So basically as the title says, how do players feel about a "teammate" for an alert that shows up as "DPS" sporting a Defensive Passive.
I have a Solo toon that fits this bill that I have to yet run an Alert cause this seems like it would be upsetting to other players.
In standard content do not ever restrict yourself because of other people.
The only place where filling a role really matters is in non-standard content e.g. Endgame Lairs and Cosmic fights.
I bring DPS with Hybrid Role into alerts and I'm either tanking for the group or just doing my thing, if you do get grief, just minimize chat and keep going.
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
I wonder how much I gimp myself with 2 fully ranked passives?
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Also, as has been mentioned many times I'm sure, glass cannons are bad at Kiga.
My characters
I have to confess that I like characters a little tougher than usual (I like to go to warzone) so I'm often stacking all kinds of things on them that would get them shunned as impure. My tanks have a boat-load of DPS improvements and my DPS usually tries to be more tankular. I also like using the pre-made archetypes, and nobody has ever commented on that - even at a cosmic raid - other than to ask my impulse (locked in hybrid role, defensive passive, and defensive form) how much damage he was getting out of force cascade (4200 a shot, which I could chain so it wasn't terrible).
It's not like they can MAKE you leave if you don't want to. But it's good that you want to contribute well. Not every contribution is DPS, too... I've never had a healer be asked to leave.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained