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FC.31.20230726.15 - Cosmic Gear

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited August 2023 in PTS - The Archive
Cosmic Gear
Updated icons on new Cosmic gear.

Cosmic Presence
  • Updated trigger conditions to reliably apply if a target is healed above the minimum requirement.
  • Added additional effect for maintained heals.
  • Increased low health trigger to 10%.

Note: We are not considering any further adjustments for any of the cosmics this patch cycle.
  • Added schtick attack tells to charge abilities that did not have them.
  • Increased activation time of Bite, but Bite will now be used consecutively.
  • The hatchling will now wander off when Teleiosaurus is defeated instead of instantly vanishing.
  • If the fight resets, the scoreboard will now also reset.
  • Fixed a bug where Teleiosaurus would instantly vanish upon defeat.
  • Tail Swipe now has a charge time.

  • Added schtick attack tells to charge abilities that did not have them.
  • If Qwyjibo leaves his open mission area (ex: falls off the cliffside), he will now reset to his starting position.
  • If the fight resets, the scoreboard will now also reset.
  • Fixed a bug where Qwyjibo would instantly vanish upon defeat.

  • Fixed a bug where Anvil of Dawn wasn't following targets.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Very nice QoL things.

    Wondering where baby Teleiosaurus can wander. Especially since I miss the old Teleiosaur and Qwyjibo wandering away from their usual spot to meet up kinda midway and proceed to have an epic fight for a while. But, I suppose THAT would be a PITA to put back in, as I know I'd interrupt their fight (again) just to see what happens. :#

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    So sad that there will be no more scoreboards with huge scores after multiple dino fails.​​
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 983 Arc User
    schtick attack tells?
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 983 Arc User
    ok so we tested it and in practicality:

    - Ape doesn't seem too changed, when someone gets the agro of it the first time he doesn't do the big aoe anymore, he takes one second before doing it while doing a roar animation.

    - Dino does a bit of the same but instead of roaring she looks around, she's also the one with the most changes.
    - The breath follows you around instead of being fixed like with baby (I do not like this change at all, direct breath away sounds like a valid strategy rather than an exploit)
    - every attack cycle leaves her standing still for a bit, the bite is rather a combo of hers now, always coming out in twos. so she does any attack, waits, then does 1-2 with bite, going to take a while to get used to the rotation but anyone can come around.
    - Tail sweep attack is telegraphed; you can block it now IF you have the HP (me like)
    - The charged attack indicators are very visible now, thanks. (it's not that they didn't have the things, more like they appeared inside their heads lol)

    Overall positive, but still, I wouldn't have changed the breath thing, that sucks.
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    Fixed a bug where Teleiosaurus could spin after activating an attack.
This discussion has been closed.