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Release Notes 6/6/2024

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited June 2024 in Release Notes
Circus Malvanum
This event is over. The vendor will stick around for 2 weeks.

Questionite Store
  • Added Holoforce and Psionic weapon auras to the Questionite store. These auras replace the material of all of your weapons. You cannot stack more than one material aura at a time, but they can stack with other non-material weapon auras.
  • Added Glass and Psi Energy material costumes to the Questionite store.
  • Added new perks for collecting special material costumes from the Questionite store.
  • Added rarities and adjusted prices of various material costumes based on their new rarities. Old prices were a flat 150,000, they now range from 75,000 to 150,000.
  • Added preview images to legacy auras. Removed sound from ones that were playing sound. Lowered price to 50,000 (From 80,000)

Trade Paperback
Extended this event for 1 week.
  • Added Cosmic Collar aura to the trade paperback store.
  • Added Space weapon aura to the trade paperback store.

VIP Lounge
  • Added tailor and account bank.

General Vendors
  • Removed Bag and ZEN stores from all general vendors.
  • Added a 18 slot bag to the general store where consumables are sold.
  • General consumables stores are now just referred to as stores.

Random Drops
  • Added bags from the old bag store as random drops from mobs. These drops can be traded.
  • Existing bags from the store have had their names, rarities and icons adjusted for now being drops.

  • Fixed an issue where a portion of the sewer mission could not be completed.

Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    Was the perk for the storm transformation fixed? I've unlocked one for over a year and it still hasn't updated. I don't want to purchase more to find out it is still broken and wasted toward account unlocking progression.

    I will miss the Auras having sound effects.

    Not being able to purchase the 22 slot bags except from other players means they will cost more than what they did in the vendor.

    I like the idea of bags dropping from mobs IF they still have their exact same vendor value. That adds raw value to mob drops to counter all the mostly worthless lockbox spam. Even if they flood the market. Do they still have their vendor value?

    Update: I was informed that they don't have their value (22 slot bag having 11N) and that just sucks super hard.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,169 Arc User
    I still have a few, old (I mean OLD), 4 slot bags (still unbound) from back in the day when those were possible as the SOLE reward from drops, encounters, etc. These are blue and purple rarity from a time when purple was TOP rarity drop.

    So, color me a bit jaded at bags being put back into the drop tables.

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • miorummiorum Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    Questionite Store
    • Added Holoforce and Psionic weapon auras to the Questionite store. These auras replace the material of all of your weapons. You cannot stack more than one material aura at a time, but they can stack with other non-material weapon auras.
    • Added Glass and Psi Energy material costumes to the Questionite store.
    • Added new perks for collecting special material costumes from the Questionite store.
    • Added rarities and adjusted prices of various material costumes based on their new rarities. Old prices were a flat 150,000, they now range from 75,000 to 150,000.
    • Added preview images to legacy auras. Removed sound from ones that were playing sound. Lowered price to 50,000 (From 80,000)
    This is a big change, and I'm down for more rare materials being added to the Questionite Store. It's definitely underutilized as an actual "Store" which people can put that resource into, and it's not as advertised as the Zen Store despite also having a button on the mini-map.

    It's my hope that this change will make Questionite a more valuable resource in its own right, instead of the position where I think it is now.
    VIP Lounge
    • Added tailor and account bank.
    This is absolutely incredible. Thank you.
    I'll have to do a sweep of the NPC's on Live to see if they function properly: the Nemesis Vendor in there hasn't been adjusted to reflect the Nemesis Store changes from a while back - you'll see me in the Bug forums later today if so. 😇
    Edit: Major Hardcastle is A-OK!
    General Vendors
    • Removed Bag and ZEN stores from all general vendors.
    • Added a 18 slot bag to the general store where consumables are sold.
    • General consumables stores are now just referred to as stores.
    This will make the stores a little less confusing I hope: there's still the occasional straggler unsure of how to obtain Bags and sell off their unused items. I'm skeptical on whether a permanent 18-slot is a sufficient replacement for the formerly purchasable 27-slot, but:
    Random Drops
    • Added bags from the old bag store as random drops from mobs. These drops can be traded.
    I hope these are added to either their own table, or have priority over the overwhelming amount of dual-stat Mods and Vehicle Mods. In any case, if they do not have the same drop-rate as the white-quality [Rock]s do, this is a nice change.

    Post edited by miorum on
    In-game, I'm The_Kef -- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "That's really it for Champs."
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    Any chance of 24/26/28 slot bags being added as high level drops? Something along the lines of:
    L35+ Supervillain: Chance at 24 slot
    L35+ Legendary: Chance at 26 slot
    Cosmic: Chance at 28 slot

    Adventure Packs, Serial Missions, and capstone mission chains, along with lairs, are sprinkled with Supervillain and Legendary enemies, which would provide (small) added incentive to run them.
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    Any chance of 24/26/28 slot bags being added as high level drops? Something along the lines of:
    L35+ Supervillain: Chance at 24 slot
    L35+ Legendary: Chance at 26 slot
    Cosmic: Chance at 28 slot

    Adventure Packs, Serial Missions, and capstone mission chains, along with lairs, are sprinkled with Supervillain and Legendary enemies, which would provide (small) added incentive to run them.

    On Live, I got a single 24-slot bag to drop so far; I'm not sure if higher exists but I can confirm 24s as a rare alternative to 22s. (so far, I've gotten four 22s and one 24.) I wish this was actually documented or that there was a visible bag loot pool to view somewhere, but...

    (Said 24-slot bag was from a Dogz henchman in Vibora Bay, level 38.)
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    Interesting, so 24's are already in. Thanks for reporting that. I assumed drops would be capped at 22.
  • jeeb51jeeb51 Posts: 79 Arc User
    If youre making BAGS a drop chance from killing mobs you really need to look into the % chance of said drops ??? im a lvl 11, have been grinding for over 90 mins, no drops... is this a 1% drop chance like most valuable things ingame ?? a loot chance table would be nice or raise their drop chance...please, this could ruin grinding ingame, if thats what you have to do to get bags, good bags without BUYING the 40 slot bags from Z-store... cant grind if you dont have the bag space...
  • ericrightshow82ericrightshow82 Posts: 592 Arc User
    Was downgrading the Enormous bags we may have already had in our inventory intentional?
  • qawsadaqawsada Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    Unlocking those materials and being rewarded a colored title each is unexpected, but most welcoming.
  • doggepopedoggepope Posts: 38 Arc User
    Thanks Kaiserin for implementing our title request! This has been a long time coming, and more than welcome on my part.
  • So you can't really sell anything from your inventory in the store? You only have the choice of the auction and if there are naive players out there who buy your stuff by luck you could gain some resources. There are no updated manuals anywhere in the net and the in-game manual is just toooooooo brief. Some have posted the links in other sites but they were more than a decade old and those links are no more valid as Arc has plainly removed them so that users just reach their upgraded main site without the information required for the users. What in the world is happening here? This game is all about buying now? So if i can't sell, i will just need to discard my stuff from my inventory. There are no tabs available to sell any of my stuff in my inventory. So i have to just go about in a huge map like a goddamned lost soul battling villains of all sorts without a goddamned good reason while not knowing what or where or how i could make do to keep on being interested in this game! It's so messed up.after so long and new stuff is being injected. But the new stuff is not even necessary! They're mostly for aesthetics! I get a whole lot of lockboxes but they're absolutely useless for my character needs and i need to buy the keys which are exorbitant against my collected resources. They just take up space in my inventory. So what else can i do with them if i can't sell??
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    So you can't really sell anything from your inventory in the store?
    You sell things the same way you did before.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User

    Yes, there is very little information in the game. There used to be wikis created by players but CO did nothing to see that they were passed on to new people interested in maintaining them. There is not much help in the game. That's the part of the rant I can follow and sympathize with. However, most everything in the game can be sold. You can sell to players by putting items in the AH or by annoying players by spamming chat. There are some item drops that are quite rare and can fetch a pretty penny. You can also sell stuff to the NPC Karneeki near the power house. Note that the DEVS want you to buy keys and either sell them or open lockboxes directly (some items to keep, others to sell). Short of Life Time Subscription purchases, lockboxes are the only way the game makes money anymore and stays open.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    Was downgrading the Enormous bags we may have already had in our inventory intentional?

    I am disappointed that they changed my bags' vendor values for when I upgrade them to 30 slots in the system. I suppose they foresaw the ease of event farming to get them and didn't want us getting our minute Global back.

    If they didn't want Smash to be devalued compared to global drops from random mobs, maybe they should make it so that alerts can pop with only 3 players.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    None of the existing bags were downgraded in terms of inventory space.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    BUG:While leveling a new character! The Bag drops AUTOMATICALLY slot themselves when being picked up!

    Important Weird thing, This isn't happening to the lvl 40 characters who get the 20+ slotted bags from Endgame content (QWZ and Series)
    edit: No this is happening to 40 characters as well
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • eviltwintwoeviltwintwo Posts: 352 Arc User
    So you changed the bags, did you? Once again, you've made a change that was neither wanted nor needed, loaded the game with worthlessly small bags to increase unnecessary clutter, and basically made all new characters have to run back to stores to sell junk overload more often.

    When are you devs going to make a change that is actually useful or fun?
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