Okay, I'd like to offer a challenge to anyone that is willing to try this out, the intent is basically self explanatory to the title, to walk in the proverbial shoe's of those less capable/fortunate then yourselves and maybe more receptive/caring/aware to those in need, anyways, this is primarily for Solo attempts, their is a certain guidelines you must follow to quality the Challenge -
1. You Must not use ANY Devices or Vehicles while attempting this(Only exception is Traveling to objectives) so remove them all from your device tray.
2. You must have at-least 200ping or higher to attempt this, so for those that congregate on the designated land mass called America, join the Europe server and vice versa, use /netgraph 1 to show your ping during footage.
3. You must follow the builds exactly and rely on it during this Challenge, no outside help.
4. You must use Heroic Gear/Purple Secondaries (From the Recognition Store, the 15 SCR ones) with Rank 5 superstated mods or less (Ideally spread evenly with all super stats), alternatively Questionite or Heirloom gear would keep this consistent. (Samurai for Physical damage, Cyber for Non physical damage)
5. Wither you complete the objectives or not it's about the journey taken and I'd like to hear your experiences with each build.
The scenario involves Completing a round of Qliphothic Warzone Dailies using the following builds, one from each group and uploading a video to prove it, use one Offensive, one Defensive and one Supportive from the list during your runs.
That's it, if you tried this, you can optionally attempt one of each role as a Team (Of 3), one Offense, one Defense and one Supportive, and complete a round of Dailies, Together, still following the guidelines above, and of course Have Fun.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Not my actions exactly but more like I'm curious on how others would handle these builds under these circumstances, to see how to even improve upon so we both learn something, so... yes?
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
@spinnytop To understand ones journey one must experience it as well, the guidelines would give you an accurate circumstance on what I endure (Or anyone in a similar situation) with these builds, so, did I phrase that wrong? assuming if anyone cares, to show compassion, since it's not as easy then to trivialize it with a specifically modded Vehicle or Min-Maxing methods that isn't so easily available, thought you would find this interesting, Spinny.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
No you presented it right, it's just that calling this a "compassion test" is a bit schmaltzy. You should have just called it "See what it's like to be me while doing QWZ dailies".
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Uhm... I might ask the obvious questions: Why not get help? Why not use a better build? I use a lot of builds that do not rely at all on items or hard to get gear sets and they do just fine. My Regen tank can solo QWZ with ease and with her companion in tow it goes real fast. My dodge tank can also do it and with her companion they are invincible. The friends they bring along are also built relatively easily.
Having a high ping is no fun but that just means taking tankier builds or REALLY having a friend helps. Also: Support builds are not meant to Solo things thus why they are called SUPPORT.
Is this a challenge for the sake of being a challenge, or is it a thinly disguised attempt at a "QWZ is hard and here I explain why?" topic?
If the former, then sure, I'll give it a go during the weekend.
If the latter, then I already fail to see how you intend to prove that point by heavily handicapping yourself.
Sure, there is little you can do about your ping other than moving right next door to Cryptic, and even then your ping might hover at ~150 with the stability of the servers.
And yeah, I can understand not wanting to change build because you are following a theme (all of my builds are themed for instance)...but specs are not something that reflects on the theme of a build, they are invisible parameters, and making some tweaks on those can improve your DPS/increase your survivability...
Then gear...well, yeah ok. If you are playing from EU maybe your timetables don't match up with most of the playerbase so you can't do Cosmics/TA to grind the SCR/GCR for upgrading...but you can still do OV dailies to get OV gloves of the defender which would help with your survivability a lot...
Moving on, no Vehicle/Device...Vehicles are extremely cheap right now in AH, with rank 2 going for around 500g at most...Psionic Accelerator also makes QWZ a walk in the park and goes for around the same price...
And if the problem is not having the resources to buy those...you can get Second Wind from literally any Custom Alert, or from Reign of Frogs/Asciing for Trouble which is a nice heal...or you can get Healing/Shielding potions, or the resistance potions from the Hermes Recognition Vendor which give you 150% resistance to the damage type of each mob, which in the case of Destroids who deal both Radiation and Crushing damage you can stack both those potions turning their damage into double digits...
So you see, you have plenty of options on how to tackle this, some that require a lot of investment on your part, and some that the game practically gift wraps and hands to you.
If after that point you choose not to use those options, then the difficulty is self imposed and not something related to the game design. It's the equivalent of removing all your gear at level 8, take no passive, no form and no block replacer and go "Look, Talos Beatdown is hard, it should be nerfed"
Basically... none of those builds will solo the Q Zone dailies. They're all good solid builds and would make good team-mates, but they're built the wrong way up. With the Q Zone you need to build on Defence first, then self-healing, and then look at powers which will carry on doing DoT while you block, move and heal. After that you need to think about how you boost damage from a high defensive base - so think about AO's, ways to boost criticals and build stacks. Stuns and stealth builds are another option. I've not managed to make a Q Zone character with an Offensive Passive yet (close, no cigar) - you probably could if you wanted to grind Onslaught for gear, but life is too short for that....
Basically... none of those builds will solo the Q Zone dailies. They're all good solid builds and would make good team-mates, but they're built the wrong way up. With the Q Zone you need to build on Defence first, then self-healing, and then look at powers which will carry on doing DoT while you block, move and heal.
That's not entirely true. You can also solo QWZ dailies with superspike builds (I've done it with an Icicle), but those involve very heavy initial attacks -- have a way of building up form stacks out of combat, pop an active offense and/or defense, fire off a full charge nuke. To do it with melee will probably require teleport.
Yeah there's many ways to approach soloing QWZ dailies. Please don't give people the impression they have to turn all their characters into tanks to do it.
To do it with melee will probably require teleport.
Teleport is certainly useful for getting out of a fight-gone-bad. However it's not required for melee. Using it to suddenly appear in the middle of a group is one way to go, but charging something as you run in ( like one of those fabulous new PBAoE melee attacks you can charge while moving ) is a great way to replicate the alpha strike method for melee. Another neat thing that looks really cool is to fly above the group, turn acrobatics on, and charge a power as you drop down into the group - kind of like turning yourself into a bomb \o/. Sword Cyclone with the Butcher's Blades advantage is currently the king of this, if you can get all that energy at the start of a fight.
Now while that gets you a good start on the fight, smart use of knocks and stuns is more likely to help you win the fight as a melee. When you have high damage, stunning something for a second and a half ( especially if you're also interrupting a dangerous attack ) can give you time to put a lot of damage into a target. Knock Backs can be used to temporarily remove NPCs from the fight, knock downs can be used as interrupts, knock ups basically serve the same function as stuns, and of course knock to's make for expeditions aoeing. Chaining stuns and knocks back to back can give you long stretches of time to pour damage into targets.
The game has a wealth of options for dealing with these encounters. "Make all your toons into tanks" is just one... and probably the least exciting. Well... it's more exciting than doing them on a vehicle at least.
Basically... none of those builds will solo the Q Zone dailies. They're all good solid builds and would make good team-mates, but they're built the wrong way up. With the Q Zone you need to build on Defence first, then self-healing, and then look at powers which will carry on doing DoT while you block, move and heal. After that you need to think about how you boost damage from a high defensive base - so think about AO's, ways to boost criticals and build stacks. Stuns and stealth builds are another option. I've not managed to make a Q Zone character with an Offensive Passive yet (close, no cigar) - you probably could if you wanted to grind Onslaught for gear, but life is too short for that....
Any of the builds in the OP can do Warzone if they are resorceful, ie. use devices like Psionic Accelerator, Nimbus of Force, Amazing Graze, Second Wind, Healing/Shielding Pots, Resistance Pots, Ice Grenades, Poison Shuriken, etc. etc.
In fact the ones that would have the most trouble would be the Support ones because they would lean too much on Defensiveness while lacking proper offense, but that's the whole point of Support after all.
Not without gizmos and gear which the OP specifically excluded... I have many of the items you've listed and they don't make one shell of difference if the basic build isn't there. If you build up the way I suggest you'll be able to solo the Q Zone, do the Nightmare Invasion dailies and enjoy the Save The Earth! alert without having to muck around grinding dull content for special stuff..... you don't even need Merc gear, to be honest.
Not without gizmos and gear which the OP specifically excluded...
I know that the OP excluded ALL devices and as I said in my first post if it's for challenge's sake then fun, i'll try it, if it's to try and prove a point that the QWZ is hard then dumb, the QWZ isn't hard if you aren't handicapping yourself with a "don't take any of the available options the game gives you to do this and also blindfold yourself and cut your left hand".
The biggest key to doing well in the QWZ, as with a lot of content really but it is more important here, is just watch where you are going and what you are aggroing. As long as you pick your battles and make your enemies fight on your terms you will generally be fine. If you just run into them and let them have their way with you then you had either better be tough or you will be dead.
You do not have to be a tank to do QWZ but it makes it really easy. Taking even one friend with you will generally make it really easy too.
@lezard21 Sure, Fun, lets go with that, if you like to give yourself a challenge then try it, I'd like to see others attempt this, break the monotony and persevere.
(Also I reside on the designated landmass called Australia, Lezard)
Thanks for the advice from everyone, personally would like to attempt this with the reliance on builds themselves (Theme/Preference/Basics everyone has) I mean in general not just QWZ, I have asked for help occasionally, sometimes no response, sometimes I'm answered (Gesture of appreciation in advance), as for the Support roles I have managed to do a round of dailies as Edom, I'm rather surprised but happy that I managed that on my own. ^.-.^
Some days are worse then others, sometimes it's the thought process, a missed/lagged action, movement, forget to heal, fatigue, sequence of events like worms breaking block etc, it happens with our variances and differences.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Not without gizmos and gear which the OP specifically excluded...
I know that the OP excluded ALL devices and as I said in my first post if it's for challenge's sake then fun, i'll try it, if it's to try and prove a point that the QWZ is hard then dumb, the QWZ isn't hard if you aren't handicapping yourself with a "don't take any of the available options the game gives you to do this and also blindfold yourself and cut your left hand".
No problem and I quite agree it's daft not to consider these methods, but if you don't have item XYZ from the last event or the Drifter Store or whatevs then the only way of getting the effect is to think out of theme and pick some powers which will fulfil the role for you.
as for the Support roles I have managed to do a round of dailies as Edom, I'm rather surprised but happy that I managed that on my own. ^.-.^
That's the thing. You can max out your defence or max out your damage for the Q Zone but in the end a character which has a modicum of both and the ability to repair (self-support) will probably be the most comfortable to play.
That's the thing. You can max out your defence or max out your damage for the Q Zone but in the end a character which has a modicum of both and the ability to repair (self-support) will probably be the most comfortable to play.
Hm. I'd actually say the moderate path is harder. You pretty much have to choose between a dps race method (defeat them before they defeat you) or an endurance method (have enough defense and self-heals to fight indefinitely) and a moderate path runs the risk of not hitting hard enough for the first option and not being tough enough for the second.
I guess since I'm not experiencing any monotony in the QWZ then I don't qualify o3o
I was referring to those that Min-Max approach, try something different, encourage some diversity, that's what I was implying in general, I could add some more builds to try if you like the ones originally stated?
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
These builds can certainly do it under merc gear and purple secondaries.
It won't be easy (as intended upon QWZ in the first place) but these builds can solo it, it'd just take a bit and careful strategy for sure.
And for goodness sakes, I cannot stress enough to everyone... even if you aren't a min-maxer and just want to theme to your hearts content. All that matters is that your powers match with your passive, your form, and your super stats to synergize. . . That's all it takes to come from Zero to Hero in anything for anything.
I was referring to those that Min-Max approach, try something different, encourage some diversity, that's what I was implying in general, I could add some more builds to try if you like the ones originally stated?
Again this disqualifies me even more since I don't min-max. I build to theme and I like to have lots of attacks. This isn't a very inclusive challenge if it's only directed at bored min-maxers u3u
Again this disqualifies me even more since I don't min-max. I build to theme and I like to have lots of attacks. This isn't a very inclusive challenge if it's only directed at bored min-maxers u3u
I got the impression Min-Max stood for, Minimum Effort, Maximum Results, regardless on how it's accomplished, but don't let that stop you from trying other builds, which I like to see.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Again this disqualifies me even more since I don't min-max. I build to theme and I like to have lots of attacks. This isn't a very inclusive challenge if it's only directed at bored min-maxers u3u
I got the impression Min-Max stood for, Minimum Effort, Maximum Results, regardless on how it's accomplished, but don't let that stop you from trying other builds, which I like to see.
More about figuring out how to optimize a build to get the most damage possible.
I got the impression Min-Max stood for, Minimum Effort, Maximum Results, regardless on how it's accomplished, but don't let that stop you from trying other builds, which I like to see.
When people talk about min-max builds they are generally talking about highly specialized builds that are all about getting the absolute best performance for a given task. For a damage dealer that means getting the highest possible single target dps, devoting every possible power slot to achieving that with the exception of 1 aoe ( and sometimes not even that ). For a tank, devoting every power slot to threat and survival ability. And so on for every role.
It is generally not applied to builds that are willing to fudge their performance in a given role for themeyness, for being more generally useful, or for taking powers for fun rather than performance. A build can perform well and not be min-max'd. I fall in all three of those categories, since I like builds that perform well in all content, have a coherent and visually pleasing theme, and are fun fun fun fun fun FUN FUN!
Okay, read the whole thing. I'm guessing nobody took the so-called challenge. The whole thing makes no sense?
1) Why use no devices when they are so easy to get and can help a lot?
2) Why use strictly R5 or lower mods? Higher mods are also cheap and easy.
3) Why do it solo?
I will offer a better challenge. Pick up a few cheap devices, grab a few decent mods, make some friends, THEN go do QWZ. Your life will be so much better.
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Was just curious on the artists and the selection in the vid.
Meshuggah - Bleed
Turn Down For What - MLG Airhorn Remix
Nico Nico Nii ( beatstep remix )
The Midnight - Jason
Infant Annihilator - Blasphemian
Kore-G - EDM Sucks
Most of the time if one of you guys are on (I'm referring to folks in the COSMIC or ENDGAME channel) I get ZERO response from folks for QWZ, outside of QWZ. Though my luck could just be terrible.
With that said most of the toons I take to the QWZ for SCR are built in ways that they can blast most of the mobs there to bits, or outlast them . . . so maybe I'm not the best example of what the OP was going for.
Still waiting for anything else to provide video evidence of this endeavor, the closest semblance to this thread is foxy's upload (Thanks for that, at-least someone did) but not quite meeting requirements, however once again validates what I expected.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Still waiting for anything else to provide video evidence of this endeavor, the closest semblance to this thread is foxy's upload (Thanks for that, at-least someone did) but not quite meeting requirements, however once again validates what I expected.
You might want to entertain the possibility that nobody cares. I'm actually the one that cared the most and you basically just blew me off so now I don't care either. Good luck finding someone.
You might want to entertain the possibility that nobody cares. I'm actually the one that cared the most and you basically just blew me off so now I don't care either. Good luck finding someone.
I'm aware of this before I made this thread, I was hoping to encourage some compassion, to humble those that serve themselves first, It's an observational truth, understanding the what behind the what is, the unconscious animal, base level drives, human nature, business indoctrinate, circumstances, belief etc, also, what gave you that impression? I'm being misconstrued here, I wasn't dismissing you, on the contrary, I was acknowledging your participation, your contribution, which I expressed my appreciation in the bracketed message, I was clarifying that you didn't do exactly like I asked, following the builds and no devices, which is why you're the closest example thus far, hope that helps, I'm referring to in general, why would anyone care?, basically what I've discussed with my friend and surmised, made into quotes even,
'People don't change, unless they choose to change, considering this world we live in, why would they when they get what they want? the other is forced to change, that is more of coercion, so it's not made by sincerity'
Encouraging diversity then stagnating conformity, Look at Freeform Builds, over the course of what, 5-6 years? I've played, their is a pattern of gravitation, I hardly seen Dedicated builds that would be associated with Themed Archtype style like 'Earth' or 'Wind' or 'Telepathy', that isn't 'Meta' or 'Min-Max' just one of many, CO has allowed self absorption to run with impunity for far too long to the point no-one seemed to care about Tanks or Support before Fire n Ice came along, and only then it's to get what they want anyways, to collaborate for a single minded goal, does anyone value those Tanks/Support now before with Cosmic revamps? I've seen more Supports then I have years before Cosmics became the new end game grind, so it's refreshing but still doesn't change what happened, what still happens, Support/Tanks being marginalized even today in Alerts for example, the mob updates do put more pressure but otherwise still more of the same, damage is the most prevalent mechanic,
When I first played Champions Online, after the first few weeks of frustrations with familiarizing with the interface and mechanics, the potential for Representation and application was enthusiasm, even to the point I got LTS a month into playing, so I could represent said Dragon Family of mine, the main reason for the most part CO offered something that no other game did, and the first MMO I stayed with, despite, now these days it's just a reminder of human nature, business world and distress, just like Xboxlive attempts before that, I just wanted to enjoy the game for what it is with like-minded but they were few an far between with the eventual depression, frustrations, anxieties, withdrawn for what? guess it wasn't meant to last, with all the bugs, disparity, circumstances, neglect, personal performance, again despite my intentions to enjoy the game and apply myself, it's just like anything with a proverbial ladder to climb, if you can't keep up then you suffer, get left behind, like this world we live in, so, whatever, I tried, just like I tried with this, so yes no-one cares, cause what do they get out of it? an experience others are too self absorbed by degree to try, this is just another example, with your exception for the upload, hope that helps to understand better, my experience, my perspective.
Since this is a fleeting prospect at best, is in part why I've been feeling in general, I feel like I don't belong, misunderstood, just like most of my life, cause people would have to apply thought to others then themselves, I'm tired and struggling to articulate lately, but what is anyone gonna do to help me? probably going to interpret whatever justifies not caring so why bother at all? it's anyone's choice, I'm burnt out psychologically.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
The QWZ missions are a cakewalk for a team with just plain old Heroics/Mercs and rank 5s. No gadgets or special gear needed. It's comfortable with a two-man team, and even better with 3 or more. If one of those team mates is a support, well then it gets even easier. When the zone first opened I teamed quite quite a bit with both my Mind and Radiant AT's. The problem is the player base is now so scared of the zone it's hard to build a team there.
But the obvious solution for the zone, especially for the SCR/GCR poor, is to team.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Not my actions exactly but more like I'm curious on how others would handle these builds under these circumstances, to see how to even improve upon so we both learn something, so... yes?
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
To understand ones journey one must experience it as well, the guidelines would give you an accurate circumstance on what I endure (Or anyone in a similar situation) with these builds, so, did I phrase that wrong? assuming if anyone cares, to show compassion, since it's not as easy then to trivialize it with a specifically modded Vehicle or Min-Maxing methods that isn't so easily available, thought you would find this interesting, Spinny.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If you think that would encourage participation I could simply edit it.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Having a high ping is no fun but that just means taking tankier builds or REALLY having a friend helps. Also: Support builds are not meant to Solo things thus why they are called SUPPORT.
If the former, then sure, I'll give it a go during the weekend.
If the latter, then I already fail to see how you intend to prove that point by heavily handicapping yourself.
Sure, there is little you can do about your ping other than moving right next door to Cryptic, and even then your ping might hover at ~150 with the stability of the servers.
And yeah, I can understand not wanting to change build because you are following a theme (all of my builds are themed for instance)...but specs are not something that reflects on the theme of a build, they are invisible parameters, and making some tweaks on those can improve your DPS/increase your survivability...
Then gear...well, yeah ok. If you are playing from EU maybe your timetables don't match up with most of the playerbase so you can't do Cosmics/TA to grind the SCR/GCR for upgrading...but you can still do OV dailies to get OV gloves of the defender which would help with your survivability a lot...
Moving on, no Vehicle/Device...Vehicles are extremely cheap right now in AH, with rank 2 going for around 500g at most...Psionic Accelerator also makes QWZ a walk in the park and goes for around the same price...
And if the problem is not having the resources to buy those...you can get Second Wind from literally any Custom Alert, or from Reign of Frogs/Asciing for Trouble which is a nice heal...or you can get Healing/Shielding potions, or the resistance potions from the Hermes Recognition Vendor which give you 150% resistance to the damage type of each mob, which in the case of Destroids who deal both Radiation and Crushing damage you can stack both those potions turning their damage into double digits...
So you see, you have plenty of options on how to tackle this, some that require a lot of investment on your part, and some that the game practically gift wraps and hands to you.
If after that point you choose not to use those options, then the difficulty is self imposed and not something related to the game design. It's the equivalent of removing all your gear at level 8, take no passive, no form and no block replacer and go "Look, Talos Beatdown is hard, it should be nerfed"
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Teleport is certainly useful for getting out of a fight-gone-bad. However it's not required for melee. Using it to suddenly appear in the middle of a group is one way to go, but charging something as you run in ( like one of those fabulous new PBAoE melee attacks you can charge while moving ) is a great way to replicate the alpha strike method for melee. Another neat thing that looks really cool is to fly above the group, turn acrobatics on, and charge a power as you drop down into the group - kind of like turning yourself into a bomb \o/. Sword Cyclone with the Butcher's Blades advantage is currently the king of this, if you can get all that energy at the start of a fight.
Now while that gets you a good start on the fight, smart use of knocks and stuns is more likely to help you win the fight as a melee. When you have high damage, stunning something for a second and a half ( especially if you're also interrupting a dangerous attack ) can give you time to put a lot of damage into a target. Knock Backs can be used to temporarily remove NPCs from the fight, knock downs can be used as interrupts, knock ups basically serve the same function as stuns, and of course knock to's make for expeditions aoeing. Chaining stuns and knocks back to back can give you long stretches of time to pour damage into targets.
The game has a wealth of options for dealing with these encounters. "Make all your toons into tanks" is just one... and probably the least exciting. Well... it's more exciting than doing them on a vehicle at least.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Any of the builds in the OP can do Warzone if they are resorceful, ie. use devices like Psionic Accelerator, Nimbus of Force, Amazing Graze, Second Wind, Healing/Shielding Pots, Resistance Pots, Ice Grenades, Poison Shuriken, etc. etc.
In fact the ones that would have the most trouble would be the Support ones because they would lean too much on Defensiveness while lacking proper offense, but that's the whole point of Support after all.
Not without gizmos and gear which the OP specifically excluded... I have many of the items you've listed and they don't make one shell of difference if the basic build isn't there. If you build up the way I suggest you'll be able to solo the Q Zone, do the Nightmare Invasion dailies and enjoy the Save The Earth! alert without having to muck around grinding dull content for special stuff..... you don't even need Merc gear, to be honest.
You're talking to people who have solo'd the QWZ way more than you, and with a wider variety of builds.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I know that the OP excluded ALL devices and as I said in my first post if it's for challenge's sake then fun, i'll try it, if it's to try and prove a point that the QWZ is hard then dumb, the QWZ isn't hard if you aren't handicapping yourself with a "don't take any of the available options the game gives you to do this and also blindfold yourself and cut your left hand".
You do not have to be a tank to do QWZ but it makes it really easy. Taking even one friend with you will generally make it really easy too.
Sure, Fun, lets go with that, if you like to give yourself a challenge then try it, I'd like to see others attempt this, break the monotony and persevere.
(Also I reside on the designated landmass called Australia, Lezard)
Do It. \o/
Thanks for the advice from everyone, personally would like to attempt this with the reliance on builds themselves (Theme/Preference/Basics everyone has) I mean in general not just QWZ, I have asked for help occasionally, sometimes no response, sometimes I'm answered (Gesture of appreciation in advance), as for the Support roles I have managed to do a round of dailies as Edom, I'm rather surprised but happy that I managed that on my own. ^.-.^
Some days are worse then others, sometimes it's the thought process, a missed/lagged action, movement, forget to heal, fatigue, sequence of events like worms breaking block etc, it happens with our variances and differences.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
I guess since I'm not experiencing any monotony in the QWZ then I don't qualify o3o
I guess Lezard was doing it last night and killing it though. He even found a new exploit regarding one of the dailies, lel
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
No problem and I quite agree it's daft not to consider these methods, but if you don't have item XYZ from the last event or the Drifter Store or whatevs then the only way of getting the effect is to think out of theme and pick some powers which will fulfil the role for you.
That's the thing. You can max out your defence or max out your damage for the Q Zone but in the end a character which has a modicum of both and the ability to repair (self-support) will probably be the most comfortable to play.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
The exact same way that I showed it's done in endgame gear, just a bit slower
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I was referring to those that Min-Max approach, try something different, encourage some diversity, that's what I was implying in general, I could add some more builds to try if you like the ones originally stated?
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
It won't be easy (as intended upon QWZ in the first place) but these builds can solo it, it'd just take a bit and careful strategy for sure.
And for goodness sakes, I cannot stress enough to everyone... even if you aren't a min-maxer and just want to theme to your hearts content. All that matters is that your powers match with your passive, your form, and your super stats to synergize. . . That's all it takes to come from Zero to Hero in anything for anything.
Again this disqualifies me even more since I don't min-max. I build to theme and I like to have lots of attacks. This isn't a very inclusive challenge if it's only directed at bored min-maxers u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Just for you buddy. Probably wanna turn your volume down a bit... I got a little carried away with the audio.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I got the impression Min-Max stood for, Minimum Effort, Maximum Results, regardless on how it's accomplished, but don't let that stop you from trying other builds, which I like to see.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Are you going to:
a) show us the build
b) try it again using one of RTMA's builds?
My characters
Good that's what I was going for o3o
Yes. Here is a link to it since the forum isn't accepting the htmlwhatever from the herocreator and posting the build here would look like a mess.
When people talk about min-max builds they are generally talking about highly specialized builds that are all about getting the absolute best performance for a given task. For a damage dealer that means getting the highest possible single target dps, devoting every possible power slot to achieving that with the exception of 1 aoe ( and sometimes not even that ). For a tank, devoting every power slot to threat and survival ability. And so on for every role.
It is generally not applied to builds that are willing to fudge their performance in a given role for themeyness, for being more generally useful, or for taking powers for fun rather than performance. A build can perform well and not be min-max'd. I fall in all three of those categories, since I like builds that perform well in all content, have a coherent and visually pleasing theme, and are fun fun fun fun fun FUN FUN!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
let's have a head pat fite o3o
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
...wtf was that audiotrack doe
1) Why use no devices when they are so easy to get and can help a lot?
2) Why use strictly R5 or lower mods? Higher mods are also cheap and easy.
3) Why do it solo?
I will offer a better challenge. Pick up a few cheap devices, grab a few decent mods, make some friends, THEN go do QWZ. Your life will be so much better.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
2) Not that cheap and what most people have to hand.
3) Outside of US play hours, the zone is empty. Some people prefer to play solo, which you can do because the game population is low.
Meshuggah - Bleed
Turn Down For What - MLG Airhorn Remix
Nico Nico Nii ( beatstep remix )
The Midnight - Jason
Infant Annihilator - Blasphemian
Kore-G - EDM Sucks
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Was messing around the other day, good burst for dailies.
at Austrlian time zone hours?
Most of the time if one of you guys are on (I'm referring to folks in the COSMIC or ENDGAME channel) I get ZERO response from folks for QWZ, outside of QWZ. Though my luck could just be terrible.
With that said most of the toons I take to the QWZ for SCR are built in ways that they can blast most of the mobs there to bits, or outlast them . . . so maybe I'm not the best example of what the OP was going for.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
You might want to entertain the possibility that nobody cares. I'm actually the one that cared the most and you basically just blew me off so now I don't care either. Good luck finding someone.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I'm aware of this before I made this thread, I was hoping to encourage some compassion, to humble those that serve themselves first, It's an observational truth, understanding the what behind the what is, the unconscious animal, base level drives, human nature, business indoctrinate, circumstances, belief etc, also, what gave you that impression? I'm being misconstrued here, I wasn't dismissing you, on the contrary, I was acknowledging your participation, your contribution, which I expressed my appreciation in the bracketed message, I was clarifying that you didn't do exactly like I asked, following the builds and no devices, which is why you're the closest example thus far, hope that helps, I'm referring to in general, why would anyone care?, basically what I've discussed with my friend and surmised, made into quotes even,
'People don't change, unless they choose to change, considering this world we live in, why would they when they get what they want? the other is forced to change, that is more of coercion, so it's not made by sincerity'
Encouraging diversity then stagnating conformity, Look at Freeform Builds, over the course of what, 5-6 years? I've played, their is a pattern of gravitation, I hardly seen Dedicated builds that would be associated with Themed Archtype style like 'Earth' or 'Wind' or 'Telepathy', that isn't 'Meta' or 'Min-Max' just one of many, CO has allowed self absorption to run with impunity for far too long to the point no-one seemed to care about Tanks or Support before Fire n Ice came along, and only then it's to get what they want anyways, to collaborate for a single minded goal, does anyone value those Tanks/Support now before with Cosmic revamps? I've seen more Supports then I have years before Cosmics became the new end game grind, so it's refreshing but still doesn't change what happened, what still happens, Support/Tanks being marginalized even today in Alerts for example, the mob updates do put more pressure but otherwise still more of the same, damage is the most prevalent mechanic,
When I first played Champions Online, after the first few weeks of frustrations with familiarizing with the interface and mechanics, the potential for Representation and application was enthusiasm, even to the point I got LTS a month into playing, so I could represent said Dragon Family of mine, the main reason for the most part CO offered something that no other game did, and the first MMO I stayed with, despite, now these days it's just a reminder of human nature, business world and distress, just like Xboxlive attempts before that, I just wanted to enjoy the game for what it is with like-minded but they were few an far between with the eventual depression, frustrations, anxieties, withdrawn for what? guess it wasn't meant to last, with all the bugs, disparity, circumstances, neglect, personal performance, again despite my intentions to enjoy the game and apply myself, it's just like anything with a proverbial ladder to climb, if you can't keep up then you suffer, get left behind, like this world we live in, so, whatever, I tried, just like I tried with this, so yes no-one cares, cause what do they get out of it? an experience others are too self absorbed by degree to try, this is just another example, with your exception for the upload, hope that helps to understand better, my experience, my perspective.
Since this is a fleeting prospect at best, is in part why I've been feeling in general, I feel like I don't belong, misunderstood, just like most of my life, cause people would have to apply thought to others then themselves, I'm tired and struggling to articulate lately, but what is anyone gonna do to help me? probably going to interpret whatever justifies not caring so why bother at all? it's anyone's choice, I'm burnt out psychologically.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
But the obvious solution for the zone, especially for the SCR/GCR poor, is to team.
This thread
My super cool CC build and how to use it.