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Lee Tosi - Zone Chat perfection



  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To be honest, I'm shocked and touched at all of you caring about Lee and his 24 hour silence. He was just meant to be a joke character I'd whip out whenever someone said clones suck. I just make up all the crap he says on the spot. Sure, I did a little research into Teleios to make it more... authentic, but I really did NOT expect this.... somewhat cultish following. But I'm very happy he keeps you amused.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    Well, I do recall something about one of the Mark Is kidnapping a psychiatrist, and forcing her to prescribe certain meds to Lee... :wink:

    The best part? She prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. Guess what it was?

  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well, what else would one give a clone but clonezapam?

    And of course, since he's a clone, she prescribed the generic... :wink:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    To be honest, I'm shocked at touched at all of you caring about Lee and his 24 hour silence. He was just meant to be a joke character I'd whip out whenever someone said clones suck. I just make up all the crap he says on the spot. Sure, I did a little research into Teleios to make it more... authentic, but I really did NOT expect this.... somewhat cultish following. But I'm very happy he keeps you amused.

    It breaks up the median of the constant 'LFG' and 'WTT' and 'WTS' requests as well as the arguments that constantly seem to occur inside the Zone chat. it's just something...Different. Light hearted and fun.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm pretty sure this counts as thread necromancy, but people have been joking about how they'd like to beat up Lee Tosi in an alert recently. Boredom and insomnia took place, and I felt making a new thread wouldn't be worth it. So here. Enjoy his Alert dialogue. I kept him limited to Millennium City because I can't see him smuggling himself in another crate all the way to Florida. He hated the trip to Millennium City too much to do it twice!


    Bank Robbery: Heroes? Excellent. The hostages' DNA was substandard. Now then, who brought their organ donor card? Joking. I don't care. I'll take all your insides and the insides of this vault.

    Fighting City Hall: I'm merely trying to explain to the Mayor why killing a clone should be a criminal offense. Why are you interfering with my basic rights as a human being?!

    Museum Heist: I thought the Roin'esh detector would be visually impressive... No matter. Mark Is! Haul it back to the lab so we can identify any remaining impostors! ....Wait, why did it just go off?


    Recruiting Drive: Look at me. Now, look at everyone that isn't me. They aren't me, but they could be! Join me and receive genetic perfection! Act now, this is a limited time offer! Take too long to decide, and I'll turn you all into Teleiocites. And none of us want that.

    Two Minute Drill: You certainly took your time to get here. It's almost as if you don't care about the Mayor's fate! .... You know, if you let me kill him, someone with a shred of competence would take office. I'm just saying what you're all thinking!

    Soul Siphon: The psychiatrist I kidnapped said the most effective method to eradicate irrational fears is exposing yourself to them. So to cure my Scoleciphiobia, I'm turning everyone present into a giant worm. This will hurt me more than you...


    Radiation Rumble: I told you to be careful with those barrels, 43762-A! You didn't listen, and now we're all morbidly obese due to radiation. If this causes an unforeseen metabolic chain reaction and kills us all, I blame you!
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm just unreasonably pleased that two of my characters managed to make it on to Lee's "Kill" list within a relatively short period of time. :D
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Lee Tosi for new alert.

    Right now. Must have.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree,Lee tosi for new alert villain!

    I'd love to beat that alert with two of my toons that get on his "kill list" most often :biggrin:
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Lee Tosi for new alert.

    Right now. Must have.

    I second this. Nemesis is still miffed that she was supposed to get an autograph but what she actually got was a Mark 1 trying to assassinate her with a sniper rifle that was wholly inadequate for the job. She still has the bruise.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I shall even donate organs if that is required. Donar card ready!

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Tip: It's Teleios, not Telios. Lee Tosi is an anagram of Teleios.

    And yes, I've spied this banter, and commend Vizzone (I think that's the name) for it!

    Wasn't Vizzone also the brains behind CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK? (if anybody here remembers that legendary Zone chat comedy act)

    It's always nice to see a sense of humor in people, and sounds like this is the next comedic legend.

    smoochan wrote: »
    What's wrong with thirteen year old boys? :wink:

    Whoa!!! Ok I didn't need to know that. lol!
    klitty wrote: »
    Pedochan? :eek:

    Yes, if forum titles were still existent, he just earned one. The wink emote especially made it creepy.

    I guess some people just like them younger... >_<
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    Wasn't Vizzone also the brains behind CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK? (if anybody here remembers that legendary Zone chat comedy act)

    It's always nice to see a sense of humor in people, and sounds like this is the next comedic legend.

    Oh Lord no, I'm not CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK! In fact, when he was in zone one day, he and Herr Correktsphelling got into a tiff. For reasons you can likely guess.

    And if you're wondering, I was thinking about how people were joking "Leeee Tosssiii ALERT' in Zone occassionally, and then I remembered Soul Siphon. And his crippling worm phobia. So that one came first. Then I thought 'What if he was in ALL the MC ones?' And so you have the list. Admit it. He's accurate with the Two Minute Drill.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    Oh Lord no, I'm not CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK! In fact, when he was in zone one day, he and Herr Correktsphelling got into a tiff. For reasons you can likely guess.

    Ah well good to know and yes I remember that argument between the two of them, vaguely. All I really remember was laughing so hard I was tearing up. The joke did start to get old later on, but it was initially pure comedy gold. As is probably this routine of yours, so bravo indeed! (sadly I've not been able to be on lately to experience it firsthand)

    Also, I approve of a cameo alert like one of the ones you mentioned on page #6. Perhaps also a mission where you have to help the Champions team (Defender, Witchcraft, etc.) diffuse an argument between Herr Correktsphelling and CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK before it gets out of hand.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Want to know something terrible? Herr Correktsphelling is an inferno. I made him that due to flame wars over your/you're and similar issues. It wasn't until later I realized the Holocaust implications. In fact, it was the free respec that gave all ATs forms that made me realize it. You know what form they gave him?


    I could not make this **** up.
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    We absolutely have to make this happen for one reason.

    Lee Tosi vs. Technoviking.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    Want to know something terrible? Herr Correktsphelling is an inferno. I made him that due to flame wars over your/you're and similar issues. It wasn't until later I realized the Holocaust implications. In fact, it was the free respec that gave all ATs forms that made me realize it. You know what form they gave him?


    I could not make this **** up.

    All you're missing are Nazi Zombies (a la Call of Duty Black Ops style) in the Zombie Apocalypse PvP mode, buildable/breakable barriers, and then be on the zombie team and go off at the survivor players... >_<

    In all seriousness, I don't think the naming of "concentration" has anything to do with that. But it is an amusingly disturbing point of observation. (amusing because of irony, disturbing because while historical references are great, genocide in truth is terrible & real)
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh, I agree that genocide is terrible (despite Lee constantly saying he'll kill you all), but the unwitting power selection my Grammar Nazi has is funny in a deep, dark horribly morbid manner. But when I first realized the implications, my jaw dropped.

    I don't play Herr Correktsphelling much anymore due to that realization.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    Want to know something terrible? Herr Correktsphelling is an inferno. I made him that due to flame wars over your/you're and similar issues. It wasn't until later I realized the Holocaust implications. In fact, it was the free respec that gave all ATs forms that made me realize it. You know what form they gave him?


    I could not make this **** up.
    Did he have to go to camp to learn that one? ;)

    (What? Too soon?)
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • klittyklitty Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Almost as good as my rainbow-flighting neo-nazi Hario Baracus! :D

    =^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    lol bad kitty!

    Hmm, you know what? My Jewish friends (because for some reason a lot of the firefighters I know are Jewish or Baptist) would probably be laughing at all this, honestly.

    It's people I know that actually LIVE in Germany that don't seem think it's funny in the slightest to joke about, from my experience.

    It's a just different culture I guess. They dislike guns a lot more too, but then again people in the USA are typically obsessed with guns -- my SCR bias affect on perceptions. (about the same political influence level: speed-limitless freeway lobby in Germany = pro-gun lobby in USA)

    I've noticed that these are things German administators I've known will swing the ban-hammer wildly & almost recklessly at if they see it. I think some of our European posters here might agree with me on this one, it's just a touchier subject in their culture than it is here in the Americas. *looks around for Beldin, who is German I believe*

    How the heck did we get on this twisted topic again? >_<
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh, fine. Vibora Bay alerts too, to distract us from Herr's unfortunate Form. I still don't think he would ever GO there, but still. I like to imagine that during this Lee is dressed in his casual lab coat and turtleneck sweater. And that he still uses Might to beat people into submission (because his body is PERFECTION!), but he has a unique form of Command Animals where he whistles and several Teleiosaurs and Warbeasts come running. Sort of like Valerian Scarlet's summoning ritual, but without any sigils/runes. Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.


    A Day at the Mall: Why must every hostage have pathetic DNA? Of course, everyone is pathetic compared to me.... But you have a lovely set of genes. Mind if I 'borrow' them?

    Stitch in Time: What--- YOU! Why did you bring me back?! I could have saved him! I was so close! Father... I'm so sorry...


    Dockside Dustup: I am TRYING to activate a Gadroon Gravity Bomb cluster here! Do you MIND?! When all of me get here, you are so dead.

    Trainstopping: This is just like an old silent movie! 43762-A, kidnap a woman and tie her to the tracks before we blow up the train! Oh, I feel so dastardly!


    Pyramid Power: I don't want unlimited power anymore! I'm afraid of heights! 43762-A, 56380-A, get me DOWN before these idiots start taking potshots at me!

    And it occurs to me that many of the basic lines for minions in Alerts wouldn't work for the Teleioclones. I mean, they won't ask each other what they're going to buy with their share of the take, for instance. They don't get paid, after all.
  • danlimdanlim Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure this counts as thread necromancy, but people have been joking about how they'd like to beat up Lee Tosi in an alert recently. Boredom and insomnia took place, and I felt making a new thread wouldn't be worth it. So here. Enjoy his Alert dialogue. I kept him limited to Millennium City because I can't see him smuggling himself in another crate all the way to Florida. He hated the trip to Millennium City too much to do it twice!


    Bank Robbery: Heroes? Excellent. The hostages' DNA was substandard. Now then, who brought their organ donor card? Joking. I don't care. I'll take all your insides and the insides of this vault.

    Fighting City Hall: I'm merely trying to explain to the Mayor why killing a clone should be a criminal offense. Why are you interfering with my basic rights as a human being?!

    Museum Heist: I thought the Roin'esh detector would be visually impressive... No matter. Mark Is! Haul it back to the lab so we can identify any remaining impostors! ....Wait, why did it just go off?


    Recruiting Drive: Look at me. Now, look at everyone that isn't me. They aren't me, but they could be! Join me and receive genetic perfection! Act now, this is a limited time offer! Take too long to decide, and I'll turn you all into Teleiocites. And none of us want that.

    Two Minute Drill: You certainly took your time to get here. It's almost as if you don't care about the Mayor's fate! .... You know, if you let me kill him, someone with a shred of competence would take office. I'm just saying what you're all thinking!

    Soul Siphon: The psychiatrist I kidnapped said the most effective method to eradicate irrational fears is exposing yourself to them. So to cure my Scoleciphiobia, I'm turning everyone present into a giant worm. This will hurt me more than you...


    Radiation Rumble: I told you to be careful with those barrels, 43762-A! You didn't listen, and now we're all morbidly obese due to radiation. If this causes an unforeseen metabolic chain reaction and kills us all, I blame you!
    vizzone wrote: »
    Oh, fine. Vibora Bay alerts too, to distract us from Herr's unfortunate Form. I still don't think he would ever GO there, but still. I like to imagine that during this Lee is dressed in his casual lab coat and turtleneck sweater. And that he still uses Might to beat people into submission (because his body is PERFECTION!), but he has a unique form of Command Animals where he whistles and several Teleiosaurs and Warbeasts come running. Sort of like Valerian Scarlet's summoning ritual, but without any sigils/runes. Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.


    A Day at the Mall: Why must every hostage have pathetic DNA? Of course, everyone is pathetic compared to me.... But you have a lovely set of genes. Mind if I 'borrow' them?

    Stitch in Time: What--- YOU! Why did you bring me back?! I could have saved him! I was so close! Father... I'm so sorry...


    Dockside Dustup: I am TRYING to activate a Gadroon Gravity Bomb cluster here! Do you MIND?! When all of me get here, you are so dead.

    Trainstopping: This is just like and old silent movie! 43762-A, kidnap a woman and tie her to the tracks before we blow up the train! Oh, I feel so dastardly!


    Pyramid Power: I don't want unlimited power anymore! I'm afraid of heights! 43762-A, 56380-A, get me DOWN before these idiots start taking potshots at me!

    And it occurs to me that many of the basic lines for minions in Alerts wouldn't work for the Teleioclones. I mean, they won't ask each other what they're going to buy with their share of the take, for instance. They don't get paid, after all.
    plus this = awesomesauce

    you, sir, are a genius ... i salute your prowess!
    dan =)
  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    Oh, fine. Vibora Bay alerts too, to distract us from Herr's unfortunate Form. I still don't think he would ever GO there, but still. I like to imagine that during this Lee is dressed in his casual lab coat and turtleneck sweater. And that he still uses Might to beat people into submission (because his body is PERFECTION!), but he has a unique form of Command Animals where he whistles and several Teleiosaurs and Warbeasts come running. Sort of like Valerian Scarlet's summoning ritual, but without any sigils/runes. Anyway, here you go. Enjoy.


    A Day at the Mall: Why must every hostage have pathetic DNA? Of course, everyone is pathetic compared to me.... But you have a lovely set of genes. Mind if I 'borrow' them?

    Stitch in Time: What--- YOU! Why did you bring me back?! I could have saved him! I was so close! Father... I'm so sorry...


    Dockside Dustup: I am TRYING to activate a Gadroon Gravity Bomb cluster here! Do you MIND?! When all of me get here, you are so dead.

    Trainstopping: This is just like and old silent movie! 43762-A, kidnap a woman and tie her to the tracks before we blow up the train! Oh, I feel so dastardly!


    Pyramid Power: I don't want unlimited power anymore! I'm afraid of heights! 43762-A, 56380-A, get me DOWN before these idiots start taking potshots at me!

    And it occurs to me that many of the basic lines for minions in Alerts wouldn't work for the Teleioclones. I mean, they won't ask each other what they're going to buy with their share of the take, for instance. They don't get paid, after all.

    Perfection such as this makes me wish we had a foundry for CO. Just imagine all the little backstory missions people would make for their characters.
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Signed. I want this to happen because I would rather fight Lee over AoQuepoth or Rakshasha.

    Don't get me wrong, the new community-created villians are neat and all that. But this is Lee Tosi. He's practically legend.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Signed. I want this to happen because I would rather fight Lee over AoQuepoth or Rakshasha.

    Don't get me wrong, the new community-created villians are neat and all that. But this is Lee Tosi. He's practically legend.

    I love Ao'qephoth. He was the only community created villain to grab my interest. He's an eldritch abomination with an unending hunger. I'd love to know more about him. To do missions about him.

    Devana Hawke? Why did we need her? We already had two mercenaries. Oh, right. She's female and the only archer.

    The Madstone? Fascinating backstory, but her outfit doesn't impress me.

    Madam Mayhem? She looks cluttered to me. And if Dr. Destroyer had a daughter, I think we would have known already.

    Hrodegir the Unending? Zombie Viking. Neither really appeals to me, and he doesn't really mesh well with the world in my opinion.

    Rockjaw? Awesome outfit, but his backstory doesn't grab my attention.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not insulting any of the winners. Congratulations to them, in fact! I'm just saying that none of them grab my interest. I don't WANT to learn more about any of them but the worm who I hate fighting. God, he's tough.

    I think the reason people like Lee Tosi so much is because he meshes with the world. He has a backstory that makes sense (One of Teleios's thousands of clones went nuts after he went kaboom). The sense of humor and obvious personality also helps, though I wouldn't say if someone else had made him I'd be too impressed by the backstory.

    But fact is, I didn't make Teleiologist Number Six until after the contest was over. So I don't ever expect him to be in an alert. But I'm glad you all like the dialogue I came up with for him.
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Maybe next time they have a create-a-villain we may have a chance at seeing what could possibly be the best alert villain to date......Lee Tosi!

    Seriously,I would fight in that alert so many times just to hear his dialogue!

    And if he drops anything maybe his Teleioclone armor:biggrin:
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It seems unlikely his armor would drop when you can buy it in the Z-Store or get it from killing 5k Teleioclones. And besides, it seems unlikely he'd ever be in an alert. He isn't visually impressive enough to win. Costumes are not my strong suit: Names, jokes, and dialogue are.
  • thhunterofskullsthhunterofskulls Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The only toon I have capable of fighting Ao'qephoth without dying is Nemesis. Even then it becomes a regen contest between the two of them since not everybody on the team remembers to block when he lifedrains. But as challenging as he is, I don't think he's half as fun to whomp on as Lee would be. And I mean that in the best most complimentary way possible. :D
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I keep getting body parts in the mail, and its hard to tell whether I should be afraid or thankful.

    Although, I must admit, every time I switch to my Zone tab and see Lee chatting it up it instantly makes it a little bit better...Just because its good that way.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I keep getting body parts in the mail, and its hard to tell whether I should be afraid or thankful.

    Think of it as a cat bringing dead mouse bodies to their owners. It's a sign of affection for his favorite non-him minion.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    SON OF A--- I just got another 24 hour silence. 'Flagged as a spammer'. Here is what I sent in as a ticket.

    Hi. Me again. I just got another 24 hour silence for spam when I was chatting normally. Sure, roleplaying can be annoying, but it ISN'T spam, and I seriously resent the constant abuse of the report spam system. As last time, I expect nothing to be done (You can't lift silences, after all), but I want to make my resentment and innocence clear. Your system is seriously broken. I (and several others) have posted on the forums about this issue, but nothing continues to be done. I'm a silver account, so you have no fear of losing money from me, but several gold members I've spoken to are discussing stopping subscription due to your broken system.

    Anyway. I know there's nothing you personally can do about it, but I felt the need to vent my frustration.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    Think of it as a cat bringing dead mouse bodies to their owners. It's a sign of affection for his favorite non-him minion.

    Well I must say thanks, it is pretty nice to get gifts. :wink:

    Now I need to think of something to return...Maybe a pink teliosaurus?
    vizzone wrote: »
    SON OF A--- I just got another 24 hour silence. 'Flagged as a spammer'.

    Hrrrrnngggg. They seriously need to fix this abuse.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I made a second account last time this happened, but I haven't played it enough for zone. But a close friend passed on the message that I was silenced. Thanks again, you know who you are! But once I can chat on zone, I'm not letting these pricks who abuse report spam keep me quiet. I've already made Lee Tosi on the second account.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It is a sad day when you need to own two accounts in order to chat with people.

    I have never seen a system like this, probably because it doesn't work. At all. And the odd time it does you get major side effects, like this exact situation.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    i Made A Second Account Last Time This Happened, But I Haven't Played It Enough For Zone. But A Close Friend Passed On The Message That I Was Silenced. Thanks Again, You Know Who You Are! But Once I Can Chat On Zone, I'm Not Letting These Pricks Who Abuse Report Spam Keep Me Quiet. I've Already Made Lee Tosi On The Second Account.


    No More Crazy Abusers Cutting Out Of Lee Tosi!!!!

    Seriously though,they need to have that report spam button ignored
  • aetharburnaetharburn Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Could you /please/ create a private channel where we could "chill" with Lee?

    "No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality."
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    I made a second account last time this happened, but I haven't played it enough for zone. But a close friend passed on the message that I was silenced. Thanks again, you know who you are! But once I can chat on zone, I'm not letting these pricks who abuse report spam keep me quiet. I've already made Lee Tosi on the second account.

    If you can, do a survey on your second account and buy a grab bag. You'll be able to chat right away.

    I did this on my silver account. Bought 5 bags (had that from doing surveys) and on the fourth one got a freeform slot. Bonus! :P
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If you can, do a survey on your second account and buy a grab bag. You'll be able to chat right away.

    I did this on my silver account. Bought 5 bags (had that from doing surveys) and on the fourth one got a freeform slot. Bonus! :P

    Thanks for the tip! May try that. Oh, and if any of you see 'Reggae Mortis' running around Westside? Hi. That's me. I just copied one of my Nemeses and made him a hero. And no, I didn't come up with the name myself.

    If you haven't heard of him, I advise looking up Voltaire on YouTube. He has wonderful, darkly hilarious songs. One of my favorites is Day of the Dead, and another is Zombie Prostitute. But Brains is his most well known. Well, maybe that or When You're Evil.

    Ending shameless plug now. But really. Go look him up. You may love him.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    vizzone wrote: »
    One of my favorites is Day of the Dead, and another is Zombie Prostitute. But Brains is his most well known. Well, maybe that or When You're Evil.
    "Reggae Mortis", "Zombie Prostitute", and "When You're Evil" are all prominently featured on my Halloween playlist, along with such classics as the Bouys' "Timothy" and the Who's "Boris the Spider". I would probably have more Voltaire on there (like almost the entire Ooky Spooky album), but I was trying for a little more variety than that. :smile:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just received mail saying my ticket had been updated.... There is no new ticket, no matter how many times I hit Refresh. Lot of use that did.... Anyone know how I can SEE their response, or did they just mail that to shut me up?
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Maybe hit the Support link at the top of the page? At that page hit "My Account".

    Not sure if that'll show your ticket or not, but worth trying.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The Account button gave me a 404. 'Sorry', this page can't be found. Guess I'll never find out what they said. I'd like to assume they didn't send the exact same message as last time I got silenced. Because really, that would just make me angry.
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright, so a friend suggested I should write out some of Lee's 'stories'. I have OCD, so it's a bit difficult (blank pieces of paper are crippling. There are so many possibilities, and so many ways to screw them up!), but I couldn't sleep last night. So I figured I'd try it. I was told this wasn't the place for it, though, so here's a link to the thread. The 'Auction' incident
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This should be in the Fan Base Alpha Forum. This is not the place for made up stories concerning your toon.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This should be in the Fan Base Alpha Forum. This is not the place for made up stories concerning your toon.

    Fair enough. Somewhat new to the forums. I'll move it and post a link. There we go, moved. Again, my apologies for posting it in the wrong section.
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This should be in the Fan Base Alpha Forum. This is not the place for made up stories concerning your toon.

    Agreed, no one wants to read a Lee Tosi story in a thread titled "Lee Tosi - Zone Chat perfection".
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    np man, just thought people might want to read it. They'll find it easier there.:smile:
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Agreed, no one wants to read a Lee Tosi story in a thread titled "Lee Tosi - Zone Chat perfection".
    And PolishLighting wins one Internet... :)
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  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,599 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Agreed, no one wants to read a Lee Tosi story in a thread titled "Lee Tosi - Zone Chat perfection".

    This forum is for " discussion and questions related to Champions Online.".

    Fan Base Alpha forum is described like this....." Have fan art or a story to share? Post it here! This also is the place for in-character threads and roleplaying.".

    I really don't think this could be clearer. I pointed it out to vizzone and he was fine about it.

    Anything else to add?
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • forutnefireforutnefire Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Vizzone, I've submitted several tickets to PWE as you could imagine. Only 1 ever went all the way through and it was just a BS answer saying we've been looking into it but it's not on our "priority" list.

    You're not alone.
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