Circus Malvanum
- Added knight Helmet, Regal Knight helmet, and Knight Collar costumes to the event store.
- Added Cryogenic Steam Bike to the event store.
- Updated the landing page to display ongoing events instead of current alerts.
- Fixed a bug where Zen items displayed could have overlapping text in the landing page.
- Added a view release notes button to the landing page that open up the release notes forum section when clicked.
- Added view release notes button to the overview window.
- Renamed Open Calendar button to Alerts Schedule.
- Renamed Active and Completed tabs to Active Missions and Completed Missions.
Alerts - Save the Earth!
- Added cutscenes.
- Made it so the mission display states to defeat the Nemesis during the final part. Other completion routes are still doable.
- Added an overhead icon to the Nemesis to make it easier to find them.
- Defeating the Nemesis now automatically completes the alert.
ItemsThreat Reduction Mod
- Now grants a small amount to your Primary Super Stat when dealing damage with the mod's damage type.
Distinguished Gear
- Added additional CC res to Distinguished Armor of Agility
- Added additional Defense to Distinguished Armor of Freedom
- Added additional Defense to Distinguished Gloves of Offense
- Increased Superstat set bonus by 10.
- Doubled Defense set bonus.
Mercenary Gear
Mercenary Gear acquired from Lockboxes has been renamed to Remarkable.
Set Bonus:
- 2: +10% Resources
- 3: +10% Questionite
Heroic GearSet Bonus:
- 2: +500 Health
- 3: +5 All Stats
LockboxAdventurous Gear
Green Quality
Can be found in upcoming lockboxes paired with Common Mod Box drops.
Set Bonus:
- 2: +20 Energy
- 3: 10% chance for +Energy on attack
Fortuitous Gear
Blue Quality
Can be found in upcoming lockboxes paired with Rare Mod Box drops.
Set Bonus:
- 2: +30 Energy when you defeat a foe
- 3: +250 Health when you defeat a foe
Valiant Gear
Purple Quality
Levels with player
Can be found in upcoming lockboxes paired with Great Mod Box drops.
Set Bonus:
- 2: +500 Health
- 3: +50 Energy
Great Mod Box
- New very rare drop from upcoming lockboxes. Contains 5 basic Rank 7 mods.
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
These changes are good, but for those who already got justice gear for their tanks this might be a big problem... Re-farming 1500 scr/750gcr and have to take all 12 mods out which took very long and a big resource sink. Can you give us some way to swap them around?
Distinguished defense might be slightly overpowered; agility is getting +38 crowd control resistance for free (its stats were previously identical to agility from other sets), freedom is getting +38 cc resist, 70% knock resist, at a cost of 184 hp. Might reduce the cc/knock resist, the complaint was mostly that the extra resists were at the cost of useful stuff so people shouldn't complain if the extra resists are reduced.
The reduction mods are now also roughly half of a superstat core. I might consider them for my icicle who has no threat wipe.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Anyways, it nice that you buff the Distinguished Gear. It was pretty laughable when a set meant for tank has a defensive part's defense LOWER than the other two GCR gear. The Release Note Button is a most definite welcome.
Now then, for the other set piece, lets compare Heroic and Valiant:
Yeah, unless Valiant has a drop rate of a Legion Set in the previous Lockbox set, I still think the SCR is not worth spending on Heroic, even for the benefit of adding what is equivalent of a R4 growth mod if you wear 2 piece. With that in mind, I assume you're going to add set bonus to all other gears that spread throughout the game, like Warzone merc gear, the Scarlet Gear, the Vik Gear, The Nemesis Merc Gear, and the Bronze King Gear?
Oh and the Confront mods have superstats added on to it. This was not mention in the note.
Well for justice, you're already hitting harder than the other two set, and you need that extra damage for more aggroing power. You can also slap in an offense passive, make a DPS role, and switch to dps on demand while there are other tank role in the raid.
That's wasn't the way to fix it, because for a DPS role we surely have another toon for that purpose. Not to mention that tank requires more effort on gears and mods but now if we aim for best (or actually the one "feels" best) we have to redo everything again. Its like a power change without giving a free retcon but much more than that.
Feedback achieved! \o/
I like this. CC res is pretty yawn, but it's going onto the Agility piece so that makes sense. Yey for more defense \o/
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnno. You made your choice. Your tank isn't suddenly broken because they're wearing Justice. I am happy to see someone immediately lamenting not having Distinguished on their tank though, feels right.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My tanks are stronger and now I'm motivated to farm Cosmics again VERY GOOD! THANK YOU!
I think you get it wrong, its not like I have choices before this change since the gears had less defense than Justice gears. It's surely not broken but when I trying to build up a character I want it to have best items suit it, but if they didn't change anything then i'll just have to grind another month for GCR....which is just ...sad.
Distinguished Gear
Bug. Contrary to these notes, it looks like the Superstat bonus was only increased by 5 rather than 10 and the Defense bonus by about 50% instead of being doubled (It was +42 IIRC and is now +64). Is this a change list issue or a bug on the test server?
Suggestion. An actually doubled Defense bonus on this gear would certainly help make a wider variety of tanks viable in the end game and would be more competitive with Virtuous' 10% damage resistance increase.
Heroic Gear
Set Bonus:
Bug. On the test server, the bonus is +300 Health instead of +500 Health.
Gonna have to correct you there. Distinguished had better mitigation than Justice, and Virtuous had better mitigation than both of them. So you actually did have choices, and you chose the one with the lowest mitigation. The link in my signature about gear contains information from when I tested this.
So right now you have the lowest mitigation gold-tier set, and you're fine. So you'll be fine farming for the next month to get that Distinguished. Also you have the option of just not doing that if it seems sad to you. Your choice.
Furthermore, I have toons where I have 2 sets of gold-tier gear. I had to farm twice, and so do you. Difference between us I guess is that I don't think playing the game to get stuff in the game is sad... I'm actually quite happy when they give me a reason to dive into content again ^_^
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Huzzah! Our prayers have been answered, Distinguished tanks! \O/
Now would it be possible to
Add that same defense to the Healing gloves too, please~?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Can you please stop making tanks even more overpowered? It already takes zero effort to be good at playing tank characters, this only further widens the gap between damage oriented and meatshield playstyles.
If making changes makes more people want to develop an end-game tank and that means less time standing around at Dino with 25 DPS waiting for at least 2 tanks to show....then hooray!
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
My tank in Justice = 88% damage resistance
My tank in Virtuous = 87% damage resistance + "10% damage resistance"
My tank in Distinguhed = 115% damage resistance
My tank in Justice vs unsplit Dino bite = 9k
My tank in Virtuous vs unsplit Dino bite = 8.6k
plz pass the salt to tenderize the meat o3o
You get the award for biggest over-reaction to a small change. Congratulations.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
More motivation for people to farm Qzone OM
well at least we will have to wait and see until next rotation
It can't be Cybermind and FM Levels of BAD Cutscenes... can it?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It automatically appeared on my toon in PTS, no switchin'/unslotting necessary
Even after all of the numbers were crunched from all of you who do this so I don't have to (thanks, by the way for all of your efforts), I still went with Distinguished on my tanks and just sucked it up if it was just a little bit not-as-tanky as other gear.
I do have characters with an assortment of Q merc gear and lockbox merc gear, so that will be interesting to see how it has changed. Not that it matters that much for me. I still show up in basic blue 40 gear with some characters to Cosmics and do just fine.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Really could've done without the cutscenes though, but oh well. Hopefully they're not too intrusive and don't interrupt gameplay. (They probably do just that, though...)
Cybermind's at least aren't too gameplay-interrupting and (sort of) hint at how to deal with his mechanics. The worst kind of cutscenes (aside from FM, which everybody hates) are those seen in Grab and Red Winter because they interrupt gameplay without actually conveying any useful information to the player.
Gameplay Interruption!
Let's put this under bad game design, shall we
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Have we even seen the new STE cutscenes?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.