okay so I've looked at absolutely every beast head available and I have to say, we have enough tights and power armor, lets give those beasties an upgrade.
something to keep in mind is that we don't want more savage, snarling, unblinking beasts, we want new and improved.
Some Examples Are:
-Panda Head
-Rodent Heads (Mouse, Rat, Someotherkindofrodenthere)
-Rhino Head
-Dragon Heads, (Asian and Western themed.)
-Reptilian Heads (Alligator/Crocodile, More Lizard heads
-A proper cape glide animation for the wing side accessories
-Beast heads hats.
-Feline Heads (Lion, Tiger, Domestic cats of many patterns, Lynx, ???)
-Mane for Feline Head
-Canine Heads (Dalmatian, German Shepard, Pug, Wolves, Fox, Golden Retriever)
-"Bug" heads (Praying Mantis Head, Fly Head, Wasp head)
-Avian heads (???)
-Pig head/boar head(s)
-Serpent Skin on female heads
-Separate muzzles and ears, in order to mix and match and allow further customization
-Compatibility with hair and other available accessories
-New/Upgraded Digitigrade legs
-More Tails and tail options such as armoring
-Lion Mane\
-Scorpion Tail
-Helmets for beasts
-Animal Costume type noses
-Tail Length/Width Sliders
(Post updated with a general gathering of the thread so far will continue to update it as it goes on)
While more full beast heads would be nice, I stand by my opinion that a collection of ear (head-side & top options), muzzles, extended lower jaws, "manes" and other head options would allow players to realize many more "beast" options.
Some pieces that would fit perfectly here would be:
1. Pig muzzle
2. Canine muzzle
3. Feline muzzle
4. Alligator & Crocodile muzzles/snouts
5. Rat/rodent muzzle
6. Bear muzzle
7. Pointed/clipped dog ears
8. Floppy dog ears
9. Cat ears w/ tufts on their tips
...and many others...
This would also allow players to mix and match pieces for a truly unique look, instead of all rats/cats/etc having the same base head.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
While more full beast heads would be nice, I stand by my opinion that a collection of ear (head-side & top options), muzzles, extended lower jaws, "manes" and other head options would allow players to realize many more "beast" options.
Some pieces that would fit perfectly here would be:
1. Pig muzzle
2. Canine muzzle
3. Feline muzzle
4. Alligator & Crocodile muzzles/snouts
5. Rat/rodent muzzle
6. Bear muzzle
7. Pointed/clipped dog ears
8. Floppy dog ears
9. Cat ears w/ tufts on their tips
...and many others...
This would also allow players to mix and match pieces for a truly unique look, instead of all rats/cats/etc having the same base head.
not quite sure I wanna see pig muzzles o.o but the rest of that sounds great, thanks for adding onto it!
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Just a non-psychosabertooth male cat head model would make me exceedingly happy...
According to a not-so-recent statement by Cryptic, felines are the next animal-themed costume set planed. When it will be done and out, however, is still in the stars.
According to a not-so-recent statement by Cryptic, felines are the next animal-themed costume set planed. When it will be done and out, however, is still in the stars.
I do remeber them sayying that, they may release at halloween with some other peices related to halloween hopefully.
ALSO, I do hope they add some more bestial type stuff, that and i have had this idea for making a gun weilding spider moneky, but none of these monkey heads even fit the idea I had sadly
Superheroes. I'm already with changes and alterations to what we already have, because 99% of anything furry looks stupid to me because of the way they are modeled. But I think making varieties of dogs, cat, mice, etc- well, this is not Furcadia.
Superheroes. I'm already with changes and alterations to what we already have, because 99% of anything furry looks stupid to me because of the way they are modeled. But I think making varieties of dogs, cat, mice, etc- well, this is not Furcadia.
I think that more animal heads will be a nod to the comics we already have, not because they are "omg furries I want a hippo with tutu", but because is right in the style of heroic comics.
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
People need to get over that, and most of all realize that the Pandas were part of the ******** lore long before there was WoW.
Anyway, this is CO. And I recall that when the Avians were added, the only complain was that they were exclusive for 900 days veterans. But basically, they are our Pandas!
People need to get over that, and most of all realize that the Pandas were part of the ******** lore long before there was WoW.
Anyway, this is CO. And I recall that when the Avians were added, the only complain was that they were exclusive for 900 days veterans. But basically, they are our Pandas!
A lot of people actually realize they existed beforehand, but the timing of the original announcement and the way it has been presented so far, very much reminds me of Kung Fu Panda BUT we're getting off topic here.
I do think a panda head would be interesting.
CO does need a lot more detailed beast heads. The wolf 1 & 2 heads looks way too cartoony. Plus, there's a desperate need for dragon heads. Lizard heads with terrible size of horns and whatnots isn't what I'd call a "dragon's head".
Also, it would be absolutely epic if the new beast heads would look savage or menacing!^^
Hmm, but if you think about it. CO is a superhero MMORPG. If almost half of the population will be beast superheroes, then furries will absolutely take over the community. For some reason, I find that a little unsettling... Hearing their chat with their "secret" language...*shivers*
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
CO does need a lot more detailed beast heads. The wolf 1 & 2 heads looks way too cartoony. Plus, there's a desperate need for dragon heads. Lizard heads with terrible size of horns and whatnots isn't what I'd call a "dragon's head".
The Teleiosaurs have four different head designs plus optional attachments. Ported over to humanoid characters, they would do it.
Also, Dragon Helmet as custom headwear for the male Long Jaw head!
Hmm, but if you think about it. CO is a superhero MMORPG. If almost half of the population will be beast superheroes, then furries will absolutely take over the community. For some reason, I find that a little unsettling... Hearing their chat with their "secret" language...*shivers*
This is like saying there shouldn't be any more fantasy costume pieces, since CO has a modern setting. Not to mention that this comment is dripping with prejudice. :rolleyes:
I especially like the idea of a base head with the opportunity to add various ears/snouts/muzzles/whatnot. It'd allow for some amazing stuff, I'm sure.
I'd love a better cat head and maybe the ability to put hair on the beast heads if we wanted to or something.
Also....maybe something besides leopards and tigers....I would love to be able to do a calico kitty.
I'd vote for a bunch of animal muzzles, without the whole head also....including ears and tails.
Actually, most of our beast heads already look that way. :redface:
Looking at the other beast and monstrous heads. I have to say that many of those don't really look that menacing to me. I mean, the werewolf monstrous shows his teeth and gums, but doesn't look that scary.
Oh! and another thing, it'll be nice to close the mouths of the beast heads. It looks weird having their mouths open for like forever.
This is like saying there shouldn't be any more fantasy costume pieces, since CO has a modern setting. Not to mention that this comment is dripping with prejudice.
I'm just afraid that CO would be overrun by furries. Young immature furries annoying you and prancing about how cool their chars look when they're actually not. Plus, Most of them aren't exactly friendly...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Looking at the other beast and monstrous heads. I have to say that many of those don't really look that menacing to me. I mean, the werewolf monstrous shows his teeth and gums, but doesn't look that scary.
Oh! and another thing, it'll be nice to close the mouths of the beast heads. It looks weird having their mouths open for like forever.
I'm just afraid that CO would be overrun by furries. Young immature furries annoying you and prancing about how cool their chars look when they're actually not. Plus, Most of them aren't exactly friendly...
I think the beast heads should do what the human faces and such do, change their face depending on the expression you want on them. If you have determined, they should look determined....if angry, they should look angry. The beast heads as they are now, never change expression, they are always frozen. I would love to be able to close mouths and such.
I also agree with whoever said add manes and muzzles. I would love to add some type of hair/mane to a beast head and the ability to have muzzles, tails, etc. would make it easier to do a beast/anthro character, because than you could mix and match and not be stuck to a particular beast head look.
What is your disconnect with furries?? I have met many anthros and though some suck, most do not. They are no different from those who play human, alien, elf, etc. characters....it depends on the person behind the avatar/toon how they act.
You have my vote. I'd stuff your ballot box, if I could.
I'd definitely buy more beast options, and I've been wishing they'd include some for a long, long time, now. In all fairness to them, though, the avian stuff was awesome. Flat out just frickin' rad.
And some of the already existing beast heads are really good. Like the bear head. The bear head is fantastic and I could only wish that the wolf and feline heads were up to that standard. And, of course, the bear head can be coupled with those bloody marvellous bear paws to great effect. (Yes, that is a pirate werebear with steampunk limbs.)
I'm really interested in the feline set they're apparently gearing up to do. I'd pay good money for such a thing, especially if it meant I could have a mane. One of the most sadly missing elements of beast heads is hair and manes.
I mean, grab a lady avatar, set the head to humanoid helmets, use bubble wolf 01/02/03 and head over to the hair tab. It's broken, it's not supposed to be like that, but some of them are actually very compatible. And the results of doing so are amazing. It makes me wish that we could use those heads, at least, with hair anyway. It would allow us to do so, so much more.
I like the idea of including muzzle pieces for the human head. If we could have head and full body fur textures, along with ears which correspond to the muzzles, then that could work out to be absolutely brilliant.
Anyway, I'm hopeful. They have listened before. I'm sure they're listening now.
I'm just afraid that CO would be overrun by furries.
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you, but... CO is already overrun with furries. Most of the people at the furry communities I visit (I'm an open-minded old fart and they amuse me) tend to know about Champions Online. Heck, CO is big with a couple of the were/therian communities I know of.
And in game, four out of five characters I see tends to be some sort of beast or other. And three of five of those are wolves. So... yeah.
Oh, one last thing. Furries aren't really as immature as you might think. I've hung with them a lot. And I find them more palatable in general than most non-furry gamers I've hung with. I tend not to hear ethnic or orientation slurs from them, they tend to not be cuss heavy, and they're not illiterate slobs (most of the time).
I'd prefer most of the things I've been exposed to in my time around furries over some of the things I've been called in TF2. :P
another thing that I've found that annoys me with the current beast heads we've got is with shadow form there's a pair of glowing eyes in the throat x.x
I can only imagine this happens with other effects of a similar variety.
we also really don't need any more fierce/savage heads, we've got plenty of those.
I also agree with whoever said add manes and muzzles. I would love to add some type of hair/mane to a beast head and the ability to have muzzles, tails, etc. would make it easier to do a beast/anthro character, because than you could mix and match and not be stuck to a particular beast head look
Vibora Bay, kill 5000 Dogz gang members for a mane, a werewolf face, a partial werewolf face
(that does have facial expressions).
Oh, one last thing. Furries aren't really as immature as you might think. I've hung with them a lot. And I find them more palatable in general than most non-furry gamers I've hung with. I tend not to hear ethnic or orientation slurs from them, they tend to not be cuss heavy, and they're not illiterate slobs (most of the time)
I do give furries credit for being sane when it comes to people outside of the WASP mainstream.
Anyway, I made a Lemurian lizard man the other day just because I was bored with all of the other costume conceptual options I've access to. I was a bit disappointed with the animal/ insect heads and their options so I support this.
we also really don't need any more fierce/savage heads, we've got plenty of those.
That's what I meant. ALL of our beast heads either have a menacing facial expression (even the friendly looking Wolf head is snarling) or are creatures without a facial expression that don't look pleasant in general.
I was a bit disappointed with the animal/ insect heads and their options so I support this.
I agree. Even if they are nowhere near nice looking, insects should get a costume set too, by chance. Our current "Insect" heads and other options actually come from the Qularr and don't look much like real insects.
Vibora Bay, kill 5000 Dogz gang members for a mane, a werewolf face, a partial werewolf face
(that does have facial expressions).
Good luck.
My Main is a type of cat creature....so werewolf parts would do nothing for me....
Also, manes should be on the head and around the neck, kinda like a lion or something....not acting like a cowl, because then they are a cowl, not a mane.
The cat head is off somehow, I couldn't tell you exactly what is off about it, but it doesn't seem exactly right.
I also would love that the leopard, tiger, etc. skins would be a seperate part of the avatar/toon and not part of the clothing and such. Sure tiger stripe tights seem cool,but what about those of us who want our skin colored that way....without taking away our options for clothing. I would love to be able to wear a tank top, while having my skin look like a leopard, etc.
The ability to color our skin more than one color would be great, especially if they added multiple muzzles and claws and tails and so on. If I had the ability to mix and match, the stuff I could come up with....
I would love multiple choices of cat heads too, one for domestic cats, with all the coloring available, such as calico, tabbies, etc. One each for the different wild cats....Ocelots have way different heads from tigers as do leopards and cheetahs.
Vibora Bay, kill 5000 Dogz gang members for a mane, a werewolf face, a partial werewolf face
(that does have facial expressions).
Good luck.
the partial werewolf face isn't really the same type of thing, and the full werewolf face still suffers from gaping maw syndrome, it just looks stupid in my opinion.
I'll be honest, I think CO should ditch animal heads altogether, or at least get rid of the hideous/stupid looking ones we already have. I'd take more only if we got rid of the abominations we already have.
And there's nothing wrong with disliking furries. It's no different from disliking Transformers or Ninjas or Vampires. People need to get it out of their mind that these fictional characters are some kind of ethnic group.
I'll be honest, I think CO should ditch animal heads altogether, or at least get rid of the hideous/stupid looking ones we already have. I'd take more only if we got rid of the abominations we already have.
And there's nothing wrong with disliking furries. It's no different from disliking Transformers or Ninjas or Vampires. People need to get it out of their mind that these fictional characters are some kind of ethnic group.
whilest I appreciate the fact you have an opinion on the subject, many people have actually paid for some of and use these "hideous/stupid" looking ones we already have, getting rid of all of them would cause players to feel like they lost money and they may quit the game entirely, possibly losing cryptic/perfect world subscriptions and further purchases by the person making removing all of them a bad business move, however providing a new upgraded better looking set for purchase or otherwise. would be a smart and welcome idea.
-A Proper Panda Bear skin for the existing Bear Head
-Boar Head, which has been in game for a while
-Rhino Head, which also has been in game for a while
-Dragon Heads, something awesome which has two different styles, Asian themed, and Fantasy themed.
-Fox Head and Nine tails
-A for real Minotaur head
-Lion head ((Can't have lions, tigers, and bears oh my without it! ))
-Fly head
-Praying Mantis Head
-A proper cape glide animation for the wing side accessories
-Shoulder pad second or third head for dragons/snake heroes. ((Just a smaller version of the head of the beast but made specifically for that type of hero.))
I'll be honest, I think CO should ditch animal heads altogether, or at least get rid of the hideous/stupid looking ones we already have. I'd take more only if we got rid of the abominations we already have.
And there's nothing wrong with disliking furries. It's no different from disliking Transformers or Ninjas or Vampires. People need to get it out of their mind that these fictional characters are some kind of ethnic group.
I don't get the point of confessing your dislike for animal heads in a thread that specifically asks for more and better beast heads.
Manimals, powered pets, were-critters and so forth are part of the comics canon. There was even a golden age of apes when everyone went bananas for this lovely primates. So "furry" characters are here to stay.
Even in role play games there is at least one manimal tribe/clan/class, check out White Wolf and D&D to give you out some examples.
-New Bird Heads
-A Proper Panda Bear skin for the existing Bear Head
-Boar Head, which has been in game for a while
-Rhino Head, which also has been in game for a while
-Dragon Heads, something awesome which has two different styles, Asian themed, and Fantasy themed.
-Fox Head and Nine tails
-A for real Minotaur head
-Lion head ((Can't have lions, tigers, and bears oh my without it! ))
-Fly head
-Praying Mantis Head
-A proper cape glide animation for the wing side accessories
-Shoulder pad second or third head for dragons/snake heroes. ((Just a smaller version of the head of the beast but made specifically for that type of hero.))
-Beast heads hats. . .
Enough said. :cool:
I'm sorry, but I disagree on a few points:
Please Cryptic, no more Bird stuff!
Did you notice just how much bird-themed costume pieces were released in the last half year? We have five sets now: The basic Bird Manimal, the Steel Hawk armored and feathered, the Avian, and Nighthawk.
It's about time other animals get some love. :rolleyes:
The Kyubi tail you sugested, while not a bad idea, would come with a problem: The way tails are generally animated in this game, multiple tails would look just plain awful. Everything that is too far away from the central "bone" warps while the tail is moving. Even something as close as the spikes on the Dino 2 tail. Nine individual tails couldn't even move individually, but only as one very wide tail.
So, sadly, the only way is could work is as a static piece.
Insect heads are difficult, as there are so many different popular insects. But I think the easiest way to get as many as possible is toto create a few basic head forms and then use the additional accessories to give them the right shape.
* Insect Head 1: Roughly oval shape.
Can be used for ants most easily. Large eyes give it a more triangular fowm, for flies, wasps and mantises. A large top armor plate (hair) would help creating beetles.
* Insect Head 2: Rectangular
This shape could be used for grasshoppers, moths and butterfiels, as well as for lobsters and shrimps.
* Arachnid Head
Both spiders and scorpions share the same basic head form. Only the mouth limbs and eyes are really different.
* Crab Head
This would be the most exotic one to make. Crabs have nothing resembling a neck, so this head would have to look like an extension of the torso and, if possible, not turn individually.
And I can easily tell you what a proper cape gliding animation with the arm wings would be like: Just Gliding, without a cape!
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
okay so I've looked at absolutely every beast head available and I have to say, we have enough tights and power armor, lets give those beasties an upgrade.
something to keep in mind is that we don't want more savage, snarling, unblinking beasts, we want new and improved.
Some Examples Are:
-Panda Head
-Rodent Heads (Mouse, Rat, Someotherkindofrodenthere)
-Rhino Head
-Dragon Heads, (Asian and Western themed.)
-Reptilian Heads (Alligator/Crocodile, More Lizard heads
-A proper cape glide animation for the wing side accessories
-Beast heads hats.
-Feline Heads (Lion, Tiger, Domestic cats of many patterns, Lynx, ???)
-Canine Heads (Dalmatian, German Shepard, Pug, Wolves, Fox, Golden Retriever)
-"Bug" heads (Praying Mantis Head, Fly Head, Wasp head)
-Avian heads (???)
-Pig head/boar head(s)
(Post updated with a general gathering of the thread so far will continue to update it as it goes on)
You need to add muzzles,ears,tails,etc. that are seperate from the beast heads....for those who don't wish to go all out.
I also would love to see serpent skin for the head, since we have tiger and leopard and such. It annoys me that if I want to make a serpent type character with the upper body and lower body having serpent skin,yet the head is left out....
Also....seperate the animal skins from tights for arms and legs....these should be in skin coloring and the color of your skin should be a seperate entity from head, arms, legs, etc. It basically should be a seperate tab in and of itself.
You need to add muzzles,ears,tails,etc. that are seperate from the beast heads....for those who don't wish to go all out.
I also would love to see serpent skin for the head, since we have tiger and leopard and such. It annoys me that if I want to make a serpent type character with the upper body and lower body having serpent skin,yet the head is left out....
Also....seperate the animal skins from tights for arms and legs....these should be in skin coloring and the color of your skin should be a seperate entity from head, arms, legs, etc. It basically should be a seperate tab in and of itself.
Tails are already seperate pieces. It's perfectly possible to create a char with a wolf head and a buny tail.
And surprisingly, there is a Serpent skin for the head too! But it's so well hidden and limited that most people don't know it exists! :rolleyes:
Look under: Male character (only!) -> Head: Skin & Hairs -> Head Type: Noseless -> Material: Reptile Hybrid (has a basic Skin texture).
This also comes with an alternate pattern: Reptile Bandaged. It is the only version of the Bandaged head texture (seen on the Mummy, Maniacs Slashers and classic Zoe Loft) that is available to players.
Sidenote: The small letters and dark color you use in your posts make them really hard to read. :redface:
Tails are already seperate pieces. It's perfectly possible to create a char with a wolf head and a buny tail.
And surprisingly, there is a Serpent skin for the head too! But it's so well hidden and limited that most people don't know it exists! :rolleyes:
Look under: Male character (only!) -> Head: Skin & Hairs -> Head Type: Noseless -> Material: Reptile Hybrid (has a basic Skin texture).
This also comes with an alternate pattern: Reptile Bandaged. It is the only version of the Bandaged head texture (seen on the Mummy, Maniacs Slashers and classic Zoe Loft) that is available to players.
Sidenote: The small letters and dark color you use in your posts make them really hard to read. :redface:
Yes tails are seperate....but you are limited in what you have. I mean make more tails lol. New claws would also be nice, especially for the hands.
I have female toons, so a serpent skin for the head of only males doesn't help. Because....big surprise here....females can be serpents too lol.
Also, you had nothing to say about my suggestion that they seperate skins like leopard,tiger,etc. from clothing choices lol. I should be able to wear the curves set or something and STILL have say a leopard skin or a serpent skin.
Just trying to add to the suggestion that things need to be fleshed out with a few more choices.
You need to add muzzles,ears,tails,etc. that are seperate from the beast heads....for those who don't wish to go all out.
I also would love to see serpent skin for the head, since we have tiger and leopard and such. It annoys me that if I want to make a serpent type character with the upper body and lower body having serpent skin,yet the head is left out....
Also....seperate the animal skins from tights for arms and legs....these should be in skin coloring and the color of your skin should be a seperate entity from head, arms, legs, etc. It basically should be a seperate tab in and of itself.
to be quite honest, while I can understand separate ears and tails, and animal skins from tights and etc, I can't quite grasp the point of having muzzles for those who "don't wish to go all out" I can't really see that looking good on the characters either o.O
care to elaborate on this concept a bit further and provide an example maybe?
to be quite honest, while I can understand separate ears and tails, and animal skins from tights and etc, I can't quite grasp the point of having muzzles for those who "don't wish to go all out" I can't really see that looking good on the characters either o.O
care to elaborate on this concept a bit further and provide an example maybe?
Well since most beast heads do not allow you to add hair, in order to add hair, you have to sacrifice the beast head. Meaning that by adding muzzles they give those who want the option to have hair to also look like whatever animal they wish to look like.
Though I would prefer that they allowed us to add hair to beast heads....I figured starting small with the muzzles might be easier on them.
Let's say you want to look like a cat of any type....you can not add hair to the current heads available for it, so you put a cat muzzle and cat ears on.
Also some people might want to mix and match certain things....i.e. want to play a Cabbit(of Tenchi Muyo fame), you can't exactly use a cat head for that lol.
They may just want to be unique and mix a canine muzzle with cat ears and a rabbit tail with serpent skin, not sure how that would turn out, but someone might want to.
Well since most beast heads do not allow you to add hair, in order to add hair, you have to sacrifice the beast head. Meaning that by adding muzzles they give those who want the option to have hair to also look like whatever animal they wish to look like.
Though I would prefer that they allowed us to add hair to beast heads....I figured starting small with the muzzles might be easier on them.
Let's say you want to look like a cat of any type....you can not add hair to the current heads available for it, so you put a cat muzzle and cat ears on.
Also some people might want to mix and match certain things....i.e. want to play a Cabbit(of Tenchi Muyo fame), you can't exactly use a cat head for that lol.
They may just want to be unique and mix a canine muzzle with cat ears and a rabbit tail with serpent skin, not sure how that would turn out, but someone might want to.
ah yea, that makes sense, being able to mix and match would be cool, I'll edit the original post now.
The one thing I hear going back and forth the most though is this one, specifically:
"I wish they'd given us new digitigrade legs with the new wolf heads."
The heads from the horror pack, that is. Using the old digitigrade legs with those heads looks ridiculous. So if they could give us some digitigrade legs, that'd be awesome. And here's the other one I hear a lot (but this one is partly my fault):
"I wish they had armored versions of tails."
The reason this came about is because I made a power armoured cat guy. And the tail from the mechanical beast set can actually pass for an armored cat tail. So I have three versions of that costume -- helmet on, helmet off (cat head), and casual clothes. And you can really see how it all goes together. People love it.
But it's frequently lamented that we just don't have better tail options.
The problem as I see it is that whilst heads are a priority, we need even more more tail options and more leg options. That's where the game is really falling apart at the moment.
The one thing I hear going back and forth the most though is this one, specifically:
"I wish they'd given us new digitigrade legs with the new wolf heads."
The heads from the horror pack, that is. Using the old digitigrade legs with those heads looks ridiculous. So if they could give us some digitigrade legs, that'd be awesome. And here's the other one I hear a lot (but this one is partly my fault):
"I wish they had armored versions of tails."
The reason this came about is because I made a power armoured cat guy. And the tail from the mechanical beast set can actually pass for an armored cat tail. So I have three versions of that costume -- helmet on, helmet off (cat head), and casual clothes. And you can really see how it all goes together. People love it.
But it's frequently lamented that we just don't have better tail options.
The problem as I see it is that whilst heads are a priority, we need even more more tail options and more leg options. That's where the game is really falling apart at the moment.
well, I'd say I hope that they'd add new tails and digitigrade with the new heads but quite honestly I doubt they would unless told they needed them, so I'll add those to the main post as well. ty for adding to the topic
[SIGPIC]Too late![/SIGPIC]
Some pieces that would fit perfectly here would be:
1. Pig muzzle
2. Canine muzzle
3. Feline muzzle
4. Alligator & Crocodile muzzles/snouts
5. Rat/rodent muzzle
6. Bear muzzle
7. Pointed/clipped dog ears
8. Floppy dog ears
9. Cat ears w/ tufts on their tips
...and many others...
This would also allow players to mix and match pieces for a truly unique look, instead of all rats/cats/etc having the same base head.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
not quite sure I wanna see pig muzzles o.o but the rest of that sounds great, thanks for adding onto it!
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
According to a not-so-recent statement by Cryptic, felines are the next animal-themed costume set planed. When it will be done and out, however, is still in the stars.
I do remeber them sayying that, they may release at halloween with some other peices related to halloween hopefully.
ALSO, I do hope they add some more bestial type stuff, that and i have had this idea for making a gun weilding spider moneky, but none of these monkey heads even fit the idea I had sadly
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
a lot of the current beast heads have rabies
I think that more animal heads will be a nod to the comics we already have, not because they are "omg furries I want a hippo with tutu", but because is right in the style of heroic comics.
Here!! I bring you proof of my claims!!
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
its definitely not all about "omg furries", I just think the beasts need to look better in general.
Yeah, right. Dream on buddy. I mean, what self respecting MMO would make something as ridiculous as pandas a playable character?
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
People need to get over that, and most of all realize that the Pandas were part of the ******** lore long before there was WoW.
Anyway, this is CO. And I recall that when the Avians were added, the only complain was that they were exclusive for 900 days veterans. But basically, they are our Pandas!
The name of another company's game series gets censored here? Seriously!? :rolleyes:
A lot of people actually realize they existed beforehand, but the timing of the original announcement and the way it has been presented so far, very much reminds me of Kung Fu Panda
I do think a panda head would be interesting.
Also, it would be absolutely epic if the new beast heads would look savage or menacing!^^
Hmm, but if you think about it. CO is a superhero MMORPG. If almost half of the population will be beast superheroes, then furries will absolutely take over the community. For some reason, I find that a little unsettling... Hearing their chat with their "secret" language...*shivers*
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
The Teleiosaurs have four different head designs plus optional attachments. Ported over to humanoid characters, they would do it.
Also, Dragon Helmet as custom headwear for the male Long Jaw head!
Actually, most of our beast heads already look that way. :redface:
This is like saying there shouldn't be any more fantasy costume pieces, since CO has a modern setting. Not to mention that this comment is dripping with prejudice. :rolleyes:
I especially like the idea of a base head with the opportunity to add various ears/snouts/muzzles/whatnot. It'd allow for some amazing stuff, I'm sure.
Also....maybe something besides leopards and tigers....I would love to be able to do a calico kitty.
I'd vote for a bunch of animal muzzles, without the whole head also....including ears and tails.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
Looking at the other beast and monstrous heads. I have to say that many of those don't really look that menacing to me. I mean, the werewolf monstrous shows his teeth and gums, but doesn't look that scary.
Oh! and another thing, it'll be nice to close the mouths of the beast heads. It looks weird having their mouths open for like forever.
I'm just afraid that CO would be overrun by furries. Young immature furries annoying you and prancing about how cool their chars look when they're actually not. Plus, Most of them aren't exactly friendly...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I think the beast heads should do what the human faces and such do, change their face depending on the expression you want on them. If you have determined, they should look determined....if angry, they should look angry. The beast heads as they are now, never change expression, they are always frozen. I would love to be able to close mouths and such.
I also agree with whoever said add manes and muzzles. I would love to add some type of hair/mane to a beast head and the ability to have muzzles, tails, etc. would make it easier to do a beast/anthro character, because than you could mix and match and not be stuck to a particular beast head look.
What is your disconnect with furries?? I have met many anthros and though some suck, most do not. They are no different from those who play human, alien, elf, etc. characters....it depends on the person behind the avatar/toon how they act.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
I'd definitely buy more beast options, and I've been wishing they'd include some for a long, long time, now. In all fairness to them, though, the avian stuff was awesome. Flat out just frickin' rad.
And some of the already existing beast heads are really good. Like the bear head. The bear head is fantastic and I could only wish that the wolf and feline heads were up to that standard. And, of course, the bear head can be coupled with those bloody marvellous bear paws to great effect. (Yes, that is a pirate werebear with steampunk limbs.)
I'm really interested in the feline set they're apparently gearing up to do. I'd pay good money for such a thing, especially if it meant I could have a mane. One of the most sadly missing elements of beast heads is hair and manes.
I mean, grab a lady avatar, set the head to humanoid helmets, use bubble wolf 01/02/03 and head over to the hair tab. It's broken, it's not supposed to be like that, but some of them are actually very compatible. And the results of doing so are amazing. It makes me wish that we could use those heads, at least, with hair anyway. It would allow us to do so, so much more.
I like the idea of including muzzle pieces for the human head. If we could have head and full body fur textures, along with ears which correspond to the muzzles, then that could work out to be absolutely brilliant.
Anyway, I'm hopeful. They have listened before. I'm sure they're listening now.
And in game, four out of five characters I see tends to be some sort of beast or other. And three of five of those are wolves. So... yeah.
Oh, one last thing. Furries aren't really as immature as you might think. I've hung with them a lot. And I find them more palatable in general than most non-furry gamers I've hung with. I tend not to hear ethnic or orientation slurs from them, they tend to not be cuss heavy, and they're not illiterate slobs (most of the time).
I'd prefer most of the things I've been exposed to in my time around furries over some of the things I've been called in TF2. :P
I can only imagine this happens with other effects of a similar variety.
we also really don't need any more fierce/savage heads, we've got plenty of those.
Vibora Bay, kill 5000 Dogz gang members for a mane, a werewolf face, a partial werewolf face
(that does have facial expressions).
Good luck.
I do give furries credit for being sane when it comes to people outside of the WASP mainstream.
Anyway, I made a Lemurian lizard man the other day just because I was bored with all of the other costume conceptual options I've access to. I was a bit disappointed with the animal/ insect heads and their options so I support this.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
That's what I meant. ALL of our beast heads either have a menacing facial expression (even the friendly looking Wolf head is snarling) or are creatures without a facial expression that don't look pleasant in general.
I agree. Even if they are nowhere near nice looking, insects should get a costume set too, by chance. Our current "Insect" heads and other options actually come from the Qularr and don't look much like real insects.
My Main is a type of cat creature....so werewolf parts would do nothing for me....
Also, manes should be on the head and around the neck, kinda like a lion or something....not acting like a cowl, because then they are a cowl, not a mane.
The cat head is off somehow, I couldn't tell you exactly what is off about it, but it doesn't seem exactly right.
I also would love that the leopard, tiger, etc. skins would be a seperate part of the avatar/toon and not part of the clothing and such. Sure tiger stripe tights seem cool,but what about those of us who want our skin colored that way....without taking away our options for clothing. I would love to be able to wear a tank top, while having my skin look like a leopard, etc.
The ability to color our skin more than one color would be great, especially if they added multiple muzzles and claws and tails and so on. If I had the ability to mix and match, the stuff I could come up with....
I would love multiple choices of cat heads too, one for domestic cats, with all the coloring available, such as calico, tabbies, etc. One each for the different wild cats....Ocelots have way different heads from tigers as do leopards and cheetahs.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
the partial werewolf face isn't really the same type of thing, and the full werewolf face still suffers from gaping maw syndrome, it just looks stupid in my opinion.
And there's nothing wrong with disliking furries. It's no different from disliking Transformers or Ninjas or Vampires. People need to get it out of their mind that these fictional characters are some kind of ethnic group.
whilest I appreciate the fact you have an opinion on the subject, many people have actually paid for some of and use these "hideous/stupid" looking ones we already have, getting rid of all of them would cause players to feel like they lost money and they may quit the game entirely, possibly losing cryptic/perfect world subscriptions and further purchases by the person making removing all of them a bad business move, however providing a new upgraded better looking set for purchase or otherwise. would be a smart and welcome idea.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
-New Bird Heads
-A Proper Panda Bear skin for the existing Bear Head
-Boar Head, which has been in game for a while
-Rhino Head, which also has been in game for a while
-Dragon Heads, something awesome which has two different styles, Asian themed, and Fantasy themed.
-Fox Head and Nine tails
-A for real Minotaur head
-Lion head ((Can't have lions, tigers, and bears oh my without it!
-Fly head
-Praying Mantis Head
-A proper cape glide animation for the wing side accessories
-Shoulder pad second or third head for dragons/snake heroes. ((Just a smaller version of the head of the beast but made specifically for that type of hero.))
-Beast heads hats. . .
Enough said. :cool:
I don't get the point of confessing your dislike for animal heads in a thread that specifically asks for more and better beast heads.
Manimals, powered pets, were-critters and so forth are part of the comics canon. There was even a golden age of apes when everyone went bananas for this lovely primates. So "furry" characters are here to stay.
Even in role play games there is at least one manimal tribe/clan/class, check out White Wolf and D&D to give you out some examples.
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
I'm sorry, but I disagree on a few points:
Please Cryptic, no more Bird stuff!
Did you notice just how much bird-themed costume pieces were released in the last half year? We have five sets now: The basic Bird Manimal, the Steel Hawk armored and feathered, the Avian, and Nighthawk.
It's about time other animals get some love. :rolleyes:
The Kyubi tail you sugested, while not a bad idea, would come with a problem: The way tails are generally animated in this game, multiple tails would look just plain awful. Everything that is too far away from the central "bone" warps while the tail is moving. Even something as close as the spikes on the Dino 2 tail. Nine individual tails couldn't even move individually, but only as one very wide tail.
So, sadly, the only way is could work is as a static piece.
Insect heads are difficult, as there are so many different popular insects. But I think the easiest way to get as many as possible is toto create a few basic head forms and then use the additional accessories to give them the right shape.
* Insect Head 1: Roughly oval shape.
Can be used for ants most easily. Large eyes give it a more triangular fowm, for flies, wasps and mantises. A large top armor plate (hair) would help creating beetles.
* Insect Head 2: Rectangular
This shape could be used for grasshoppers, moths and butterfiels, as well as for lobsters and shrimps.
* Arachnid Head
Both spiders and scorpions share the same basic head form. Only the mouth limbs and eyes are really different.
* Crab Head
This would be the most exotic one to make. Crabs have nothing resembling a neck, so this head would have to look like an extension of the torso and, if possible, not turn individually.
And I can easily tell you what a proper cape gliding animation with the arm wings would be like: Just Gliding, without a cape!
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
You need to add muzzles,ears,tails,etc. that are seperate from the beast heads....for those who don't wish to go all out.
I also would love to see serpent skin for the head, since we have tiger and leopard and such. It annoys me that if I want to make a serpent type character with the upper body and lower body having serpent skin,yet the head is left out....
Also....seperate the animal skins from tights for arms and legs....these should be in skin coloring and the color of your skin should be a seperate entity from head, arms, legs, etc. It basically should be a seperate tab in and of itself.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
Tails are already seperate pieces. It's perfectly possible to create a char with a wolf head and a buny tail.
And surprisingly, there is a Serpent skin for the head too! But it's so well hidden and limited that most people don't know it exists! :rolleyes:
Look under: Male character (only!) -> Head: Skin & Hairs -> Head Type: Noseless -> Material: Reptile Hybrid (has a basic Skin texture).
This also comes with an alternate pattern: Reptile Bandaged. It is the only version of the Bandaged head texture (seen on the Mummy, Maniacs Slashers and classic Zoe Loft) that is available to players.
Sidenote: The small letters and dark color you use in your posts make them really hard to read. :redface:
Yes tails are seperate....but you are limited in what you have. I mean make more tails lol. New claws would also be nice, especially for the hands.
I have female toons, so a serpent skin for the head of only males doesn't help. Because....big surprise here....females can be serpents too lol.
Also, you had nothing to say about my suggestion that they seperate skins like leopard,tiger,etc. from clothing choices lol. I should be able to wear the curves set or something and STILL have say a leopard skin or a serpent skin.
Just trying to add to the suggestion that things need to be fleshed out with a few more choices.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
to be quite honest, while I can understand separate ears and tails, and animal skins from tights and etc, I can't quite grasp the point of having muzzles for those who "don't wish to go all out" I can't really see that looking good on the characters either o.O
care to elaborate on this concept a bit further and provide an example maybe?
Well since most beast heads do not allow you to add hair, in order to add hair, you have to sacrifice the beast head. Meaning that by adding muzzles they give those who want the option to have hair to also look like whatever animal they wish to look like.
Though I would prefer that they allowed us to add hair to beast heads....I figured starting small with the muzzles might be easier on them.
Let's say you want to look like a cat of any type....you can not add hair to the current heads available for it, so you put a cat muzzle and cat ears on.
Also some people might want to mix and match certain things....i.e. want to play a Cabbit(of Tenchi Muyo fame), you can't exactly use a cat head for that lol.
They may just want to be unique and mix a canine muzzle with cat ears and a rabbit tail with serpent skin, not sure how that would turn out, but someone might want to.
[Insert Witty Signature Here]
ah yea, that makes sense, being able to mix and match would be cool, I'll edit the original post now.
added to main post.
The one thing I hear going back and forth the most though is this one, specifically:
"I wish they'd given us new digitigrade legs with the new wolf heads."
The heads from the horror pack, that is. Using the old digitigrade legs with those heads looks ridiculous. So if they could give us some digitigrade legs, that'd be awesome. And here's the other one I hear a lot (but this one is partly my fault):
"I wish they had armored versions of tails."
The reason this came about is because I made a power armoured cat guy. And the tail from the mechanical beast set can actually pass for an armored cat tail. So I have three versions of that costume -- helmet on, helmet off (cat head), and casual clothes. And you can really see how it all goes together. People love it.
But it's frequently lamented that we just don't have better tail options.
The problem as I see it is that whilst heads are a priority, we need even more more tail options and more leg options. That's where the game is really falling apart at the moment.
well, I'd say I hope that they'd add new tails and digitigrade with the new heads but quite honestly I doubt they would unless told they needed them, so I'll add those to the main post as well. ty for adding to the topic