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- The Nighthawk event will be running for the next week.
- Added Utility and Banded Tights costumes to the event vendor.
- Added various titles to the event vendor.
- Moved several costume from the event store to possible drops from event mobs.
Death Rattle
- Fixed an issue where players could not get into the Lab if they completed the Pearl task on a team.
More titles! \o/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I only have one character that uses them, one R5 in his secondary, two R9s in his primary. Supposedly, this should result in +40 to his primary SS upon the use of any of his attacks since they are all Shadow(Dimensional) damage, as well as a rather large reduction in threat, especially when combined with his Ranged Damage role and Shadowform.
However, using his attacks results in no bonus to any stat. It's not that it just doesn't show on the character sheet, damage remains exactly the same, form and passive remain the same, etc. No change whatsoever. In addition, as often as he draws aggro when on a team, I am unconvinced that the threat reduction is functioning either, especially since those mods take the place of ones that would increase damage output.
I realize that I'm likely one of the very few who use those mods, but one R5 and two R9s represent a significant investment, and I would VERY much like a return on that investment. It has been over a month since they were announced fixed, please do so.
I see there is no improment and any QOL to make it more enjoyable neither!
I will take High Noon and Qliphothic Invansion over this
The bulky new belt is nice
any at all? do we have to wait for the anniversary and see again?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I like Nighthawk. It might be a bit old and worn and occur too many times per calendar year for its own good. But it has a story. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I prefer that over "here's a giant robot; good luck not dying."
My characters
And the Unique story's novelty wore off once again when you had to farm the alert constantly to get Tokens while seeing the same unskippable Cutscene spam over and over again while seeing the cutscenes glitching all the time and watch Player's character, Nighthawk and Franklin Stone clipping under the floor
and before that, watching Nighhawk beating the crap out your team allies ???
In 3 days I had already 600+ tokens, less reason to queue spam the alert
and along with that, I have been doing Death Rattle dailies along side, which i assume it was DEVs' intention (They share the same building, Werehouse)
According to my research, we should be getting a powerframe update next month o3o
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This is no need for Defiance, months before the anniversary.
They're going to hold back for now and blow all their loads of work for the 10th annivarsary to make it a Hype and Pack a Punch
Otherwise it would be such a Kick in the face, but I'm sure Devs will Flex their muscles with the new stuff they have been holding back in PTS