wonder if this event is going to culminate with the release of a new Power Set...or even the release of the new Telepathy powers...which would be awesome, but will wait and see...
one thing i hope that i am reading into correctly is the "millenium city will never be the same" indicating , hopefully, that there will be some permanence to this event. that, and the c-store hint make me interested.
Will there be two Julie Morgans in Mill City for the duration or will another reporter be filling in for her on the Westside? I mean someone has to be over there to send our newest heroes out to stop Foxbat's little temper tantrums.
Also, will we be seeing small groups of bad guys all over the city as in other recent invasions?
I wonder if this event is going to culminate with the release of a new Power Set...or even the release of the new Telepathy powers...which would be awesome, but will wait and see...
Will there be two Julie Morgans in Mill City for the duration or will another reporter be filling in for her on the Westside? I mean someone has to be over there to send our newest heroes out to stop Foxbat's little temper tantrums.
Also, will we be seeing small groups of bad guys all over the city as in other recent invasions?
Really should use Christine Hewitt.. since she's from a separate instance.
More high end content. So great to see all MY telepaths on the sidelines.. i mean doing great in all boss fights.
Single target heal!
Ego Sprite that boss!
Get out one Collective Will because you can't even debuff them anymore to call 3.
Use Ego Vortex!! That'll be sure to not hit anything!
Call out their Nightmares that hit slow, walk slow and die easily.. and cost hella energy.
Use Ego Storm and be stuck and vulnerable to all attacks while doing tiny damage!
Use Mind Link.. because that's SO good.
Use Mind Lock.. because that's even better.
Ego Placate.. no comment
Phew. "Thank goodness you were here hero..Someone needs to wash the leotards."
Sorry, that lil bit there was just bugging me so I had to fix it. :cool:
Also, I want to agree with rainfrost...but I doubt it. It would be interesting to see lasting effects and also to see something more perminent missions unlike that Ni....Ni....Nightsomething? The name escapes me now but it must have been one hell of an event. Right?
....I barley remember.* :biggrin:
*Yeah, this is a joke about the Panflash Nighthawk Event and reflects my opinion that such things should really only be attempted when we're not starving for game/mission/lair/unity/nemesis content. This is kind of like giving out flavored salt water in the middle of the desert.
The correction was the 1st red bit in your quote since I didn't like how it was, originally, speaking for every telepath in the I changed it. It was just a minor edit.
The correction was the 1st red bit in your quote since I didn't like how it was, originally, speaking for every telepath in the I changed it. It was just a minor edit.
Well i DO speak for every telepath in the game.. didn't you know?
Being in the sidelines would imply i am still a player in the game. Sorry coach.
if you're not playing then what are you doing gripping about content? seriously? Ok so you bought an LTS or whatever ages ago (yes I have one too, and guess what I still actually and actively play the game. :eek:) to paraphrase Frank Zappa, "No one has forced you to" download this game, "and thanks to" the Internet, you are free to go play other games. "..." The $300 purchase price of the Life Time Subscription "does not entitle you to a kiss on the foot from" the developers and producers "in exchange for" clicking on an icon.
if you're not playing then what are you doing gripping about content? seriously? Ok so you bought an LTS or whatever ages ago (yes I have one too, and guess what I still actually and actively play the game. :eek:) to paraphrase Frank Zappa, "No one has forced you to" download this game, "and thanks to" the Internet, you are free to go play other games. "..." The $300 purchase price of the Life Time Subscription "does not entitle you to a kiss on the foot from" the developers and producers "in exchange for" clicking on an icon.
It's too bad you aren't Brad saying that, I'd totally take the job and glad do the "menial" work of hunting bugs, software testing, communicating with the public about it (namely through a calendar and patch notes system), and fixing the bugs. I'm no novice when it comes to C++ (thank you Half-Life and Source engines!), Java (thank you Minecraft!), visual basic (thank you JASS made by Blizzard!), or even LUA (thank you Natural-Selection 2!) I just hate the low-level programming. Machine code is for machines. Keeping track of pointers should be handled in the editor software automatically and not by humans who screw it up, then try to compile & run, and wonder why the player complain about their game freezing up or consuming 4 or more GB of RAM (until they run out of RAM). Memory leaks suck.
Erm I got off topic somewhere... But yeah yay for a new event, I hope like hell it includes a bunch of loooong overdue bug fixes. This game needs to stop being so broken & unpolished before I can feel right about advertising it to new players.
Yes. It *is* good if you know when to use it and with who to use it in conjunction with.
Was with a friend of mine in the power house and we killed *every* training dummy in the room with him maintaining Pulse Beam Rifle constantly and I was using Mind Link.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Yes. It *is* good if you know when to use it and with who to use it in conjunction with.
Was with a friend of mine in the power house and we killed *every* training dummy in the room with him maintaining Pulse Beam Rifle constantly and I was using Mind Link.
So anyone want to guess or dream up of what is going in the Store in the next month that they can't mention? If you have to guess costume sets be specific. (Lockboxes and vehicles don't count because its a given.)
As a long shot I'm expecting an AT since we haven't seen a new one in a while.
Maybe that transformation TP finally to go with the Lemurian transforming theme. Perhaps a few versions of that TP.
Will there be two Julie Morgans in Mill City for the duration or will another reporter be filling in for her on the Westside? I mean someone has to be over there to send our newest heroes out to stop Foxbat's little temper tantrums.
Doubt it. As long as they're sufficiently far apart from each other that it's plausible they could have travelled back and forth, it's fine.
There's preceedent for NPCs of the same character being in the same zone in multiple locations:
For example, James Harmon IV is available by the Ikea-hating-Nemesis-Summoning-chairs for his speech, while his secret alter ego Defender is in Ren Cen.
Unless Ren Cen Defender (RenCefender?) is actually a robot he's built to meet and greet heroes, and only gets into the suit itself on actually serious situations.
Unless Ren Cen Defender (RenCefender?) is actually a robot he's built to meet and greet heroes, and only gets into the suit itself on actually serious situations.
He could be a robot. His dialog is about as interesting as the robot receptionist in the first half of the Bunker Buster mission (Leet Haxxors specifically).
But yeah, I agree. It could easily be the same one just moving. I have however, always thought it would be funny to post characters at each instance of a given NPC. Not multiple heroes of your own but members of a team.
Doubt it. As long as they're sufficiently far apart from each other that it's plausible they could have travelled back and forth, it's fine.
There's preceedent for NPCs of the same character being in the same zone in multiple locations:
For example, James Harmon IV is available by the Ikea-hating-Nemesis-Summoning-chairs for his speech, while his secret alter ego Defender is in Ren Cen.
Unless Ren Cen Defender (RenCefender?) is actually a robot he's built to meet and greet heroes, and only gets into the suit itself on actually serious situations.
That's true. I forgot that, for example, Witchcraft is astrally projected near Magic Lantern Bookstore, while her physical form remains in the RenCen during 2XP Weekends. And, Dr. Silverback is always himself in the RenCen while Holographic Silverback is on nearly every other map. Sometimes holographic twice on a map.
Now my question is: Why do you assume that the Defender in Ren Cen is a robot? He might also be a hololgram, but one meant to look solid. Or, heck, maybe Stan Lee is moonlighting as Defender.
2/21 is The Big One. Whatever the invaders' plans are, they're going to culminate in a giant Custom Alert. This will be balanced for high-powered characters and for vehicles, so don't get cocky. Millennium City might never be the same...
As long as vehicles aren't required to have any kind of impact in the fights, then good because we could use some decent content for high levels.
No more content, why do we need more content? they are just splashing out all this locker box crap and not fixing any of the old content or sets they released since launch, it's becoming a joke.
I prefer it if they just went and uploaded a patch to fix most of the issues and then focus on anything else they want, i'm at a loss for words as to why so many people waste their money on cosmic keys and the like when i prefer it if they actually just fixed the dam game and not ignore the community.
The internetz is one crazy place! tread carefully!
New rampage!!!
Deliciously nutritious!
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
Challenge Accepted Cryptic.
Challenge Accepted...
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
You should have quoted Gravitar:
Sounds interesting - it really, honestly does. I just wish you guys had thought of a way of keeping a permanent version of this stuff on the main server after the 'event' dates are over.
Thanks, to the Dev team in doing what they can though, it's always nice to have some brand new mission content in the game.
PWE Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Not a new 10-man Rampage, no. At least, I'm pretty sure of that one.
Haha, just getting excited because at least it is a high level alert (so probably lvl 35 and up) and not being brought down to level 30. Not making it 10-man has a benefit in that it will not be as hard to get it to pop.
New explorable content?! Woot!
(now if you had told me this was also going to include a massive effort to fix gameplay bugs and new stuff for the zones was coming, my face would have probably exploded... I guess I can still hope)
As long as there aren't any BS god-mode stunts pulled (i.e.: stupidly high bag-o-HP,
Call me crazy but some of the old arcade and early NES and Gameboy systems had it right with their boss designs. A modern game that I can think of that uses creative boss design is Rachet & Clank and Psychonauts. Or even games like Dead Space and Doom 3 if you don't mind scary games.
Another game I recently played again that has actually some amazingly creative & tough boss battles was the original Neverwinter Nights series. Several of the bosses in the Hordes of the Underdark are a LOT more powerful than the player (if you play it on authentic D&D rules), but you can outsmart them with everything from environmental elements to a careful sequencing of spells and abilities of your team.
Noted. Hopefully the other readers are registering this as well, so there's not so much whining later.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
1. Archetype rotation, run the Nighthawk event again, run Blood Moon in the middle of that.
2. Look at the year-long list of goals the community has clearly stated. I made a topic specifically for that, you'll find it in the busy discussions subforum... Bug fixes, hire a map-maker or consider the Foundry for new content, revise the existing zone content to have rewards that encourage people to explore them, consolidating currencies, more ways to buy or earn things without gambling, PvP queue related Questionite daily mission, powerset reviews, new powerset, etc... It's a very nice list
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I've viewed the topic you made numerous times. Haven't posted anything in it because it would be repetitive from what others have stated. Now, whether or not that list of goals is acted upon is to be seen.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Nah, jks I wouldnt want to jepordise everyone's fun by jumping into the content with my main char lol.
Guess, I'll be running around with my ForceGirl screaming "CAN YOU FEEL THE FORCE?!"
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Don't get cocky, huh? (Sam L. Jackson NSFMFW)
yea, if anyone remembers, think the mega D invasion event, that's how its going to be set up. level 60 cosmics~
Wait? Whaaaa..?
Phew. "Thank goodness you were here hero.. Someone needs to wash the leotards."
Dropping Critters (at predefined map locations) is rather easy. It's the cheapest way to give players something considered content. The villains (lemurians) are already designed for the most part.. and they are only creating a new boss fight.
Any instances I am pretty sure will be at best reskins of other already available maps.. maybe even identical instances as previously used.
There are no powers nor new enemy types nor new maps expected. They are recycling content, not creating new content.
The character creator is the sole reason I keep coming back. I just wish they'd open it up for user created content. Make it a Gold feature and then they could just sit back and watch the money pour in.
Or some scales or hair.
Signed, signed, signed. I mentioned before they should release the templates for the skeletoning, texture mapping, polygoning to the player base. This allows those who are proficient to design new costume pieces for submission. Allow the person who submitted it access to that costume piece for free. Put a few pieces of related costume together and sell it as a costume pack for all other players. This builds up the character creator even more and also provide a new way to generate revenue. Sounds win-win. This should be much easier to implement compared to the foundry which should be the next step.
Got something against Telapaths hm?
Naw, gamehobo just won't stop whining about them.
Deliciously nutritious!
Also, will we be seeing small groups of bad guys all over the city as in other recent invasions?
Waiting is for chumps
Really should use Christine Hewitt.. since she's from a separate instance.
Yeah what a "downer"
So sorry. I got Frickin' carried away there. Proceed.
Also, I want to agree with rainfrost...but I doubt it. It would be interesting to see lasting effects and also to see something more perminent missions unlike that Ni....Ni....Nightsomething? The name escapes me now but it must have been one hell of an event. Right?
....I barley remember.* :biggrin:
*Yeah, this is a joke about the Panflash Nighthawk Event and reflects my opinion that such things should really only be attempted when we're not starving for game/mission/lair/unity/nemesis content. This is kind of like giving out flavored salt water in the middle of the desert.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Being in the sidelines would imply i am still a player in the game. Sorry coach.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Well i DO speak for every telepath in the game.. didn't you know?
if you're not playing then what are you doing gripping about content? seriously? Ok so you bought an LTS or whatever ages ago (yes I have one too, and guess what I still actually and actively play the game. :eek:) to paraphrase Frank Zappa, "No one has forced you to" download this game, "and thanks to" the Internet, you are free to go play other games. "..." The $300 purchase price of the Life Time Subscription "does not entitle you to a kiss on the foot from" the developers and producers "in exchange for" clicking on an icon.
So in other words:
It's too bad you aren't Brad saying that, I'd totally take the job and glad do the "menial" work of hunting bugs, software testing, communicating with the public about it (namely through a calendar and patch notes system), and fixing the bugs. I'm no novice when it comes to C++ (thank you Half-Life and Source engines!), Java (thank you Minecraft!), visual basic (thank you JASS made by Blizzard!), or even LUA (thank you Natural-Selection 2!) I just hate the low-level programming. Machine code is for machines. Keeping track of pointers should be handled in the editor software automatically and not by humans who screw it up, then try to compile & run, and wonder why the player complain about their game freezing up or consuming 4 or more GB of RAM (until they run out of RAM). Memory leaks suck.
Erm I got off topic somewhere... But yeah yay for a new event, I hope like hell it includes a bunch of loooong overdue bug fixes. This game needs to stop being so broken & unpolished before I can feel right about advertising it to new players.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
Yes. It *is* good if you know when to use it and with who to use it in conjunction with.
Was with a friend of mine in the power house and we killed *every* training dummy in the room with him maintaining Pulse Beam Rifle constantly and I was using Mind Link.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
Don't come at my ragepost with logic..
As a long shot I'm expecting an AT since we haven't seen a new one in a while.
Maybe that transformation TP finally to go with the Lemurian transforming theme. Perhaps a few versions of that TP.
Doubt it. As long as they're sufficiently far apart from each other that it's plausible they could have travelled back and forth, it's fine.
There's preceedent for NPCs of the same character being in the same zone in multiple locations:
For example, James Harmon IV is available by the Ikea-hating-Nemesis-Summoning-chairs for his speech, while his secret alter ego Defender is in Ren Cen.
Unless Ren Cen Defender (RenCefender?) is actually a robot he's built to meet and greet heroes, and only gets into the suit itself on actually serious situations.
He could be a robot. His dialog is about as interesting as the robot receptionist in the first half of the Bunker Buster mission (Leet Haxxors specifically).
But yeah, I agree. It could easily be the same one just moving. I have however, always thought it would be funny to post characters at each instance of a given NPC. Not multiple heroes of your own but members of a team.
That's true. I forgot that, for example, Witchcraft is astrally projected near Magic Lantern Bookstore, while her physical form remains in the RenCen during 2XP Weekends. And, Dr. Silverback is always himself in the RenCen while Holographic Silverback is on nearly every other map. Sometimes holographic twice on a map.
Now my question is: Why do you assume that the Defender in Ren Cen is a robot? He might also be a hololgram, but one meant to look solid. Or, heck, maybe Stan Lee is moonlighting as Defender.
As long as vehicles aren't required to have any kind of impact in the fights, then good because we could use some decent content for high levels.
I prefer it if they just went and uploaded a patch to fix most of the issues and then focus on anything else they want, i'm at a loss for words as to why so many people waste their money on cosmic keys and the like when i prefer it if they actually just fixed the dam game and not ignore the community.
The internetz is one crazy place! tread carefully!