Hello there, my homage to Captain A (Old Glory) needs a build. I'm not looking for anything too fancy shmancy, I suppose a survivable might/unarmed martial arts build would be best for his theme. He'll currently be at lvl 30 due to me using a lvl 30 power up item.
I'd appreciate your help.
Well here is a build I'm using for my 'Cap Honor' build cobbled together from several threads in this forum about that.
Cap Honor A Dex Str Rec - Freeform (Any / Multiple)
Super Stats
Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)
Level 10: Strength (Secondary)
Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)
Level 1: The Master (Str: 8, Dex: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10)
Level 6: Martial Focus (Str: 5, Dex: 5)
Level 9: Impresario (Dex: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 12: Relentless (Str: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 15: Acrobat (Dex: 5, Con: 5)
Level 18: Physical Conditioning (Str: 5, Con: 5)
Level 21: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 1: Boomerang Toss
Level 1: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Demolishing Strikes)
Level 6: Way of the Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Ricochet Throw (Rank 2, Microelectronic Controllers)
Level 11: Parry (Rank 2, The Elusive Monk)
Level 14: Form of the Tempest
Level 17: Inexorable Tides (Rank 2, Flowing Strikes)
Level 20: Steadfast
Level 23: Burning Chi Fist (Rank 2, Shattering Strike, Ghostly Strikes)
Level 26: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 29: Thunderbolt Lunge
Level 32: Intensity (Rank 2)
Level 35: Fiery Embrace
Level 38: Devastating Strike (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Adv. Points: 34/36
Travel Powers
Level 6: Athletics
Level 35: Superjump
Dexterity: Combat Training (3/3)
Dexterity: Gear Utilization (2/3)
Dexterity: Deadly Aim (3/3)
Dexterity: Expose Weakness (2/2)
Warden: Fortified Gear (2/3)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (2/3)
Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)
Boomerang toss cuz I like Ranged EB, Boomerang toss cuz Cap throws his shield, Typical survivable MA build. Thundering Kicks is your main filler and leveling attack. Inex Tides is your main close up AoE, and Burning Chi fist is your main single target power. Fiery embrace cuz nuthing keeps Cap down, and Devastating strike or whatever as a ult or whatever you like to do when you play.
Have fun!
Minuteman (HW) B - Freeform (Any / Multiple)
Super Stats
Level 6: Strength (Primary)
Level 10: Recovery (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 1: The Devastator (Str: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8)
Level 6: Paramilitary Training (Str: 3, Con: 3, Rec: 3, End: 3)
Level 9: Relentless (Str: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 12: Physical Conditioning (Str: 5, Con: 5)
Level 15: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 18: Bodybuilder (Str: 5, End: 5)
Level 21: Boundless Reserves (Con: 5, End: 5)
Level 1: Bludgeon
Level 1: Eruption (Rank 2, Magma Burst)
Level 6: Enrage
Level 8: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Ricochet Throw (Rank 2, Microelectronic Controllers)
Level 14: Pulverizer
Level 17: Endorphin Rush (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 20: Arc of Ruin (No Quarter, Wildfire)
Level 23: Call To Battle (Intimidating Force, Work Up)
Level 26: Annihilate (Rank 2, Scorching Blade)
Level 29: Guard (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 32: Decimate (Nailed to the Ground)
Level 35: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 38: Aggressor
Adv. Points: 36/36
Travel Powers
Level 6: Athletics
Level 35: Superjump
Strength: Swole (2/3)
Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
Strength: Brutality (2/2)
Strength: Overpower (3/3)
Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (3/3)
Warden: The Best Defense (2/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (2/3)
Mastery: Strength Mastery (1/1)
You can use CLeave to lvl or stick with Eruption, Only issue is it has a cooldown, not good for early lvls.
I run him as a hybrid melee DPS, but you could tweak him into a real tank I think.(?)
Some think Endorphin rush should be swapped for Conviction, I dont disagree,
Annihilate is your main single target attack,
Arc of ruin for AoE,
Use ER (Conviction) and Call to battle as often as you need or soon as it comes off CD.
Good luck
Here's an example build that goes w/ Might, but doesn't do the usual Haymaker-focused stuff and uses some Unarmed attacks instead. Hopefully it fits the theme well enough:
(Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Melee Damage)
Super Stats
Level 6: Strength (Primary)
Level 10: Recovery (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 1: The Devastator (Str: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8)
Level 6: Paramilitary Training (Str: 3, Con: 3, Rec: 3, End: 3)
Level 9: Relentless (Str: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 12: Amazing Stamina (Rec: 5, End: 5)
Level 15: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 18: Physical Conditioning (Str: 5, Con: 5)
Level 21: Bodybuilder (Str: 5, End: 5)
Level 1: Boomerang Toss
Level 1: Defensive Combo (Rank 2, Rank 3, Pummel)
Level 6: Enrage
Level 8: Way of the Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Pulverizer
Level 14: Demolish (Below the Belt)
Level 17: Endorphin Rush (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 20: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Inexorable Tides (Rank 2, Flowing Strikes)
Level 26: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 29: Mighty Leap (Nailed to the Ground)
Level 32: Particle Smash (Null Value)
Level 35: Retaliation (Rank 2)
Level 38:
Adv. Points: 31/36
Travel Powers
Level 6:
Level 35:
Strength: Swole (2/3)
Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
Strength: Brutality (2/2)
Strength: Juggernaut (1/3)
Strength: Overpower (2/3)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (2/3)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Brawler: The Glory of Battle (1/3)
Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
Brawler: Setup (2/2)
Brawler: Flanking (3/3)
Mastery: Strength Mastery (1/1)
Can use either Conviction or ERush here (or maybe both, if you want). The last power can also be w/e ya want.
The main single-target rotation is to use Demolish to put up its debuff, and then alternate between Defense Combo and charged DU, while using Inex Tides to quickly refresh Demolish. You could get more dps by just spamming DU (assuming energy is fine), but I figured it'd look more thematic to weave in Defensive Combo regularly, since it has a nice 'heroic brawler' look to it. You can also use Defense Combo and Inex Tides as basic melee AoEs, and I figured Particle Smash was a fitting cd to add in for the look. Gears mostly for Str, w/ some Con and Rec.
Can also take a Hybrid-dps approach w/ R3 Invuln as the passive if you want, and/or go with a dual passive setup if you want to swap between a defensive focus and a dps focus.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I'm a little confused, I thought that ANYthing that knocked could trigger Enrage or Pulv?
I may be getting my Ricochet throw confused with Throwing blades, but I know that ONE of them does a knockdown?
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!