Most likely scrapped and were probably gonna get the powerhue option as a separate service item.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
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Most likely scrapped and were probably gonna get the powerhue option as a separate service item.
I mean, The PowerHue in itself is Amazing but that would be a Bummer if it ends up being just that,They Promise you the Golden Trophy and you end up getting a Participation Lollipop X'D
You seem to actually have HUGE tolerance since I've seen you QQing literally about everything for the past 2 years and yet here you still are.
You'd think someone who does not enjoy the game would leave and move on.
edit: Just for shits and giggles I was going to go through your post history to quote the last entirely positive comment you had regarding the game but gave up after around June 2017 lol
I always find it suprising how players want everything but never want to PAY for it. When a company tries to implent something and charges for it their scumbags? Shouldn't they get paid for their work?
I would pay for more character/costume slots than the "default" amount.
And i would pay for a Monthly "free" costume piece. Like Gold subs did.
And i would gladly pay for a monthly Gold sub. If i wasn't a Godly LTSer.
Actually, i would be more than happy to pay for more stuff.
Post edited by flyingfinn on
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
You seem to actually have HUGE tolerance since I've seen you QQing literally about everything for the past 2 years and yet here you still are.
You'd think someone who does not enjoy the game would leave and move on.
edit: Just for shits and giggles I was going to go through your post history to quote the last entirely positive comment you had regarding the game but gave up after around June 2017 lol
I keep hoping the game will turn around, or get sent to another team again. It used to be a wonderful game, after all, and still could be again.
Pray do tell when was this wonderful game time?
Was it perhaps 2011? When the game switched to f2p but had half of it's content locked behind DLC packs and free players had INSANE limitations like only 2 character slots, the most basic of ATs, resource cap limitation AND no way at all to convert ingame currency into cash store currency?
Or perphaps it was 2012? When they released the alert system that completely shut off the rest of the game? Or maybe it was when they released the completely unbalanced Specs system that stuffed PvP into a coffin, threw it down a hole and sealed that hole with concrete?
Maybe 2013? When they released the completely unbalanced vehicles that overperformed over most builds. Something that bear in mind was not such a big feat anyways since save Gravitar nothing in this game poised a decent challenge at all (remember when Bloodmoon bosses literally died under 5 seconds of spawning? Wasn't that fun and heroic?)
Or maybe you are talking about the good 2014, when the dev team of the time FINALLY released the "Design your Villain" alert they've been working on since 2012?
Have any of these WONDERFUL features skillfully implemented throughout the years been removed since the current dev team took control? Or are you still able to do them, in fact, with rebalanced powersets and new powers that give you and ATs an easier time in doing so?
What DREADFUL changes has this dev team implemented? Cosmics, Warzone and TA, aka an actual endgame? 2 new events and revision to old ones so that you can actually catch a good look at what you are fighting before it goes down? Literal hundreds of new costumes in events both old and new, questionite store, lockboxes, recognition store and drops? NEW Nemesis content, something that has not been touched since 2011? A revision of 3 OMs nobody did to update it's loot tables and make it worth it to all levels? A full tailor revamp soon to include even more customization options?
I always find it suprising how players want everything but never want to PAY for it. When a company tries to implent something and charges for it their scumbags? Shouldn't they get paid for their work?
Taking away an already existing facet that was promoted as part of a good or service is shady business practice at best. I've paid for 6 months of sub time, a full-price LTS, and several hundred dollars of other purchases besides.
When I paid for that LTS, it was said in the terms that "Lvl.40 = New Slot." Attempting to change those terms is scumbaggery, and has nothing to do with their 'work' - which has, incidentally, been pushing the game in ways outright hostile to players like me for some time anyway. Which is why I no longer spend money on the game, any longer. When this alt-unfriendly, badly-balanced crap age ends, maybe that will change.
Well, to be fair. As someone that paid for LTS when the game originally launched... If I had payed for everything my LTS has given me, they have gotten almost 1000 dollars more from me (if not more).
Other than the loss of a free character slot, they were not changing anything that would hurt people with lts.
And, I understand the need for a cap on that stuff. Should have always been one, even though there was appearantly one all this time and no one knew about it because the system was broke and did not enforce this limit.
I have suggested fair changes to these caps (along with the return of the free character slot) for this change. But, to many people just want to butt their heads against the wall known as "change". I remember for along time before this package was anounced , how people did not like the subscription based system, and would rather just buy what they wanted. And it finally happens, and suddenly, those peopel shut up, and others start spewing doomsdayisque nonesense.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
People like you remind me of people that claim that CO gets no updates, objectively not true. Or the people in ARK that say the dev team never updates the game or does bug fixes or optimization, yet, a quick glimpse at ARK's patch notes prove those statements to be objectively not true. The list of people like this (including you), is long. And it is sad. You turn a blind eye to the awesome that does take place, staring only at the one bleak spot, missing the forest for the single tree you stare at, the one sick tree, out of a healthy forest.
Seriously, if you and people like you had a theme song, it would be Paint it Black by Ciara (a cover, that paints the song in a more dramatic tone than the original, or even Hidden Citizen's version), for that is what it seems like. You just paint things in the blackest picture you can, ignoring the bright colors that exist. To make matters worse, when someone does come by to try to bring color back into your world, you push it out.
I keep hoping the game will turn around, or get sent to another team again. It used to be a wonderful game, after all, and still could be again. Given the track record of events I've seen since '11 when I joined, this is not the most unlikely of possible events.
I always find it suprising how players want everything but never want to PAY for it. When a company tries to implent something and charges for it their scumbags? Shouldn't they get paid for their work?
Are you gold or LTS/have you read what they have ACTUALLY said(and pulled back, now). If so, you'd understand the points in this thread
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
I always find it suprising how players want everything but never want to PAY for it. When a company tries to implent something and charges for it their scumbags? Shouldn't they get paid for their work?
Eh, not really? On the one hand, people losing free slots and having to pay to get more instead, sure some people might be complaining about having to pay there. On the other hand, the fact that they're capping character slots also limits the ability of people to spend money beyond that cap. However, the fact that the people who would be effected by the removal of free slots and the cap are people who have either payed for a sub or a LTS means that characterizing them as people who don't want to pay for anything doesn't really make sense in the context of this thread.
The whole thing isn't about money anyway really. It's about software/hardware limits, and taking away something we shouldn't have had to begin with, and people being upset because they got used to having that thing. It's happened before with certain balancing changes and it'll likely play out the same way with this one.
I always find it suprising how players want everything but never want to PAY for it. When a company tries to implent something and charges for it their scumbags? Shouldn't they get paid for their work?
Taking away an already existing facet that was promoted as part of a good or service is shady business practice at best. I've paid for 6 months of sub time, a full-price LTS, and several hundred dollars of other purchases besides.
When I paid for that LTS, it was said in the terms that "Lvl.40 = New Slot." Attempting to change those terms is scumbaggery, and has nothing to do with their 'work' - which has, incidentally, been pushing the game in ways outright hostile to players like me for some time anyway. Which is why I no longer spend money on the game, any longer. When this alt-unfriendly, badly-balanced crap age ends, maybe that will change.
Well, to be fair. As someone that paid for LTS when the game originally launched... If I had payed for everything my LTS has given me, they have gotten almost 1000 dollars more from me (if not more).
Other than the loss of a free character slot, they were not changing anything that would hurt people with lts.
And, I understand the need for a cap on that stuff. Should have always been one, even though there was appearantly one all this time and no one knew about it because the system was broke and did not enforce this limit.
I have suggested fair changes to these caps (along with the return of the free character slot) for this change. But, to many people just want to butt their heads against the wall known as "change". I remember for along time before this package was anounced , how people did not like the subscription based system, and would rather just buy what they wanted. And it finally happens, and suddenly, those peopel shut up, and others start spewing doomsdayisque nonesense.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
People like you remind me of people that claim that CO gets no updates, objectively not true. Or the people in ARK that say the dev team never updates the game or does bug fixes or optimization, yet, a quick glimpse at ARK's patch notes prove those statements to be objectively not true. The list of people like this (including you), is long. And it is sad. You turn a blind eye to the awesome that does take place, staring only at the one bleak spot, missing the forest for the single tree you stare at, the one sick tree, out of a healthy forest.
Seriously, if you and people like you had a theme song, it would be Paint it Black by Ciara (a cover, that paints the song in a more dramatic tone than the original, or even Hidden Citizen's version), for that is what it seems like. You just paint things in the blackest picture you can, ignoring the bright colors that exist. To make matters worse, when someone does come by to try to bring color back into your world, you push it out.
Okay that mostly looked alright, but honestly, the cap I have to question(not what you said, that's whatever/fine). Wouldn't it make more sense, feasibly, to simply fix(if you can limit it you have the tech and know-how presumably to fix it) the issues surrounding continuous slots? I mean, characters and cosmetics are THE sellers of this game. Key sells and lockboxes are a thing because of cosmetics, and of course secondarily, powers. That's like me selling pies and maybe a few other light snacks, noticing the demand is high/or at a desirable equilibrium, then putting a hard stop on supply as to where after say, 5 purchases of my pies you no longer can buy pies ever at my store. The light snacks never really were in high demand, and presumably won't be for the foreseeable future, but that's all you have left to buy. Not the end of the world because demand for snacks is still present, but you're essentially slicing into a huge portion of your profits. All of this, however, is without my or anyone's knowledge of what exactly PWI is trying to shift demand to/bank on in CO.
And while ignoring things the devs have done is a bit objective, ignoring issues that persist is in the same boat. The devs have addressed powers and a few QoL fixes, and that's great, but pointing out other bugs and issues still needs to occur, and they still need to be fixed. Issues from many many years ago. Again, to bring the point home on this issue. Neither side is 100% right, blind optimism=bad, blind pessimism=bad.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
What about those of us already over both your listed caps? The character slot earned at level 40 is the only thing that motivates me to level new characters. With out it, the only thing left for someone like me is the cosmic grind, which for me isn't sustainable. I've done all the missions, multiple times.
Both costume and character slot caps should be removed, all that does is prevents people from giving Cryptic money. Creating characters and then customizing those characters is the biggest part of this game.
I seriously doubt this proposed change has anything to do with hardware or software. If that were the case, if storage was reaching its max, no one would be able to make new characters.
I'm no fan of the changes, but it's obvious things are not going to continue as they once were. And, even though I'm losing out on some things, CO still give me more for FREE than just bout any other MMO out there. And with MMO's becoming a less popular type of gaming- I consider myself lucky to have Champions to play.
Plus, I love supers and this is only one of two options. I tried DC and while the lore was fun, the paywall is real annoying in that game. You are basically locked out of new content unless you pay for it. So far CO has not gone that route at all.
There are paywalls in CO too. Perhaps not to things you consider content, but some of the new powers can't be used by ATs, for example. Silvers can use them with a FF slot, but that is a $50 paywall.
I just want to point out that the character cap that "would prevent people from spending more money on the game" has been there a very, very long time. I'm assuming it was there at launch but people wouldn't have noticed because they wouldn't have been close to that cap. At a certain point years ago, I lost the ability to buy more character slots. I couldn't even pick up the free Freeform slot that was given away a few years ago because I was already above the limit.
So the precedent to implement the cap is there, but the way they proposed to fix that was terrible. My hopes is that they don't cap it, but I wouldn't bet on things going my way.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
What about those of us already over both your listed caps? The character slot earned at level 40 is the only thing that motivates me to level new characters. With out it, the only thing left for someone like me is the cosmic grind, which for me isn't sustainable. I've done all the missions, multiple times.
Both costume and character slot caps should be removed, all that does is prevents people from giving Cryptic money. Creating characters and then customizing those characters is the biggest part of this game.
I seriously doubt this proposed change has anything to do with hardware or software. If that were the case, if storage was reaching its max, no one would be able to make new characters.
I've gotten closer and closer to the same boat as you when it comes to playing this game. It's not to say it's BAD or anything, it's just not as engaging post-40, to me at least. I've done cosmics 100s of times since their launch a few years back, not terrible content, but tedious and monotonous. Now, granted I've never used more than the standard LTS costume slots, but still I understand and respect the want of multiple costume slots, plus again, it makes money. Seriously finding it insanely hard to comprehend advocating against. More.Money.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
- compare 'the endgame' to the rest of the game's content and you'll see the issue.
Is the issue that I'm supposed to see that after the Superstat and Specialization revamp the whole game was left an imbalanced mess to the point where power creep caused instanced content to be easily soloable?
- rather than actual smart design - again, see F&I.
What smart design? That Frosticus hits really hard so a dedicated tank and healer are needed for it? Yeah that sounds very exciting for everyone else involved in that fight and certainly pushes DPS and Hybrid players to the limit of their skills
"Rebalanced" has been, for the most part, 'nerfed because tryhards whined.'
I want to see actual before and after parsers for this statement. From my own personal tests, with the exception of PA (which was grossly overperforming and using exploits if this is what you consider "tryhard whined") and Fire, all other powers that were revamped have had their DPS equalized amongst others from the same type (Melee or Ranged) without a substantial loss in DPS (heck in most cases they had a substantial DPS INCREASE like TK Blade/Ranged, Laser Sword and Unarmed).
And as a personal opinion I consider Fire's DPS loss to be justified by the increase in QoL of having to juggle only 2 debuffs instead of the nightmarerishly strict rotation you had to stick prior to juggle 3 debuffs and a buff.
The Endgame is a mess, largely due to the alt-unfriendly fixation
I have 24 alts. Ironically the ones I play the most and have fun with are the ones I am currently gearing up because I get to see where my shortcomings are and can adjust my gear planning to cover those deficiencies.
I gear up my toons so that I can switch to them to cover roles that are needed/contribute to DPS checks passing and in doing so ensure other people get to gear up their alts so that they would be available to do the same for me and so on and so forth. This sounds very alt friendly to me.
(and again, the difficulty spike is also problematic)
Hey! On this I actually agree with you! But instead of b&m about it, I created multiple suggestion threads with ideas on mid tier content to do prior to Cosmics, and also provide my feedback on PTS tests for new content to help adjust the difficulty of said content.
So wait...the game making more money is bad now? Are you legitimately advocating this game LOSE money. I uh..don't think that's helpful.
Biff literally pointed out in the post before yours that people already could only buy up to the cap. So, no, I'm not advocating the game lose money. Ya blew it.
So wait...the game making more money is bad now? Are you legitimately advocating this game LOSE money. I uh..don't think that's helpful.
Biff literally pointed out in the post before yours that people already could only buy up to the cap. So, no, I'm not advocating the game lose money. Ya blew it.
Okay then explain your post. From the way I read it it sounded that way, if i'm wrong, fine, but explain what you mean by:
What about those of us already over both your listed caps?
You have so much, and you're still demanding more. That's what about you.
I do remember addressing this issue when you said almost the same thing in the release notes, and you were wrong there for the same style of thinking, so, if you could explain...?
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
What about those of us already over both your listed caps? The character slot earned at level 40 is the only thing that motivates me to level new characters. With out it, the only thing left for someone like me is the cosmic grind, which for me isn't sustainable. I've done all the missions, multiple times.
Both costume and character slot caps should be removed, all that does is prevents people from giving Cryptic money. Creating characters and then customizing those characters is the biggest part of this game.
I seriously doubt this proposed change has anything to do with hardware or software. If that were the case, if storage was reaching its max, no one would be able to make new characters.
Over the limit? Sucks to be you. I also HIGHLY doubt that you have filled all 20k+ costume slots on all 200+ characters you have. Still, sucks to be you. All things, both good and bad, end eventually.
The caps do not prevent people from giving cryptic money. Most people do not buy character slots. Unless they are silver players. Most gold players do not do that (I did, but, something tells me most do not, and most of my character slots came from free ones, I got something around 100 FREE character slots, what is the price for two character slots again? How much money did they lose out on from giving me 100+ free character slots vs how much they'd have gotten if I bought them?). And you want to claim these things prevent them from earning money. No, it is the opposite, free things prevent them from getting money. If anything, people like me and you (with a crap ton of characters and costumes) are most likely in the minority when it comes to number of characters. Most players, especially the silver players, most likely have a smaller number of characters and costumes than the caps (both the current live costume cap, and the proposed character cap), and these people are not buying slots, not even often. And people like me and you, we most likely stopped buying slots a long time ago (I'd be surprised if you are still able to buy non-freeform slots, as I actually did hit the cap on those, which was like 62 or so, I even put in a ticket, and the reply back than, this was even before the game went free to play, was that I hit the purchase cap...wait...I should have seen this coming a mile away now that I remember that reply). Now that I remember that reply...I should have realized I was told there was a character cap... That is a moot point now though. I was able to bypass this cap through free slots. But, again, do the math, 70 or so slots I bought, got about 112 FREE character slots, how much did they lose on that? Now, think about your number of characters. I highly doubt even most of them were bought slots. How much money do you think you got away with?
You want to talk about them making money, yet, you want free things from them...
The issue is not with storage, the issue is hardware related though. As I, and others, have saw, having a smaller number of characters and/or costumes makes loading into the game faster for us. Or that just might have been the difference between the test server and live...not sure really.
"I give every bit of 'awesome' a fair shake. It is hardly my fault if, for example, the new Alert was badly-balanced with un-fun, irritating gimmicks. Or that the new costume change tricks are yet another character-bound grindfest."
Trust me, I am on yourside on that. I do not agree at all with any cosmetic stuff being character bound. Never have, and never will be.
"Silence is compliance, and no one happy with the world changes it."
There is a difference between voicing concern, and just flat out ignoring the good that can come from something you do not agree with. You and others are doing more of the later than the former.
"And change can be good or bad. This game has not had a good track record at managing the former, and claiming this is a matter of 'change is bad' versus 'they're taking something promised away after years, on the premise of a very hokey excuse that has never been mentioned before now' is... reaching."
This is also true. The game does not have a good track record of being balanced in terms of good things and bad things happening. Mostly because, we have one group of super elite players that complain about mobs being to easy, a group that says they are to hard, and a group that says they are fine. This is because the super elite, build via meta and have grinded to the point they are at the top, and once there, they think things are to easy, even though, they forget they have the best builds and gear, at that point, of course the game should be easy. On the other hand, the people that think the game is to hard, are trying to build their characters with the following in mind: 1, they have no clue how to build their character, or 2, they are trying to have fun with their theme, which typically is not a good solid build, to make matters worse for these people, they do not want to do the grind for the best gear, and they get yelled at by the super elite. The content people sit in the middle. Because of this, the devs have to sift through everyone's OPINIONS on how the game is balanced and make educated guesses and play tests to determine if something is either over performing, or under performing. And balance as needed. At least Cryptic has never done to any power what Blizzard did to Demonology Warlocks near the end of Draenor (A nerf so bad, they might as well have renamed the spec to noodle tosser).
But, what people need to realize, is that the devs need to balance powers so that all content can be fun and/or challenging. The former is tricky to do, because that is more or less subjective to the individual player (for example, I do not really do much beyond making costumes and participating in costume contests, for I do not enjoy cosmics or any of the end game content). And no, that isn't because I find them to be gimicking. Seriosuly...while use that word? In the vast history of MMOs, bosses, typically had their gimmicks. Especially in MMORPGs. What, did you want them to only punch you in the face with no special attacks? Only thing I cannot stand, is one shots that you cannot prevent at all (which is somewhat the end game). But, the later, making the game challenging, is harder to do than you realize. The number crunching needed for that is massive. And you either have boring fights that have no thrills, or you have one shot gimmicky fights.
"Nice ad-hominem defending shady business practices, however. If there was meant to be a limit, we'd have heard of it well before now when it was suddenly beneficial to the narrative of taking away an advertised feature to 'fix' it."
Well, to be fair, it wasn't known. That much was true. But, as my previous post says, I did actually get told many years ago (before the game went free to play), that there was a character limit. That was so long ago, I had forgotten about it till recently. Back than, I had figured that the free character slots was a way to get around this, to give people a reason to go LTS. Boy, do I feel dumb now. After all, you and everyone that thinks like you are falling into a common form of making an argument from ignorance. Not saying you guys are ignorant or anything. What I am saying is that you guys are using a form of agument that is basically "If A is not provne, than B." But, in truth, the argument can be said "If A is not disproven, than A can be true." Nowhere did Crytpic ever state that we'd have unlimited characters and costume slots, yet, nowhere did they ever state outright there were caps. Is it scummy? Maybe. It is basically using a loop hole in logic to justify something that people do not like. In truth, if you guys REALLY want to stop this from happening, comprimise. Reach an agreement everyone can agree on.
Okay that mostly looked alright, but honestly, the cap I have to question(not what you said, that's whatever/fine). Wouldn't it make more sense, feasibly, to simply fix(if you can limit it you have the tech and know-how presumably to fix it) the issues surrounding continuous slots? I mean, characters and cosmetics are THE sellers of this game. Key sells and lockboxes are a thing because of cosmetics, and of course secondarily, powers. That's like me selling pies and maybe a few other light snacks, noticing the demand is high/or at a desirable equilibrium, then putting a hard stop on supply as to where after say, 5 purchases of my pies you no longer can buy pies ever at my store. The light snacks never really were in high demand, and presumably won't be for the foreseeable future, but that's all you have left to buy. Not the end of the world because demand for snacks is still present, but you're essentially slicing into a huge portion of your profits. All of this, however, is without my or anyone's knowledge of what exactly PWI is trying to shift demand to/bank on in CO.
And while ignoring things the devs have done is a bit objective, ignoring issues that persist is in the same boat. The devs have addressed powers and a few QoL fixes, and that's great, but pointing out other bugs and issues still needs to occur, and they still need to be fixed. Issues from many many years ago. Again, to bring the point home on this issue. Neither side is 100% right, blind optimism=bad, blind pessimism=bad.
You know what, you make some good points there. Though, pie making is not what I'd use, since, you would have an actual supply limit...but, whatever, technicality.
If a bug still exists, there is most likely a good reason it still exists. Time/Money/Knowledge of what is causing the bug, are just a few reasons the bug is still around (though, often enough, those are the main reasons). I cannot really defend any bug that still exists, even though I suffer from basically none of the ones people talk about. I am not naive enough to tell people they are wrong about their bug(s). Cause, as you said, Neither side is 100% right, blind optimism=bad, blind pessimism=bad. I am trying my best to stand in the middle on these issues. But, sometimes, people do not give me the room, or the reasons, to stand there.
I just want to point out that the character cap that "would prevent people from spending more money on the game" has been there a very, very long time. I'm assuming it was there at launch but people wouldn't have noticed because they wouldn't have been close to that cap. At a certain point years ago, I lost the ability to buy more character slots. I couldn't even pick up the free Freeform slot that was given away a few years ago because I was already above the limit.
So the precedent to implement the cap is there, but the way they proposed to fix that was terrible. My hopes is that they don't cap it, but I wouldn't bet on things going my way.
As fun as it would be to have infinite characters, I also do not see that being a thing, which is why I have tried giving comprimises to think about. Instead of just smacking my face against the steel wall that is slowly coming foward.
So wait...the game making more money is bad now? Are you legitimately advocating this game LOSE money. I uh..don't think that's helpful.
Biff literally pointed out in the post before yours that people already could only buy up to the cap. So, no, I'm not advocating the game lose money. Ya blew it.
Okay then explain your post. From the way I read it it sounded that way, if i'm wrong, fine, but explain what you mean by:
What about those of us already over both your listed caps?
You have so much, and you're still demanding more. That's what about you.
I do remember addressing this issue when you said almost the same thing in the release notes, and you were wrong there for the same style of thinking, so, if you could explain...?
I think she was refering to the free character slots earned with hitting level 40.
Giving it some more thought, how about this comprimise: You only get 150 free character slots for hitting level 40 with toons. But, there is no character slot limit. Once you get your you 150 free slots, you will need to buy more if that is your thing.
How does that sound for a comprimise? I mean, most people are complaining about both the cap and free character slot (mostly the free character slot), yet complain the cap would stop money flow, which is ironic, as free character slots stops money anything stops money flow. With this comprimise, you'd get 150 free slots, yet, at the same time, would not stop money going to them with infinite character slots?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Nothing like that has been mentioned
I mean, The PowerHue in itself is Amazing but that would be a Bummer if it ends up being just that,They Promise you the Golden Trophy and you end up getting a Participation Lollipop X'D
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
No, none yet.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Stop trying to make things more dramatic than they are o3o
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You'd think someone who does not enjoy the game would leave and move on.
edit: Just for shits and giggles I was going to go through your post history to quote the last entirely positive comment you had regarding the game but gave up after around June 2017 lol
And i would pay for a Monthly "free" costume piece. Like Gold subs did.
And i would gladly pay for a monthly Gold sub. If i wasn't a Godly LTSer.
Actually, i would be more than happy to pay for more stuff.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
*reads thread*
Um.... who's asking for everything without paying?
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Pray do tell when was this wonderful game time?
Was it perhaps 2011? When the game switched to f2p but had half of it's content locked behind DLC packs and free players had INSANE limitations like only 2 character slots, the most basic of ATs, resource cap limitation AND no way at all to convert ingame currency into cash store currency?
Or perphaps it was 2012? When they released the alert system that completely shut off the rest of the game? Or maybe it was when they released the completely unbalanced Specs system that stuffed PvP into a coffin, threw it down a hole and sealed that hole with concrete?
Maybe 2013? When they released the completely unbalanced vehicles that overperformed over most builds. Something that bear in mind was not such a big feat anyways since save Gravitar nothing in this game poised a decent challenge at all (remember when Bloodmoon bosses literally died under 5 seconds of spawning? Wasn't that fun and heroic?)
Or maybe you are talking about the good 2014, when the dev team of the time FINALLY released the "Design your Villain" alert they've been working on since 2012?
Have any of these WONDERFUL features skillfully implemented throughout the years been removed since the current dev team took control? Or are you still able to do them, in fact, with rebalanced powersets and new powers that give you and ATs an easier time in doing so?
What DREADFUL changes has this dev team implemented? Cosmics, Warzone and TA, aka an actual endgame? 2 new events and revision to old ones so that you can actually catch a good look at what you are fighting before it goes down? Literal hundreds of new costumes in events both old and new, questionite store, lockboxes, recognition store and drops? NEW Nemesis content, something that has not been touched since 2011? A revision of 3 OMs nobody did to update it's loot tables and make it worth it to all levels? A full tailor revamp soon to include even more customization options?
Please do enlighten me.
Hey, i didn't write that!!!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Heh, no you didn't, that other guy did. I fixed it.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Well, to be fair. As someone that paid for LTS when the game originally launched... If I had payed for everything my LTS has given me, they have gotten almost 1000 dollars more from me (if not more).
Other than the loss of a free character slot, they were not changing anything that would hurt people with lts.
And, I understand the need for a cap on that stuff. Should have always been one, even though there was appearantly one all this time and no one knew about it because the system was broke and did not enforce this limit.
I have suggested fair changes to these caps (along with the return of the free character slot) for this change. But, to many people just want to butt their heads against the wall known as "change". I remember for along time before this package was anounced , how people did not like the subscription based system, and would rather just buy what they wanted. And it finally happens, and suddenly, those peopel shut up, and others start spewing doomsdayisque nonesense.
I personally have 182 character slots along with 116 costume slots (115 for my toons not in a SG). That is at minimum 20930 costumes. Do I seriously need one more character slot when I cannot even fill those costume slots in a reasonable life span? No, I don't. Which is why I think they should implememt caps on character slots. 100 for starters along with a one time purchase to increase the cap to 200 characters. And increase the costume cap from 40 (it's current cap) to 50, with a one time purchase to double that number to 100. Keep the free character slots for gold/ltsers, but, only up to the cap. This proposel is more than fair. And 200/100, that is 20000 costumes/characters (if a person uses one character who's theme is that they are multiple characters in one body, represented with different costumes), is more than fair.
People like you remind me of people that claim that CO gets no updates, objectively not true. Or the people in ARK that say the dev team never updates the game or does bug fixes or optimization, yet, a quick glimpse at ARK's patch notes prove those statements to be objectively not true. The list of people like this (including you), is long. And it is sad. You turn a blind eye to the awesome that does take place, staring only at the one bleak spot, missing the forest for the single tree you stare at, the one sick tree, out of a healthy forest.
Seriously, if you and people like you had a theme song, it would be Paint it Black by Ciara (a cover, that paints the song in a more dramatic tone than the original, or even Hidden Citizen's version), for that is what it seems like. You just paint things in the blackest picture you can, ignoring the bright colors that exist. To make matters worse, when someone does come by to try to bring color back into your world, you push it out.
You're just mad that you stopped being a "build guru" when the broken meta you depended on went away.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Are you gold or LTS/have you read what they have ACTUALLY said(and pulled back, now). If so, you'd understand the points in this thread
42 40s, LTSer.
Eh, not really? On the one hand, people losing free slots and having to pay to get more instead, sure some people might be complaining about having to pay there. On the other hand, the fact that they're capping character slots also limits the ability of people to spend money beyond that cap. However, the fact that the people who would be effected by the removal of free slots and the cap are people who have either payed for a sub or a LTS means that characterizing them as people who don't want to pay for anything doesn't really make sense in the context of this thread.
The whole thing isn't about money anyway really. It's about software/hardware limits, and taking away something we shouldn't have had to begin with, and people being upset because they got used to having that thing. It's happened before with certain balancing changes and it'll likely play out the same way with this one.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Okay that mostly looked alright, but honestly, the cap I have to question(not what you said, that's whatever/fine). Wouldn't it make more sense, feasibly, to simply fix(if you can limit it you have the tech and know-how presumably to fix it) the issues surrounding continuous slots? I mean, characters and cosmetics are THE sellers of this game. Key sells and lockboxes are a thing because of cosmetics, and of course secondarily, powers. That's like me selling pies and maybe a few other light snacks, noticing the demand is high/or at a desirable equilibrium, then putting a hard stop on supply as to where after say, 5 purchases of my pies you no longer can buy pies ever at my store. The light snacks never really were in high demand, and presumably won't be for the foreseeable future, but that's all you have left to buy. Not the end of the world because demand for snacks is still present, but you're essentially slicing into a huge portion of your profits. All of this, however, is without my or anyone's knowledge of what exactly PWI is trying to shift demand to/bank on in CO.
And while ignoring things the devs have done is a bit objective, ignoring issues that persist is in the same boat. The devs have addressed powers and a few QoL fixes, and that's great, but pointing out other bugs and issues still needs to occur, and they still need to be fixed. Issues from many many years ago. Again, to bring the point home on this issue. Neither side is 100% right, blind optimism=bad, blind pessimism=bad.
42 40s, LTSer.
What about those of us already over both your listed caps? The character slot earned at level 40 is the only thing that motivates me to level new characters. With out it, the only thing left for someone like me is the cosmic grind, which for me isn't sustainable. I've done all the missions, multiple times.
Both costume and character slot caps should be removed, all that does is prevents people from giving Cryptic money. Creating characters and then customizing those characters is the biggest part of this game.
I seriously doubt this proposed change has anything to do with hardware or software. If that were the case, if storage was reaching its max, no one would be able to make new characters.
Thank you
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You have so much, and you're still demanding more. That's what about you.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Plus, I love supers and this is only one of two options. I tried DC and while the lore was fun, the paywall is real annoying in that game. You are basically locked out of new content unless you pay for it. So far CO has not gone that route at all.
So the precedent to implement the cap is there, but the way they proposed to fix that was terrible. My hopes is that they don't cap it, but I wouldn't bet on things going my way.
So wait...the game making more money is bad now? Are you legitimately advocating this game LOSE money. I uh..don't think that's helpful.
42 40s, LTSer.
I've gotten closer and closer to the same boat as you when it comes to playing this game. It's not to say it's BAD or anything, it's just not as engaging post-40, to me at least. I've done cosmics 100s of times since their launch a few years back, not terrible content, but tedious and monotonous. Now, granted I've never used more than the standard LTS costume slots, but still I understand and respect the want of multiple costume slots, plus again, it makes money. Seriously finding it insanely hard to comprehend advocating against. More. Money.
42 40s, LTSer.
Sometimes it's too obvious what you are doing.
It is. The very same Warzone provided you with a way to trivialise the dailies via the resistance pots.
And I'm not even gonna bring all the other alternatives outside of the warzone itself that trivialise it into a walk in the park territory.
Is the issue that I'm supposed to see that after the Superstat and Specialization revamp the whole game was left an imbalanced mess to the point where power creep caused instanced content to be easily soloable?
Good point! You made a good point here, blue!
What smart design? That Frosticus hits really hard so a dedicated tank and healer are needed for it? Yeah that sounds very exciting for everyone else involved in that fight and certainly pushes DPS and Hybrid players to the limit of their skills
I want to see actual before and after parsers for this statement. From my own personal tests, with the exception of PA (which was grossly overperforming and using exploits if this is what you consider "tryhard whined") and Fire, all other powers that were revamped have had their DPS equalized amongst others from the same type (Melee or Ranged) without a substantial loss in DPS (heck in most cases they had a substantial DPS INCREASE like TK Blade/Ranged, Laser Sword and Unarmed).
And as a personal opinion I consider Fire's DPS loss to be justified by the increase in QoL of having to juggle only 2 debuffs instead of the nightmarerishly strict rotation you had to stick prior to juggle 3 debuffs and a buff.
I have 24 alts. Ironically the ones I play the most and have fun with are the ones I am currently gearing up because I get to see where my shortcomings are and can adjust my gear planning to cover those deficiencies.
I gear up my toons so that I can switch to them to cover roles that are needed/contribute to DPS checks passing and in doing so ensure other people get to gear up their alts so that they would be available to do the same for me and so on and so forth. This sounds very alt friendly to me.
Hey! On this I actually agree with you! But instead of b&m about it, I created multiple suggestion threads with ideas on mid tier content to do prior to Cosmics, and also provide my feedback on PTS tests for new content to help adjust the difficulty of said content.
Quote me on this.
....weren't and aren't you doing the same right now?
Biff literally pointed out in the post before yours that people already could only buy up to the cap. So, no, I'm not advocating the game lose money. Ya blew it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Okay then explain your post. From the way I read it it sounded that way, if i'm wrong, fine, but explain what you mean by:
I do remember addressing this issue when you said almost the same thing in the release notes, and you were wrong there for the same style of thinking, so, if you could explain...?
42 40s, LTSer.
Over the limit? Sucks to be you. I also HIGHLY doubt that you have filled all 20k+ costume slots on all 200+ characters you have. Still, sucks to be you. All things, both good and bad, end eventually.
The caps do not prevent people from giving cryptic money. Most people do not buy character slots. Unless they are silver players. Most gold players do not do that (I did, but, something tells me most do not, and most of my character slots came from free ones, I got something around 100 FREE character slots, what is the price for two character slots again? How much money did they lose out on from giving me 100+ free character slots vs how much they'd have gotten if I bought them?). And you want to claim these things prevent them from earning money. No, it is the opposite, free things prevent them from getting money. If anything, people like me and you (with a crap ton of characters and costumes) are most likely in the minority when it comes to number of characters. Most players, especially the silver players, most likely have a smaller number of characters and costumes than the caps (both the current live costume cap, and the proposed character cap), and these people are not buying slots, not even often. And people like me and you, we most likely stopped buying slots a long time ago (I'd be surprised if you are still able to buy non-freeform slots, as I actually did hit the cap on those, which was like 62 or so, I even put in a ticket, and the reply back than, this was even before the game went free to play, was that I hit the purchase cap...wait...I should have seen this coming a mile away now that I remember that reply). Now that I remember that reply...I should have realized I was told there was a character cap... That is a moot point now though. I was able to bypass this cap through free slots. But, again, do the math, 70 or so slots I bought, got about 112 FREE character slots, how much did they lose on that? Now, think about your number of characters. I highly doubt even most of them were bought slots. How much money do you think you got away with?
You want to talk about them making money, yet, you want free things from them...
The issue is not with storage, the issue is hardware related though. As I, and others, have saw, having a smaller number of characters and/or costumes makes loading into the game faster for us. Or that just might have been the difference between the test server and live...not sure really.
Trust me, I am on yourside on that. I do not agree at all with any cosmetic stuff being character bound. Never have, and never will be.
"Silence is compliance, and no one happy with the world changes it."
There is a difference between voicing concern, and just flat out ignoring the good that can come from something you do not agree with. You and others are doing more of the later than the former.
"And change can be good or bad. This game has not had a good track record at managing the former, and claiming this is a matter of 'change is bad' versus 'they're taking something promised away after years, on the premise of a very hokey excuse that has never been mentioned before now' is... reaching."
This is also true. The game does not have a good track record of being balanced in terms of good things and bad things happening. Mostly because, we have one group of super elite players that complain about mobs being to easy, a group that says they are to hard, and a group that says they are fine. This is because the super elite, build via meta and have grinded to the point they are at the top, and once there, they think things are to easy, even though, they forget they have the best builds and gear, at that point, of course the game should be easy. On the other hand, the people that think the game is to hard, are trying to build their characters with the following in mind: 1, they have no clue how to build their character, or 2, they are trying to have fun with their theme, which typically is not a good solid build, to make matters worse for these people, they do not want to do the grind for the best gear, and they get yelled at by the super elite. The content people sit in the middle. Because of this, the devs have to sift through everyone's OPINIONS on how the game is balanced and make educated guesses and play tests to determine if something is either over performing, or under performing. And balance as needed. At least Cryptic has never done to any power what Blizzard did to Demonology Warlocks near the end of Draenor (A nerf so bad, they might as well have renamed the spec to noodle tosser).
But, what people need to realize, is that the devs need to balance powers so that all content can be fun and/or challenging. The former is tricky to do, because that is more or less subjective to the individual player (for example, I do not really do much beyond making costumes and participating in costume contests, for I do not enjoy cosmics or any of the end game content). And no, that isn't because I find them to be gimicking. Seriosuly...while use that word? In the vast history of MMOs, bosses, typically had their gimmicks. Especially in MMORPGs. What, did you want them to only punch you in the face with no special attacks? Only thing I cannot stand, is one shots that you cannot prevent at all (which is somewhat the end game). But, the later, making the game challenging, is harder to do than you realize. The number crunching needed for that is massive. And you either have boring fights that have no thrills, or you have one shot gimmicky fights.
"Nice ad-hominem defending shady business practices, however. If there was meant to be a limit, we'd have heard of it well before now when it was suddenly beneficial to the narrative of taking away an advertised feature to 'fix' it."
Well, to be fair, it wasn't known. That much was true. But, as my previous post says, I did actually get told many years ago (before the game went free to play), that there was a character limit. That was so long ago, I had forgotten about it till recently. Back than, I had figured that the free character slots was a way to get around this, to give people a reason to go LTS. Boy, do I feel dumb now. After all, you and everyone that thinks like you are falling into a common form of making an argument from ignorance. Not saying you guys are ignorant or anything. What I am saying is that you guys are using a form of agument that is basically "If A is not provne, than B." But, in truth, the argument can be said "If A is not disproven, than A can be true." Nowhere did Crytpic ever state that we'd have unlimited characters and costume slots, yet, nowhere did they ever state outright there were caps. Is it scummy? Maybe. It is basically using a loop hole in logic to justify something that people do not like. In truth, if you guys REALLY want to stop this from happening, comprimise. Reach an agreement everyone can agree on.
You know what, you make some good points there. Though, pie making is not what I'd use, since, you would have an actual supply limit...but, whatever, technicality.
If a bug still exists, there is most likely a good reason it still exists. Time/Money/Knowledge of what is causing the bug, are just a few reasons the bug is still around (though, often enough, those are the main reasons). I cannot really defend any bug that still exists, even though I suffer from basically none of the ones people talk about. I am not naive enough to tell people they are wrong about their bug(s). Cause, as you said, Neither side is 100% right, blind optimism=bad, blind pessimism=bad. I am trying my best to stand in the middle on these issues. But, sometimes, people do not give me the room, or the reasons, to stand there.
As fun as it would be to have infinite characters, I also do not see that being a thing, which is why I have tried giving comprimises to think about. Instead of just smacking my face against the steel wall that is slowly coming foward.
I think she was refering to the free character slots earned with hitting level 40.
Giving it some more thought, how about this comprimise: You only get 150 free character slots for hitting level 40 with toons. But, there is no character slot limit. Once you get your you 150 free slots, you will need to buy more if that is your thing.
How does that sound for a comprimise? I mean, most people are complaining about both the cap and free character slot (mostly the free character slot), yet complain the cap would stop money flow, which is ironic, as free character slots stops money anything stops money flow. With this comprimise, you'd get 150 free slots, yet, at the same time, would not stop money going to them with infinite character slots?
Take my money!!!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber