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Missing powers from the game

pallierpallier Posts: 78 Arc User
there are several different superhero powers that could be added that aren't yet in the game.
A few I thought of are:
  • Water elemental (healing and damage)
  • Time control (slow down or freeze enemies, speeds up self and team, reverses injuries)
  • Stretching (ranged melee)
  • Plant control (healing, pets, tanking)
  • Cloning (CC, attacking, tanking)
  • Shape-shifting (copy the attacks of what you change into)
  • Futuristic weapons (way more than just the laser sword and rifle we have now)
  • Size manipulation (grow to attack and deal damage as a giant, shrink to avoid being hit and to launch a surprise attack)

just a few of the powers I could think of that already have some sort of groundwork or foothold in the game.

Water for example can have:
all water powers have the chance to inflict enemies with soaked (enemies soaked have a 20% chance to miss their target from water in their eyes)
energy builder - stream
single target ranged - water cannon (charge attack with a knock)
close AoE - spray (maintain cone attack with push back)
ranged AoE - Tidal Wave (hits a target and 35 yards around a target up to 5 enemies knocking them down)
passive - Liquefy (increases elemental damage by 48% at rank 1, 65% at rank 2, 71% at rank 3 and you take 32% less physical damage)
block - wall of water (usual block damage reduction with effect of healing you by 2% of your total health every 3 seconds)
toggle - Juiced (every time you apply soaked you get a stack of juiced which increases elemental damage by 22% and grants you energy based on your ego)
CC - hydroplane (puts a puddle of water on the ground any enemy's passing through have the chance to lose their footing and get knocked down. chance is based on rank of the power)
Healing - healing rain (all party members in a 55 yard radius are healed every 0.5 seconds based on pulse); spring to life (when defeated in combat you can revive with a 5 min cooldown)
energy unlock - tide of endurance (whenever you knock an enemy you gain energy can not occur more than 3 seconds)
self buff - welling of strength (increases your damage by 42% at rank1, 51% at rank2, 65% at rank3)

Time Control would:
every attack has the ability to inflict enemies with tense (slowing their attack and momement speed by 15% for 5 seconds)
energy builder - second helping (shoots a distortion of time restoring energy)
single target ranged - chronos cannon (temporal energy that rips through everything in its path exploding on impact damaging the target and everything around it within 10 yards knocking down the target. has a 15 second cooldown)
close AoE - tomorrow's reckoning (sucks all enemies into the hero as a maintain until finished, then explodes knocking them outward)
ranged AoE - a present from the past (maintain that puts a target and surrounding enemies in a large sphere slowing their attack and movement and dealing moderate damage every 1 second up to 8 seconds)
passive - paradox (offensive and support passive that heals you each time you speed up an ally or slow down an enemy)
block - Temporal halt (shield that absorbs the damaged taken and adds it to your next attack. can absorb up to 5% of your total health)
CC - waits for no man (charge ability that hits up to 5 enemies in a 100 yard circle are frozen in time for 8 seconds. has a 25 second cooldown)
Healing - not so fast (rewinds time to heal injuries of your target. maintain ability)
energy unlock - tick tok (each time you slow an enemy you gain 15 energy every 2 seconds for 20 seconds)
self buff - a glimpse of the future (all powers on cooldown are instantly reset and speeds up energy gain by 50% for 15 seconds)

Plant control would basically be just like Ego powers but skinned with plants and with plant pets

Clones would be unique as it would be the only power set that the player would have pets that look just like him. they would have 3 powers to use first being a basic attack, second being an aoe attack, and the last being single target with a cooldown. Clones while out drain your energy at a fixed rate for each clone determining how many clones you can have out at once with a cap at 10 total. the energy drain would be based on a % of your total energy pool and its not effected by cost discounts... you can however get energy restoration abilities that can nullify the cost of up to 3 clones as a passive and you can channel your energy builder to keep energy growing to spit out more clones.

Shape shifting would let players target anything... player, enemy, boss, supervillian as long as its humanoid and turn yourself into that target for up to 1 minute using attacks and abilities they possess but limited by your own strength so you can't just turn into a cosmic and destroy everything. while shapeshifted you can't change into another form until it wears off and the abilities that each has still use energy.

Futuristic weapons they are missing laser pistols, proton cannons, phaser beam that fans out, basically just copy munitions but make them all futuristic weapons instead of bullets using lasers and such.

Size Manipulation basically fighting like Ant man does in the MCU. growing huge to do aoe smashing damage like the robot destroids at the end of resistance do with the fist pound and kick. Also shrinking tiny so that you can sneak up on enemies and surprise attack them or avoid one of their attacks.

that's all for now. I'll update the post as I think of more, feel free to add anything, but please be constructive and no insults or negative comments. instead offer suggestions to make change things or new ideas.
Oh Atari how I miss you!


  • holloweaverholloweaver Posts: 588 Arc User
    Plant powerset. I remember this one is been asked from a long long time but it's nice to bump up the request.
  • baelogventurebaelogventure Posts: 520 Arc User
    Self Cloning. Instead of making it a pet class, because they're horribly ineffective at end game, make it a class that summons a clone of the power user for one attack before the clone vanishes.

    Basically, you're making the skin of the attack a copy of yourself performing another move, like this.


    Granted, you can have clones of yourself as pets, with basic attacks, a pair of them like the animal or minibots summoning, marking which ones are melee and which ones are ranged, but my idea has been for you to make a copy that appears, performs an attack, and vanishes in lieu of a standard attack.

    Blocking could be you creating a clone and using him as a human shield, just for funnies.
  • tirelesswayfarertirelesswayfarer Posts: 17 Arc User
    I've been wanting a plant power set from the very beginning as it was a favorite of mine in CoX. Seeds of Confusion, Carrion Creepers, Summon Giant Flytrap -- bring it all back! Because it was a Dominator set (at least when I played), it had a strong emphasis on crowd control.
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    Self Cloning. Instead of making it a pet class, because they're horribly ineffective at end game, make it a class that summons a clone of the power user for one attack before the clone vanishes.

    Basically, you're making the skin of the attack a copy of yourself performing another move, like this.


    Granted, you can have clones of yourself as pets, with basic attacks, a pair of them like the animal or minibots summoning, marking which ones are melee and which ones are ranged, but my idea has been for you to make a copy that appears, performs an attack, and vanishes in lieu of a standard attack.

    Blocking could be you creating a clone and using him as a human shield, just for funnies.

    Clone threat wipe: Create a pet of yourself *and* give it all your aggro and increased threat generation, setting your current threat to zero. (Or possibly create a copy of yourself and you assume control of the copy).
  • speanozspeanoz Posts: 238 Arc User
    I hope it's not too distasteful for me to link my own plant framework suggestion here! I spent a considerable amount of time on it and I think I covered just about every major basis of gameplay too!
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