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Are there any good hybrid freeform builds?

I was wondering if there are any good hybrid freeform builds, I don't really have any preferences I just wonder if theres any good hybrid builds


  • rhymere#3035 rhymere Posts: 486 Arc User
    There are! One of my favorite builds is a freeform build that uses ego blades and TK Lance along with some minor CC for healing abilities:

    Null Value - Freeform (Hybrid)

    Super Stats
    Level 6: Strength (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: One of Mind and Body (Str: 12, Dex: 12)
    Level 6: Agile (Dex: 8)
    Level 9: Shooter (Dex: 5, Ego: 5)
    Level 12: Accurate (Dex: 5, End: 5)
    Level 15: Impresario (Dex: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 18: Acrobat (Dex: 5, Con: 5)
    Level 21: Coordinated (Dex: 5, Int: 5)

    Level 1: Ego Blade
    Level 1: Ego Weaponry (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 6: Telekinetic Reverberation
    Level 8: Id Mastery (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Mental Discipline
    Level 14: Bionic Shielding (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Energy Shield (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 20: Telekinetic Lance (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 23: Mental Storm (Rank 2, Mental Artillery)
    Level 26: Lightning Strike
    Level 29: Telekinetic Wave (Mental Instability)
    Level 32: Blinding Light
    Level 35: Resurgence (Rank 2)
    Level 38: Imbue (Rank 2, Illusive)
    Adv. Points: 35/36

    Travel Powers
    Level 6: Electric Speed (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Jet Boots (Rank 2)

    Strength: Swole (2/3)
    Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
    Strength: Brutality (2/2)
    Strength: Juggernaut (3/3)
    Protector: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Protector: Unrelenting (2/2)
    Protector: Bulwark (2/2)
    Protector: Resolute (3/3)
    Sentinel: Torment (2/2)
    Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
    Sentinel: Wither (2/2)
    Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
    Mastery: Sentinel Mastery (1/1)

  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited January 2023
    There are! One of my favorite builds is a freeform build that uses ego blades and TK Lance along with some minor CC for healing abilities: (...)
    Well, it's kind of a waste to use a dps passive in the Hyrbid role- in that case, you mine as well just go for a dps role to deal more base dmg w/ melee or ranged (you also have to be careful including Bionic Shielding in a non-Support build, as it can lockout a stronger version from a Support player). Also there's not much reason to pick Protector spec in that build- esp when you take Bulwark, which will just cause you to generate even more threat in the Hyrbid role.

    Imo, the Hybrid role is best left for making hybrid-dps builds w/ defensive passives (ie. you want to be a dps that's really sturdy, and don't mind taking a sizeable hit to your base dmg for it), or for making all-rounder builds w/ AoPM as the passive. In both of those cases, a 'good' build for them would mainly just be a mimic of a normal dps build- perhaps w/ some extra power slots devoted to support/healing in an AoPM build. Either way, those types of builds should mainly be for casual or solo content, as they aren't really suitable for grouping at the high-end (where Hybrid AoPM auras are weak and can disrupt common Support versions, and where a hybrid-dps build mainly just becomes a low-dps unit w/o many upsides).

    A decent workaround to all of this is making a dual-passive build, but those aren't technically 'Hybrid' builds as much as they are multi-role builds, and assuming you don't mind properly setting up and managing one.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    I second Flow's comment about dual passive builds. Those will usually be more effective than any build running in hybrid mode. You have to pay a bit of attention to your super stats and spec choices, and you may need two entire/partial sets of gear, but that just takes time.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
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