The idea is simple:
Adding an advantage to travel powers (super speed, acro/athletics, swinging, super jump), lets call this advantage "travel power combo" for the example and let's say it would cost at least 3 advantage points. Buying that advantage on one of our travel power would allow us to use it with the other tp without canceling it.
Imagine the combinations:
acrobatics + swinging :
the one i would really like to see, because swinging alone is just a bit underperforming (swinging is fun but when you're on the ground, you move like a grampa). So your base mobility would be acrobatics (which is already excellent alone), and pressing jump key when already in air would fire the grappling hook to swing.
superspeed + acrobatics:
Superspeed with agility and jump high of acrobatics
Superspeed + superjump
Superspeed+ swinging
Superjump+ swinging
so you get the idea
Would be excluded from that glide, flight and teleport powers, just because i do not see how to combine them with other travel powers.
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As i said flight and teleport would be excluded from this. And tunneling is just a grounded version of teleport
What you could probably do is add advantages to bump ground speed to swinging and superjump. I wouldn't bother with superspeed and acrobatics.
Epic Stronghold
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Interesting, because i personnaly experienced a bug several weeks ago which allowed me to do what i'm talking about. Sadly i haven't been able to replicate the phenomenon. But i saw that what i am talking about is possible.
You could create some interesting Travel Power combos with it
The combo was athletics + swinging. Best combo TP ever, perfect for a spidey/batman type char. Recently. It was pretty awesome and made me regret to not have such a feature permanently
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It's just odd to think that someone's going to go swinging above the city, or leaping over buildings by starting out at an incredibly light jog.
Acrobatics should be innate power from level 1. Or as Flight Rank2 as option. You fly and burrow underground. And bash thru ground to airborne.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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What i mean is combining attributes, not adding stats. It's precisely why you didn't see things like superspeed + superspeed or acrobatics + acrobatics in my original post. What i have in mind is not adding all tps stats to get a more powerfull one, but taking what is best on each tp and use it simultaneously. That means something like superspeed + superspeed won't bring you anything.
I'll retake one of my own examples to develop more what i exactly mean: Your max speed will never be more than superspeed here, you just add acrobatics jump high and gymnast jump animation to the power.
Combine attributes. In that example your overall mobility has been increased, but not your raw speed
On a separate note, back when I used to play CoH (sorry to bring up a dead horse) I would frequently use Flight and Super Speed together. It would allow me to switch off Flight hit the ground running at full speed. As it is we have to charge up Super Speed in order to get going again which sort of ruins the flow (even though sometimes I can charge it whilst Flight is active randomly).
Not really utilising the "combo travel power" idea but it was convenient. It would be nice if we didn't have to charge up travel powers outside of combat, but I'm sure that would bring in a new set of problems in one way or another.
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Epic Stronghold
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Teleport at the very least should probably function like this.