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Devs, would be to much to ask...

for a free retcon for all my chars, as a gift? ;);)


  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    shaidon said:

    for a free retcon for all my chars, as a gift? ;);)

    Sorry, you forgot to include Ego Surge on all your characters. Quick, find the next obvious nerf target and retcon into it.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Posts: 65 Arc User
    So far this first gift (free car) is pretty cool unless you have one as my Princess has a bike. So I had Juryrig wrench off the sonic weapon and put on her bike, still a cool gift. But the costume emblems were pretty much useless, maybe somebody liked those. I was just about to get online for my next gift and they are having a late maintenance? 5-7PM PST / 8-10PM EST Wha?? I guess I can wait.

    note: I bet the maintenance is for Neverwinter anyways. :P Because I was just on there and the game still runs like poo.
    Raging Princess Blaze + Model 286 + Red Inferno + Burgundy Beetle
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    I'm guessing the maintenance is for liberated mega-destroids not despawning.
  • shaidonshaidon Posts: 29 Arc User
    Yes what? That you would like it too, or that you believe that is too much?

    I don't get how that connects with what I said. What about Ego Surge or nerfs?

    Now the rest just seem offtopic. Eh...
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    shaidon said:

    I don't get how that connects with what I said. What about Ego Surge or nerfs?

    If your character has a power that gets significantly changed or nerfed, you get a (non-stacking) free retcon.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    shaidon wrote: »
    I don't get how that connects with what I said. What about Ego Surge or nerfs?
    1.Ego Surge (specifically its adv Nimble Mind) was OP to disgusting Broken Levels
    2.Everyone and their mothers used it
    3.Devs revamped and rebalanced Telekinesis framework while nerfing Ego Surge into oblivion
    4.Everyone who had Ego Surge in their builds got Free retcon
    5.He is joking about this situation and im ruining the joke by explaining it

    in general, people get free retcons with the powerframe revamps, more recent revamps were about Telekinesis and Electricity

    note: I bet the maintenance is for Neverwinter anyways. :P Because I was just on there and the game still runs like poo.

    It's about Mechanon Invansion bug​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • shaidonshaidon Posts: 29 Arc User
    No damage done, I didn't got the joke anyway, cause I didn't know about this issue. And I know that we get retcons when they revamps. Anyway I was just wishing for a free retcon to tweak my characters, cause I didn't liked how they are working now.
    I like to building characters with a theme in mind, so I don't focus on specific build formulas that might be powerful or exploitive. But I also like to make them to be as useful as possible within the theme. I find annoying when my way of having fun get affected, when developers end up focusing on nerfing things because of popular player choices.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    I dunno it seems like they've been buffing more than nerfing... every time they change stuff I use I suddenly do more damage and can kill things easier and faster.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    That's because, in most cases, the power sets have been buffed. Just a general case of people don't like change.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    With all of the power changes, it'd be a nice thing if the devs gave out free tokens once or twice a year. Like they did that one time in the cash shop bonus tab. Don't know about doing it for every toon though.

    If the PoHo is any indication, most people seem to be overall fine with power changes even after having so many. Changes are more of a mixed bag. No one likes it when the bad part of the bag messes up their build.​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    For me personally the free retcon is never enough anyways. I always end up retconning a bunch of times after they make big changes just messing around with stuff and figuring out how to make things just so ^_^
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 979 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    I dunno it seems like they've been buffing more than nerfing... every time they change stuff I use I suddenly do more damage and can kill things easier and faster.

    I've kind of been thinking the same thing. Back when they gave Fire the Thermal Absorption (heal thingy), that helped my main Fire character a lot.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    shaidon said:

    for a free retcon for all my chars, as a gift? ;);)

    NO, that's way down the list after
    put a sort button on the hideout bank.
    Put a mods tab on all main bags.

    Playing 'hunt the mod' for someone takes along time.
    Yes, pure self interest
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Ah okay so basically the Devs want our opinion? Okay here it is!

    1: Reform the Ticket and Ban System

    Lately it seems that for folks to speak their minds to Support and Devs altogether end up getting a ban for 6 days or so for claiming to "violate" their ToS.


    Fact 1: A ticket is a complete feedback from the user to the company to express concerns regarding their opinions of a game or service. That ticket while censored in game IS NOT censored outside of game via through launcher and website. If PWE does not like the language the player community express on their behalf? Then PWE simply needs to start grabbing a blanket and suck on their thumbs. Plain and simple.

    Fact 2: PWE claims that this is a kid friendly oriented game, well I know for a fact that adults also play this game and many know what I am speaking of played the Table Top Paper and Dice game of Champions as well. So yeah PWE that's like Cartoon Network and Time-Warner throwing out false claims that the shows like Teen Titans were meant for a younger audience when the same demographic audience were those that watched Batman: The Animated Series, Superman Animated Series, and finally Justice League. Get with the program PWE!

    Fact 3: A person in game could make a simple joke or comment and suddenly a player could just make up a complaint without a screenshot or even copy of the chat log only to have that person get a chat ban or ban from the game. Again abuse of power on behalf both the staff at PWE and player community as well.

    2: Content

    Oh yeah I am so going there. We have events that offer Mk I vehicles that require you to purhcase a Tune Up Kit for 700 Zen just to upgrade your vehicle to Mk II. Now I don't about you but to me I smell microtransactions just so PWE can make more money. And seriously if you can offer better in game content each year for reward on games like STO and Neverwinter, get with the program and do the same here.

    3: Stop Buying Games and Letting Then To Rot

    Oh yeah PWE many of us remember Aeria Games, Shaiya, and even Cryptic as well that nice attempt for Warframe. The list goes on and on. Your CEO Robert Honh Xiao might claim he's giving back to the gaming community and your Net Worth was what 3.5 Billion? Point is if you have money? Reinvest it PWE buying, making it F2P without improving upon it only to have it collect dust and expect the players in game to try to keep it alive with things like OV and CCs really shows desperation on the company's part.

    Oops I went too far and said too much right? :p
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    when you put in a ticket, bu the sounds of it, a complaint. Keep it polite, coherent and give examples as best you can.

    Going off your face at CS will get you in trouble.
    These people have to deal with tickets all day.
    Imagine having to deal with people bitching and complaining all day.

    to report someone ingame.
    you use report spam.
    It takes an automatic screenshot of the chat. personal chat recordings are not accepted as they could be edited.

    Just because you think something is funny, doesn't mean somebody else does.
    and just because some people claim to have influence with CS or GM's, doesn't mean they have. They are usually trying to stop you from reporting them. We had another player who tried that, they got banned.
    That sort of bias comes under unprofessional conduct and is a dismissal offense.
    STO and NW get free advertising.
    "I'm only playing this because it's Star Trek/NW"
    If the company does not please the IP owner, they can pull the contract.

    40+ devs can do a lot more than less than 10.

    go look at the prices in STO and see how much people pay WILLINGLY for ships and costumes.
    I've seen people saying "I'm down to only 15k zen. The wife bought the ship pack($120)."
    well you at least kept it polite but removing part 3 would probably be a good idea. insulting the boss is never a good idea and have you wondered how he got the billions of dollars.

    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • > @chaelk said:
    > when you put in a ticket, bu the sounds of it, a complaint. Keep it polite, coherent and give examples as best you can.
    > Going off your face at CS will get you in trouble.
    > These people have to deal with tickets all day.
    > Imagine having to deal with people bitching and complaining all day.
    > --------------
    > to report someone ingame.
    > you use report spam.
    > It takes an automatic screenshot of the chat. personal chat recordings are not accepted as they could be edited.
    > Just because you think something is funny, doesn't mean somebody else does.
    > and just because some people claim to have influence with CS or GM's, doesn't mean they have. They are usually trying to stop you from reporting them. We had another player who tried that, they got banned.
    > That sort of bias comes under unprofessional conduct and is a dismissal offense.
    > ---------------
    > STO and NW get free advertising.
    > "I'm only playing this because it's Star Trek/NW"
    > If the company does not please the IP owner, they can pull the contract.
    > 40+ devs can do a lot more than less than 10.
    > go look at the prices in STO and see how much people pay WILLINGLY for ships and costumes.
    > I've seen people saying "I'm down to only 15k zen. The wife bought the ship pack($120)."
    > ------------
    > well you at least kept it polite but removing part 3 would probably be a good idea. insulting the boss is never a good idea and have you wondered how he got the billions of dollars.

    Okay so lets argue about this for a moment!

    1: Write a ticket keep it polite.

    I call fluke on this one, a ticket first off is not something that is seen by other players so the argument of both keeping it polite and this being a kids game is false.

    Strike 1!

    Again a ticket is a grievance, and when a grievance is filed it sould be considered as customer feedback. Trust me when you have customers complaining it's not always going to be all boxed up and tied in a nice little bow. Someone is upset, someone is frustrated, YES your going to get negative vibes from it. Can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. Plain and simple!

    2: People have to deal with Tickets all day.

    First off I understand that there are emplyees that "have" to deal with tickets. However "again" when a grievance system is set up to write a ticket, and issues in game for the ticket not to go through because of lag, or some other reason for that matter. YES "again" folks now have to go through either the launcher to the website to file on there or the forums. Naturally do you ever hear a response? NOPE! Which is why you have the wonderful threads that explain such an issue. Go ahead! Look it up! Google that mess!

    What you don't want to? Well again, reformation is needed, or put in a call center. OH WAIT! Billing has a habit for being lazy when it comes to calls and doesn't like it when someone gets negative with them.

    BRILLIANT! Strike 2!

    3: Imagine having people to fuss at you all day.

    Well yeah no duh! That's customer service bub, shape up, or ship out! Deal with it!

    Strike 3, your out, next topic please!

    Okay so now when we report someone in game it's called, "Report Spam"

    EH WRONG! Survey says so! The correct answer is again "Get GM Help" then followed by option in tab to report player for behavior, you list topic title, then handle name, followed by details in the box below. Wow how more simplified do you have to get in order to know proper protocal.


    Actually lets now get to context. Yes I seen folks talk about a lot of things, and I mean A LOT of things. Explicit, racial, obscene, yet they get away. And let me add that the complaint system is at times both abused by players and by the staff enforcing it as well. Again if you want, I be more than happy to bring in the chat logs recorded through live chat with GMs as well. Or was that the chat logs regarding in game chat. Either way love to bring that in for discussion!

    Okay so now we're defending STO. Thing is this, the issue involved "up to date content". Again a vehicle in CO is most of the time a Mk I regarding freebies handed out, YET even for a freebie now it requires a Tune Up Kit to upgrade it? These are the same prizes that have been going on since 2012 or further back. Nothing new, or even different. The same old event, with the same old content.

    This shows lazyness on behalf of PWE when it comes to dedication of the game when compared to the other games again like STO, NW and many more. They make 3.5 billion a year.

    So yeah, that free advertising is null and void to this argument.

    Strike! You lose!

    Oh and last yeah CEO Robert Hong Xiao is a lazy Executive if he can't see the obvious. Oops I said that! Deal with it!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Enh... on the other pseudopod....

    Angry ranting in a ticket muddles the communication and makes it hard for the person reading the ticket to figure out what you want. They're NOT going to ask you for clarification when they don't know IF you had a valid complaint.
    My characters
  • Enh... on the other pseudopod....

    Angry ranting in a ticket muddles the communication and makes it hard for the person reading the ticket to figure out what you want. They're NOT going to ask you for clarification when they don't know IF you had a valid complaint.

    While that might be possible, take to note that any complaint is just that....a complaint! Maybe they might have many tickets to answer, and yes MANY people to respond to it's pretty much a triage on deciding who is more important and who comes first.

    Again who's fault is that? The community? Or the company.

    That's like arguing about a blackout in a district. People call in, they say they have no power. The Utility Company responds but doesn't restore all power. People call again, and still lack of response. So AGAIN the word is "WHO" is to blame? The community? Because rightfully they are complaining? Or the company.

    PWE has a legitimate history again for putting things off. And when people stand up to speak up, again there is either censorship, or even the event of being scoffed at. Well again, if they had a call center and responded more often like they claim? Take the community more seriously? There wouldn't be grievances.

    Instead you have a company that doesn't employ enough people, or perhaps cut their budgets back so much to not spend on the expenses and in turn keep their corporate profits that it's a well known fact that Cryptic employees as with employees related to some departments have been let go due to budget restraints. YET money can be put into other games and less into something like CO.

    Again 3.5 billion a year, CEO is Robert Hong Xiao, and finally many OTHER games get more effort but less on CO. Yup lazy management.

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