At this point, we're already too powerful, nobody but less than 15 people at once in the world are even bothering with the current zones (thanks to suck alerts!)
I think the only content people would be willing to bother with is in Individual Instances..
Take Vikorin's Lair for example, a slightly challenging 5-man lair.
Or Tharekiel's Lair, another 5 man lair.
Viper's nest, Rhinoplasty, Destroid Factory, Mandragalore, Necrulls Lair, stuff to do in my opinion, is a challenging lair, with a rare drop at the end.
Put a a few rare drops possible at the end of a challenging instance and people will do it, freakin love it!
Especially if theyre Costume drops.
I think personally, people wont explore new zones, but would love to see more Instances set into the current zones.
At this point, we're already too powerful, nobody but less than 15 people at once in the world are even bothering with the current zones (thanks to suck alerts!)
I think the only content people would be willing to bother with is in Individual Instances.
Take Vikorin's Lair for example, a slightly challenging 5-man lair.
Or Tharekiel's Lair, another 5 man lair.
Put a a few rare drops possible at the end and people will do it.
More flawed "research" being presented as facts is not at all a compelling argument.
Seeing GW2, DCUO, CoX (kinda sorta), and now TSW embrace this model, I'm curious. I'm not sure if PWE is curious as well, but its worth asking:
Would you be willing to pay for a new zone / comic / power set combo expansion?
It depends on the expansion and what it offers, but yes, I'd be willing to pay and believe this to be a fair way to provide content for MMOs in general.
I just wish the stipend from my TSW LTS didn't expire
Those are the numbers i PHYSICALLY see and have been RECORDING on average in game, they are factual.
Waste your time and check population for a few days if you want or if you dont believe me, youll get roughly the same numbers.
I'm not about to rehash how anecdotal evidence like this is largely inconclusive. I've been checking zone pops for several months and my numbers don't match yours for a variety of reasons.
I'd pay for Content if we had our bad guys do more stuff. Currently PSI are restricted to the park and their building with MindSlayer being drafted to Canada to mind control some VIPER. They have virtually NO territory or expanse over MC.
So I'd pay if groups like PSI were prominent in these new packages.
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN. It goes without saying that the cost in ZEN for zones shouldn't be too expensive.
EDIT: Now before anyone asks "But the current zones are accessible to Silvers for free, why charge for new ones?", if we're going to maintain the concept of DLC, then current zone content should be considered "base" content" while future additions are paid for "DLC".
As for new APs / Comic series, since they're not actual zones and just mission chains, I wouldn't mind them being free to silvers like the current ones.
Those are the numbers i PHYSICALLY see and have been RECORDING on average in game, they are factual.
Waste your time and check population for a few days if you want or if you dont believe me, youll get roughly the same numbers.
Your numbers are meaningless and inaccurate. You cannot possibly count players in instances for example and even multiple snapshots at various moments in time are useless. I could look out my front window, see nobody outside and assume the city was deserted based on your 'analysis'. Equally there could be 100 players in a zone, but all could be in a CC, RPing or simply waiting for alerts to start. In short, the numbers, however accurate, which they aren't, do not reflect what a player is actually doing at that time.
As to the original question, yes i would if it was a significant expansion, say the size of Vibora Bay AND the rewards were better than available by running alerts, which are killing the game IMHO.
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN. It goes without saying that the cost in ZEN for zones shouldn't be too expensive.
As for new APs / Comic series, since they're not actual zones and just mission chains, I wouldn't mind them being free to silvers like the current ones.
I'd like to add that DDO does an a la carte method like this and its proven to be very successful over there.
Under the current Gold/Silver model... I don't think so. Having to pay a sub to get access to freeform, and then DLC on top of that... Yeah, no thanks.
If they dropped the sub model completely, made Gold the default, and resorted to releasing new content, certain types of features and some powersets as DLC... Probably.
Depends greatly on how the model is handled.
If they found a way to adopt something similar to Super Monday Night Combat's take on the League of Legends model to an MMO, it could be very effective. It seems (so far) that model can keep even a game with a low playerbase afloat and even producing new stuff if it's done the way they did it.
...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
I'd pay for an extra adventure pack if and only if the rewards are lackluster and the journey is the main selling point.
I don't know why people want great rewards...Based on history I can say that good rewards will be farmed and there will become a process in which the farming will be most effective. People will spam in zone about recruiting for the farm and, in time, things will become broken at best and nerfed at worst.
And just to name a few:
Kitty v.s. Scaleface
Snow White is fairer than you
Lasers v.s. Roundhousekick
Consoles v.s. PC
Zombie Farm(I couldn't think of something special for this..)
Cauliflower Epidemic
Reality Bomb
I will spend no more money on Cryptic games unless they remove the player-controlled chat ban "feature." Since they aren't going to do that, then, no. I will give no more money to amateur development studios (pros should know better than to put a griefing tool into player hands).
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
I'm not about to rehash how anecdotal evidence like this is largely inconclusive. I've been checking zone pops for several months and my numbers don't match yours for a variety of reasons.
tl;dr "facts" like this are meaningless
So what youre saying is, you cant be ar#ed to go check to prove im wrong. Thats because in this instance as i 'have' been checking solid figures, those figures are not incorrect.
Lazy excuse to complain there.
"Youre probably wrong but im not going to find out myself because i cant be bothered"
Fortunately, i DO bother with solid figures.
I wont get into an infinite loop of your ignorance any further on this one.
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN. It goes without saying that the cost in ZEN for zones shouldn't be too expensive.
EDIT: Now before anyone asks "But the current zones are accessible to Silvers for free, why charge for new ones?", if we're going to maintain the concept of DLC, then current zone content should be considered "base" content" while future additions are paid for "DLC".
As for new APs / Comic series, since they're not actual zones and just mission chains, I wouldn't mind them being free to silvers like the current ones.
I agree with and have been saying something like this all along basically...except I believe that to truly leverage and encourage more gold subs that the expansions should be kinda pricey and possibly not available for Zen.
Also, AO has always given the core game away to the froobs for free but required a sub to gain access to the expansions. Presently, if I'm not mistaken(haven't checked in a while) it should be possible for an AO player to level from 1-endgame without touching the core zones at all if they do not wish to do so...that includes everything from a different tutorial zone to zones to lairs.
Now I don't have a problem with them selling additional content to the silvers so long as it's done in a way which enhances the overall value of the gold sub. In an Alt-friendly game like CO multiple paths to the same ends are what, IMO, maintains a sense of replayability. This is also why I believe level shifting the Canada and Desert Crisis zones was a mistake and that they should be reverted back to lvl 6.
Also, and somewhat off topic but fitting into the grander scheme of things as I see it, it's about time to go back to the lairs and interesting missions and put the Legacy Devices back where they belong as an alternative(although somewhat farmy/grindy) means of obtaining them. This would go somewhat, IMO,towards encouraging people to go into actual missions/content. Also, put the things taken from the playerbase when crafting was murdered onto the recognition/snake gulch vendors. Please sell us new things...not things that were free, taken away, and then attempted to be resold to us. Finally, put the costume unlocks(like NC) back in the game. Their removal was, at best, foolish as I see it personally.
So what youre saying is, you cant be ar#ed to go check to prove im wrong. Thats because in this instance as i 'have' been checking solid figures, those figures are not incorrect.
Lazy excuse to complain there.
"Youre probably wrong but im not going to find out myself because i cant be bothered"
Fortunately, i DO bother with solid figures.
I wont get into an infinite loop of your ignorance any further on this one.
I think the reason is more that even though he can, and has, checked numbers, it's impossible for players to come up with true numbers. Therefore, both sides of the argument would be "wrong" because nobody has the facts.
Unless you've got an inside source at Cryptic telling you how many people are playing at any given time, it's just speculation, and speculation probably isn't the best platform to lobby from.
Would you be willing to pay for a new zone / comic / power set combo expansion?
Charging for content is, I think, a non-starter at Cryptic -- Jack went on the record nearly three years ago saying that content updates (specifically the short-lived adventure packs) would be free. Every single blog and article about the expansion would contain the phrase, "Cryptic is offering a paid expansion for CO, going against CEO Jack Emmert's promise." CO might get a few bucks from it, but the negative publicity would hurt Cryptic's other titles as the comment sections fill up with vitriol.
But ...
I don't think Cryptic / PW give a rat's hindquarters about investing in CO. If the current dev team (perhaps an overly grandiose term) were to launch themselves into a new zone with missions, events, new art, &c., would we put up with nothing else being added in the interim?
would we put up with nothing else being added in the interim?
I can't answer for everyone, but if PWE/Cryptic announced that the developer team was expanded, and that they were working on a whole new zone (and proved it with updates like concept art/models), I would be fine with that.
I mean, say it took three months. And in that three months nothing else would be added.
Okay, well, what have we gotten in the last three months? Vehicles? wait, vehicles.
All I'm saying is that waiting for them to make content is pretty much the exact same thing we're doing now.
Ofcourse they need to hire some people to do these DLCs 1st.
It comes again to the nonexisting resources.
And, given the track record around here, if they MANAGED to scrape up the money to hire the people, it would go live with bugs in it that the Playtesters already reported to the dev team. Furthermore, those bugs would persist for about a year and a half, during which time a number of bugs =beneficial to the player's enjoyment of the game and NOT mechanically game-breaking= would have been patched and fixed. Also, said new zone would require the purchase of vehicles to enjoy. :rolleyes:
Checked out Cryptic's Linkedin page. It was... interesting...
Of course just about everyone is private, but it does show job functions. Occasionally you'll run across Star Trek Online Art Lead or Neverwinter Online Producer...
But absolutely no one will admit to be currently working on CO. Not one...
Like others have said, DLC, hell ANY content, needs resources to be produced, and, face it, Cryptic won't give us any...
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
I would definitely pay for new zones and instances. I think it would be best if they were delivered as complete stories. Issues, adventure packs, what ever. Add a zone, create a story line with a main villain at the end and include an instance or two, new alerts and other such things.
However, they need to be careful about adding content in an expansion wise manner. By this I mean. adding content by adding levels. This gives you a constant power creep in gear and if they tried to sell these level expansions it would mean that free players will be forced to buy the game or leave. That would be very bad. Free games need to allow players to play though the whole game, including the endgame for free. Otherwise it is no more than an extended trial and much of the community will be shut out from the real game.
I say only sell lateral expansions but yes, if they did, I would buy them all.
Charging for content is, I think, a non-starter at Cryptic -- Jack went on the record nearly three years ago saying that content updates (specifically the short-lived adventure packs) would be free. Every single blog and article about the expansion would contain the phrase, "Cryptic is offering a paid expansion for CO, going against CEO Jack Emmert's promise." CO might get a few bucks from it, but the negative publicity would hurt Cryptic's other titles as the comment sections fill up with vitriol.
But ...
I don't think Cryptic / PW give a rat's hindquarters about investing in CO. If the current dev team (perhaps an overly grandiose term) were to launch themselves into a new zone with missions, events, new art, &c., would we put up with nothing else being added in the interim?
Don't get the publisher and the developer confused.
Cryptic =/= PW
And in all honesty, I'm actually suprised the haven't just opened up their own host instead of selling to publishers constantly. They'd get to keep more money that way, and only focus on their own reputation without interference from any negative press PWE gets. And if they could host it on their own CoH might actually still be around.
Cryptic should take a lesson from Riot and Blizzard, both developer heads in their own right, able to bring epic American titles to the market that will last a decade or more. Riot keeps their servers in house, no need to work around an mmo publisher and deal with their monetization of something you could probably do better yourself. Blizzard, same success, Next major dev house in America that could bring the same dynamic to the table is Valve. Cryptic has 3 titles, one of which died in the hands of NCsoft. Yet, when you look at the populous of the game, and the fans, it makes you wonder how the hell?
Now they have neverwinter coming as a 4th title......<
who needs a publisher when you have your own series of mmos? I just never understood that.
Cryptic has 3 titles, one of which died in the hands of NCsoft. Yet, when you look at the populous of the game, and the fans, it makes you wonder how the hell?
Now they have neverwinter coming as a 4th title......<
who needs a publisher when you have your own series of mmos? I just never understood that.
Cryptic /was/ independent after NCSoft purchased CoH. However, the company appears to have run low (out?) of funds.
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN. It goes without saying that the cost in ZEN for zones shouldn't be too expensive.
EDIT: Now before anyone asks "But the current zones are accessible to Silvers for free, why charge for new ones?", if we're going to maintain the concept of DLC, then current zone content should be considered "base" content" while future additions are paid for "DLC".
As for new APs / Comic series, since they're not actual zones and just mission chains, I wouldn't mind them being free to silvers like the current ones.
I'm not against this idea and don't know if someone mentioned it before but, I don't think that would happen for one simple reason. Lifetime subscriptions. I know not everything that's gold is a LTS but, I think enough are that if they did this, they'd essentially be giving away content to a sizable enough chunk of the game's pop that they'd see it as unproffitable.
I'm not against this idea and don't know if someone mentioned it before but, I don't think that would happen for one simple reason. Lifetime subscriptions. I know not everything that's gold is a LTS but, I think enough are that if they did this, they'd essentially be giving away content to a sizable enough chunk of the game's pop that they'd see it as unproffitable.
Well I think it is safe to say that the game WILL die if they don't eventually add more content in some way or manner. And if they do add content they will either need to give it away free or they can charge charge at least some of the players for it.
And honestly, even as a lifetime subber I would rather pay for new content as a premium rather than never see new content again. As long as the price was reasonable.
Well I think it is safe to say that the game WILL die if they don't eventually add more content in some way or manner. And if they do add content they will either need to give it away free or they can charge charge at least some of the players for it.
And honestly, even as a lifetime subber I would rather pay for new content as a premium rather than never see new content again. As long as the price was reasonable.
Not will die. Is dying. This game is dying from neglect. Anyone that says otherwise just isn't looking at things realisticly. I'm not saying I want this to happen, mind you. It's what I think is happening.
To all appearances, Cryptic has embraced/been bullied into PW's business plan. At least when it comes to CO they have. Make a game, do a little work on it so people play long enough to get invested, and then ignore it in favor of their new projects except for the occasional "gameplay enhancing" addition they can sell to players for more money.
The reason STO gets so much more work done on it than CO is they can sell spaceships on that game and it's probably STO's biggest draw whereas here, the biggest draws are power combinations, which means ATs and frameworks, and content. I think they've come to the conclusion that making either of those isn't really profittable for them since anyone with a subscription gets all the frameworks for free and I think it'd cause an uproar if they tried charging subscribers for content.
I think you are the only LTS I know of that says they would be okay with paying for content. Personally, I think they should put content for sale on the Z store but, I also think that it would piss off a lot of subscribers because they would say that they're being forced to pay for content even though they could pay for it with their stipend. Given the comments I've seen made by subscribers, in game and on the forums, I think they would say that's not good enough and would want it right then and there.
I think it would have been best to keep the pay for APs and zones idea to show that people would pay for content. I don't really have a say though since Lifetime gives me access to everything anyways.
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN.
The amusing thing about this idea was that I thought that the APs were originally extra mini zone expansions I never had access to, rather than the streamlined adventures they actually are.
Now if it had a bunch to do with the Q Realm, forget it!
Same. From what I understand, the Kings of Edom are meant to be the ultimate big bads in Champions lore but, they're everywhere in this game. I think it makes them pretty meaningless when you're fighting them, and winning, from almost the very beginning of the game all the way to level cap. There is enough lore in this game's IP to fill multiple MMOs and it'd be nice to see them actually pay attention to some of that other lore.
Yeah, whether intended or not, they succeeded well in making them and Qliphoth in general basically tantamount to a flavor of icecream power source and setting that players treat as such as apposed to the way the source material treated it.
Pay? It depends. If my purchase was unlocking new zones along with quests and lairs like DCUO with some of their dlcs, then I would. Honestly, dcuo's set-up in regards to dlcs is pretty good. If they didn't have that pesky combat rating, the dlcs would be purchase-worthy. I can CO doing a better job (and not have combat ratings) but personally, I would be reluctant to buy unless a new zone was attached to it.
"I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
I think the only content people would be willing to bother with is in Individual Instances..
Take Vikorin's Lair for example, a slightly challenging 5-man lair.
Or Tharekiel's Lair, another 5 man lair.
Viper's nest, Rhinoplasty, Destroid Factory, Mandragalore, Necrulls Lair, stuff to do in my opinion, is a challenging lair, with a rare drop at the end.
Put a a few rare drops possible at the end of a challenging instance and people will do it, freakin love it!
Especially if theyre Costume drops.
I think personally, people wont explore new zones, but would love to see more Instances set into the current zones.
There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you aren't paying for it, you aren't the customer; you are the product being sold.
Dollar, dollar, bill, yo. Cash rules everything around you and me.
More flawed "research" being presented as facts is not at all a compelling argument.
To a point. It would have to be well worth the investment though, and rich in content btw. Content content content! I love throwing that word around.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
At this point seeing as how it's probably the only way would get any new content, sure.
If there had never been a COH there would never have been a CO. :cool:
You ignored the part where i said "I think".
Have a good day sir! *gentlemans bow*
However, these are the conditions I would pay for them:
New zones for lvl 40+ characters that raise the level cap, OR scale to the level of the characters.
The zones must allow for access to top-tier items and drop R6-R7 mods as well.
The zones must cater to different themes at once, or at least have a choice of those themes.
With the zone expansion, a massive re-work of bugs needs to occur.
Nemesis system MUST be reworked and integrated into the zone. To this very day, my nemesis can't go near Vibora Bay for some reason.
Costume drops must happen.
If this is done, I would pay up to $40.00 for one such huge expansion.
Can't ignore something that isn't there. The first line of the post, the part that gives numbers, doesn't contain or imply "I think".
It depends on the expansion and what it offers, but yes, I'd be willing to pay and believe this to be a fair way to provide content for MMOs in general.
I just wish the stipend from my TSW LTS didn't expire
Those are the numbers i PHYSICALLY see and have been RECORDING on average in game, they are factual.
Waste your time and check population for a few days if you want or if you dont believe me, youll get roughly the same numbers.
I'm not about to rehash how anecdotal evidence like this is largely inconclusive. I've been checking zone pops for several months and my numbers don't match yours for a variety of reasons.
tl;dr "facts" like this are meaningless
So I'd pay if groups like PSI were prominent in these new packages.
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Perhaps provide unrestricted access to any future new zone additions to gold players, adding value to the gold subscription. Silver players who don't want to invest in a gold subscription would have the option of buying permanent access to zones via ZEN. It goes without saying that the cost in ZEN for zones shouldn't be too expensive.
EDIT: Now before anyone asks "But the current zones are accessible to Silvers for free, why charge for new ones?", if we're going to maintain the concept of DLC, then current zone content should be considered "base" content" while future additions are paid for "DLC".
As for new APs / Comic series, since they're not actual zones and just mission chains, I wouldn't mind them being free to silvers like the current ones.
Your numbers are meaningless and inaccurate. You cannot possibly count players in instances for example and even multiple snapshots at various moments in time are useless. I could look out my front window, see nobody outside and assume the city was deserted based on your 'analysis'. Equally there could be 100 players in a zone, but all could be in a CC, RPing or simply waiting for alerts to start. In short, the numbers, however accurate, which they aren't, do not reflect what a player is actually doing at that time.
As to the original question, yes i would if it was a significant expansion, say the size of Vibora Bay AND the rewards were better than available by running alerts, which are killing the game IMHO.
I'd like to add that DDO does an a la carte method like this and its proven to be very successful over there.
So does LOTRO, and it's under the same company that is running DDO. It seems to be doing well too.
I keep forgetting about that one. Good point.
If they dropped the sub model completely, made Gold the default, and resorted to releasing new content, certain types of features and some powersets as DLC... Probably.
Depends greatly on how the model is handled.
If they found a way to adopt something similar to Super Monday Night Combat's take on the League of Legends model to an MMO, it could be very effective. It seems (so far) that model can keep even a game with a low playerbase afloat and even producing new stuff if it's done the way they did it.
...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
I don't know why people want great rewards...Based on history I can say that good rewards will be farmed and there will become a process in which the farming will be most effective. People will spam in zone about recruiting for the farm and, in time, things will become broken at best and nerfed at worst.
And just to name a few:
Kitty v.s. Scaleface
Snow White is fairer than you
Lasers v.s. Roundhousekick
Consoles v.s. PC
Zombie Farm(I couldn't think of something special for this..)
Cauliflower Epidemic
Reality Bomb
And many more!~
mfw...we've already done that.
Remember when you had to buy into Comic series?
Power set combo expansion....<
Silvers already do this.
It was Adventure Packs you had to buy into. Comic Series were always free.
same difference lol
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
If you say so.
So what youre saying is, you cant be ar#ed to go check to prove im wrong. Thats because in this instance as i 'have' been checking solid figures, those figures are not incorrect.
Lazy excuse to complain there.
"Youre probably wrong but im not going to find out myself because i cant be bothered"
Fortunately, i DO bother with solid figures.
I wont get into an infinite loop of your ignorance any further on this one.
I agree with and have been saying something like this all along basically...except I believe that to truly leverage and encourage more gold subs that the expansions should be kinda pricey and possibly not available for Zen.
Also, AO has always given the core game away to the froobs for free but required a sub to gain access to the expansions. Presently, if I'm not mistaken(haven't checked in a while) it should be possible for an AO player to level from 1-endgame without touching the core zones at all if they do not wish to do so...that includes everything from a different tutorial zone to zones to lairs.
Now I don't have a problem with them selling additional content to the silvers so long as it's done in a way which enhances the overall value of the gold sub. In an Alt-friendly game like CO multiple paths to the same ends are what, IMO, maintains a sense of replayability. This is also why I believe level shifting the Canada and Desert Crisis zones was a mistake and that they should be reverted back to lvl 6.
Also, and somewhat off topic but fitting into the grander scheme of things as I see it, it's about time to go back to the lairs and interesting missions and put the Legacy Devices back where they belong as an alternative(although somewhat farmy/grindy) means of obtaining them. This would go somewhat, IMO,towards encouraging people to go into actual missions/content. Also, put the things taken from the playerbase when crafting was murdered onto the recognition/snake gulch vendors. Please sell us new things...not things that were free, taken away, and then attempted to be resold to us. Finally, put the costume unlocks(like NC) back in the game. Their removal was, at best, foolish as I see it personally.
Ok, enough words. Somebody else's turn.
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
I think the reason is more that even though he can, and has, checked numbers, it's impossible for players to come up with true numbers. Therefore, both sides of the argument would be "wrong" because nobody has the facts.
Unless you've got an inside source at Cryptic telling you how many people are playing at any given time, it's just speculation, and speculation probably isn't the best platform to lobby from.
Like, a full expansion and not just a single tiny zone.
--Part 1: Spells and Coin (NW-DHM3XQVQK)
--Part 2: A Blind Eye (NW-DI3QTHZGJ)
--Part 3: Dodo's Dinner (NW-DHPA8O253)
-One Shots
--The Wizard of Eldeur (NW-DRKQNE4S7)
It comes again to the nonexisting resources.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Hadn't even thought of that part.
If there had never been a COH there would never have been a CO. :cool:
Yeah, I was about to say, it doesn't whether or not CO sells DLC because it doesn't, and probably never will, have any.
That one dev is running in his little wheel hard enough, and they've pretty much missed the window to wow anymore CoH stragglers.
But ...
I don't think Cryptic / PW give a rat's hindquarters about investing in CO. If the current dev team (perhaps an overly grandiose term) were to launch themselves into a new zone with missions, events, new art, &c., would we put up with nothing else being added in the interim?
I can't answer for everyone, but if PWE/Cryptic announced that the developer team was expanded, and that they were working on a whole new zone (and proved it with updates like concept art/models), I would be fine with that.
I mean, say it took three months. And in that three months nothing else would be added.
Okay, well, what have we gotten in the last three months? Vehicles? wait, vehicles.
All I'm saying is that waiting for them to make content is pretty much the exact same thing we're doing now.
And, given the track record around here, if they MANAGED to scrape up the money to hire the people, it would go live with bugs in it that the Playtesters already reported to the dev team. Furthermore, those bugs would persist for about a year and a half, during which time a number of bugs =beneficial to the player's enjoyment of the game and NOT mechanically game-breaking= would have been patched and fixed. Also, said new zone would require the purchase of vehicles to enjoy. :rolleyes:
Of course just about everyone is private, but it does show job functions. Occasionally you'll run across Star Trek Online Art Lead or Neverwinter Online Producer...
But absolutely no one will admit to be currently working on CO. Not one...
Like others have said, DLC, hell ANY content, needs resources to be produced, and, face it, Cryptic won't give us any...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
However, they need to be careful about adding content in an expansion wise manner. By this I mean. adding content by adding levels. This gives you a constant power creep in gear and if they tried to sell these level expansions it would mean that free players will be forced to buy the game or leave. That would be very bad. Free games need to allow players to play though the whole game, including the endgame for free. Otherwise it is no more than an extended trial and much of the community will be shut out from the real game.
I say only sell lateral expansions but yes, if they did, I would buy them all.
All die, so die well.
Don't get the publisher and the developer confused.
Cryptic =/= PW
And in all honesty, I'm actually suprised the haven't just opened up their own host instead of selling to publishers constantly. They'd get to keep more money that way, and only focus on their own reputation without interference from any negative press PWE gets. And if they could host it on their own CoH might actually still be around.
Cryptic should take a lesson from Riot and Blizzard, both developer heads in their own right, able to bring epic American titles to the market that will last a decade or more. Riot keeps their servers in house, no need to work around an mmo publisher and deal with their monetization of something you could probably do better yourself. Blizzard, same success, Next major dev house in America that could bring the same dynamic to the table is Valve. Cryptic has 3 titles, one of which died in the hands of NCsoft. Yet, when you look at the populous of the game, and the fans, it makes you wonder how the hell?
Now they have neverwinter coming as a 4th title......<
who needs a publisher when you have your own series of mmos? I just never understood that.
I'm not even interested in their new vehicle system.
Queue Atari after about a year of independence.
It ain't cheap to develop MMOs.
I'm not against this idea and don't know if someone mentioned it before but, I don't think that would happen for one simple reason. Lifetime subscriptions. I know not everything that's gold is a LTS but, I think enough are that if they did this, they'd essentially be giving away content to a sizable enough chunk of the game's pop that they'd see it as unproffitable.
Well I think it is safe to say that the game WILL die if they don't eventually add more content in some way or manner. And if they do add content they will either need to give it away free or they can charge charge at least some of the players for it.
And honestly, even as a lifetime subber I would rather pay for new content as a premium rather than never see new content again. As long as the price was reasonable.
All die, so die well.
Not will die. Is dying. This game is dying from neglect. Anyone that says otherwise just isn't looking at things realisticly. I'm not saying I want this to happen, mind you. It's what I think is happening.
To all appearances, Cryptic has embraced/been bullied into PW's business plan. At least when it comes to CO they have. Make a game, do a little work on it so people play long enough to get invested, and then ignore it in favor of their new projects except for the occasional "gameplay enhancing" addition they can sell to players for more money.
The reason STO gets so much more work done on it than CO is they can sell spaceships on that game and it's probably STO's biggest draw whereas here, the biggest draws are power combinations, which means ATs and frameworks, and content. I think they've come to the conclusion that making either of those isn't really profittable for them since anyone with a subscription gets all the frameworks for free and I think it'd cause an uproar if they tried charging subscribers for content.
I think you are the only LTS I know of that says they would be okay with paying for content. Personally, I think they should put content for sale on the Z store but, I also think that it would piss off a lot of subscribers because they would say that they're being forced to pay for content even though they could pay for it with their stipend. Given the comments I've seen made by subscribers, in game and on the forums, I think they would say that's not good enough and would want it right then and there.
The amusing thing about this idea was that I thought that the APs were originally extra mini zone expansions I never had access to, rather than the streamlined adventures they actually are.
Now if it had a bunch to do with the Q Realm, forget it!
Same. From what I understand, the Kings of Edom are meant to be the ultimate big bads in Champions lore but, they're everywhere in this game. I think it makes them pretty meaningless when you're fighting them, and winning, from almost the very beginning of the game all the way to level cap. There is enough lore in this game's IP to fill multiple MMOs and it'd be nice to see them actually pay attention to some of that other lore.