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Does this Game Work?

I Posted prior messages this game as well as STO will Not work on a new system. I get the answer, Dumb down your system. Seriously, Is this and other ARC Games no Longer being supported? ARC??? Look up my fing account. I have been loyal since CO and STO ever came out. If you stopped working on these games fine. ADMIT it. Im on an old laptop and it works. but on a newer i9 Best of everything PC it wont load. NEVER GET A STRAIGHT ANSWER. Just Lower the res on your gpu. Seriously. Even WoW works perfect and every other Game But ARC. How about an honest answer? Assign one of your DEVs to find the line or LiNEs of code that was Not noted referencing resolution. A search of the many million lines of code.


  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    I think I found the solution. After you took the 600.00 from me for lifetime membership of STO and CO, I look at Remnant. Your wanting to charge another 250.00 for subscription to that? Then I look at the requirements and the graphic cards you support are dinosaurs. You seriously have not updated game to adjust to newer hardware? What I hate is the fact to fully uninstall ARC crap can we trust you that every thing you put in the computers registry will be removed??? I would bet NoT. Unless you changed things in the last 10 years. Oh that's right if you did the stuff would work on newer Hardware. ARC should be so embarrassed selling this stuff in the environment of new technology. Operating on Breakage? If not please refund me.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    And still, ARC isn't a game developer/company. It's a place where you keep your games...
    Either it's Cryptic or PWE you're trying send a message. Most likely to PWE, since they hold the money.
    And yea, games that are over 10 years old, tend to be...old...like ancient in game years...
    They took 600 from you? Or did you give it willingly, knowing what you invested it for?

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • tempestorm76tempestorm76 Posts: 90 Arc User
    I am fairly certain that agents from PWE came to his house and held him at feather point until he paid up. At least that is what they did to me...

    Those feathers were terrifying...

    On a more serious note... I only play Champions from PWE, and it runs great. My machine is, while not tipy top of the line, it isn't anything to sneeze at (those feathers though, those things made me sneeze).

    So, to answer your question, honestly, yes... it does indeed work.

  • qawsadaqawsada Posts: 753 Arc User
    You could use Steam.
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    Works just fine on my machine... didn't you test the free games before you decided to become a lifetime subscriber? Hype and pomp is not a measure of a games worth.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    The game works better on my new machine than it did on my old one - it used to stutter like nobody's business when I cranked up the visual settings, but now it's smooth as a katana through a silk handkerchief at high res.

    Maybe the problem isn't with the game. Or the computer. Might be a PEBCAK issue.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • thedrn#6539 thedrn Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Could you list your system specs?

    I see you are running on an i9 which should be fine but how about your operating system, ram and gpu?

    Also if you are running any operating system other than Windows 10 list that as well.

    Let us know what region you are from (other than the U.S.) if that is the case.

    Are you using a solid state (SSD) hard drive or a sandard ESATA hard drive to run it?

    If you right click your pc in file explorer and list the exact CPU and ram listed there.

    For instance we are using an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor 3.20 GHz and 16.0 GB DDR 4 ram.

    Then load up your device manager and list the GPU (graphics card) you are using, it would be listed under display adapters.

    We are using a Radeon RX 580 Series.

    If you could list those specs we can try and help you figure out what might be wrong and help you correct it.

    You also have the option of contacting us on Twitter @DigitallyRebas1 if you would like and one of our tech team guys will get back to you.

    Post edited by thedrn#6539 on
    Thanks for watching!
    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    mordray001 wrote: »
    Works just fine on my machine... didn't you test the free games before you decided to become a lifetime subscriber? Hype and pomp is not a measure of a games worth.

    What seems to be the case is that they were playing it on an old computer for years, and then got a new computer at some point and the game didn't work on the new computer. They had already tested the free game and bought LTS years before this problem occurred.
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    Could you list your system specs?

    I see you are running on an i9 which should be fine but how about your operating system, ram and gpu?

    Also if you are running any operating system other than Windows 10 list that as well.

    Let us know what region you are from (other than the U.S.) if that is the case.

    Are you using a solid state (SSD) hard drive or a sandard ESATA hard drive to run it?

    If you right click your pc in file explorer and list the exact CPU and ram listed there.

    For instance we are using an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor 3.20 GHz and 16.0 GB DDR 4 ram.

    Then load up your device manager and list the GPU (graphics card) you are using, it would be listed under display adapters.

    We are using a Radeon RX 580 Series.

    If you could list those specs we can try and help you figure out what might be wrong and help you correct it.

    You also have the option of contacting us on Twitter @DigitallyRebas1 if you would like and one of our tech team guys will get back to you.

    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I thought I did post the specs. Its an Asus, 2080ti GPU, i9 and 32 mem. SSD. Its only a few months old and the best hardware out within reason. The games ran fine on every other system I built plus laptops. This Asus is an insane machine, First one since 1981 and 82 I bought without building. It runs everything old and new at ultra high settings no problem. When I Try and run CO or STO it will not run. Task Manager and says Not responding. To go into the machines settings and dumb it down/force it to run at lower res does not make sense now a days. Thanks again. have a good one. P.S. Im not at the machine ATM so hope that's enough info. If Not when I get to it I will copy and paste exact specs.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    But, did you try to dumb down your system?
    Just 'Not responding' sounds something other than a graphical issue...
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • thedrn#6539 thedrn Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Well, there should be no trouble on that machine running CO or STO, so it has to be a software issue.

    Are you running it using the ARC front loader? If so I would try first to navigate your way through windows file explorer to the CO or STO file folder and find these files.

    Champions Online.exe
    Star Trek Online.exe

    Try double clicking on those and running them without ARC, sometimes ARC can be a little touchy. We had an issue a while back with ARC freezing up while trying to update and ever since we run the games like that.

    You may also want to try this while you are in the games folder...

    Right click the Champions Online.exe and hit properties, click the compatibility tab, click the Run Compatibility Troubleshooter.

    Also while you are there try checking the box that says "Run this program as an administrator" .

    You will also see on the compatibility tab a "Run this program in compatibility mode for:", click that box and try running it for Windows 7 and or Windows 8 compatibility because Windows 10 can be weird with older programs. We had to do the same thing with a few games we have used in our YouTube shows.

    Try those options and get back to us.

    Post edited by thedrn#6539 on
    Thanks for watching!
    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    But, did you try to dumb down your system?
    Just 'Not responding' sounds something other than a graphical issue...
    Yeah that description makes it sound like an OS issue. IE the OS is refusing to start the game for some reason.
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  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    Did you try restarting your PC?​​
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    Everything works fine on my brand new I9 computer...
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    soulforger wrote: »
    Everything works fine on my brand new I9 computer...

    What video card are you using and native resolution?
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    lezard21 wrote: »
    Did you try restarting your PC?​​

    Yes. It has to be in the ARC launcher. Thinking of switching to steam because once I launch game thru steam I use same name and PW which will recognize account, but maybe not if account info is stored in ARC launcher. Ill try reinstalling the arc launcher or just play on laptop. Thanks all.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Ok, so you installed Arc, used Arc to install CO, then tried to run CO via Arc?
    My characters
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    Ok, so you installed Arc, used Arc to install CO, then tried to run CO via Arc?

    Yes, When I first started playing the game, it was on a CD. Then years later I find to install both I went to there site where I have an account that recognizes my account and status of it. If I go through Steam it looks like I have to re-install through steam and don't know if they will honor the Lifetime memberships.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    Ummm, you do log in to the game with same account, no matter what platform you're playing with. Since the account information isn't in your computer, it's in their server.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    Hmm, when I tried from steam, as I said, steam wanted to download and install. Do I uninstall games and ARC stuff? Probably search registry and get rid of any ARC keys leftover. Reinstall through steam and good? I will try that when I have time, unless you have a suggestion that will point steam to the dir games installed to. I cant just copy them under the steam dir since they were installed by ARC which will reflect in registry when it trys. When I play either of those games now they are pretty void of population so not in a hurry. But Thanks much.
  • thedrn#6539 thedrn Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Before you do any of that I would try this first...

    "I would try first to navigate your way through windows file explorer to the CO or STO file folder and find these files.

    Champions Online.exe
    Star Trek Online.exe

    Try double clicking on those and running them without ARC, sometimes ARC can be a little touchy. We had an issue a while back with ARC freezing up while trying to update and ever since we run the games like that."

    See how they run without ARC or STEAM running, that is how we run them and have no problems and it will still honor the LTS.

    Try those options and get back to us.

    Post edited by thedrn#6539 on
    Thanks for watching!
    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations
  • tempestorm76tempestorm76 Posts: 90 Arc User
    I recently switched from running via the ARC launcher to running the game through Steam. Download of client and install took a couple of minutes and then updates took less than 30 minutes.

    I swear my game runs better now...

    As to your concerns regarding your Lifetime account there is nothing to "honor". Your account is lifetime. Log in to your account, from any source, and you will be fine.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    Before you do any of that I would try this first...

    "I would try first to navigate your way through windows file explorer to the CO or STO file folder and find these files.

    Champions Online.exe
    Star Trek Online.exe

    Try double clicking on those and running them without ARC, sometimes ARC can be a little touchy. We had an issue a while back with ARC freezing up while trying to update and ever since we run the games like that."

    See how they run without ARC or STEAM running, that is how we run them and have no problems and it will still honor the LTS.

    I can't recommend this enough. I've been launching the game with the one true launcher for years :)

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • dimshade1dimshade1 Posts: 7 Arc User
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    dimshade1 wrote: »

    our overlords are gaining awareness? o3o

    EDIT: Wow just got big scared when they made me verify the machine I was logging into and it logged me into a brand new account O3o anyone else have that happen? Don't worry, afterwards I logged into my actual account.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    spinnytop wrote: »
    dimshade1 wrote: »

    our overlords are gaining awareness? o3o

    EDIT: Wow just got big scared when they made me verify the machine I was logging into and it logged me into a brand new account O3o anyone else have that happen? Don't worry, afterwards I logged into my actual account.
    heard about that on the STO forum, I think the issue is that the initial login via steam just didn't access your account data properly.
    My characters
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    Before you do any of that I would try this first...

    "I would try first to navigate your way through windows file explorer to the CO or STO file folder and find these files.

    Champions Online.exe
    Star Trek Online.exe

    Try double clicking on those and running them without ARC, sometimes ARC can be a little touchy. We had an issue a while back with ARC freezing up while trying to update and ever since we run the games like that."

    See how they run without ARC or STEAM running, that is how we run them and have no problems and it will still honor the LTS.

    Try those options and get back to us.

    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations

    Im sorry, I thought I replied to this weeks ago. I did go to the dir containing .exe file and Yes, it did work fine. I thought I tried that but must not have on that machine. Stupid me. thanks very much.
  • thedrn#6539 thedrn Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    Glad you finally got your games working and glad we could be of help to you!

    Game clients that load game clients that load games never made much sense to us so we avoid it when possible.

    Post edited by thedrn#6539 on
    Thanks for watching!
    Jim Pendleton
    The Digitally Rebastard Network - Public Relations
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    Thank you all very much. I usually always create shortcuts directly from .exe file in corresponding dir. It is clear if its not a new game ARC does NOT care and just wants to push new products. I remember when Steam first came out and was same issues but I guess Steam is a lot more reliable. I have a lot of games through steam and they did a good job of making interface user friendly. I have to remember to go straight to the programs file to execute from now on. Honestly I am embarrassed I didn't do on that computer already.
  • shreddoggshreddogg Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    To be clear, I apologize to every one here and should have listened to you. ARC is a mess. Keep off your system. Message to ARC. Steam might sell you there code. you are far from keeping up. consider it. Sorry for the Devs of ARC you need help and should not be learning on the job. Best of Luck. Uninstalling ARC and if I find anything related to ARC in the registry? guess what they are a virus, otherwise why would they leave remnants of there software you uninstalled on you system?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    The issue seems to be that the game was originally written as a stand alone, and the ARC launcher tries to run it right, but sometimes fails.
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