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Happy New Year!
Misc Changes
- The Winter Event is over. The vendor will stick around in the event spot for a week.
- Added cloth, leather and metal materials to the Knight helmet. Previously it had a very strange material setup.
- Fixed a bug where the Dark and Light teddy device names were swapped.
- Fixed a bug where the Flashback event displayed the wrong lockbox in the overview window.
- The Island Invitation mission item will now go directly into your inventory if dropped.
- Fixed a bug where Clarence was using the Mechanon Clarence voice at the Barlow location.
- Kigatilik is no longer festive.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Remind me why I play this game. Actually, no... don't.
People are broken. - Lum the Mad
My characters
> No black cat from Blood Moon, no rainbow cat from Clarence despite HOURS of tedious and not real fun grinding. All in all, 2 disappointing events in a row. Good job.
> Remind me why I play this game. Actually, no... don't.
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Ask yourself that...it’s a fair question. If that is what your end game is...who are we to judge. But hopefully before the event there was a reason as well...maybe focus on that.
Welcome to the RNG.
And now for some peace and quiet before the next one.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Couple of years ago: No more praying for random drops, now you can buy everything from the event store. As a trade-off, auras are now bound to a single character.
Now: Ultra-rare random drops are back. Auras and now some vehicles are still character bound.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My super cool CC build and how to use it.