So, there's something that needs to at least be addressed by the devs(or at least customer support, if it exists). Recently, old vets(out of boredom I guess) have been wrecking cosmic runs whenever they're on. They cause stuff like taking aggro from Boss and running around killing other players. I usually don't mind a little chaos now and then but this has been happening quite daily. What's painful to see is that these were good players that suddenly had their moral compass go all wonky. Sure, they've filled the important roles in the past, but seeing them turn bitter and degrade into these "we can do this because we can't be reprimanded!" twats is real aggravating, sad and pitiful at the same time. They're probably mocking this post right now, but I just felt like it should be pointed out at least.
I don't put them in ignore because that doesn't really help at all.

Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
It's gotten real bad now that the channel and membership has been exposed. Like their little secret parade got rained on.
It really is a shame because I had a lot of respect for these players in the past. It's just dividing an already small community.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
EDIT: and they're scared too, because they just deleted their comment, lol
Genuinely asking because I'm aware of the ban but not about anything else.
The players who want to play the objective have these choices:
Its really not an ideal situation.
Don't think that's the case. A forum mod or bot probably viewed their post as spam and banned them. Because that kind of typing is typical for spammers tbh.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Regardless of that topic, I do not enjoy being trolled nor do I enjoy watching others being trolled, it's a colossal waste of time. It's an unfair and unenjoyable experience for other players, especially newer players, as being a player since 2010 myself. With that much said this would make it far too easy to dodge permanent bans as they could just migrate mods to an alternate account and basically have no strikes.
If only the effectiveness of forum post deletion was the same for removing malicious griefers on CO. Perhaps the devs can deputize one of the forums mods to do the job in-game as well.
Either way, I sincerely hope the GMs/devs/customer service do SOMETHING before people jump ship to something else. Please. Here's hoping my post isn't deleted again.
Oh boy, was I in for the “trolling”.
So when I noticed the main tank was having issues using an interrupt on the doggies during phase 1, and that there were a full zone of players with strong enough DPS to Zerg, I decided to suggest it out loud, just to get over phase 1. After my second time suggesting it, I received a tell stating to suggest that in “t3g”. Huh?
The group hopped on to a different zone. I stuck with the zone I was in and decided to CC and there was a new MT. Once there were the roles we needed, all was good....until I slipped in bridging the holds on the doggies (hey, I did just have a few months off). Some in zone started blaming others for my mistake...until I openly admitted hey, I messed up.
As stated earlier, I am coming back from a few months off of CO. I’m trying to view things objectively, and I have to ask now...has there been so much trolling that now there is some paranoia amongst the cosmic party?
I’ll give cosmic parties one more try. I really hope it was an isolated incident, and not that the things have gone sour these coupled of months.
Well, last week(I think? started playing again during that time) there has been trolling by a certain group for what felt like daily. So people are pretty on edge and quick to anger because of it. You'd be lucky to do cosmics without them around, or if they just decide not to be difficult.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
At the end of the day, the members of that troll channel are the ones trying hard to prove something to the rest of us.
In all of the games I've played, I've never EVER, seen a circle of players try SOOOOOOO hard to get noticed, try SOOOOO hard to set themselves apart, act SOOOO salty of people trying to get good at the game, and act SOOOO entitled to praise, lol.
NGL, it's actually reassuring and humbling to get PM's and emails from other fellow players lately the past couple of days I've never met, saying that they're "glad I'm not one of them" and offering their support.
It just proves to me that if don't forget where you came from, and genuinely give what you can to the CO community without any expecations, they will genuinely give back more than expected.
I can't thank you all enough, sincerely...
I remember when you first started tanking cosmics (with your LR?) on your Rooster toon. I was actually rooting (hey I sorta rhymed there lol) for you when I saw you CC dogs, as I never saw you do it previously.
All I’m saying is, to all really, just don’t jump to conclusions, especially when they’re coming back into the game after a hiatus.
For the record, I’m sure y’all seen my “usual” toons; Hypna (Offensive CC) & Magia (Ranged Magic DPS/Tank).
I remember when I first started going to cosmics it was at a Kiga fight. You were CC ing, Kode Prime@lmcnutri was MT, and Imperium Scion@rremont was pulling dogs. I recall watching how amazed I was how you three had everything under control and wondering if I could ever play like you guys.
I remember after that fight, you, me, and Kody were talking and we exchanged friend requests. NGL I was thinking, "wow! I actually have some pro's on my friends list! Lol
But yeah you have always had a rep of consistency when it comes to CCing among the cosmic crowd. It would only be natural to assume trolling for loose dogs under your watch. Lol
I do make mistakes, especially coming back after a few months. Waiting for more DPS options for Telepathy and Celestial power sets
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
And the outcome from inaction isn't looking good.
Press ESC>Help>Request GM help>Behavior
Just a quick ticket is enough. Video does speed up the process, but right now making CS aware how out of hand this is getting is more important.
How To Record (Win10):
Press Windows Button + G
If you guys are serious about combating this, we all need to be vigilant, diligent, and consistent when it comes to reporting them.
We need to flood CS's ticket log to the point where it can no longer be ignored. Someone on CS will be held accountable eventually, but they can't unless there's a backed up log that they can be held accountable with.
Silence is consent, especially now. A week of trolling is plenty of time to for them to reconsider. Time's up and it's time to fight back.
No ****, sherlock. There are solutions to dealing with trolls at cosmics; i.e. trolls attacking dogs at Kiga, then you bring in individual tanks to tank EACH dog. Dino is also manageable, just bring in a good tank that can maintain aggro. However, Ape is marginally more difficult if someone decides to attack the hearts over and over, it can last up to hours. The thing is, though, is that not all these "pros" will be around on all hours and some people don't have characters geared to deal with the trolls.
There are workarounds, but the CO community keeps burying **** under the rug and pretending that it keeps not happening. What needs to be done by the devs or the community service rep or whomever is to establish the precedent that this isn't acceptable then because any dumbass can troll cosmics. If CO gets shut down because of this debacle, good, because it means that Kaiserin and whomever is working with her is inept to the nth degree.
What I recommend is that.... The GMs or whomever is responsible for handling tickets and banning accounts make undercover accounts and attend cosmics for a week or however long and secretly gather account names on those that are responsible, and work from there. If they don't address this, then they lose players, simple as that. I have already moved on for now, but check back to see if anything has happened.