About This Thread
This first two comments provide a summary of all issues. For details of each bug, please see the follow-up posts. If a developer would like more information regarding potential exploits, please PM me.
When a power bug can give a player a significant and potentially unintended advantage, that bug may be considered an exploit. Please do not post exploits publicly. If you would like to mention such a bug (or are wondering whether a bug may fit exploit criteria), PM it to me to err on the side of caution. I'm keeping track of such bugs on an unposted list that will be sent privately to the developers.
If you would like to add a forum-safe bug to the list, feel free to post it in a comment or a PM. If you would like to argue an opinion about a particular bug, please keep your argument brief and limited to a single post. I appreciate everyone's passion for power performance, but I would prefer to keep this thread neutral in opinion and avoid prolonged debates. Once both sides of an argument are presented, the final decision is up to the developers.
Copy-paste from my old bugs thread, so it may contain duplicates with this threads bugs list.
Powers: 1. Sonic Device and Thunderclap don't stack Manipulator toggle. 2. Inexorable tides should but doesn't get additional damage on knock resistant targets. 3. Minidrive had scaling movement speed debuff before, now it's gone for some reason. 4. Nanobot swarm's effect is still reduced by your own cd reductions. 5. Summonable entity powers are not capable of crits. 6. Decimate got additional 0.5 sec activation time. 7. Uppercut advantage is super buggy old hold. 8. Dragon Claw's advantage doesn't stops working till you leave combat after it hits enemy with it for the first time 9. Beatdown's advantage doesn't work at all 10. Expulse's advantage doesn't slow 11. Heatwave does it's ticks only once per second, unlike every 0.5 second, like stated in tooltip 12. Crushing Wave's advantage ignores knock resistance 13. Dragon Kick's stun doesn't scale with level 14. If your target stealth's or moves behind obstacle even for 0.5 second, your maintain attack would continue draining energy but no damage would be done even if targets gets back in line of sight. (Same with stealth) 15. All cool-down skills, if interrupted at the moment when you click them by knock or hold go on cooldown without effect(includes instant spells like active defences, enrage etc.) 16. Orbital Cannon's advantage can't crit (kinda makes that advantage useless for many builds) 17. Bionic Shielding's advantage sometimes does base damage, instead of damage based on incoming damage(however i think it should deal always same demage, because after that nerf this advantage became useless in 90% of situations and is never worth picking over r3) 18. Force Cascade applies knock resistance and consumes energy forms on tap vs players(works fine vs npc's) 19. Swinging ignores roots\holds while swinging and can be toggled on even while being knocked(and it makes fall damage completely nullified if toggled even 0.1 sec before hitting ground) 20. Form of the Tiger's movement speed boost doesn't stack with travel powers 21. Ego Blade Breach's advantage does nothing vs blocking targets, only gives them free hold resistance 22. Ego Weaponry's advantage heals can be dodged by user, making them heal for less 23. Ego Blade Dash has scaling root, unlike Thunderbolt Lunge, where root duration stays the same regardless of rank(which is more useful for lunge-type powers imo) and was it a mistake of giving that lunge Disorient advantage? it doesn't synergize with power set at all, imo disorient advantage should be changed to Ego Leech granting advantage, because currently melee tk's have no reliable ways of stacking ego leech without picking ranged tk powers. 24. Psychic Vortex's stun advantage does nothing 25. Illumination bounces of Celestial Conduit can be dodged by players, making it heal for less 26. Shadow Shroud's energy gain scales with Con (unlike other sheathes, which give their bonuses to everyone equally) 27. Resurgence's break-free advantage doesn't work 28. Howl's advantaged snare doesn't stack with other snares(should be given it's own slow imo) 29. Defile's debuff doesn't take effect on first strike(unlike other debuffing powers like chest beam etc) 30. Implosion's engine reverse repel no longer scales with power rank, while it did before. This never got fixed. 31. Each time u get new aura effect on your character, animation of currently charged power bugs and repeats itself many times, like if u spammed taps ( can be easily seen on roomsweeper full charges, or when your molecular self-assembly procs first time, or inertial dampening field ticks, in cases like this animation repeats itself ) 32. Burning chi fist's dot should probably ignore shields and resistance fully, cos otherwise it's useless. 33. Shock-wave's tp removal advantage doesn't apply Freedom, making it perma tp removal 34. Telekinesis still not giving knock resistance to targets making it perma disable power if you have enough objects nearby 35. Pets knock working players and ignoring\not giving resistance to them 36. Some powers and devices like TK lance and Ice Grenades are still considered single target attacks, even though they are aoe. (needed for some specializations) 37. Unfettered Strikes advantage on Masterful Dodge procs only once, and not each time when you dodge, like description states. 38. Dragon's Wrath 2+advantage crits for less than rank 3 at 100%+ crit severity, probably same happens with all 30% bonus damage advantages) 39. Thundering Kicks are not considered a combo attack. 40. Edit-Not a bug 41. When switching from 1 travel power to another with a charge, old travel power now instantly shuts down (started happening after that double travel power patch), making you fall from the sky quite often as a result. 42. Versatility advantage on acrobatics doesn't stack with Unrelenting from Protector spec (only Unrelenting works then) 43. Enrage doesn't improve bleed damage. 44. If you take any +pet damage specs, it makes sorcery sigils do 0 damage in all cases. 45. Endorphin Rush advantage on Enrage doesn't heal you on first tick, only on 2nd and 3rd one and now it doesn't scale it's duration with defiant stacks on you. 46. Any normal root on enemy gets instantly broken once enemy uses attack because it's counted as damage done to root instead of his taget for some reason, which is silly, before it was broken ONLY Break Free button helped vs roots, which is how it should work) 47. Sometimes, when 2 knocks are used on enemy player in quick succession, your enemy becomes immune to knocks after 2 stacks making all consecutive knocks just refresh immunity. This makes your enemy fully immune to knocks untill you or anyone around u stop attempting to knock that target for 15 seconds, which is impossible with uncoordinated teammates. 48. For unknown to reason any stunning power can sometimes default it's duration to 1 second, even if you have 12 seconds base stun duration, making all this +hold duration stacking done by player worthless. Happens only vs players. Would be nice if somebody did more testing on this one cos my tests didn't uncover a reason for this behavior. 49. Aura of Arcane Clarity's +Chargespeed does not scale with Super-stats, instead scales with PRE. 50. Personal Force Field is regening incorrectly during combat. 51. Melle Energy Builder's advantages and some EB specializations don't proc on taunt versions of them. (if it's a balance issue then it's kinda unfair and does nothing but force players into picking only ranged eb's) 52. Celestial Conduit tap dps/hps is inconsistent with maintain dps and it would've been cool if it gave player flight for duration of maintain, just for looks :P 53. Sniper Rifle can't stun targets outside of 100 range. 54. Accelerated Metabolish advantage doesn't work as stated. It's supposed to enable power return mode that ticks every second for 15 seconds but all it does now is do 1 tick and then turn off. And not only that but it also procs much more rarely than stated 20%
Device cooldowns don't scale with cooldown reductions or Int, even though tooltips show their reduced values. This includes devices like Neuroelectric, Ice Grenades, Willf ot the Tiger, Amazing Grace, Numbus of Force, Psionic Surge(this one could use reduced cooldown too), Omicron Inducded Str. and so on... I don't have all devices to list everything. Psionic Accelerator uses old hold mechanics, can't crit, got boss *foom* message above your head. Ice Grenades disable all flying powers and disable ascension. Eruption provides immunity to all dmg in a form of 50k damage absorption shield and disables flying powers and ascension. Amazing Grace device can't be used while nailed to the ground for some reason Perpetrator Incapacitation Devices sometimes stuns for less than 1 second on players. While it's stun duration on NPC's is around ~3 seconds.
Specializations: Aoe spec Brush It Off from Dex, doesn't work. Tough talent in Con spec tree is scaling only for half strength. Physical Peak in Str spec tree doesn't affect many melee powers, like Devour Essence for example. Some +stat Masteries don't account for your passive improvements, for example when i pick str mastery, my aura of primal majesty gives 75 stat points, but if i would switch from str to ego mastery, it would give me only 74 stats. Wither from Sentinel tree could use an icon to show when it's working and it doesn't improve damage of other players. Rejuvenated from Sentinel spec doesn't work with 90% of HoTs, like bountful chi or endorphin rush and doesn't scale with any stat. Eternal Spring from Sentinel spec doesn't work with Conviction.
Animations: 1.Animation of TK assault doesn't show in 90% of situations. 2.Devs forgot to turn Aspect of Infernal and Aspect of the Bestial auras into a legacy ones. 3.Roomsweepers animation keeps repeating after it applies enrage to you. 4.Block animation being played each time you dodge with LR. 5.Gigabolt sometimes doesn't animate. 6.Superspeed forward jump animation got bugged at some point and now simply plays run forward animation instead of jump animation. 7.Doing backflip jump with acrobatics while being assaulted by attacks makes only your lower body do backflip animation, leaving top half stuck in *being hit* animation. 8.Ice Sheath doesn't apply any aura, unlike other active offences.
Quality of Life stuff, cos there's no other thread that devs read to put it. 1.OV medusa can use her melee attacks without anything targeted, such behavior would've been amazingly useful for all player melee powers too. 2.Haymaker was much more epic with 0.5 sec activation taps + dps-wise its taps are severely under-powered now 3.Would be nice to have an option to have dual ego blades advantage on each ego blade power instead of being forced to use pretty weak passives or toggles. 4.Epidemic's animation could use improvements, old one that we saw on PTS was much cooler than current one.
Gonna add more bugs to this post in future. First update-50 power bugs.
Post edited by shiningdarkness#0716 on
"If life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me"
Bug: Activating the Tunneling travel power (or its variants) removes the blue direction arrow to your primary mission. The arrow returns when you deactivate the power.
This is a real hindrance, I hope it can be addressed. I'm not sure when it appeared.
Long Time Bug!: Ninja Leaves doesn't work properly if it's activated during the slow fall phase. Instead of being able to just fly freely like the initial activation you just plummet to the ground. More than certain this wasn't intentional!
TK maelstrom, thunderclap, dragon kick aoe stuns don't affect targets in stealth, yet the damage goes through. Those 2 effects should be consistent with each other imho.
Immune to Mind Control: Reprogrammed Onslaught Battledroid in the Madam Mayhem alert Spectre in Hrodegir the Unending alert New Shadow vampire (haven't tested this one enough yet)
The Presence increase description is wrong and needs to be updated and adjusted to show the % increase in PRESENCE it grants to self and also to others as this value varies.
Currently on LIVE the value of Presence it grants is unknown as it always shows "0 Presence" regardless of Presence value.
The % health granted back, scales greatly with the Presence of the USER.
However the numerical increase to the actual Presence statistic is based on the current Presence value of the TARGET, not the USER/CASTER.
It should be noted that the larger the user's Presence pool, the greater the Presence boost seems to be. Each rank of Palliate grants a different numerical amount of Presence, however without further testing, a baseline cannot be established.
Note: This boost is an actual boost to the "Overview" statistics sheet for the Presence statistic and lasts for 20 seconds.
I'd suggest making the value increase a variable percentage for self and other which scales based on PRE value or simply fixing it to whatever it should be.
(I literally started playing around with it yesterday and grabbed two volunteers)
Celestial Conduit sometimes can hurt and kill friendly NPCs when an Illuminated foe is being attacked with conduit. The beam will chain to the friendly NPC and deal damage to them.
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Absorb Heat - description states "for every Clinging Flames consumed"... actual effect "for every target affected by Clinging Flames"... if a single target has 3 stacks of Clinging Flames and you use Absorb Heat, the description states you should get 3 stacks of it's heal buff, instead you only get 1 and all 3 stacks of Clinging Flames are consumed.
Either the description needs to be corrected or the effect fixed to properly stack off the number of Clinging Flames consumed, and implement a hard cap of 5 stacks to keep it from becoming overpowered...
I found another bug with Sonic Device. Its stun effect is not increased with Presence's bonus to hold strenght, as well sentinel's brooch or Battle of Wits spec of Intelligence spec tree.
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Bug:Rocket doesn't work on Lemurian Invansion Harbinger
The chat log is zero
I fear it may doesn't work on other GIANT enemies as well
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Visual Bug - some chariot's Vehicles default weapon Heat Ray/Cold Ray impact visual improperly scales with large enemies' size, producing very bright flare, that may eclipse anything at the screen, that is annoying at most when l play Grond OV.
Has the ego sprites being canceled by blocking been fixed? I used ego sprites on one of my characters and blocked, expecting to lose the sprites, but I didn't. I purposefully tried to get the bug to go off by casting and then blocking, but the sprites kept going. So is it fixed or was I just outrageously lucky?
Not sure if you tried that on PTS or Live, and what block did you use, but for me Block DOES stomp Ego Sprites. This bug is mostly annoying for dodge builds, since thundering kicks linger is getting stomped same way. In case if you tried that on PTS - l'm glad if devs finally fixed this nonsense.
Anyone else notice the Visual effect for Arcane Vitality emanates from the chest then hands? like how rank 1 Infernal Blast is rotated 90º axis from the middle of the hands.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Smoke Bomb - It's been mentioned again and again in this thread. It says it wipes your threat and stealths you. If you use it, you will lose agro for the 3 seconds the stealth persists and then the enemy is right on top of you again, despite 3 other people in the pug that had been wailing on the enemy the entire time before you activated it.
If it doesn't actually wipe threat, then the description needs to be changed. If it's supposed to wipe threat, well, it's not. In either case something needs to be changed.
The only other situation I can think of is it only removes a percentage of threat, at which point you ought to signify that in the description, "Removes a portion of your threat that increases with rank" the word "wipe" seems rather total. (and then again why not use evasive maneuvers sleight of mind if that's the case, I mean even with the 1/5 odds it's good at cleaning up agro, or palliate with advantage, you get a heal too!)
BUG: Holy Water doesn't apply Disoriented on Illuminated enemies anymore
Propably the Illuminate update broke it
No idea about the break free aspect of allies effected by illuminated
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Shotgun Blast while using a Flight TP (Jetpack for my case)
Charging Shotgun Blast will cause the character to make a "Power Up Flexing" animation, irrelevant to the power
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
The way chilled works is highly problematic: It has a personal stack limit of 3. It has a global stack limit of 3. Thus, if I apply a stack, I can overwrite a stack applied by someone else. If I apply three stacks (say, I spam ice breath w/adv), I overwrite all stacks owned by anyone else.
The damage bonus from icicle spear only applies if you own at least 1 stack (but the actual bonus is based on total stacks). Thus, by applying three stacks, I deny everyone else damage bonuses. Rimefire burst only consumes stacks I own -- but since my stacks may have been overwritten by someone else, there is no reliable way of having stacks to consume.
The correct fix is likely to remove the global stack cap and instead cap the movement speed reduction (and damage bonus for icicle spear should depend on your own stacks).
Throwing this in here since it seems to be the appropriate post for it.
I'm loving the change to Outburst to increase base damage and healing. It's either a description mismatch or a bug, but the power costs are increased and not decreased as the tooltip states. It currently says "Your power costs are reduced by 15%".
Obviously, I'd love a power cost reduction to make this a more hallmark specialization for people to use Endurance as a SS, but I understand if the Devs choose to change the tooltip and keep the increase.
As shown in the picture above, Glory of Battle stacks are not being consumed at 30 exactly. It seems to consume at 31 instead but at 30 at other times.
|| Main Tank || DPSer || Healer || CCer || Altoholic || @shadowolf505 in game ||
Travel Powers -> Shadow Wings Rank 2 and 3 consume a lot of resources and cause framedrops
Fire -> Warmth The power ignores the "Assist target on attack" function
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Munitions -> Showdown
Interrupting the Power BEFORE finishing the loading animation will make the Ultimate go on an Instant cooldown
Either when the player is intentionally Interrupting by block or getting Stunned/Knocked by enemy
This also happens if you acccidently TAP the power
Keep in mind i'm talking about about the charge part of the Ultimate which doesn't deal any damage
The CD time won't appear until you click on the power again
consider the CD duration of the power this is really a big deal
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Infernal -> Condemn & Celestial -> Vengeance Since they are both the same power reskin they cause the same problem
The powers' visuals scales with the Target's size, against Cosmic-sized open world bosses they cause a huge explosion of green/orange light which covers a huge area of the screen (Most noticable in Kigatilik but happens to other cosmics like High Noon Mechanon)
pretty annoying for those with sensitive eyes, this has been noted back when Cosmics launched but have yet to be fixed, which is weird since Infernal got revamped
FS Fiery Path will get detached from your character and will start randomly following other players, pets and sidekicks until it despawn.
FS Fiery Path will automatically attach itself on a player who is fighting the enemy if there is a distance between you and the target Incident: I target one of the Tower Bosses of High Noon while standing about 50 feet away, I casted Firesnake and it immediately started following the player who was tanking the Boss
FS Fiery Path will occasionally dissapear when there are a lot of players on the battlefield without having reached it full spawn time
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Bug(?): Wild Thing doesn't trigger when Eviscerate is used during Deep Wound.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
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Upheaval FX BUG
Upheaval doesn't render against Cosmics at all. This is perphaps the biggest bug in CO's history yet so I hope it gets adressed pronto haste ^^
What a coincidence @naciiito i also found about this with my newest character whose entire build and costume is around Plasma Beam... to get disappointed with the beam fire downwards from the hand cannon
So this bug is not only aesthetically annoying but affects the power' targeting Arc
It can even fail to hit Cosmics if you are not careful
People told me you have to manually target with the camera and the character position but this "feature" doesn't always work for some reason and the power's auto-targeting mechanic attempt will fail
Plasma Beam is pretty wonky, it even fails to hit smaller enemies, I'm trying to investigate what else is bugged with this power before making a thread about it
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
BUG: Many melee powers will activate their animation, draw energy, but NOT do damage to super large NPCs, when standing at maximum melee distance.
Max melee distance is just before the power naturally greys out because you are too far.
However, I think there is an issue with the super large NPCs. Just look at where ranged maintains are hitting Kigatilik and Qwyjibo. Right in their mid section. I believe some melee powers are trying to use that spot as their "this is where I'm hitting and so I'll do damage". However, for the anim, power draw, and greying out, it is using a different location.
Most noticable for me is using Gauntlet Chainsaw at one of the mentioned Cosmics. Stand at max melee range and you should see what I describe. Power activates, animates, draws energy, but does no damage. And there are other melee powers that do this as well.
BUG: Some ranged powers don't apply their debuff when applied on super large NPCs at max range. As per above, something like Chest Beam actually does do the damage, but does not apply the debuff.
BUG: Some melee powers cannot seem to be interrupted by you trying to use your block. Two that I know do this are: Ego Blade (the third strike of the combo) and TK Annihilation.
If you get part way into the 3rd strike of the combo or more than a second into TK Annihilation, trying to Block does not apply the block until the animations are done. Not a problem for most content. BIG problem at Qwyjibo and Teleiosaur. I've been splatted many times due to this. However, when discussed briefly with our current Dev, she says "cannot reproduce". So, I'm just putting it up in the Bugged powers section.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=- "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
VISUAL BUG: Travel Power: Power Skating: RANK 2 and RANK 3 Colouring the power Orange causing a huge yellow Tint surounding your character's body
On Purple the Tint becomes Yellow-White, basically this power has as secondary aura which is not correctly coloured
The aura is visible when the Power is Fully Charged and has archieved maximun speed
ANIMATION BUG:Travel Power: Power Skating animation complety spaz out with ranged weapons (example: Munitions) causing a ridiculous walking animation
VISUAL BUG: Munitions: Bullet Hail The power is not coloured correctly, Blue is turned into Teal or has a secondary colour which is Green-Teal DESCRIPTION: Heavy Weapons: Cleave - Defensive Stance ADV: The ADVs has a secondary alt effect of applying AEGIS buff on yourself when you don't use Defiance as passive, This effect is not documented on the ADV's description which needs to be updated to reflect that!
Post edited by avianos on
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Power Bug :Spark Storm the arc it does will arc to friendly targets and hit them instead of hitting a target that is near
also most pets bug while attacking and then just sit there and do nothing I see attack toys void horrors all those ritual of primal, radiant, arcane, ebon summoning, tyrannon familiar and air elemental, bug this way and just stop attacking after a bit and wont start attacking again until they doo some sort of charge attack then they might attack or they might just not do anything again
also while on team all pets go to leader and they don't cared who summoned them even sidekicks only happens while they are in the same zone as the leader.
Travel Power bug: I know not a lot are in Lemuria but i noticed Jet Boots and Jet Pack not work under water anymore, they are activated but not boost movement, it used to do tho. So traveling with it is a pain right now if you level there.
Edit: It seems to work at random, think the boosting not activates correctly, but sometimes it not activates at all.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but figured I'd post it. Stone Shot has a % chance to apply Pulverizer up to 100% on full charge. If the damage kills the target Pulverizer doesn't proc.
Bug: melee Telekinesis powers don't scale with Vindicator Mastery. Melee Telekinesis powers (affectionately referred to as TKBlade) are the only melee powers that benefits from Ego instead of Strength. Specifically, they benefit from Ego's ranged damage bonus, but other than that, still scale with all other sources of melee damage, from slotted passives to toggleforms and everything else. However, Vindicator Mastery's bonus to melee damage based on Ego and to ranged damage based on Strength for some reason does not apply to TKBlade powers. Specifically, Ego Blade Annihilation's tooltip numbers get bigger when you take Vindicator Mastery, however, its actual damage when tested with a parser does not increase whatsoever, and the other powers don't even lie on their tooltip like Ego Blade Annihilation does, showing no numerical increase in their tooltip and not increasing when tested/parsed either. Fixing this would require making sure that TKBlade properly scales with Vindicator Mastery (though would it benefit from Strength's melee damage bonus? Or would it double-dip on Ego? I'm not sure there.) I'm not quite sure how to do this, with my lack of programming knowledge.
Bug: Noxious Poison not refreshed properly by Poison refreshing powers like Infernal Blast. This is a bit of an odd one. Specifically, powers that refresh ALL Poisons, with Infernal Blast as a front-and-center example, are supposed to refresh all three types of poison. These are Deadly Poison (DoT, stacks up to 5x on target,) Noxious Poison (AoE DoT on target that hits others around it, only stacks once,) and Debilitating Poison (Toxic damage resist debuff on target, only stacks once.) All three last sixteen seconds. However, Noxious Poison, regardless of source (Defile or Corrosive Pit) does not refresh properly. When an all-Poison refresher is used on it, its external timer ticks back up to 16 seconds before counting back down. However, the internal timer does not reset to 16 seconds, which leads to Noxious Poison disappearing 16 seconds after initial application no matter how many times you refresh it. Even if you've refreshed it ten times and it has 14 seconds left, its internal timer isn't refreshed, and it hits zero and still expires. Fixing this would require making sure that the internal timer is properly refreshed by all-Poison refreshing powers.
Bug: Sentinel Mastery is broken on multiple levels. Okay, so, yeah, yeah, first things first. The tooltip reads 2% of max health return when hitting an enemy affected by it, but when used it actually gives 5% instead. I'd like to raise, briefly, that I personally feel this to be a bug with Sentinel Mastery's tooltip, since 2% is, genuinely speaking, utterly worthless. 5% is barely a slight tickle of healing as it is, at least when used as intended (I'm ignoring cone CC tanks and looking at it from the perspective of a healer using valuable time to tap a stun on a Cosmic or event boss and the likes instead of feeding someone an Iniquity or Bionic Shielding,) and as such I'd like to report this as a bug on the part of the tooltip providing an erroneous value, rather than Sentinel Mastery itself healing for an erroneous value. Fixing this would simply require changing the tooltip's 2% to a 5% instead, which seems easy enough.
However, Sentinel Mastery is also bugged in that it attributes any healing it does as being provided by the enemy it's been placed on, rather than the healer that placed it, unlike similar effects such as Dependency which credit the healer who applied it despite "emitting" from the enemy it was placed on. This means that all cases of Sentinel Mastery do not properly credit the healer with the healing done during Cosmics, Lairs, open missions in general, and for the sake of things like healing-done perks/achievements, effectively EVERY last instance of healing done via Sentinel Mastery. It also means that, funnily enough, unless I'm mistaken, in PvP a tank or DPS with no healing powers could theoretically farm "healing done" perks by being attacked by enemies while an enemy Sentinel Mastery is affecting them. Fixing this would require making Sentinel Mastery credit the entity that applied it, rather than the entity housing the Sentinel Mastery debuff itself. Another thing I'm not sure how to fix given my lack of familiarity with code or spaghetti code.
Bug: Arbiter Aura and Overseer Aura giving drastically less of a bonus than their tooltip reads. Much like... honestly, everything else I've mentioned here, this is an issue that's been in the game for years, if not since I first started playing back in early to mid 2014. Simply put, at 3 ranks, they go 1%/3%/5% damage. Or at least, that's what their tooltip says. However, at rank 3, they don't even provide a fraction of a percent of extra damage. The numbers they return are abysmal. An extra few dozen points of damage on something that hits for ten thousand damage or more? Barely a tenth of a percent? I feel like somewhere in the code, a decimal point might've accidentally gotten bumped one space to the left. Or right. Or up or down, knowing CO's code. And considering the behavior and mechanics behind Specializations is... an utter enigma to me whenever the tooltips don't accurately spell out what they're doing, or when they just flat-out lie about what they're doing (this being one of the latter case,) I have no idea where to even begin with going about fixing these.
Honorable mention goes to powers that refresh all sorts of buffs or debuffs waiting several seconds before actually refreshing them, allowing them to expire early. I've no idea where to even start, since almost every buff or debuff refresher in the game has lag, but the lag seems variable (for example, Bite refreshing Bleed and Poison takes several seconds, while Infernal Blast refreshes Deadly Poison after about half a second but waits around a second and a half to two seconds for Debiltiating Poison.)
The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.
Travel Powers used in water tend to change into fast-swimming, but when I activate Cape Glide in Lemuria, the cape is still deployed.
The stretched out cape is a HUGE visual obstruction and it's just bizarre.
Bug: Arcane Sorcery Circles (Arcane Power, Ebon Wrath, Primal Dominion) timers are glitched and expire too quickly. All three of these disappear instantly after leaving them even for a fraction of a second (easy test: Gravitar's knock-up attack, where you do only leave for a fraction of a second, and they're gone by the time you hit the ground,) and their 10-second-persist-instead-of-2 adv only lasts for five seconds before they expire. Fixing this would just require, well, making their timers not expire early. (I get the sneaking suspicion a "2.0" for the base Circles was typed "0.2" instead, but I'm not sure what's up with the extended-timer adv lasting 5 seconds instead of the 10 it reads.)
The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.
BUG: Protection Field is not correctly preventing Shadow of Doubt and Mental Leech from applying Regret and Dependency to shielded targets when Expel Impurities advantage is taken.
Powers Aura -> The Dragon fang weapon skin is reversing the Weapon Auras (Previously this was happening in HW and TK) Items -> [Revenant of Firefight]
Getting YOUR Energy Zero to NEGATIVE Values from DESTROIT Annihilator Bot Energy Drain attack that Disables your block, automatically Disables Firefight Device!
Enemies -> Repel!
The majority of Repels on enemies' powers have NOT been updated to apply Repel Resistance at all!
Example Like
Vipers' PA
Singing Cowboy and Bird Manimal Hyper Voice
Old and New Versions of enemies' Ebon Rift
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Long Time Bug!: Ninja Leaves doesn't work properly if it's activated during the slow fall phase. Instead of being able to just fly freely like the initial activation you just plummet to the ground. More than certain this wasn't intentional!
I was going to post this but I forgot, it was already reported a lot of times
Just going to quote this BUG because it's 2023 and Ninja Leave still hasn't been fixed! Is this like what? 10 years old Bug now?
It's interesting it doesn't happen during all the uses outside and inside combat but when it occurs its extremely noticeable something is wrong
Some Observations for this Bug
It can be successfully replicated when you constantly use it! So if this is your MAIN Travel Power it's obnoxious
Moving Forward (and sometimes right and left for my case) will force the power to move Dowards
holding the Jump button to ascend while using it, causing the game to register it as both UP and DOWN creating a weird paradox and LAG
The first GIF doesn't show it because of the framerate of the program I used
but at the very end the UP+DOWN paradox happened, causing a noticeable LAG
The Gravity bind is noticeable on the second gif
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Travel Power ->Arcane Flight (and every Variation of it) This bug has been a thing since the introduction of the power
The animation of Arcane Flight completely breaks when you activate Blocks who use only one hand animation
The following 1-hand blocks, revert the animation into an ugly mess
BLOCK, even the Default Block itself
FIre Shield
Ice Shield
Energy Shield
Telekinetic Shield
Stone Shroud
Ebon Void
Laser Deflection, Deflect, Guard works fine
I went ahead and captured them on All-in-One GIF just to make a point
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Sonic device: Please note that there are no restrictions mentioned in the tooltip, besides implying it must damage. While the damage seems to trigger(almost) universally regardless of powerset, the Stun part, on the other hand seems to be extremely picky, even within the Gadgeteer powerset.
Ultimate Powers (technology): They don't seem to belong to any Superset, not even the powersets they are supposed to belong to. Specifically, Implosion Engine and mechanical monstrosity, while obviously part of thee gadgeteer, they don't count as powers from that set, while there are ultimate in other sets that do count for unlocking high tier powers.
Gravitar's Onslaught: the damage buff isn't proccing or stacking for Two-Gun Mojo as of this morning. I tested it while fighting a POV, training dummies in the Powerhouse, and on various mobs across MC.
This is probably b/c Two-Gun Mojo isn't listed in the power list for the stacking buff, which is another issue.
Interestingly though, if I attack mobs using Lead Tempest to proc the stacking dmg buff from the gloves, and switch to Two-Gun Mojo, I'm able to maintain the buff and stack it to 5...
The Deafening advantage on Sonic Boom Generator is buggy with refreshing when the debuff is close to expiring. It seems, somewhere around 2-4 seconds of time left on the debuff re-using Sonic Boom Generator will fail to refresh or apply the debuff. It appears to be refreshing consistently when there is more time left on the debuff.
The Deafening advantage on Sonic Boom Generator is buggy with refreshing when the debuff is close to expiring. It seems, somewhere around 2-4 seconds of time left on the debuff re-using Sonic Boom Generator will fail to refresh or apply the debuff. It appears to be refreshing consistently when there is more time left on the debuff.
This happens to varying degrees with all powers that apply a defense debuff as a secondary effect that comes BEHIND some other effect. It's why you have to be particularly finnicky with using tap-powers with a cooldown like Hex of Suffering, Will-O'-The-Wisp, Frag Grenade if using the defpen adv, Incendiary Grenade if using the defpen adv, Hurl if using the defpen adv, etcetera. There's something like a two to three second window, from around a second and a half before a defpen debuff expires to a second and a half after it expires, where attempting to apply it again with effects/powers like these just... doesn't work because the game's decided it hates you in particular.
Some of these powers have larger "no apply" bug windows than others too, like Frag Grenade's and Incendiary Grenade's being absolutely massive in comparison, requiring you to really, REALLY play around awkwardly with your timing if you don't want to spend half your up-time thinking you're using defpen debuffs when you actually aren't because the game appears to have totally missed out on the concept of "just apply new debuff then remove old debuff" instead of... whatever nightmarish "check to see if debuff is there in the code, wait 2 seconds then increase its timer, otherwise wait 2 seconds to apply debuff if it wasn't there when I checked previously; no, nobody would ever apply this debuff in a situation where the timer's about to expire meaning that the debuff is gone by the time I try to increase its timer resulting in me increasing nothing and not applying debuff that's not there in the first place, what are you talking about" spaghetti it's currently running on.
The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.
Conviction's "+15% maximum health points" is calculated based off of HP before additive modifiers (including max HP mods and constitution, for example).
Example where I'm getting a 10% boost:
Steadfast's 3 second timer to receive energy gets refreshed on critical hits, resulting in it not giving energy until you've gone 3 seconds without a crit, rather than "once every three seconds" as the description states. As it stands, this makes the energy unlock functionally unusable.
Problem: I am unable to increase the Rank on my Flight power. The UI indicates that I have the prerequisite prior rank (Rank 2) before I select the new rank I want to have (Rank 3), and that I have more than the required number of Advantage Points available (1 is needed, I have 2; the operation failed when I only had 1, as well). The UI reports that I need to purchase Rank 2 (while at the same time, showing me that I already have it (I purchased it before, but I have tried purchasing it again, and it won't let me). I have tried quitting the game and restarting/re-logging in, including after a waiting period of more than 24 hours--that doesn't seem to affect anything. I reported the problem using the online system, and got an email requesting that I post to the forum. I can't see any way to create a new thread (I get a message about a probationary period; I created the account and character Nov 17, more than a month ago) so I'm posting it here. My apologies if this is the wrong place.
Using Howl after using an Active Offensive Power will cancel that Active Offensive Power. Using Howl first then using an Active Offensive Power works fine.
I suspect that a check was added to Howl to check if a person has the advantage from the new Active Offensive Power, Violent Roar, that adds slashing damage to Howl, but then cancels the Active Offensive Power, but I suspect that check is bugged and cancels your Active Offensive Power regardless of whether you have that advantage or not or whether your current Active Offensive Power is Violent Roar to begin with (Howl cancels ANY Active Offensive Power, not just Violent Roar).
I haven't been able to test whether Howl cancels another person's Active Offensive Powers.
1. Sonic Device and Thunderclap don't stack Manipulator toggle.
2. Inexorable tides should but doesn't get additional damage on knock resistant targets.
3. Minidrive had scaling movement speed debuff before, now it's gone for some reason.
4. Nanobot swarm's effect is still reduced by your own cd reductions.
5. Summonable entity powers are not capable of crits.
6. Decimate got additional 0.5 sec activation time.
7. Uppercut advantage is super buggy old hold.
8. Dragon Claw's advantage doesn't stops working till you leave combat after it hits enemy with it for the first time
9. Beatdown's advantage doesn't work at all
10. Expulse's advantage doesn't slow
11. Heatwave does it's ticks only once per second, unlike every 0.5 second, like stated in tooltip
12. Crushing Wave's advantage ignores knock resistance
13. Dragon Kick's stun doesn't scale with level
14. If your target stealth's or moves behind obstacle even for 0.5 second, your maintain attack would continue draining energy but no damage would be done even if targets gets back in line of sight. (Same with stealth)
15. All cool-down skills, if interrupted at the moment when you click them by knock or hold go on cooldown without effect(includes instant spells like active defences, enrage etc.)
16. Orbital Cannon's advantage can't crit (kinda makes that advantage useless for many builds)
17. Bionic Shielding's advantage sometimes does base damage, instead of damage based on incoming damage(however i think it should deal always same demage, because after that nerf this advantage became useless in 90% of situations and is never worth picking over r3)
18. Force Cascade applies knock resistance and consumes energy forms on tap vs players(works fine vs npc's)
19. Swinging ignores roots\holds while swinging and can be toggled on even while being knocked(and it makes fall damage completely nullified if toggled even 0.1 sec before hitting ground)
20. Form of the Tiger's movement speed boost doesn't stack with travel powers
21. Ego Blade Breach's advantage does nothing vs blocking targets, only gives them free hold resistance
22. Ego Weaponry's advantage heals can be dodged by user, making them heal for less
23. Ego Blade Dash has scaling root, unlike Thunderbolt Lunge, where root duration stays the same regardless of rank(which is more useful for lunge-type powers imo) and was it a mistake of giving that lunge Disorient advantage? it doesn't synergize with power set at all, imo disorient advantage should be changed to Ego Leech granting advantage, because currently melee tk's have no reliable ways of stacking ego leech without picking ranged tk powers.
24. Psychic Vortex's stun advantage does nothing
25. Illumination bounces of Celestial Conduit can be dodged by players, making it heal for less
26. Shadow Shroud's energy gain scales with Con (unlike other sheathes, which give their bonuses to everyone equally)
27. Resurgence's break-free advantage doesn't work
28. Howl's advantaged snare doesn't stack with other snares(should be given it's own slow imo)
29. Defile's debuff doesn't take effect on first strike(unlike other debuffing powers like chest beam etc)
30. Implosion's engine reverse repel no longer scales with power rank, while it did before. This never got fixed.
31. Each time u get new aura effect on your character, animation of currently charged power bugs and repeats itself many times, like if u spammed taps ( can be easily seen on roomsweeper full charges, or when your molecular self-assembly procs first time, or inertial dampening field ticks, in cases like this animation repeats itself )
32. Burning chi fist's dot should probably ignore shields and resistance fully, cos otherwise it's useless.
33. Shock-wave's tp removal advantage doesn't apply Freedom, making it perma tp removal
34. Telekinesis still not giving knock resistance to targets making it perma disable power if you have enough objects nearby
35. Pets knock working players and ignoring\not giving resistance to them
36. Some powers and devices like TK lance and Ice Grenades are still considered single target attacks, even though they are aoe. (needed for some specializations)
37. Unfettered Strikes advantage on Masterful Dodge procs only once, and not each time when you dodge, like description states.
38. Dragon's Wrath 2+advantage crits for less than rank 3 at 100%+ crit severity, probably same happens with all 30% bonus damage advantages)
39. Thundering Kicks are not considered a combo attack.
40. Edit-Not a bug
41. When switching from 1 travel power to another with a charge, old travel power now instantly shuts down (started happening after that double travel power patch), making you fall from the sky quite often as a result.
42. Versatility advantage on acrobatics doesn't stack with Unrelenting from Protector spec (only Unrelenting works then)
43. Enrage doesn't improve bleed damage.
44. If you take any +pet damage specs, it makes sorcery sigils do 0 damage in all cases.
45. Endorphin Rush advantage on Enrage doesn't heal you on first tick, only on 2nd and 3rd one and now it doesn't scale it's duration with defiant stacks on you.
46. Any normal root on enemy gets instantly broken once enemy uses attack because it's counted as damage done to root instead of his taget for some reason, which is silly, before it was broken ONLY Break Free button helped vs roots, which is how it should work)
47. Sometimes, when 2 knocks are used on enemy player in quick succession, your enemy becomes immune to knocks after 2 stacks making all consecutive knocks just refresh immunity. This makes your enemy fully immune to knocks untill you or anyone around u stop attempting to knock that target for 15 seconds, which is impossible with uncoordinated teammates.
48. For unknown to reason any stunning power can sometimes default it's duration to 1 second, even if you have 12 seconds base stun duration, making all this +hold duration stacking done by player worthless. Happens only vs players. Would be nice if somebody did more testing on this one cos my tests didn't uncover a reason for this behavior.
49. Aura of Arcane Clarity's +Chargespeed does not scale with Super-stats, instead scales with PRE.
50. Personal Force Field is regening incorrectly during combat.
51. Melle Energy Builder's advantages and some EB specializations don't proc on taunt versions of them. (if it's a balance issue then it's kinda unfair and does nothing but force players into picking only ranged eb's)
52. Celestial Conduit tap dps/hps is inconsistent with maintain dps and it would've been cool if it gave player flight for duration of maintain, just for looks :P
53. Sniper Rifle can't stun targets outside of 100 range.
54. Accelerated Metabolish advantage doesn't work as stated. It's supposed to enable power return mode that ticks every second for 15 seconds but all it does now is do 1 tick and then turn off. And not only that but it also procs much more rarely than stated 20%
Device cooldowns don't scale with cooldown reductions or Int, even though tooltips show their reduced values. This includes devices like Neuroelectric, Ice Grenades, Willf ot the Tiger, Amazing Grace, Numbus of Force, Psionic Surge(this one could use reduced cooldown too), Omicron Inducded Str. and so on... I don't have all devices to list everything.
Psionic Accelerator uses old hold mechanics, can't crit, got boss *foom* message above your head.
Ice Grenades disable all flying powers and disable ascension.
Eruption provides immunity to all dmg in a form of 50k damage absorption shield and disables flying powers and ascension.
Amazing Grace device can't be used while nailed to the ground for some reason
Perpetrator Incapacitation Devices sometimes stuns for less than 1 second on players. While it's stun duration on NPC's is around ~3 seconds.
Aoe spec Brush It Off from Dex, doesn't work.
Tough talent in Con spec tree is scaling only for half strength.
Physical Peak in Str spec tree doesn't affect many melee powers, like Devour Essence for example.
Some +stat Masteries don't account for your passive improvements, for example when i pick str mastery, my aura of primal majesty gives 75 stat points, but if i would switch from str to ego mastery, it would give me only 74 stats.
Wither from Sentinel tree could use an icon to show when it's working and it doesn't improve damage of other players.
Rejuvenated from Sentinel spec doesn't work with 90% of HoTs, like bountful chi or endorphin rush and doesn't scale with any stat.
Eternal Spring from Sentinel spec doesn't work with Conviction.
1.Animation of TK assault doesn't show in 90% of situations.
2.Devs forgot to turn Aspect of Infernal and Aspect of the Bestial auras into a legacy ones.
3.Roomsweepers animation keeps repeating after it applies enrage to you.
4.Block animation being played each time you dodge with LR.
5.Gigabolt sometimes doesn't animate.
6.Superspeed forward jump animation got bugged at some point and now simply plays run forward animation instead of jump animation.
7.Doing backflip jump with acrobatics while being assaulted by attacks makes only your lower body do backflip animation, leaving top half stuck in *being hit* animation.
8.Ice Sheath doesn't apply any aura, unlike other active offences.
Quality of Life stuff, cos there's no other thread that devs read to put it.
1.OV medusa can use her melee attacks without anything targeted, such behavior would've been amazingly useful for all player melee powers too.
2.Haymaker was much more epic with 0.5 sec activation taps + dps-wise its taps are severely under-powered now
3.Would be nice to have an option to have dual ego blades advantage on each ego blade power instead of being forced to use pretty weak passives or toggles.
4.Epidemic's animation could use improvements, old one that we saw on PTS was much cooler than current one.
Gonna add more bugs to this post in future.
First update-50 power bugs.
This is a real hindrance, I hope it can be addressed. I'm not sure when it appeared.
Reprogrammed Onslaught Battledroid in the Madam Mayhem alert
Spectre in Hrodegir the Unending alert
New Shadow vampire (haven't tested this one enough yet)
The Presence increase description is wrong and needs to be updated and adjusted to show the % increase in PRESENCE it grants to self and also to others as this value varies.
Currently on LIVE the value of Presence it grants is unknown as it always shows "0 Presence" regardless of Presence value.
The % health granted back, scales greatly with the Presence of the USER.
However the numerical increase to the actual Presence statistic is based on the current Presence value of the TARGET, not the USER/CASTER.
It should be noted that the larger the user's Presence pool, the greater the Presence boost seems to be. Each rank of Palliate grants a different numerical amount of Presence, however without further testing, a baseline cannot be established.
Note: This boost is an actual boost to the "Overview" statistics sheet for the Presence statistic and lasts for 20 seconds.
I'd suggest making the value increase a variable percentage for self and other which scales based on PRE value or simply fixing it to whatever it should be.
(I literally started playing around with it yesterday and grabbed two volunteers)
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Either the description needs to be corrected or the effect fixed to properly stack off the number of Clinging Flames consumed, and implement a hard cap of 5 stacks to keep it from becoming overpowered...
The chat log is zero
I fear it may doesn't work on other GIANT enemies as well
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
If it doesn't actually wipe threat, then the description needs to be changed. If it's supposed to wipe threat, well, it's not. In either case something needs to be changed.
The only other situation I can think of is it only removes a percentage of threat, at which point you ought to signify that in the description, "Removes a portion of your threat that increases with rank" the word "wipe" seems rather total. (and then again why not use evasive maneuvers sleight of mind if that's the case, I mean even with the 1/5 odds it's good at cleaning up agro, or palliate with advantage, you get a heal too!)
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Propably the Illuminate update broke it
No idea about the break free aspect of allies effected by illuminated
Charging Shotgun Blast will cause the character to make a "Power Up Flexing" animation, irrelevant to the power
It has a personal stack limit of 3.
It has a global stack limit of 3.
Thus, if I apply a stack, I can overwrite a stack applied by someone else. If I apply three stacks (say, I spam ice breath w/adv), I overwrite all stacks owned by anyone else.
The damage bonus from icicle spear only applies if you own at least 1 stack (but the actual bonus is based on total stacks). Thus, by applying three stacks, I deny everyone else damage bonuses.
Rimefire burst only consumes stacks I own -- but since my stacks may have been overwritten by someone else, there is no reliable way of having stacks to consume.
The correct fix is likely to remove the global stack cap and instead cap the movement speed reduction (and damage bonus for icicle spear should depend on your own stacks).
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I'm loving the change to Outburst to increase base damage and healing. It's either a description mismatch or a bug, but the power costs are increased and not decreased as the tooltip states. It currently says "Your power costs are reduced by 15%".
Obviously, I'd love a power cost reduction to make this a more hallmark specialization for people to use Endurance as a SS, but I understand if the Devs choose to change the tooltip and keep the increase.
As shown in the picture above, Glory of Battle stacks are not being consumed at 30 exactly. It seems to consume at 31 instead but at 30 at other times.
Fire -> Warmth The power ignores the "Assist target on attack" function
Interrupting the Power BEFORE finishing the loading animation will make the Ultimate go on an Instant cooldown
Either when the player is intentionally Interrupting by block or getting Stunned/Knocked by enemy
This also happens if you acccidently TAP the power
Keep in mind i'm talking about about the charge part of the Ultimate which doesn't deal any damage
The CD time won't appear until you click on the power again
consider the CD duration of the power this is really a big deal
Since they are both the same power reskin they cause the same problem
The powers' visuals scales with the Target's size, against Cosmic-sized open world bosses they cause a huge explosion of green/orange light which covers a huge area of the screen (Most noticable in Kigatilik but happens to other cosmics like High Noon Mechanon)
pretty annoying for those with sensitive eyes, this has been noted back when Cosmics launched but have yet to be fixed, which is weird since Infernal got revamped
it got reported in the sister thread
Fire -> Fire Snake -> FIERY PATH ADV
- FS Fiery Path will get detached from your character and will start randomly following other players, pets and sidekicks until it despawn.
- FS Fiery Path will automatically attach itself on a player who is fighting the enemy if there is a distance between you and the target
- FS Fiery Path will occasionally dissapear when there are a lot of players on the battlefield without having reached it full spawn time
I made a Bug Report thread about this issue because of how odd it isIncident: I target one of the Tower Bosses of High Noon while standing about 50 feet away, I casted Firesnake and it immediately started following the player who was tanking the Boss
Cape flight not using equipped capes, specifically the new Cosmic Cape.
Bug(?): Wild Thing doesn't trigger when Eviscerate is used during Deep Wound.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Upheaval doesn't render against Cosmics at all. This is perphaps the biggest bug in CO's history yet so I hope it gets adressed pronto haste ^^
So this bug is not only aesthetically annoying but affects the power' targeting Arc
It can even fail to hit Cosmics if you are not careful
People told me you have to manually target with the camera and the character position but this "feature" doesn't always work for some reason and the power's auto-targeting mechanic attempt will fail
Plasma Beam is pretty wonky, it even fails to hit smaller enemies, I'm trying to investigate what else is bugged with this power before making a thread about it
Max melee distance is just before the power naturally greys out because you are too far.
However, I think there is an issue with the super large NPCs. Just look at where ranged maintains are hitting Kigatilik and Qwyjibo. Right in their mid section. I believe some melee powers are trying to use that spot as their "this is where I'm hitting and so I'll do damage". However, for the anim, power draw, and greying out, it is using a different location.
Most noticable for me is using Gauntlet Chainsaw at one of the mentioned Cosmics. Stand at max melee range and you should see what I describe. Power activates, animates, draws energy, but does no damage. And there are other melee powers that do this as well.
BUG: Some ranged powers don't apply their debuff when applied on super large NPCs at max range. As per above, something like Chest Beam actually does do the damage, but does not apply the debuff.
BUG: Some melee powers cannot seem to be interrupted by you trying to use your block. Two that I know do this are: Ego Blade (the third strike of the combo) and TK Annihilation.
If you get part way into the 3rd strike of the combo or more than a second into TK Annihilation, trying to Block does not apply the block until the animations are done. Not a problem for most content. BIG problem at Qwyjibo and Teleiosaur. I've been splatted many times due to this. However, when discussed briefly with our current Dev, she says "cannot reproduce". So, I'm just putting it up in the Bugged powers section.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
On Purple the Tint becomes Yellow-White, basically this power has as secondary aura which is not correctly coloured
The aura is visible when the Power is Fully Charged and has archieved maximun speed
ANIMATION BUG:Travel Power: Power Skating animation complety spaz out with ranged weapons (example: Munitions) causing a ridiculous walking animation
VISUAL BUG: Munitions: Bullet Hail The power is not coloured correctly, Blue is turned into Teal or has a secondary colour which is Green-Teal
DESCRIPTION: Heavy Weapons: Cleave - Defensive Stance ADV: The ADVs has a secondary alt effect of applying AEGIS buff on yourself when you don't use Defiance as passive, This effect is not documented on the ADV's description which needs to be updated to reflect that!
also most pets bug while attacking and then just sit there and do nothing I see attack toys void horrors all those ritual of primal, radiant, arcane, ebon summoning, tyrannon familiar and air elemental, bug this way and just stop attacking after a bit and wont start attacking again until they doo some sort of charge attack then they might attack or they might just not do anything again
also while on team all pets go to leader and they don't cared who summoned them even sidekicks only happens while they are in the same zone as the leader.
Edit: It seems to work at random, think the boosting not activates correctly, but sometimes it not activates at all.
Bug: Noxious Poison not refreshed properly by Poison refreshing powers like Infernal Blast. This is a bit of an odd one. Specifically, powers that refresh ALL Poisons, with Infernal Blast as a front-and-center example, are supposed to refresh all three types of poison. These are Deadly Poison (DoT, stacks up to 5x on target,) Noxious Poison (AoE DoT on target that hits others around it, only stacks once,) and Debilitating Poison (Toxic damage resist debuff on target, only stacks once.) All three last sixteen seconds. However, Noxious Poison, regardless of source (Defile or Corrosive Pit) does not refresh properly. When an all-Poison refresher is used on it, its external timer ticks back up to 16 seconds before counting back down. However, the internal timer does not reset to 16 seconds, which leads to Noxious Poison disappearing 16 seconds after initial application no matter how many times you refresh it. Even if you've refreshed it ten times and it has 14 seconds left, its internal timer isn't refreshed, and it hits zero and still expires. Fixing this would require making sure that the internal timer is properly refreshed by all-Poison refreshing powers.
Bug: Sentinel Mastery is broken on multiple levels. Okay, so, yeah, yeah, first things first. The tooltip reads 2% of max health return when hitting an enemy affected by it, but when used it actually gives 5% instead. I'd like to raise, briefly, that I personally feel this to be a bug with Sentinel Mastery's tooltip, since 2% is, genuinely speaking, utterly worthless. 5% is barely a slight tickle of healing as it is, at least when used as intended (I'm ignoring cone CC tanks and looking at it from the perspective of a healer using valuable time to tap a stun on a Cosmic or event boss and the likes instead of feeding someone an Iniquity or Bionic Shielding,) and as such I'd like to report this as a bug on the part of the tooltip providing an erroneous value, rather than Sentinel Mastery itself healing for an erroneous value. Fixing this would simply require changing the tooltip's 2% to a 5% instead, which seems easy enough.
However, Sentinel Mastery is also bugged in that it attributes any healing it does as being provided by the enemy it's been placed on, rather than the healer that placed it, unlike similar effects such as Dependency which credit the healer who applied it despite "emitting" from the enemy it was placed on. This means that all cases of Sentinel Mastery do not properly credit the healer with the healing done during Cosmics, Lairs, open missions in general, and for the sake of things like healing-done perks/achievements, effectively EVERY last instance of healing done via Sentinel Mastery. It also means that, funnily enough, unless I'm mistaken, in PvP a tank or DPS with no healing powers could theoretically farm "healing done" perks by being attacked by enemies while an enemy Sentinel Mastery is affecting them. Fixing this would require making Sentinel Mastery credit the entity that applied it, rather than the entity housing the Sentinel Mastery debuff itself. Another thing I'm not sure how to fix given my lack of familiarity with code or spaghetti code.
Bug: Arbiter Aura and Overseer Aura giving drastically less of a bonus than their tooltip reads. Much like... honestly, everything else I've mentioned here, this is an issue that's been in the game for years, if not since I first started playing back in early to mid 2014. Simply put, at 3 ranks, they go 1%/3%/5% damage. Or at least, that's what their tooltip says. However, at rank 3, they don't even provide a fraction of a percent of extra damage. The numbers they return are abysmal. An extra few dozen points of damage on something that hits for ten thousand damage or more? Barely a tenth of a percent? I feel like somewhere in the code, a decimal point might've accidentally gotten bumped one space to the left. Or right. Or up or down, knowing CO's code. And considering the behavior and mechanics behind Specializations is... an utter enigma to me whenever the tooltips don't accurately spell out what they're doing, or when they just flat-out lie about what they're doing (this being one of the latter case,) I have no idea where to even begin with going about fixing these.
Honorable mention goes to powers that refresh all sorts of buffs or debuffs waiting several seconds before actually refreshing them, allowing them to expire early. I've no idea where to even start, since almost every buff or debuff refresher in the game has lag, but the lag seems variable (for example, Bite refreshing Bleed and Poison takes several seconds, while Infernal Blast refreshes Deadly Poison after about half a second but waits around a second and a half to two seconds for Debiltiating Poison.)
This is my cry for help
The stretched out cape is a HUGE visual obstruction and it's just bizarre.
This is my cry for help
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Items -> [Revenant of Firefight]
Getting YOUR Energy Zero to NEGATIVE Values from DESTROIT Annihilator Bot Energy Drain attack that Disables your block, automatically Disables Firefight Device!
Enemies -> Repel!
The majority of Repels on enemies' powers have NOT been updated to apply Repel Resistance at all!
Example Like
I was going to post this but I forgot, it was already reported a lot of times
Just going to quote this BUG because it's 2023 and Ninja Leave still hasn't been fixed! Is this like what? 10 years old Bug now?
It's interesting it doesn't happen during all the uses outside and inside combat but when it occurs its extremely noticeable something is wrong
Some Observations for this Bug
but at the very end the UP+DOWN paradox happened, causing a noticeable LAG
The Gravity bind is noticeable on the second gif
This bug has been a thing since the introduction of the power
The animation of Arcane Flight completely breaks when you activate Blocks who use only one hand animation
The following 1-hand blocks, revert the animation into an ugly mess
- BLOCK, even the Default Block itself
- FIre Shield
- Ice Shield
- Energy Shield
- Parry
- Fluidity
- Telekinetic Shield
- Stone Shroud
- Ebon Void
Laser Deflection, Deflect, Guard works fineI went ahead and captured them on All-in-One GIF just to make a point
Ultimate Powers (technology): They don't seem to belong to any Superset, not even the powersets they are supposed to belong to. Specifically, Implosion Engine and mechanical monstrosity, while obviously part of thee gadgeteer, they don't count as powers from that set, while there are ultimate in other sets that do count for unlocking high tier powers.
This is probably b/c Two-Gun Mojo isn't listed in the power list for the stacking buff, which is another issue.
Interestingly though, if I attack mobs using Lead Tempest to proc the stacking dmg buff from the gloves, and switch to Two-Gun Mojo, I'm able to maintain the buff and stack it to 5...
This happens to varying degrees with all powers that apply a defense debuff as a secondary effect that comes BEHIND some other effect. It's why you have to be particularly finnicky with using tap-powers with a cooldown like Hex of Suffering, Will-O'-The-Wisp, Frag Grenade if using the defpen adv, Incendiary Grenade if using the defpen adv, Hurl if using the defpen adv, etcetera. There's something like a two to three second window, from around a second and a half before a defpen debuff expires to a second and a half after it expires, where attempting to apply it again with effects/powers like these just... doesn't work because the game's decided it hates you in particular.
Some of these powers have larger "no apply" bug windows than others too, like Frag Grenade's and Incendiary Grenade's being absolutely massive in comparison, requiring you to really, REALLY play around awkwardly with your timing if you don't want to spend half your up-time thinking you're using defpen debuffs when you actually aren't because the game appears to have totally missed out on the concept of "just apply new debuff then remove old debuff" instead of... whatever nightmarish "check to see if debuff is there in the code, wait 2 seconds then increase its timer, otherwise wait 2 seconds to apply debuff if it wasn't there when I checked previously; no, nobody would ever apply this debuff in a situation where the timer's about to expire meaning that the debuff is gone by the time I try to increase its timer resulting in me increasing nothing and not applying debuff that's not there in the first place, what are you talking about" spaghetti it's currently running on.
This is my cry for help
Example where I'm getting a 10% boost:
Video proof (courtesy of @shapey#5696 ): Footage link
Is your character below level 40? You'll need to reach 40 before training a travel power up to Rank 3.
Using Howl first then using an Active Offensive Power works fine.
I suspect that a check was added to Howl to check if a person has the advantage from the new Active Offensive Power, Violent Roar, that adds slashing damage to Howl, but then cancels the Active Offensive Power, but I suspect that check is bugged and cancels your Active Offensive Power regardless of whether you have that advantage or not or whether your current Active Offensive Power is Violent Roar to begin with (Howl cancels ANY Active Offensive Power, not just Violent Roar).
I haven't been able to test whether Howl cancels another person's Active Offensive Powers.