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Pets going unresponsive

areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
It's been happening for the High Noon event. My summons, both skill and Sidekick, will just stop working. The only one that doesn't seem effected is Radiant Summon, it still heals while all the others remain next to me as if I wasn't in combat.


  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    Getting the same problem. Pets usually don't do this is alerts but in open world they just stop attacking and no matter what I do they won't join the fight. It's a real nuisance especially to high noon where CC could shine.
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  • catstarstocatstarsto Posts: 1,137 Arc User
    Try the primal pets and the panther sidekick for the time being, it seems to be what is favored atm so they have a better chance of working. It's what I gave my Healer

    Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    I ran across something when fighting mobs. I was using Command Animals and watching them just stand around with their tails up their ###es and hit the Fury trigger. They buffed and immediately started attacking normally.

    So a quick fix would be some type of quick buff that would trigger whenever a fight starts. Doesn't have to be much just something to unbork the melee companions,.
  • liftliteliftlite Posts: 1 Arc User
    im also having problems with the inventor pets not attacking.

    the muni-bots are not attacking in robot form (sometimes they do, sometimes not).
    turret mode they work fine.
    also tried the attack toys, sometimes they attack sometimes they dont
    heal drones seem to work fine in both modes
  • wizeman#6286 wizeman Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Reported many times over the years. From what I understand, this bug has always been present on most controllable pets and some uncontrollables, along with:

    - bug that makes pets that can attack while flying just sit there turning their flight off and on (why most pets have been made unable to attack while flying)
    - bug that switches over command of pets to the team leader
    - bug that makes controllable pets run away when not in combat in an open map and stay still when indoors
    - poor AI that makes pets too stupid to go over or around obstructions no matter how small

    ...I doubt there will ever be a real fix.
    Post edited by wizeman#6286 on
    "The good... they do not know how close to evil they really are..."
    - The Overlord
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    Reported many times over the years. From what I understand, this bug has always been present on most controllable pets and some uncontrollables, along with:

    - bug that makes pets that can attack while flying just sit there turning their flight off and on (why most pets have been made unable to attack while flying)
    - bug that switches over command of pets to the team leader
    - bug that makes controllable pets run away when not in combat in an open map and stay still when indoors
    - poor AI that makes pets too stupid to go over or around obstructions no matter how small

    ...I doubt there will ever be a real fix.

    I know, it's what keeps me seeking another game. Pso2 is also a good bit of fun but only one pet out at a time and no one else can see them. Hopefully the next one will change some of that being open world.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    If people keeping asking about getting them fixed they will more likely just be removed from the game than see a real remedy.
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    The basic problem here is that mob AI problems are a lot of work to fix (my suspicion is that the AI crashes, or its aggro table fills up), and there are structural problems in the game which make it desirable to discourage use of pets in general. There's a decent argument for fixing pet AI by completely removing it: a pet won't do anything you don't tell it to do (other than, probably, follow you about), and giving it a command resets its AI. For example, a way of doing this:
    • Uncontrollable pets can only be summoned with a target, and attack that target.
    • Controllable pets can be commanded to attack/assist with the the regular pet control bar, and (possibly automatically, possibly as a configuration option) will also attack/assist whoever their summoner is targeting at the time they are summoned.
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