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Release Notes 9/1/2022

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited September 2022 in Release Notes
Anniversary Event
Happy 13th Anniversary, Champions Online!
For the next 4 weeks, this event will be running.
  • Added new store to purchase past titles.
  • Added Dazzling Auras to the event store.
  • Added Retro Steel Commando Jetpack and Rifle costumes to the event store.
  • Logging in this week will grant the Fortune Smiles perk.
  • The Archetypes store will be featured during week 1 of the Anniversary.
  • All enemies in game can drop Anniversary Favor.
  • Destroids Rise Again open mission drops Anniversary currency during the event.

Trade Paperback
  • For the next 2 weeks, the Trade Paperback event will be acttive.

Story Event
  • For the next week, Story missions will grant boosted XP, Resources and Questionite.

ZEN Store
  • Players can claim a free pack of goodies from the ZEN store for the duration of the Anniversary. This can be claimed once per account.
  • During week 1 of the Anniversary, you can claim the Capes Collection pack for free.

New Anniversary Keypack:
  • Cost: 1800 ZEN
  • 1x Feathered Arm Costume
  • 25x Storm Chaser Mods
  • 25x Teleiosaurus Rage Mods
  • 1x Teleport to Rencen Device
  • 3x Triumphant Recovery
  • 5x Safeguard Catalysts
  • 10x Healing Device Plus
  • 10x Energy Surge Plus

The Untamed Lockbox is now available!
New to this lockbox:
  • SSSSSSSSSSSSSeth Loyal Sidekick
  • Tommy Toebeans Loyal Sidekick
  • Selfie Emote
  • Do the Wave Emote
  • Tornado Ultimate Power Unlock
  • Untamed Aura Box
  • Untamed Costume Box

Untamed Costume Box:
  • Cobra Head
  • Cobra Chest
  • Cobra Hands
  • Cobra Legs
  • Cobra Tail
  • Cobra Feet
  • Cobra Back
  • Coyote Head
  • Coyote Hair
  • Coyote Collar
  • Coyote Fur
  • Coyote Chest
  • Coyote Hands
  • Coyote Legs
  • Coyote Feet

Wild Aura Box
  • Wild Head
  • Wild Head (Black)
  • Wild Head (White)
  • Wild Head (Rainbow)
  • Wild Hands
  • Wild Hands (Black)
  • Wild Hands (White)
  • Wild Hands (Rainbow)
  • Wild Chest
  • Wild Chest (Black)
  • Wild Chest (White)
  • Wild Chest (Rainbow)
  • Wild Feet
  • Wild Feet (Black)
  • Wild Feet (White)
  • Wild Feet (Rainbow)
  • Oil
  • Oil (Black)
  • Oil (White)
  • Oil (Rainbow)

Social Instances
  • Added Argent Hunting Lodge as a social instance.

Mind Slayer
  • Updated visuals.
  • Added new TK Wave, lariat and lunge power.

  • Added account unlock perks for Frustrated and Disco emotes.

  • Added Wolf Smooth tail costume.

  • Fixed an issue where players could not submit ingame tickets.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer

    Night Avenger
    Corrected diminishing returns on abilities.
    Removed Ego stat and added Recovery to help with energy management.
    Dev Note: Powers had to be reallocated to account for Shadow Strike's change. This Archetype lacked an energy unlock so it was given one. Concentration was removed as the on-demand heavy hitting powers in this setup are not ranged base.
    • Level 6: Rend And Tear OR Ricochet Throw
    • Level 11: Smoke Bomb Lunge OR Grapple Gun Pull
    • level 14: Form of the Tiger
    • Level 21: Dragon's Claws OR Tiger's Bite
    • Level 25: Relentless
    • level 30: Parry
    • level 40: Strafing Run OR Shadow Strike

    The Impulse
    Corrected diminishing returns on abilities.
    Dev Note: Gave this archetype some much needed energy return. Force Snap was removed as it didn't really improve the setup.
    • 6: Force Eruption OR Crushing Wave
    • 11: Protection Field OR Containment Field
    • 14: Force Control
    • 17: Force Cascade
    • 25: Impact Force
    • 30: Field Surge
    • 40: Redirected Force

    The Squall
    Corrected diminishing returns on abilities.
    Dev Note: Hurricane's cost correction made it a not very good choice for a level 6 power, even before its adjustment it wouldn't be easily managed at that low level.
    • Level 6: Stormbringer
    • Level 8: Wind Breath OR Frost Breath
    • Level 11: Updraft OR Twister
    • Level 14: Weather Shaping
    • Level 17: Hurricane
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    All players have received a free respec. As a reminder, these respecs do not stack with other free respecs.

    Power Changes: Force
    Dev Note: Force has been made to work with its shields a bit more and given some general Forms and Energy Unlocks.

    New Effect: Power Shield
    • Striking a target affected by this power restores some energy to you.

    Shield Effects
    • Direct Shields and Personal Force Field now credit during open missions.
    • Note: Some open missions may not credit damage taken, please call those out.

    Force Blast
    • New Adv (2): Applies Demolish on full charge.
    • New Adv (2): Fully charging this power applies a shield effect on you. Scales with your protection Field rank.

    Crushing Wave
    • Moved to Tier 1.
    • Changed to apply every 0.5 seconds (from 1).
    • Disruptive Force: Chance to knock down every hit.
    • New Adv (2): Chance to apply a Power Shield to targets.
    • New Adv (2): Maintaining this power temporarily shields you.

    Kinetic Manipulation
    • Added knock resistance.

    Gravitic Ripple
    • Corrected fx for area effect.
    • No longer applies gravity well.
    • This power now repels away targets.
    • Changed activation period ot 0.5 seconds (from 1).
    • Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    • New Adv (2): Repels targets towards you instead of away.

    Force Eruption
    • Gravitational Polarity Adv: Now applies a Power Field Rune in place of its old effect, which restores energy over time.
    • New Adv (3): if you are affected by a direct Shield effect, removes it and shields nearby allies. Scales additionally based on the rank of your Protection Field power.

    Protection Field
    • Fixed a bug where it stated the energy gained from this power scaled with Ego. It scales with Recovery.
    • Expel Impurity Adv: Reduced cost to 1. Number of effects removed now scales with rank. Can now remove most damage over time effects.
    • New Adv (1): Applies breakout damage to the target.

    Redirected Force
    • This power is now an Active Ultimate.
    • Provides a continuous shield to yourself and allies that uses resistance.
    • Greatly increases knock resistance of yourself and allies.
    • Makes you immune to most forms of control effects while maintaining.
    • Allies hit grants you energy.
    • Grants a stacking buff that increases your base damage for a short time. This effect expires once you attack.
    • New Advantage (1): This power counts as using a block for power interaction purposes for a short time. This does not grant any buffs, it only provides protections against powers that check if you are blocking for interaction purposes. The duration increases based on the rank of your Force Shield power.

    Force Cascade
    • Reduced the damage on this power.
    • New Advantage (2): Turns this power into a single target ability. Boosts damage significantly.
    • New Advantage (2): If you are affected by a direct Shield effect, when fully charged consumes the shield, increases the radius of this power and deals additional damage to secondary targets. If your target is affected by a shield effect, deals additional damage around them.
    • Removed Containment Blast advantage.

    Gravity Driver
    • Reduced damage.
    • Removed Stun effect.
    • Knockdown can now apply to all affected targets.
    • New Adv (2): Applies a Stun to targets.

    Force Geyser
    • New Adv (2): Applies Power Shield to nearby targets.

    Containment Field
    • New Adv (2): Applies Power Shield to nearby targets.
    • Now applies Power Shield on immune targets.

    Force Bolts
    • New Adv (2): Chance to apply Power Shield.

    Force Detonation
    • Corrected power cost.
    • Now deals increased damage against knock immune targets.
    • Made the Field Inversion effect innate to this ability.
    • New Adv (2): Knocks Up targets instead of back.
    • New Adv (2): Applies Restoration.

    Inertial Dampening Field
    • This power is now a Support Passive and scales off o f your superstats.
    • Additionally increases Knock and Hold resistance.
    • Directly shielding allies improves the effectiveness of your shields and the damage absorption on this power for a short time.

    Field Surge
    • The amount it repairs your Personal Force Field now scales with how potent it is.
    • Increases the regeneration of PFF as if you were blocking.
    • Shield granted by this power now takes into account your resistances.

    New Power: Force Control
    • Form.
    • Boosts ranged damage primarily. Scales off of Endurance.
    • Triggers when attempting to knock a target.

    New Power: Vital Shielding
    • Form.
    • Boosts healing and shield strength. Scales off of Endurance.
    • Triggers when applying any direct shield effect or inverting shield effects.

    New Power: Impact Force
    • Energy Unlock.
    • Scales off of Endurance and Recovery.
    • Triggers when attempting to knock a target.

    New Power: Power Barrier
    • Energy Unlock.
    • Scales off of Endurance and Recovery.
    • Triggers when applying any direct shield effect or inverting shield effects.

    New Power: Singularity Bomb
    • Tier 2 Force.
    • 15 Second Cooldown.
    • Deals Crushing damage and knocks targets towards your primary target.
    • Chance to apply power shield based on charge time.
    • Adv (2): Instead of Knocking, on full charge this power now Paralyzes the primary target and stuns secondary targets.

    New Power: Shield Restoration
    • Tier 1 Force.
    • Applies a small shield to targets within the rune.
    • If the target is affected by a Direct Shield, restores the shield. This effect scales with your Endurance.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2022


    Crashing Incantation
    • Increased range to 25ft (from 20).
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Mental Impact
    • Increased range to 25ft (From 20).
    • Increased damage.
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Vorpal Blade/Bladed Fury/Meltdown
    • Increased range to 20ft (from 15).
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Meteor Blaze
    • Increased range of initial hit to 25ft (from 20).
    • Increased Pyre Patch damage.
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Planar Fracture
    • Fixed a bug where the damage from this power did not count as a Sorcery ability.
    • Increased damage.
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Corrosive Pit
    • Fixed a bug where the pit effect could critically hit.
    • Increased damage.
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    EndBringer's Grasp
    • Increased range to 25ft (from 15).
    • FX adjustments.
    • Cost has been adjusted for new area effect.

    Fury of the Dragon
    • Corrected power cost.

    Showdown/Power Chord
    • Now applies knock resistance and CC immunity while maintaining.


    Wind Reverberation
    • This power should apply more reliably against Repel immune targets.

    • Fixed incorrect power cost.
    • Moved this power to Tier 2.

    New power: Weather Shaping
    • Form.
    • Boosts ranged damage primarily. Scales off of Endurance.
    • Triggers when attempting to Repel a target.

    New Power: Tornado
    Available in the Untamed Lockbox
    • Wind Ultimate.
    • Deals Crushing and Cold damage to nearby targets.
    • Deals Crushing damage to far away targets.
    • Pulls in far away targets.
    • Chance to repel, knock back or knock up near targets.
    • Grants flight.
    • Grants immunity to Control effects while maintained.


    Icicle Spear
    • Removed bonus damage with Chill stacks.
    • Increased base damage of power.
    • New Adv (2): Increases base damage based on number of your Chill stacks on a target.

    Ice objects
    • Lots of under the hood changes have been made to Ice Objects made by ice powers for optimization purposes.

    Wall of Ice
    • Increased duration to 16 seconds (from 6).
    • Increased overall damage.
    • Reduced chance to apply Chilled to 15% (from 50) due to duration increase. Chance now increases with rank.
    • New Adv (2): Instead of applying Chilled, this power can now apply Bleed.

    Ice Cages
    • Fixed a bug where Ice Cages were not triggering specs that triggered off of roots.

    Martial Arts

    Shadow Strike
    • This power has been removed from Night Warrior and is now an Ultimate power.
    • Reduced damage.
    • This power can now critically hit.
    • Increased activation time to 1 sec.
    • This power is considered to be a Claws power for mod purposes.

    Night Warrior
    • No longer ignores defenses.
    • Increased damage bonus.
    • Increased Avoidance Rating.

    • Reduced bonus damage at R3.
    • Increased Perception Stealth bonus.
    • Updated Stealth fx.


    Hold Out Shot
    • New Adv (2): Applies Frail Armor to targets.

    Bullet Ballet
    • Updated tooltip.

    Two-Gun Mojo
    • Close the Gap Adv: Increased bonus damage to 35% (from 30).

    • Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds (from 20).

    Concussion Grenade
    • New Adv (2): Applies Demolish to your primary target if they are affected by Disorient.
    • New Adv (2): Applies Disorient to targets.

    Mini Mines
    • New Adv (2): Applies Disorient to targets.


    Sorcery Aura Passives/Medical Nanites
    • Updated the way these powers grant their bonuses for optimization purposes.
    • Fixed a bug where some untargetable pets were taking up spots for support auras.
    • Reduced activation period for support auras.
    • Teammate effect will now only be active while the passive user is in combat.

    Armor Piercing/No Quarter/Burn Through
    • These debuffs are now considered personal debuffs. Only the person who applied the debuff can now benefit from their effects.

    • All player repel effects now grant repel resistance. Against npcs this effect is minor, where against players this effect grants a greater resistance boost.

    Energy Form
    • This effect has been retired.

    New Effect: Frail Armor
    • Reduces Piercing damage resistance on a target.

    Desperate Shot
    • New Adv (2): Applies Frail Armor to targets.
    • Updated tooltips.

    Nuclear Shockwave
    • Lowered Damage.
    • Reduced cooldown to 15 seconds (from 30).

    Energy Wave
    • Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds (from 15).
    • Fixed incorrect power cost.

    Ball Lightning
    • Fixed incorrect power cost.

    Call To Battle
    • Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    • New Adv (1): Using a damaging Brick power reduces the cooldown on this power.

    • Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    • New Adv (1): Using a damaging Supernatural power reduces the cooldown on this power.

    • Frenzy Adv: Removed cooldown effect. Now adds shield effect to the caster while standing in Moonlight if you have used the Howl power.

    Tractor Beam
    • Final Delivery Adv: Fixed a bug where this knock ignored resistances.

    Ricochet Throw
    • Moved to Tier 0.
    • New Adv (2): Fully charging this power applies Shredded to your initial target.

    • New Adv (2): Applies Power Shield to nearby targets.

    Holy Water
    • Increased breakfree damage.

    Mindful Reinforcement
    • Revitalizing Boost: Fixed an issue where this advantage was scaling off the target's Presence.
    • New Adv (1): Applies breakout damage to the target.

    Lance Rain
    • Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds (from 20).

    • New Adv (2): Increases base damage based on the number of poison stacks on a target.

    Strafing Run
    • Corrected cost.
    • Adjusted damage per hit. Overall damage remains the same.

    Lead Tempest
    • Fixed a bug where the damage chance of this power was not varying based on range.

    Stealth Granting Powers
    • Many powers that grant stealth have had the duration of the effect extended by 1 second.

    Demonic Flesh Graft/Force Shield Belt
    • Reduced cooldown to 60 seconds (from 180).

    Become Devices
    • Fixed an issue where the Disable effect would disable these devices.

    Psionic Echoes Device
    • Fixed an issue where these would expire after their target was defeated.

    Roinesh Artifact
    • Now has unique values independent from Planar Fracture.

    Invocation of the Eclipse
    • Now considered ranged damage.
    • Reduced overall damage.
    • Reduced activation to time 1.67 sec (from 2).

    Totemic Helm
    • Fixed a bug where this power didn't always apply properly.

    Tame Warbeast/Horn of Allegiance/Slaver Remote
    • Now a toggle device to match other summon devices.

    Pirated override Codes
    • Now a toggle ability to match other device summons.
    • Added device to Fixer vendor to correct versions with a fixed lower level.


    Vulnerability/Trapped/Initiative/Debilitating Challenge/Rend
    • Updated tooltips.

    • Changed to boost base damage.
    • Reduced damage boost to 2.5% (from 5) to account for base damage boost.
    • Changed to only trigger on direct heals.
    • Will no longer expire on dots.

    • Now affects ranged combo powers.

    Arbiter/Overseer Ruthless
    • Increased max count to 3 (from 2).

    Arbiter Aura/Overseer Aura
    These specs have been retired.
    Dev note: The damage bonuses on these specs were negligible. We chose not to buff them due to teamwide auras like that being taxing on the game.

    Enhanced Mending
    • This spec will be replacing Arbiter Aura and Overseer Aura.
    • Increases the duration of Rune powers when attacking.

    Arbiter Mastery
    • Can no longer heal targets at full health.
    • Heal can no longer be dodged.

    • This effect was being applied directly on the Mez effect, which prevented it from being used against any target that was immune to those effects. This effect has now been changed to work on those targets, and its duration scales based on rank of the target.

    Sentinel Aura
    • This specialization will now only trigger while in combat.

  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    Yayyy to this huge update!!!
  • heroshima1heroshima1 Posts: 110 Arc User
    Dang, someone's been spinning the hamster wheel!
  • nos4ra2#1125 nos4ra2 Posts: 7 Arc User
    Surprising and welcoming!! If this is thanks to Gear Box, Kudos!
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Since everyone will want to know where the cats are, here's a map: https://aesica.net/co/images/anniversary-cat-map.jpg
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    Happy 13th!
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Heavy, much to unpack here. Can't Wait to wrap my head around all this. One thing I'll point out is the devs decision to add another variant of cartoon dog head to the game when they could be giving us different human shaped heads based on real and fictional races. But don't take this as negativity. There is a lot of good stuff here to test on live.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    Inertial Dampening Field - RIP

    Farewell to the only form that was viable for a summoner build. You made my pets sturdy enough to be useful. I will miss you.

  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    Looking forward to the update! Selfie emote is defo one of the select highlights from the box for me! Power updates are eagerly anticipated!
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    areee wrote: »
    Inertial Dampening Field - RIP

    Farewell to the only form that was viable for a summoner build. You made my pets sturdy enough to be useful. I will miss you.

    It doesn't cover pets anymore?
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    iamrune wrote: »
    areee wrote: »
    Inertial Dampening Field - RIP

    Farewell to the only form that was viable for a summoner build. You made my pets sturdy enough to be useful. I will miss you.

    It doesn't cover pets anymore?

    It was changed from a FORM to a Passive. Reduced in power just to toss in some ineffective knock resistance.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    iamrune wrote: »
    areee wrote: »
    Inertial Dampening Field - RIP

    Farewell to the only form that was viable for a summoner build. You made my pets sturdy enough to be useful. I will miss you.

    It doesn't cover pets anymore?

    Still covers pets.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Untamed Costume Box:

    Cobra Head
    Cobra Chest
    Cobra Hands
    Cobra Legs
    Cobra Tail
    Cobra Feet
    Cobra Back
    Badass Snake time!
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • shapey#5696 shapey Posts: 82 Arc User
    Please make Coyote/Cobra legs available to all leg types, not just Beast.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Please make Coyote/Cobra legs available to all leg types, not just Beast.
    I AGREE WITH THIS! Give us the pattern for regular human legs please!

    The beast legs category is awful and outdated!

    Added account unlock perks for Frustrated and Disco emotes.

    BUG: Both the 5/5 Disco and Frustated perks are called Irate!

    They are Duplicated
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • xerseez#8034 xerseez Posts: 6 Arc User
    Please make Coyote/Cobra legs available to all leg types, not just Beast.

    I second this, Beast legs are just awful and don't work for most people.
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    NVM. I didn't read the patch notes well enough..

  • beretta249beretta249 Posts: 10 Arc User
    Super glad to see an anniversary event, super glad to see Champions around to celebrate another anniversary. Imo this would be just the right time to put the Lifetime Membership on sale. Do that and I can't be the only one who'd buy one today.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Distinguished & Virtuous Primarily Utility Gear has received a hefty energy return nerf from Power Surge. This was not listed on PTS nor in these notes. Please fix this bug.
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    RIP night warrior passive. You were a fun passive but off you go to never to be used again content.
  • stoopidmestoopidme Posts: 250 Arc User
    RIP Gravatic Ripple. One of the most interesting powers with fun synergy reduced to a boring repel.

    Brick_McDuggins in game.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Distinguished & Virtuous Primarily Utility Gear has received a hefty energy return nerf from Power Surge. This was not listed on PTS nor in these notes. Please fix this bug.
    If this was intentional then: COOL Bait and Switch undocumented NERF! 🙄
    I'm sure glad i wasted my time with CO's endgame to get full Distinguished gear
    5% Chance to give +16 Energy on one of my main TANKs! 👏 BRAVO! 👏

    guyhumual wrote: »
    RIP night warrior passive. You were a fun passive but off you go to never to be used again content.
    Ah yes... Still one of the BEST passives ingame that buffs ALL DAMAGE TYPES, both melee and range, being marked as "Useless" because it lost Shadow Strike and the small defense penetration bonus! Despite gaining additional DPS boost, Avoidance and still having Charge speed bonus! 🙄

    It's still the Bread and Butter to me and other FF Builders who make DPS with different families of Damage frameworks!
    Neither my Warlock nor my Elementalist are gonna remove it because its the Heart of their synergies!
    Doing SOLO QWZ dailies with them now, nothing changed they are still doing great with high difficulty content
    I'm already thinking what other theme builds i can make with it
    stoopidme wrote: »
    RIP Gravatic Ripple. One of the most interesting powers with fun synergy reduced to a boring repel.
    The TRUE Victim of this update and i'm also incredible mad that it got the shortest end of the stick! ☝

    Gravitic Ripple is just a horrible now, and the fact its 20 seconds! It has no unique trait nor innate ability anymore
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • rerrotrerrot Posts: 80 Arc User
    Possible bug in the heals of Boun Chi Resurgence and Conviction. I use the Masterfull Dodge + BCR and it doesn't heal.
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    The light effect/FX that use to be on IDF was essential to my angel theme. Where can I get back that aura or FX?
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • wizeman#6286 wizeman Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Unannounced changes what permanent device pets I own:

    1. Revenant of Firefight
    - removed its Fiery Form passive
    2. Reprogrammed Prospector, Dr. Destroyer's Head, Psionic Echoes
    - no longer respawns when killed
    3. Ragged Proletariat's Armband
    - now a toggle
    - now follows the player outside of combat and no longer attacks nearby enemies automatically
    4. Manimal Control
    - now a toggle
    - Rat Hybrid's unique dmg debuff removed and no longer spawns weaker Rat Hybrids
    5. Manifest Mind Worms
    - no longer spawns behind the target, now spawns around it

    Bug: Auras still not applying to Sidekicks including but not limited to David Antares, Windchill, Zettabyte, Blaise, Bouldero, Blizzard Fox, Anapa, and Chaos Imp. The only one I tested that was affected was Holiday Henchman, which is unique in other ways, so the rest should be checked out as well.
    Post edited by wizeman#6286 on
    "The good... they do not know how close to evil they really are..."
    - The Overlord
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    Both perks for the Account wide unlock, for Disco and Frustrated, are both called Irate. Still unlocks normally tho.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Call To Battle
    Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    New Adv (1): Using a damaging Brick power reduces the cooldown on this power.

    Bug: New Adv not proccing from Hyper Voice.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    Bug: Condemn's "Dark Rune" isn't spawning a rune on full charge even though it is supposed to.​​

    If Condemn's rune isn't spawning, potentially due to the rune changes, then maybe other runes and/or similar rune advs are messed up too? Don't know though, haven't tested that yet.
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Bad Sector's duration is now inconsistent!
    Sometimes it stays for 10 Seconds as intended, and other times it instantly despawns within 5-6 seconds

    So it turns out because the build has been using Healing Arrow as well, the Runes were cancelling each other!
    This update basically made both Healing Arrow and Bad Sector properly tagged as runes
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Two Gun Mojo Rank 2 is only giving a 15% chance to apply Furious instead of the 25% it should (15/25/35% as rank improves).

  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    BUG: Sorcery Auras seem to be slightly weaker in terms of how they apply to self. I seem to be missing -8 stat from AoPM for example.

  • BUG: Two Gun Mojo Rank 2 is only giving a 15% chance to apply Furious instead of the 25% it should (15/25/35% as rank improves).

    IIRC, it was always like that
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    BUG: Two Gun Mojo Rank 2 is only giving a 15% chance to apply Furious instead of the 25% it should (15/25/35% as rank improves).

    IIRC, it was always like that

    So are you saying it has always been:

    Rank 1 - 15%
    Rank 2 - 15%
    Rank 3 - 35%

    Cause that doesn't seem right. Cause Rank 3 grants 35% chance.
  • behemothking#9246 behemothking Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Two Gun Mojo Rank 2 is only giving a 15% chance to apply Furious instead of the 25% it should (15/25/35% as rank improves).

    IIRC, it was always like that

    So are you saying it has always been:

    Rank 1 - 15%
    Rank 2 - 15%
    Rank 3 - 35%

    Cause that doesn't seem right. Cause Rank 3 grants 35% chance.

    Yes. I remember that for 2gm it was r3 always because r2 had significantly less chance for furious. And yeah it doesn't make sense. If that chance is a bug, it is a long-standing bug.

    PA toggles now deactivate upon any knock or repel or reverse repel. It makes sense for knock, but for the repels, that should be a bug.
    PA toggles deactivate upon repel or reverse repel.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    BUG: Two Gun Mojo Rank 2 is only giving a 15% chance to apply Furious instead of the 25% it should (15/25/35% as rank improves).

    IIRC, it was always like that

    So are you saying it has always been:

    Rank 1 - 15%
    Rank 2 - 15%
    Rank 3 - 35%

    Cause that doesn't seem right. Cause Rank 3 grants 35% chance.

    Yes. I remember that for 2gm it was r3 always because r2 had significantly less chance for furious. And yeah it doesn't make sense. If that chance is a bug, it is a long-standing bug.

    PA toggles now deactivate upon any knock or repel or reverse repel. It makes sense for knock, but for the repels, that should be a bug.
    PA toggles deactivate upon repel or reverse repel.

    2GM is being addressed on PTS thankfully but didn't know about PA toggles...
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    avianos wrote: »
    Ah yes... Still one of the BEST passives ingame that buffs ALL DAMAGE TYPES, both melee and range, being marked as "Useless" because it lost Shadow Strike and the small defense penetration bonus! Despite gaining additional DPS boost, Avoidance and still having Charge speed bonus! 🙄

    It's still the Bread and Butter to me and other FF Builders who make DPS with different families of Damage frameworks!
    Neither my Warlock nor my Elementalist are gonna remove it because its the Heart of their synergies!
    Doing SOLO QWZ dailies with them now, nothing changed they are still doing great with high difficulty content
    I'm already thinking what other theme builds i can make with it
    Huh, outside of solo PvE I've always found it does **** damage, mostly because the stealth is often useless, and then on top of that your chances are survival once they see though your stealth is pretty abysmal. The one bonus being that you're highly unlikely to gain agro because of the **** DPS. If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
  • h4forumsh4forums Posts: 288 Arc User
    bug: pillar of poz's rune duration not getting extended by overseer's enhanced mending spec. It works with other runes, so theres something going on with pillar of poz.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    guyhumual wrote: »
    Huh, outside of solo PvE I've always found it does **** damage, mostly because the stealth is often useless, and then on top of that your chances are survival once they see though your stealth is pretty abysmal. The one bonus being that you're highly unlikely to gain agro because of the **** DPS. If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    How do you even manage that!?
    guyhumual wrote: »
    If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    Hell yeah I do! I don't know how you are building characters but I will not tolerate slander on Night Warrior! It's still on the top of the best FF Building tools
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Posts: 408 Arc User
    So much stuff with this patch!


    Happy Anniversary Champions!
  • bringmeaslabbringmeaslab Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Bug: "Cutting It Close" title purchase from the anniversary vendor is not unlocking correctly. When the item is used, it gives the title "Cloud Nine" and no perk is granted. If the player does not already have the "Cloud Nine" perk, its unlock item becomes unusable, preventing the player from getting that perk as well.
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    Gravitic Ripple
    • Corrected fx for area effect.
    • No longer applies gravity well.
    • This power now repels away targets.
    • Changed activation period ot 0.5 seconds (from 1).
    • Reduced cooldown to 20 seconds (from 30).
    • New Adv (2): Repels targets towards you instead of away.
    REALLY stupid change to a fun power. I expect to have the OV currency spent to purchase the power refunded on top of the respec.
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    avianos wrote: »
    guyhumual wrote: »
    Huh, outside of solo PvE I've always found it does **** damage, mostly because the stealth is often useless, and then on top of that your chances are survival once they see though your stealth is pretty abysmal. The one bonus being that you're highly unlikely to gain agro because of the **** DPS. If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    How do you even manage that!?
    guyhumual wrote: »
    If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    Hell yeah I do! I don't know how you are building characters but I will not tolerate slander on Night Warrior! It's still on the top of the best FF Building tools

    Sure, my AoPM characters can out DPS any of the night warrior characters I've ever built, I mean it's a great passive if I'm doing solo content, but the moment you're facing open world minions they see though your stealth and without the 50% melee bonus you're better off with a more focused passive. Like I'm not sure how you're getting that the damage bonus night warrior is giving you is somehow better than say the the one you get from Way of the Warrior, or the one from unstoppable
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    BUG: Distinguished & Virtuous Primarily Utility Gear has received a hefty energy return nerf from Power Surge. This was not listed on PTS nor in these notes. Please fix this bug.

    avianos wrote: »
    BUG: Distinguished & Virtuous Primarily Utility Gear has received a hefty energy return nerf from Power Surge. This was not listed on PTS nor in these notes. Please fix this bug.
    If this was intentional then: COOL Bait and Switch undocumented NERF! 🙄
    I'm sure glad i wasted my time with CO's endgame to get full Distinguished gear
    5% Chance to give +16 Energy on one of my main TANKs! 👏 BRAVO! 👏

    This should not be intentional, nor is it cool.

    Many powers just got their energy cost greatly increased. So the ONLY point to this being intentional is that the Devs want everyone to use their Energy Builder more. Otherwise, it needs to be corrected.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    I would once again like to thank the Devs for giving me another character slot, I'll be able to make a new character for this next Defender national training program again, instead of having to delete a character
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    guyhumual wrote: »
    avianos wrote: »
    guyhumual wrote: »
    Huh, outside of solo PvE I've always found it does **** damage, mostly because the stealth is often useless, and then on top of that your chances are survival once they see though your stealth is pretty abysmal. The one bonus being that you're highly unlikely to gain agro because of the **** DPS. If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    How do you even manage that!?
    guyhumual wrote: »
    If you're somehow doing good damage with that passive all the power to you.
    Hell yeah I do! I don't know how you are building characters but I will not tolerate slander on Night Warrior! It's still on the top of the best FF Building tools

    Sure, my AoPM characters can out DPS any of the night warrior characters I've ever built, I mean it's a great passive if I'm doing solo content, but the moment you're facing open world minions they see though your stealth and without the 50% melee bonus you're better off with a more focused passive. Like I'm not sure how you're getting that the damage bonus night warrior is giving you is somehow better than say the the one you get from Way of the Warrior, or the one from unstoppable

    If your AoPM characters are outDPSing any of your Night Warrior characters, I'd be really concerned.

  • actiongamerx#6418 actiongamerx Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Dark Rune enhancement from Condemn got bugged!
    Post edited by actiongamerx#6418 on
  • ravynfallenstarravynfallenstar Posts: 53 Arc User
    All this changing to force powerset and personal force field still not a viable endgame tank build... such a wasted opportunity
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    All this changing to force powerset and personal force field still not a viable endgame tank build... such a wasted opportunity

    Far better this way.

    I'd rather have a focused patch to handle PFF than a patch where there's a million things going on at once and something catastrophic is missed.
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